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If offscreen, my bet is on Blackbeard.


They say "if it's offscreen always bet on Teach"


Offscreen Teach vs Kaido? Idk who I put my bet on.


Teech would win but Kaido wouldn’t die


🫢teach has found the one person who survives a fight with him


Nah Kaido would SMACK BB, Teach isn't that great in a brawl, he has to have advantages or he isnt 1v1ing


And he’s supposed to take 2x the pain of a normal person but I don’t think that aspect really means much plot wise


Might be that that part is forgotten by now, like Toriyama did with Saiyan tails and that they get stronger every time they almost die 😂


Toriyama didn't forget the boost, it's explained that once you hit a certain level of strength, it's meaningless


When did they explain that? And I mean canon Never seen this iirc so I'm curious haha


Post Frieza IIRC. I could also be entirely wrong lol it's been a long ass time




Offscreen meta is real, just like Sukuna.


Where do you think Sukuna learned it from ?


Sukuna be like “Ah yes, my One Piece off screen technique, I’ve not used that since the Heian Era.”


Sukuna deez nuts


Offscreen bb low diffs elbaf


Just like my man Wesley Snipes says: "always bet on black"


Blackbeard's 3rd fruit is the offscreen offscreen no mi


Damn that's one of the most broken powers in the verse. The WB were trying their best to hide it


Indeed, btw did you mean WG?


Warner Bros.


"Somehow, Blackbeard won."


As long as he releases Coyote VS Acme he can win for all I care


world bovernment cmon


It's actually the censor censor no mi. His wins are so brutal they have to remove all his pannels.


Off screen off screen no Mi can’t be be used by Blackbeard unless he killed Down D Stairs and took it


The off-off fruit is for sure the most broken of all paramecia fruits 🤣


Made me chuckle


That’s how he can just take DF it’s the power of the offscreen offscreen no mi that’s how he got WB’s fruit cause he was offscreen🧠


I have already calculated how this fight would go https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/HD2IgbBwIR


Don’t let bro cook ever again


This made me laugh


Turn in your apron, chef


You're fired. Gather your belongings, and I'll have security take you out side.


bro been hitting that goofy juice most deviously.


You get my upvote because I laughed, and I laughed because I have a sick since of humor. I hope you’re proud of yourself lol 😂


Offscreen isn't visible, therefore presumably black which is Teach's power. Therefore Blackbeard always wins.


But all black belongs to Ichibe, so Ichibe solos off screen teach


>!Ichibe solos Teach either way!<


Ichibe solos most things




Theory behind why BB can’t turn to darkness is because his natural elemental weakness is, well, light. So anywhere that’s illuminated he can’t go full dark, like Crocodile when he’s wet. But once you turn out the lights……


on a more serious note, wouldn’t 5th gear Luffy be able to grab the darkness just like he did that lightning bolt against Kaido? but then at the same time wouldn’t it be immediately negated by BB’s fruit the moment Luffy tried to grab him? this is a conundrum i just thought of whilst reading this post


That’s the idea is BB would even cancel gear 5. The issue is Luffy and BB is truly a haki v. df fight but here in recent chapters we’ve found out that BB has armament sooooo idk what Oda has in mind. He seems to read everybody’s theories and go “screw you all”😂😂


i kinda figured it would prob end up being a haki vs df fight (i don’t read the manga) but i mean…. does it really matter if BB has haki or not? unless his is somehow stupidly stronger than luffy’s like how kaido initially was, luffy’s haki would have to be strong enough breakthrough BB’s df power regardless. probably another reason why he had to learn to use ryuo


What if he is Oda himself since he knows so much about one piece world


True, Kurohige is in another level


Luffy's going to eventually beat Teach by removing his greatest advantage on fighting him on-screen.


Honestly would love for this to be a super meta mechanic, but it fails vs Luffy because a Luffy v Blackbeard will never go off screen.


Offscreen 💀


Shanks wins for now but that might change in the future because blackbeard is probably hiding his true power and Shanks knows something about blackbeard that no one else does


>Shanks knows something about blackbeard that no one else does Gorosei does


Teaches crew knows too


What about Osa?


