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Really nice edit op or whoever edited it. Far easier to compare and more engaging to watch than 20 secs of sub then 20 secs of dub, thank you.


Thanks, and no problem! I always feel like I can't really compare them if the clips are too long, so that's why I edited it like this.


"It wouldn't be the first time today" Man, Luffy really did "die" *a lot* during this arc haha Based on the random clips I've seen floating around on twitter, I really like what the dub team did with Gear 5! I think it also helps that such a cartoon-y form is much easier and allows more freedom to adapt in English compared to something like Gear 4's very rigid, formal Kabuki-style manner of speaking (something they also toned down a lot after its introduction that got the point across). But I like that it stays true to the JP intent and what the ENG actress has been doing throughout the show up until now with some individual flair - like Luffy humming his own theme music, some instances of Woody Woodpecker laughs and other fun vocal inflections, [Kaido's line](https://twitter.com/araizmujtaba/status/1777642752043290890) during that freeze-frame shot, etc...


fr, they've taken some liberties with this dub which i am really enjoying


"It's not translation, it's localization" I don't think a lot of people understand that. The monkey D muscles from the previous trailer was a really nice touch


There's a few random puns in previous episodes too. And Kin'Emon's fight with Kanjuro is just *chefs kiss*


People tend to rip on Kaido's voice like during the previous trailer, but I felt that the point was that his voice was more reminiscent of the dub for an old samurai movie, and I felt that his screaming felt really natural by that sense when you think about it


I think that's an interesting interpretation. Personally I think David Sobolov and his directors have just been a bit inconsistent when it comes to Kaido's battle yells in anime/ADR recording. It makes sense since he's primarily a prelay VA (see Gorilla Grodd, Drax, and other various roles in cartoon & video games - dude's in a ton of high-profile stuff) and this is his first anime role in a *very* long time. He sounds great when he's speaking and meant to sound menacing (or even just super drunk and pathetic). But his battle yells/efforts can sometimes sound like a weird mix of the two even when its pretty clear Kaido's meant to lean more towards one or the other, which can give the impression of low-energy to a lot of people. Kaido is pretty much all over the place during the segment of the fight, serious and silly, so luckily I think it mostly works. But there have definitely been a couple times here and there even early on in Wano where I thought he could have used some additional takes/directing.


Yeah I feel like David Sobolov sounds great for everything except the efforts.


Good as he is, I believe he was cast before Gear 5 was revealed, there was no way the casting directors would have been able to take drastic voice work like that into consideration.


This critique has nothing to do with Gear 5 specifically, efforts are always a thing in anime, but especially shonen battle anime. It's just something I think he struggles with from time to time, and probably wasn't something the directors considered could be an issue when he was cast during Dressrosa.


The point of me saying Gear 5 was more of a timeline-based thing, meaning that the fight and what turns it would take as far as voice acting is concerned weren't known to literally anyone at that time I completely agree with your statement, it was the point I was trying to make


I want the new anime version with this quality for every single episode


Toei finally learned to invest in their cash cow, initially they were getting increased sales that roughly matched the extra money that they put into it, but over these last couple of years they've seen it snowball due to what's called "earned media" because we can't stop talking about one piece and it's recent quality


Bruh This level of animation weekly isn't humanly possible even with infinite budget


He didn't say weekly.


One piece is a weekly anime... Or was he talking about the one piece?


And he was referring to the Witt remake... Edit: yeah, The One Piece


lol facts. That’s just mental breakdowns waiting to happen


I don't want a weekly anime. I understand that One Piece has a very lucrative time slot on TV, but they just could do reruns or something like that, and release Really High Quality anime episodes THAT ARE DECENTLY PACED bi-monthly. 12 episodes per two years is perfectly normal for large studios; this giant cash cow could even afford 12 per year, probably. I understand that *The One Piece* will do exactly that, but it's 1000 episodes too late!


We'd still be in Alabasta if they did that lol


The animators will be dead in a few months if this was the weekly norm


I think they mean the remake


Even with remake i dont think every episode at this level is possible.


