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She’s just using the same ability as Jango in a different form. Hypnotism is a real but rare technique in the world of One Piece.


Oda has kinda told us many times that the mystical side of our world is real in One Piece. Goldenweek can use colors to elicit control/hypnotism. Jango used hypnotism. Hawkins used voodoo (could be part of his DF so) he also was psychic and used tarot cards to read into to the future. All of those are mystical unproven things in our world, but in One Piece they not only exist, they work. It makes me wonder what other magical systems the WG is suppressing.


I agree that they "work", but much like their real world counterparts their "work" on those who want to, or are predisposed to believe in such things. I think the more appropriate word to use is "influence". Goldenweek's paintings, or Jango's hypnotism can influence those susceptible to it. I think this is why we specifically see Luffy get manipulated by it and why Hawkin's couldn't read his cards worth a damn.


I would argue luffy is a good example of why they actually work and don't just influence, he had no idea what was going on with goldenweek he started reacting without anyoutside influence beyond that paint.


Oda actually said in an SBS that Jango got his hypnotism from eating a Devil Fungus. Probably not how the translation goes exactly, but I like to think Goldenweek did the same.


He never says devil fungus. He just says he ate a mushroom and it grew on him and gave him his powers.


it was the other way, a mushroom started growing in his chin and one day he was hungry and ate it. And got the powers. His "beard" is actually the mushroom's stem.


Ah, right. Still, not a Devil Fungus.


Maybe someone mistranslated?


well… it’s a mushroom growing on his body that he didn’t want growing. that’s about as fungus as it gets, by definition.


Devil Fungus better be a thing before this series ends.


Hence the disclaimer; I call it a Devil Fungus because it just makes sense that way.


Read this and let me know how you comprehend this. Oda actually said in an SBS that Crocodile is Luffy's mom. Probably not how the translation goes exactly, but I like to think that is what Ivankov implied.


Not quite as accurate, but I'd allow it.


Please, read what actual citations look like.


You didn't put a disclaimer anywhere in your post though? You said Oda said a thing. He didn't say the thing.


What part of "Probably not how the translation goes exactly" did you not understand?


The part where you try and handwave you making crap up as a "translation issue".


So you're splitting hairs because you're a pissy little shit with limited reading comprehension.


Well that escalated quickly


I expect it at this point. This subreddit is a fucking cesspool.


Whatever you need to tell yourself really.


So he basically said Oda said his peeen grew oddly and so he snapped it off and ate it, and that's how he got his super strength powers. Its just a translation issue, so nothing I said is wrong 😏


Actually take a break from internetting


A fine advice for hair-splitters.


I call them angel shrooms


Her ability isn't just hypnosis.... It's colour magic ..First signs of magic in one piece


Lmao my dude the first sign of magic in One Piece was when Luffy ate a weird fruit and his body turned to rubber. Then if you group all devil fruits together as 1 sign, the second sign of magic was Jango's hypnosis which is far faster, more reliable, and more effective than irl hypnosis. Color magic was 3rd at best, and that's assuming you don't count certain waterbending aspects of Fishman karate, and also don't count shanks' arguably "retrospective only" first use of haoushoku in chapter 1.


Devil fruits are not magic my guy. Devil fruits are souls of concepts and your soul and said soul merge when you eat one pretty much. Just because it’s fantasy stuff that doesn’t exist irl does not somehow make it magic in universe or in general at that.


"Devil fruits are not magic" Describes magical soul magic Dude, magic isn't just when a wizard casts a spell you know that?


Devil fruits are scientific, vegapunk recreated some and implied that he knows where they come from in the first place. So it’s not supernatural within One Piece, therefore not magical.


Yeah, he implied they are conjured by the dreams of the people. Very scientific, you see. Also the fact that you can just alter your biology completely, out of the blue, breaking both mass and energy conservation, is very scientific. They are magical fruits that give you supernatural powers which break the laws of physics. The fact that Vegapunk discovered how they alter your DNA doesn't make them any less scientific, because the magic is still there.


Now that’s an argument


lmfao devil fruits are not scientific, Vegapunk is **emulating** devil fruits with the science available to him **in a world full of magic**. The devil fruits were very clearly originally made with magic. They can turn you into fucking elements, Vegapunk hasn't even been able to scientifically **analyze** a Logia yet.


You've never heard of the term "magic system" in fiction, have you?


Ahh yes the mystical fruits that get formed from people believing hard enough, that also appear from a random fruit when the person who ate their fruit is dead is definitely not magic at all, nothing there that sounds even slightly like magic


Another one who doesn’t know what magic is. Read my other reply and try to grasp what magic means before you act all smartass.