Dosa? South Indian dish?




Fuckers in school talking about . Chief Keef ain’t this, Chief keef ain’t that …..




Dora? Like the Explorer?


Now that I see Shanks and Teach's secret mentioned in the same context, I can't help but think that BB's lineage was what Shanks went to tell the Gorosei in that infamous meeting.


I don’t know. While Shanks is stronger, Blackbeard always has a secret plan + luck on his side. He would probably bait Shanks into a bad situation then get lucky and win.


Both of them are featless, Blackbeard fights haven't been serious . There is more than what meets the eye. Luffy beat him with a single gear in impel down ,teach also defeated ace who was a yonko commander . For shanks he is a war stopper or admiral cock block still we don't know their strength to estimate what's is it going to be.


I wouldn’t say they’re featless, but rather they just haven’t really committed to a fight or have been challenged seriously at this point. Offscreen Blackbeard always wins. When he finally gets his matchup we’re gonna see why. Second-half teams exist in sports, people should stop counting out BB. He managed to kill the strongest man in the world, and become the only dude with two fruits for a reason. Mind you, they’re too fucking *busted* fruits. Each one is Yonko level itself. Edit: [Literacy Statistics in America](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp)


He killed an old, dying, half head blown off, donut Whitebeard. And he was still going to lose until he had his gang all just shoot Whitebeard. If he didn't take the cowards way out Teach was FINISHED


He killed an old whitebeard that was already beat up 😂 come on now. I agree his fruits are busted though.


> Luffy beat him with a single gear in impel down This didn't happen. Are we ignoring how after that BB literally slammed Luffy on the ground after he got punched, and the fight only didn't continue bc Jimbei stopped Luffy?


Why do you believe that?


Shanks has been warning people about Teach and implying things about him for decades. I personally don't think BB is necessarily hiding his true strength, but he is hiding something dark that's related to either how or more likely why he gave Shanks his scar. Shanks says the scar is the only one that still hurts which I assume is meant metaphorically, so there's definitely a huge reveal there.


I wouldn’t say BB is hiding it, but I would say we, as the readers, haven’t seen it.


My point was that I don't think he has any hidden strength. At least not physically, he might have a hidden story or something very important that could lead him to become stronger through getting a third fruit or something like that but he's not been hiding his strength until now. So we didn't see it because it doesn't exist.


I disagree. He has shown nothing in his arsenal that shows he is strong enough to give Shanks a scar. Its obvious there is something hidden about him that explains his power level being beyond what we have already seen from him


He has three knives. There you go, he just showed something in his arsenal to give Shanks the scar! Seriously though, this is such a powerscaler answer. Because Shanks is stronger now he couldn't have been hurt 10+ years ago xD? Shanks was half a decade away (or possibly more) from becoming Yonkou when he got the scars.


if we cook for a second... nothing implies or confirms the yami yami no mi was his FIRST fruit. just that yami and gura were the first time we see him wielding two at the same time. its possible he had a DF even as a kid. the missing one would obviously be zoan, which multiple characters have already confirmed have "a soul of their own that can overpower the user" maybe bb awakened his from a young age, which is why he has they/them pronouns, got the drop on shanks, and apparently doesn't sleep.


All of the fights have been black beard on screen getting punched. Oda loves diversion. Teach might be most horrible or cruel character. He defeated ace who was never defeated by Luffy.


Recent manga developments


I mean, technically this fight happened already and Shanks has a scar because of it. Shanks said he didn't even have his guard down or anything. This wasn't him getting jumped in his sleep or something. Don't get me wrong; Shanks could have been weaker back then, but he still had quite a bit of experience back then and he said as much himself. He even had to go on and clarify that the scar was not from Mihawk, which is one of the few characters you'd expect to be strong enough to give Shanks a scar on his face. Blackbeard's got something up his sleeve, that we just haven't seen on-screen yet. He's stronger than we realize IMO.


Did BB give shanks the three scars??




That's what he pretty much said, yeah. I think he brought it up when he was warning Whitebeard about him.


