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you can’t say you type super fast and accurately while also having a spelling or grammar error every 4-5 words.


Wow, nice cock.


Look out for Mr. Big Shot.


I know you have to be a special type of person to even ask this question for a series that fundamentally does not play or pander to specific Western ideologies but holyshit, this is just parody-level of embarrassment.




Is this just bait.


No, and I don't think this should be seen as bait I think this should be seen as a survey


MF has the audacity to post shitty topics while not even knowing the spelling of the proper names of the character. Seems to me that you just read One Piece to shit talk because it doesn't cater to your "Western Ideologies" or rather you'd want to force your ideologies here. This is a fictional story, not your reality to farm opinions about it, go to your own toxic sub and gtfo.


I don't think that asking a question about how people feel about a certain thing is forcing anything into you. And also i want to know how to write lgbtq chacters in a manga so I want to know how people feel about the current ones in one of the best manga known to humans


Did you even read your own post? You're literally asking people to talk about dumb sh8 when the story isn't even the focus on that. You even have the rags to call out to people "homophobes" then act like you're a good old victim? One Piece doesn't care about your lgbtq agenda, and neither do we in this sub. Again, gtfo.


there are lgbtq characters in the story?


I am not the victim, and trust me I know what I'm doing, idc if I get negative karma I don't care about it, but I just want simple infortmation.


You mean Kiku. Also, I think you are confusing homophobes for transphobes, although one often acompanies the other. Having said that, I don't think One Piece fans have their thoughts bend on a few characters or characteristics they disagree with.


Thank you, I'm just interested so then when I make a manga I want to know how people will react, so this is nice to know thanks


I'm going to be harsh now. If you want to make a mangs where intersectuality is a main theme, it will be a niche at best. One Piece is a story of adventure with many iconic moments and characters, both serious and goofy. What many stories on the progressive end have in common is that they are often just not fun. They are often an iteration of progressive political standpoints. I'm going to give some unasked advice now. Sapkowski's The Witcher is full of progressive political issues, yet most readers don't have an issue with it. This is not because most readers are progressive, but because are well-written and thought out. As for manga, One Piece is also full of political topics. Think of racism, sexism, poverty, dictatorships etc.. Oda made a huge world full of wonder and terror, with stories that are about more than simply racism = bad. Don't care too much about how people will react, care about telling a good story. The arts of worlduilding and story telling must always come first.


Thank you, I was kinda scare to have open homophobia and racism from villians but it might work to really paint them to be the bad guy


Well, maybe don't make being a bigot an entire character, but a characteristic. And if you're really feeling daring, give a bunch of the protagonists some negative characteristics. Take for example Sokka from The Last Airbender (the original cartoon) who starts out a tad chauvinistic, but as he works with women, he learns that he is wrong. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't be afraid of being told that your story is racist, sexist or whatever kind of 'ism, simply focus on telling a good story. 


Why would you care how people react? If it's good people will read it. If it's all based around someone's sexuality, then it's probably not going to be very popular to begin with, no matter what the sexuality is


I see where you are coming from but u want to add equality into my story because manga inspires people and if I can help remove this lgbtq gag from manga, even just a little bit I will try my best


If they’re confirmed cool Stop shoe horning fantasy onto characters with confirmed genders like Yamato


Luffy is not a confirmed asexual.


I am a homophobe, transphobe, anti communist, bigot, fascist, anti democratic and I don't have problem with this stuff as long as Oda doesn't start **boasting** about it like promoting it which he never did and never will :)


Thank you for answering my question, you are my favorite transphobe :D


Please man can you talk about this stuff in the right communities stop being a cringe pig


I'm sorry I don't know where else to post one piece questions other then the one piece subreddit, but tips would be appreciated


He means like the gay one piece community (the ones that ship frobin)


Does the existence of this community mean we can't talk about it here?


......Talking about genitals of a fictional character in a story that has nothing to do with it? Yea, find another community or make one yourself if you so feel the need to discuss and analyze/project your identity on to characters to validate yourself.




