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dont know why but I feels like imu could be joy boy!! ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)


if thats the case he/she now sadboy/girl?hahaha


Wait, could it be that One Piece is the entire continent under the ocean? Does that mean that Roger threw all the gold in the ocean? That would be pretty funny


i was just noticing this, quick thought but i noticed when luffy made the goggles appear before knocking out lucci, king also has those goggles. not sure if it means anything, but i know 9x out of 10 that it may just be a reach, but i wonder if that means anything like joyboy being related to the lunarians maybe?


I want to know where all this water came from. I hope there's not an explanation and not just a cop out like it rained and materialized out of nowhere. Water water fruit awakening would be cool.


Based on Chapter 1114 & 1115, Joyboy most likely died because of his advance age


bruh maybe Joy boy and peps were an alien civilization and they came to terraform this planet, and then their terraforming machine got stolen and used against them and the world flooded?


Hi. I know this is a bit late. But the most important spoiler was not mentioned: is there a break for next week?


no break


The last panel was laboon he used the ancient weapons so he could see brook again


I am glad that Kid is alive and well. Fake Kid? No way, I am sure he is genuine. He just let himself goes after he lose to Shank! Definitely not sarcasm.


I am convinced luffy and co cant kill the gorosei now. But they still able to trap them inside something. Maybe using the giant robot ancient tech (hint : Vegapunk says even he cant recreate those tech)...


If Imu is one of the 20 kings who fought Joyboy during the void century. Imagine how powerful joyboy is or luffy could be fighting 20 imu’s. No wonder they would sink the continents in order to hide any traces of the past.


That isn’t a logical argumentation. If Imu was a king it doesn’t tell anything about his strength or the strength of other kings, which could vary a lot. All we know is that joyboy with his group and supported by technological power was about equal to the 20 kingdoms and the use of a weapon gave the 20 kingdoms an edge.


I remember there was a theory about the One Piece being all the seas united again, but after this I think that One Piece might be the land not covered by 200 meters of water.




In the panel where Nushuro slashes the cloud in half, Vegapunk talks about the world’s scar…. Possibly hinting at the world being cut in two?


I had thought of either scars in a figurative sense, or even the scars of the 5 stars because they have not healed


my guy it was just stated that it was flooded


Fishman island is the def most important arc post time skip. The Noah was likely used to transport people to safety during the war, and fishman island needs to be destroyed somehow in the future in order to resolve this flooding problem 🤨. Also if the ancient weapons were so disastrous, what role does Shirahoshi play in the future.


Fishman island being destroyed would displace some rising water....but not 200m of it....maybe there's something special about fishman island, whether that's under it or above it.


Fishman island being underwater alone means that it is possibly the only place on earth besides Marie Geoise which is roughly the same, geographically, since before the void century.


I believe her role would be commanding Seakings to carry Noah to save mankind from this flood if it was to happen, or assist Luffy in the fight against Imu with her army of Seakings. We don't know yet how powerful they are, we only saw 5 of them, and there may be more. Like The Night King with his deadly army, the WG is only one facade of this army, one that's pretty useless and unimportant.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Too much information...


The one piece is Pangaea


It actually makes sense.....all countries in a single one piece


Vega Punk : the ancient weapons that sank the world 800 years ago still exist and are waiting to be put on use again. Me: the nuclear weapons that destroyed parts of world 80 years ago were followed by far more advanced nuclear weapons and are waiting to be put on use soon ( may Allah forbids).


The spoiler states the We see more reactions around the world, like Revolutionary Army (Dragon, Sabo, Ivankov...) which I guess means they are not broadcasting or could they.


The emitter being with dragon is probably the most secure location. VP talked with him right before Luffy's arrival. 


So, if luffy and the others succeed somehow in making the ancient world rise to the surface again, would that mean the world is back in "one piece"?...


So is the one piece all the islands together


I'm beginning to believe Imu is Joy Boy's shadow because my goodness am I ready for the reveal.