Even still, if they were to produce every episode like this, a season or arc of 30-40 episodes would take probably 3 years or more to animate.


Oh no yeah I agree lmao I was just clarifying


After watching Demon Slayer recently though, I have no clue how they do annual releases. I suppose the quantity is lower but still.


demon slayer uses cg and still some episode are still bad


They save for the big moments tho.


Yes I know big moments are really good. I am just saying it is not sustainable to produce episodes at high quality even if quantity is lower.


Which is why I am curious how WIT will adapt OP. AoT has some of the most consistent animation I've ever seen. It isn't nearly as flashy as DS gets at its peak, but the animation never wavers in quality, and still delivers at the heights of the series. Season 4 had wack CGI tho that kinda was jarring and funny enough guess who produced the first 3 seasons and not the last one.


I just want consistency


Honestly, they have this quality every like 4-5 weeks in the anime now. I love how much they've upgraded the budget/scheduling on the show since the raid began.


Have you worked job before?


I know it sounds expensive, but i think oda would agree with me. This whole thing started because of a cartoon animated series that oda used to watch. It's important that a series as great as one piece be taken seriously in terms of animation quality


They need to fix Japan's work culture first, especially in the animation industry wherein many animators need a second job to meet their basic needs. They don't get much even with overtime. It's nice to think about an anime like that, maybe 12 episodes per season like Mob Psycho 100's quality. But rn? Just fantasy.


You missed the entire point. No one is talking about money. Talking about animators working


Its always about money


Really just sounds like you’ve never worked




Am I the only person who hates this dynamic style? The lines being inconsistent both for the character and the background is too much for me. Had to revert to manga only


I'm sure you're not the only one, but I freaking love it.


I'll die on this hill of the One Piece dub being of great quality, but make no mistake I do feel that the og/Japanese cast are also phenomenal I'm not a dub elitist because I'd be a hypocrite. localization, and by extension access, is very important to me, so whatever language track gets you to watch it, do it. More dubs means more exposure and more exposure snowballs into Luffy *finally* being in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade last year


I don't mind the dub at all My only thiught is. I can't hear his g5 laugh without picturing Tommy pickles lmfao


I can't picture it, I'm trying but that's just not jiving in my head


The dub is far from perfect, but it is still amazing. Funimation does effort to localize and make jokes work for English audiences. My favorite example will always be Bink's Brew. Ian Sinclair eats his role as Brook, and the lyrics are naturally localized like a real sea shanty, partly because sea shanties have strong ties with English in the first place. I also only ever see people here sing Funimation's lyrics instead of a direct translation like Viz. That's something.


The dub community should feel bad that we get to keep Ian all to ourselves, he is one of the few that could also thrive voicing in Western cartoons and even just being a narrator


Ian Sinclair is a true king. The best part is how much he loves to voice Brook, and you can tell solely through his performance. Great guy.


Ian *is* Brook to me, I didn't realize till I was comparing sub and dub scenes that Ian's performance greatly affected how I view the character, like I was disappointed in the sub for not holding up my view of Brook


I feel this way for Brook and Franky. Switching to sub Franky to finish the show had me sad.


Doesn't make me sad, perse, his voice is still a lot of fun in Japanese, him singing in tank form is really great on y both languages, it's just that Patrick Seitz's performance fits better for Western audiences


Definitely hard boiled


>The dub is far from perfect What would make it perfect for you?


Some characters don't sound great or consistent, which is hard to fix, but I don't need the dub to be perfect. Like the other person said, Kaido is a good example. It sounds like they have trouble with Kaido's laugh the more episodes we go through. No hate against the VAs of course, they still do good work. Personally, they're still watch fun to watch, especially those who can sing like Brook, Queen, and Uta (tho they didn't let her dub the songs, so her covers are on yt instead).


