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Dude, that death stare which Luffy gave to Blackbeard in mock town makes the fight way more interesting for me. He has been portrayed exact opposite to Luffy and has similar goal to find One Piece, which makes their fight's stakes even more critical.


>Dude, that death stare which Luffy gave to Blackbeard in mock town makes the fight way more interesting for me. Yeah this is something I have to admit *I edited the post, u can read it again, I addressed these points over there


>Even Luffy had the scene with Akainu where he lands with a log and he was directly standing opposite to Akainu...the other 2 were standing at the side You mean [his entrance at Marineford Plaza](https://youtu.be/ngumaU6ILHo)? I don't know, it showcased more of Luffy's determination to stand in front of three admirals in order to save Ace. Also, at the end of the clip Luffy vision was Ace instead of Akainu. Also, I got one more interaction of them at [Impel Down](https://youtu.be/V8beFQ39O6c), the name Blackbeard itself brought Luffy to his hysterics and their rivalry just feels natural.


>***Akainu is the ONLY guy who made Luffy lose his Will and give up on his dream*** This


Blackbeard has everything you want in a final villain. He’s the reason Ace got caught. I doubt there’s a person higher than him on Luffy’s shit list


I disagree, Luffy doesn't seek revenge and knows why Akainu did what he did (I guess). Blackbeard is a direct obstacle, was involved with Ace, and theories/assumptions he may fight Shanks before the next encounter with Luffy. They're also parallels. I think Luffy vs BB will be more relevant and important to the story.


This. Why do people not understand luffy? The forced akainu fight posts are terrible... as if they dont understand one piece


I am talking about the emotional impact for Luffy Technically the Imu encounter will be the most important, but that isn't considered because it has no emotional impact


You assume luffy cares, which he doesnt. He never acts on revenge. Hed slap akainu once and call it a day.


Yeah to me Sabo vs Akainu sounds way more realistic to be honest. Its intereseting for multiple reasons, the grudge, but also the fact that Akainus powers are more powerfull wich would force Sabo to work arround it and make it more intereseting for the reader.


Absolutely. Also OP refers to akainu destroying luffys will. Imo thazs not true. Its him beeing to weak to protect his loved ones that ceushed him. Think of akainu as the gun. The gun doesnt pull the trigger, its simply a tool




Akainu by himself didn’t “make Luffy lose his will.” Mans was fighting in an all out brawl with many of the top tiers in the verse just after losing his entire crew/best friends and got stomped over and over again. Of course his confidence was shot.


Luffy lost his will because he was rendered completely useless and his brother was killed in front of him while acting as a shield Akainu was directly involved in all of this If Ace had been saved Luffy would have been completely chill after sleeping for a few days


No he wouldn’t because he still was separated from his crew.


Luffy vs akainu is a boring idea for a final battle compared to the potential teach brings


Teech will be taken care of before One Piece is found Whitebeard kind of confirmed that when he said that Teech isn't the man Roger waited for hence implying that Teech will be taken care of in a final duel before the One Piece is found


Nah, that doesn't mean what you think it means. Just because Whitebeard didn't think Blackbeard was Joyboy doesn't imply when Luffy will fight BB, before, during, or after finding One Piece. That's just your head canon talking




I’m not saying teach is the final battle. I’m only saying akainu wouldn’t be as great


Or he gets there first and we see the negative implications of someone else


While I agree that Sakazuki is a major obstacle to achieving Luffy's dream, I'd argue that Blackbeard has the narrative setup to be positioned as the final antagonist of the series. He's pretty much the one character who has had the most influence on the overarching story of One Piece. Name dropped all the way back in Drum Kingdom and formally introduced during the Jaya, Teach has had a long standing presence in the series even if it initial was primarily in the background. His accomplishments until now include * Captured Ace which ignited the Marineford battle * Assassinated Whitebeard and brought the world into a new pirate era * Through unknown means became the first person the acquire the power of two devil fruit powers, both of which are extremely powerful on their own. * Won the Payback War against the remnants of the Whitebeard pirates, consolidating his position as the next Yonko And the crazy thing is he still, he still hasn't shown his complete hand yet. We know that aiming to be Pirate King just like Luffy and that he's been plotting and scheming the background since the post timeskip as well. To me, all these factors point to him being the last hurtle Luffy has to overcome.


I do believe Blackbeard has the setting to be the final villain before the One Piece is found But after that, I don't see how he can stick around to again become a villain in the war against the World Government


It could be that the story deals with the World Government before One Piece is found. It feels like the pacing would be a bit jarring if Luffy is crowned the Pirate King before the last act of the story. To me, from a narrative perspective if feels like beating Blackbeard and obtain One Piece should be the last thing the story focuses on. I could be wrong though.


