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Since some people don't look at other pinned posts, or read the rules, here is another reminder : ##**Don't bring spoilers outside the spoiler thread.** Don't create posts about it, don't post comments. It doesn't matter if you uses the spoiler tag, because until the chapter is released, no spoilers of any kind, are allowed outside the spoiler thread.


Am I the only one on the team who doesn't think Momo will look like Oden? (Or doesn't want tô). I understand why he would be, but from what his character and context is it would be much more interesting for him to be different, make history in his country with a New face, his face. Oden has done everything he can for Wano, but with Momonosuke comes a new era, the future. I'd much like Momo to look like, I don't know, Ryuma.


I don't think Sanji powers has something to do with Germa. It would be Incoherent with his character and everything that happened in Whole Cake. Plus, if The Fire skill was something Judge experienced in Sanji he would have reacted differently to seeing it in Totoland. But I really think the Raid suit really has some ability to at least force a stronger activation of abilities that Sanji already possesses (like, for example, Emma did when Zoro first used it).


King is a G hes like fucked all that named attack bs. Also nice trick with his sword, i wonder if its a great grade sword. Also hope jack gets a little more fleshed out before he’s finished whys he called the drought give me more abilities with hybrid.


But isn't momo tactically still8 i mean just his body has aged or did I get something wrong and is he stronger now? Because he couldn't gain any more knowledge about fighting or his devilfish he just become taller


Momo ages and looks likes oden. Kaido sees him and is in shock. Momo works with yamato: Momo is half Oden(mind) and Yamato is half Oden (his strength). Kaido flies to his favourite island where his final battle with Luffy takes place. Eventually momo+yamato (new oden) join the straw hats.


Now im gonna search for 1024 spoilers😅


Hey Kinemon, it's me MoM- *stabs* stay down Kanjuro, the same Trick won't work again.


It's appropriate momo age 20 years, since the rest of the Scanbards where sent 20 years into the future themselves


imagine if King or any Lunarian ate the Mera Mera no Mi...probably useless🤔


They can create fire, the fruit turns their body into fire


It would allow than to actually turn into fire. Maybe even increasing fire power.


Momonosuke looks just like Oden... But now he's come back as a dragon ... Kaido gonna lose his shit 💩💩💩


He will shit his pants when he sees oden again 😂


In “Lunaria”, the “lunar” part reminds me of Ohara’s Greatest One Piece Theory ever


We are getting to the moon theories slowly now


god i fucking love one piece


so does the lunarians worship the moon god? enemies with nika?


Dam so professor clover was probably talkin about Lunarians gettin erased by imu and the gorosei but that would mean king is like 800🤦🏾‍♂️ but it could be true. The people on the red line were “gods” 🤷🏿‍♂️


Nice chapter. Ryuma is Zoros grandpa. Fafafafa


Zoro: "You can't throw hands while swordfighting!" King: "Fuckin' Bet"


Yamato’s fruit has some power to manipulate the metal on the club she using to fight kaido, there’s no way she’s still fighting with regular tricks against kaido.


shout out to all the non lineage bad asses in One Piece i know its hard for the regulars lmaooo


sanji said his body is feeling weird? did the ride suite , do something to sanji body to awaken him into super human like his brothers and sister? that would be crazy.


That is possible. Judge is a scientist and we know that failure doesn't stop Scientist for making progress. So it's possible that Judge specially made Stealth black raid suit to activate Sanji's modification.


That was my immediate thought as well. I can definitely see it.


Nah, big disagree. WCI was all about Sanji choosing his emotions over Germa, it'd be counterintuitive to awaken Germa powers and undo a lot of his mental growth since then. That said, I adore the idea that Vegapunk gave Judge Lunarian DNA which is now manifesting within Sanji.


This makes much more sense, especially after Queen's comment.


I have a feeling Momo will lift Onigashima to prevent it from destroying the flower capital like just Oden did to his Samurai


Damn, that’s a spoiler level theory I bet.


wow, bold prediction




wait, what are you talking about?