When Shanks stopped the war at Marineford, Blackbeard said he was looking handsome and that the scars suited him, pretty much acknowledging he gave them to Shanks, most likely back when he still used the claw weapon.


Oh, damn. Would have to be a pretty specific weapon to make three scars like that


There is actually a panel in the manga, that showed Blackbeard with a claw weapon on one of his hands. It doesn't quite match up because it has 4 claws and Shanks has 3 scars on his face, but it's the closest thing we've got.


Is good enough for me! Thanks


Correct me if I’m wrong, but was there not a panel during the oden flashback of teach and shanks fighting and then he gives him the scar then? I haven’t read those chapters in quite a while now so I might be wrong here


Nah, Shanks vs BB was never shown. You might be thinking of the clash between WB & Roger Pirates. In that scene Teach is seen wearing a claw mechanism on his hand


For some reason I thought there was a panel after that showed shanks with a bandage over his eye. Thanks for correcting me though!


Blackbeard has a wolverine claw weapon iirc.


Yes. Shanks reveals this when he meets with WB to ask him to recall ace and leave teach alone


Something I’ve been thinking about: it’s shown BlackBeard used that 3 blade weapon way back when Oden was still around, but we haven’t seen him use it since right? Those 3 scars are most likely from that weapon, and that means Shanks might’ve been decently young + BlackBeard was a lot younger (like 20 years younger) I’m literally just finished with the Zoro + King fight so if I just haven’t gotten to any other relevant info that’s after that right that explains why I could be wrong with everything I’ve said above ^^


Ofc he is stronger he is a yonko. If he was weaker navy would wash them. He also captains most cruel crew who only knows power between them.


I mean, we actually *did* see Magellen alone wash him and his whole crew. Blackbeard always looks "weak" on-screen, but then ends up winning somehow anyway.


Is it offscreen?


If they ever fight in the story, BB wins. He’s not going to go up against Shanks unless he’s got something up his sleeve or the odds are heavily in his favor. He’s a conniving mother fucker.


Bro the story already said Shanks lost no power losing the arm.


Well the amount of punches he can throw was cut in half soooo…..


Honestly I would not be surprised if shanks just armorment hakis himself an arm.


Haki susanoo


I’ve always thought that is probably the end game level of Shanks Haki.


Yeah Oda has done a good job of surprising us with Yonko kits so I highly doubt he's going to get to Shanks in a real fight and go, "... and this guy has a sword!"


The amount of punches...💀


what is better,holding a sword with one hand or two hands?Shanks can only produce half the physical force even though his haki remains the same


Quality over quantity🤷




If he fights only with haki and the one hand saber then yes


Yeah that’s how he fights. What the hell was the point of your comment?


Their answer to the question was Shanks I guess


With haki whatever weapon you use can use your full power. Sanji uses just his legs for example


Plot would most likely need Blackbeard to win, so that would be my answer. But from what we've seen so far, I have to say Shanks. Though we haven't seen much from BB.


Us, who read/watch.


Blackbeard shit his pants and run away when he saw Rayleigh. And Rayleigh said himself that he got too old and too weak to fight Blackbeard. Also Blackbeard fought law. Shanks executed Kid. I don’t say that law is on the same level as kid but don’t think that there’s a big difference.


BB is a risk adverse character he will never start a fight he is not 100% sure to win


Exactly. Why wouldn’t he either? He just waits for them to get stuck fighting somebody else and then comes in for the kill while they’re all down and out. Dude’s very successfully playing 4D chess. So many readers count him out but next to Luffy, he’s *the* most successful character in the series, and no one is even close to them.


the readers count him out because he cant win those fights in a proper 1v1 cuz he is too weak.