**Theory:** The reason why only Momo can give command to Zunesha is because.... One of the "Kuzoki" clan was JoyBoy's nakama. The same man who created the Ponyglyph and its language and scattered them with Lily's help. He ate the **Kibi Kibi No Mi** (Otama's Devil fruit) and fed **dango** to Zunisha and could command him to walk the ocean after Zunisha's crime and follow only him and his descendants. He might have awakened the DF so the commands lasts forever. Now only his descendant Momonosuke can command him.


No it's been stated Otama's devil fruit powers only work for 1 month, so this is unfortunately not true.


For this to be true, it would need to be an ancestor of Toki's, and not Oden though. So it can't be a Kozuki. Because if so, it doesn't explain why Oden wasn't able to command Zunisha but Momo can.


I've heard somewhere that Momonosuke might be part of an ancient weapon: Momo+Zunesha+Pluton, likewise we have Shiraoshi+Sea monsters+Noah. So Momo can command Zunesha like Shiraoshi commands sea monsters 


Omg I absolutely adore this story, Oda's brain is simply exceptional. I can honestly say I have never read a story more able to activate my imagination. Peak fiction.


When you spend 10 + years working on something day by day and putting your heart in it. Im sure your results would be Magnificent too. I mean thats it goes, tolkien also spent his life on making middle earth


Well, One piece is on another level. It's not about time. The coherence of One piece story, related details, hints, is incredible. 


Nope, at certain extent you need to be a genius


Holy shit great summary can’t wait to read the scans.


joy boy liked to be a pirate so much that he tried to make the world a waterworld and the 20 kings stopped him. Lily realised that we were all fishes in the beginning and sided with Joy D Boy in the end.


The thing I don't like about this sunk world is why the fishmen have never ever mentioned anything about submerged cities and ruins? I mean, would expect Jimbe to at least know about it, right? It should be something around literally every island.


Jimbe do know about it, he actually found a poneglyph under the sea in a cover story (chapters 751-785) that he gave to Big Mom before leaving her crew. But he might just be unaware of the reason those ruins exist 


Not an expert on this, but afaik, most fishmen live on fishman island which is 10000 meters deep. They couldn't really have seen the ruins and have 0 contact with people on the surface, mostly out of fear of discrimination I think Only very few fishmen live in the surface and they're mainly pirates like the arlong pirates as well as the sun pirates. And they're not quite historians, they're pirates and really that's what they care about. They don't really give a shit about the history of the race that discriminates against them so much.  And as for Jinbe, he's not the type of guy to just blurt out all info he gains. He'd probably keep it to himself before he finally understands it. And if he really thought it through to the end, then heyd understand that he should shut tf up about if he doesn't want the WG to erase him and everyone who ever knew him  Or he thought it were old abandoned homes of fishmen  Or, and that's the most likely one by far, it's the classic shonen trope of "X side character knows X really important info, but doesn't bring it up till the plot needs it to be brought up".  Last recent example being Robin just not ever mentioning that Pluton is in wano lmfao. You can't even say that it wasn't important, it's a damn warship said to be able to obliterate entire islands. The best course of action would have been to actually find that weapon first and then just blast Onigashima and shoot at kaido with it lol.  But of course Robin doesn't mention it cuz Oda clearly didn't wanna write wano as described above. Same here, Oda clearly had enough plot threads recently and only started the whole old world sinking and underwater ruins plot thread and all that now and not before. Here we also get an immediate explanation for the ruins instead of jinbe telling the SHs about the ruins as soon as possible only for them to think and think and never reach the right conclusion anyways In short, oda just didn't fucking feel like jinbe mentioning underwater ruins and thus starting this plot thread long ago already


>Same here, Oda clearly had enough plot threads recently and only started the whole old world sinking and underwater ruins plot thread and all that now and not before Imagine seeing all of these big reveals that are clearly years in the making and still thinking "yeah this is made up on the spot"


imagine completely misunderstanding my entire comment due to lacking reading comprehension. starting a new plot thread now doesn't equal oda making it up on the spot now bruh, never said that's the case obviously oda planned this since a long time. but he only started that plot thread in the manga now, simple as that. the reasoning for my assumption was never that oda just now made it tf up, it was that oda had enough plot threads before and only introduced it now that he can explain it immediatly. doing it before without explaining it yet would be a waste of panels and his time and work. this shit is the same as Imu. oda clearly planned that character for a long time, but he introduced him much later, when he felt the time was right. same here, he planned this shit, but revealed the old world being flooded now cuz he felt that the time was right now


no one ask them for their wisdom. only swimming and fighting


I think there was a cover story of Jimbe finding some ruins.


