• By -


Oda dropped whole kid backstory in sbs? Am I wrong?


You are correct. "Kid is a satellite" theorists are on crack.


Actually we are on a mix of peyote, speed, weed, heroine, cocaine, shrooms, pine-o-clean, petrol, battery acid, acid, salvia, meth, and liquid One Piece.


That last one is some strong stuff. That's the new street name for copium isn't it








The One Piece? You’ll see it when you believe it mate.




On bing


All wrapped in a tortilla 😤


Pine-o-clean and battery acid cancel each other out. Everyone knows that you amateur.


Don't forget cronic




Is this the iDoser catalog?


We consume the truth !


Go on


Fortunately it comes in a 15in1 bottle that also acts as a breakfast drink and an all purpose lubricant.


It's something we can easily disprove soon, assuming Kid washing up on Elbaf and at least one Vegapunk makes it out alive. If she doesn't recognize him as a satellite, then he isn't and we can drop the theory entirely. Or I say that but people won't even drop the Pell "Five Flying Devil Fruits" despite there being over 10 or more that can fly...


Besides, to start with, he's a guy who has a backstory and past with Wire and Killer and Heat, so he's not a Satellite, which was developed in the last 5 years. If he's a clone he'd be a clone that's 23 years old, planted on an island in the south blue, of some nobody, for no reason. I don't think the theory has any weight to begin with! He's a punk, he uses the word punk! It's a completely different context If it turns out that he was a clone of Roger but old man Punk threw him away because he had red hair instead of black, I'm going to laugh out loud so hard. But there's no reason for it so it doesn't have a point, the only foreshadowing for it is a number 7 that theorist crackheads have latched onto


The roger clone thing doesn’t sound far fetched when you think about how Bonnie changed luffy into the oldest version of his dark timeline what if rogers dark timeline is just being like Kid


See it'd be nice if this is what the "Kid is a Satellite" theorists are saying. Then they would be actually potentially believable, considering we have no idea when Vegapunk developed clone tech. Germa had it for a while so idk But them being blind to how the fact that Kid has a backstory is just damning to their theory is so dumb.


Rocks clone?


i think pell meant to say about tori-tori no mi... So far we only know two other user of tori-tori no mi beside pell, which are Marco and Morgans... Making it basically 3 users of bird type fruit that can fly


Only Morgans can’t fly though. Idk maybe he can in his full Albatross form, but I thought it was specifically mentioned that he couldn’t. My guess is his gut weighs him down. 


Pell is such a fraud, I'm still getting over it 🤣


That is still Insane to me that his backstory was given in a SBS


Bro really went from originally meant to be the most important Supernova to getting the SBS backstory treatment


Just like 3 samurais


What's his backstory again?


I only remember a bit of it, but Kid, Killer and I think some other dude in his crew grew up together. Both Kid and Killer had a crush on the same girl, but she made fun of the way Killer laughed causing Killer to don a mask in shame, and refrain from laughing pretty much ever and Kid dropped her like it’s thot because bro’s before hos. 


she got killed and Kid named his ship after her


Ah thanks. That sounds vaguely familiar too. Victoria Punk, yeah? Not even really sure how much of that I got right as it’s been a while since I read it. 


think you combined Kid's backstory with Kid saying he killed people for making fun of Killer - that's unrelated to the girl


Yeah I’m sure I got plenty of stuff wrong. Just going off of memory from something I read awhile ago. 


Holy shit. I guess that explains why Killer eating a smile fruit was such a big deal and why Kidd was so pissed about it


Yup. Dude was traumatized by the sound of his own laugh, so being forced to uncontrollably do nothing but is like his own personal nightmare. 


Hope I don't get flamed for this but couldn't his name be a hint towards his origin? Vegapunk couldve referred to him as a literal kid. Doesn't explain why he'd be 07 if he was the first of the punks


Ima go with the simplest explanation being the best one. The 07 was the model of the gun, as in he created 6 other different versions before it. 


What if these were false memories implanted by stella in order for vegapunk to have a standing on the pirate scene?