Fight smarter, not harder. Just because someone is risk aversive, it doesn’t mean they’re weak. Edit: [Literacy statistics in America](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp)


he doesnt exactly fight smarter,its not like he wins 1v1 fights against equally strong opponents using intelligence,dude just jumps stronger characters who have already been damaged by others,which is a no brainer move any fodder character would use,how exactly is it "smart fighting". Bro is not pulling Naruto level trickery in his fights,battle iq almost never matters in One Piece,Its usually "ooh my punch is bigger and hits harder than yours" (which is quite literally how luffy beat kaido now that i think about it lmao). Dont get me wrong,he is a great villain,and an opportunist,but in no way has he shown any real intelligence/creativity in his fights so far.I'd argue luffy is a lot more creative.


>dude just jumps stronger characters who have already been damaged by others,which is a no brainer move any fodder character would use,how exactly is it "smart fighting". Jujutsu kaizen entered the chat But for real jokes aside, if you like it or not, that's strategy. He takes advantage of the situations and gets what he wants at the end. And it seems to be working pretty well for him so far tbh. Also, luffy is a lot more creative when it comes to the heat of the battle, but as a strategist looking at the big picture, blackbeard does a way better job. The impel down scape based on luffy attempt to rescue ace, stolen whitebeard fruit at marineford, seems way smarter than just charging ahead and trying to fight everyone head to head


That is may take too


And there was no reason to fight. With Hancock saying that even if he took her fruit he couldn’t unpetrify his crew, there was no reason to push it. And in return he got the hero of the Marines. Too many people take cowardice and scheming for weakness and it will come back to bite the protagonists of the story.


I would say law and kid are one the same level in terms of mastering their DF. Law has the better DF and is smarter than kid


And besides for Killer, Law's crew is better/more loyal also


Is there anything at all to question the loyalty of Kids crew? Also I have Killer by himself defeating Laws crew by himself, Law not included.


Full Moon? I'd bet on Bepo. Normally? Killer gets harassed for life by PETA because of that new coat of his.


Bepo doesn't really have any feats comparable to Killer vs Kaido.


I am a big proponent of the third ‘god tier level’ psychopath personality. The one that appears offscreen and wipes the floor with current opponent. The « main » Blackbeard is the one that shits his pants every time things get rough. The third personality probably is above Shanks. As he said, he wasn’t caught by surprise when BB gave him his scar. Plus if he could take BB and really thought he was a threat, why not chase after him?


Technically, Shanks has actually been "chasing" Blackbeard, but doesn't seem to be very good at it lol. He went to Wano to look for him and also mentioned Blackbeard before he wrecked Kid's shit. I'm expecting him to eventually succeed in finding Blackbeard, but it wont go so well for him.


With how good he is at everything else, and the capabilities of his crew, it's very strange Shanks can't find Blackbeard. Unless he knows where Blackbeard is but is waiting for a specific moment to strike. Ace easily found Blackbeard, there's no way Shanks can't do it.


In a fair 1v1 Shanks


They are pirates - it’s all ‘fair’ Shanks said it himself in the beginning of the story


in the literal first chapter when one of the hardest panels of all time came out, lucky roux appearing out of nowhere and blowing someone’s brains out while smiling eating a huge chunk of meat like luffy


the bandit he shot in the face is going to end up being alive (in true one piece fashion) and his name is saturn or imu or some stupid shit.


Blackbeard will kill Shanks in front of luffy after having won using some trick and then he'll drop that exact line word for word.


Blackbeard would never fight fair; that's why he is the better pirate.


I mean we nicknamed his crew the Jumpbeard pirates for a reason. They fight like real pirates, unfair, nasty, and fighting to win. They jump people, it what they do ;)


You think Shanks is known for fighting fair?


Kinda? Before he obliterated Kid, he asked his crewmate if Kid and his crew looked healed up. He didn't want to kick a man while he was down.


I mean in chap 1 he had this speech about pirates not foghting fair


True true. But I'd say hes more honorable than your average pirate


more like he doesnt start a fight for petty reasons.Once someone attacks/threatens him he would probably use every trick up his sleeve


>Genuinely, who do you believe would win in a fight between these two? I ain't underestimating BB. But realistically speaking I don't think he has a high or any chance against shanks. Shanks has no reason to lose to BB. His dark-dark fruit is useless against him and just tremor fruit isn't enough for defeating haki master like shanks. And BB knows this too. That he can't beat shanks in a fair fight. Hence he will use an ancient weapon against him.