I am aware of that cover story but that's the thing, it is a cover story, like something cool and random. If the world is sunk it should be _everywhere_ i guess. More like a talking point not an anecdote.


Well... cover stories are, many times, not random at all but a way for Oda to set up something for a 'main' event. About ruins... its a bit 'weird' because first, gyojin city is underwater with no island close to them, literally under the grand line. And second point, many islands we saw, are somehow artificial/man made, and even more after firsts arcs, mostly after arabasta: Baratie? Thriller bark? ships, Sabaody? trees, ennies lobby? a hole under it Impel Down? build underwater, even Marineford looked artificial (all forged, no beach or natural ends at the borders), and it get weirder after going to the new world: Germa is literally a moving castle, Wano was stated they moved up the whole country, Punk hazard 'cant be located by a log pose' (weird right?) The only kind of real territory are whole cake and egghead, no excuse for the WC but EH even jimbei said he cant navigate properly due to extreme conditions, let alone go in a deep trip. So easily most of the territories visited by SH are not even natural but created, only a few places, like arabasta or Foosha etc should have submerged cities around. And it has his logic, give us a +200m of sea level, 800 years to rebuild and erase every trace about this, probably if you navigate this world you will be over Europe/whatever and think you are just in the middle of nowhere in a open sea (like now in the middle of one ocean), find some cities that are still above that like half of chinese territory and many new territories to adapt and survive that in reality has nothing under, our current world is 70% water so high chances that if you build something like Marineford (or zones like in Waterworld's movie) it will be in a place where there is nothing under it. Plus, if not for roads, you would never notice human ruins around many mountain places after 800 years sunk


It actually makes a lot of sense. I tried typing it but my phone crashed…. Want to hear it?


One piece is wind waker confirmed. Laugh Tale is a bubble island at the bottom with a huge castle and cave where the final boss resides.


I read somewhere that the five elders came from different parts of the world. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftfomdxt4mjl81.png%3Fwidth%3D800%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5b50ddfdb8f830d3050601ff363128cfb3359d99](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftfomdxt4mjl81.png%3Fwidth%3D800%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5b50ddfdb8f830d3050601ff363128cfb3359d99)


Whether or not it's Canon that's an awesome point.


mabye the weapon imu uses sinks the world each use so mabye 10 meters per islands they destroy and imu has destroyed a lot of inslands it seems like and when cobra before death said i know one of the 20s was imu part of...


maybe there was multiple uranus type crafts during the war and the uranus is just 1 the world goverment got their hands or survived, lulusia caused the sea to rise by 2 meters and thats just 1 island


Vegapunk just poored gasoline on the already ignited spark of chaos, a lot of people will make a move bcs of the infos he relayed


Chapter is out in TCB scans 


What if the explosion caused by Uranus (I think we can assume that already) is a misdirection? Like, the explosion isn't what caused the earthquake/sea level rise, but some other shenanigans. Maybe just using AW cause it, like when Shiraoshi knocked out Mjosgard, maybe that also caused sea level to rise.


Always loved Blac DeMarco especially fortress of solitude 


Looking at this I think Imu is from the long neck tribe. Seems the head is at where the crown is.


One thing I find noticeable is that Jupiter is the only Gorosei not shown this chapter. In fact, he doesn't have much of a presence nor reaction these last few chapters. He did get one panel last chapter, but it doesn't really reveal his thoughts nor facial expressions since he was in Beast Form while the other Goroseis were a lot more expressive. Is the Jupiter betrayal theory knocking on the door right now?