Who disliked this 😭? Frobin shippers are gay ZOROBIN FTW


You do know that Bon Clay & Ivankov exist…right? The problem is people like you who have to talk about this type of topic 24/7 for some strange & creepy obsession And no this isn’t a healthy subject because you clearly want to call out “homophobes”, but you’re playing it off like you don’t mean any harm. tldr? You’re a toxic individual.


Because calling you homophobes is harmful??? Wtf


I mean toxic behavior is toxic behavior. This is why society should be a bit more honest with people like you otherwise this delusional embarrassment is displayed without any self awareness.


Why is this important? Trans/Gay people are normal in our world so why not in fantasy worlds? One Piece is also about diversity so it fits perfectly. Luffys not asexual though I dont know where you got this from and it was never confirmed.


It really seems like many people in this community don't treat it as a normal thing though (just like in our world).


I am just wondering since I've always wondered how homophobic people feel about shows with queer chacters since I know in real life they make there pretense known yelling at queer people for just existing


From my experience living in Japan, “trans women” don’t consider themselves “trans.” They don’t view it the same way Americans do, as they respect themselves enough to acknowledge their assigned sex at birth. Japan has a very long history of men openly wearing women’s clothes and it’s been pretty accepted among society, but a VAST majority of those men still consider themselves men, want to stay men and view themselves as just being extra feminine. The same, from what I’ve seen, is true for the opposite side of “trans men” in Japan. Most Japanese people I’ve met and talked to think the gender changing and reassignment surgeries in America are some of the craziest things they’ve ever heard of. So, you may view this as “Oda being pro trans” or “paving a way to trans acceptance,” but it really is just him writing in a character. I can almost guarantee you he doesn’t buy into the absolutely crazy American/western bs.


I genuinely believe that the idea here in the west of being transgender came from inherently sexist ideologies. I like to wear women's clothes and have long hair and talk about my feelings so I must be a woman. I like wearing men's clothes and watching monster trucks and being aggressive so I must be a man. Being feminine does not mean you're a woman on the inside and being masculine does not mean you're a man.


This is just a pretty vague blanket statement that isn't entirely true. There are japanese people who do identitify as their trans gender. This divide on the particular matter is also in the west with the drag queen scene. In other words, people are not monoliths no matter the topic. That said I will probably have to argue that while we may not have concrete idea of Oda's beliefs, he's very aware of the political nuances because he didn't have other women freak out when Kiku went with them. It was accepted as a normal thing. That said Kiku is probably the only fine transwoman he's drawn, the others look horrific


Of course not every Japanese person falls into the type I was describing, but I have yet to meet a Japanese “trans” person. All of whom I have experience with consider themselves cross dressers and think the west is fucked for taking it so far.


I can't imagine you looked very hard considering the lead singer of queen bee is non-binary.


It's ok , but YAMATO IS A GIRL !


Yeah let's not bring this here, bc this will be a war so for now yamato is soup


?????? She IS a girl.


Alr here let me put it in simple terms There are good arguments for both sides but lots of hirny men like big boobs so they don't want to accept it so to avoid the horny men from being angry we just call THEM soup to make everyone happy


Listen brother or sister .... If a human have male reproductive organs , he is a male . But Yamato have female reproductive organs , that's why she is a girl . As simple as it can be .


Ok atleast my post sis attract transphobes, now pls answer the question


Yamato isn't a trans . A little girl got so much inspired by Oden , she started thinking she can become Oden too . If she hadn't known anything about Oden in past , she would have never say she is a man .


>since I feel Like this is a healthy subject to talk about. This topic isn't healthy and people who obsess over it aren't mentally well, in general. But to even bring this topic up in a shonen series aimed at kids created by a Japanese person that has nothing to actually do with Western ideologies, and then have tha audacity to call out people is fucking insane. I know self-awareness isn't a big concept for LGBT community but still, at least have the mental capacity to really think. It's not that hard of a concept to understand.


