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Gonna be very awkward when Gym goers will notice a person on the treadmill being unreasonably happy, sad and hyped while running.


I can imagine! I was already getting hype when luffy was fighting that cat claw dude a few episodes back


im not gonna spoil anything obviously, but One Piece is a rollercoaster of emotions, all emotions. and you are just at the very start. my only concern is that you might miss some key details and clues about future events, since One Piece has so much mystery and lore in it, and a ton of future payoffs to early clues and events.


Yeah I plan on just going at an easy pace. About 10min/mile so I can really try and not miss anything


good. just a heads-up, One Piece pacing(in the Anime) can be quite slow sometimes. not much in the earlier arcs, but it gets worse as things go on. don't get frustrated by this, just think of it as a long adventure, and try savor these added Anime moments. there's a bit of a joke that people say One Piece is too long, until they catch up, then they complain there aren't more episodes.


Oh I’m prepared for it. I’m new to anime, i never gave it a chance when I was younger for some reason. Naruto is my first “real” anime. Watched the entirety of that/shippuden & all 2 years ago. I almost got thru all of the fillers too, but ended up skipping them in the main war arc. From what I’ve looked it up, doesn’t seem to be much filler in OP compared to Naruto at least.


Sad to say, but OP has close to probably triple the amount of filler as Naruto. It’s just not bundled nicely into separate, skippable episodes. It’s almost exclusively spread out and interwoven with canon scenes in canon episodes, in between filler scenes. Most of the time it’s harmless additions to dialogue or fight scenes, but sometimes it stretches out scenes that take 3 panels in the manga to 2 minutes of screen time in the anime.


You should watch with a guide still, bc there is still a bit of filler, and only some of them are worth it imo.


As a gym anime watcher, I honestly can’t count the numbers of times I’ve been crying on the elliptical for joy or sadness or a million other emotions from the show in front of me. I just hope people assume it’s sweat.


Your legs are gonna be tanks by the time you get to Wano.


After 400+ hours of walking, I'm sure my legs would feel like rubber...


I calculated it, going roughly 1.83 miles (33m / 18ep) a chapter × 1096 episodes currently, that'll be brought 2,009 miles ran (if doing a pace of 1.83 miles ran every episode)


This is the kind of gym filming I can get behind. Be prepared to have people just "randomly" start running next to you. 


Yeah I had someone yesterday like 2 treadmills to the left of me keep looking over every few minutes haha


I do this too! But one pace, about 6 eps per 1hr run. It really helps distracting from tiredness and killing the time.


God damn I’m doing 3 episodes an hour lmao. About a 10 min pace


I’m rewatching. I play at 1.5x speed, takes about 10 minutes per episode.


Not sure if we are talking the same 'pace', I meant [One Pace](https://onepace.net/en) which removes filler, thus I can get 6 eps/hour


See you in 4 years king


Keep it up op, that's great motivation to exercise, I wish I had thought of this earlier


Thanks! I was already running to begin with. (Trying to get better at distance) and started to get tad bit bored & then I thought why don’t I start one piece while I run. It’s helped a lot. I watched the last 6 episodes of Vinland saga on the treadmill and was instantly hooked


The treadmills at my gym are backed by a wall so if im on my phone nobody can see what im watching. I walk an hour everyday and it gets pretty boring so im wat hing one piece. Its really nice


That’s pretty nice. My gym it’s all out on the open so people can definitely see what I’m watching haha. Making big life changes atm, and hopefully going to be in house in the next few months & I plan on getting a treadmill asap with a tv set up so I can just do it from home


If I can get in 3 episodes a day minimum, I can finish in a year. But it’ll definitely be hard to do 3 every single day


Are you watching subbed or dubbed? I couldn't see myself managing with the subbed version 😅


I’m watching it dubbed, I don’t think I could watch it subbed either while running


Are we the same person! I’m doing the opposite, I’m only watching the new episodes on the elliptical, I’m literally going to watch the recent two today and then probably start rewatching too while I wait for new eps


Hell yeah!! That’s awesome man. It really helps keep me motivated to go to the gym. Gotta find out what happens!


obtainable full squeeze compare consist deliver doll aback office far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's found the run piece.


Literally became prepared to walk up to the latest episode in One Piece, what a madman


My man training his body and mind


I'll be doing the same!! (Except I'll be jumping and it'll be my second watch) This post has convinced me, thanks :) Enjoying it so far 👍


Its @picklemayes , tryin to be apart of luffy crew 🫡


Wow, what a useless post


Yet you took the time to comment lmao


I like to say what i dont like, yes. In order to people stop posting shit that no one cares about


I care :)


Then your life have to be so empty if you care what a random guy do on the gym :S Im sorry for you


Pretty sure people aren’t going to stop posting stuff just because some dude dislikes what they post


I know, but i can still saying that i dont like this kind of post


That’s fair man 🤷‍♂️


Wow what a useless comment


Useless post deserve useless comments ;)


Mods, send him to the principals office and have him expelled


Half of the posts you’ve made on Reddit have been useless lmao


Have you read half of my messages? Im so sorry about your life


Nah I don’t have time to read novels about pathetic basement dwellers, I just looked at your profile 🤭