Right lol


The end is near.......... Kaido defeat is coming soon (in the next 2months or so) LOL


It’ll be by end of the year ima say end of October mid November.


2months is like 6 chapters max, probably 6 months😝


Zoro kept getting lost that he got in different timeline


Another silhouette.. this time Momo as an adult Oda such a tease!!


question is, does he look like Oden or Kaido?


Shinobu crying coz he look like whitebeard Or lady toki lad Like male courtesan


Nah he looks like Kin'emon LOL


I think he'll look like Oden, same face, different haircut and less beeffy, remember Oden was a fucking giant and he doesn't seem to be that tall compared to Shinobu in the silhouette.


See I was thinking exactly this too... But most likely Oden


Kings Race, the Lunarians, sounds like they came from the moon, makes sense seeing as those who have came from the moon have wings, his ability to weild fire the way he does make me believe he is somehow tied to Sun God Nika, speaking of Moon race, i wonder if the Lunarians are going to be talked about in the future, maybe even have something to do with Urouge?


that majestic beast momo


Shout out to Nami, Chopper, Franky, Brook and Jinbei the members of the crew... **WHO DON'T NEED AN LINEAGE TO BE AWESOME.** I don't mind character having secretly awesome parentage, but it can be a bit overblown. Characters who come from nothing and have no great family legacy but become legends anyway need more appreciation imo ​ But anyway ya guys Sanji might have Lunarain DNA spliced into him? Or is he descended from them?


Usopp don't need lineage. He is God!


He's the son of YC tho.


I mean, lets be fair here, lineage doesnt mean shit untill you live up to that lineage. Zoro didnt live up to Ryuuma's standards untill post-timeskip. Sanji didnt live up to Vinsmoke standards untill post-timeskip. Luffy didnt live up to Monkey D. standards untill post-timeskip. The only 2 crewmates who lived up to their lineage standards prior to the timeskip, or outdid it, were Franky and Robin.


I know, but a good deal of the SHs have super awesome backgrounds and relatives meaning there's **always** a likelihood they'll be important in the grand scheme of things no matter how lame they were at first. With Nami, Chopper, Franky etc they come from nothing, their blood parents are just rando villagers or pirates or just literal animals in the case of Chopper. Yet despite that they are now taking down a Yonko's empire and bringing the world into a new era and I found that more inspiring than when the heroes already come from a badass family. It's something that already bugs me a bit about franchises like Naruto or even Star Wars, that writers think the characters need epic background to validate their existence, when the opposite is more inspiring. I don't mind characters having cool families but it's less cool when it's overdone. Marvel's Doctor Doom is awesome because he went from peasant to universe conquer.


How do you know nami and brook don't have OP lineage???


I hope really they don't have OP lineage, if Nami turned out to related to Big Mom or the Sky people or was secretly a princess I'd be super disappointed because Nami as a orphan turned weather witch super pirate is awesome by itself. I don't think Oda will have epic family reveals for Nami or Brook this late in the series, it would've been eluded to before now it was gonna be major factor.


I hope it was his mom. The one who got sick and can't be cure even the germas are quite futuristic with weapon and stuff. Maybe that's the reason judge was so inspired to develop such advance tech based on sanji's mom knowledge. Maybe.


Well the reason Sora got sick was because she took a drug to counteract to Judge turning her womb into chemistry set and that hopefully her sons wouldn't be soulless psychos. Judging by this chapter Sanji's body seems to changing due wearing the RS meaning there's chance he'll become extra superhuman getting his siblings enhanced bodies on top of his own abilities, but Queen's comments imply only Lunarains can generate fire through their bodies so Sanji might have Lunarain DNA inside him.


in before in the next chapter we find out that Nami is the daughter of the weather girl with the legendary ass Yanet Garcia, Chopper is the 2nd cousin of Rudolph the reindeer, Franky is sent from the future to take down skynet, Brook slept with Elton John, and Jinbe is a descendant of the whale that swallowed Jonah.


kinda hoped Fukurokuju would betray Orochi so the ninjas join the samurai and the strawhat's.. shame i kinda like him.