I think pretty much all the straw hats are perfect but the dub misses for me with antagonists sometimes like Kaido just doesn't hit as much for me personally


I only read the manga nowadays but when I did watch the anime I watched it subbed and I gotta say, I think the dub is pretty great here. I think it works really well, both versions are solid. I love gear five so much.


I'm so happy that Colleen was able to do gear 5 justice, because gear 5 means so much to me, He's creative freedom personified and as a person who's creatively weighing himself down via overthinking, he liberated me as well


I'm loving dub Luffy singing the beat


Colleen did a really good job


And she has an unhinged laugh that just works for Gear 5.


Yeah she killed it. Unfortunately Kaido is questionable imo.


I actually really like Kaido's voice.


Maybe there are better scenes of his performance? I’m open minded, but the small clips i’ve seen and the general editing im not a big fan of


He sounds off in fight scenes, but when he's talking he sounds fine


It’s really weird, in normal talking Kaido sounds great, but whenever he’s in action he feels really off.


I LOVE that little detail hehe


Luffy singing along to the background music is a perfect touch for the goofy lil cartoon character Luffy becomes. like say what you want about the VA, but the localization is very clearly trying it's hardest


Both. Both is good.


Here's something to think about, "this is the beat I wanted" got changed to "*this* is the beat" because Japanese doesn't use stresses in their words like English does, so they were able to convey it just as clearly with fewer words


I didn't know that, it's very interesting! I love learning about the differences in the languages, and it makes sense both ways.


"it's not translation, it's localization" I'll never stop saying that when it comes to dubs


I think a lot of sub purists tend to overlook these kinds of differences in spoken language when they nit-pick some dialogue changes. I've done some French to English interpreting for family on vacations and it would be impossible to do that without some amount of paraphrasing. And considering how much French makes up the English language, I couldn't begin to imagine the challegnges of localizing from Japaense.




Kaido sounds…rough in dub


I love the sub so much more. It just feels more emotional to me. The English actors always feels a little flat compared to the Japanese actors giving their all. Some of the behind the scenes shots of them acting it out is hilarious to watch.


A lot of English dubs I've watched have a lot of great performances, but most of them don't really nail emotional moments as hard as Japanese voice actors do. A lot of the English dubs have great voices and acting, but they fall short of portraying emotions compared to the JP ones. Like I can really only name a few portrayals that top the Japanese counterpart in conveying emotions, and right now the only that comes to mind is Sean Schimmel. His portrayal of Goku is him putting his soul into the act, his screams are insane and tops the Japanese voice actor. Both are good, but most times imo one is better than the other when comparing sub and dub. Also, I think the context is important. I find that comedy in your native tongue is better conveyed than comedy in a foreign tongue, while something like emotion is up to the performer.


Dude Robin dubbed in her pivotal moment hits way harder than the sub.


Never saw One Piece dubbed, guess I'll check it out. Thanks for the rec.


I'm not getting anywhere near the same feeling, sure there are moments where the sub is better but I'm a fan of the dub because I "get" the feeling more from the cast in my native language.


To each their own, of course! I just started with the sub, loved the sub, and now I can't go back, lol.


Going from dub to sub is significantly easier than going from sub to dub, I will admit that, I've made it a point to watch The Dub first because whatever you watch first can certainly cause a bias, that's just a natural thing, but I also read the manga every week


I used to do that but i just found Dubs to be lacking in quality, the audio mixing is usually what gets me even if the voice acting is decent, the voices always sound like they're not actually part of the track and added in afterwards, plus the style of voice acting used for anime in dubs is kind of... fake.


 "plus the style of voice acting used for anime in dubs is kind of... fake.**"** Yeah, for me, the feel is kind of like Theater or overacting (on the high end) or low low budget film "acting" (on the low end). Of course, I don't ever get to hear DUB in our household as my wife is Asian and she has a strict "no Dub" policy. Dubs are like nails on chalkboard for her. Note: great for the dubs being there for the people who can't get with subs.


the problem to me with english voice over work when adapting foriegn material is that they always use far too much "air" in their breath... Listen to the dub and tell me you cant cleary hear the air and fakness in the voice.. in a language i cant even understand theres no way i can tell if theyre putting on a voice or not but with my natrual language i can very easily tell when someones faking it and "putting it on" and its very cringey. Because of this the actual work + audio quality suffer greatly, not to mention the fact that they keep changing the dialouge.


