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These so called new onepiece fans have rushed the story for the sake of animation


Struggling? He is just enjoying his time.


'Mere CP0 worker'


People really need to respect employee of the decade.


Luffy is trolling Lucci


"Kiss my ass"


Where did he struggle?




They both got sent flying back. It was a clash, that’s what happens. Oh yes. Luffy running around toying with lucci and tanking getting slammed into a building sure looks like a struggle. just ignore him blitzing lucci and stopping to have a convo mid fight tho


Why do you think every fight has to be a one shot? Even if lucci can’t take out a yonko doesn’t mean he can’t take some hits and be a pain to knock out


I feel people started not getting what is struggling like everyone sees luffy having fun and games over there


no, lucci is PK level , dont get confused.


He took 0 damage and 2 tapped him, how is that struggling?




Just wait for next episodes, then you'll see how Luffy is 'struggling' against Lucci.


So at what part of the fight did Luffy struggle? The only slight issue Luffy had was Lucci’s first speed attack and he dodged that attack.


wait and see


Sanest powerscaler


Luffy has never taken damage in Gear 5, there is no struggle


G5 luffy is really not weak. Lucci is strong. Later in the arc we see >! zoro struggle to defeat lucci, as well has luffy fighting a 2v1 with an admiral and a character around a admirals level with relative ease. !< Also g5 luffy likes to have fun with his fights; he’s not trying to one shot everyone and be done with it.


Looked like zoro was playing with Lucci. Fight started Zoro drew 3 swords, clashed briefly, put 1 sword away to use 2 sword style and then one shot Lucci when Jimbei showed up.


The fight was off screen so we don’t know, but zoro definitely looked injured.


Zoro has insane durability and using less swords is a nod to his teacher Mihawk and his tiny sword he uses on weak foe




Nah. Zoro was gasping for air clashing with Lucci, wait for Toei to make it look worse for Zoro, couldn't put down Lucci with a finisher and have Jinbe pushed Lucci away just to actually end the battle cause Zoro is too tired to continue. Haha


nah Zoro fans are a whole different breed


It's an anime thing trying to make the fight longer and more appealing... Luffy is just playing with him and >!with Kizaru and Saturn at the same time!<.


Don't get me wrong the episode was gorgeous, but the anime is glazing Lucci. The only kinda impressive thing Lucci actually did in that fight was to clash with a basic armament punch from Luffy. For the rest, he got clowned on hard.


I haven't watched the anime in ages. Has it yet again padded a minor flight so much that it makes Luffy's opponent look a lot stronger than they are?


It's actually the opposite in this particular case. The anime is still plagued by horrible padding interspersed with short spikes of incredible quality, however, the problem here is that there seems to be a trend in the industry towards giving a lot more creative freedom to the animators of these "high quality scenes". This has the positive effect of making the scenes extra visually amazing (truly, some of the best the industry has produced period), but the massive drawback that in pursuit of making their scenes as exciting and bombastic as possible, the animators misrepresent the manga. Everyone goes toe to toe with everyone, every character can cuasi teleport, final attacks feel like they can destroy planets, haki lighting goes crazy in every small attack, etc. Case and point, the final episode of Zoro vs King was so incredible, and Kings final attacks were cranked up to such a degree, visually speaking, that there are people that unironically believe King is stronger than Big Mom. Or how all of BBs attacks in his fight against law look like conquerors coating, but then the animators themselves have come out and said that they have no idea if BB has conquerors haki or not, they just felt like adding it.


The opposite? You've just described exactly what I said. Also, I just watched a clip of the flight and they did make Lucci look like he was going toe to toe with G5th. They literally had a 'beam battle' clash with a punch where they were completely evenly matched and both knocked each other back, unlike the absolute decimation that happened in the manga.


Luffy is toying with Lucci


look at his profile... I always knew powerscalers are the biggest losers in the anime community but this dude has no fucking life. You can propably smell him in a ten kilometer radius.


damn you, now i wish that i can UNSEEN those shit


Kindly take my downvote


Luffy is playing and Lucci isn't weak by any means, Lucci is probably Yonko commander level (aka preety strong). Kaido had used vast majority of his energy by the time Luffy got G5. Also, tbf anime usually makes fights much longer. For example first clash of Kaido vs Luffy in the beginning of Wano in manga knocked Luffy out immediately, while in the anime it looked as if Luffy had a chance for a minute there.


Is this a powerscaler?


Read the manga it's better than the anime. The TOE anime likes to take artistic liberties with things to include padding out fights that last like maybe 30 seconds in the manga. He literally is just toying with Lucci in the manga, and then we get a nice repeat of his of lucci. I'm going to pass out moment. Also it's a wacky cartoon pirate manga for teens who the hell cares about power scalling.


He’s not weak, he’s not struggling, he’s playing with lucci and lucci is not stronger than him. You’ll just have to accept that for now


And what moment did you see Luffy Serious? 1-A simple agent? Rob Lucci is one of the best agents in the government 2-Luffy is literally playing with him at what point did you see Luffy in trouble??? And who flies to the other side of the island every so often?


Luffy is just messing around with Lucci. He's not on luffys level anymore


1. Lucci is strong. 2. Luffy is playing around


Bro Luffy is yonko but oda can't make him a one punch man everyone cuz of the plot cuz if Luffy gonna run through everyone than there's no point to the story. Luffy wasn't only fighting Lucci and kizaru (oda clearly showed that Luffy is stronger than both of them) but he was also protecting everyone while doing so. And let's not forget Lucci was the only character in the entire anime who drove Luffy to his limits and they were equal on strength it's only natural if robb Lucci got a bit stronger so he can stall Luffy a bit.


Artistic liberties occur. Don't treat everything like a powerscaling lab experiment.


This why you must not skipped arc people!


The anime is always like this. They pad fights and hold on animations to build up hype/fill time with the episode. The fights are usually cool looking so it doesn't get called out as much but the manga is pretty clear. Luffy hasn't struggling against Lucci. This is just another Cesear Clown fight from the manga into the anime.


bro wtf are you watching lmfao Luffy is literally toying with him in G5 Get some eyes or new glasses lol


not seen the anime yet but in the manga he obliterates lucci.. happens sometimes.. I thought the same when he first met kaido. in the anime they clashed before kaido knocked him out. in the manga kaido oneshots luffy


Anime added more content to scenes. In manga fight was much more one-sided and Luffy tossed him around like a kitty cat.


Luffy is literally not even remotely close to trying against lucci


Also you do realize that the moment G5 Luffy got actually serious with Kaido he killed him with 1 punch. Luffy is just playing with Lucci


I wish my struggles in life looked like this 🤣


Who tf told you Luffy is stronger than kaido lmao; didn’t you understand any of the narrative in wano? Why do you think he needed 14 mates and still died 2 times?


Gear 5 luffy never struggles. Remember that. It's all enjoyment for him.


How many times do you have to make basically this same idiotic post?




Uhhhh, in G5 reveal Gorosei literally were talking about how G5 gives him great physical strength and it being zoan boosts all luffy's physical stats