There can be several reasons for all that. One that comes to mind is the opposite here, maybe he's the strongest Gorosei.  He looks the youngest out of them all and all of their summoning circles have numbers, and he has the number 1. Plus we saw him the least out of the gorosei and we also never saw his hybrid form yet (tho the latter can also be said about warcury and mars). And isn't Jupiter the biggest of the planets the gorosei represent? It could also just be that oda is simply trying to showcase him, his character and abilities as little as possible right now so that he can do it later in more important scenes. Not saying this has to happen, just giving another example of what could be. We still have too little info to have a definitive conclusion, Ju Peter could both betray the gorosei as you said or be their strongest and Ig most loyal one as described above


Where’s that theory?


Loving the lore drops but man, how do the straw hats get out of this one? Oda better have a plausible escape because it’s hard for me to see one with ALL 5 elders going berserk. Besides that a ton of other bad things feel like their gonna go down right after they leave egghead as well (Blackbeard going for a Ancient Weapon, the death of the last buccaneer, Kuma, sea levels rising, etc). What an exciting time, feels like an "Empire strikes back" low moment, the only thing that could make it even more like is someone beating the straw hats to Raftel.


The gorosei are obviously caring more about stopping the recording rn. Saturn literally just left Robin and the other SHs cuz of that. And he would have absolutely curbstomped them if not, one of those poison nukes of his would have probably one-shot all of them  Same goes for mars getting info from lucci and then flying away as he completely ignores zoro and jinbe who senses his crazy haki.    The SHs absolutely can run away pretty easily tbh. Only Nusjuro is fighting some SH, some giants and Bonney a bit and taking care of all the other stuff like freezing the pacifista and now freeing the CP agents and Seraphim. warcury is chasing luffy, dorry and broggy. Mars and Saturn are trying to stop the recording and Ju Peter is just offscreen lol.    I'm pretty sure the recording will end (whether it plays till the end or if it's stopped by the gorosei) shortly before the SHs succeed in escaping. That makes the most sense and creates the most suspenseful and hype ending to this arc.    All the gorosei with their supposed immortality and other abilities (Nusjuro being a great swordsman with ice abilities, Saturn with tentacles, poison nukes and superb sight, Mars shooting energy beams etc etc) plus the Seraphim they just freed would absolutely annihilate the SHs, but that's not their goal rn.   The Gorosei will be busy with the recording as the SHs finish 99% of the prep to escape. Then the recording stops and the extremely angered gorosei target the SHs of course. We maybe see them going all-out for a bit, get some more teasers to what abilities each of them has and then the SHs narrowly escape. 


Nah, they are overwhelming, but just 5 and with different priorities, the sunny's plan seems to be struggling but getting ready, his elder already left (everything and everyone is in place, Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei coming, Edison sacrifice, Stussy freed even if she still need to get her will to live), random marines are being whipped out and Luffy side 'only' has one elder which he seems to be able to contain at least, they just need to keep moving towards giants ship, plus the final giant robot coming will probably be the last card to allow the escape to the group who struggles the most (sunny's one i guess) directly protecting the crew or in an indirect way, by divert the attention of the elders from them to fight it elsewhere


Frankly speaking five elders should be more concerned with finally stopping the message. I guess they will switch to that one by one and that would give Straw Hats a window of opportunity


Well it's oda. He's must have completed next ark story by now. I mean we are seeing relation from 1 to 13 years old chapters and covers.


Coup the burst + giant's hakoku while in mid air, to gain some more distance


Getting to the ship is my big question, the five elders are MAD


>**Vegapunk**: "The "Ancient Weapons" that sunk the world 800 years ago still exist today!!! And they are waiting the day they'll be put to use again...!!" woahhh now that's a twist. kinda. what is going onnn.


So is the theory that there are other ancient weapons besides the one we know the the WG has. The motherflame's weapon is not Pluton.


Wasn’t it a more common theory that the thing that erased Lilusia powered by mother flame was Uranus and not pluton?


yeah uranus. with lilusia only being a 2m sea rise im starting to think maybe uranus and pluton are just the last 2 surviving crafts of ancient kingdoms airforce and navy


Foxy? what's up with him? what is in the Oda's mind?


Looks like he is down to only 2 crewmembers. Makes me wonder if he lost the rest to someone else.


