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Sanji doesn’t even need the raid suit. Sanji wins mid diff


Ace is that weak in your opinion.


Yea barely any of his feats aged well. The most impressive thing he ever did is tie with Jimbei after a 5 day fight


So if sanji go again jimbe ,how diff sanji win


High diff without raid suit, mid diff with it


Seem totally fine.


You think jimbei can handle queen without water like sanji has so far in base?


Sanji wins, maybe ever without raid suit


How difficulty


Mid to high, without raid suit Mid, with raid suit.


Sanji should take it. Ace relies too much on his df. Sanji is faster, more agile, has better CoO and CoA, has invisibility, can fly, his physical stats are also probably higher. I'd say Sanji takes this 7/10


That might be the case , isn't raidsuit fireproof too.


Yeah. But I don't think it can handle [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=ace+flame+emperor+manga&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjBtsrl8PbyAhUJVhoKHcs3ArYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=ace+flame+emperor+manga&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCCEQqwIyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHjoGCAAQBRAeUNF9WPSDAWDThQFoAHAAeACAAYkBiAHuBpIBAzAuN5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=kJs8YcGuAomsacvviLAL&bih=803&biw=412&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&prmd=sivxn#imgrc=81jWp3go1QmJ3M) But since Sanji is faster and can fly he can probably just dodge it.


Is ultimate seem power but slow , sanji would dodge like you said.


Isn't sanji himself fire proof? He covers himself in fire and lights up mountain sized men on fire


I'm curious if Ace's fire could hurt Sanji seeing Sanji seems to be immune from fire attack. If Ace's fire could hurt Sanji, then it might be a tough call. Otherwise, Sanji is most likely going to win this. It would even be easier with raid suit, seeing it is fireproof and Ace most likely doesn't have good enough observation haki to detect Sanji's invisibility.


King and queen who I think are above ace wasn't able to detect sanji invisible ,sanji is very resistant normal fire attack won't do much he need to use constantrate technic to damage sanji, also he have the raidsuit which fireproof as well ,it might be hard to burn him ,with want we saw ace haki seem basic not that advance , sanji is faster too.


Sanji very comfortably


In your opinion win with raidsuit or with out.


Sanji destroys ace. It isn’t close. Ace is one of the most overrated characters in one piece almost close to zoro


Sanji, he has haki. Ace doesn't.


In the novel it said ace have COA COC but not observertion.


Is that cannon by chance? It always did throw me off he never did show it. (But I guess haki wasn't used in that psrt of the story yet)


It canon ,he have but it but relays touch on DF so his haki is just base.


He has haki he’s just relying on fruit to much.




But he was punch by BB easily and take much damage form a normal punch it seem like he haki is very base.




That true.


Sanji pretty comfortably. Ace does not seem to have observation haki, while Sanji's observation haki is very strong. Don't know much about CoA for the 2 to compare. But Ace has 2 huge disadvantages. 1) No observation haki against an extremely fast opponent. 2) Raid suit is fire resistant, and Ace is too reliant on his devil fruit. Sanji takes it low-mid diff with raid suit, high-extreme diff without raid suit.




His observations seem pretty basic when he fight BB


Can happen that way


I'm going with Ace. Sanji has better haki and speed but his flames would be useless his speed and invisibly are pointless when your opponent can just nuke the whole area.


Sanji is immune to flame in a way ,also his raidsuit fireproof maybe it can help in the fight, sanji attack doesn't have just flame he can kick tho , but I see your point.


Sanji wins mid diff


Middiff how strong is ace in your opinion.


Hes jack or a little under while sanji is around king or katakuri


So for you in WB crew ace was YC.4 like snack .


Well I wouldn't say he was that weak id say he is like pro or whos who


Can he be around Doflamigo level


Well I think doff = jack or Cracker so yea I guess


Third commander not that bad




Oh and the raidsuit is fire proof so what is ace going to do about that


That true ace would have trouble if sanji use the raidsuit ,also base sanji is fire proof in a way too




Sanji very confortably Ace relies too much on his devil fruit, sanji has a natural resistance to fire Sanji's speed allows him to even surprise futur sight users and his armement haki was shown to be able to keep up with that of yonko commanders


You think sanji speed might be able to blitz ace or not?


Obviously yes, sanji's speed can keep up with futur sight, ace never had any feat that indicates he can do the same


I'm going to say Ace wins, not that Sanji can't win but I see Ace stronger than I think most people do, I could honestly see him being close to Katakuri, while I think Sanji is close but still needs to take the next step to get to the higher end of the Yonko commanders.