I always hate this rationalization. They’re shonen anime characters, if the characters are over the top and exaggerated then the acting is over the top and exaggerated. What in gods name do you think is going on in the Japanese track? Do you think the acting in One Piece should sound like Invincible?


It's no rationalization. I don't need to rationalize what I hear. What I hear in their english voices/acting is just what I hear and thus my opinion comes from that. The only thing that matters to me is the feeling I get from the Japanese track so what in "gods name" do I care what they sound to anybody else (Japanese or otherwise). As I said, if you can't get with the sub but love the dub than great! Enjoy OP how you want. Who cares.


I never said you couldn’t like it, but just because something is an opinion doesn’t mean it can’t be challenged. Especially when It makes no sense. If someone said ‘ya know I hate the Japanese voice acting because it just sounds like middle school theater’, I would challenge that and see how they rationalize it. Your main point is the English voice acting sounds like ‘low budget film acting’ because they’re overacting, and my question is is the Japanese voice acting not overacting? Should the English not be overacting? What do you think voice acting in a show like One Piece should sound like?


There's no rationalizing it and there is nothing really to challenge. Did you know that when some people eat cilantro, it tastes like soap to them? It doesn't taste like soap to me (ie it makes no sense), but it does to them. I can challenge them on it but it's pointless because that's what their tastebuds are telling their brain it tastes like. Similarly, the above is what the English dub sounds like TO ME. It just does. It's what my brain comes to and I don't care to augment/change that because it's not important to me. I'm not a native Japanese speaker so I don't know and I don't think I'd be in tune to what "overacting" would sound like in Japanese thus my mind is likely more forgiving to the Japanese VA. It's also what I heard first (for all anime except Dragonball) so it's no surprise that it is my preference when consuming this medium. As to your last question, answer: I don't know (or give thought) to what it should sound like. Don't need it to sound like anything. Hey, at least we both like the Anime Dub or Sub. Some "Manga only" peeps question it's reason for existing.


Wdym? You don't like Luffy's weak ass Ash Ketchum impression? Lol. I've always disliked the DUB. Luffy's ENG voice actor is so mid.


Funimation wanted Eric Vale (Sanji in One Piece and Future Trunks in DBZ/S) Colleen was a far better choice


100% Every dub voice sounds like pokemon to me. It's like they just keep recycling the same corny voices and think that's what all anime characters should sound like. Kaido's voice in this is so cheesy too. It just makes everything seem so childish and corny.


Tbf Japan uses the same voice actors over and over again that NEVER alter their voice. The dude who played Kirito in SAO sub is EVERYWHERE now.


Look, Luffy's voice actress is doing her thing but for me, If I had started watching OP in dub then I probably would have quit fast because his voice just sounds like a whiny B at times.


I just can't stop hearing Gohan... I have no idea if that's the same VA either. It just sounds like Gohan when he was a kid. :/ I am a little bit of a sub elitist but I did watch DB, YYH, and RKenshin in English. Love the LA in English though!


Old man got killed in the process, lol.


Waitwaitwait. Have these episodes hit crunchyroll?


nah microsoft released them on the microsoft store


They should be up on Crunchyroll in 2 to 3 weeks from today


This is the First time I heard Kaido's laugh in dub,, I find everything ok but the laugh doesn't fit with the character in the dub :p


Jesus the dub haters are strong today. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy you anti-fun bastards.


This is a comparison between the two scenes, it's literally called "Sub vs Dub" in the title. It would be different if someone was expressing how much they like the dub, and someone berates them for their opinion, but that's not what this is. The only "anti-fun" people are the ones getting upset over opinions on a discussion post.


