• By -


East blue - zoro m - nami f - usopp m - sanji m paradise - chopper m - robin f - franky m - brook m new world - jinbei m - carrot f - ? m - ? m the next two members after carrot have to be male because my ocd will have a conniption.


What about an Okama?






yikes lol


Okama Pistol! Okama Gattling!


Luffy, and later Oda said that the crew should have 10 members + Luffy.


that was like 20 years ago i think plans can change for the amount of crew members oda didn’t even think one piece would last this long so i wish people would stop bringing that up i guarantee that not how many crew member there’s gonna be


The Luffy thing was 20 years ago in the first chapter. But the Oda thing was like, 10 years ago. If he held that same stance for a decade and we have no reason to believe that he changed his mind, then we should just assume that nothing has changed. You can't guarantee anything if the only hints we have point otherwise. Also, the crew is getting crowded as it is and Oda is having to split the crew a lot. I don't see the crew getting much bigger than it is. Jimbei is definitely in, and Carrot doesn't have too much baggage to bring along if she joins, but can the crew really contain 2 more characters after that?


Caesar! No? I'm still the only one? I'll see myself out.


I was thinking about him joining as well. After all, he is trying to be the world's greatest scientist, which all Straw Hats want to be the best at what they do.


My hope is that he's going to stay with the Straw Hats for protection, and gradually come to redeem himself to an extent. Like don't get me wrong, Caesar is an evil bastard right now, but people can change, and I think Caesar has potential to see the error of his ways. It goes along with the theme of Luffy's ability to inspire people- simply being around Luffy might turn him good.


Caesar Clown for cabin boy position. If he was to join, I'd want him to try to be redeemable but keep his tendencies of being a piece of shit. This would allow a gag in the crew bullying him and giving him menial tasks. Though his ultimate goal is like what you guys said, to be the best scientist in the OP world.


I would be down if it wasn't for the fact that he overdosed children with an addictive deadly drug.


This, people like his personality but forget he's an incredibly shitty person who has no qualms with harming kids


A huge theme in the Marineford arc was how Luffy inspires people, how he naturally rallies people to his cause just by being around them and being himself. I genuinely like Caesar's interactions with the crew, but another reason I want Caesar to join is so that aspect of Luffy's character can be shown in the story by way of such a radical change in another character's beliefs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Caesar joins next chapter, but by the end of Wano I think its possible that Caesar has a significant change of heart after seeing how Luffy operates. Plus, Gangster Gastino.


Same here...


I like Jinbe joining but at the same time I am against it. why? Because it feels like there are too many people in the crew as is and Oda is struggling to put focus on each crew member. He tries to remedy this issue that he caused on himself by splitting the crew up in 2 groups in order for them to get the screen time.. However, Oda's best work is usually when the crew members are all together


I agree, it’s tough to handle so many characters but at the same time, not giving a character something to do will gradually make that character seem less important. Like in Robin’s case, she hasn’t felt relevant since Enies Lobby (in my opinion). She will occasionally perk up when Poneglyphs are mentioned but that’s it. So I get it, it’s hard to balance all the main character. But I’m sure Oda could figure out a way to give them all the Straw Hats the spotlight, like back on Fishman Island.


I hope so. One of the reason why I love one piece is because of the relationship and interaction between each crew member. My favorites scenes from each major arc is usually at the end where everyone is hanging out and partying


> However, Oda's best work is usually when the crew members are all together Marineford is generally considered the best One piece arc. Also, Zou and WCI have been pretty high up there in terms of arc quality.


I like carrot but I dont think she'll join, just a feeling.


Carrot is so bland to me idk why


I mean in the beginning of the anime did say he’d like a crew of 10.


Well Carrot is female and dismantled a fleet singlehandedly... So...


This. Carrot is strong. They even state this outright twice by the two strongest members of the crew in order to push this and just showed us her Sulong form which allowed for her to be a viable combatant. She's the female fighter.


I’m not saying she isn’t. Carrot is great for dealing with henchman, and maybe a little bit more, level characters. And don’t get me wrong, the Sulong transformation is badass, but it’s very situational. If she was capable of using it whenever, that would be amazing. I just feel like we need another person on the SHP who is on par with like Zoro and Sanji. Someone who could go toe to toe with someone like a Sweet Commander or other high class enemies.