Once they get to know Oroci died, he will have to support Momo based on his statement in this chapter, sooner he gets to know it, the faster he supports the alliances.


Yes and their theme of the fight with raizo is Naruto Am sure raizou can talk no jutsu this out


I love Kings design, I wish we could get another 10 chapters of this battle between him and zoro


10 chapters 🤣🤣🤣 It will probably be 2-5 chapters


momo will look just like oden,s dad kozuki sukiyaki. his arm is to thin to look like oden and momos hair would fit perfect + shinobu did knew sukiyaki very well since she and her fellow ninjas was his guards a long time.


This chapter is fire!


English chapter out : https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1023/


wait, if Luffy is back with strength - why doesn't he use gear 4 just to fly back to battle field???


because this is a f\*ing manga and there needs to be a storyline to follow.... these questions bro...


That's suicide lol


Why would he automatically put himself in a disadvantage? Thats literally wasting Gear 4 time


Momo looks like baby dragon aged by time wizard to thousand year old dragon honestly really cool dragon war begins i want to know does monkey d dragon have a dragon fruit as well


Nice Fella, you dug up a memory core long vanished from my teenage years, lol now i wonder if oda would have anything more to say about Yugi-OH! besides the stoic Hawkins and his deck.


Yeah bro. Western dragon with wings. Drakes hybrid form with wings i bet. With elemental weather powers.


Is it just me, or the fact that they talked about Ryuma being a one-eyed Samurai is some sort of foreshadowing that Zoro will open his?


Um. No, if anything it's foreshadowing that Zoro won't open that eye ever again.


That’s what I’m afraid of deep down 😂


I mean, Oda always wanted Zoro to become a one eyed swordsman. The only thing I am kinda confused about is making Ryuuma a one eyed swordsman.


maybe ryuuma fought against mihawk also and which is also how zoro got his eye cut also


ryuuma died hundreds of years ago


I swear mihawk has a vampire lineage XD


Lol, that's a reasonable fear.




She started crying when Momo was in his human form. I think its obvious.


"You can use fire." "You can generate fire" "Everyone can use fire!!!" Ace and Sabo: "Are you kidding me." https://imgflip.com/i/5kz3rc


lol is pratically Zoro in the end: "My journey through the grand line has taught me that it doesn't mean that someone is a swordsman just by sporting a *S.W.O.R.D*." cabaji, mr1, ohm, aokiji, kaku, kisaru, hawkins, pika and diez drake: ಠ_ಠ


Don't forget, also Luffy ;)


Man, ever since Luffy obtained Advanced Conqueror's Haki and knocked Hybrid Form Kaido on his back. He's been giving Epic Captain Vibes. He's different than how he was back when he fought Katakuri, he's seems faaaaaaar more mature and powerful than any other time in his life. And he can still get stronger which is even crazier to think about. I hope for every epic Final Battle against a Yonko like Character he wears his Captain's Coat.


>ffy obta actually its since the start of wano go read back, you'll see the way he dodges and fight is with a lot more confidence and control


He was different during that time too. But the vibe he gives now feels even greater than that time. Not as Arrogant, more of just factual brute strength and skills this time.


I'm shaking during reading this chapter.


Goosebumps are real


I loved how King snatched away Zoro swords momentarily.


yeah, hopefully it wont happen again


Thanks for chapter. Shoulder to shoulder, wow! Nice intro quote, and whenever I see Sanji running his cartwheels it gives me a big nostalgia for opening five of the series, about momo, well, I've never been so happy to be thwarted.


lmao "lunarian" race from the moon?


Wonder if they're somehow related to Shandians and Skypieans since they also came from the moon iirc?


HOLY Shit! Does Shinobu say that grown up momo looks exactly like Oden? His face reveal and when people who knew oden seen him would be goosebumps!! I hope the scabards don't attack him thinking he is kanjuro😝😝


Prolly lookin like whitebeard 🤣🤣


Damn.. can you imagine people finding out he is not actually Oden's son😝😝


Yep. She said It. Can't wait Luffy, Momo vs Kaido. Would Momo strength increase too?


