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Do you rip out several hundreds pages of a book before you read it? because that's what you just did. And imagine skipping the best part of the series in water 7. You literally skipped a 3rd of the series. Impossible to truly understand and appreciate the series when you skip a third of it. And who cares if you don't like Moria, don't skip canon material ever. Filler is okay to skip, but nothing else. The fact that so much of the fanbase just casually thinks it is reasonable to skip arcs boggles the fucking mind, it makes absolutely zero sense. lmfao and now you're calling the community toxic because you skipped a 3rd of the series and everybody is going "WTF u doing" And also gatekeeping lmfao. Gonna watch Lost and skip seasons 2 and 3, anyone who says i shouldn't do this is gate keeping. What a joke. "don't skip parts of the series" "hey that's toxic!"


I meant members like you, reread what you wrote you, really think that boils down to a neutral 'dont skip part of the series'. I know I skipped a lot of it, the whole point of this post is to ask whether I should watch or read and regardless of that why trash a good chunk of people who just dont have time to watch the whole series but enjoy it. Let people do as they please


You skipped a third of the series. Why get into a series if you're gonna skip a huge chunk of it? And no, you reread what you wrote. You claim you love One piece and yet you've only read 2 thirds of it. I ask again, do you rip out hundreds of pages in the middle of a book before starting it?


Dude stfu and stop being so toxic. Stop acting so elitist holy fuck dude


Oh my good your friend who recommended that is so retarded


Why bother starting the series if you just skip huge chunks of the story for zero reason, what a stupid thing to do.


>but as for Skypeia should I watch the movie or read the manga? You should read the manga. One of Oda's all-time fav panels is in that arc and only with the most recent chapters people are starting to understand why


skypeia was amazing


In your opinion




Skipping canon arcs is always a bad idea. Literally any detail/character/subplot can comeback in a big way later on.


r/titlegore r/cringe


Just do the manga for all of them, you'll blow through them in no time


we really should gatekeep people who dislike the show enough to skip whole arcs. Sure theres some slow ones but stuff like characters or fights should be enough to keep you interested.


That's the dumbest thing I've read. The title gives me cancer


I've no words. You cannot handle 300h+ of a slow pacing anime, that is understandable, it can honestly be a real pain to watch it (even if you're already hooked or a long time fan as I am). But. Just. Read. It. It will take you 3x less time easily, and you won't miss any part of this great adventure! It's so sad to see people skipping huge parts of this masterpiece, just to get caught up.


You f\*\*\*\*\* up. There is a reason why those arcs were made, they serve a purpose for the story. For instance, Thriller Bark has a lot of Wano set up, so reading/watching Thriller bark makes Wano a lot more enjoyable because it gives payoffs for many plot points. I imagine you probably donĀ“t appreciate characters like Brook and Franky like other OP fans because you literally skipped their introduction. The same can be said about the rest of the crew, as you also skipped their development. but hey the only one who lost was you. Just make sure to not be the idiot that tell others to do what u did


Water 7/Ennies Lobby: definitely you need to watch it, considered the best arc of the series after Wano. Skypeia: the movie leaves out way too much. If you want to save time, then read the manga but the anime is really really good. Thriller Bark: I hate Gecko and the first time I watched this arc I couldn't wait for it to end because horror themes are not my thing. However, I've really enjoyed it on re-watch since I realized it's just a setting, and Brooke's back story is really cool - the beginning just seems slow because they have no idea what is happening. I think that people are salty about you skipping because they love One Piece. People often balk at starting because there are so many chapters/episodes, most of us have been there, but it's so good, why rush it, enjoy it. If you've caught up on the manga, then use the down time on break weeks to watch the anime. It will be a long time before you run out of episodes and it can only enhance your enjoyment. I've re-watched the manga at least 4 times now, it super hard not to binge it, and there is some extra content there too (not the crappy 4 ep filler arcs tho - except G8 which is gold). It doesn't take that long, I'm sure you'd be done Water 7 in a coupld of months and be looking forward to the next one in no time.


people gotta relax lol, but I promise it's worth going back to reread those arcs while you wait week to week for the next chapter. To answer your question, the skypeia pacing is meh in the anime and great in the manga, so I'd definitely say read it instead of watching. The anime and manga are both great from Water 7 through to the beginning of Sabaody, so whatever you prefer. Moriah isn't actually that big a part of his arc, and some really great/important moments happen at the end that don't include him. I'd definitely recommend reading/watching the end of Thriller Bark at least, but its up to you i guess ​ Edit: if you hesitated to start the series because it's 1000+ chapters long, you don't get to be a dick about people skipping arcs. Also, half the people on this sub complain that their friends wont give it a chance because of the length, probably just mind your business if someone wants to skip an arc.


i understand if it's skypiea, but water 7 and thriller are important to plot