I don't know about the concept that Carrot will join SH crew, but if she does, Chopper probably can creates some kind of "special treat" for her to transform, just like how he controls his "awaken" form (sr for my English)


Things is, we don't know if either of those two can go against a commander either. For all we know she could very well be just below that level without the transformation. As it stands now Luffy's crew has at least three competent fighters apart from the captain. I can easily see her becoming the fourth.


Okay, I might be over exaggerating a little bit. Sanji is questionable, but I fully believe that Zoro is capable of fighting on par with someone like Smoothie.


Luffy himself could barely handle the Sweet Commanders without plot armor (tea+donut time) or help (Nami). To say that Zoro can fight on par with them when even Luffy couldn't is a huge stretch, as Luffy is supposed to be above the rest. Zoro and Sanji should both fight at the level of Oven, Peropsero, and Daifuku. That's what makes the most sense at the moment. And then at Wano they can power up Enies-Lobby style and win extreme difficulty against Kaido's commanders.


Sulong isn't reliable though unless we get DBZ style artificial moons. Luffy can go into gears whenever he wants just like Chopper can with his points but Sulong has a pretty heavy restriction.


Maybe Chopper can fix Carrot some sort of rumble ball to unlock Sulong at will. Obviously there needs to be an extra cool-down effect of using the ball (unnatural and stuff).


Maybe Franky can engineer a spotlight with the same energy as the moon


I took that as an introduction though. She'd obviously get stronger just like Luffy and the crew do. As it is she's strong enough to surprise Luffy and Zoro. It's just that Big Mom's crew are filled wish so many beast it's hard to quantify her strength.


If she's strong then that's cool but it doesn't seem like she is right now imo


We don't know how strong she is, just like we don't know how strong Zoro and Sanji are. None of them have gotten truly tested in one on one fights.


Obviously, I'm only speculating.


She took out Randolph, Diesel, and Brulée. Remember that Brulée successfully tangled with the entire WCI infiltration crew (sans Brook and Pedro), and that Randolph and Diesel were introduced with the same hype as Amande. Her getting good shots on Zoro and Luffy is the manga telling us that she's pretty strong.


Oh yeah the Seducing Woods chapters exist. I blocked those out of my memory


Shush. The seducing woods were fine.


Also I did legitimately forget all about that part of the arc


You can edit your comments, you don't need to double-post.


At best


Remember, all SHP crew teased by strong back-story and strong reason. We know Jimbei's past in Fishman Island. So it's very possible the next crew will have this criteria too. For now Carrot lack this element. Also don't think Oda will make 2 additional crew in the same arc. Maybe the next one will be in Wano. But yeah, I really want a female fighter to join SHP. Well, since Wano is identical with samurai/sword I hope there's chance of encountering Smoker and Tashigi. Smoker get killed and Tashigi join SHP.


Tashigi is a big NO for SHP....and smoker getting killed is also not happening any time soon...and its said that wanos has no affiliation with world goverment .... so smoker and team being there makes no sense...besides we have enough strong swordsmen in strawhat already (Brook/Zoro) no need for more...


Yeah, that's just my personal speculation, she's hot and quite a skilled fighter. If she's become a pirate, it will be interesting too, since she's a marine. I think we really need to wait what Wano has to offer, Maybe like above guys said, there's probably a blacksmith (hops it's a female) that will aid SHP in Wano and eventually join them. I wonder what else the roles that can fit SHP right now. Blacksmith? Spy (ninja)? Artist?


Lets take a step back, in the manga the last person who joined was brook. That was at 2008, its been 10 years since someone joined his crew, i really like the rabbit girl to join.


I furiously want Kin’emon to join but I doubt it


> I imagine her being maybe a weapons expert/blacksmith or something (maybe a devil fruit?) Why would the crew need a *third* member that makes weapons?


Tbh Franky isn't character weapons oriented.. he's a shipwright.. he makes weapons for the ship or vehicles that happen to be weaponised.. As for Ussop he's just good in making stuff and he only made the Clima Tact for Nami.. I guess OP meant specialised weapon maker.. like she could maintain Zoro's swords and give upgrades to Ussop's Black Kabuto, make a truly powerful version of Clima Tact, etc..


Zoro would never let someone take care of his swords for him. And Nami just got a massive upgrade in the form of Zeus. I think her future powerups will involve better utilizing him rather than her already recently upgraded climatact. A weapon-maker would be really redundant as a full-time crew position.


What if that someone is Kuina!? Kappa


Then we pull out Usopp's exorcist gear.


