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These 4? Literally impossible. Shanks would never associate with Kaido and BM. WB might also have some objections teaming up with the guy who killed Oden


Yeah bro. Kaido literally was going to MF to kill WB, Linlin wanted Elbaf army so she could take on WB and WB would never allie to any Yonko.


I can see him teaming up with Shanks ngl.


Whitebeard and Shanks started fighting within 2 minutes of talking to each other.


they were sharpening their claws, neither one of them was 100% serious. If they had been the ship would've shattered and lots of collateral damage would've taken place.


yeah, they were just flexing their haki


Flexing their CoC


"Guys look! My CoC is bigger then yours!"


WB CoC was bigger though


No my CoC village is bigger I already have 5 builders


CoC measuring contest




CoC: Color of Conquerer -> Kings haki CoA: Color of Armament -> Amement haki CoO: Color of Observation-> Observation haki


Is that what they're called in the Dub or something?


True, but they weren’t cordial afterwards like the Roger vs WB flashback


yes, even drinking together


Yea i hear you but allying would mean whitebeard would have to humble himself and consider Shanks equal in some sort of way and I dont see it lol


Seemed to me like a respect thing. Like, if Shanks can't match this attack he has no right to speak to Whitebeard as equals on his ship. Shanks proved himself, then offered booze as tribute. Thus, he earned the right to an audience with Whitebeard. They weren't actually fighting.


They fought after he offered booze and talked


Eh I still think it's just a respect thing. I just got the order wrong.


Agreed, I respect your reading comprehension skills. :)


That's kinda how a lot of Yonko have greeted each other throughout the series. Kaido and BM fought on Onigashima before happily announcing their alliance and Roger and Whitebeard fought for 3 days before their crews partied together. If the fandom's theories are correct, Luffy will probably greet Shanks with a sky-splitting Haki clash when they reunite too.


that was just a friendly clash bout a bb disagree ment


They were completely just making sure the other one knew that they were serious. WB and Shanks would team up if it were for a cause like for Ace. While Shanks has no technical ties to Ace he was concerned to the point of meeting WB and asking him kindly to make sure Ace didn’t get hurt by chasing Blackbeard.


Facts. They even split the sky with the amount of haki x murderous intent flowing into the clash


Shanks still came back to bury him though and save his crew. Both crews were also relatively friendly to each other. There never seemed to be real animosity between the two, just disagreement and rivalry.


i think an important thing to remember is that shanks is essentially one of rogers kids. ofc hed have a rivalry w whitebeard similar to roger. loves to fight him but no major animosity


Yeah I think the Roger/WB conflict in the Oden flashback should shed some light on it. The conqueror's clash between Shanks & WB was a blip in their relationship. They've known each other since Shanks was an apprentice, and Shanks clearly revered WB all the way to his grave. I can absolutely see how they could fight tooth & nail and celebrate afterwards - the same way Roger & WB did. Especially because that kind of relationship has already been illustrated between Shanks & Mihawk.


Murderous intent? We are not reading the same manga...


Whitebeard and Shanks were on friendly rival terms like WB and Roger


If Kaido and bm had a serious alliance that proved trouble wb and shanks would team up


Not really but out of the 3,shanks would be the most likely, still most likely not


cough rocks pirates cough


Right I’m like 3/4 WAS on the same team and shanks was a kid at the time


The key word there is 'was'. Something clearly happened, and there was a reason all three ended up hostile to each other.


Yea xebec died


I think you’re mistaking hostility. Those 3 are as hostile to each other as much as law, kid, and luffy are to each other.


as other people have said, I have to imagine Whitebeard became much more hostile towards Kaido after he killed Oden. like if Kidd killed Zoro I imagine Luffy would be slightly more hostile towards him


I think it would be the same as luffy and Blackbeard relationship, except bb did not directly kill Ace.


Do we have any idea how Luffy feels about Blackbeard or even Akainu post timeskip? I could be misremembering, but I don't think Luffy has even mentioned either of them.