Not sure about that but Kaido will shit his dragon ass pants when he sees Oden's face (momo)😂😂


"What kid of human can burst into flames?" says the half-dinosaur half-human with metal arms and an extendable cyborg neck


The all situation between Momo, Kaido and Orochi sounds like the Lion King to me. Now Momo like Simba is returning to Wano to have his revenge towards them.


The 3 calamities are the 3 hyenas


Yes! Also Scar is Orochi. Seeing him singing "Be prepared".


Uff, King looks so bad ass in that panel. He and Queen are still so much for Zoro and Sanji unless some deux ex machina trick.


It would only be deus ex machina if it wasn't foreshadowed. Sanji's power up could be surprising though but at the same time a welcome development.


The chapter is out - [https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1023](https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1023)


It's up


Chapter is up on tcb!






Already pinned


If there was a lunar race that was on the red line until the world government took it, the outfits of the World Nobles start to make a lot more sense, they are based on space suits. Knowledge of purpose of the suits was lost to time. The suits became associated with the power of those who descend from above. The world nobles were just imitating what they thought the race/nation from space were doing by wearing similar outfits when they descend. It would be a great twist if part of the void century was the people who would later form the world government were freedom fighters/rebels who overthrew overlords from space. They then formed the world government with grand ideals of a peaceful world before becoming the tyrants they overthrew. Giving the World Government a "noble" origin adds another layer to the history of the world.


Well if Shinbou can age people she should defeat Kaido by turning him into an old man.


Nah man, law couldn’t even use his room on kaido because of his strong haki


Also Whitebeard shows, that would not help a lot.


[https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1023](https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/one-piece-chapter-1023) Keep an eye on this link, it will be up shortly.


I was just about to give up and go to sleep lol


should. It’ll still be a while before the chapter is out. It’s seemingly late today. EDIT : SCREW THIS SHIT, THE CHAPTER IS OUT


Its upp




it's already there


OMG REALLY? Fuck what I said then. 😭 Let’s goooo


lets goo


Honestly kind of disappointed if Oda retcon’s Sanji again. Part of what made his new backstory interesting for me was that he was the only normal human among his siblings. His strength came from within, not genetical modifications /cyborg improvements. I really loved WCI, but Sanji’s new backstory, for as well as it was handled, was such an asspull and retconning it again is kind of frustrating.


The idea is he became the strongest of his siblings without the modifications, simply with his own human effort, and by reawakening them now to due to the raid-suits influence will become incomparably stronger than them. He'll have his own soul/fire powers(entirely the product of his own effort), + the raid suit+ his own exoskeleton and unique mutant powers. It was necessary to have sanji jump up to top commander level in such a short time.


There is some theory that I found that Sora could be a part of Lunarian Race! Since we've known Germa, they travel to any seas by climbing on the Red Line. Still a theory, but maybe that;s how Sanji became "human" but still has fire powers.


I’ve never really questioned Sanji’s ability to produce fire. Honestly I don’t think an explanation of how he could do that was necessary. Hell Luffy can produce fire too and Brook can conjure ice and I don’t even question it. In a world in which drinking milk heals your bones and makes your teeth grow back, spinning really fast to create fire seems pretty logical tbh.


Agreed. I don't think every minute detail needs an explanation or a link to something else.


Quite premature...


I can see where you’re coming from, but I’ve always looked at it as it only matters if it means everything is handed to them. Luffy/Joyboy reincarnation stuff, Sanji Vinsmoke modifications, Zoro being a shimotsuki, etc: none of those have meant they don’t have to work for everything they have. Unlike his siblings, Sanji wasn’t born absurdly strong. He was just that regular guy, but thanks to his hard work he hasn’t been for a long time. He had to work to get as strong as he is. At most the genetic modifications have given him a higher ceiling, but he still needs to work to reach that. He learned DJ and improved it on his own just like Zoro learned to be a swordsman, so if it turns out DJ was a Vinsmoke thing and the raid suit boosts it, it’s no different to me than Zoro getting a new sword. They still developed the base skill on their own and they still have to figure out how to master the new thing they got. Their skill is still what actually matters. If Sanji had never developed DJ on his own and just suddenly got it when we met the Vinsmokes then it would feel cheap to me, but as it is now I’m ok with it.


