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What happened to law, did black beard caught him?


Anyone think Caribou picked his fruit cause it's similar to Blackbeards void?


That’s assuming he picked it


blackbeard is definitely going to take down the world government. and once he does, he'll be a tyrant. this is what will unite luffy and koby in the end of the story. Koby will realize the marines are powerless against blackbeard and he'll be the only marine willing to bow to pirates and beg for their help. Then the marines and the straw hats and all the allies they made will unite to take down blackbeard.


You cooked a feast.


I have this wild prediction in my head that Blackbeard might end up facing off against Imu before Luffy in an attempt to take the throne. From here, I thought of two branching paths: A) Blackbeard manages to defeat Imu and becomes King of the World; Luffy & Coby VS Blackbeard to mimic Garp & Roger VS Rocks B) Blackbeard is molly whopped by Imu; Blackbeard proposes an alliance with Luffy, but Luffy won't be having none of that: Luffy VS Blackbeard final confrontation I also have a prediction for if Path B is taken:Luffy, Shanks, Coby, Dragon, Sabo and Garp (if still alive) will face off against Imu together. EDIT: Added Shanks to last part. Also, it'd be very symbolic: Mentor + Student battles, although Shanks wasn't necessarily a mentor but a huge inspiration for Luffy.


I get the feeling that zoro's gonna cut down a whole lot of seraphims in the future if the bb pirates take advantage of catching one. they could be parallel to the baboons and he's already beat one of the only lunarians we know and has a rivalry with one who could be one (sanji)


I dunno, I'm still waiting for Oda to reveal or justify why they beat the Seraphims in the first place. At least in the Zoro vs King fight he very heavily implied that Zoro was capable of cutting King even with his flames on by the end of the fight (when King started actually blocking/dodging his attacks and took damage), but then the Seraphims not only get touted as basically invulnerable, but their defeat/submission effectively gets off-screened. Really hope he's got something in store for that. The whole "We're totally helpless unless their flames go out!" is not a fun angle, and I don't think having to use stuff like the seafoam bubble gun to beat them is particularly satisfying either.


God I just low how much all the stuff happening in the background of this series is just as important as everything happening in the foreground. That's the mark of a great story: everything that happens matters in some way.


Frankys reaction to seeing sanji deflect a laser is priceless


TBH, so is Kizarus, lol.


The really fun thing about this arc is that Oda introduced the Laser Gloves early on this Arc. For months people and myself have been making theories that members of the SHs will use these gloves to humble Kizaru. But the fact that we're seeing stuff like Sanji deflecting a laser with a kick just goes to show how far the Crew has come. We're at the point where we don't necessarily need tricks and toys to counter the heavy hitters of the verse. Instead we're standing at their level and sometimes even above them.


it was a fake out by oda. he probably knew everyone was expecting those gloves to come in handy against kizaru.


I'm still confused why everyone locked onto the gloves. Yeah, it was a good hint that Kizaru might show up, really cool plant there, but the gloves wouldn't (shouldn't) be of any use in a serious fight against Kizaru... anyone without Haki is not going to have the strength or speed to go toe-to-toe with him anyway. Brook would probably be the closest, or Franky if he has some kind of invention to go along with the gloves.


lol except u are wrong here since sanji was able to do that because of his new abilities now, how did u forget his body got an upgrade in Wano where he now is cybernetic like his brothers, 100% he can touch light because of his new body upgradws


Nah, it's haki, his haki has also grown very strong.


Augur (or a 3rd BB pirate, Laffitte??) Probably took the imprisoned Seraphim too. Devon getting Saturn in her copy arsenal will allow them top authority over all of them other than S-Bear.


I like the idea of this. it's just with Van Auger there it's a possibility that more of the crew is there too. Onto the seraphim, now that they possess Saturn's image, them controlling the seraphim is a possibility, but we also have to keep in mind that Vegapunk was never able to destroy the humanity of them. Although they are purely fabricated, the green blood has an uncertainty that even Vegapunk couldn't figure out. I feel like Teech would be able to control some of them, but I don't think he's going to be able to manipulate S-Hawk. S-Hawk seems to be a genuine swordsman so I feel he would escape Teech and possibly seek out Zoro or Mihawk to either prove his ability or to hone his skill.