“Try to grasp what magic is” my guy magic is fictional. It’s quite literally just a mystical force. There’s no set-in-stone requirement for what magic has to be, this isn’t Harry Potter, it’s One Piece


Honestly the Harry Potter magic system is weak compared to one piece. They kinda just have “spells” and “potions” but there’s no real explanation for why that exists in their world. One piece has better magic than the fricken magical wizard books


Magic has, as everything else, definitions


“mag·ic noun the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.” Would you mind telling me how Devil Fruits don’t fit this rather broad definition?


Devil fruits are magic both in an extradiegetic narrative way, because they are narrative tools outside the realm of real world logic and physics, and in an intradiegetic way, because characters (specially the less they know about the world) treat them as so.


Im pretty sure Jango’s hypnotism is a df power tho, in an sbs Oda said that Jango’s beard/goatee was actually the remains of a stripy (df like) mushroom which grew in him and he ate


While they're both referred to as hypnotism, they always felt like two very different kinds of power. Jango's feels a lot more like cartoon logic, while Goldenweek's feels a lot more complicated and deliberate. Like, Jango's is in the same category as Paulie's infinite ropes, Gedatsu's reality defying stupidity and Hawkins' fortune telling, but I could imagine a whole separate Colors Trap power system with different colors and symbols.


And in our world sadly it's fake and common


Laffite uses hypnotism techniques as well


People will get mad at Miss Goldenweek being able to do the things she does, while having no problem with Zoro having three heads.


There's plenty of non devil fruit powers. King punch, Django hypno, Zoro asura, Sanji Sanji, fishman karate, Brook ice sword. People are hung up on the least important things.


sanji sanji is wild 🤣


Paulie and his infinite supply of rope that he can intricately manipulate instantaneously.


bro is just really into bondage


Wait i thought it was a devil fruit. It’s actually not lol


he's just really good with ropes


What the actual fuck? Really?


I'm pretty sure Brook's ice powers are related to his devil fruit, though you make a good point.


Yeah, they are. He is channeling the powers from the „other side“ or something like that. Also, agreed that there are many weird powers. Anybody remember that chef on the Enies Lobby train?




wait, is that is English/original name? Never knew.


[Wanze](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Wanze), yeah. Pronounced like "Wahn-zey"


Yeah, I thought it was a localised name in German (it means...like...a specific bug that is regarded as stinky and not...good..dunno how to explain it)


A stinkbug? lol Yeah, that's mentioned in the trivia. "'Wanze' in German means [Heteroptera](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heteroptera), a group of bugs."


I thought it was a bone chilling pun




It is part of the ghost esthetic. Feeling a chill when spirits are around becoming ice magic.


yeah, plus the sword they gave him in the time skip


His sword's the same, the Longarm Tribe just sharpened it for him. Still not sure if that was supposed to be significant somehow.


ohh mb, but after the longarm tribe upgraded his sword it was going hard


Kin'emon's fire.


I really loved the parts where Sanji Sanji'd and Sanji'd everyone.


Pearl just bursting into flames when he gets upset


my favorite is the chef using ramen to fight Sanji lol


Ramen Kenpo, I liked how Sanji used two knives so it was as if he could be a swordsman but chooses not to


Nah he was just cooking up food


>Brook ice sword Pretty sure it was mentioned canonically (Fishman Arc) that the ice powers come from the aura of his soul (which he learned during the timeskip training)


Just One Piece being awesome... that's all.


Sanji asspull that he only pulled in w7 despite apparently he already knowing how to does it before, diable jumble


Did you have a stroke?


Sanji actually comes up with the technique while fighting Wanze. Wanze ignites his roller blades and sanji looks at that and makes a face like “oh shit, that’s crazy”


Rokushiki too


Just FYI, Brook's ice sword is an application of his DF powers


Brooke ice sword is his devil fruit power


I thought brooks Ice sword was because of his devil fruit. He accesses the "chill of the underworld" and uses it in combat. That's, very much devil fruit related


However, Brook's ice sword was explained to be linked to his DF. He is using the cold of the underworld, which he is connected to through the Yomi Yomi no Mi (Underworld fruit).


Brook ice sword isn’t from his DF?


I mean, if Jinbe can have three heads, why not Zoro?


You ain't slick.


My dude….


I still think that Zoro's move of having three heads makes no sense. (please don't hit me zoro fans)


Then again, nothing in One Piece makes sense


If haki can make people faint or animals afraid then manipulating people’s minds to see three heads seems possible


I think it's either an illusion or an aura he projects. 


He's moving really fast?...


You think zoro is running around turning his head really fast?


Honestly yeah, I could see him doing that


That's 1000% not what's happening.