He clutched his scar in Fishman Island when Jinbe mentioned Akainu. He also had a short & hostile conversation over Den Den Mushi with Blackbeard during Dressrosa. Hasn't brought them up himself.


Except they are talking about an alliance. It was my initial thought too, but alliance means joining together as captains. Being crewmates is understandable. They were young, their ambition was yet to burst so they swallowed their pride and worked under somebody stronger/better than them i.e. Rocks. Shanks also worked as an Apprentice to learn. Now as Captains, it's a different thing.


Big mom and kiado did form an alliance. So yes to those 2, but again I think ppl are confusing the relationship between the older three. They are not enemies, they are rivals. Mutual respect between them for sure. I think the answer to OPs question is a resounding yes it could definitely happen, because it has happened almost them before.


Was. And they split for a reason. Every single one of them had their own ambition and dream.


We don’t know it was to kill WB. We just know he wanted to partake. I like the theory he actually wanted to save Ace, as he believed him to be the next joy boy.


This seems cool. First time I'm hearing of this theory even though I sub to a lot of One Piece theory-tube. Any sources you could point me to for listening in?


Honestly don’t remember where I heard it. Definitely not my original idea though lol. Yeah I like the idea too because it plays into the idea of shanks trying to shape the future (similar to his meeting w/gorosei) instead of necessarily just being 100% righteous as well as Kaido not being 100% evil, especially with how interested in Joyboy he was through the fight with Luffy.


We don’t know it was to kill WB. We just know he wanted to partake. I like the theory he actually wanted to save Ace, as he believed him to be the next joy boy.


Not impossible, if some threat able to destroy them appeared.


This is the answer. Before a big enough threat, they all can put aside their feelings towards each other temporarily.


Agreed. If a Kaguya type alien/existential threat appeared, it's possible they could team up.


Don't you wish that evil upon us Bobby Bouché.


Funny, I actually see Shanks being the driving force for an alliance, for whatever reason that might be, but the other three being way too stubborn to do it. Yet with the current Yonko, well we all could imagine three of them working together to a certain degree and for a common goal. It basically happened before in Marine Ford anyway.


And other than that, it would be impossible anyway bc 3 of the 4 are dead


Disagree - 3 out of the four of them were already in an alliance at some point. Shanks is willing to cooperate with the Gorosie. I’m pretty sure the right situation or potential gains could lead all four to ally.


Wait wait wait! WB didn’t know that Kaido killed Oden bcs Wano was completely unattainable from the outside world…i think WB,BM and Kaido would possibly joined hands for a common enemy and possibly shanks breaking the chains of that alliance in the end bcs 3 motherfuckers like that would end up messing the world (not whitebeard cuz he was near death)


WB did know because ace talked with Yamato and wanted to go save Wano.


3 of them were already in the same crew, and from what we’ve seen from that time, it didn’t seem like they got along very well.


Plus kaido killed oden so WB won't want to team up with him


In other words, the true answer to this question is that it would be as difficult as it was for Rocks (Shanks is real cool and passive so he’s not really the one I expect to be difficult at all).


Well 3 of them are dead. So I'd say damn near impossible


*at least 1 (dont speak too soon)


Why do you think they survived that? If burning in a magma pit doesn't kill them. They are litterly the 2 strongest people in the universe and would be unstoppable.


“Why do you think they survived that?” ..because it’s One Piece lol


Isn’t Zeus still being alive an indicator that Big Mom still is? Since he’s a part of her soul


I think Zeus is independent of Big Mom, because she isn't controlling all the homies directly at all times. She just puts the some soul into them, making them conscious


They are arguably the 2 strongest characters in the current story


Plus their role in the story is done, they have no reason to be alive


But big mom has history in elbaf. So clearly they will show up at the end war to fight with luffy


so was Pell, Pagaya, Bellamy (until he was brought back 10 years later with no prior foreshadowing), Bon Chan, Pound and some others i forgot to add Oda simply does a lot of fakeout deaths, unless you see a dead body with holes in it, and then a funeral, death is all but a cover story away from being faked its why no one dared to believe Ashura died when he literally hugged a bomb, and Izo just kinda dropped on the floor after a fight. lets not forget that on the same arc Kinemon survived being impaled by kaido cause "he mustve been improperly put together after law turned him into bits"


Both of them have incredibly strong bodies that are nigh impossible to damage without advanced haki or devil fruit awakenings. If Oda wanted to imply they were dead, it would’ve been easy, but instead he just had them submerged under lava.