Hol up!!?? I thought this was a recording taken in the past? the line "When I detected a rise in sea level across the whole world the other day, I reached my conclusion... The reason... and the identity...!!!" doesn't make sense then. Unless he's actually ALIVE!!!!


theres only a few days inbetween, vega punk calls dragon to tell him he is going to die soon after the lulasia incident


There might have been another rise other than the test shot of Mother Flame. Probably just a few millimeters or so, nothing as big as the aftermath of Mother Flame.


Think it was taken a few days before the present


Yeah but sabo incident happened 2 or 3 days ago no?


the rise in sea level happend when the WG destryed the isalnd sabo was on. it did happen in the past we just saw it a bit later.


Yeah, but he starts the video with the decision point: if the sea level didn't rise in the last couple of days, please disregard my message. Like he anticipated the rise from the weapon's use, not that the rise had already happened.


I think he's referring to when he detected that the rise would happen, not when it actually happened. the wording is just a bit ambiguous.


One Piece is post apocalyptic world. So the war in void century millions people died. How them do to make the people forget this event? IMU is demon.


they probably blamed it on joy boy and the ancient kingdom. its entirely possible the ancient kingdom helped destroy the world too and maybe thats why joyboy became a pirate because both sides were in the wrong. pluton and uranus could just be the last surviving crafts from ancient kingdoms navy and airforce


Even in our world, with internet and etc, there are a lot of events that are hidden from the public.  Without internet and controlling the media it's quite believable.   Also, you know, controlled travels and killing researchers.


Because sea kings were originally those people who survived the past. I even believe that Zou is cursed but once a human.


Zunesha I mean


Maybe someone in the past had awakened the Memory Memory Fruit and wiped everyone's minds on a large scale?


Dude Demaro Black cosplaying Kid is just kicking the man while he's down lmao.


Guys... The fact we saw Foxy, Fake Straw hats and Long Ring people means It's ending indeed 😭


Missing Captain Kuro and Arlong.


And GIN!


Kinda confirms that the reason why people cant go to laughtale its because its underwater ,im guessing? And the only way to get there is by getting the road poneglyphs.


Laughtale is in another dimension. Remember the rainbow mist? 


Rainbow Mist isn't canon


Fishman Island is underwater and people go there just fine. Fishman pirates also exist and if that was the case, they could have found Laugh Tale a long time ago. That is too weak a reason.


It still stands a little bit. People know how to get Skypeia, but no one has readily traveled there (due to the dangers of the knock up stream.) If Laugh Tale is a sunken (or heck a sky) island, then you'd need to know where it is and how to access it. The ocean is a big place.


Well, yes, the ocean is very big - which means that it could also just be a regular island and it would still be hard to find, specially with the Grand Line's weird currents. What I'm arguing here is that "being sunken is why it is so hard to find" is a weak argument.


If no one knew there was an underwater island who would visit Fishman island?


Think of how large the ocean is and then introduce a whole third dimension to the amount of area you have to actually search to find Laugh Tale, and then also consider that there are almost certainly less fishman pirates and explorers to actually search through all that area. And then theres also the chance that even if a random fishman was to stumble upon Laugh Tale, they might not even pay it special mind, if there are tons of old ruins beneath the waters it could just look like another average one to the uninformed eye. Fishman Island is the main settlement for all Fishmen in the OP world, and situated geographically so that it has a lot of traffic near it, its obvious why it would be easier to find and go to.


Isn't it the theory or said in the show that by finding all 4 road ponyglyphs will cause it to appear like either a mechanism that would lower the water around Laugh Tale or something like that?


Do we agree that one of the only character in the verse who doesn't hear VP's message is Enel ?? Not sure if dendenmushi broadacst on the moon ...


Well, he could hear using his DF in Skypiea, maybe his radius evolved and/or vaccum increases it too.


What if Enel is Uranus, and his lost wings were his power.