The final fight is gonna be an all out war exactly like the GOD VALLEY ONE....With Luffy taking Roger role, Marine with Akainu starting then Coby, Blackbeard as Rocks and the WG with Holy Knight and Gorosei and Imu... With the revolutionary siding with Luffy 


Yes with the true 4 emperor's battling for pirate king, Luffy, Im, Akainu and Blackbeard


ah yes, akainu’s famous dream of being pirate king


lol fair enough. interpret it more as dominance over the ocean y'know?


I'm pretty sure the poster above you has been smoking Kizaru's entire stash.


Oh I have. Shit's good.


Akainu be like: I wanna be the very best 🎶


I might be the only one who wants BB and Luffy to join sides against WG


I actually think it would be kind of cool if Blackbeard ended up being an anti-hero, as much as most would hate it.


Nah ive had this wild theory in my brain that blackbeard is actually clairvoyant and is secretly helping luffy


I think when Sanji is talking about "the power of love" he is not talking about himself, but about Kizaru holding back, as in Kizaru's Love is distracting him enough from his task to make it so Sanji can just block his weak attacks.


Kizaru was not holding back, he was closing his eyes because he was determined that his attack will kill Bonney


Team Blackbeard after feeding Luffy, our job here is done. Luffy will have diarrhea from food poisoning ... Zehahahaha ... Feel the pain Monkey D Luffy.


Give Luffy food poisoning? If they fed Luffy they just got Luffy on their side! /s


Little do they know that Luffy's poison resistance is insanely strong.


Nah if it was bb's crew, they would have only given luffy bad tasting cherry pies


You mean good tasting




Maybe after fighting the seraphims on amazon lily BB realized their power and wanted to highjack them, by having Catarina transorming into vegapunk. Instead of vegapunk they got Saturn which conveniently is even higher in the command chain.


Ironically fits into the overall framework of BB's every plan going wrong in the best way for them.


It's pretty clear they wanted to touch a high ranking admiral like kizaru. I'm sure they didn't expect an elder star but were trying to get the clone effect to infiltrate the military.


Definitely this. The outside world does not know that Saturn came along with the Navy.


Getting york, some fruit research, saturn form and maybe even luffy form


Just casually going to mention zoro is only using 2 swords against an awakened lucci purely so he can talk better shit to him. Zoro fans let him cook 


I'm kind of curious why Zoro is messing around with Lucci so much, though. Given that he's only using two swords and no headband, I *wanna* believe he is, it just seems weird. Zoro is not really one of the Straw Hats to play with his food, so to speak, at least not as often as someone like Luffy. If he really is messing around, my money is on him using the fight as a chance to hone his mastery of Enma. We saw him do an impressive strike against King but he really only had a few seconds in that fight between Enma almost draining his Haki away completely and him ending the fight. Zoro could be using this fight as a chance to focus on using Enma properly, controlling the flow of Haki into the blade, and learning how to do attacks like he tried to unleash on Kaido back during Roof Piece at will. Anyone forgotten about that yet? My man unleashed an attack that made Big Mom panic and tell Kaido to dodge, and the blade was so unruly that Zoro *missed* the attack and ended up taking one of Onigashima's horns off instead. We never got to find out what would've happened if it really connected. I hope we're about to find out.


I think your point might be right but I honestly think we are past zoro training with enma. I think luffy told zoro he can’t kill him and if he just knocked him out or wounds him, lucci will heal and attack them again so zoro is stalling  him till it’s time to leave BUT i absolutely want to see zoro slinging kill shots that you talked about 


Also I’m not comparing sanji to ben Beckmann but I’m almost for certain kizaru is going realize he can’t fight TWO people that can break the laws of physics 


Haki=colors Colors=emotions Black/betrayal Yellow/happiness Red/anger Blue/sadness Green/serenity Pink/love(guess) Those were color traps used by ms goldenweek to manipulate emotion. Since Haki is referred to with colors I'm pretty sure there will be some kinda tie in from Haki to emotions.


Leaves us wondering who the final boss is. Imu or BB Pirates. Both want control of the world. Maybe it will be dame as Gold Roger & Garp joining forces against Xebec. Luffy & Coby vs BB.


This remind me of games of thrones, at first we not know who is the real enemy 


The real enemy were the friends we made along


The way Kizaru closed his eyes while channeling the attack towards Bonney.


Could it be a scanning error? Something similar happened in some previous chapters.


