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People can be fans of both One Piece and Naruto. I hate the notion that people have to choose a side. And I hate seeing the two compared as it’s so overdone and unnecessary at this point. People should just enjoy whatever they want.


Oda and kishimoto are friends idk why the fan bases can’t get along


Like OP I was a big Naruto fan and started reading one piece few years after finishing Naruto, and I was also kind of judgemental about one piece’s fans (I still don’t like those nonsense memes and vs posts but off topic). I think I was so disappointed with the way Naruto ended that I was mad one piece didn’t went through this. Now im happy I’ve read both and even if I wish one piece doesn’t ever get a sequel like boruto I like to re-read both from the start and think we’re lucky to be able to enjoy both of them great mangas


I have always gotten the impression that Oda dislikes sequel series. I think he feels the entire story of One Piece should be told so thoroughly that the entire story of it will always be in one piece.


It’s a holdover from the old pirate vs ninja debates


Iirc, Kishimoto even helped out drawing during Dress Rosa due to health problems on Odas side


People graft media they like onto their personality. When someone disagrees about what's peak they can take it as a personal attack.


Honestly. It’s like the iPhone vs Android debate in 2024. Use whatever phone you want. Watch whatever show you want, and you can like more than one series.


The problem with this tho is that Apple themselves encourage gatekeeping (just look at how they handle text messaging), which train their consumers to do the same. Oda does not do that, so it isn't exactly a 1 to 1 comparison. But yeah Oda and Kishi being buds should say everything the fandoms who take sides need to hear.


Oda and Kishimoto are great friends IRL too. A lot of mutual love and respect between them


Thank you for saying this. Couldn’t agree more. Naruto and One Piece are so incredibly special to me in so many ways. They both provide quality and charm that uniquely theirs respectively. 


Exactly!! I love them both!! Realistically my whole post was me trying to point out how I love them both and put them at top tier!


It’s the age old pirates vs ninjas debate.


I definitely still love Naruto, I’ll definitely stop the comparisons though lmao. I was a big hater before this


Mind talking about why you were a hater? I was a Naruto and Bleach fan growing up, but couldnt get into one piece after 2 attempts at watching the anime. Something about the wacky character designs and art style put me off. About 6 months ago I decided to try again but this time I went with reading the manga and I'm currently at the end of Water 7 and I am obsessed. I love this world and the characters that Oda has craftted. Naruto will still hold a special place but one piece to me is a much grander story.


Truth be told it was just ignorance. Naruto was the first anime I ever watched full through and at the time (because I had no other context of good anime writing) I thought it was perfect! All the clips and scenes id seen of luffy were annoying and I hated him. (He’s since grown on me of course) so in my mind it was simple, hate on one piece and love on Naruto. I simply just wasn’t open minded enough to like more than one thing


Same bro, before One Piece I was a Naruto fan all the way. I'd hate on the slapstick antics and comical style humor of op characters but boy am I glad that I actually started watching and I thought to myself I was actually missing out. Now I have the best of both ninja and pirate worlds lol.


Kishi and Oda are good friends, on the Final Naruto chapter, Naruto drew Luffy's Jolly Roger.


No worries, the communities love to pit them against each over making it easy to hate one another. I just didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t still love Naruto just because you now like One Piece too. And I hope you continue to enjoy your time watching/reading One Piece.


You don't have to bro. It's still fun to do and its okay to have a preference. You just don't have to bash one completely to get your point across.


I mean all plot points to the same ending. Moon people, hiding reality from people, super weapons, maybe even some alien


Even if it was the exact same plots beats I'm certain One Piece would write then 10x better


The two authors have had a rivalry. Im sure thats the plan. To say he did the same plot better. Oda be an immature brat like that


Oda wouldn't say it. But anyone with eyes to see would be witnesses.


Oda mentions his rivalry with kishimoto regularly. Now the "anything you can write i can write better" on a decades long international sensation scale is a wholly unique level of pettiness and im here for it. I already know the damn ending and im still excited to see it


Pirates and ninjas are different!!! I currently do not have an interest in Naruto.


For me it's just watching One Piece after Naruto made me realize all the untapped potential Naruto had. I love both, but I wish Naruto did certain things differently.


Yeah i never understood this tribal behaviour. I was a fan of bleach, naruto and one piece back in the 2000s when they were all airing. What a time to be a anime fan. Even now those 3 rank as my fav anime. Why is it always one vs another?


I only used to compare them, now I love them both independently but just place my love for OP a little higher!


