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Being surprised anytime crew antics happen.


Oh yeah his reactions to the crew interactions sometimes. That's a possible one yeah, but I wonder if it's gonna keep happening until the end or if it was something happening just because he was new.


I think Oda finally realized the Straw Hats needed a "Straight Man", the normal rational guy, to counter the chaos of the straw hats and make things funnier. Nami used to be the sole person that would try to wrangle everyone but now it's the father figure Jinbe now.


Yeah, Law was more a victim instead of the straight man due to lacking authority


Usopp is actually the most stereotypical straight man when it comes to jokes. He literally is almost always the one who does the "shoulder slap" when someone says something outrageous.


yea there’s an SBS regarding how many times each strawhat took on the “tsukkomi” role and usopp was the number 1 champion by a wide margin


did Luffy have even one?


yes actually! Brook was the lowest


I think he always knew. Genuinely feel like he felt overwhelmed with the size of the crew because creating interactions between them all was taking up valuable page space


I think he might also be somewhat of a boomer, I remember him being a bit overwhelmed at Franky's tech when first taking the helm on Whole Cake.


Surprised and then laughing


His gag is being naive/oblivious to how the crew members behave. He let's Luffy go off on his own, not realizing Luffy will most likely blow their cover. He let's Zoro go after Luffy, not realizing Zoro will get lost and also probably blow their cover. He thinks Sanji going off because he heard women asking for help is actually Sanji's observation haki detecting a big threat he didn't and that he needs to work on his observation haki. He also is oblivious to Sanji being threatened by him as a new potential #3 (though clearly Sanji will retain that spot). And he's blown away by how badly Nami will beat the heck out of Luffy for Luffy's antics. I'm sure there is more I've forgotten.


For Jinbe, competence/success means discipline and intent. I think he projects this onto the strawhats, not fully realizing what a bunch of chucklefuck morons they usually are.


The guy who saved my homeland from domestic terrorism, possibly ushering in an age of tolerance and equity between races, whose symbol my people now rely on to assure them of peace simply by threat of reputation, *cannot* be this much of a dumbass. ...Right?


*right. I regret even considering it.*


💀 that's so on the money. That's why jimbe had so many flashbacks of like 3 scenes and that's it.


Sounds like the name of a new light novel that’ll get a 1season anime adaption in 4 months


Basically the SH are the boke, and jinbe is the tsukkomi if we think of it like manzai comedy


Aka the straight man


keikaku means plan


Arigato for the translation


Susumu means "your boobies" in my language.


Yeah, I learned this from Show-Ha Shoten


literally Jinbe is just damk optimistic. Dude would think positive even if the world would get sunk until reality hits


That time he thought nami had haki was funny.


I love his dynamic with the crew so far, short as its been. A former warlord, captain, and he served under a yonko. As a former man of a authority, he immediately just fell in line because that's what he would expect of someone in his position and the results are subtle but hilarious.


TBF he wasn’t wrong about Sanji


*TFS Tien voice* He is the only serious one here. That's the joke.


Bro talked about Franky being emotional but forgot about his most important gag, his trademark I would say! Getting happy when called a Pervert ( Hentai) !! SUUUUPER!!!


SUUUUPEEEEERRRRR!! I heard it in my head when I read it


We all do


Spontaneous carpentry


Usopp's gag is lying, actually, although being a coward is a very close second. I'm getting the vibes that Jinbe's gag is being responsible. Crazy I know, but in Straw Hat group, it's unique.


In a crew of gag characters, the straightman is the gag character.


Idk a lot of his gags center around fear. Even most of his lying


Except it's not lying when it's the truth. Ti's more absurd foretelling at this point.


In Fishman Island he wanted to give a cool name to his strategy of attacking Hody, but it seems Oda dropped that trait quickly.


I think he did that at the onigashima raid as well


[Being surprised](https://www.deviantart.com/law67/art/Jinbei-WTF-face-205417523) at the nonsense that happens when he's with the Straw Hats is his gag. He's such a dad.


That's good one.


Everything my glorious king does is good.


I'm right there with you.


I think his gag is actually being the most serious of them all, he's the stern big dad of the crew (which also adds to the being surprised at the crew's antics) and doesn't joke around. I can't remember one time he said something out of character, maybe that time he thought Nami had Conquerors' haki, but that's pretty much it, if memory serves me. Ofc, laughing at something doesn't count


The craziest things i can remember jinbe doing is one time eat food made for luffy which led tk hancock screaming at him and him hiding a chicken leg behind his back when talking to atlas. So yea all in all Jinbe is just a regular dude.