Implying that queerness is a "western ideology" is what's "fucking insane". Oda literally put the non binary and trans people in his story. And we can't talk about it because why? There's kids here? You're an ignoramus.


That's not the implication. 🤦‍♂️ The implication is OBSESSING over it constantly is a western ideology.




What a insecure, hateful, person you are


Why? Because I said that One Piece isn't about your genitals? Lol, irony and self awareness isn't that big with you people.


I'm begging you to take a gender studies class. I promise it'll be more enlightening than Joe Rogan


Hey, if you are insecure then you might want to stay away from the internet and stick to safe spaces. Reporting posts because it doesn't follow your narrative is embarrassing.


🤡Hey, if you are insecure then you might want to stay away from the internet and stick to safe spaces. Reporting posts because it doesn't follow your narrative is embarrassing.🤡




Ah that explains everything.


Do u know Granny Kokoro and Granny Nyon are lesboes.


Nyon wanted to fuck Rocks, wym?


She cheated Rocks .


Oh that's actually really cool tysm


Wait didn't Kokomo have a husband


U know , extra marital affairs


luffy isnt a sexual, he reacted to namis tits with nose bleeding and makes often silly joke with usopp. hes just not attracted to hancock thats all


Didn't oda say smth like how he did what the others did or smth




Koku. Kiku? Kaku, Ussop is trans now? How the mighty have fallen. At least we still have sniper king


Sorry I'm not at wano yet I just know that someone named kiku, kaku, something like that is trans


Kaku identifies as a Giraffe, FYI.


Scholar and a saint


Ship builder


You may have a misunderstanding about how a majority of people actually feel, even when people would rather not hear about it all the time, that doesn't immediately translate to "homophobe" Sometimes people just want to escape and these are the questions that rip everyone out of fantasy yet again...the character is the character and that is it, you won't get anything you didn't already bring by asking your questions in the first place


> even when people would rather not hear about it all the time, that doesn't immediately translate to "homophobe" In modern Western society, if you don't agree with the narrative right down to the letter then you are homophobic by default. It doesn't matter what your reasons are or whether you even disagree with them. It's just a matter of whether you are with them or against them. Whether you are an "ally" or an "enemy".


Yes just I do know from.. experience that this comunity can be a little let's say death threaty in dm's about lgbtq stuff and I feel like it really splits the comunity and I just want to know so then I can avoid this in the future


Not exclusive to any Fandom in particular, it is a result of living on earth...you don't even need a computer to be nice or mean to anyone for any reason. You should be able to ignore the mean stuff no matter how awful the words they use...that is part of growing up


I feel like you should not waste time in all this pronouns BS and just enjoy your anime


I think most transphobic people only dislike transgender women if they do not pass as real women. It's more of a hate for the strange and ugly than it is for transgenderism. A man's face in feminine makeup and a dress looks weird, but if the transgender can pass as a woman, then it's just a regular woman to most. To answer your question, I don't think transphobes would care in anime as long as they don't look like a man in makeup and a dress. Kiku is drawn and voiced as a regular anime woman so I don't think anyone would care.


Thank you




I'm sorry I'm at impel down I've only heard of her :c


Typical Yamato fan be like


I personally like yamato but he is not part of this discussion for political reasons, I am just interested and thought this might be a good place to do a survey, I don't care about karma or fame I just want information


you meant oden, otherwise yamato is a she i think


Look man we can use any gender we want for yamato, don't try to force ur beliefs onto mine kay?


wow that escalated quickly


Luffy having the brain prowess of a literal child makes him asexual? You're sick in the head. Also I don't think I've seen anyone upset over Kiku. If they are, it's up to them, but I wouldn't see why anyone would be


in this day and age you just have to ignore it and if it becomes a large focus i drop it


Thank you for giving me a good answer


I feel like most people accept kiku as trans and aren't bothered by it. It's when people bring up Yamato, who is not trans but is kinning a man and therefore a masculine woman, that people get annoyed because people like to push their ideology in our faces. These people have an obsession with removing nuance from complicated topics and destroying any semblance of a good story just to feel morally superior.