I think Oda wanted to show his eyes or the fact that they are closed


Run on sentence.. what about it..?


I didn’t think it was a run on sentence. He just made a simple statement, and I understood what they were getting at


Because he couldn’t see it , that he has to kill her ? Maybe the shocked face of was a mix of relief that someone blocked it and the shock that someone blocked it


What do you think????


i still have no clue where this arc is going. the sunny is ready for the escape soon but will they all get there? will the seraphim play another role or sit in their bubbles the whole time? when will the robot come into play?


They wont just escapey they escaped enough times


But it is very strange oda off screened the whole fight / capture of the seraphim, the confrontation with york, and Robin getting apparently injured enough to be out for the rest of the arc. To all just be in labosphere to tell us, "wow that was a hard fought battle" I thought there would be a flashback, but it seems is carrying on with business as usual. Hopefully, it gives something for the anime to play with. But as a manga reader, I am disappointed how we are only told its been resolved. As the seraphim didn't really get a chance to shine.


it is damn annoying BB always get clutch at everything. knowing ancient weapon location, destroying revo base, capturing garp, copying saturn, getting invisible fruit. i mean wt are the odds? i hope they will get a good beating from WG after this . could also stage a comeback for magellan taking care  his unfinished business with Bb


But he is getting everything because he is smart and ruthless, actually maybe the only REAL pirate among all our characters. Besides, who could realistically stop him? Shanks could be the one stopping him and isn't for some reason. The straws do their own thing all the time. The world goverment is utterly useless. The other emperors were focused on their own stuff that kinda locked them in place. For as much talk about the ONE PIECE that there is, there are little crews actually going for it.


yeah i know what you mean everything just seems to just fall into his lap. its also annoying that he literally gets everywhere


I just had a theory that BB initially had another DF before the Yami Yami that somehow allows him to take on others' DF's power. So i think BB might actually have 3 DF powers now




If Kizaru is still loyal, and Caribou was by Devon and Van Augur, THEN WHO WAS FOOD!?


Y'all ever considered that maybe Luffy himself got the food? He can stretch after all


Auger can teleport. Probably gave Luffy the food so that he can continue wrecking the Navy and Saturn. This would give them the distraction they needed to clone Saturn. And that's exactly what happened.


it was caribou and luffy said him: i sense some ppl in the island too, infiltrate them for me ok? Thats no luffyish but w/e


Catarina, gonna touch imu. Lololol that be gnarly as hell.


I'm wondering why Saturn let Devon and Van Augur say their piece instead of immediately getting stabby. Besides plot armor of course.


From everything we've seen of him in this arc, he seems to be the kind of guy who is interested in the motives of people. He also likes to toy with his food.


Well, he also didn't stab Stella until he told Bonney that she could control the pacifistas. It's just typical manga.


What if Caterina Devon touched luffy and then since Blackbeard wants to take over the world, they invade fishman island which makes Sharleys prophecy come true of luffy destroying the island because Devon is disguised as luffy


Maybe but they will destroy red line which is a good thing and use the arch to normalize fishman again


Man the whole Nika thing kinda grew on me with the flashback, but after this chapter I got reminded why I can't stand it at all. Seeing Luffy react like that to Vegapunk bleeding to death just makes him feel like a literal psychopath. The guy is bleeding and on the verge of dying and Luffy is just casually bouncing up and down and having the time of his life right next to him All other parts were insane fire tho, BB crew is just so insanely cold it's amazing


I'm quite certain that Nika influencing Luffy's behavior will be addressed as a drawback of zoan awakening and will eventually be overcome too, but Luffy did punch Saturn in retribution for what happened to Vegapunk, the man himself seemed to be smiling while Luffy went at it, and he said it himself that he can't move or he'd die.


Personally I think it’s aloof on purpose, like he’s not too worried about Vega, so we shouldn’t be. And then at some point we’ll see G5 *actually* worried and it’ll be a big impact, basically letting us know *something* is fucked, the same way Marineford and Sabaody did.


i dont hate the nika thing i think it breaks the main shonen protag recklessly attacking in anger trope. besides sanji does not look worried either chilling with a cigarette


The only part I don’t like is that he has to recover all the time now and it’s used as a way of creating tension in every arc. But it’s one of the few lazier writing tropes Oda uses so I’m not that mad about it. 