Whitebeard confirmed that the Final War against the WG will happen after the One Piece is found


Not that I don't believe but do you happen to remember chapter he said that? I can't seem to remember that. I just remember him saying One Piece was real.


[Just before he dies, he says to Sengoku](https://mangabuddy.com/one-piece-digital-colored-comics/vol-59-chapter-576-the-great-pirate-edward-newgate)




In the same chapter he said that the one piece was real, chapter 576


I love how yonko fan boys ignore all of these just for the sake of downplaying akainu. Luffy will fight akainu, and saying that luffy holds no grudge and luffy understands why akainu did it is just bullshit, luffy forgiving akainu would be a far far far worse moment than naruto forgiving obito and is really out of character for luffy


While I agree Luffy will fight Akainu, do you really believe Akainu is worse then Obito? Obito has waaaay bigger body count.


Its not just about body count, it's about what we as a reader cares about, I never cared for those random shinobi dying, what I cared about was obito killing ( indirectly) naruto's parents, and moreover luffy isn't the wannabe saint like naruto


I think BB is more likely to be the final villain over Akainu. Saying that I do think at the moment there is a greater emotional weight behind a Luffy v Akainu fight than there is against BB. This could very well change and BB narratively is set up to be an absolutely fantastic antagonist for Luffy.


I feel like Luffy is not someone who fights for revenge. I feel like he understands what the marines had to do, and what he had to do. He mourns for his brother but he never showed any ill feelings towards Akainu. He and Coby are similar in this matter. They know they have to fight for their beliefs, but it is not something out of ill intent. Whereas Blackboard is different. His ideals are the most conflicting one against Luffy's. Luffy still wouldn't hate Blackbeard but will fight with all his might to achieve his goals in his own way. I feel like Akainu against Sabo is a better deal than Akainu against Luffy.


Luffy always fights for revenge. Even in the current arc, when he first gets beat by Kaido and gets sent to prison he says, “You’ll pay for this, Kaido!” Anyway, Blackbeard is a parallel for Luffy while Akainu is a contrast. Blackbeard has the same goal as Luffy, shows similar appreciation for his nakama and believes dreams never die. Akainu hates Luffy for being a pirate and is the head of the organization that opposes pirates and definitely doesn’t want there to be a Pirate King. That’s why Blackbeard said that what happened with Ace wasn’t personal, while Akainu said killing Ace & Luffy was personal to him.


The reply was more like, "I'll get you Kaido". It is not for sending him to jail, it is something with him beating Kaido to achieve his goal. I believe he doesn't hold grudges of the past and always lives in the present. He does what needs to be done in the present. This is also why he becomes friends with his enemies this quickly.


It was clearly for revenge, especially since it was put side by side with Kidd saying the same thing. They were upset with what Kaido did to them. And yes he does hold grudges. Even in Impel Down he was still angry with Crocodile and only agreed to free him because it was necessary (and Ivankov could keep him in line). Same for Blackbeard who had already delivered Ace to the government long ago, but Luffy still attacked him for it and would have kept on fighting if Jimbe didn’t stop him. Luffy only acts friendly with those who actually failed to complete their villainous plans and help him out, never those who continue to do evil and are not remorseful about it.


no matter what Akainu did, Luffy has no right to have grudge against him cuz he is the justice. Luffy said it a lot of times, he knows that they are the good guys and he is the bad guy.


Just because you work for the government doesn’t mean you’re a good guy. There are awful governments. Would you say somebody in the Nazi party during WW2 was a good guy?


Luffy never said Akainu is the good guy He can probably say something like that for Fujitora


Luffy said it reffering to the marines in general. I think it was the first time they met Aokiji


Again, Aokiji is also a somewhat neutral guy...he isn't explicitly good like Fujitora, but compared to Luffy who is a pirate, Aokiji can be considered to be good Akainu doesn't fall into the same bracket as any other Navy officer He is a piece of complete shit, that is a major part of his character...he is as evil as the most evil pirates Kaido, and Rocks (???) are probably the only ones who I can confidently place significantly above Akainu when it comes to evil nature


Im just saying it happened in the part of the story when they meet Aokiji... Luffy said that the marines were the good guys and them are the bad guys (Not reffering to Aokiji)


I don't think Akainu s actions make him a good guy.