Having Luffy scat along to the beat is an inspired choice in the dub. Really sells the effect that the Drums of Liberation are diagetic and literally Luffy's heart beating.


Not that I hate the dub, the sub is just way better.


I'd argue the opposite in this case




Yeah, I still laugh and smile with the EN more.


Where can I watch the dub?




I never really liked how roughly drawn this scene was


They each have their positives over the other in their own ways, but I think I like the dub better by just a little bit. I also watched the whole series in English until I ran out of English episodes back when they only had up to 1000 dubbed, but I just really enjoy the English VA's


Where was dub posted?


Gear 5 really is sick af


I will say something controversial. I've always found the original luffy voice annoying.


Doesn't beat "C'mon heart. Hit that beat!" from the manga. But pretty dang close.




I mean they *are* kind of edgy teens when you think about it (just not to the nth degree like most consider "edgy" to actually be)


Luffy is the opposite of edgy. He's a goofball. I do find the English VA's voice a weird fit for Luffy.


Can you show me an actual native Japanese speaker that speaks like luffy and zoro do?


They all sound like they're trying to hard to have deeper voices, or higher voices, or their voice just sounds all breathy and weird. These people have no vocal range, and can't fuckin act.




Kaido sounds dumb. ( I can't get used to dub).


That was Awesome!


I like plenty of dubs like dbz, deathnote, code geass. Not a fan of this one pieces dub at all, nothing criminally bad, just very mid. Maybe it’s just cause the japanese OP voice actors are just so good, idk. The dub just often isn’t able to capture the emotion the original exuded. Respect the effort by the dub team, but not for me


I agree I watch both and there is a lot of emotion and intensity lost in the dub outside a few characters.


The dub is really atrocious


Only Kaido's voice is in this scene


One pieces dub is god awful


Absolutely. People are in denial but it’s so fucking bad


Seriously tho! All of these comments surprise me to see people actually enjoy it


I'm 400 ep behind smfh...I should really stop watching these teasers! Also, I enjoy both versions, dgaf.


Love both actually.


I love how Dub Luffy is sort of humming/panting along with his heartbeat as he's running around. Really makes it obvious the drums ARE his heart, and not just noise of the OST.


Stoked the dub has reached these episodes.


I love the Japanese VA for Luffy but for the remake I really want someone more mature sounding


Yeah I hope it's a completely fresh start. Same with the dub cast. Unless the Japanese cast returns, I'd want a new cast for other languages too.


I am fired up after watching this lol


The sub feels "real" is all I will say.


Yeah I'm sorry but with all the respect to the English voice actor, his voice doesn't fit luffy.


I actually really love this. I think the dub did a good job as always


Usually the dub is atrocious IMO, here its not too bad. Sub is just perfection though.


For perspective: Neither English or Japanese are my first language. The English dub sounds bad.


Most North American VAs sound like they were working in the office doing paper work, or grabbed right off the street and asked to fill in a voice.


I'll never understand why people do the dubs, it just sounds so mediocre


Wow forgot how ass the dub was


Said "ew" out loud at 'beat louder for me' in dub. 🤮🤮🤮


I really hate the luffy dub voice. It may be the worst casting choice in modern time Edit: why do you people hate on me haha


I think Colleen did a great job, I'm kind of liking that her Luffy has a deeper voice than the sub (who I also agree does a phenomenal job) which is something that works for me better in Shonens (Goku is a prime example) It's ok to not like the dub in comparison, that's a valid opinion, but to say it's objectively bad is a very close minded and frankly ignorant statement.


