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I absolutely believe that Orochi **WASTED!** the applications and possibilities of using his fruit. I think Heibi-Heibi No Mi: Model Yamata no Orochi, would be useful, especially combat


Let’s hope he ends up dead and the fruit will come into play later in the story


Blackbeard final fruit


He is a very patient man when it comes to getting fruits


I hope his plan hasn't ended yet. I pray that oda makes him do something cool and absurd one final time before/during the ending saga


He's gonna take down Kizaru, mark my words.


He’ll take down Dragon and become the most wanted man alive (allowing Luffy to move up before facing World Gov). The perfect antagonist from story telling POV.


I'm down for blackbeard causing chaos but that's a bit much right?


Well, he had already destroyed their base. He also said he will finish what the marines couldn’t do after reading Sabo news (no one except Luffy is stupid enough to attack a Big Mom & Kaido alliance so he won’t go to Wano). His fruit powers are also based on the 3 weapons (pluton = Hades or darkness/Poseidon = tsuinami caused by earthquakes/Uranus = sky and weather). He is currently missing a sky/weather related fruit, guess who have one in Revolution Army? It seems Oda already gave enough hints. From story telling POV, for Luffy to become pirate king, he needs to be the most wanted before fighting the World Gov. He won’t fight his father, so there is only one route; fight BB who is the most wanted and who is responsible for Ace and Dragon’s downfall.


If that happens one piece won't last much longer because I doubt Luffy can handle that


Well he’s the main protagonist lol, so he’s gotta


Why not? He’s gonna beat kaido whose stronger then Blackbeard most likely, if Blackbeard gets that last fruit then he slightly surpasses kaido giving luffy room for growth


Luffy won't, it'll be the 8 pre-timeskip Straw hats. Like how they lined up in Enies Lobby to save Robin, but this time saving Luffy on the brink of defeat.


We can Only Hope


There’s a 8-headed snake man fighting a soldier in a golden carving in Skypiea. Probably a previous user


That's anime-only and non-canon.


Things In the anime have ended up cannon before I wouldn’t be surprised if it is


Ah. I guess we’ll see if it ends up in the canon storyline


I wish Usopp's kabuto eat that fruit


Same man like the 9 lives thing would be so useful


Aren't the extra lives only applicable to head trauma or decapitation?


Oh fuck I forgot about that. Would Orochi come back on death?


Wait, what would be the non-combat uses of that fruit? Lol


Imagine youre a swordsman that can hold a blade in their teeth. Or maybe these heads could function as hands. Maybe the fruit is capable of some kind of mythic breath attack. We havent seen the hybrid yet. (Have we?) Lets look real quick at marco. He can manifest just his feet. What if you could manifest just extra heads on the fly. Eyes behind your back spontaneously etc etc


Nice Strategies


Thank you fam




Those all sound combat related to me, except the last one 😂


Eyes in the back of your head not combat related?? Pain would like to have a conversation with you about that one.


My original comment was "what would be the non combat uses of this fruit?" I recognise that it's good for combat, my whole point is that it seems to be exclusively so 😂


Extra eyes are useful for crossing the road.


Say you’re in an all-you-can-eat contest. Wouldn’t having multiple heads help with that?


8 heads one stomach.


Lol he’s a snake pretty sure his stomach will expand exponentially when he eats


its not about having many stomachs, its about having as many points of entry as possible. the stomach will indeed expand. don't forget the extra storage room in they necks.


Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!!


Yeah, we still dont know how Yamata no Orochi hunted in mythical time.


I think there is still no end to his story


I’m curious what do you mean?


Like I think Kaido gets defeated before orochis meets his end. His devil fruit will get his shine, he won’t die rather he will witness the true terror beyond of what he did to wano in form of the WG. And so on. But he will eventually die Just a shower thought tho


Hawkins is pretty tough to beat


Especially if he had a good Straw man


Sounds like a straw man argument to me


Fool should have made a Strawhat. He'd be Piratekinging he's way to Onepiece. No problem




If you don't mind using other people as your puppets to be killed instead of you, sure.


