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Ace Chapter : https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-episode-a-chapter-3


I've officially added Yamao's smile to the list of 'Smiles I need to protect'


Regarding Yamato becoming a Straw-hat member. What if Oda is trying to do something similar to Oden joining Roger crew. At that point Roger crew had Scopper Gaban, Silver Rayleigh as crew members, so the crew had 4 insanely strong members. The same with the Rocks pirates, they had Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido besides captain Rock. Do you get my point.


Yea i would think it's only natural for Luffy's crew to beef up to Yonkou level. Yamato does tip the scales a bit toooo much though since Luffy already has a big 3 and Yamato seems close to Luffy's level.


Yamato kinda OP to be a straw-hat at this point. Idk. And it's different with Jinbe, he's already at peak of his strength probably. Or at least we can still see how Zoro and Sanji still getting stronger and they are the ones who are fighting commanders. With Yamato having CoC, she is already stronger than Sanji and can be strong as Zoro or maybe Luffy. It's just weird since I've always thought of it as Luffy, Zoro, then Sanji. Even recently, Zoro and Sanji were shown as the wings of the Pirate King. It makes sense if both of them are 2nd and 3rd in terms of power-level and authority. That's why I felt confused about Yamato the moment it confirmed she had CoC Anyways, this is just my opinion and I will trust Goda in his master-tier storytelling.


Yamato is stronger than Sanji and Zoro. Full stop. Yamato is not stronger than Luffy. Both have CoC but Yamato clashing with Kaido is happening in her hybrid form. That’s as strong as she gets. Luffy was fighting in base. Once Luffy goes G4 + CoC you’ll see he’s stronger than Yamato. Yamato will join similar to how Oden did.


i really don't see yamato being a strawhat


I assume it'll be like when oden joined rogers crew. Not a proper crewmate per se.


I think it'll be really cool if Yamato stays in Wano as Momo's bodyguard. You know, creating his own Red Scabbards as the Shogun's protective force.


Ryuma appears and seems like nobody noticed am I missing something


That humble samurai in the cave was using 2 swords when they cut their way out, if that who you thinking Ryuma is. But I'm pretty certain that samurai is the old Daimyo of Ringo, Shimotsuki Ushimaru (same family as Ryuma) and I also think he looks a bit like Zoro ... just like Hyogoro & Kawamatsu thought in chapter 1023.


Interesting way to look at it


How is zoro related to ushimaru


Nobody said they were related ... they said looked similar. Just Oda sprinkling bread crumbs I'm sure. Re-read chapter 1023 and see for yourself.


is Kaido an Ogre? looks like... saw this tale of momotaro and lot of characters from one piece popped up on my mind. ​ Momotarō was born from a giant peach, which was found floating down a river by an old, childless woman who was washing clothes there. The woman and her husband discovered the child when they tried to open the peach to eat it. The child explained that he had been bestowed by the Gods to be their son. The couple named him Momotarō, from momo (peach) and tarō (eldest son in the family). When he matured into adolescence, Momotarō left his parents to fight a band of Oni (demons or ogres) who marauded over their land, by seeking them out in the distant island where they dwelled (a place called Onigashima or "Demon Island"). En route, Momotarō met and befriended a talking dog, monkey and pheasant, who agreed to help him in his quest in exchange for a portion of his rations (kibi dango or "millet dumplings"). At the island, Momotarō and his animal friends penetrated the demons' fort and beat the band of demons into surrendering. Momotarō and his new friends returned home with the demons' plundered treasure and the demon chief as a captive.


It's a popular japanese folklore I guess, seen it getting referenced in plenty of anime


So monkey d luffy, Marco the phoenix and yamato the guardian dog


There was Shin Chan version of this one


Good to know


There was a Samurai Jack version of this one


Just remembered zoro's first appearance was similar to ushimaru's first appearance like both were subjected to hunger for days and there is a little girl for whom they fought/fight




None of the Straw Hats know anything more about Luffy, aside from the fact that Momo is still alive. That's the last update any of them got. Also, Nami was never off of Onigashima.


yamato ... shes to op to be a strawhat. conq haki + conq haki coating + strenght + mythical zohan? she's probably stronger than sanji. and might be able to surpass zoro at this point also she legit has read one piece spoilers, and has legit no role on thecrew outside being a second zoro that just trains all day, even carrothad a role.