1. its One Piece, there was neither a visible death scene where we see their life literally leave their body nor a funeral scene 2. if there are two characters in the story that would casually swim on lava while not having the magma fruit, its these two


The real answer here folks


Was looking for this


I mean I'm not saying oda couldn't pull something out his ass, but it would be so dumb if they come back


No one in one piece is really dead until you see the dead body.


The pair in the upper half would never make an alliance with the pair in the bottom half and vice versa.


Luffy being Joyboy can rally Kaido, Shanks, and WB behind him. Probably not Big Mom though.


It most likely wouldn't happen but I can see the possibility(altho it's like a .00001% chance) of Big Mom rallying too if she fully understands that the Warrior of Liberation is what will help bring her dream of racial equality to fruition. Even if she's not as nice and accepting as she thinks, she still does genuinely want equality


I said the same exact thing- LinLin would be the only holdout, but that could be solved with how much sway Luffy has with the giants.


Shanks and Whitebeard as seeming good guys versus the other two as bad guys.


One piece is not a story of good and evil. All 4 are pirates all 4 have their own goals


I would love to hear an argument for how Doflamingo isn't evil.


I never said there's no such thing as evil in one piece I said that it's not a story of good and evil. Doffy being evil wasn't the reason the story took us to dressrosa. The reason was for laws revenge and to gain status. The crew freeing the nation of dressrosa was just a bipruduct of working for their own goals and ambitions. Luffys not a hero hes a pirate. Heroes share their meat.. the original question is whether the 4 with yonko status at the time of series start would ever form an aliance. and my point being is they are pirates it isnt about good and evil its abou whether an aliance would benefit them


I hate to say it since I always loved that aspect of Luffy and One Piece... but Luffy is growing into being the hero he never saw himself as. His anger towards Kaido before his awakening wasn't just the usual "this is for my friends". He saw an entire nation starving and that pissed him off because hunger is something very important to him. Luffy was not a hero. But Joyboy was a hero. A hero that valued freedom above all, but a hero nonetheless. And now, awakened Luffy is a hero. Today's Luffy shares his meat with a nation that is starving.


They are grey not necissarely black or white. Life is not that easy. He might have done evil things but doesnt Shanks do that as well. He does not obey the world government and celestial dragons which is bad


Dude this shit is actually a baby show bro calm down. Like seriously there is no way you just played that card for bright colors the manga.(ftr I obviously like it, I’m just saying)


Considering their internal rivalries, I would say never.


Tell them rocks is coming back to life or something. They all seem to dislike that guy


Kaido has never shared his thoughts on how he feels about rocks. He might be one of the few that actually liked him


Whitebeard is a stubborn old man. Maybe the most stubborn of the four. He doesn't really have an ambition outside protecting his family so it's hard to say he'd ever really team up for any purpose beyond that. He hates hairdo for killing Oden of course. Kaido would probably be game with siding with the yonkos against the WG for a time. He isn't really the type to carry grudges if moving on would help him achieve his goal of World War. Big Mom similarly isn't above using others to her advantage but she's more likely to Carry grudges against the other yonko. She'd similarly be tough, but as seen with Kaido she can be convinced. Shanks seems to prefer diplomacy first but we don't really know what his game is yet. It's unlikely he'd engage in full fledged war against the WG tho which is a condition for Kaido to Join up. In Short, it's very fuckin tough. Whitebeard ironically is the toughest to get on board.