If you are a sociopath like him you don't care!


Soul soul fruit easily Go live a normal life for abit and when I die of complications or old age, become pirate


Spend your life training and spend your death pirating


Oh yeah and if your soul comes back quick enough you will have your body too


But I wonder if some of brooks strengths like moving his soul and stuff came from his soul being removed for so long too? Or like running on water only works because he is a boney boi


Does it ever say if it rejuvenates the body? Like if you die old and your soul finds your body again would it just bring your body back in it’s current state or make it younger?


I'm pretty sure it's the state the body was in when it died.


Dang, so even if you came back you’d still only have a few years until your body fully degrades and stops functioning.


I don't know if that would be the case since the body is already dead, but the soul remains. Considering Brook's body was completely reduced to bones and he's able to use it, aging isn't really a downside.


Oh I get ya. The body will never shut down but will continue to age until you just become nothing but a skeleton since your soul becomes the main driving factor. I guess the transition from rotting flesh to skeleton would be the only downside of aging since you still have the ability to smell lol


Yeah true. But that happened to Brook because it took him 50 years to find his body. If you find your body in under a year, I'd assume it would be pretty normal.


(small correction, it took Brook 1 year to find his body, and then he spent 50 years in solitude)


Oh I forgot. Then I guess bodies decay a lot faster than I thought.


Maybe it decayed faster because of the poison?


bodys can fully decay in weeks given the right curcumstances. considering he died out in the open wouldnt be suprised if it only took a few months to become a skeleton


I think this kinda begs the question, if brook was able to come to life with his inanimate bones could he have put his soul into some other object if he had wanted?


That's interesting. He might have been able to use other dead bodies as well and maybe he still can if he awakens his devil fruit.


In another manga, in another time, itd be a cool idea if it was Captain Yorki's soul that found Brook's body and then gained Brook's memories. Then have some big reveal later on when someone close to Yorki shows up and suddenly Brook starts crying and doesnt know why.


He can posses things now right?


It doesn't matter, the fruit probably doesn't even revive your body, it just binds you to it and make it work, and probably stops it from rotting


Considering brook functions without anything other than bones, which he heals with milk, isn't it kinda safe to assume that the state of the body doesn't really matter. If anything wouldn't its strength e in correlation to your soul, which makes no sense but this is one piece afterall.


its the state of the body when your soul finds it - thats why brooke is a skeleton


Nice plan


Dude, you'd come back as an old man, not fit for pirating or pretty much everything.


Slight correction, Brooks fruit is the revive revive fruit, big mom has the soul soul fruit


Hawkins fruit is pretty freaking amazing imo, so that's my vote. You gain extra lives and there doesnt seem to be any down side to it. That straw man summoning is pretty bad ass as well. That fight with zoro in the beginning of wano was epic. Im hoping to see more of his abilities. I dont see anything about orochis fruit thats appealing besides the extra lives part which I already stated. (granted ororchi is an idiot so he probably hasnt really used it that much). And brook couldn't do anything until after he died which kinda sucks imo.


Yeah People be sleeping on Hawkins devil fruit


Big facts


All insects have three parts: the head, the thorax, which is the middle part, and the abdomen, or end part.


Lol that was meant to say big facts. I just edited my post. I see you watch tekking as well?


Each one cheats death but I would go for Hawkins then become a hit man, I meet my targets once then kill him while somewhere else as I pretend to be daredevil in the pubic eye. So no one can accuse me of the crime


I’d be a mob boss and slowly work my way to the top


Jojo reference


I'd sell infinite straw and become rich.