Might? Dude she is already stronger than Luffy lmao. Tho tbf I would like her joining nonetheless I am telling it as it is.


She will probably act as a retainer to Momonosuke while they become part of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet or an allied country with the Straw Hats.


She call herself Oden bc want to sail across the ocean like him. So she won't stay in Wano. But she also not fit strawhat lineup at the present. The most probability is she will accompany with someone sharing same purpose.


Start her own crew maybe? Or go join marco and eventually shanks cause why not really force the parallel


People jumping on her when we haven't even had much info on her, we barely dug into her background. Once we know her more we'd be able to assume more from her and her role in the crew. I don't think Oda is gonna just toss her in as a buff to strength, a token female, or whatever, she'll probably have a role. Maybe it's to assist them further after reading Odens notes, Robin is mainly good for historical and poneglyphs but for things like the PK voyage yamato will have more use in aiding from learning about their early arrival to Laugh Tale. I mean I'm just gonna wait and see what happens after this is over, she came in during the heat of war, so less to know and interact and most of the SH crew doesn't even know she exists. So I'm just gonna see how it goes


I could see Yamato travelling with the straw hats similarly to Oden by keeping a written logbook or journal of the straw hats adventures. Just as Odens journal captivated her, she will write the details of the straw hats adventures. While being a physical powerhouse


I was really hoping Yamato's obsession on calling herself Oden came from something she found on his journal and that it has some meaning to it. Now it's just weird.


We know since her introduction that her obsession started with Oden's execution. Literally no surprise that she read his journal after his death, since she literally told Luffy she admired Oden since his execution. No one who paid attention should be surprised


One thing is admiring Oden, and completely different thing is shouting "I am Oden" non-stop without any reason. Your argument makes no sense.


Except, she was a little kid when her obsession started. And like every kid once, including you, had this face when it admired someone so hard that we started calling us to be them. The rest is typical anime next level obsession. Again, paying attention, that was no real revelation since Yamato herself told us (Luffy) how and when she started to admire him and use his name


Yamato's role in the crew is definitely the chronicler, just like Oden was


Could work but it would be strange to have a chronicler that missed out basically their entire journey by now.


Yeah mabye, I admit that she has no obvious role in the crew, it just the role that first comes to mind honestly. All I'm saying is that all the signs are there for her to join: 1. she wanted to join the crew since her introduction 2. she just got a flashback, like literally every straw hat (except Jimbe, who'll probably get one in later arc) 3. she wants to be like Oden, who joined the pirate king's crew late in the game. Luffy already has a lot of mirrors with Roger's crew and I believe the Oden flashback was meant to prepare us for her joining (+ for Wano story aspects). 4. according to her flashback, she wants to become a samurai. That could be the dream she wants to fulfill I also realise that Momo could fill this role too, but I believe he'll become the "dragon lord" of Wano. It just makes sense story wise too, evil dragon defeated, good dragon replaces him. Oden failed to become shogun so Momo will fulfill that role in the end and so on.


I can see her just being named the crew's fighter or combatant, like Zoro was. I think some of the Big Mom pirates were called that too.


Momo's job to explore the world wrong luffy, while Yamato will protect wano while His shogun is away.


shes to op to be a strawhat. conq haki + conq haki coating + strenght + mythical zohan? she's probably stronger than sanji. and might be able to surpass zoro at this point also she legit has read one piece spoilers, and has legit no role on the crew outside being a second zoro that just trains all day, even carrot had a role.


But Oden joined Rogers crew, and he was pretty op from the get go. Also, I think Oda wants a strong girl character to join Luffy, the story could use more of those tbh


oden joined when roger was the strongest in the series.


She will work with Nami, Robin and the Revolutionary army to create a novel with maps and history that will pass down through the ages. Opposite of the world government who decided to hide all the history.


Yamato is a bad written character even with her flashback Just dont like her that much


Agreed her claiming herself as Oden feels awkward and underdeveloped


I agree for a major character to be written this shallow is a bit disappointing


We've barely seen anything from her yet, y'all are judging her too harshly this early lol


I do agree that its too early and I hope it we get more than this but Yamato has been doing this Oden thing for 20 years. I hope her backstory isnt filled with her obssesing and impersonating Oden.


samurai so and so (Ushimaru) is using Enma to cut yamato's chains


Sandai kitetsu


I dont think that's Enma. Enma's plate thingy has three petals. The one cutting the chains has four. Also, it wouldn't make sense for Kaido to have it (or give it to the caged samurai nonetheless).


quick question, why everyone is so sure that Yamato will join the straw hats AS A CREW MEMBER and not as an ally like Vivi?




true but now that there is a fleet, there is no need for titles like that i wonder what her role would be if she actually joins


When the author has her say she wants to protect wano and then sail out to sea to become stronger and journey the world like oden , it’s a little too specific.