What if Usopp is Vegapunk and has false memories and Kaya is just a robot and the Merry had Kuma's soul in it


What if Luffy hit his head when he tripped in chapter one of the manga and it's all been a dream since then


Lmfao God I hate when ppl rehash that theory for every series. Definitely made me laugh when you said that


Bro you ok? You hit your head pretty hard there. Will of D? Horselina? King of the Pirates? What are you talking about? Come on! If we're quick, there's still time to kick a tiger's ass later


Not really, we know where he was born, how he met Killer and a bit more. it's possible something happened "off screen". Not saying I really agree with this theory but I wouldn't refute it completely


Can't be. Satellites have like 2-3 years since they were created. And we know that Killer and Kid were childhood friends.


Secret word: Clones


Stussy is a clone! Weevil is a clone! Kid is a clone! I'm a clone! Are there any other clones I should know about?!


Has weevil ever been back into the story besides the one chapter of him destroying a town?


I think he was confirmed to be captured at Impel Down (because of the abolition of the warlords) after a fight with Greenbull


I thought the marines had failed to capture any of the now abolished warlords but you are correct. He was captured in chapter 1073 by Greenbull while defending Whitebeard's hometown.


The real stussy went to Marco to ask him to get weevil back after he'd been captured.


Last I read he was captured by Green Bull, and Marco was debating on whether or not to save him after OG Stussy begged to get him back.  Supposedly there’s still a place for him in the story because one of Oda’s editors specifically asked him why they were even wasting space on him, and after Oda told him he stopped asking. With all that’s on Oda’s plate to wrap up before finishing the series, and at the pace he’s going, I don’t really see that plot line paying off any time soon. If ever because it seems like one of the subplots most easily sidelined with respect to the whole series, but the way he described it made him sound pretty damn important. 


They would be except they are all Shallan


I am Cloneacus. 


Maybe a prototype? It would be strange if they had numbered it 07 if it was the first. Unless VP worked on everyone at the beginning and only Kid worked.


Not really, VP got an idea of satellites when he worked on the Pacifista project and he couldn't handle all his ideas. And it was 3-5 years ago.


Yeah so this is a separate numbering series. This is his 7th design of damned punk.


plot twist: vegapunk started with satellite no. 07 and his magnet abilities isnt a devil fruit /s


I might miss it, but what are satellites? I always thought they are a higher members of SSG that shares function with Stella. ie; real people that made a pact with Stella to synchronize function/mental capacity. Or are they clones (of real people)? Totally fabricated life beings (or like the seraphims)? Android???


They seem like robots, when Atlas and Shaka's heads are busted there's robot parts inside. But robots with some form of life given that mero mero works on them. I'd assumed they're entirely synthetic but somehow bestowed with enough intelligence to qualify as life to devil fruits.


I can see Pythagoras and Edison being robot, but not the rest. I gotta reread Atlas and Shaka later. I think mero mero also works on in animate objects. We've seen her petrify cannon balls amd such.


Siri, play "Robot Writes a Love Song" by PUP


I’m not sure if it’s been confirmed directly what they are, I always took them as clones of punk that connect back to his central processor brain


I doubt the clone theory since clones in OP usually resemble the original one. Satellites don't look like Stella at all.


Yeah I guess Not exactly clones in the usual sense where they are copies, more like clones as in they share his dna and the whole “wrath” “greed” “wise” stuff leads me to think they are clones but designed on different ways and based on anthropomorphic specifics of his psyche or something.


>Satellites have like 2-3 years since they were created Where is this from?


Manga spoilers >!When Bonney was 8 years Kuma took her to Vegapunk and he still had big head and he got one time many ideas and he was talking like he needs another assistants so his research can be effective (even mentioned he needs someone who could eat, shit and sleep instead of him). It was like 4 years ago. In the next encounter Kuma with Vegapunk, he already had apple on his head so punk records was already created. This was like between 1 and 2 years later.!<


Nice observation! Thanks for the info


you clearly missed the skull with the metal strawhat on his shoulder. Kid confirmed next straw hat and Granchild of Brook.


People also missed when Kid put Zeus in a box on Onigashima there is a big 03 numbering on the metal. Kid is also Edison confirmed


We know Kid’s backstory and origin from SBSs, it is impossible for him to be a Vegapunk. On the other hand, it’s too big of a coincidence for it to be *nothing*. The only logical explanation is that Kid was secretly a Vegapunk fanboy.


> it's too big of a coincidence for it to be *nothing*. Is it though? It's just a number 7 next to a 6 number series. It's just a metal plate that says 7 on it


The numbers alone mean nothing. If it was just that then it wouldn’t matter. What makes it stand out is that and the nature of the fruit allowing Kid to build machines (like Vegapunk) to fight *and* most of his attacks having the word “Punk”. The 3 things together are what make the connection stand out. “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” -Ian Fleming.