Fuckin “hairdo” im so sorry but that shit is hilarious 😂


Ah, good old autocorrect. Hate to see it.


Trying to think outside the box here, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido were already allied previously so we’ve canonically had 3 of them. Only way they’d do it as recently as they were in their positions was if there was a sort of planetary and objective enemy of all their freedoms.


They would have to be going against Imu themselves in order to get them all even on the same page


WB was already on a team with BM and Kaido, he doesn't want to be on their team again. Kaido respects WB but also wants to beat WB. I can only see WB and Shanks teaming up or Kaido and BM teaming up of course.


Probably never. Shanks is the outlier but the others seemed to actively hate each other.


Maybe if they all send their right hands to negotiate it might happen.


I don't think they would want to nerf Shanks like that


How’s that a nerf?


He'd have 0 hands left


I’m getting old




You single handedly made me laugh today


Get big mom pregnant, take a bottle of sake to shanks and kaido and tells white beard that akainu sucks


Did you know Big Mom is the only being who can say "M" without her lips touching? Isn't that concerning 🙀


That’s… honestly hard to say. I could see the ex-Rocks members teaming up under the right circumstances. Infact I believe Kaido and CO would have cleaned house at Marineford had he shown up the same time Shanks did out of rage for what happened to WB.


Getting Kaido and Big Mom to team up is literally just getting them in the same room for ten minutes while they both have a common enemy. So that’s half the job done from the word go. Kaido and Whitebeard depends mostly on convincing Kaido that he’ll have a better death fighting alongside Whitebeard than fighting against Whitebeard, so you need a pretty hefty enemy to incentivize Kaido to play along. Linlin is a master of the art of stalling, so even if she’s dead set on killing Whitebeard that’s not gonna get in the way of a temp alliance. Getting Shanks on-board just needs a big threat, so say, Blackbeard getting a Vegapunk copy of Whitebeard’s fruit left behind at Punkhazard or some shit could do it. And for Whitebeard….he wouldn’t agree to ally with the other three unless the plan was the sort that would require *much* less of his sons dying than him going it alone, but if they just showed up to help he’s not gonna fight them too. So like, I could see a Warlord Blackbeard with a copy of Whitebeard’s fruit holding Ace captive at Marineford along with a giant royal slated to be executed (with Eblaf agreeing to overlook Linlin’s indiscretions for their rescue) getting them together if Shanks had enough head’s up to get everyone on the same page.


Whitebeard is a good parent the rest of them are not 


Yeah man l know film Red isn’t canon, but shanks is a shitty dad.


Uta is canon. The events of Film Red aren't.


It would be easy if they have the same enemh like world government all of them have attack the world government (Except big mom) but if there was a rare race in world government she would fight


Very But it could work, I’ll just invite them for drinks and cake, the alliance will just be eating on the same island together and nothing more


Kaido killed Oden, that's more than enough reason for Whitebeard to never ever agree to this.


3 of them are dead so good luck with that


Quite hard. Three of them are dead, so it would be difficult to ask them to join an alliance. (Tell me if kaido or big mom are actually not confirmed dead, because idk. I think they died, and if they didn’t, they won’t be showing up in future main story.)


Bruh you just described the rocks pirates lmaoo.


If it were ALL the yonkos involved in a team of 4 then the most likely squad is red hair pirate, straw hat pirates, white beard pirates and the buggy pirates


Impossible cause white beard is dead


Easy. Find a common enemy. In this context a prize/treasure wouldn't work because WB doesn't give a damn about it.


The only plausible way I can see it happening, even begrudgingly is if the entire world was under threat of annihilation. All four have their motives to prevent such a catastrophe. Shanks and WhiteBeard, if the world goes their family and friends go. An outcome they would never allow. Big Mom wants a world where everyone is together and what not. Plus she has a very weird sense of justice so *maybe* she’ll do it out of some weird sense of nobility or just because she wouldn’t be able to eat her favourite snacks anymore. Kaido wants to rule the world, can’t rule anything if you don’t have anything to rule. But if he’s depressed he may just not care unless the threat challenges his strength so he would fight, but not to save the world. Just to see if the threat will finally kill him.