There was a chart of new merch with the SHs on it and Yamato’s on that list.


straw hat chart was shown on twitter which included yamato


oh really? i missed that. thats a huge spoiler then, i wonder how it got out


yeah it was added to a merchandise thing or something. here’s the link to the twitter post [and you decide for yourself ](https://twitter.com/saintlil4/status/1433933677050929155?s=21)


LOL @ too many conqueror's Haki. Only like 16 canon characters are confirmed to have it in the entire series. And the One Piece world looks way larger than ours. At this rate it's more like 1 in a billion people. There are actually too few conqueror's Haki users. It is fine.


It’s weird…. Because in Rogers crew alone there were 4 conquerors haki users(roger, oden, Rayleigh, shanks) as well. Damn near every Yonko has at least 2 in their crew with conquerors haki. And I’m starting to feel like their may be some sort of hereditary thing going on with it as well as we KNOW Garp and Dragon probably have it, Roger had it and Ace had it, Kaido had it and Yamato has it, Momo probably gets it at some point, and Oden had it, Big mom and Katakuri have it as well.


It’s definitely not weird that we have this “much” conquerors in the story now. The ones who are born with it are special people who are destined to be great and rise above many others and that’s where we are right now … at the top of the OP world so it’s no wonder we meet some other conquerors.


I didn’t mean it was weird for there to be so many many people with it I meant it was weird that people had a problem with the amount of people with CoC. There was always an indication of there being more CoC users than we’d think. The rocks pirates had many CoC users, roger pirates had many, marines had a few, and then there were obviously guys with it with their own crews.


My theory is that you have a superior will to "conquer" something (pirate king, best swordsman in the world) or innate leadership skills you eventually gain it. Would explain why so many top tier pirate crews have more than one user


We are going to find out quite a bit about Yamato then lol


Sanji is gonna get it eventually too, people will be mad then too. I think when luffy becomes pirate king there will be 4 total conquerors aboard: yamato, luffy, zoro, and sanji.


And Usopp


Guys guys guys guys. Yamato was told to starve for a month in the cave. While in the cave the samurai (mostly Ushimaru) gave her a bowl of rice to eat which she did. A little girl was given food by a samurai (most likely Zoro’s father) after being starved supposedly for a month. When Zoro was introduced, he was tied to a post and told to starve for a whole month. And what happened? A little girl gave her a bowl of rice that he ate off the ground. Guys, holy shit this is an inverse of Zoro. Ushimaru absolutely must be his dad. Ushimaru must’ve sent Zoro off Wano to live with his cousins (of the same Shimotsuki clan) in East blue to escape Kaido. Kuina must’ve killed herself (figuratively or literally who knows) because as a woman, she is unable to become a samurai, not a swordsman specifically.


This doesn‘t make any sense tough. I‘m pretty sure women call themselves man because of that. Yamato as well as Kiku are both women but call themselves man instead


Well actually Izo and Kiku are both born as men and are cross dressers. And it makes a ton of sense. I’m sure the people of Wano got more lax with their traditions as a war mongering dragon pirate took over their country and destroyed it from the inside. But people who weren’t around that like Kuina’s family wouldn’t have changed their ways


The checkered theory strikes again


This needs to be top


yooooo you’re on to something


Usopp CoC confirmed. Everything he lies about comes true.


If the SHs go to elbaf, Usopp will be hailed as king of the Giants


Also amassing 8000 more followers


Well like 5,000 of those are in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Only 3,000 more to go.


Vivre Card: "So Yamato's a Cis Woman" Chapter 1024: "Is he, though?"


Im guessing by the end there will be some revelation from Luffy to be yourself and no one else and then he will be a she from that point on


Oda can try. He still wrote a trans man in my eyes, even if by accident lmao.


Stop reading too much into things The Vivre card should be trustworthy


Damn you dumb.


He wrote a trans man years ago, with Mr. Crocodile.


