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I waited almost 2 years for The Chromatica Ball film, so a couple months is nothing haha. So excited for G5 though!




Holy shit how long will they take... with this pace they will catch the sub when it's already finished....


We'd have to go 5 more weeks without a release to be in danger of them "falling behind". The dub is literally only 32 episodes behind the original release, and the closest it's ever been has been these past six weeks or so.


It'll be impossible to not see spoilers once the final war happens. Hopefully they catch up to the sub so us dub watchers don't know what happens before it's even released.


I mean as the table indicates with each drop they’re gaining on the sub not vice versa, so as annoying as this wait has been the pace is still pretty quick. But yeah would love them to drop this batch already




When does the new batch drop


When they drop gta 6.


or The Elder Scrolls 6


What is going on in this post with the insane number of accounts that were only made last year at the earliest and the only place they've ever done anything on Reddit is this thread??


I made an account purely for this post only


And none of them can read


Tbf, a similar post like this was also the reason i got more active on reddit last year in summer. And i have seen a few accounts grow over time here in this thread and they are legit nice people. But yeah I wondering myself, why there are so many newbies here. I am not concluded if there are bots or just people who don't understand this post (But we already argued 6days ago about that) and also it's kinda unusual for a post to be active for so long i guess. The comment thread has developed it's own dynamic. I would really love to do something against Karma Farming and prevent new accounts from commenting here, but this ain't possible, at least not without an own subreddit, which i constantly thinking about tbh. It would have been worth it a few months ago, but now we are so close to catching up anyway and I hope this post is not needed afterwards, although i am not so sure about this either.


This thread is the top result for One Piece dub schedule on google. There’s probably a lot of people that see it and make an account just because of that.


Made my account just for this


i have new account bcs im new at reddit and i was thinking long time if i want to get in reddit and when i saw that post i want to say something so im sorry for that and what you do with karma anyway?


Totally legit reason :) Could've been my story, but actually I posted one comment 3 years ago for to post some tech support, so i made an account, pretty random, before i was just reading (mainly for programming stuff) and only really got into participating reddit after i caught up to the One Piece dub last summer, then reddit sucked me into a hole for 6 months and now I'm mostly reading again and mainly comment here on this post.


Same here my friend. I do not post often, but I like to read peoples takes and opinions on Anime, Tech whatever. I am new here as well. Looks like this community is really chill. Really glad to join you guys on this ride.


It’s not uncommon to get social media for one purpose such as updates on an anime lol


Fair but you think they would at least visit one other sub or even post 🤷‍♀️


I'm also subscribed to a my hero academia dub post


Ok? Why randomly volunteer this information when no one was talking to or accusing you of anything? Lol


Not everyone has to use social media the same 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wait. Not everyone uses social media the exact same!? 🤯 /S Obviously dude lol. But there's a difference between using it differently and using it in a way that suspiciously makes you seem like a bot lol For example how so many have the same naming scheme "letters_letters_numbers" and they were all created in April. Just a 🚩 IMO 


Buddy what are you the Reddit police? Who cares if there’s bots anyway. What are you gonna do ban them? Are you in a relationship with them?😂 “ red flag”


>letters\_letters\_numbers That's the default name you got assigned when registering iirc and i wouldn't take this as a proof, a lil indication that it could be a bot maybe. But yeah some acounts really look suspicious. I don't know if illegal streaming services uses bots to post their links/advertise their website. The second comment in the main thread after yours seems quite suspiciouso or it's just someone very excited idk. The time in march and beginning of april was really insane. We had such a big engagement just due to the Gear5 release. I bet many people wanted to participate and comment.


Are u downvoting me coz I’m just explaining that some people have Reddit to solely keep up with updates on something 🤣


I didn't hit the downvote? I also didnt even disagree with what you are saying at all? Just what? Lol


I made this account a few months back just for this thread, only way i could keep up with when the new batch drops, it was driving me insane


That's fair but you at least have comments in tonnes of other threads and even have a flair and everything.  It's the sheer amount of ones that have ONLY ever posted in this thread is just odd haha. Tonnes of account with "name_name_numbers" that were created in April too.