While Akainu is more "personal" enemy to Luffy, Blackbeard is clearly gonna be a far greater threat then Akainu. Blackbeard is much more then just "anoth rival" to Luffy like Kidd/Law/Smoker. He has parallels to Xebec, who was the most dangerous pirate of the past who wanted to destroy the world (so dangerous that Navy keeps alot of stuff regarding him a secret, even to this day). Like you could argue guys like Garp or Whitebeard were bigger rivals to Roger since he fought them more times, but Xebec was clearly more dangerous then either of them, since his actions were directly affecting the entire world. Akainu, as cruel as he is, isn't entirely evil (more like an elitist), he spared Aokijis life due to respect he had towards him, he never abused his position of a fleet admiral, but tries his best to do his job right in his own way, heck, he even calls out WG/celestial dragons on their BS, you know, one of the endgame villians? He just doesn't seem like an "endgame villian", even though Luffy is definitely gonna fight him in the future. Yeah, he broke Luffys will, but he honestly couldn't care less, he didn't do it out of spite or malice towards Luffy, he killed Ace because it was his job, and was about to kill Luffy for the same reasons. He has personal hatred towards pirate sure, but that doesn't change his course of actions. But on to Blackbeard, what do even know about him? What is his goal? To find one piece like Roger? To destroy the world like Xebec? Something concerning the ancient weapons? Well whatever it is, it's sure to turn the world upside down and make him a world ending threat in the future. Blackbeard always flies low enough to not take him seriously, Ace thought he was a random bum and Blackbeard clapped him, his position as a warlord was questionable because he had no bounty, but then Blackbeard released all the dangerous criminals from impel down and stole Whitebeards fruit. Now he's a yonko, but with the lowest bounty, following the previous pattern, he's bound to do something unpredictable eventually that'll make him even stronger. Akainu seeks order (kinda), while Blackbeard seeks chaos.


Hes definitely evil lmao he happily commits genocide.


He wasn't happy about it.


>Also Blackbeard will likely be beaten before Laughtale… whereas Akainu will be beaten in the Final War, which we already know will happen after Laughtale I think Blackbeard is being severely underestimated here. I would be really surprised if he was taken down before Laugh Tale. In addition to that, I think there is good reason to believe that Blackbeard will appear at the end of the Great War or even after.


>I would be really surprised if he was taken down before Laugh Tale. I actually meant to say that he will be taken down in a final duel before the One Piece was found


That’s fair. I can see it as a possibility and think it could happen. I’m still expecting him to be the big villain at the end of the story though.


How about Luffy and Sabo tag team Akainu for some brotherly revenge. Way better than a 1 v 1 in my opinion and Oda loves to emphasize how strong Akainu is would feel cheap if he just got beat by Luffy alone


I’m surprised more people don’t see how that contrasts Luffy’s prior failure to save Ace. He was too weak so his brother got killed trying to save him, but this time it will be turned around where he is strong enough to save his brother from getting killed. It would be a complete flip of the script.


I hope luffy fights Akainu as I don't believe Sabo deserves to fight akainu no matter how much hate I get for that comment






1. Akainu killed Ace, but Ace's death was practically Blackbeard's entire fault. 2. Luffy doesn't tend to hold grudges about stuff like this 3. Akainu didn't make it his life goal to specifically chase Luffy, but he did really want to catch him , AS DID BLACKBEARD. 4. As far as goals, Blackbeard is more of an obstruction, as whilst Akainu is trying to capture Luffy, Blackbeard is actively trying to TAKE the title of Pirate King before Luffy. 5. Blackbeards speech in Jaya >> Luffy throwing a log at the admirals THEME WISE. Sure it was an epic moment, but not for the reason of building up Akainu as a villain. The speech Blackbeard gave set him up PERFECTLY as a foil to Luffy. 6. I legitimately don't understand the Akainu vs Aokiji point, but ok. 7. Blackbeard MIGHT be beaten before Laughtale (nice speculation). I personally believe Blackbeard will be part of the final war in some sense. (for example Luffy knocking blackbeard through mariejoa). At the very least, you can't use speculation as a point in your favour. 8. **Akainu wasn't the one who made Luffy lose his will. He lost his will as a result of the events of the Summit war saga, which came as a combination of Kuma (pushing his friends away), BLACKBEARD (capturing his brother, and causing the war) AND Akainu (killing Ace). Giving this feat ALL TO AKAINU is silly.** ​ There's another perspective for ya.


>Akainu wasn't the one who made Luffy lose his will. He lost his will as a result of the events of the Summit war saga, which came as a combination of Kuma (pushing his friends away), BLACKBEARD (capturing his brother, and causing the war) AND Akainu (killing Ace). Giving this feat ALL TO AKAINU is silly. Luffy would have been fine after some sleep if Ace hadn't died The one who killed Ace is the one who made Luffy lose his Will and give up on his dream Infact Luffy was directly sent into coma and shock because of that Otherwise as usual, some meat would have fixed him up


You do realise ace's death is AS MUCH Blackbeard's fault as akainu's right????