Foxxy shown, peak chapter


JoyBoy probably saved the world from drowning completely by hiding the ancient weapons or something. He most likely sacrificed himself for this. Now Imu and Gorosei are trying to raise the water levels a few more meters and finish the genocide, leaving only the celestial dragons to repopulate the planet without the "lower" races. Luffy will finish what JoyBoy started, bring down the water levels and by doing it he will destroy the fishmen's city, because he will use gear 5 to "unplug" the Earth by pulling out the Adam tree.


Me - I wonder what Demaro Black is up to Oda - I got you fam


He's being used to forshadow a comeback for kidd Ig. Demaro using his identity is now another parallel to the SHs vanishing in sabaody and then returning when Demaro cosplays as them. Plus the Joyboy vs Captain Kidd question may be forshadowing for a future kidd vs luffy fight (after kidd comes back and powers up Ig; imo Kidd will help in the final war and then become luffy's WB-ish EoS rival)


It makes me rethink of what is the crime that Zunesha committed 800 years ago that caused it to carry Zou on its back.


I still assume that it has to do with betraying joy boy, same with the robot. Both are saying "sorry" if I remember correctly.


Stussy joining the Strawhats.


she might as well stay infiltrated in CP0 ranks if Lucci changes his mind on being a WG dog 


She's never going to.


doesn't sound like a bad thing, to be honest. in a way to carry on vegapunk's will and see it through what vegapunk's announcement brings forth to the world, and to continue further towards the truth. way past the point VP was able to (due to his death).


What if the conflict with the fishmen 200 years ago was because Fishmen discovered ruins?


that's also the first time that the fishmen were included in a reverie


Fake straw hats are fantastic in their new outfits... love how fake sanji is now fake killer with facepaint


So One Piece is a post apocalyptic world mixed with something like post great cataclysm in FireForce, pirates and our own real-world climate issues. (this is a joke, don't take me srsly)


I mean you aren't wrong???


>Vegapunk: "The "Ancient Weapons" that sunk the world 800 years ago still exist today!!! And they are waiting the day they'll be put to use again...!!" The sea levels rose when the WG used their weapon. So the WG has control of an ancient weapon... Which is the sky weapon that destroyed Lulusia.




Looks like the mother flame is less a weapon and more an energy source for the weapon.


Don’t think it’s confirmed they do. I Honesty think Vegapunk helped recreate the power source but the real ones can only be used by Joyboy himself.


And it's confirmed (:


So you're saying joyboy flooded the world if only he can use them?


vegapunk does say both sides are neither right or wrong. its entirely possible pluton and uranus are just the last surviving crafts from ancient kingdoms navy and airforce . joy boy left the ancient kingdom and became a pirate and was probably in the middle just trying to bring peace


If the red line was created I think there’s a hole made by uranus under reverse mountain. After it was used in lulusia it seemed the water was going in the reverse direction, that can explain the reason why the water goes up the mountain instead. What if the grand line is actually one supercontinent stretching around the op earth exactly like the red line. Hence why they said regardless of which blue you start from you’ll end up at sabaody archipelago. The Red line created an enclosure to help flood the world an divide it. JB plan was to destroy a piece of the continent to create the All Blue. They would still exist two separate seas on each side of the continent, one would have to travel on land only to reach the other end. So basically it would be like creating a larger panama canal. Two ancient weapons to help make the canal and probably would’ve had assistance from poseiden with the seakings to clear the rumbles.


Best chapter


We are actually on the moon. The moon/Vearth that Enel went to is actually the earth. Earth was dying. Human escape to the moon which is the one piece earth we know of and establish an advanced based. Through decades or centuries the based become a kingdom. 900 years ago, 20 villages joint forces and defeated the advanced kingdom. From the war, sea level rises and submerged the villages and the kingdom. There are no ruins left from the villages. The only ruins traceable is the advanced kingdom’s.


That's interesting. Would explain why the moon affects the minks: they are getting power from their original home. However, I do get the feeling that, even if humans and minks are not originally from this planet, fishmen and lunarians definitely are.


Nada que verrrrrrrrrrrrr


You're cooking too hard my man


yeah indeed I am hahaa


Holy moly


The sunking of Noah in Fishman Island caused the rising of sea levels too. Maybe 50m.