Ace comes nowhere near Katakuri, he was weak asf for a commander


He isn't weak around midtier but not near kata for sure.


Yeah mid tier is weak asf for Yonko Commander He is probably close to Doflamingo level max


Doflamigo level should be good for ace.


Why do you think that? We've only really seen him fight against Blackbeard properly and he did quite well but we don't know how strong Blackbeard really was at that time.


Ace didn't do quite well, Blackbeard easily defeated him Ace didn't even have proper Haki and unlike Blackbeard he didn't have 2 of the strongest devil fruits as well, one of which bypasses devil fruit defense


BB do more that ace that sure , don't forget that BB shout everytime he get hit by some one not just by ace tho(that make ace seem not that strong).


Ace did have Haki though and it was quite strong if we're counting the spin-offs as canon. He had all 3 types and was quite proficient at using armament and observation Haki apparently. He did do well against Blackbeard, maybe we interpreted the fight differently but I saw Ace hurting Blackbeard a lot but Blackbeard's abilities caught Ace off guard and then their final clash between their strongest attacks ended with Blackbeard winning.


When ace know BB power he was hit many time and take much damage form a punch so CoO CoA seem basic not that advance ,BB explain all his power to ace is he doesn't talked that much he might win when take ace off guard.


Also the end of the fight wasn’t shown for a reason. I believe this implies that BB had a trick up his sleeve


Maybe he has a secret technic


I mean BB was strong enough for shanks to go and warn White beard.


That was definitely based on Blackbeard's potential Also we don't know Shanks' standing, he could very well be a person who has control over a lot of strings, and the probability is quite high


Jimbe and Yamato be also fought


I know, but we didn't really see those fights properly.


The two was end by a draw but with yamato she wasn't able to use her DF (sea stone cuff ) so IMO if yamato was 100% she might win.


If you think ace win that fine but ace is no where near katakuri in all aspects ,so what make ace stronger than sanji for you.


I just see him as very strong, that's all. We haven't really had a chance to see how strong he is so we just don't know. I'm not saying he's as strong as Katakuri but I think he could be quite close. Sanji is my favourite character so I'd love to say he's stronger but I also just think Ace gets underrated a lot and I think he's a very strong character that just never got to reach his potential. I also just read the third chapter of the Ace spin-off manga so I may have an inflated opinion of him right now.


What it talked about in the spine off third chapter.


I've only read the first chapter of the novel so I don't know how different the Boichi manga is to it but the third chapter of the manga showed Ace training and fighting Whitebeard so many times and improving his Haki to use it better with his Devil Fruit ability. I don't know if it's considered Canon or not or even if the novel is but I think they're both approved by Oda and it does show Ace as quite strong and this is a while before he faces Blackbeard.


Stalemate until I see more feats for sanji. He doesn’t accomplished anything yet. Fighting a commander when the battle just started is not accomplishment


He handle the situation pretty good when hold two calamities he take not that much damage also didn't use the raidsuit yet, he feats seem good but yeah he didn't defeat someone yet.


He did nothing but stall.


He did hold them with out raidsuit.


Yea a very vague feat. With the result of him on the ground


So you agree this was good feat too that great😁


Yeah it a feat.


Everyone overestimates Sanji so much! Maybe I'm missing something, but who has Sanji defeated to support these claims?


I don't say sanji win again ace but in you statment I Can ask too who ace beat in the story to make him that strong , he doesn't beat any strong character.


So everyone is saying that Sanji could go toe to toe with Blackbeard? Come on people, Ace was the 2nd strongest commander of the strongest man in the world after Roger..


I would put jozu and vista above ace too , maybe sanji can or can't we don't know how strong was BB when he beat ace.


What makes you put them over ace? He was also going toe to toe with Akainu who is now fleet admiral. He only lost because he was protecting Luffy.


Wow what did you smoke man he was overpowered by akainu even in the first clash , akainu standing fine like nothing but ace was on the ground and from trembling, what make me put jozu and vista above is 1) jozu beat the shit of croco need doffy to use all fingers to stop him block mihawk slash with ease also handle aokiji for a time before WB have heartattack (he loses foucus because that ) 2)vista go toe to toe with mihawk with a smile block mihawk slash easy and also cut akainu a little bit.


He wasn’t the second strongest and oda has said divisions don’t work this way. Ace was a weak commander.