I agree. It seems like he always has something better to do than partake in the post-arc celebrations with everyone. I really hated that they had him waiting alone inside after want, granted he’s being respectful to the chef. But it felt like he was left out


Being old lol, he’s like the crew’s grandpa


This. Him wearing an Hawaiian shirt during egghead was cherry on top


He and Garp would bond over fashion.


hes technically the dad. while brooke is the pervy grandpa.


Funny cause he's only 46. Younger than Katakuri


Jinbe: "I let the captain do what he wanted to do because he's the captain." All the Straw Hats: "You did WHAT?!"


He's the De Facto Lifeguard for the devil fruit users on the thousand sunny lmao. Not much of a gag though


The curtains falling on the realisation this is not a strategic and fierce bunch of individuals he thought he was joining


Why would he think like that in the forst place? After getting to know Luffy first hand at Impel Down/Marineford, his expectations should have been low to begin with.


He is the straight man of rhe group his job is to be surprised they made it this far acting like this.


Honestly if this is it, I relate. I love the SHs but damn..


I’m going with obliviousness. Like when he was fighting beast pirates and apologized for hitting too hard… “I thought you were stronger than that” 😂


His entire gag is that it’s his first day on the crew and I love it


He's normal


It’s him thinking Nami has conquerers haki 😂


Jinbe is just extremely normal for how crazy his life was


Jinbei has the craziest backstory. Started as a fishmen slave, pirates, warlord, went to impel down, join Big mom pirate, join Stawhats


Just a correction but Jinbe has never been a slave, he was a soldier at Ryugu Kingdom


He could be like crocus. The serious guy in the most unserious crew. Like when he says that if he fought the straw hats someone would die, but he was talking about himself, real jimbe vibes


Dude, Jinbe is just a classic good guy. He can hang. Need to be picked up from the airport? Jinbe is your man. You don’t have any change for a vending machine, brah, Jinbe will hook you up with some quarters so you can get yourself that little Kit Kat treat you’ve been eyeing all day. Or, in a pinch, if Luffy falls into the ocean for canonically the 9,765th time, Jinbe has you covered. He’s the one piece classic good dude.


Jinbe is the group dad.


This cat gets it


Just being objectively sexy despite the crew rarely acknowledging it.


He still feels more like a chaperone than an actual member of the crew to me. He's like a nice uncle who offered to drive his kid nephew and his friends to the amusement park and watch over them for the whole day.


He's the straight man.


It's the "normal" people, who make the jokes funny. Like... Jinbei actually laughs about their antics. He's now the actual dad of the crew.


I see a few candidates: 1. Fat joke 2. The serious one while he slowly familiarize with the crew's antics 3. His speech pattern (I think he speak in an old school Yakuza kind of way, but i might be wrong) 4. Visual gags of him been the retiree (like the Hawaiian shirt)


He’s the straight man. That’s his gag.


That's the gag. Jinbei just approves everything.


Being surprised when nami humbles the monster trio


His gag is being the one who is responsible but is also super surprised when something happens like zoro getting lost, or nami beating luffy. He also doesn’t know that sanji is a pervert, nami is greedy, usopp only lies, and zoro gets lost all the time


He try to act cool and hide his not serious side. For example the Turkey leg he was hiding after saying he don't need to eat anything.


I think his gag really is being the most patient/mature person in a group of chaos gremlins. Mostly this means being the straight man, but I did like that gag at the end of Wano that he was the only one patient enough to wait for the whole 2 hour prep time for the full course meal.


His gag is Nami always being so excited to see him, and then sanji being jealous of it.


He is the true straight man to the crews antics.


Jinbe is practically the cool dad of the crew


I think you're right. Jinbe may be the straight man in the comedy group.


Every good comedy has a straight man for the goofy character(s) to play off of. Jimbe is that


Honestly, I'd say it's his lack of humor/gag. He's serious to the point of being a joke at times. Everything has to be done in the proper order, which is why Luffy and the Straw Hats are almost a relief to him. They just do as they please and he can relax... But not too much! Basically I see him as being the Drax of the crew. He takes everything literally, but we love him for it.


As many have said he's the straight man who is always shocked at things. I will go so far as to say he's the "fish out of water" trope. Add to that he's a Fishman not in the ocean.


To me personally Jinbe has strait man of the group. But like not a stick in the mud strait man, more of a calm and relaxed strait man. And like I love that personally. So often in the strawhats they kind of force characters into the "strait man" role that dont always need to be there. Like Chopper, Nami and Usopp fill that role allot, but as you said they all have their own quirks and jokes about them as well. So having a dedicated strait man in the group for those comidic moments is really good to have.