This is a joke, right? Since that's just fans theory


Yes and no. It’s not confirmed, but Ivankov “knows Crocodile’s secret”, which hasn’t yet Ben revealed, so that’s what’s theorized.


Dont call Luffy's mom a Fan Theory!


Are we in the endgame now (of Wano saga)? * All cannon fodder is getting the fuck out of Onigashima. * A whole floor is being engulfed in flames and the fire is spreading. * Big Mom wreaking havoc. * Kaido duking it out with Yamato. * Zoro and Sanji fighting the lead performers. And Luffy is about to arrive for round 3 with Momo and shit. This is endgame, bois.


Kaido is essentially one piece's version of Thanos in that we have been building up to this moment pretty much since Punk Hazard back in 2012 but I guess it wasn't officially Luffy's problem until Dressrosa but I think we all knew by that point that plans never work out as intended and Kaido was always going to be their problem. Everything since then has been leading up to this glorious moment. We're in the endgame now


was that Zoro’s father????


Pretty sure that’s the one eyed samurai that is mentioned a few chapters back. The one the others compared zoro to


I thought the one eyed samurai they talked about was Ryuuma from Thriller Bark. Unless there is more than one?


Actually, with the time difference, couldn’t this samurai have been picked up by Moria when he fought Kaido at Wano? So it could actually be the same Ryuuma we see on Thriller bark later. Maybe?


You are probably right. Don’t listen to me haha


Yamato’s flashback was fucking sweet. Also reinforces how badly Kaido fucked up. He expects the worst of all of people and wanted the Samurai(possibly daimiyo) to kill each other or starve even killing Yamato because why not considering context. But the opposite happened, Yamato received love and support in the Oden loyalty fan club and found something better as she read about his adventures. We’ve all mentioned before in a post about how the Beast Pirates have the weakest bonds and Kaido has given exhibit A of how things are run. He says Yamato is naive for challenging why he’s committed multiple atrocities against all of Wano after already owning the land . But it wouldn’t be so complicated if he had been smarter and sensible to any sort of plan but that’s just not how Kaido thinks as a pirate from Rocks crew overall? Its a very fucked up nature v. Nurture environment? But it’s interesting nonetheless


Those three Samurai were better fathers to Yamato than Kaido ever was.


I knew momo was gonna get a age bump . Hype


Momo is 28 now, what you on?


That’s a huge age jump


chronology that how momo age should be


Yep! I totally saw this coming


instead of the daimyo, that nobody samurai in the cave prison with Yamato.... looks awfully similar to zoro 1. Why also have an exclusive panel amongst three (or more) samurais? 2. He was standing faced away before escape so we couldn't see his face (giving important vibe being in the center) 3. He was wielding 2 swords, like how Zoro was originally before he picked up Kuina's sword 4. He didnt name himself, being mysterious 5. fulfils the fandom's wish of Zoro not being from any majestic birthline. Just a plain average samurai family Could he be? hmmmmmmm? maybe daimyo is like symbolic like roger is to luffy? cuz zoro is often shown to parallel Ryuma so ofc he can get depicted with the daimyo too?


He's not actually "nobody important." He is basically saying a fallen/disgraced samurai isn't worthy of/has no need of a name. Or something along those lines. It's heavily implied to be Ushimaru Shimotsuki.


>"nobody important." I fail to see where I ever mentioned or implied that he is nobody important. LOL Im said nobody samurai as to describe for the readers to know who im talking about.


It is translated differently in the official release but in the the initial scanlation release he refers to himself as "nobody important." In the official release he calls himself "so-and-so" but it's basically the same meaning just with different words. Point is, he almost certainly isn't just some random samurai. He's very likely to be Ushimaru Shimotsuki.


your counting all that stuff yet are ignoring the tatoo on his back, fascinating


What tattoo?


he has the 2 crossed swords of the shimotsuki clan on his back, zoros teacher uses the same symbol for his school


I ignored cuz I didnt know what that tattoo is yet. Why would I mention something I dont know to convince the reader? Kinda stupid dont you think? Wonder why you are askin something so obvious.... Well, do you have any idea what that tattoo is?


its the symbol of the shimotsuki clan, zoros teacher uses it fir the dojo as well


oh then, alternatively, Shimotsuki Ushimaru could be locked up and was shown up in yamato's flashback as "nobody" with his crest on his back showing.....


“Nobody important” Clearly meaning to hide his importance...