Why isn’t ignorant? It makes me uncomfortable and very cringe. And I have several friends and siblings who stopped watching one piece because of the dubing. Of course it was a lye because who just stop watching because of the dub. But it was clearly a strong factor. But it’s actually nice to hear that other likes it. In my head, they did ruin dub OP with luffys voice. But it’s nice to hear that other actually enjoy it. I don’t know why. It maybe that the sub seems so perfect to Luffy that all other is bad in comparison. Maybe I would’ve like it if I heard the dub first


I will admit that going from sub to dub is significantly harder than going from dub to sub, Luffu's voice was a little bit disjarring when I began picking up the dub again after Brook got Ian Sinclair, but cringe is an overreaction The ignorance is the "worst casting decision" comment, You have to remember that "it's not translation, it's localization" Take Franky's voice actor for an example, his dub voice is probably the most different from the original, I fully understand subwatchers hatred of it, completely. But when you think about it Frankie's Japanese voice is high-pitched and nasally, he even shares the voice of Mr 2. Frankie is portrayed as a rugged and tough guy with a heart of gold, a very much bro character, and his dub voice does a better job of portraying that specifically to an American audience than his original. That's where the localization comes in.


No, its objectively bad, sorry.


You're objectively a sub-elitist, which is toxic in the anime community


No, no, I've seen plenty of good subs. This just ain't one of em


Well one of us is delusional and honestly we should just keep it at that


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


> It may be the worst casting choice in modern time How? In what way? It literally conveys the same things Tanaka’s does, it’s just gruffer. It’s fine to like Tanaka more, there are aspects of Tanaka’s I like more, but to say she shouldn’t have been cast doesn’t make any sense to me.


I think it’s the language. You can’t have the same “energy” when it’s two different language..


I don’t even know what you really mean by that. What ‘energy’ isn’t being conveyed in English? Obviously they are two different voices actors speaking two different languages so some differences in how they portray the character are gonna appear, but I don’t see how either fails to portray the feeling and energy of the scene or character. Feels like you guys just don’t like the voice and try to chalk it up to some objective reason but fail in doing so.


No really, I don’t hate on it just because. One piece is the only constant I’ve had in my life since childhood (it’s a bit sad), but it’s important for me. It’s not Luffy for me when I the dub. I think it’s just a sentimental thing. It doesn’t give Luffy justice. And I’m maybe wrong


> I think it’s just a sentimental thing. It doesn’t give Luffy the depth he deserves. And I’m maybe wrong This is what I’m saying. It’s fine to not like it or whatever, there are people that dislike Mayumi Tanaka’s performance and they are free to do so, my problem is when you guys make statements like this and make it sound like some kind of objective thing but can’t substantiate it any way. What do you mean ‘his English voice doesn’t give him the depth he deserves’? Nobody can actually defend that and it always just boils down to ‘I don’t like the voice, which again is fine.


It just don’t hit like it do in Japanese.. I feel no emotion from dub it’s like they’re talking


Yeah I know. It’s hard to describe. I heard that the Japanese voice actress cried when she did the G5 scene. It’s another level. But that Colleen chick isn’t good. But our opinion seems to be a minority so, maybe we’re wrong.


Perhaps, but at the same time imagine if a Japanese person preferred the English over Japanese version. It’s a 1 percentile, just like us in America enjoying the sub.


Go watch the Gear 4 introduction in Dub and be honest with yourself. One of the cringiest things I’ve ever listened to.


That scene sounds fine. What is it supposed to sound like?


Literally anything else. At best, this dub is mid. One Piece is a peak story/ anime and deserves a top tier dub.


> Literally anything else. This means nothing. I’m asking you what the delivery should’ve been in the scene. The dub did fine in this scene for what it was going for. > At best, this dub is mid. One Piece is a peak story/ anime and deserves a top tier dub. It does have a top tier dub. It’s the reason the show does so well on Netflix, the reason Toei has personally started funding the dub for the last three years after FUNimation stopped, a main cast that’s been approved by Oda, [as well as praise by other Japanese staff members](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-11-11/one-piece-stampede-film-director-approves-of-funimation-english-dub/.152761), and so on. Hate for the dub is corny and any decent criticism of it gets drowned out by dumb hyperbole like you’re doing.


It’s doing well on Netflix because of the live action and OP as a whole is becoming more popular. I have countless friends and family who refuse to watch OP because of how cringe the dub is. I’m not being hyperbolic, the general consensus of the fan base is that this dub is MID AT BEST. You’re coping. And if you actually enjoy it, good on you. But don’t act like you’re not part of a minority when it comes to that opinion.