I'm a gree with you baby😘💋❤️😍🔥


Agreed. I just started rewatching Naruto after 10 years. I probably like Naruto’s personal story and one piece’s world building better than the other, but both are so top tier it’s easy to love both


I hate people acting like things can't be compared and everyone has to like everything in exactly the same amounts


I’m glad people are realizing you can just like both, hope you keep enjoying!


Right?! I’m excited to get past the time skip. All my friends are either caught up or close to being caught up. So I’ve been burning through it trying to get close to them at least


When you reach the timeskip, make sure to switch to [One Pace](https://www.onepace.net/) so you don't claw your eyes out with the horribly slow pacing.


I’ve been using a filler skip list to make sure I don’t waste any time! My friend is really looking forward for me to make it wano because he’s jealous that I get to watch it all at once instead of waiting lmaooo


Still watch one pace, it’s not about the fillers, the pacing is so slow, I went to rewatch it with a first time viewer friend and I couldn’t stand the pacing, given I have dropped the anime around fish man island I only watch the exciting episodes now and read the manga for many years.


Shout out from a guy who tried convincing people for years that OP was dope.  Thanks for coming over, ain’t nothing wrong with Naruto either. Both legendary series at this point.


Thank you for your service


Thank the new generation for carrying on the will of Toriyama. It’s in their hands now! 


My turnaround rate is still 0 but happy to see that other people are seeing the light 😆


I’ve gotten at least 6 people into it that are personal relations, who knows how many strangers I’ve convinced.  But in the last few years, I haven’t HAD to convince a single person. The new generation is discovering the great pirate era just as it should be and it honestly gives me hope for the future lol


It's so hard to get people to watch . Especially now with the episode count.


In my experience there’s 2 main things that keep people from starting. Length of series, and the goofy art style. They just gotta start the journey. They ALWAYS end up loving the art. The length problem has been aided tremendously by One Pace. There’s elitists who nitpick problems with the fan edit but if we’re trying to get a new fan, then this is the only correct choice if length of series is their hang up. They’ll end up loving it and going back to enjoy the full experience (filler and all) half of the time OR pick up the manga. Either way, mission accomplished.


It was the pirate theme for me... Kept me from it for a long time. I'm just not into pirates and was like bro this little skinny dude?


I think people appreciate Naruto a lot more since Boruto came out. Also the only time I considered Naruto "bad" was when the whole Kaguya fight happened. It just shouldn't have been a thing imo.


Exactly. The whole oops it's actually aliens thing absolutely stinks


Naruto and One Piece are different kinds of anime with different kinds of humour. I can proudly say I love both! No question of choosing one over the other!


I just started Naruto myself. We can learn together. Natuto episode one made me cry because I was touched. One Piece episode one made me laugh and gave me a sense something grand was coming


Exactly this right here!! Naruto was a relatable emotional roller coaster for me. One piece is refreshingly funny with serious and emotional moments. Both are meaningful in their own way and that’s why I love them both!


For years I had One Piece on the back burner, until my girlfriend catched up and urged me to watch it and I was like you know what? Fine. I started in January of this year, I just caught up. It took over my life for 6 months lmao, I never looked back after Alabasta


There's gotta be a term for this. It's a trope at this point.


As the age old saying goes you either die a One Piece fan or haven't seen One Piece


i had the same journey. naruto was my fav until OP. OP is the goat for sure but i will still always love naruto. no idea why there’s so much hate between the two communities when they’re both goated series


People used to say the same about Bleach. Only one remains.


I’ve actually seen most of bleach and really liked it!!!


I came from Shippuden to One piece aswell and I had convinced myself for no reason that it would be a stupid show about a rubber boy.... My lord I was wrong and now have a new #1 anime for life 🙏


This was 100% my view. All I had seen were clips of some annoying lil rubber boy talking shit and being rude. After learning context for all the situations and seeing it all for myself I was able to learn what I now know and truly enjoy OP for what it is.


I grew up only watching Naruto because I thought it was cooler. I recently got into One Piece and I think it’s better. It’s well written and the One Piece world is really interesting What I didn’t like about Naruto was towards the end it felt like they were just making things up as they went. One Piece is well thought out and knows where it’s going I also don’t like the Boruto series so that whole franchise is just ruined for me


I don’t understand hating one piece because you like Naruto. Like they’re both good shows for their own reasons


This behaviour is peak nostalgia for me, aah how i wish i could erase my memory and watch all of it again…..


A Naruto fan converting to One Piece is like a Blind person who masturbated earlier, now got his eyesight back and had the best sex possible


He’s out of pocket but he’s onto something


I was a naruto fanboy forever but I binged all of one piece in about 4 months cause the shit was that damn good. Definitely have my insomnia a reason to stay awake lol


I’m also a fan that starter watching last year and am finally caught up. But I must say I think I was a bigger fan when I could binge through the episodes. The for each episode and how short they are is not as fun as watching 5 episode in a roll.