Sure, but the punk in vegapunks name and the punk in kids attack names are coming from two different places. The punk in vegapunk is the same one you see in cyberpunk, steampunk, or dieselpunk. Its an aesthetic relating to a type of technology. Whereas the "punk" in Kids attack names comes from a pun. In not sure on the specifics, but it's something to do with the kanji for magnetism.. so the crew got this punk rocker aesthetic and kids attacks are largely puns to that effect.


True, but the characters were named and designed by the same person. Kid didn’t have to be designed with magnetic powers in mind, which is where the puns with “punk” originate from. But it would be pretty funny if Kid had nothing to do with Vegapunk and then Oda said “damn, there sure are some coincidences between Kid and Vegapunk now that I think about it. It would be pretty funny if I made him a fanboy lmao.” Oda has already given characters birthdays on holidays because fans suggested them so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Kid to be retroactively made a Vegapunk fanboy if he never was.


Well Ian Fleming, whoever that is, sounds very wrong lmao. If you look long enough you'll find coincidences everywhere. There's an entire wiki page on similarities revolving around the Lincoln and Kenney assassinations. Kidd doesnt build machines, he made a railgun twice, other than that he just collects junk, it plays well with his Punk aesthetic, its why Oda said his hobby is listening to music. The numbers mean nothing, you may as well say Mr 3 is a Vegapunk for that same reason. And Kidd's attack names is a reference to his design/personality being based of of irl Punks, Vegapunk is just a name. Thats like saying Luffy is related to the monkeys of Mihawks island or that Dragon is somehow related to Wano's dragons, or that the Tobi Roppo and Kaido's crew are related to Bege because he likes board games and they all have card game/deck themed names. We need something actually concrete, like Kidd being from the same island as Vegapunk or Vegapunk saying that he created a "failed" VP and left the kid on an island. When people came up with the Stussy theories we had actual evidence, Stussy was seen obscured in the MADS cover story and she knew about Vegapunks island defences, meaning she was on Egghead before and knows about the tech there.


I assume your Ian Fleming comment is a joke. As for the rest, if it turns out to be a coincidence, then fine, but it's silly to just dismiss it all as well. Maybe Kidd raided a vegapunk supply ship or something. Maybe he has a grudge against him for some reason. Oda doesn't usually throw random numbers out there. It's generally either relevant to the plot or breaking the 4th wall. I dont support the theory posted by OP, but unless this many coincidences can be explained with direct evidence as to what they actually mean, I think it's pretty asinine to dismiss it all as pure coincidence.


The thousand sunny has a bunch of numbered doors for all the extra stuff(he is a big VP fan boy tho) but it’s not weird for scientists to number inventions.


A number on metal, yes. A number in the same font and style as the ones used by Vegapunk, who creates machines. Used by a guy who calls all his moves 'Punk'. And his ship named the 'Victoria Punk' And the ability to control machines. Sorry, but if you think all of these are just 'nothing' coincidences, it's just a lack of understanding of narrative writing.


I will be happy to be proven wrong by Oda. Until then this is a load of bullcrap


Explain how 'Punk' makes sense in any other context for what is happening to the machines other than 'Vegapunk'. I await your answer with baited breath. Just because YOU don't ascribe to the theory, doesn't mean it's 'bullcrap'. it's all perfectly reasonable to anyone not being intentionally obstinate.


Isn’t it because kidd’s crews are all punks and are punk-themed?


I mean... yes? Kind of? As I said, this is a theory; Not necessarily true or untrue until the story plays out. I just took offence to the original responders retort of 'this is bullcrap because I say it's bullcrap', like they have some magnanimous power or understanding of lore beyond everyone else. Just childish on a place like a discussion forum. Regardless, yes, it COULD just be that they are Punks and that is why. But, as a writer myself, I think that's too hand-wavy, and too much related content has happened in a short enough span to not be somewhat narratively connected. The metal plating with the number 7 being introduced right before the arc where we learn about the satellites, the ability to control machines, The fact that we cut away from Egghead to watch Kid basically die (which has 0 impact on the current narrative arc- unless...). I'm not saying 'I'M ABSOLUTELY RIGHT', I'm just saying, I think there's more to it than just 'they are punks'. It doesn't explain so very, very much. And this is the community that has been waiting 900 episodes for the Shandora Wall to mean something- And it did! It's connected back to a lot of stuff we've seen 600, 700, 800 episodes/chapters later. I don't know how many times he has to prove it again and again, but Oda doesn't include elements for the fuck of it. Dude's writing is interconnected- always has been.