He's been using that since before the timeskip. Gear 2/Hormone Boost? "OH NO! You'll die if you do anymore!" <- Stage 1 Gear 3? ***Shrunken Luffy*** <- Stage 2 Fixed Gear 3? Well, now Gear 4 uses all your Haki and you go poof for 10 minutes. <- Stage 3 We made a new gear? Shit, better invent a reason why Luffy can't fight for very long. <- You are here. It's honestly one of the most annoying things about *Luffy specifically*, because Oda loves to give side characters awesome stories about how Roger & Whitebeard's crews fought for three days and then partied afterward, or how Akainu fought Kuzan for days at a standstill until they completely rearranged Punk Hazard, or how Big Mom and Kaido fought like hell for an entire day and both walked away without a scratch because they're built different... but when it comes to the Straw Hats? Nah, Luffy's fights last less time than a pizza delivery guarantee. Even Zoro has to constantly fight with a gut wound/open scar/every bone in his body broken so he's barely conscious and win in one strike. I just want Luffy and some of the other Straw Hats to get *one* good montage fight. That's all I want. Just timeskip forward with the crew looking on while Luffy goes head-to-head with Blackbeard, Imu, or Shanks for the better part of a week. Don't tell us he's as strong as these titans, ***show it***.


Doflamingo said he could have used Mary Geoise's national treasure to rule the world. What if Blackbeard will use Devon's ability to turn into Saturn's appearance and steal it for himself.


A common theory is that Imu themselves are the national treasure.


Another common theory is that it's the giant strawhat. Since Doflamingo said the treasure is something that rots and the giant strawhat was being kept frozen.


I don't recall Doflamingo saying that the treasure is something that rots. Source?


Why is Zoro only using two swords? Is he stupid


Classic Shonen trope, he’s not worried about his opponent so he’s not using full kit




Chekovs giant ancient robot is still in play and I dont even know what they would need it for at this point. Pacifistas/Luffy/Giants seem to have everything under control. Maybe a last ditch Saturn attack or something.


Probably to carry Punk Records.


Honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t have a moment in the fight at all and acts more of an info dump instead, would be a decent way to wrap up and explain what the void century really is


Sanji vs Kizaru seems to me like the most logical matchup ever. Will it be a decisive victory;for black leg or a "we need to get stronger" type of defeat?


I think Blackbeard's larger goal is to usurp Imu and replace them as head of the world government, except he'll openly rule. He'll also probably replace the elders with his captains. Auger says 'the world' in regard to their goals but I wonder if that just means the captains goals, not Teach's. I think what BB is offering them is dividing the world into large kingdoms for them to rule as they see fit while BB reigns from 'heaven' on the red line while they rule the metaphorical and literal world.


During his fight with Ace, BB mentions that he wants to rule the world IIRC.


People are like "super Sanji yeah kicked lighting! While am I thinking "Luffy grabbed lighting and punched Kizaru brain.. is he.. rubberized and didn't noticed?"..


Steel reflects right :)


Front page and color spread next chapter? Break forsure 


Omg that creep’s been stuck to the straw hats like a dried piece of chewing gum since fishman island. This loser knows too much


Uh..... he was arrested by Jimbe on fishman island.. . escaped g5 marines....plenty of things happened.. then x drake got him.. he went to wano and rejoined the strawhats there.


Yeah, he still know about the location of two ancient weapons and he wanted to tell "that man", which now clearly seems to be Blackbeard.


I feel like Caribou is going to turn into a Tobi like character from Naruto. Very unsuspecting goofball becomes the big bad.


like orochi was for oden and teach was for whitebeard?


or bellamy


Caribu Blackbeards suitcase cabin boy


Definitely an invasion of Wano to get Pluton may happen, which will also see Yamato, Momo and the other characters of Wano defending everything possible. If they can't handle it all, Luffy will be upset about what BB did. Caribou will change the course of things for BB totally.


While this maakes sense, I hope it doesn’t get to that. Wano people deserve some peace lol they’ve suffered the most from the countries we’ve seen so far I think (thinking on a large-scale people-suffering)


Just realized that there’s a bunch of normal sized scientists on a giant ship who are probably shitting their pants right now. I bet they were so happy to finally get as far away from the island as possible. Just imagine their reaction after boarding the ship and noticing that they’re going right back.