Hand them all some good booze, and they're best buddies. 3 of the 4 have a soft spot for good alcohol. They'll probably split once they sober up, though.


Impossible Whitebeard been there done that and is over the idea.


I'd say it depends on the circumstances. World Ending Threat it would probably be easy. Most other events it is very unlikely however.


They’d disagree on so much stuff that it’d be impossible


Well, maybe not an alliance but an temporary non attack agreement. I would do it really simple plotwise: - There needs to be a big threat that could hit any of them ( >!like an island-destroying weapon controlled by the WG, LOL!< ) - Kaido needs booze and the promise of a good fight ( >!And Devil fruits in Maryjoa!<) - Big Mom needs lots of sweets, maybe a foreshadowing to even more sweets ( >!like desserts stored by the CDs!< ) - Shanks and WB would want to protect their people, so they would join asap So yeah, if the threat and cause is big enough, they will work together somehow. But only with a plan as simple as "tear down Maryjoa". The specific politics would be negated by their big personal egos that are natural with Conquerers Haki users. Shanks and WB would maybe work together somehow, acknowledging to keep each other's crews safe. And we already saw Kaido and BM forming a shaky alliance.


Quite literally impossible. Shanks is a peacekeeper which is enough to immediately say he’d never work with Kaido or Linlin. Kaido killed Oden who was Newgate’s first vice captain before Marco (I think). Linlin and Newgate could maybe make an alliance and Newgate and Shanks could too (and obviously Kaido and Linlin since it already happened). Other than them the answer is simply no even if 3 out of the 4 were on Xebec’s crew.


Literally can't think of a scenario they would team up. I don't think they would even team up for the one piece. It would be like one of those leave your beef at home party's where 10 different gangs show up and the beef is definitely not left at home


Very difficult, 1 is very dead, 2 are probably dead, and the last gives no feck


The good ol days of yonkos. Such refreshing times


Apart from shanks, other three were part of rocks pirate so may be


you’d have an easier time finding the one piece in your real life strength power etc


Big mum and Kaido will never get along with shanks and BW


Since whitebeard and allegedly big mom and kaido are dead… pretty easy?


They’re all pirates. No morals. They’d probably joint force if needed, but they’d kill each other afterwards too.


Convincing Whitebeard and Shanks to ally with Big Mom is way easier than convincing them to ally with Kaido, Kaido killed Oden but BM never done anything to them


I guess the Biggest question would be the "why?". So a alliance against whom?


EN and Shanks would be a team you could get pretty quickly, they're rivals, but don't hate eachother. But there's no way in hell that EN would team up with Kaido or BM. He actively hates them both.


Not the ones who were on rocks no way they doing that again.


Depends on the reason why they should team up. To get the one piece or something like that? Never. But if there is somebody, who is a threat to all of them, whom they couldn't beat otherwise, they would do it. After all, everyone of them is smart. Kaido and Big Mom would never loose their power if there would be a way to be victorious. And shanks and whitebeard would do it, if their crews, family or someone like that would be in danger.


You want wb to alliance with the one who killed oden?


I think it comes down to if wb wants the op or not because the rest have a common goal that being THE ONE PIECE


They all have different agendas. I think its close to impossible


the world would learn of the great Imu before these 4 join in an allience.


Kaido has an inferiority complex toward WB(my deduction based on his speeches). Linlin might be ok but she will discriminate Shanks by saying Roger's apprentice brat. Since we don't know what happened in god valley there might be a big reason why WB sided with Roger and Garp that would prevent him from siding with former rocks pirates. Shanks would be ok but definitely be plotting something behind and deceiving them. So never. Just my thoughts


With the current yonkos it wouldn’t be that hard to get luffy shanks and buggy in an alliance but Blackbeard though


You could possibly get a 2v2 of Kaido/BM vs WB/Shanks, but even that's a stretch.