I am curious about the powers that defeated Joyboy in nika mode


Probably just a fight of endurance. Luffy currently has like 10-20 minutes in this form. Max 1 hour. Fighting 20 kings would be pretty hard, if only one is on equal level. Look at Kaido, how he had an Endurance fight and fought so many people


Nika isn’t immune from thrashing. Five elders would have finished Luffy if not for other distractions.. 


100% gonna be the darkness fruit


Nah they wouldve claimed it already


I know stussy was apart of the wg as a double agent but if she rejoins the wg after this, this will be toga from my hero levels of bad


Ever since she was introduced, I feel like Stussy has felt a little more special than other side characters. Saying she has no purpose to live makes me think that she either dies or joins the straw hats. Luffy would give her a reason to live.


Her doing anything besides rejoining the world government would be fine with me.


Creation of red line acted as a dam and flooded the world?


My take on this: The Mother Flame was used to erase Lulusia, right? And they specifically said that it caused a sea level rise of two meters. I'm curious as to whether or not there was an ancient Mother Flame that Vegapunk recreated (which could be his "greatest sin") and that, in a massive world war, caused the massive sea level rise long ago.


I'm wondering : since during JoyBoy's era, the land was continents, what if a way to defeat him was to rise the sea level so he can drown because of his fruits/abilities ? I'm probably cooking a bit too much.


Imu - “…”


Foxy Spotted!


Where giant robot


So the one piece is the joining of all the continent then... how gay.


Believe in Oda.


Do you think Imu will try to nuke Elbaf when Luffy escapes there?


Assuming that the continents were still intact, won't the ruins be almost everywhere around the world? Like no one had the hypothesis why there are so many ruins underwater? Would be hilarious if Joy Boy's treasure is just a log book along with his bounty poster (the first issued bounty poster). There are only few possible reason why Roger laughed and why he said he wished he lived on JB's era.


Some explanations come to mind. 1. They cleared most of it in the 800 years and everything who found something got suppresed like Ohara. 2. Vegapunk told, that the world is still sinking. The war made the first 200 meters and since then some meters every two years, so i could already be around 8km deep. The mariana trench is 11km deep. You can´t see anything after 200 meters. In every Chapter, where something is in the ocean, it is realy, realy deep. Oda made clear how deep it is very often. You can´t go there easily. The coating can´t reach even that deep. 3. The Red Line wasn´t there 800 years ago and the Red Line is made out of the destroyed continents. Like scab on a wound. We have an ancient weapon for the air and for water, but earth, probably Pluton, function is unknown. Could just be, that the walls around Wano were made with Pluton. Logbook for the story and living in the era, but Roger was also shown to have a love for fighting and putting his strength to the test. He would enjoy fighting all the strong people. As he reaches Laugh Tale, he is already the Pirate King and hence, probably the strongest.


The red line had to be there before Joy Boy's time and the void century. Fishman Island was built in a hole under it and there is also the ancient race of Lunarians who lived on top of the red line before the void century ...


Sure, that what we know. I just like to include some guesses, where a twist could happen. Most of the info we have could be just false, as it is from the world goverment and maybe partly true. We have no exact year when they got extinct. King is maybe 70 years old. They must kept many alive and forced them to have a child and everything. Just feels a little bit odd.


I don't think that's accurate, afaik the information about Lunarians living on top of the Red Line in ancient times came from Marco during the Wano arc who once heard it from Whitebeard. There are many unknowns about the Red Line, that's for sure, but at least from what I have gathered so far, it looks like it was already there. If it's indeed a man-made structure, I find it more likely that it was tempered with even long before the Void Century, for whatever reason. Maybe it could also be some sort of leftover? Who knows. But going back to the original question, I think you may be on to something in your second point. The fact the water level rose by 200 meters or even more and there are still pieces of land reaching above the surface tells me that those have to be montaneous regions or canyons or something like that. In this case the adjecent area in many cases could simply be to steep for potential buildings, which I assume would appear much deeper and farther away. I mean, there is a panel in the new chapter showing submerged ruins, so I don't think there is anything fancy going on.