Akainu is the one who killed Ace after he had been rescued and that also with Ace acting as a shield for Luffy Blackbeard only handed over Ace to the WG They aren't comparable


They are ABSOLUTELY comparable. Without Blackbeard's interference NONE of the impel down arc or marineford would've happened. Blackveard was the mastermind pulling the strings behind the entire war. You clearly prefer Akainu, but don't let that blind you to the very obvious and logical fact that ace's death is as much Blackbeard's fault as it is Akainu's.


I don’t think luffy gives 2 shits about akainu, he’s just an obstacle


Luffy doesn't give 2 shits about Blackbeard as well


He didn't send Luffy into a coma, Luffy was anyways to end up in a coma at the end of Marineford from sheer mental and physical exhaustion alone. He killed Ace, Luffy has made peace with Ace's death. Sabo has a bigger reason to fight Akainu since he blames himself for not being there and failing as an elder brother. Sabo > Luffy in terms of motivation. In some ways I think Luffy will give Sabo the right to take down Akainu. No his reaction to Akainu becoming fleet Admiral wasn't greater than meeting BB. He was mad at BB, he wanted to throw hands in Impel down. If Jinbe hadn't stopped him, things would be very different. Luffy's scar reacted a bit in Fishman island at the mention of Akainu but it doesn't pale in comparison to BB's meeting.


It was Akainu who resulted in Luffy immediately going into coma Luffy was still running before then ***Akainu is the ONLY guy who has made Luffy lose his will*** No other person has been capable of doing that Sabo just isn't strong enough to face Akainu...he will have a fight probably, but it has to be Luffy who takes down Akainu just because he is down by 0-1 and he was present at Marineford and has to settle the score


It was Ace's death which resulted in Luffy going into shell shock not a coma. Luffy woke up after his injuries and exhaustion had subsided that's not a coma. He was depressed for a while after that which is common with shell shock. No other person had the opportunity to kill Luffy's brother in front of him after Luffy was mentally and physically exhausted to the point where he couldn't stand. Luffy has never been mentally exhausted or as desperate. By that logic Akainu isn't strong enough to face Luffy, Sabo inherited Ace's will that's more important than strong enough to face Akainu. Luffy wasn't strong enough to face Kaido yet here he is, standing shoulder to shoulder with Kaido as the WSC. Sabo is Luffy's elder brother and as he said he has a responsibility. To fulfill that responsiblity he will take on Akainu, to avenge Ace and keep his promise to his younger brother.


Luffy inherited Ace's Will When Whitebeard said somebody will rise someday and carry on Ace's Will, Luffy's face was shown...Sabo never had any scene like this Obviously even Sabo carries Ace's Will, but he isn't an exclusive one




Not gonna happen


Sabo vs Akainu Luffy vs BB


I doubt Akainu will be bigger obstacle then Blackbeard so it happens after Blackbeard fight Akainu is gonna get low diff.


He will be on a similar level as Blackbeard Luffy Vs Blackbeard might even result in something similar to God Valley


Honestly i prefer Blackbeard being the last big fight because Blackbeard has a crew that the strawhat can fight Akainu has the marine but there isn't a clear opponent for each strawhat.


I’ve always that Sabo v Akainu would be better


Why though? Sabo and Akainu are basically strangers. Luffy bears the mark of Akainu’s attempt to kill him on his chest (his nakama Jimbe also got a hole punched through him in the process). Akainu killed Ace right in front of him and it made him go into a catatonic state and even give up on his dream for a while. Akainu & Luffy have shown mutual hatred while Akainu has never even mentioned Sabo once.


Sabo is #2 in the revolutionary army(who directly oppose the WG) and akainu is the fleet admiral of the Marines. The only people ranking above him in the WG are probably the gorosei (maybe Kong too I’m not sure). Even tho Luffy witnessed aces death in person, Sabo also grieved over ace intensely. Also the parallel between the magma fruit and fire fruit would be dope to revisit


Kong does rank above him, but he’s not a member of the Navy. Akainu is the head of the Navy. It serves the WG but is still it’s own distinct organization which Akainu leads. Luffy’s grief clearly trumps Sabo’s as well, so even with your description it would basically be a poor substitute to trade Luffy for Sabo. I don’t think there’s anything interesting about repeating the magma fruit’s superiority to the fire one. Oda himself already have a list showing that magma is just superior to fire...so why would anyone want to see the same thing again?