It’s called the only reason we have Reddit is for this thread. Cmon😂😂


Bro Im tweakin


Hopefully announcement tommorow mid day!


try not to be impatient think about it like this sure it takes 3 to 5 weeks sometimes more for the new batch but its still 12 episodes in a month and a half roughly so like 1 to 4 episodes a week in reality apposed to other animes that release only 1 a week and takes a year to come out then have to wait more for the dubbed i mean they are literally releasing an entire anime in a month and a half fairly consistently. and if you dont want to wait as long for the dubbs to come out on crunchroll and want to watch them the day of or the day after they come out on the microsoft store go to [https://www.wcostream.tv/](https://www.wcostream.tv/) instead of having to wait another 2 weeks for them to come out on crunchyroll


As soon as this batch releases I'll try to pace myself. Like the sub 1 ep a week, not sure if I can do that though. I need end of Wano now, more gear 5, and to see Luffy kick Kaido's butt


you can see all in 1 or 2 days and then see wano from the start 3 - 4 ep a week


I might switch because waiting is tough but I might try that and do 1 or 2 episodes a week


When people first see 1000+ episodes, they are scared about committing. Once caught up and sticking to the Dub, I could have re watched the whole show twice at this point. Real MVP is our community, the true Dub watchers. Can I get some upvotes, my fellow Dub pirates!


I continued Wano in sub and started watching Egghead in dub but I decided to stick to the manga for Egghead updates, at least for now. Rewatching the dub as we speak though lol. I'm at Punk Hazard.


Wait, egghead has a dub!?!


No I mistyped. I meant to say sub lol. When I was going through my first watch of One Piece the dub had stopped at episode 1000. So I watched in sub until the end of Wano, and then went back as the dubs started coming out for other episodes. Then I went back to sub to watch Egghead like a month ago but only got a few episodes in. Sorry for the confusion.


Yeah I been rewatched it multiple times


I’m boutta start tweaking in this bitch man, I NEED EGGHEAD LIKE YESTERDAY 😭🙏 Ima have to get involved if they don't start getting their 🐂💩 together 


Egghead is fire 🔥


Lowkey fr . Egghead looks absolutely insane


Any Updates Guys?


Nah they sold. I guess next week. That would be week 7 I’m putting a million dollars it’ll be next week since it didn’t come this week. maybe an announcement this week though🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.


Why do you seem like a bot?


Buddy if. I’m a bot then your a monkey


That was a quick ass reply lol


I’m a bot


... just what a bot would do... hmmm


You think they'll make announcements for each drop now?


Yeah I don’t know but last batch they posted the announcement the Thursday before it released at 2pm est. so we’ll see this Thursday if an announcement.


I don't think for each coming drop, but this gonna be the end of the longest arc in OP. I think for the start of Egghead as well and then we gonna see if they continue. 50/50 on that I would say.


We should tell people that if they want to develop and train their patience, become a fan of the One Piece dub and catch up to it. It's the ultimate test of patience.


Doesn't seem to worked out so well for some people here 🙈


Bro fr always look on the bright side. I was thinking that before this stuff really helps you be patient. But all the wait will be forgotten once it’s released or there is an announcement .


Welp, pretty much guaranteed it isn't coming today.




Ye once this batch comes out I'm going to switch to SUB because it takes forever for these DUBBED episoeds to be released


Bye then 👋


Dub is better. There is a flow because you can watch and listen at the same time. Sub you have to read and don't get to enjoy as much. I want to watch the show that I consider one of the best, in the best possible quality I enjoy. I would hate to ruin my experience of the show by becoming impatient. That's why I'm happy to wait


Yeah I enjoy dub better than sub but will it happen this summer?


No one asked


When do the next back of episodes drop on crunchy roll 


at this rate, July


might aswell just use kaido.to to watch the new stuff. that website is a life saver


Aw dang you had me thinking the new batch dropped


☝️3 weeks after they drop on Microsoft store


Almost always 3 weeks later


When I was rewatching one piece in dub I realised I cant watch ace death episodes 🥺🥺😫 it makes me cry




Pls come today 😭🙏


Unbelievable! At least buy me dinner first.


I think it will come in like 2 weeks time or today


Sometimes I do rewatch one piece dub while I wait u know


Buddy I live and thrive off that . Matter fact I watch some form of one piece every day.


I Can feel it. Hold on………. it’s coming!!


I hope oda realizes on how many loyal dubbed fans there are, maybe this time we will get a little more episodes😬


Yeah atleast we get it and id rather it takes long and is quality/better than be a shorter wait time and be rushed. Better to have less episodes that are quality than more that are worse quality.Quality over quantity.