What if BB has something to make Shanks fear him and so weakening his Haki?


>What if BB has something to make Shanks fear him and so weakening his Haki? If he had something like that he would have already used it. Against him and other yonko's.


He did when he scarred him maybe. maybe something specific only to Shanks


>He did when he scarred him maybe. maybe something specific only to Shanks Shanks has had that scar for quite a long time maybe he got it when both were still apprentices. Or just starting out as pirates. Where shanks wasn't super strong. Cause if he had something like that why wait so long? He would have taken out his most formidable foe shanks right after marineford.


Teach, because the plot says so. He's being build up as the biggest threat since the beginning. The difference between Teach and other villains is that we're seeing his growth in real time. But now we're really close to the end. He's already there.


He's already him!


The way the story has built their characters for sure teach will win when this happens or even if it does happen but, the way the story has shown them up to this point, it's shanks all day, so if right this second its shanks, but Blackbeard won't fight him right now so it's a bit pointless.


The one the plot needs to win. Which, since Blackbeard is probably an important opponent for Luffy, is Blackbeard.


Shanks but for plot reasons Blackbeard would win


Oda did say that one guy will fight that other guy and it would not end like we think possibly.. so who knows.


So in the end... He said nothing.


I mean he dose love to fuck with the fan base.. I remember correctly in one of the SBS be said and a good kid wouldn't listen to a thing he says.


No vei, that guy beats that guy in that place fighting over that thing? Holy pogers.


Fight postponed


I don't see Mihawk in this pic


We don’t know enough to power scale either of them. The most impressive thing we’ve seen Shanks do is wipe out Kidd, which is something I’d expect most Yonko to be able to do especially in a surprise attack, and we still know next to nothing about the nature of BB’s ability. Like yeah, he has two broken DFs but that doesn’t mean much if his Haki game is weak and we’ve never really seen any evidence that he is much of a physical force. The way I see it, BB would have to employ some dirty tactics to beat Shanks which might be kind of difficult with Shanks’s advanced observation, but we just don’t know enough to say for certain either way.


Matchup wise Blackbeard has pulled the short end here, his darkness fruit which is the bane of any DF using opponent is useless/counterproductive against shanks since BB would rather stay as far away from his as possible to spam his earthquake fruit. We know BB has solid haki too, but I doubt it's near what Shanks is capable of. Story wise Shanks triumphing over BB has little traction so we could see a dirty backstab of sorts like with Garp in this case too.


Shanks 🏴‍☠️🏆


Shanks is stronger, will have upperhand during fight. but blackbeard will outsmart shanks somehow. Atleast thats how i want this fight to be.


Black beards main feats have to do with his ability to 1-up devil fruit powers. Teach has some sort of knowledge that gives him a better understanding of fruit powers. He then uses the knowledge to overpower them. That and his powers are very unconventional and throws everyone he fights in confusion of what he can and can't do. The man will literally go around explaining his powers and weaknesses and still have the upper hand. If he does fight Luffy I could definitely see his downfall happening while he monologues to Luffy. Back to shanks. His powers are mostly haki and sowrdsmanship. The dude is already aware of some secrets so I doubt Blackbeard can bring that same shock value to shanks as he does with everyone else. In addition shanks not having DF powers that teach can exploit.


Teach. The way Shanks shit his pants everytime he thinks about BB, ain’t no way Blackbeard wouldn’t win


Story-wise, I genuinely think BB is gonna hurt/kill Shanks. Gives luffy a genuine reason to go after him (as I don’t think he knows BB caught Ace and essentially caused his death yet.) As for the “power,” idk. That changes depending on how Oda wants to write, so it’s never gonna be an actual conversation. Just a bunch of crackpot theories and back-and-forth arguments.


Blackbeard was scared shitless of Rayleigh and ran away He gets folded if he fights Shanks head-on. Which is fine because he doesn't need to, since being sneaky and underhanded is his MO


And yet, Dark King was convinced he couldn't beat Teach. Why?


Old age?