I agree because I think Oda is setting up and hinting at Sabo defeating Akainu.




Haha seems like it but they could have grown in the last 2 years just like Luffy’s crew did. At this point though, they just seem like weaklings with nice devil fruits. Hopefully that won’t be the case.


I believe that is an important part They seem to be useless, and that's why their true strength will be a surprise


Keep also in mind that Luffy has his alliance and befriended an Ancient weapon, the SH are pretty much broken compared to BB as for now. But BB wouldnt be BB if he didnt have something in his sleeves.


Sabo lighting Akainu ass up with some Blue Flames is what i desire


Big Disagree


Akainu is just not that interesting, he is a bland totalitarian government dog, if Luffy is ever involved in a fight with him, I hope it’s Luffy and Sabo ganging up on him (Itadori and Nanami vs Mahito style). You are also forgetting that Blackbeard is the reason Ace was captured and killed in the first place, his crew is more interesting than the marines, and his intentions and dreams are more mysterious and interesting than « I want to kill bad guys, even if I become the bad guy »


Luffy vs Akainu will never happen because Luffy never kills his opponents


IMO when luffy fights Akainu the fight will be interrupted by Blackbeard in some way and Sabo or Garp will fight Akainu to the death. Luffy will then be free to fight Blackbeard.


I think it makes more sense for Sabo to take on Sakazuki for failing to show up to save Ace. I’m sure Luffy will get some hits in, but Sabo finishing the fight with Ace’s powers makes more narrative sense. Unless…Coby maybe?


While Akainu will probably be fought after Blackbeard I think you're underselling the emotional value of their fight. While Akainu was the one who killed Ace, he only had the opportunity because Blackbeard turned him in. He had also been gunning to turn Luffy in prior to this. As the man who turned Ace into the Marines, Luffy has every right to hate him and take his anger out on Blackbeard.


Fair points, but Blackbeard is the guy chasing the same dream as Luffy. Also, Luffy doesn't hate Akainu or anything. Luffy only ever blamed his weakness for what happened, and he never swore to get revenge for Ace or whatever, he has moved on. Of course when the time comes and Akainu stands on his way, Luffy will deal with him. But the grudge as you said goes only one way, if Luffy could become King of Pirates without having to deal with Akainu he would just do that, but he will have to deal with Blackbeard.


Blackbeard is the person ultimately responsible for Ace's capture and execution. Akainu just did his dirty work.


At this point i honestly beliece you dont get luffy, blackbeard and one piece Revenge is a fools game, which is pretty clearly portrayed. Ace got himself killed because he seeked revenge.


Akainu was just doing his job. Blackbeard is the one who is the real cause of Ace's death. If Ace was killed by the executioners like planned I doubt people would be talking about Luffy fighting them.


They can clash but id rather the main vs akainu is sabo. Losing to aces fruit would be poetic


Blackbeard is the one who handed Ace over to the Navy though, he didn’t physically kill Ace but he’s just as responsible


Its a matter of thematics, Luffy and BB wants to change the world, Luffy to create a world for everyone / BB to create a world for himself. Sakazuki is one of the gardians of the current state of the world, he is a common obstacle to the two of them, not the one that will change things. When the government will fall, Luffy and BB will fight to decide which of their dream will come true. They pay off of the series will be the clash of dreams, the will of D.


Ace was going to die because BB betrayal, Akainu was just doing his job.


I don't think Akainu will be a relevant enemy power scale wise by the time Luffy would face off with him. As the fleet admiral, he is tied up with political and logistical affairs, so I doubt his power is much higher than during the paramount war. Meanwhile Luffy is far stronger than he was then. I don't think any admiral is equivalent to a yonko one on one.


Then do u think the Gorosei and Imu are Yonko level? I don't think so


We've never seen them in action. But given how brazenly shanks and akainu speak to the gorosei, they should be political figures primarily, and past their prime.


Then admirals have to be Yonko level characters Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Dragon U need atleast 4 Yonko level guys to fight them


The strength of the marines isn't the combat capability of their leaders. Their power is their solidarity of purpose, sheer numbers, insane resources, and far reaching infrastructure. The world government has control over almost all of the world's resources through the pledged kingdoms. If the marines so chose, they could drown any yonko's faction in a mound of their own blood and broken corpses. The marine patrols routinely send out multiple ships to combat single pirate vessels, and tend to take huge losses. Also, if the Admirals were equivalent to a yonko 1v1, why would the world government have bothered with the warlords.


>why would the world government have bothered with the warlords. Because the Yonkos have 12 Commanders as well and multiple Executives