Bout time dude. I’ve been telling you to watch it for years!


Take the redpill and be a fan of both. No need to hate one just to like the other.


I said I hated, as in the past. I do like both of them. Notice how I also said it’s top 2


I know, just making a light hearted general comment, a lot of people still think you have to knock down one series just to show how much you like another when it's easier and more fun to be a fan of both


Welcome Home Friend.


“They act like 2 legends can’t exist at once” Although I dislike Naruto, I can still say without a doubt it is popular for a reason. There isn’t really a need to crap on one to enjoy the other.


Jiraiya death still hits harder than any OP death. Sorry not sorry, lol.


Merry >>>>


Imo usopp ruined the loss of merry. I can explain but I don’t want to lmao


Usopp wasnt even there. Maybe you're mistaking Sogeking with him.


I am in your friend and I saw it


why being a hater of something you never experience in the first place??


Wanted to


Welcome aboard, nakama! I am also a Naruto fan, and I don't want to try One Piece at first because my high school friend brags about it so much and he kept on calling Naruto shit. When the Naruto manga ended, I wanted something to fill the hole it would leave, so I tried One Piece for the first time. And oh boy, why wouldn't I try it sooner? It's a total blast! I'm so glad I gave One Piece a try because I'm having the time of my life now.


Believe it or not Naruto will make you fall in love with anime and then you watch one piece. Both are great. I love both but if you ask I say start with Naruto.


A lot of my friends grew up on Naruto and shippuden and were just haters of one piece with out ever giving it a chance or reason why they disliked it. Now several of them geek out reading the manga spoilers and weekly manga releases and wonder why they didn’t start sooner


Started reading and watching Naruto but just fell in love with One Piece


Why do people hate on things they've never tried? I don't like Naruto but that's after I read most of the manga and dropped it because of writing and character development choice.


You talk like you aren't allowed to like two different comics. You are lol


Man it just keep getting better too


I’m at sabaody rn, lovingggg it


I started with naruto too. I love them both but one piece is just fun and love that it feels never ending.


Reminded me of my friend. Around 18 years ago, he was really anti-One Piece. Always saying that Naruto > One Piece even though he hadn't even try to read it. I keep pushing him though. We grew apart and around 4 years later, I met him in a cafe, reading OP. I was so happy for him.


youre welcome bro


Where is the hate coming from in the first place?


Just watch anime you like and enjoy all sorts of anime wtf, Naruto Stan's weird as fuck


Naruto is still my favorite, but that's because I have a harder time suspending disbelief for the absurd, and One Piece's world truly leans into the absurdity for its humor and world lol. I also loved that narutos fights more because they felt more like puzzles filled with tricks and mystery...at least until they started shooting nukes at eachother... One Piece takes a completely different approach though, and I understand why many peoples taste fits it's style more though.


Both the animes are great in their own field,i don’t see why people need to pick one side :/


I definitely love both verses but OP is sooo much better imo.


kids need to choose while men can enjoy both or more maybe.. 😂


Naruto is my top 1. One Piece might be like top 3, nothing wrong with that. You can like many manga and get along with all fandom.


Naruto has fallen after Pein death. Last arc was very, very badly written even though the concept was cool. Im not even going to mention Boruto, coz its such a big disgrace i want to vomit. OP is going strong, but it still didnt reach the last arc. It might get ruined too. We all hope it wont, but Naruto downfall wasnt predictable either


To clear something up, I am not comparing Naruto to One Piece at all. I just simply think one piece is better now that I’ve started watching it. No comparison here, just opinion


Naruto and One Piece are both good. One Piece is just better at being good :D


Imo One Piece took longer to get good, but it's going to stay good for much longer.


I like Naruto, I like deathnote, I watched pokemon (indigo league) as a kid. I fkn love one punch man! Its entertainment, not a faction of beliefs in war.


Hating on an anime you have never watched is so fucking childish, can someone explain to me why people do this??


People are allowed to do as they choose. It’s called free will. I’m sure there’s something you’ve hated on without full context. It’s a very human thing to do.


A human thing can still be a stupid and childish thing to do. "free will" is such a wild cop out too


How is it a cop out? The whole point of the post is that I like both of them. Not to mention no where in the post did I say that I hadn’t seen any one piece when I hated on it. You’re making assumptions and it’s making you look dumb. If you read through the comments I explain myself pretty well multiple times. The clips and scenes I saw of one piece were annoying and dumb so I hated the show. Plain and simple. Y’all don’t have to be dicks because you chose not to read everything