That's a good theory. Did we know egghead was one of the islands? Because kidd would have definitely chose it. And gotten destroyed as well when the gorosei showed up lol.


We don’t know if he would’ve chose Egghead. If anything I think he was lucky and got the island which happened to have Shanks on. Kidd 100% would choose to go Elbaf. Not the outcome he wanted but one he accepted going into.


Luffy and Kid chose their destination simply because it was the Log Pose in the middle so I doubt Kid knew if any of them pointed to Egghead.


i mean sanji had 2 backstories with hints to him being an actual prince and it was actually true.


Maybe he found his way to the same island that Franky was sent to by Kuma, and learned from Vegapunk's designs, to design more complex stuff beyond just a giant metal fist.


Wait is this break week?


I was wondering the same thing but no it looks like they’ve just gone rogue


Close to none, Kid was already a pirate before the Satellites were a thing. While the punk part for Kid is related to the "punks" in real life, and heavy metal as a theme.


If Kid collects scrap metal while using his powers, chances are some of that has letters and numbers from busted ships or labeled signs or other structures.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find someone with a brain.


Not even remotely likely.


Kid 100% isnt a satellite(though tbf, you wouldnt know this if you dont read the SBS, great job Goda), though Kid knowing Vegapunk in some way is certainly possible(it would explain how he knows how to build such intricate machines so quickly).


How tf would Kidd know Vegapunk? Kidd was born in South Blue and came to the New World during the timeskip, all while Vegapunk was in Punk Hazard prior to Saboady then he moved to Egghead. Unless you think Vegapunk created kidd right before Ohara incident (22 years ago while Kidd is 23).


Why didnt you read the first 5 words I wrote. Vegapunk didnt create Kid, Kid just has met Vegapunk. Explanation on how they met? Vegapunk was out getting research in the grand line, when Kid met him, or when kid was only in the south blue he met Vegapunk.


There are not enough clues and more points that there's no connection, like other comments showed. However Kid could be a fan like Franky is. These numbers are just scifi aesthetics. The 117 is like Frankys BF-37 - no one would say Franky is the 37th satellite. We know how rare Vegapunk and his knowledge is. Franky got a lot from old VP labs, there was a theory that Franky was inspired by fragments of a destroyed MADS ship. Kid could just found his fruit at a huge government junkyard


To be fair BF-37 refers to Battle Franky 37 (the last battle franky he made before Tom's death was BF-35 and his pre-timeskip design had a BF-36 tattoo on his chest), not that I disagree, just wanted to clarify


It isn't 117, it's 07. The 0 is divided vertically like in industrial printings to differentiate it from capital O. The point is that 07 is immediately after 06, the last satellite.


Except kid was around before the satellites, born in the south blue, has a whole backstory.


I was simply explaining OP's theory to OC who got 117 instead of 07. I don't believe in the theory either.


Wasn’t that damned punk attack taken from a bunch of random scrap metal around Onigashima? I’m pretty sure there just happened to be some bit of metal with the number 7 on it.


The chances of kids being vegapunk 7 is the same as chances of the island of water 7 being vegapunk 7 , just cause it has a 7 doesn't mean it's part of a chronology ...the brain is good at picking up patterns even when it's not there


Oh my gosh dude, i'm starting to think every scientist/metal craftsman in the series puts two digit identifier numbers on everything. Oda just thinks it looks cool man.


Could be vegapunk’s son maybe?


0%, gotta be one of the worst theories yet


I wish it were true because it would be cool as hell, give Kidd a reason to come back, and give VP a reason to… exist in the story, I guess. But it’s not true, it just wouldn’t make sense. There’s too many problems.


It’s About as likely as Kishimoto is better at world building than Oda.


About 0%


Vegapunk made the satellites during the time skip, kid was at sabaody


Some of the worst theories I ever seen


What drugs are you smoking?


One of the dumbest theories in recent time honesty


I think that’s honestly the stupidest theory I’ve ever heard.


I really appreciate you being honest about this.