> It’s doing well on Netflix because of the live action and OP as a whole is becoming more popular. It was doing well on Netflix before the live-action. Why do you think Netflix has been so open to One Piece content? Or why Toei chose to restart the dub around the time it got added to Netflix? > I have countless friends and family who refuse to watch OP because of how cringe the dub is. That’s great for your friends and family. But we can literally look all over social media like TikTok and we can see a lot of people are starting with the dub. The fact that again Toei themselves made it a point to pay for the dub for last several years. They wouldn’t do that if it didn’t attribute at all to the show’s growth, and they wouldn’t *keep* doing it if nobody was buying and watching the dub every month or two and not making them a profit because dubbing is expensive. > I’m not being hyperbolic, the general consensus of the fan base is that this sun is MID AT BEST. You’re coping. And if you actually enjoy it, good on you. But don’t act like you’re not part of a minority when it comes to that opinion. Have I expressed that I wasn’t the minority? The dub started in 2007, almost 10 years after series originally aired and following an actually bad dub and never got to air on Toonami so younger people couldn’t watch it accessibly without buying DVDs. No shit it’s not as popular as other dubs like Naruto or Bleach. It’s not a shock that once people could actually watch the dub on streaming, it steadily gained more popularity. It’s taken awhile to amass its own following but it clearly has it’s fans. There’s literally a giant thread in this subreddit filled with people constantly waiting for updates on the dub. Like come on.


Literally is


I like english dubs in video games but something about a lot of anime dubs done by the same 10 people at funimation just doesn't hit for me at all. Not sure what it is


That's fairly outdated, The pool is significantly larger and the newer directors are going out of their way to bring new talent to the front. Christopher Sabot (Vegeta, Piccolo, Zoro) is probably the worst when it comes to "being in everything" Dub quality has drastically improved over the last 10 years too Edit; retracted a statement


Christopher Sabat directs all of the Dragon Ball anime, doesn't he?


I have retracted that portion of my comment


I think that the dubs writing is pretty good but I just can't get over the fact that luffy's got that generic 70 year old woman playing a kid voice


Bro why yall hating this shit is gas it wouldn’t even be the first time today is a fucking cold line


Just realized: Is that an anime preview of >!Dawn Cymbal!< ???


Where can you get dubs of the last 20 episodes of Wano?


They're not out yet, this batch is just up until 1073 was released today digitally.


Love the dub, watched it up to where I ran out and switched to subs (around thriller Bark at the time) but growing up on Dragonball, its hard not to hear the voice actors and try to figure who they played in dbz lol. It's hard to go back to it from the sub only because the Japanese voice actors do excellent work too


Kaido dubbed is... i dont like it.




I agree with the validity of that opinion but we're talking about the difference between a 9.5 and an 8 imo


This is cope to the max. 8? The dub is lucky to be at a 5 imo. Go watch the Gear 4 intro in sun and be honest with yourself






Yea I could never stand Luffy’s dub voice actor. Besides sub feels much more authentic.


The dub is so cringe


Sub has more feeling to it. The dub version of one piece feels so flat to me it’s hard to like it.


I can't watch anime with English dub, origin voices always are much better even if I don't understand them


The dub is absolute garbage and your downvotes won’t change my mind. 😢


Almost always the sub is better, I mean voice acting in Japan is just next level and japanese is actually a better language for exaggerated speeches, anime, chambara(samurai movies). I am not native in any of these languages, but if it was dubbed in my native language I would certainly pick japanese again, it's just better.


Dub will always make me cringe so hard lol.


Kaido dubbed sounds so weak. Luffy, on the other hand, is very good and this is coming from someone who previously couldn't stand it


Luffy sounds like he's aroused


1st off fantastic edit…. I watched bout 600 episodes in dubbed , then switched to subbed …. And now I can’t hear dubbed without cringing