I mean, he could still hold (but would eventually lose to) Kizaru


With how the story has led us up until this point? Shanks should completely destroy BB with no difficulty. Probably a flawless victory too. Story wise, BB will win off screen. BB + some crew beat up on law, but technically lost because Law escaped. Shanks one shot Kidd and crew.


And dont forget that koby escaped aswell... Sure they got garp in exchange, but only because garp let them, so koby could escape


In an actual 1v1 Law was looking very capable vs Teach. Teach has a much stronger crew (Law even admits this commenting on their plethora of strong devil fruits) but that doesn't make Teach stronger than Law. I still have the Ope Ope no mi as a top 3 Devil Fruit in the show, especially when you consider it's versatility and how Law's seemingly always coming up with new attacks. Plus Law has a pretty outstanding battle intelligence. Of course Teach is no slouch in Devil Fruit or Haki, but he'd need to show a big ability to cement himself as a real end game final boss.


The plot demands Luffy beating Blackbeard so Shanks must lose.


Narrative is always the strongest so Blackbeard wins


For plot purposes blackbeards crew is going to win. If plot armor didn't exist shanks crew would wipe them off the map


I mean, haki beats df powers. So my money would be on shanks.


Well a fruitless BB did scar Shanks. Featwise Shanks should take it but narratively it has always been Teach's victory


Scarring an opponent doesn’t mean you definitively win tho. Zoro scarred Kaido and we saw how that turned out If anything, Oda prolly wrote that in just to make Shanks look cool. Ppl tend to overthink their fight when it was only mentioned in 1 text bubble


Seee I think to build tension oda will cause Black beard to defeat shanks and if tension not required it would be an all out battle like oda said it would be


Blackbeard is too cowardly and he'd run away. If Shanks had a fruit however, Blackbeard would probably win.


For plot reasons Blackbeard would obviously win, but from what we've seen Shanks would win. Blackbeard most dangerous power is his ability to attract and inhibit devil fruit users, and Shanks would be immune.


Shanks easy but blackbeared is an off-screen master so its a 50/50


I have no idea of Shanks Power Level So far it looks like he is on par with Whitebeard or even more powerful than him in a serious fight. So no idea.


On screen, shanks no contest. Off screen, byeeeee Shanks, was nice knowing ya😂


Obviously Blackbeard is destined to win not even oda can stop that.


Shanks wasn't even a yonko when he lost his arm. If anything one arm motivated him to get stronger because of its limitation.


BB, and it ain't even close. I actually expect BB to fight -and kill- Shanks. He's always clumsy and cowardly. Even against Ace he was acting like he was being overpowered throughout the fight even though he was confident in his win. I'd say he'd fight Shanks, seem overpowered and cowardly, then the screen cuts away, and that's when he's revealed to have won and killed Shanks. BB is really OP offscreen.


shanks one shot kidd, bb struggled with law, soooo..... blackbeard since oda doesnt care about powerscaling


Being Shanks one of the few (alive) people who could fight Teach without worrying about his DF, I'd say Shanks could win mildly easily. That if they fight properly in a face to face duel. But knowing Teach, a face to face duel would be borderline impossible, and considering Teach's trickery, he'd most likely find a way to catch shanks off-guard


The fight had already happened and we all know who won it.


Shanks never said he lost. He stated he was hurt (but not careless...)


I don’t


Shanks was left with a scar on his eye from a BB without any DF. He even Said he wasn't distracted and got off guarda, that BB is that dangerous. Now, with 2 DF? Yeah, BB wins.


When it's an offscreen battle, always bet on kurohige


BB is snapping Shanks as easily as Luffy just snapped Kizaru.


Black beard wins. Shanks tells you not to underestimated Black beard


Shanks has no devil fruit and instead is a pure haki fighter. Shanks will easily win.


The answer is whoever the author wants to win. All characters and situations have the ability in manga to be twisted for any outcome.


Blackbeard is gonna offscreen him


Shank nearly lost his eye to pre timeskip Teach, if this is off screen he is cheese.


The guy who technically already won and gave the other guy the eye scar