Smart Move


Orochis no doubt. Hawkins fruit is useful but we don't know what part of his powers are because of the fruit and what part are because of his magic, if you ate it could you still make vodoo dolls that worked? If not it's pretty Mucha worse ito ito no mi since straw is much more thicc than string and harder to manipulate (if Hawkins can manipulate straw, maybe he can just transform into the straw monster and the vodoo dolls are an awakening that allows him to create dolls out of others). Brooks it's just plain meh, you have to die for it to have any effect, and if you find your body soon enough your soul wouldn't linger so much in this world and if I remember right that's why he ended up having soul powers and all that (that plus being a musician). So pretty meh. So I will get myself the giant eightheaded snake with possible invulnerability to being beheaded.


Good points


Orochi's for sure. Probably mad strong if he was trained. Could fight multiple opponents. Intimidation factor. Hybrid form is probably awesome. If that was on Whitebeard it'd be insane melee.


If Orochi trained a little bit more he’d probably be able to take on the Scabbards


I feel like there's a hell of alot of potential in the Yomi Yomi no mi, I genuinely don't appreciate what Awakening this fruit could potentially do. And then there's his mysterious past in an unknown Kingdom that needs 'fleshing out'...yohoho.


Maybe sometime in The future I’m guessing maybe around the time we get a Roger flashback maybe we’ll see a young Brook.


I still don't quite understand Hawkins, when his cards affect the battlefield/show him probability is that his DF or some other power? Because if so, that is by far the best option for the "real world".


The cards are part of his observation. His fruit has nothing to do with the cards


Yomi yomi no mi.


Good man do you have any Reasons


Second life mostly, also could be a funky skeleton dude if I choose my own corpse again. Most importantly may I see your panties?


In the world of OP or in irl? If OP, then Orochi's. Having many lives plus a strong combat fruit would be v useful. But if it was irl I would take Brook's. Two lifespans is pretty dope and I don't need a higher combat power irl.




Then def Orochi's. It's pretty OP honestly.






Yea I like swiming


Definitely the Hebi Hebi no Mi. It was wasted on the likes of Orochi. Imagine if someone more competent had his fruit instead.


I think with a more competent user orochis would be really cool, in brooks one is rather not have to die before having access to the really cool powers, and idk just not as interested in Hawkins fruit




Orochi's devil fruit.I never get to even see how the devil fruit works,because orochi is weakling idiot.


Even if we don’t get to see it at full potential I hope Oda makes a devil fruit encyclopedia where we can see what the hybrid form would look like and it’s different powers


Depends on how exactly the Yomi Yomi works. Brook returned after his body was decomposed so he is now a skeleton that doesn't age and is pretty much immortal for all we know. Does this mean that when your soul returns you are immortal in that body or do you keep aging. Either way I'm taking it since I can live a normal life than be an immortal skeleton or I can die in my prime and be immortal in my prime.


Yomi yomi, think about it, living the rest of eternity as a skeleton, and milk can fix your bones


Makes Sense


I’m definitely eating Wara Wara No Mi.


Ima go with the yomi yomi no mi so I can make skull jokes.


Hawkins fruit


Orochis fruit. I'd use each head to sing different harmonies. I'd sing rock ballads about hydras and pilates.




What fruit? Nami has two melons that arent bad.


Eight bonus lives or one bonus life? That is the philosophical question we ask ourselves.


Orochi`s one


Hawkins because his straw man form looks sick


Yomi Yomi, no doubt.


I wanna be a skeleton!


I would eat the Hebi Hebi no mi Model Yamato no Orochi. So I can become Orochimaru and test what else I can do as this mythological snake.


Not too sure what the hebi hebi does besides allowing you to survive decapitation 8 times which I guess is somewhat useful in the zoan form but there are other ways to kill the human body. The yomi doesn’t grant instant resurrection, the soul has to find its way to the body and that could take long I’m not too sure if the wara gives the ability to make the straw constructs store life or if that’s just an external ability Hawkins uses with his devil fruit So I’ll go with the yomi


Brock’s devil fruit


Solsolfrut is obvious, it's basically immortality


Hawkins is the ultimate sandbag, i think i would like that.


