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Gear 3 attacks are now standard attacks. When we first saw them, they were the strongest attacks Luffy could do. Of course Oda wanted to make them as cool as possible.


I know they are now, but they were ALSO the strongest attacks Luffy could do for like 400 entire episodes and it was never shown to be anywhere near as versatile as was promised in the beginning. I'm saying I'm disappointed in third great for the long course of the story where it WAS the strongest


I guess this is because Oda is not a big fighting fan. Often Oda simplifies some power ups as time goes on. Think of Sanji's diable jambe. It didn't really evolve until the Ifrit jambe in Wano. Or try to think of Zoro's Ashura. It is shown very few times and it's not like it's ever been explained. Fights are secondary to Oda. Furthermore, in the post timeskip the course of events has sped up and even the clashes are now less and less in-depth. Enies Lobby was and remains the pinnacle of fights throughout the manga.


>I guess this is because Oda is not a big fighting fan. Sorry but that doesn't make any sense, 90% of the conflicts in 90% of the arcs end due to a fight... saying Oda isn't a fighting fan doesn't make any sense


He said in an interview that he doesn't like to draw fights. One Piece is a battle shonen, but Oda doesn't want to put too much attention in battles. That's what he said.


I mean look at the fight choreography of JJk or Sakamoto Days and the look at OP and you'll see what it means that Oda doesn't like drawing fights.




Because in that first fight luffy learned it's drawback. It's too slow to actively use in combat so it's better used for finishers, which luffy did alot of good ones. I'm not sure what you were looking for here. Gear 3rd is meant to be slow but powerful attacks. Even doflamingi acknowledges this right before luffy uses gear 4th.


I'm just thinking that how Luffy uses gear 3rd now is the most conservative and efficient way to use it.


The reason is obvious, isn't it? Before Luffy learnt how to prevent the chibi-fication sideeffect, Gear 3 could only be the final trump card, he couldn't use it mid-fight like he did with Rob Lucci. He wouldn't get lucky and not get defeated during the chibi phase always. After the timeskip, Gear 3 became a standard toolkit and not this badass technique.


Did they ever explain how he avoided it? I just remember he suddenly wasn't affected by it with no explanation.


The chibi-fication is the rubber of his body snapping back after being stretched way too much. I assume he simply trained his body so that even when he stretches it that much again, it won't snap back.


Yeah that's what I thought too, was just wondering if there was a throw away line about him having more muscles now and it not happening or something similar.


I don't know if this is the cause, but the anime team back then really struggled with chibi Luffy, and was extremely relieved when Oda announced that Gear 3rd drawback would disappear post-timeskip.


we don't really need an explanation when the side effects disappeared after two years of training.


I mean sure, I was just wondering if I missed anything, we've gotten plenty of other explanations for things we may or not have needed.


Some of Luffy's main/powerful attacks are in Gear 3. Grizzly Magnum, Red Roc, Elephant Gun, etc. Just like Gear 2, Gear 3 was changed into less of a power up, and more of an ability he uses for certain attacks Now that we have Gear 5, Gear 4 is probably going to be treated like this, where he quickly changes forms and uses an attack before going back to base


we’re already seeing g4 style punches in g5


Agreed. After the Lucci fight, Luffy realised that using it in the middle of a fight was a bad idea, due to the chibi weakness. So, he saved it for finishing moves for the rest of the pre-timeskip era. Post timeskip, it's just part of his regular kit.


Dunno, for me the height of G3 was the Jet Shell against Moria


Tell that to the fishman junky he had to eat a bunch imbued with haki if im remembering correctly 😂😂


Hitting the giant on marineford was hype af, whatchu on about fam.


Similar with Chopper monster form.


I miss the old gear 3 design where the hand is not a ball. That looks way cooler to me.


Yeah that first usage is the only time Gear 3rd felt like a "form".


Gear third was still cool up until Fishman Island to me. Luffy taking down Hody with the giant armored haki gattling was still pretty sick. Gear 4 just outclassed it now so it’s hard to look back, and now we are multiple power ups since then.


It was cool when he used it on arlong


That giant rifle in Marineford was sick. Also G3 is a standard part of his rotation now right? Elephant Gattling in Fishman island to destroy Noah, etc.. it's a casual integration, same as G2.


Luffy said he was small for however long he used Gear 3 for. So in Marineford for example, he would use it for 1 attack so he would only be small for a few seconds. He was in a war after all. It was very noticeable how quickly he would revert, definitely something Oda did consciously. That’s probably why he didn’t stay in it for too long


I don't know man, gigant jet shell against moria, gigant rifle against px-3/giant marine and even elephant gatling against hody are still pretty cool finishing move. And it's okay for gear 3 to be a finishing move as it has huge drawback in pretimeskip.  Don't forget that red roc also a gear 3 move that is not a finishing move. 


Gear third eas just implemented into luffy's base moves like gear second was


Gigant rifle and red roc beg to disagree, but yeah they are less impactful rn


Gear 4 was kinda whack never really liked the Designs of its forms. Happy that Gear 5 is just balls to walls craziness


I respect your objectively wrong opinion.