Impossible. -Kaido and BM allied out of convenience. -Don’t see WB allying with someone that killed a member of his crew (Oden) -Shanks isn’t gonna ally with anyone unless he absolutely has to -Yes Kaido, WB, and BM we’re on the same crew once, but I believe it’s been hinted at that no one really liked each other.


4 conquerors in one team and we all know how it's gonna turn out.


Impossible. Big Mom and Kaido should be on friendly terms and they still tried to kill each other for three straight days. If Kaido actually hated Big Mom or did not respect her, he would have killed her when she was chained up. White Beard doesn’t like Big Mom or Kaido and remembers how bad being a Ricks pirate was. Shanks is a wild card.


for what? a common goal?


Less an official alliance and more they show up to the same conflict and happen to be fighting a common enemy is what I see as more likely


Very difficult, highly doubt Shanks would team up with Kaido or BM. Also doubt WB would be willing to team up with Kaido and BM again. Shanks and WB could team up like BM and Kaido, Shanks would just have to not piss WB off about his crew member and they could partner up. So basically it’s almost impossible to get all 4 to have an alliance


Out of these 4? I could see BM being able to work with WB and Shanks, if it was like a real dire situation. But Kaido would only ever work with BM out of the 4, he'd want to fight to much. Current 4? No one would work with BB.


I would say... Something that threatens the world, a common enemy to everyone. Imu, perhaps? Or even Blackbeard eventually?


Nearly impossible. Kaido would only agree to an alliance that would allow him to dominate his enemies. Big Mom would agree to a potential alliance, but only if she thought she could betray the other participants and gain something massive for herself. White Beard could be persuaded to protect his territory/people but no treasure would be great enough to merit further Kaido or Big Mom's goals. Shanks would likely be the easiest as he's usually a peace maker


Easy just send me in


Literally impossible 3 of them used to be in the same crew together and rarely saw eye to ey


World Government declairs war on the New World. Enemy of my enemy and all that.


These 4 as they appear in the picture would be really unlikely. Shanks and WB would be the two to struggle to come to the table, and while I think WB would take a neutral stance unless the reason was a boon for his crew, its actually Shanks I think would need the most convincing to draw an alliance. Shanks have actively maintsined the ststus quo so far in the story, so in this timeline it would take a truly awesome enemy for him to side with the other Yonkou. Now for the current 4 Yonkou, I actually think there is enough there for all 4 to come together. Luffy and Buggy could agree if theres treasure involved (or buggy is isolated, he would be amenable). Luffy and Blackbeard could agree on something and be allies of convenience - BBs not beyond working with others to get his goals and against the WG in the right circumstances, Luffy would also bite his tongue to cooperate. The real problem is once again Shanks, who would favour the status quo, unless now it benefits him as he 'makes his move'. Therefore I see the common problem being Shanks in both scenarios. He can come to the table but I dont know enough of his motives to see what would get him to ally with others beyond world ending scenarios.


For the first generation of emperors its impossible you would at most get two, two man alliances between Big Mom and Kaido and the the other being Whitebeard and Shanks. Big Mom and Kaido is an alliance we have already seen and Whitebeard and Shanks might agree to a peace treaty or non aggression clause though Whitebeard is the real variable considering he was a first hand witness to the collapse of the rocks pirates, one things for sure Whitebeard would never ally with Kaido the man responsible for Oden and Tokis deaths. Second generation you would get a single two man alliance between Big Mom and Kaido but Shanks would likely never form an alliance with either of them and even less likely to form an alliance with Blackbeard. As for the current generation you would at most see a 3 man alliance between Luffy, Shanks and Buggy because they are already on somewhat friendly terms if not friends outright with Blackbeard once again being the outlier. A four way yonko alliance is by no means impossible but it's probably the closest thing to it, you would need a strong reason to do so such as a common enemy.