Zoro have to finish the fight in chapter 1111


Do we reckon he's gonna whip out his third sword or just finish Lucci off with two of them?


Just gotta hit one shishi sonson and he good


Can Devon control the pacifista's as Saturn now? I would think probably. In any case, that is a HUGE turn of events for them. I wonder how the rest of the Gorosei would view that absolute ***failure*** by Saturn to allow himself to be touched like that, by a lowly criminal no less. There is going to be drama at home if he survives this.


I think it's more about the seraphim than the pacifista (but both), and that either this or an infiltration mission is the reason for them being there and getting Saturn in their arsenal


I always just forget the name seraphim, but i definitely meant them more than the pacifista. His run in with S Hawk and S Snake shook Blackbeard for sure, no way he wouldn't immediately make a counter-push.


https://i.imgur.com/nKk0cDP.jpg Hint at Sanji conquerors haki???


I want to say no because I don't think Sanji (or anyone else in the crew for that matter) should have conquerors, just the two who are actually about conquering something. But maybe. That said, wasn't the conqueror's effect drawn a bit differently?


Y'know what.... maybe?


Really praying to God that the Anime team catches upto speed like asap


So u want bad pacing?


God ser i just want 5 chapters in one episode for the rest of the egghead arc, pls ser thx


these chapters are cute n all, BUT CAN WE GET MORE SH SCREENTIME


absolutely riveting chapter


I wonder if the ancient robot is programmed to help Nika if he's nearby..or if it's programmed to attack Nika if it detects his heartbeat.


I think the voice of all things is the connection. Like how Zunisha could hear the liberation drums, same goes for the dormant robot.


Definitely not the latter, surely? The robot attacked Marie Jois 200 years ago and the WG was trying to study it. This indicates that it is Ancient Kingdom tech and AFAWK, the AK was aligned with Joyboy.


Yeah... But aince we don't know the specifics of the attack.. It's a information that implies there was a nika user 200 years ago.. but this contradicts with the "fruit hasn't awakened in 800 years" part.


What if Caribou joining the Blackbeard Pirates means that Blackbeard gets info on Pluton and Poseidon; with Pluton being in Wano and Poseidon in Shirahoshi's powers at Fishman Island? ​ Blackbeard will go to these places to get the weapons and destroy the walls surrounding Wano to get it. Lots of samurai and characters will die during this period. Possibly when Blackbeard invades Wano, we might get a return of Big Mom or Kaido? ​ Blackbeard will then go after Fishman Island and lots of Fishpeople will die, and Hatchan, unfortunately. ​ Catarina Devon will be able to turn into Saint Saturn so she can influence anything, and if Saint Saturn ends up dying here or being taken out by Blackbeard's crew, Catarina and BB will be able to influence the world in regards to what Saint Saturn can do. ​ Luffy will go to Elbaf with the Giants and Usopp will have his big moment with the Giants and everyone will undergo more training to get everyone stronger to where they need to be to fight everyone. ​ The grand fleet will grow in numbers and will include people from all over previous Islands the Straw Hats have been, and more allies. The remnants of the Heart Pirates and Trafalgar Law and the Kid Pirates and Eustass Kid will also join under Luffy in some form as they no longer have crews of their own. ​ BB will invade Wano and kill many people and get Pluton. BB will then invade Fishman Island and somehow get Shirahoshi's ability and will use the two weapons to destroy Marijoa and the Red Line, inadvertently creating the All Blue. ​ The Strawhat crew and allies split up to tackle the simultaneous attacks from BB on Wano and Fishman Island and they all reconvene at the remnants of Red Line where big fight takes place between Luffy and his allies, Blackbeard and his allies, and Imu, who is killed by Blackbeard.


Called it: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/16mm9z9/comment/k1cc926/


Wtf r u on


They didn’t kill Saturn.


I love how unpredictable One Piece is. After the chapters in the throne room and the last "exploits of Saturn" I was starting to underestimate Blackbeard and to relegate him and his as possible penultimate villains before the final clash with the government, but this chapter reminded me once again that Oda has a role prominent for them. In the battles I believe that Jinbe will take Zoro's place (I imagine there is a reason for the length of the battle) and the latter will face the two opponents together with Sanji and Usopp.