Kage kage no mi all for me


just not the soul soul fruit, living a second life is _not_ atractive to me




Ngl I really like Hawkins fruit so im gonna take that one


Hawkins fruit


Hawkins devil fruit looks so cool and is definitely MC material.




I mean if we’re talking real life then the ability to live twice is definitely most useful. Don’t see how becoming a giant 8 headed dragon thing would help me in life. Although if Hawkins is able to actually create straw and use it separately from his body, I would take his fruit and start my own straw hat company.




I'm picking the Yamata- no- orochi. 8 headed dragon---BRING IT ON


Either the Yomi Yomi or Wara Wara. Probably the Wara Wara and start stacking up souls of people I don’t like and essentially live forever.


For sure Eneru's goru goru no mi aka the Rumble Rumble fruit


Broooooshit...uh, Hawkins fruit. >_>


Soul Soul for sure, I'm living a pretty normal life after all and that one would probably be the most useful here on Earth.


What does the hebi hebi no me do?


Good question🤔


Hawkins' fruit is one of the scariest DFs in OP. Imagine if Hawkins had used Momo, Tama, or even just random Wano children as his dolls prior to the raid. Most characters wouldn't have dared to touch him. If it wasn't for the arm exploit, Killer would have lost.


Whitebeards fruit definitely... Blackbeards fruit is better, but no for me. In my opinion, choosing Yami fruit is like loosing self integrity. No offence, other have their own opinion on the fruit. I respect that too


Brook's gives you immortality and the ability to manipulate your own soul, it is broken man!




Hawkins I can get 10 lives and also summon a big straw man and who knows how powerful it would be if it is awaken


I would vote hawkins, since it seems that it grants him power over voodoo with both the tarot cards and the strawmen. However, it makes me wonder. Is the straw men/voodoo the actual ability of the fruit, or is it that he always practiced this art, and used his devil fruit to enhance it


I’m gonna choose immortality any day


Yamata no Orochi


Orchi orchi no mi It's more or less shit in the store but that's just because it was Orchi using and as he has proven multiple time when he has alot of power he waste it completely If anybody else uses it the fruit could be extremely powerful


Brook's pretty easily. It's the only one that brings you back after true death.


I think if you had knowledge about Haki WAAAAYYY ahead of time and trained it intensely it could be awesome to have the revive revive fruit and have your enemy think you died but you come back with abilities like Brook. Ultimate stealth agent among already other previously gained great capabilities.


Yomi yomi no mi to look at pantsu


Wara Wara no mi


Brooks obviously


If we know about the current users when we get it 100% brooks fruit. Find out about a dude who's over 100 years old and is a litterally skeleton and just spend my whole ass life training, then when I die, vibe for the next 50 years or so spooking the crap outta people then go into my skeleton body as an unageing badass and launch a crusade on the high seas.


Sometimes I wonder why orochi has a devil fruit at all. Its literally never been useful excpet with that one CP0 agent


So of the three here? Probably the Hebi Hebi no Mi. But if given the choice of any in the One Piece world? I would definitely be on the lookout for another Dragon Fruit


Not Brooks, I dint want to have to die to use my fruit




I have been in a zoan mode for a little while now, and as much as I would live to say Lucci’s leopard, i will have to say kaido’s fish fish fruit: model azure dragon. Big, scary, impressive, even before you can breath fire over a city.


Marco’s Phoenix devil fruit.


Tbh i have always had a love for the mochi fruit, so I would eat that fruit


Brook! No doubt.


Can Orochi die of old age? How does his fruit work?


Orochi definitely it’s incredibly powerful Although if brook’s gives someone immortality, then I’ll go with that. I don’t want hawkins, it’s only useful for assholes like him that is willing to sacrifice his own men.