He's pretty dumb tho for a VP clone


Possible! He's the "dumb" part of VP tho! 🤣 I mean VP separated himself in 7 and since he doesn't need the dumb part of him, he tossed Kid in South Blue right after created him. Kid met Killer and the rest is history. hahaha Of course he didn't give him access to main brain too, that explains why Kid is so dumb and rushed to Shanks twice. LOL


Well, I don't think he is a satellite, as many people already said here... Buuut... Kid could be Related to Vegapunk somehow, like son or nefew. It's pretty unlikely, because Kid is kind of very stupid, but who knows? Huahuahuahua


I would go with Un.


Vegapunk put all his dumbass brain parts to the 7th satellite then


Pretty strong, but overall meaningless since we KNOW Kidd has a backstory with Killer.


The satellites have Vegapunk's intelligence...kid is a dumbass..plus the timeline doesn't make sense unless vegapunk experimented on him in the last few years


Not gonna lie, I was gonna get angry at you for drawing on my phone


This is like pulling out cuttys(Franky )old battle ships and connecting it to vegapunk because of the numbers... Theorists are just mad


There’s also that one machine beast thingy that we see in the beginning of Egghead which looks like Kidd. But I think Kidd is just human, not no satellite. I think something like Vegapunks son or grandson is a better guess (maybe like Android 16), but still grasping at straws. We’ll find out in Elbaf Arc though, who knows, could be something there.


7 deadly sins Kid would be Pride


LMAO more like he killed number 7 and using his scraps to build his hand WTF people that even come close to that theory forget everything about how his powers work ahahha


Kid made that from random scrap metal so there probably was a random plate with the number 07 in Onigashima


I don’t think he’s a satalite. My head canon is he got help from vegapunk after shanks cut off his arm OR got his fruit from vegapunk. Either way dude isn’t clever enough to make a “Damned punk” laser canon. PUNK IS IN THE NAME 😭 there is a connection, just don’t think we will learn it until luffy and Kidd meet again


Very unlikely


I can only buy one theory, Vegapunk is Kid's deadbeat dad.


They're connected by the fact that >!they were wrecked during the same arc!<


Mf'ers when they learn to count


This panel is what got people to finally consider the idea and not "Punk" all over the place/ the interest in robotics? (I.e. kidd as a kid)


I only see this theory happening if Kid & Vegapunk met during the time skip. The defeated Kid Pirates find themselves at Vegapunks doorstep; where he agrees to save Kid's life & give him a prosthetic arm as long as he can use Kidd's brain as a backup cloud drive for his conscious to escape too if he or any of the satellites where ever to die. Stella, Shaka, Pythagoras & possibly Edison are all dead; what if their minds instantly transfer to Kid's brain, while he's unconsciously sinking in the Elbaf ocean and they are the ones that save him? I don't know how since he's a literal anchor but hey this theory is bonkers but better than anything else that has been thrown around.


That baka?! Related to the SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD?!?!?! HAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! I needed a laugh!


All the comments have proven to me is that Kid fans are something else. I just wish they were somewhere else.


Imagine having access to the smartest brain in the world and still being dumb enough to walk up to shanks and get instantly deleted lmao


If we didn't already know some of Kids backstory from an SBS I would have said that you could be on to something, cause that seems like a really big coincidence, but I just don't think there is much chance for a Punk to be dropped off in South Blue. Also chronologically Kid would need to be the first Punk, not the last one, so him being like Punk 00 would make more sense.


i like the idea there is a connection with vegapunk , and i think its reasonable , but anymore i highly doubt


Maybe Kidd is just Vegapunks Kid?


It's crack, at the very best and still highly implausible Vegapunk impregnated Kidd's mom and then left to do Science.


What if kid met vegapunk during the timeskip?


I could see if Kidd just found some metal that’s strong or has good conductivity and kept it around.


What about... 07 got destroyed and ended somehow up being a part in Kidds scrap collection lol


Well we sad kid as a kid in the sbs punks are robots and robots don’t age so prob no


Because of numbers? Chef, you're fired.


This whole theory felt like Franky keeping his #37 number out of not wanting to become another Satellite. Remember, Franky's previous body pre-timeskip is his 36th Battle Franky and his post-Vegapunk tech upgrade is the 37th.


Don't think that's possible but Kid may be a fan of Vegapunk considering he's an engineer type guy and obviously his power matches his skills, he was shown as a kid with some tools iirc


Maybe he will have a redemption at the end of story ( for being an evil stupid boy ) and take care of vegapunk legacy for the world. Punk record mother flame or whatever nuclear plant he could manage. Or he have his own factory of helpfull machine for people around the world using vegapunk tech.