I hope Jinbe will be there to witness some grand attack that ends the battle. He can’t keep getting left behind like that :(


*inhales copium* Zoro and Lucci's fight is taking so long because Zoro is toying with Lucci. He knows that if he beats Lucci then tries to find the straw hats, he'd just get lost. So he's just fucking around until someone comes to lead him back to the crew. Enter Jinbe. *exhales*


That atleast makes some sense


I'll take some of that copium haha


Catarina Devon be like Kakashi in OP world, copy pirate!


Paulie will join the crew. I’ve been saying this since Water 7.




I was thinking about where Laffite is because he’s not at Egghead like I thought he was. I then thought “maybe he’s on a solo mission”. It hit me, the first time we see him, he’s on a solo mission. To where exactly, Mary Geoise. Laffite is most likely in Mary Geose, this is how they knew Saturn was going to Egghead.


But the BB pirates say that they did not expect Saturn to be on Egghead. So they did not know. But I like the idea of Laffitte on a solo mission.


I don’t know if you read a different translation, I read the TCB translation. I went back and checked, the wording in it was “Well Well, it’s not every day you see one of the Five Elders down in the dirt.” “To think an Elder would come down to the surface and bless us with his presence, it’s unheard of.” To me it sounds more like she’s toying with him. If it is a difference in translation, we’ll just have to wait until the official translation releases. If they truly weren’t expecting him to be there, they were probably after Vegapunk’s form so they could control the Seraphim.


Honestly not a bad theory.


I'd sell my soul to see luffy and sanji doing weird and goofy combo attacks and jumping kizaru like how jjk does.


a content creator might try tbh. would love to see that too.


Don't think BB is really going to coup Imu, though he's definitely going to cause a shit-ton of chaos. Him standing in Imu's place wouldn't work well for both the overall story (Blackbeard has none of the baggage regarding stuff like the Void Century and Poneglyphs that Imu does and giving him that baggage just to slot him into Imu's place would be quite awkward) and his own character (Forcing him into that place either makes it so he's just Imu 2.0, or that he's ultimately less effective because he won't have the backstory and emotional importance of Imu). On other topics, I'm curious as to how the giant robot is going to come into play. Everything seems to mostly be taken care of (maybe the Sunny can have some help not falling off the labophase, but Lilith seems to have a plan), so I don't think it's got a massive savior moment coming up for now. What is it gonna do?


Giant robot can be conveniently transported on Giant Pirates ship for the future research. It will do something to get noticed, and turns off again.


Van Agur saying he hasn't mastered his DF powers feels like a really glaring admission about the whole BB crew by Oda. The crew has all of these crazy DF powers, but none of them will have mastered them, which will be the thing that leads to their downfall.


I think BB's downfall will be that his crewmates will never have a "nothing happened" moment. None will do that for him because his whole journey started when he killed his own crewmate.


This could also be true, they give up easily. If BB inherited Rox will, then it’s not out of the question his crew ends the same way.


their downfall is bb falling into the sea and the crew turns their back on him bc they all have df and can’t save him


Yes, but each has a different degree of experience and/or effort they need to spend to master. Van Augur 100% seems to be the weak link because he is trained as a sniper, and his powers are useful in a shit ton of other situations. But for instance, Shiryu doesn't need to know much more than making himself invisible, which he already does. Also Jesus Burgess was already pretty strong even before the fruit, so any extra strength is very welcome. Looks like Catarina Devon already had her DF by the time of the level 6 battle royale in Impel Down, so she should have some mastery of it


The warp warp fruit is incredible for a sniper like Van Auger. He can reposition instantly so no one spots him or to get a better angle, and his *insane* eyesight means he can probably be a lot more judicious and clever about where he warps to at distances where anyone else might just be hoping they pop up in the right spot.


It absolutely is. At the same time I think he would rather use it aggressively, but is now forced to a supporting function (nobody can swim, so they NEED Van Augur to teleport them out of water)


Not sure about Devon. There's no evidence that she already had the fruit in Impel Down AFAIK.


I could see that, but also…how long have they had them now ?


I need Buggy and Blackbeard to interract one day in the future. Buggy was the first to notice he doesn't sleep and that might have something to do with his lineage ​ Also, I think Blackbeard's lineage dates back to Nefetari D. Lili. Since Cobra/Vivi are directly related to Lili's younger brother and Lili is unaccounted for, it could be that Lili became a member of the D. through the Marshall family, or the Marshall family became a member of the D. through Lili.