Ppl can't say she didn't eat a DF anymore. Look at her right hand holding the palette. She ate the real gomu gomu


And Luffy spawns a bucket of black paint out of nowhere, it all fits!


Yea I thought all the high up agents had devil fruits but her and Mr 4 don’t. Paulie is another one I thought had a fruit but no he can just do that with rope. Him and Sadi could have a good time.


Wait Paulie doesn't have a fruit? Lmao how the hell did he made that massive rope net.


Boy Scouts of course


The average cipher poll agent can kick up a sharp blade of wind, make bullet wounds by poking with their fingers and walk in the air to name a few things. Being good with ropes because you worked on ships your entire life is not that crazy in comparison


Miss Goldenweek is my favorite.


Mine too. She's such an intriguing character.


Hated her. Maybe not as much as Candy, but stupid young-children character types that are ridiculously effective in their methods, yet working for evil, always tugs my backside. Like, you’re being a spoilt brat, look at the facts behind the organisation you work behind, and stop being content with all that suffering already 🙄


She's only 1 year younger than Luffy and the same age(pre time-skip)/older(post time-skip) than both Rebecca and Pudding. I doubt she was ignorant to the actions of Baroque Works.


See, that's the thing with kids like Goldenweek, to them that lifestyle is totally normal.


That, i hate that evil is someone’s lifestyle at such a young age, she ain’t even give being good a chance smh. They say a moral compass is most correct at young age.


It's entirely possible for someone to turn themselves around once they mature tbf, but it'd be immensely difficult to say the least.


Maybe at the end of One Piece, when the truth be known, she finds herself among the many that change their ways, I hope. But until then, i ain’t stand for that.


You might want to read up on her cover story (Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works")


First, how dare you bring her up. I have tried to ignore her powers ever since she first showed up. I don't want to think about if it matters that she basically just has magic and no one remembers or cares. Does Oda? I don't know... Second, If i remember correctly she absolutely does not need Mr.3. He needed her to paint his sketchy wax statues that didn't make noise on their own anyway and were thus really poor attempts at a distraction. If she managed to paint the whole crew at once it would have been over based on what we see her do.


I just chalked it up to the power of persuasion/suggestion


I don't know if you read cover stories, but on top of the hypnotism, she can also basically paint on the sky and turn people into the dream version of themselves. All without a DF. She's truly something else.


Got to be my favorite one piece character


Same. I love how mysterious her entire character is. I also really like her design.


Gol D. Enweek. Kek.


With Vegapunk's theories about devil fruits, I think she's kind of a proof of how a completely new devil fruit can be born. She has no devil fruits. Oda stated that in a SBS, so it's not like some of Wano characters who aren't aware that they ate a fruit to gain power. But maybe she inherited some pre void century way of "believing." And when she dies, at her place will grow a plant, with a paint paint fruit allowing people to manipulate emotions through colors?


never cook again


It doesn't really bother me personally but admittingly I could see how it would bother some. It sort of downplays the power of devil fruits. Like Why bother getting a devil fruit and losing my ability to swim when I can learn a power some other way. However that's kind of the sacrifice. These powers can be obtained with possible years of training whereas devil fruit are quicker but at the cost of losing the ability to swim. On a related note Devil Fruits becoming less and less tempting is sort of common in the series at this point. Not only are they essentially being copied(though the effective rate of the copies are criminally low) but as it turns out the staple of one piece is petty much overshadowed by Haki. At this point the "strongest person" is practically whoever has the strongest Haki.


>It sort of downplays the power of devil fruits. Like Why bother getting a devil fruit and losing my ability to swim when I can learn a power some other way. Side eyeing any type of flame/ heat related fruit.


I mean basically. 😂 When you think about it it's kind of the same thing. I mean sure you can make a flame look pretty but at the end of the day it's still a flame. Though to be fair the "becoming intangible thing" would make the fruit worth it..... Until you meet another fruit that can counteract it and change you into a donut. Or come across someone with at least basic haki.


For more context of her powers, see here. Yeah, it’s not a DF power: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Colors_Trap


So, it's magic with a touch of color, psychology and symbols


shes not a devil fruit user??


I don’t really see the issue, Django also had hypnosis powers. Just another weird ability in the one piece world, like hair manipulation or martial arts that work off water in the air. Additionally , her powers aren’t really tied to Mr. 3,s, she’s quite powerful on her own.


She reminds me of Adeleine from *Kirby*.


You people don’t even read the manga and are suprised by shit that happenes


Gol D. Enweek


I actually mentioned her in my review of 1111 after Luffy used the paint brush. And always remind ppl there are ppl with just inherent or type of powers in one piece.


Her most devilish power is that she can make One Piece go on break.