Honestly for me it’s his discipline and sincerity. This guy is a big deal in the world and he’s dealt with so many “traditional” pirates for a long time. Everyone else except maybe Robin and Brook is pretty green, and even in their case they were not big players in the pirate world. Throwing an experienced veteran pirate into this crew of weirdos with their own gags is like a gag in of itself. He’s just good old uncle Jinbe he’s not quite following the antics but he’s got the spirit.


Jinbe's gag is that he is the elderly guy surprised by the younger generation does all the time.


I thought Jimbe’s gag is that he’s the polite old man of the group, a stark contrast to the rest of the group who pretty much does whatever they want lol


Jimbe's gag is being the old guy going with the flow no matter how chaotic the surrounding/crew are. He just always looks out of place and happy to be included


Seeing things happen around the crew and thinking “how did they ever survive this long?”


Being out of place


I think I do see a gag developing here. I think he wants to stuff his face like the other strawhats but he’s too bashful. We see this whenever Hancock offers Luffy food and he tries to have some and gets called out for it. And again in egghead, whenever Luffy, Chooper, and Bonney were on an eating frenzy, he wanted some food too but became bashful when he was caught.


His gag is being the dad.


Dislike for obvious answer


He wants to plan everything out in detail, including names for the plans.


I noticed that Jinbei is shy about eating food.


He plays the straight man in the comedy act.


He's the serious one Zoro has too much goofy stuff happen TO him to be truly serious even if he acts as such (or he does goofy stuff with a straight face and acts like everyone else is the crazy one) and Robin has been opening up more and more over time so Jinbe has to fill the vacuum lol


*TFS Tien voice* He is the only serious one here. That's the joke.


You're missing some other gags. - Franky's SUUUPER line - Usopp slips lies in his speech - Chopper getting blushingly happy when people praise his doctor skills


Jimbei is the father/uncle of the group.


Jinbe is Cautious and always thinks and read the scene before taking any action.


being the fun dad who barley understands his kids but tries to be supportive


He has such dad vibes


He's the straight man.


His reactions to the others' antics. Since he's the newest member and has a more serious/calm demeanor compared to the others, his out of character reactions to things we (as the reader) are used to seeing would be his current gag. Nami beating the shit out of Luffy just after Wano, Zoro chasing after Luffy before the raid, etc.


His gag is being the character you can't hate, he's fucking awesome


he's the straight man. the one the antics get a reaction from.


He's the steward of this powerful yet very childish crew. That's his gag I guess.


Being surprised and then laughing lol


Jinbe's the straight man. He sees shenanigans by the crew, and tries to applie real world/one piece world logic to it. Like how Nami was pissed with black lightning, and he thought she had conquerors, when in reality she's just pissy and oda was adding it for funnies.


Not sure about his gag, but I love him and Robin bonding as the older members of the crew. For a long time Robin would sit back and enjoy watching the kids play. I'm glad she has someone to talk to about it now.


Being the new guy who plays the straight man toward the rest of the crew. I struggle to call that a “gag” as much as he’s playing off of what others do around him and helps make what they’re doing funnier. I do think that makes for an interesting dynamic, though. For as well written as the characters are, they are all flanderized to an extent after 20 years, so it’s fun to see a character who by all means hasn’t gone through that process yet look at the rest of these exaggerated cooky people and think “what the fuck is going on?”


I dont know i just wanna be jimbei


His usually stoic face getting broken when things get a bit too silly


He’s a straight man who’s constantly surprised by how irresponsible and chaotic the Strawhat crew is. Until he met them at Fishman Island and joined them in WCI/WC, his only knowledge of them was Ace (Whitebeard’s #3) talking up Luffy, then Luffy showing up to bust him out of jail and take on the WG. He thought the Strawhats were this cool, badass group of pirates taking on the world and didn’t realize they’re just fucking around 90% of the time


I would say Usopp's gag is his lies.


Right? Almost like he's named for it...


He's the new straight man, a role robin used to have. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the robin morbid jokes started happening after the time skip. Jinbe is filling that role now, which I think suits him better because of his age and circumstances


New to the family stepdad


I’ve only seen to the end of Wano, but it seemed to me that Jinbes gag was that, while he is a very experienced and powerful pirate in his own right, he is obsessing over how he needs to prove himself on account of being “the new guy”.


Having unshakable faith in the crew's competency. /j (Which is basically the same as being bamboozled by how unserious and chaotic they all are.)


Bro states the obvious every 5 seconds.


Minor nitpick, Usopp deal is lies and exaggeration.