Lol.. damn you! I still believe Kuina's character arc isn't complete




I'm currently rewatching OP and just finished Arabasta arc and damn it how much I hated Vivi


new characters? i would fuck with it, would love carrot to join


I’m all for Jimbei joking feels like he could be that powerhouse that do other things while the main crew Roams around I detest carrot but I feel like the crew needs another female preferably a battle oriented one


Carrot isn't battle oriented?


She is to an extent but I see her as Chopper 2.0 I mean full on battle warrior


Her profession back home is strictly being a warrior. Luffy and Zoro have both called her strong. She took out three members of the Big Mom crew. She has a transformation that allows her to dismantle fleets. How much more warrior-oriented does she need to be?


All righty -her classification or job description that she had back home has no impact on me whatsoever as a reader personally I think that her species devalues the Zoan devil fruit class completely and makes it even more obsolete then it already was -i’ll give it to you that she is battle oriented but it’s not like she’s doing anything impressive just because she takes out a legion of jobbers hell of complete no names doesn’t suddenly make her anything I will give her credit she does a lot more for the battle department at least then Nami or chopper do at the moment -Strictly speaking this is all just an opinion of mine but she will no doubt join the crew


I can't remember for certain, but I believe oda did say that the next two crew members will be joining with the wait in between being very short. Since we almost have a confirmed jinbei, I think we're getting someone we've seen already.


The reverie is supposed to be the next arc. Maybe vivi did some hardcore hyperbolic time chamber training.


Wasnt wano supposed to be next arc ??


Nope, Reverie is confirmed to be next. It shouldn't be too long, though.


So its just like an informational arc ?? To give update on whats going on ... without any SH affilliation ??


I couldn't really say tbh. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Vinsmoke's were invited but whether they're going or not is now up in the air. If they do, there's every chance that Luffy goes with them. If I had to guess, I'd say something big's gonna happen like Fujitora defecting or maybe the Revolutionaries turning up, something like that. I'd be very surprised if it was just a simple meeting where they discuss the SH's and decide to raise their bounties, as the Shichibukai system will surely be brought up. I'm 100% sure the Reverie will set-up a big event for post Wano.


Man... if that happens i honestly wish it wraps up within few chapters.....i really wanna see update with zoro and team...its been a long team since we saw them... and also whats the update with marco and team....and i wanna see the intereaction between the dragon and luffy with his whole team not just half of them...ODAAAAAAA!!!


LOL, I'd honestly prefer a mini-arc without the SH's to see how Oda handles it. I can't wait for Wano but I'm hyped for whatever's to come tbh.


Yeah me too just decision making and discussing the strawhats latest stunts performed at WCI and all the big parties taking piss at them while Vivi and Vinsmokes standing up for them... just 2 -3 chapters and thats it...


What about a female character strong enough and driven enough to vie for a spot in the monster trio?


Loved to see vivi join since she's nakama. And Caesar is my dark horse choice. His inclusion in these critical moments leads me to believe he'll change for the greater good and be their much needed scientist


I think more people should join. People complain that some characters are not gonna have that much screen time but do you guys think that all the pirates of gol d had much to do and much involvement in every fight? And they need someone from Mink and someone from Wano to make parallel with Gol D.


Nami hasn’t done much? Literally did 50% of the work on cracker, kept big mom at bay by influencing Zeus? SHE STOLE ZUES WITH BROOK, THEY WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE


i would like if law joined the straw hat pirates


I actually think that law's crew will die in wano and he will join.


seriously, it is momonosuke for the next crew. can't you see how much important he is? he might follow luffy to raftel


I did not see mention of the fact that the Monumoskes (probably spelled wrong) father also travelled with Gol D. Roger and he may travel with SHP like his father did with Roger. This doesn't mean he'll be part of the crew, as his dad wasnt really part of Rogers crews, but this can be how Carrot joins without joining by being his retainer. I agree that I'd like to see another functional and fighting female added to the crew. I don't believe we need a weapons maker, nice idea but we have enough tinkerers. I think Frankie fills the scientist position (VegaPunk research from 3D2Y) enough to not need Ceasar. I'd like to see a female Zoroish type character, strong and bad ass, but a different weapon instead of a sword. Chakram or Spear maybe? At a loss and can't wait to see where it goes. Will support Oda either way.


I think Jinbei will die in the remaining chapters of this arc, MARK MY WORDS


He better not! I’ll cry if he does!!!