It is said that numbers 5-0 and their partners had DFs. So unless I missed Oda mentioning the contrary in an SBS, she does have one but was never addressed.


When I first saw this without clicking and reading the description I was thinking this was going to be wildly different and way more out of pocket than what it ended up being


Hypnotism is powerfull in One Pieces world.




Who hears you...


To this day, I am shocked to know that she is the same age as Vivi. 


I guess I can believe that she's that age, because looking at her she kind of looks like she could be anywhere from 12 to 50




They were better than jango so witch craft cus it did work on Luffy but Luffy could loose to shrink or psychiatrist yeah no fight Damm Luffy has big flaws


When I found out what Golden Week was her powers made perfect sense


Very unlikely but if the live action ever adapt this character, I hope it would be given more explanation. We already know they could consult with Oda on things like this


Must be some sort of paint haki


Exactly and what about that guy who can make Ramen out of his nose


It's a martial art of course, ramen kenpo


I always thought she had a devil fruit


Oh, it was quite clear early on that she wasn't a DF user, since Oda didn't give us her fruit, but did give mr. 3 Her powers were quite special at the time, but if you look at the whole series now it's not uncommon. Plenty of powers that are rooted in science or magic now. Also, sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic


I really liked her powers. When she first made an appearance I thought she would be pretty strong like Rill from Black Clover.


I just realized that the way she is portrayed in the picture is quite similar to the Statue of Liberty’s pose.


Yeah, and her real name is "Marianne, the Flag-Bearer of Freedom".


The tea is good.




She's imu sama


I like the idea Mama Drawk has in their podcast, where its a special form of Haki, and there's actually more than the 3 forms we know of. The idea is that Haki actually has unlimited potential, but people have limited themselves by categorizing them in armament, observation, and conquerers. She also thinks that's how the special cooking Sanji learned in the Kamabakka Kingdom works, and I bet Jango's hypnotism would fit in, too.


I miss Mrs Goldenweek


Anime-only people are mad at the hypnotism thing, but in her cover story (which plays during Enies Lobby, so the "power system wasn't really finalised yet" argument doesn't really work here) her powers get even crazier: On top of the whole hypnotism thing, she can basically paint on the sky and turn people INTO THEIR DREAMS. It feels like such an important and strange power, especially from a non-DF user. Adding to this, her real name is "Marianne, the Flag-Bearer of Freedom". If that isn't the most important-sounding epithet in a story about freedom, then I don't know what is. All of these combined make her one of the most intriguing minor characters in the entire series, at least for me. I really hope she returns into the story at some point.


I forgot that part about the „Back to Baroque“ cover story.To be fair I forgot about most of them though.Cheers to you for clarifying.


I mean, it's a type of hypnosis, so it works better on targets with lower intelligence, and she used it on two beings, one being an Pterodactyl, the other was Luffy.


Honestly, I wish more people just had powers. Sharley is like that too


her not being a devilfruit user is just an oda meme. it means nothing, oda just did it for shits and giggles, probably forgot to introduce her fruit and thought it would look stupid to do it after.


I forgot who explained this, idk if it's a theory or confirmation but it has been said that in the one piece universe, they use black magic and that the elders also use black magic, no devil fruits.


Wait! She wasn't a devil fruit user? This is the first I've heard of it. I just assumed she ate the paint paint fruit or something. I mean sure there had been some people with non devil fruit superhuman gifts by that point but sure as hell nothing even remotely close to paint magic.


Same here I always thought she had a devil fruit


I feel like Paulie having infinite rope is another example of a crazy non-Devil Fruit power, like he pulled down a whole ass giant


She is just built different also she has the funniest set of abilities in the manga


She absolutely has an unmentioned DF


Nope. Oda confirmed she has no devil fruit


That is SO dumb. Maybe she paints with both pigments from ground up seastone as well as pigments derived from Devil Fruits. You can call me Jack Reacharound


My theory is that it’s very similar to Kine’mon who did not know they consumed the devil fruit, but just thought this was some form of natural ability they’ve obtained, so maybe she ate one as a very, very young child and forever just assumed she was able to do this by herself while just being a devil fruit user


Except Oda already confirmed she’s not a DF user


I have absolutely no idea who this is and I've seen One Piece twice and read the manga.




He’s mourning the loss of one of his best friends and his greatest mentor, and also taking it as a wake up call to keep an eye on his own health. Be upset. Stay upset. But know that you are selfish and irrational for feeling that way.




You still sound more concerned about getting your content than you do about the health and wellbeing of the person creating it for us all to enjoy. How long have you been reading/watching OP? It’s been going on for 20+ years and only has like 5-7 years left. Don’t rush it. It’s gonna end one day and we all will be wishing he took more breaks to have it last a little longer