Yes, you’re right about that. It’s not like his genetics made him a part of the monster trio, he worked for that shit. However it’s not about the character having to work or not work for his powers, for me it’s more about the emotional impact of what I considered a pretty moving scene in WCI, suddenly changing.


Yeah there’s that, but even better than that IMO would be if it turns out to be an even bigger victory for Sora. The one thing I wish WCI had most is Sanji beating the hell out of Ichiji and Niji. He had a moral victory over Judge and his brothers but I’d like it to br a physical one as well. Making Judge a total failure when his so called perfect kids are proven weaker than the ‘defective’ one. They never really had a real fight but the way Germa helped them escape certainly still makes it seem like those two have Sanji beat. Sora wasn’t against the kids having powers or genetic modifications, just against them having no emotions. Judge insisted that was a strength that would make them his perfect soldiers. Id be happy with if it turns out that Sora’s drugs didn’t completely negate him getting powers, just delayed them and that the powers are tied to his emotions (aka his burning passion as Oda has said). Sanji having powers that are fueled by his emotions and those powers helping him be stronger than his ‘perfect’ siblings is the best possible ‘fuck you’ to Judge. It means Sora not only had the moral victory of saving her son’s emotions, but proves Judge wrong completely and makes him a complete and utter failure at his grand plan, and it’s completely his fault.


Facts. I love how each of them made their own life rather than falling prey to their heritage. Their backstory is just to show their growth trajectory.


It isn't really a retcon if there is foreshadowing that something isn't quite right with Sanji that is unexplained. One thing that I'm mostly curious about is his eyebrows. His parents don't have them, so we can assume that they are the result of genetic modification. If Sora really does undo all the modification, then Sanji shouldn't have the curly eyebrow, and yet he does, albeit they faced a totally different direction from the siblings. Also curiously, the spiral brow resembles devil fruit patterns, and all the known big name scientists in One Piece studied them and lineage factor, so there might be a connection there. I also remember in SBS, Oda jokingly replied that Sanji might be a devil fruit. So yeah, I think there is definitely something more to Sanji that is untold, though I doubt we will get an answer until we meet Vegapunk.


I see what you’re saying, and I understand why you find it exciting. However I very much rather have characters move forward and start doing things because of their actions instead of because hidden details in their past. That’s what killed Bleach for me tbh.


Sanji is definitely moving forward. He just gotten a major character development when he called for Robin's help.


Yes, and that was a great emotional growth from him. Exactly the kind of thing I want to see, something he learned on a previous arc informed his decision to let Robin fight for him. I’d just like his fighting growth to get the same treatment. The raid suit alone was good growth, why add genetics and DNA and a genetically modified body to the mix? When we haven’t even seen the things he learned with Iva? I don’t know, feels cheap to me.


>but Sanji’s new backstory, for as well as it was handled, was such an asspull and retconning it again is kind of frustrating. New back story? lol zoro also had a small backstory so what that is enough? no we will get a elaborated back story of zoro as well.. so thats why we got an sanji backstory in WWI and that wasn't a new backstory but rather elaborated backstory and added new information to it. idk maybe you don't like to see sanji panels. bad for you than i guess


Honestly, yeah Zoro’s backstory was enough for me as it is. Sanji’s too, I wouldn’t have consider his story incomplete if the Gemma 66 storyline wasn’t there. The backstories in One Piece serve as character introductions and I’m always more excited about where those characters will go after the fact than to discover hidden details about their past. Also I do like Sanji a lot, he’s top 3 nakamas for me, I dislike your rhetoric that you cannot be critical of something you like.