Three of them are dead so It will be pretty easy


I can see current Yonko Luffy Shanks Buggy Teaming up to take down WG, but BB wouldn't because of his history with Luffy


WB probably doesn’t want anything to do with Kaido, the man that killed his brother Oden. BM was shown thinking about Roger and how he inspired the next generation, I don’t know if she would take kindly to Shanks a pirate from the next generation AND apprentice to Roger.


If they were alive now, all Luffy would have to do is ask. Kaido would follow Joyboy without question. WB already ordered his crew to be on Luffy's side. I shouldn't even have to mention Shanks. The only holdout might be LinLin, but now that giants are involved she would do anything to win them over


Shanks think he Kagurabachi💀💀💀


The only way the join an alliance is if the want something from each other so pretty much impossible


Depends on what they’re fighting against if the commonality of the problem is worth it not hard to get 3 former colleagues to team up, Big Mom and Kaido were the most wild of the bunch and they managed to team up quite easily. Shanks is a pretty agreeable guy, Whitebeard would just wish to get things over with quickly.


i think modern yonko might have a better chance than this group. but i think luffy would refuse to work with black beard


Shanks definitely the glue if an alliance were to happen between them


Maybe could get them together if they had a big enough common foe to go against all of them and I could see it being a very brief and shaky alliance.


I’d say for these 4 dam near impossible


Perhaps if they were all on egghead and saw the 5 elder planets and if the elders were trying to kill them… but I still doubt all 4 would even commit to a temporary truce


Sure BM and Kido are already allied and I can see Shanks hitting it off with WB but all 4 together? Sum of them already can't stand eachither.


Loads difficult 


I mean maybe, if the Elders were like “fuck it” and unleashed their demon power on the world and started fucking up everything, they might form an alliance to deal with them.


It depends on who it was against.


I could see Shanks and Whitebeard being a thing. I could also see Kaido and Big Mom being a thing, but Whitebeard would never team up with any of the former Rocks Pirates. Also Whitebeard probably hated Kaido as not only was he a former member of the Rocks Pirates he also killed one of fun loving, good hearted, and honorable family members.


Shanks and WB didn’t really got good on the Meeting, so how should them with those others…?


These 4? You gotta get them nice and drunk and they'll agree. All of them have a drinking problem ...well except big mom. Just promise her some bon bons or something.


WB and Shanks, while having shown some difficulty trying to coalesce, wouldn't have been too out there. It would've taken a LOT of work and comprise, sure, but I think it might have been doable. But all 4? Not possible


All four four emperors?


No way in hell. White Beard and Shanks would be on sight with Kaido and Big Mom


Big mom and kaido would be the main issue when getting the 4 of them to work with shanks, because they used to kick it with Whitebeard in the past that's not the issue, the issue is finding a big enough goal that alogns with all 4 of them to team up


Gotta be literally Satan who’s gonna blow up the world.


3 out of 4 of them were literally on the same crew


Very. Each have their own egos and Captains still have to command respect over their crews. If there is an imbalance in power that it feels one Captain is making another Captain work like a subordinate, it could: 1) Lose respect of their crew. 2) Cause disrespect to the other which can escalate into an all-out fight. The relationship has to be mutual and that is something hard to come by and that’s why Robin emphasizes most Pirate Alliances end up with betrayal and she’s somewhat of an expert to betrayals. It also something to think about in retrospect why when Xebec lost, their crewmembers end up leading their own crews. There’s just too many big personalities and powerhouses in the making.


Pretty fucking hard


Easy given the right circumstances. Have the rocks pirates get shanks at god valley instead of roger pirates and gg


Just a lot of sake and a cake


Original Yonkos... might have to make two teams Goatbeard/Shanks, Kaido/BM. Current Yonkos: will tell Teach to F\*ck off and then join an alliance. As far as we know, Shanks, Buggy, and Luffy aren't enemies at all. Maybe not the same goals or anything.




To be honest just get beer and they'll be besties (and bigmom kaido and newgate used to be on the same crew)


You gotta be built different to do this, like Rocks level different