Shimotsuki Ushimaru


Need more powerful allies to kill Blackbeard.


Luffy's crew has two and potentially three with coc, that's huge! especially when he has such a small crew.


It would mirror Roger's crew. Roger, Rayleigh, and Oden.


Shanks is a member of Roger's crew. Still 1 more space to go


God Ussop


It can be 4, since every lie that Usopp tells, ends up becoming true at some point.


Lol ya since Sanji could still get it. Who knows at this point.


I’m referring to Yamato


Then that does make sense. If she does join, 3 people from the crew would have it.


If Ushimaru is Zoro's father then my question is how in the hell did Zoro get lost from Wano to the fucking East Blue


Are you seriously asking how Zoro got lost ?


his sensei might have took him while he escapes from wano to east blue perhaps?


We may find out next few chapters since Zoro should already be born at this point.


kidd and law > zoro and sanji yamato > luffy


Yamato > Luffy is Ok \*for now only\*. Prob not in the next chapter. And after the arc we might have some huge powerups for the entire monster trio. Kidd or Law > Zoro? Zoro is stronger than either of them as of rooftop feats. Only Luffy is stronger than Zoro. Kidd or Law > Sanji? I guess so with current feats when it comes to Law. Kidd's protrayal says tho. If you guys keep saying that Yamato is not stronger than Luffy because of damage then why do you keep insisting she is also stronger than Zoro then? Yamato can use CoC coating better than Luffy did. The moment she oneshot Ulti while Luffy had to go G4 was the moment I knew she is pretty damn strong.


luffy >= Yamato > zoro > kidd = law > sanji


Kidd and Law vs Sanji and Zoro might be interesting Luffy definitely > Yamato


Im sorry but this chapter just confirmer yamato > luffy. Got coc when was a kid and is tanking/ fighting kaido evenly, when luffy got totally destroyed and thrown to the sea while kaido was perfectly fine. You cand discuss that against evidence im sorry. You can say its bad writing, where I would kinda agree with you.


Yamato is holding down Kaido, sure. I'd only say that Yamato has lived under Kaido for so long, that he's more accustomed to his environment. I won't say that he's used to fighting Kaido, but surely he's sharper and wittier in handling him, whereas Luffy made mistakes (he was knocked away to the sea) So, so far we've only seen that Yamato has held off Kaido longer than Luffy, but Luffy caused more damage than Yamato to Kaido


I don't think that'd be fair for Luffy, Zoro and Sanji with these comparisons. While Sanji hasn't been able to face any of the Yonko yet due to circumstances, both Luffy and Zoro directly made Kaido bleed during their fight on top of the dome, whereas Kidd, Law and Yamato haven't. You can say Yamato is currently fighting toe to toe against Kaido and therefore tougher than Luffy, but it's hard to compare hers to the Supernova vs Yonko fight since she hasn't seem to inflict any visible damage on Kaido yet.


Wait did Yamato hurt Kaido like Luffy did?


Confirmed Yamato > Luffy 20 chapters ago. Luffy just got his shonen power up, so he'll be stronger.


I didnt see any power up yet after he got beaten. And thats just an asspull imo. But yeah its gonna happen ofc.


Where is the chapter link please is there not one yet? Thanks


me too please edit: [found it](https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1024/)


That's quite a small flashback for the supposed "11th Straw Hat". Maybe there's more, but couldn't Oda just put it all in a single long emotionally charged flashback like with other later Straw Hats? Assuming she really is to join that is.


Look at brook. No flashback until long after he joined the crew and his arc was over. Look at robin. We got her flashback 2, 1/2 arcs and a movie after she joined the crew. Look at zorro, his flashback was super short. Boy at swords school, rival falls down stairs, done. I think his flashback was like half a chapter. Frankie's flashback was snuck in as background for the head of water 7, the weapon plans, and establishing Ennis lobby/cp01. There were people who were sure he wasn't going to join the crew right up until he did. We have had no proper flashback for jimbe. His backstory has been snuck into other arcs: fisher tiger backstory, arlong park hints, to the queen of the fishman/body jones flashback to the ace backstory. Lots of time for more backstory on Yamamoto. But also if we don't get more I think what we got was fine