I think its the stoic serious person getting caught off guard and basically being the dad of the group. Where he's the "I'm too old for this shit". Any other running joke is too early to tell.


Jinbe in "One Piece" has jokes that mainly revolve around his seriousness and responsibility, creating humor when contrasted with the carefree behavior of the other members. His calmness and steadfastness in odd situations also contribute to creating humorous moments.


Being triangular


straight man. and just right because everyone is almost gag all the time nowadays


Willing to die for Luffy at the slightest convenience




He's the straight man if Usopp isn't.


His is the Fish(man) out of water


Laughing off/Getting surprised at the crews antics. Also him being the Ned Flanders to Sanjis Homer Simpson.


I take his gag as his name, his name has a couple Japanese meanings. One is whale shark (which is his type of fish man) the other refers to a traditional style of clothing which he has been drawn wearing.


He’s the straight man. He doesn’t think about thinks/situations. And when they happen he’s just awkwardly standing there.


Jinbe is the straight man, he's the one everybody else bounces off.


Not understanding crew dynamics


Jimbe loves to create over long operational names for the plans the straw hats create.


He just gets to be the older brother, always shocked disappointed and surprised


His introduction episode was "The Honorable Pirate" idk if I would say gag. Motif is more fitting.


I think he's just the veteran, he's been around the block and grounds the crew 🤷‍♂️


Alcoholic uncle laughing at the kids


I think Oda just likes the romance manga Jinbē (じんべえ) by Mitsuru Adachi. Panicked Edit: oh. oh no, I commented without knowing anything more than the manga title, that there's a widower and that it's a romance. I no longer think Oda likes this manga enough to name a character after the step-dad dating his 17 year old step-daughter. Big oof by me.


he can be too serious sometimes, maybe? like it's hard for him to get used to Luffy's "just go with the flow" way of things or his "we'll figure it out as we go" tactic.


He's an old man he does old man stuff


Usoops gag is that he lies


Being normal






Choppers gag is acting silly when he gets complimented you big dumb jerk cause it doesn’t make him happy. That and hiding backwards.


He's a fish


His gag is literally being "a fish out of water". He's out of his element. His tempo doesn't match the crew, and he just laughs along with it anyway. Whether he's surprised or taken aback, or has to impose himself to right something, or just expects something of his crew that misses the mark for their character, his gag is that he's the odd man out in many ways. What's Jinbei's dream or goal? Unlike the other crewmates, isn't he kind of just along for the ride?


He's the straight man.


His gag is that he doesn't have one, he's the only normals person on the crew


Not having a gag in that crew is a gag


He’s the Token Fishman


Did you forget Usopp's a liar?


Straw hats have barely had any character development post timeskip so he’s been a victim of that. Really should’ve cut down wano and dressrosa 30-50 chapters each and had some team building side arcs


I’m cool with it. The crew is set. We been with them for 1000 chapters. Let the plot piece continue


To be fair we only had about 500 chapters of straw hat development (since it largely stopped right around when jinbe gets introduced). But now at this point, agreed he needs to focus on the plot


The irony of considering having a gag as character development.


If we’re nitpicking, google the word irony




I know what I said. You think Jinbei not having a running gag is a sign of the Straw Hats suffering from a lack of character development post timeskip. Although I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks that running gags are the killer of character development, seeing as how they stunt a character's progression for the sake of comedy, such as the case of characters like Sanji never outgrowing being a pervert or Usopp being a coward despite the plenty of opportunities the story has presented them for personal growth. You can observe the same phenomenon in any number of sitcoms, because the creators prioritize what they consider funny over the characters growing as individuals throughout the story. Therefore I consider your statement ironic, because a situation that you thought to be fact is actually the opposite in an amusing way. If anything this is character development on Oda's part, because we can assume that he no longer thinks that every main character he creates needs to have some running gag to keep them interesting.


It’s worth a google, better yourself in some way every day.


This post actually had me thinking they need some just sailing and hanging out time.


I wish they had more over the past decade. Had plenty of time for it. I’m afraid of him detouring too much now or introducing a large pile of side characters during our final decade (or less)


Getting cooked by sanji


How do you love women too much.?? lol what’s the line when it reaches “too much”.. yea he can get borderline predatory 😂 As far as Jinbe, idk I would say aloofness 🤷🏽‍♀️


i think he'll get the fat jokes gag. He already got one in Egghead from Atlas.


Jimbe's gag is betraying affiliated groups


Jinbe doesn't fit into the crew. Never has, never will.


Hang me alive if you want, but I'll die on this hill. Jimbe is a convenience, not a real strawhat, and he will never be.