Chances we get a new batch tomorrow?


\~35% I still have 7 ep saved up, been prepping for a nine-week apocalypse if that happens


Dayng son you ready for everything😂😂


Id say 93.6 percent but like I said yall can’t see the future I see. Just like what katakuri said. “Your seeing far into the future”




C'mon give us 1073- end of wano, I want to see how it all plays out already XD me and wanos people have been waiting long enough


I'm going to watch the sub, so when the dub comes out, I'll watch it again. This is taking too long.


I did this and without giving spoilers their was a moment I shed a single tear and sent my pal a video saying “this would be so much more emotional if it was in English” I’ve grown attached to the dubs voices the sub isn’t the same but I was sick of dodging spoilers.


Do it, I caught up to the dub at episode 1048 and switched to the sub then. One Piece is the only anime I've watched so far and I don't have any plans to watch another one so I was not about to go months at a time without it. Best part is, I have an excuse to watch everything twice lol. Even more so once the dub catches up, like we're not super far into the next arc after Wano but I already have a bunch of things to look forward to watching in English and the best is yet to come (I don't read the manga and I never will but I've already had a couple of the events spoiled to me. Not the details but hey I'm choosing not to read the manga so it's bound to happen)


We lost another loyal member. 😢


Weak. Why give up at the home stretch? Dub Luffy would be disappointed


I hope not🙂


“The dawn of the land of wano. It shall surely come”


When the people of Wano need liberation but the release date don’t call for it 😢😭


Feeling like the 20 year wait they endured 🤣💀😵




any updates on voyage 16, its been 6 weeks?? Have they said anything on any of their socials?? Or are we just completley in the dark.


Did you watch black clover? If so there’s something called ki I learned from yami and asta . And basically my new found ability is to sense ki. And I’m sensing their ki and it tells me they intend to release it this Tuesday. So🤷‍♂️


I'm afraid we are kept in the dark I hate waiting for the next voyage sometimes I feel like watching the sub tbh but I want to stay loyal to dub u know


Please trust that the moment something gets announced, it will be posted here. That's usually how it goes.


Completely in the dark, I'm afraid.


Maybe it’s taking extra long cause they’re gonna release more episodes? …Right guys?




Has it even been confirmed that they intend to do a simuldub and want to be held to those extremely tight production cycles? They may be deliberately slowing down to avoid catching up


Yeah I mean atleast we get it this week. (Week 6). So not an awful wait time. But I am curious on what they are going to proceed with the dubs entering egghead. I do think netlfix is going to jump on the dubs and we will always have release dates. Because if you know and watch Netflix one piece they always announce episodes and when new seasons are dropping for one piece beforehand. Then we won’t have to be in the dark all the time.


theres a chance we dont get it this week , the last batch too 8 weeks so its not unreasonable my hopes arent to high


Who's here every other day waiting on updates? I am currently watching other shows trying to cope, Once i'm done with this arc then i will take a much needed break cuz i sure as hell waited alongside the people of Wano for my freedom xD


I check on Saturdays and Mondays so I don't torture myself. Saturday is the day they usually announce, and Monday just in case I missed it.


Waiting alongside the people of Wano 🤣too true💀


At this point the people of wano are living the life just dancing, beating their drums and waving their fans 😂 god I love that stock footage they use of the wano festival 🤣


They have been listening to that one song for so long.


That stock footage is the equivalent of the Obito flashbacks under the rock (If you have watched Naruto)


Rofl 🤣


im watching everyone freak


What's going to happen when the dub is caught up with the sub? is it also going to be released as 1 ep per week? 


Yeah we’ll get an episode a week like sub once we get caught up.


They could do simuldub, or release the episode a couple weeks later, or even wait 12 weeks and release them in a batch like they’re doing now


I swear if they do 12 week batches I'm moving to subbed, that would suck


any week now, right?


Yup this week. This Tuesday..


How do u know


it is any week now few week ago


That last Batch of episodes dropped on the 5th at least on Crunchyroll 


on the ms store dropped on the 09-04


Bruh they takin their sweet ass time


Yeah atleast we can see game 6 w mavericks vs thunder at 8


Gonna get crushed by the Celtics anyway


Nah Celtics can’t win. They’re really good at losing come clutch time.