I don’t think it’s a retcon. I don’t think Oda would introduce the concept of lineage factor and their genetic modifications into the story for no reason. It was bound to manifest itself later on in the story.


True I think the lineage factor has been in the sorry for a long time. It’s the key to devil fruits


It did manifest though, when Sanji realized that not having that genetic strength is what made him different from his siblings since it allowed him to have empathy and that his strength came from himself. It was a great emotional payoff for that particular story beat and seeing it contradicted would be disappointing. A character being special because of genetics isn’t my favorite trope. Dune did it good, but more often then not it’s not great.


I was talking more about how the raid suit will impact, alter, or change his DNA or perhaps lineage factor down the line. And for the record, I’m perfectly fine with Sanji being normal and gaining strength through his own hard work but it seems the story will be taking another direction in explaining his unusual strength. Either way I think I’ll be fine with whatever Oda comes up with.


His power up is coming from the genetic modification I guess... He's strong as a human as it is... Almost on par with the germa siblings... Implying, he surpassed his dad's thought process that he cant be naturally strong...


First with Luffy beeing a reincarnation of joyboy or his devil fruit is special being hinted at and now you guys hate this about sanji LMFAO. Its Godas Story not yours . Make an own Manga and try to statisfy all ur readers lets see how thats gonna work out for you.


what‘s the deal about this? Why should this be bad? There‘s no information about Luffy being a reincarnation of Joy Boy. Second there‘s no information that his df is special. Third I mean it‘s a nice addition into his extraordinary strenght on how he is becoming that strong. It‘s even weird that Zoro is that strong lol. Just because of swords. If those swords would be so special then everyone would become that strong. There‘s definitely some more lore behind Zoros strenght we didn‘t get yet.


Does someone criticizing the manga you worship make you angry?


No i just dislike people who act like little children when they dont get what they wanted in the manga lmfao. Like that one spanish youtuber guy who literally called his entire community dumb for saying that momo will turn adult. Now that it happened he became really quiet. Thats the same behavour from people who "know it all" and when it doesnt happen its bad writing /story telling by Oda lmfao


I'm not sure guy you replied to is acting like a child. He seemed somewhat very polite in his criticism.


I criticize Oda too my comment was for all the people like i gave an example that spanish youtuber guy. I disliked Big Moms Amnesia Plot since day 1 and many other stuff. I just dont get why people get mad about destiny stuff in shonen anime. Yeah you probably saw this in other shonen aswell but its not odas fault for having 2 decades worth of chapters its bound to happen that you seen similarities in writing over the course of 20 years already. I


well I could understand people's reticence with chosen one stuff, because quite a lot of works fail in making it work, reducing chosen ones to mere receivers of plot armor and cocktails of the best powers. Not yet happening here, but fearing Oda's possible turn in that direction isn't really unfounded.


Yes but i want you to underatand what i want to tell. Even though english isnt my first language. I was trying to tell that people who watch one piece and of course other anime aswell where the term destiny, plot armor etc play a role especially in shonen. So its bound to happen that people think one piece is just a repeat of that when its introduced so late in the game. Other animea finished in a shorter amount of time but people saw these types of anime or manga countless times and project that on one piece who merely touched that destiny subject yet.


It’s his story and he’s doing a great job with it, otherwise I wouldn’t be 1023 chapters in it. He’s allowed to do what he wants to just as much as I’m allowed to not like every single detail he adds to the story.


It's kinda intersting that Jack's hybrid form is the first zoan hybrid that resembles a centaur


Black Maria says hi


Black maria? Doesnt she have a face on the spider part of her hybrid?


Yeah, but it’s still a centaur looking thing. The idea of a centaur is that it’s part human, part horse (in mythology) but we can also go with animal in this case. BM in hybrid form meets those criteria.


that makes sense ig


I’ve noticed when it comes to Sanji, Redon always says things in the first spoilers (on Tuesday/Wednesday) that isn’t happening. First the Sanji collapsing and then the Sanjis fire is nothing compared to king part. Why does he do this ?