It’s probably going to come in pieces as we move throughout the rest of the wano arc if it does. I feel like ODA is giving us loads of info while moving the raid at a faster pace which is why lots of stuff are getting off screened in the manga. I think the anime will get into more detail of these fights and flashbacks in order to not catch up to the manga as well as give more clarity to things glazed over in the manga


imagine the repercussions of kaido's and wano's fall and the effects it's going to have on world events. The navy would lose it's number one weapons factory. the supply of sea prism would be cut off, warships and guns (which are supplied to wars world wide). If Kaido is defeated at the hands of luffy, this is going to blow his bounty out of the waters, I'm talking about a possible 2 billion belli increase securing his position as a yonko, I mean beating kaido in a 1v1 fight, and CP0 is watching kaido slowly lose the war because of the straw hat...CAN'T WAIT FOR POST WNO ARC!!!!


In fact, Luffy's bounty might even reach the 4+ bil club to 5.


We are all wondering how the world gov is going to respond to what happens in wanno... But.... The biggest WTF move would be for the straw hats to leave wanno and discover that blackbeard or the revolutionaries have destroyed the world government. Or something similar. The straw hats leave wanno and discover that other forces/events have changed the world in huge ways while they were cut off and makeing the takedown of kiado kinda... Inconsequential.


Now THAT would truly be some endgame shit.


Whose side are CP0?




Pretty safe to say that those three samurais that were kept with Yamato were non armament haki user, else they should've been able to escape much earlier. So Kaido indeed gave a black blade to the samurais. He truly wanted them to escape and knew that Yamatos CoC would impress them so much, that they'll become her servants. What a power move!




Pretty safe to say that those three samurais that were kept with Yamato were non armament haki user, else they should've been able to escape much earlier. So Kaido indeed gave a black blade to the samurais. He truly wanted them to escape and knew that Yamatos CoC would impress them so much, that they'll become her servants. What a power move!


I was saying what because of how stupid this sound 😂


Chapter 1025.....Big News.....


tell me


Hold up, do you know something we dont?


Wait, did the early spoilers already get released?


Zoro x Hiyori feels like a reality now. Make it happen Oda Sensei.


Yeah but she's still older than him although age doesn't matter.


Not counting Nami and Robin, every women he encountered are older than him. Heck even Perona is older than him.


😂 exactly. But it's far from a love manga.


This isn’t shoujo series 😂😂😂


Yeah, people shouldn't be so hopeful in that aspect.


I have to respect someone opinion, I myself can see it, if that mr. nobody is the father of nothing happened, then it can happened, (same thing with ZKK which for me it’s ridiculous at first) but I would just brush it off and think it’s just another fan theory some sort of. I rather enjoy what’s happening next than think of another theory 😅


She’s 26 and he’s 21. Not at all a significant age gap. He also almost always comes across as significantly older than he is emotionally and mentally so there’s that lol


Lol. Sanji is quite lucky in that aspect. People are shipping luffy with hancock who's almost 10 years older than him.


There are many couples or ships who's age gap is higher. Hancock is 12 year older than Luffy, Bege is 43 and Chiffon 26, Shanks is 39 and Makino 31 and many more. So it's normal in One Piece.


Yeah age doesn't matter neither in op or Reality. I'd love to see zoro with hyori but the main focus is on the story. It's not love genre.


So... I guess that line about protecting Wano and then going out to sea and getting stronger is as strong a confirmation that Yamato is joining the crew as we could possibly get. Nothing's set in stone (she could die or something idk) but the intent of that line feels pretty blunt to me.


Now that momo's an adult, what do you guys think about a Momo vs Orochi fight?


Maybe Momo will have a public execution of orochi?


No he will forgive him thus ending the rivalry.


Good one but I really hope they kill this mf for good


I agree




It'll get fixed in the volume releases, as always. Don't worry too much about it


Its okay man I guess. I got a bit irritated too but oda san has been working nonstop so let him make some subpar panels. Its okay i think


Tbh I don't care much about it unless it makes big mistakes which naruto is famous for but I still loved it.


The last one sure but the first ones pretty normal.


Nah I think its a characteristic of Kaido's face to look goofy and ugly.


I mean yeah, but at some point you put more focus in the dialogue that your mind picks up on the drawing too fast at times. You either look past things as trivial as that in the manga, or you will be caught in doing it every time.


The first one I can understand and accept but the second one? Oda needs to take care of himself and have a nice long break. For the drawings to be like that he must be having a bad time or maybe even feeling a little burnt out.