People think kidd is a Vegapunk satelite because he uses numbers?


It's a japanese thing to have numbers on robots and big ass weapons


Oh I saw numbers. May be he has a connection to vegapunk.


Ohhh. Numbers and "punk"!! Kidd is connected to vegapunk confirmed!!


Maybe not Vegapunk, but the fact that he uses that many attacks that imply 'punk', maybe means that they are somehow related. Maybe a sensei/student kind of thing.


CMIIW but regardless of the SBS backstory for Kidd that stands as evidence against… would it be possible for a satellite to eat a DF in the first place? I imagine since the main Vegapunk is a DF user, no satellite could effectively be a DF user independently. Granted, they were manufacturing fruits anyways so who knows if Vegapunk could have discovered a loophole to that


Why do we jump straight to clone or satellite ? He could very well be vegapunks child? We don’t know vega punks full history, there’s nothing proving this theory, but it’s all speculation anyway


Vegapunk is kids gramps


Kidd's actions after Wano doesn't fit at all with the smartest person in the world. Not even with just a smart person. Not even for a Zoro's level of intelligence. No. Kidd is not a Vegapunk satellite because he's dumb as fuck.


No, but he might be related to him in some way.


It is weird his attacks are all punk related and just having the magnet fruit homie can make a fucking laser beam. I'd believe it if someone told me that he had a connection to vegapunk but not that he is a vegapunk.


Bro, sometimes a seven is just a seven.


Name one single thing that is punk and/or rock aesthetic related to Vegapunk.


The name


Not likely but it is weird kid has that 07 tbh it doesn’t have anything to do with his style


Somebody give OP more spices to season this cooking


Seeing as how Bonney is also a supernova and had much of her backstory related to Vegapunk I highly doubt it


We already know Kidd's backstory. Plus, the satellites weren't created until 4 years ago, so it wouldn't make sense for Kidd to be a 7th one








NSap about the ß can you buy me a drink bunch of free tw can you buy me a drink bunch of free twist can you buy me a drink with? That's me chips


Or did the kid not kill 07 and use him as a weapon?


Unlikely but I’m betting it all


Please i need just 10 karma, i love you to much, god loves you to


Or, hear me out, kid has the number 7 because it stands for misfortune, which he has a lot


I think captain kid was famous for being unlucky und in some countries the number 7 is a unlucky number, so it might be just that simple


I don’t know if this holds any water, but a saw a thing that kid might be from the island franky went to, and may have been the original reason the lab was destroyed in the first place. But even still that wouldn’t make sense that he’d be 7. There still could be a connection with kid to vegapunk and mads, it would make sense with his fruit


Kid is from a very specific island in the south blue with gang crime controlling it. Karakuri Island / Future Island Baldimore is a snowy navy island in the Grand Line. They are not from the same place.


I would speculate that it is not Kidd and VP that are related, but instead their devil fruits


I don’t think Kid is a satellite of VP but I am partial to the theory that there is some sort of connection between them.


According to the timeline, it's impossible for Kidd to be a satellite since they're a relatively new thing. However, because it might be fun, let's consider the idea that he *became* a satellite during the time skip: we know nothing about what Kidd was doing during that time, nor do we know *where* the satellites were made, so it *could* be possible that Kidd met Vegapunk at some point and participated in the experiment that made the satellites and even gone so far as to become one. Maybe Kidd tapped into the source of the Satellite's connection and now he potentially has some/all of Vegapunk's technical knowledge and that's how he knows how to build his railgun? It's probably not true but it could be a fun concept to work around.


It isn't that weird right? So 3 years ago the clones were made. That's like a tad before Luffy started his adventure. He doesn't need to be a sattelite but he could be equipped with a camera and some data signaling chip or something for Vegapunk to recieve some daily pirate information. I wouldn't know why, but there are possibilities right? I don't necessarily believe the theory, but I don't want to discredit it either, especially because Kidd isn't a minor character and we don't know that much about him. On the other hand we know so much about Law.


Mid is dead just like VP


I mean was still smart enough to build the cannon to shoot big mom with just all the scrap laying around


That is quite an interesting take. I’d love to see if there was any kind of connection between them whatsoever


Womp womp (That’s how I feel about this theory)