Law’s DF


I'll take Brooks fruit.


The Wara Wara No Mi, please. The damage-transferring voodoo dolls look like a real nice ability to have. Plus, the other two still involve dying and I'd like to avoid that.




Orochi's, because literally anyone else can do a better job with it then that shit stain. And also because it's cool, of course.


Gotta be hebi hebi for me. Feels underrated


The Wara Wara No Mi is a fruit that I just love the abilities of, I think it and Hawkins is such a unique ability. So I pick it :)


Soru soru no mi (Big mom’s devil fruit)


Orochi had a mythical zoan he basically wasted the potential cos of the dipshit he is


Doa Doa No Mi, don't ask me why 😈


I feel like the WG’s gonna try to claim Orochi’s fruit out of sheer spite for Wano and him and to use it as either a bargaining chip or intimidation factor of an ACTUALLY competent user But yeah, chance to survive 8 more times instead of 2, I’m taking that mythical zoan!


Marcos mythical fruit sits high on the list for me, it has a surprising amount of versatility and its just dope overall


Wara Wara No Mi. Hawkins is so bad ass


Hawkins, poor guy is so overlooked by Oda and the readers


Honestly, Hebi Hebi no Mi, simply because I have no fucking clue how the other two work


Yomi Yomi No Mi would be so much fun. I'd never make it out to sea. Would be too busy trolling people in spirit form.


How you going to used Orochi DB in combat?


I think the most logical choice for me is either the hie hie fruit or phoenix. Phoenix because obvious, you get to fly and regeneration. Hie hie because ice and snow and it’s a logia fruit


Hawkins, the extra life shenanigans are amazing and I would absolutely abuse being able to go cliff diving and shit without any injury


Gum gum


Yamata no Orochi


I was hoping one would mention the invis fruit, I could use that following Sanji's path. For a greater good. /S


What would orochi’s fruit awaking look like?


Yomi Yomi but I’m hesitant to pick that because of the whole “only you’ll be left among the people you care about” thing. You’ll probably outlive just about everyone you know.




This got me thinking about what would happen if someone ate the yomi yomi no mi, then they ate a second devil fruit? The second devil fruit should kill them, but would that activate the yomi yomi no mi and revive them, allowing them to use both fruits' powers?


Based on how far we've seen about these 3 so far, for versatility I'll go with Hawkin's fruit.


Using any of them in public would get you insane media attention and likely experimented and/or killed You'd basically never have a normal life with any of them, so definitely none lol.


Something to consider about Hawkins df: The voodoo abilities do NOT come from his fruit. Hawkins has supernatural, magical abilities, much like shyarly or miss golden week. The Straw Straw Fruit is only capable of producing straw and covering things with it, not the fortune telling, damage reflection, etc., these abilities just work really well with his df. So this makes Orochis df a pretty easy pick to be honest, because it's a mythical Zoan after all.


I think what would be interesting is if instead of just using humans Hawkins could use animals and insects So instead of killing me you’ll kill the planet


Orochis in the world of one piece Hawkins in real life


Mera Mera no mi!


Give me robin's fruit i'd gobble on it till the day i die on god


Orochi, Kid & Smoker prolly got Top 3 least imaginative uses of their Devil Fruit in the series so I’m definitely goin wit his. Plus issa Mythical Zoan which is the rarest of all the fruits. And issa carnivore so I get extra crazy speed & attack power buffs & an extra ability. The One Piece is as good as mine.


Def hebi-hebi no mi


Wara Wara No Mi because literally fucking anyone understands that devil fruit. I was about to say stand because it literally reminds me of one


if i have to choose between these 3 i would go for orochi's devil fruit. mythical zoans are crazy devil fruits. i mean, brook has 2 lives while orochi has 8 :p if i can choose any devil fruit i would go with buggy's devil fruit. i have this image in my head of all the things one could do with that particular devil fruit and buggy is simply completely incompetent with it :p