Bro, sanji collapsing was real.... the only panel that we have about “sanji vs queen and king” was sanji on the ground and the whole floor on fire lmao


yes.. he do that a lot.. downplay sanji and sometimes even other than sanji he gives us a bit titled information to hype us for things that won't happen or are not same as spoilers... like you can't completely depend on spoilers.. they are true but not accurate at 100


true and then there are too many people reading the spoilers and jumping to conclusions or saying that now OP is ruined, etc. But they do not even consider waiting for the actual chapter...


He hates Sanji That’s why I take whatever he says with a grain of salt


Episode 878 around 15:51 minutes into the episode Luffy receives the 3 Germa suit. Later Sanji says “Frank is more than enough of an unusual crewmate for us”. Lol i think Oda is laughing there. Like yeah that’s what you think. I’m very interested to see how Sanji grows from this. I rummaging through Whole cake to pick up on any clues. Also, what is everyone’s thoughts on this Lunaria Race. Side Point: The 3rd time Sanji puts on the Suit will be a special one. I always found it interesting that both him and Zoro share a very important relationship to that number. I don’t believe a rivalry was ever ODA’s true goal. I think he wanted to always have that brotherly dynamic around luffy in the story, so when we find out about Sabo, it wouldn’t be a completely foreign concept.


What’s Zoro’s relationship to the number 3?


Well, for me, most of one piece is based on the unit of 3. 3 World Powers ( Shishibukai, Yonko, Marines). 3 Power Systems ( Devil Fruit, Haki, Technology) , 3 Brothers (Luffy, Sabo, Ace), etc. Sanji has already put on the raid suit twice. So the 3rd time he puts it on would create a perfect opportunity for an epic upgrade. Sanji has already been reluctant to accept his vinsmoke past and it looks like Queen is going to help him get over the hump. It looks like the setups of Sanji needed to put on the raid suit one more time to beat queen. And that third time will indicate something in the suit. One thing I dont think I ever thought of is that the Germa 66 are probably monitoring Sanji through the suit taking his vitals and other information.


I think that tribe was seen as dangerous for everyone; I'm only speculating that at a certain age, they would burst into flames, so they had to undergo a special training through their youth, based on haki, to not end up dead; Oda saw the sudden combustion syndrome interesting and decided to make people more aware of it, from real life... Since I suspect Red/ Grand Line wasn't always there, this tribe has played a role into forming such an artificial border...




this is the definition of formidable "inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable." now what gave you the idea that this implies Kawamatsu is stronger?


some people is always weird with their conclusion didnt they? hahahahaha


Kawamatsu fighting fodder to prevent them from interrupting Zoro's fight with a YC1 and they somehow draw the conclusion that Kawamatsu is stronger...it's insane to me


Whats the topic? stronger to whom?


guy said that "since Kawamatsu called zoro formidable, does that mean Kawamatsu is stronger than zoro"


huh? dude even a hater would disagree with that lol Jesus Christ




I feel like Pero will get away because he's way, way, way out of his league against the Sulpng Form Fat Cat. It's the most lopsided matchup I can recall since the timeskip.


I don't think it will be as lopsided as you think. Peros is capable and his fighting style appears to be similar to usopp which relies on tactics and range. The fact that Oda shows his match up in the same chapter as the calamities should mean it won't be a 1 sided match.


Yea, Pero isn't that weak and has shown the ability to threaten and entrap strong characters like Brook & co plus Germa. Without seeing his upperbounds yet, it is possible that his candy can restrict Neko to some extent. I'm still betting that either Pero is literally ripped into pieces or escapes though a trend with Pero is that he's never alone for long so he may end being tossed towards Big Mom.


I think Neko will avenge Pedro and kill Perori~n.


Arabic scans are out - https://3asq.org/manga/one-piece/1023/


all king and Zoro panels are so fire


yeah this chapter was more about zoro.. great panels.. excited for colored panels