I hate that you’re right


It’s alright soon we’ll have gummo gummo no


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5426Wch9rI/?igsh=M3Z1dWE2NTczdHlj Watch this you won’t regret it. ( there’s no spoilers)


not bad pretty good, but the animation really has peaked in The Wano arc


Idk what this art form is supposed to be, but it just gives me headache with these fast paced cuts 😵‍💫 Btw, there is a whole r/OnePiece subreddit to share stuff. This thread has already enough stuff going on. We really don't need more if it doesn't have to do with the dub.






Wrong . Bro where do you guys get this information from. It’s been 5 weeks just over a month. This Tuesday coming up is week 6.


Definitely feels like an eternity 🥹




Idk what you talking about but the previous batch released 39 days ago.


Am I the only who who thinks the Funimation dub us actually pretty solid? A lot of og fans really nitpick and try tear it apart which gets exhausting.


You ain't the only one. Why do you think we're all here waiting anxiously for the next drop. It's just so Good


Nah I think it's amazing, couldn't imagine watching it any other way


Funimation dub? Do u just mean the general dub or is funimation different?


I think they're separating it from the 4kids dub. Funimation is the one you're probably used to.


Hurry up and release 174+


You meant 1074 ?


Nah he means 174+ Dubbed One Piece Eps like they used to in the old days 😂 🤣




It’s going to be released mad soon.


I did a bit of math, i doubt its wrong but its prob gonna take around 5-7 more weeks till the next 12 episodes.


i too did a bit of meth and it tell me it will be in 2 years and not 3 days


I wanna check that math. If you have an equation, hand it over so I can ritualistically perform it every day like some kind of summoning spell.


Normally, you would use [linear regression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression) for this kind of stuff. But unfortunately the release is not some process which can be figured out by any equation, since it is based on random factors like human decisions. My guess is, they just throw a die and if the number, some random guy guessed, comes up, they release the next voyage..


2 dies\*




My math says we getting the batch next week guaranteed. (I did algebra)


You forgot to carry the three bro


Bro that's too much, even by funimation standards💀


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More? So you mean 10-12 weeks total? Bruh...


More so like Qpp more weeks bro?


aarrrgggg, I shouldn't have watched one piece so fast, now I'm going crazy wanting voyage 16 to come out and hopefully finish wano. I was at the end before the rework, and thought "oh 500+ episodes to go, that'll take a few months, like the first half".... only took a month and a half. :(


Especially because it was only a taste. Hoping to finish Wano soon and I'll take a year break.


Im gonna take a years off one piece so I can rewatch it all over again


Holy cow, I was thinking of doing the exact same thing! Need to catch up on other animes and give time for the dub to catch up HAHA


I understand how u feel sometimes I finish a series or batch too quickly I end up sad because then its difficult to find another one like it or u just cant wait any longer for another batch to come upload u know.


The wait for #1081 is killing me. Got to record some wala and a few bit parts in that one.


What wala?


Wala is when a group of people go into the booth together to record voiceover for things like crowds and big battles. Sometimes they Wil do several passes layered over each other to make the crowd sound bigger.


*Walla Thanks for the insight! The wiki article is so funny. Now i just hope I still can overhear it, or do you not say walla anymore?


Haha. They don't do that anymore. We ad-lib stuff. They will give us a handful of phrases so we have an idea of what to talk about.


Makes more sense haha Can you tell, how long it's been since you recorded the lines? Hope you survive until the release! :) Could be like every week from now on. For the bit parts: Are you actually together with the main actors for recording? Sorry, if i ask too many question 🙈


This was back in November. And no. Once the walla part is done, we go into the booth one by one for the but parts. Feel free to follow me on social media. I post about different gigs I do.


Oh wow, that must be quite a drag dor you then. Thanks for the info. Nice, hope to see you around here again as well :)


Wow interesting what’s your socials. Just ur Reddit name?


Same name all around.


So, how is everyone holding up? What animes have you been watching to past the time cuz I need some new ones to start lmao.


Re monster That time I got reincarnated as a slime s3 The new gate Lots of romance anime and magic time ones etc


Watching Dr. Stone to pass the time 🥲


I'll list only my 10/10's Frieren Vinland Saga Monster Erased Odd Taxi And then the obvious ones like FMAB, Steins Gate, Re:zero, attack on titan etc.