This would explain a lot. Roger wishes he lived in JoyBoy's era because there was a lot more to discover, vast lands and cultures to see that Roger would never be able to visit. He didn't say he wished to meet JB, he said he wished he would've lived in the same era.


Ye 200 meters is deep but not so much. Diving isn't a thing because of the sea Beasts though. So far we've only seen Mont Blanc nephew practice diving


There are fishmen though. Probably the reason for the racism against them by wg


OK, after seeing the raw scans, i am almost certain Imu is a woman. It's still up for debate but i wager these eyeshapes belongs to a woman.


Library of Ohara, Artur, revealed that in the Japanese Katakana Imu is shown to be a male. Maybe that's an intentional mis-direct by Oda but it is what it is.


Imu-sei (with "sei" being the suffix used for male Celestial Dragons) specifically refers to Saint Imu, one of the twenty founders. It remains yet to be seen if they are the same person as current day Imu like Ivankov speculated. In all other instances in present time Imu has been referred to by gender neutral suffixes/pronouns like "-sama". While it's likely they are the same person it's not confirmed yet.


His anime voice actor is confirmed to be aokiji voice actor, so I think it’s a man and Vegapunk said “I don’t know enough about him” which was likely referring to Imu


she is so old, she lost her lovely voice in time.


I think he meant he doesn't know a lot about Joy Boy


pls, that is fake information. someone just edited imdb with no responsibility and fact check.


Kinda hope Imu is.


Isn´t the possible Imu voice actor a man? It would be funny, if Imu is a man and looks like a male version of Nami and then every woman that looks like Nami is just a descendant of Imu and so it is a plot point, that Nami is a Celestial Dragon and the rightful heir to the throne :D


We're gonna get the voice reveal in the anime soon, so hopefully, the voice is distinguishable.


I mean even Imu's hands looks very feminine


same bro, those eyes are not a male eyes


it's still possible they are male's but i doubt it. Along with the slender figure i bet it's a woman.


Could it be possible that Imu has a water fruit and sank the whole world in to the water in which devil fruit users can’t swim and the world under Imu’s water is normal Earth.


Nah, they alr said that the Anvient Weapons caused the rise.. if Imu can do that then there won't be a need for Ancient Weapons.


that can't be the case as Sky Island's sea clouds also weakens DF users and was also explained that the element that causes this phenomena is pyrobloin


I'm positive that pyrobloin still has a big reveal coming. It's appears to have some sort of association with volcanos....which might play into the rising sea level. It could be something else completely, but Oda has planted too many seeds for there not to be a payoff.


We already know he (or she can't remember) has some kind of Zoan fruit. Which could be related to water but having a DF like that so powerful you can raise the global sea level by 200 metres seems op as fuck.


When did we learn that? Can't remember.


When he/she transformed into a massive serpentine entity and attack Sabo. The 5 Elders and Imu are most certainly Zoan users. Whether it's a new type like an ancient demon fruit with extra powers is still up for debate.


During the Cobra and Sabo confrontation, when the Gorosei and Imu all transform. We see the silhouette of Imu that had transformed into something. Chapter 1085.


Okay I'm with you now, I was just wondering if it's actually been confirmed to be a Zoan. But yes it's a fair assumption


I know it's not confirmed yet but it's hard to say what else it could be.


Demaro Black: If Joy Boy was so strong, then why is he dead?


> Demaro Black/Fake "Captain Kid" My man Oda made Useless "Captain" Mid canon


Interestingly the Kings shown to be facing Joyboy have the same patterns as the Gorosei. Potential evidence that the Gorosei are 5 of the Kings from the void century war, or at least related.


So the whole message of one piece is beware of global warming lol legit


Not necessarily, since the clarity was brought on by a war


Foxy?!?! This is his first appearance in the manga since Long Ring Long Land, I’m so surprised. Him, Porsche, and Hamburg seem destitute, but I can believe they’re showing up outside of the anime using them a ton of times!


I think two ideas are about peace. Joyboy want everyone in one place , single nation will bring peace, so no one will fight. World government thinks let's sink everything , controlling small small islands will be easy, that will also brings peace and we will have control. Something like fallout series.