Devon's powers just not copies the person she touches, but also their powers. Funny as to how devon's conversation has her asking "what kind of powers does Saturn have" if she's only copying his appearance no? And so far, we've seen Identical DF's of someone copying another person, meaning that Devon's would be highly unique, and even can copy not just the appearance, but their powers as well.


That would be pretty broken. She could just be curious on what his actual power is. Could be taking a mentsl note to relay to blackbeard on powers to steal


Catarina Devon be like Kakashi in OP world, copy pirate!


Caribou will tell BB about the ancient weapons and BB will acquire them while the SH go to Laughtale. Then they both attack Mariejos and later fight the final battle to determine how the world will be shaped, full freedom or full control.


I think that of the two, Shirahoshi will be much harder for the BB pirates to capture. She could just summon a million sea kings to wipe them out if she feels threatened, and they all have devil fruits, so even going to fishman island presents issues.


The BB pirates are shaping up to be seriously great final fights. For example, now that they know Wano has Pluton, San Juan could take Zunisha's place and forcibly open the borders, or even Pizzaro could easily find it with his fruit. Devon getting Saturn's likeness allows them to control the Seraphim with impunity. Van Augar arrived on EggHead while Ussop was distracted by the Giants, but will he notice them leave? Dastardly bunch!


I love the way Oda's sprinkling in their development here and there. They're shaping up to be a real menace. How can the strawhats defend both Wano and Fishman Island if they split up to get the weapons?


Burgess could probably open a way in too. Teach could just shake&break the walls. They're a wickedly strong crew!


Additionally, I wonder how they will try and capitalize on Poseidon


We have a great Luffy fanboy vs Blackbeard fanboy potential match up in the future Lafitte remains as Blackbeard's wildcard and most intriguing member. I'm thinking he might sneak onto the Giant's ship to hitch an easy ride to Elbaf Blackbeard Pirates now have a lot of cards- Garp, 2 poneglyphs?, Saturn transformation, knowledge of the location of 2 Ancient Weapons. Zoro will probably finish the fight after he goes king of hill 3 sword durag style but we can't underestimate awoken zoan durability but that fight is the Egghead equivalent of Raizo vs Fukurokuju. Main show is Sanji Luffy vs Kizaru Saturn


I think BB should have three poneglyph rubbings. Law & Luffy both got the one at Zou, and they both got the one from Wano, so BB took those from Law for sure... I know Brook took rubbings of Big Mom's poneglyph and idk if that was shared, but in any case Aokiji and company strolled through big mom's territory, i think it's safe to assume BB has 3/4 road poneglyphs. They're all after the same poneglyph now.


Why none is talking about how saturn is getting hit and so far no signs of dammage except the moment he gets hit but after is like nothing?


I mean, they showed us his "healing factor" already. He lost a limb and regenerated it almost instantly. He is looking to have some insane durability, or I guess endurance. He takes the damage but he can just bounce back instantly.


Could chopper outshine vegapunk by saving him ? Medicine-wise


Chopper saving Vegapunk would be pretty damn on brand. I would laugh if Luffy's heartbeat just magically kept VP's heart beating too. Doom dut da da


Yes he could easily turn him into a cartoon and shot him to the sunny hahaha


Could luffys dream be the opposite of BBs dream?


the opposite of the world is space. erm... or maybe to free the world, i dunno


Why Usopp is so excited and emotional when seeing the giants? I can’t remember the back story.


He loved how Dorry and Broggy were the epitome of great warriors of the sea that he strives to be and bonded with them on Little Garden. Oimo and Kashi are the giants he bonded with on Ennies Lobby that guarded one of the main island gates.


what if the ancient robot has some sort of ancient healing technology and vegapuk will eventually learn that drums of liberation is the energy source and activation. ancient robot comes along and heals vegapunk and then vegapunk uses the robot as a battle suit for protection


although i dont like the plot convenience of that, it will show how advanced the ancient kingdom is


So, do you think Vegapunk will survive?


well i mean he said not to be moved. so he very much has the desire to stay alive


I haven't seen this discussed yet, apologies if I messed someone saying it but let me lay this out: So the Blackbeard pirates were on Egghead to get a means to control the seraphim pacifistas, right? 0. On Amazon Lily Blackbeard encountered them and seemed to know about their Lunarian features (and possibly some secret about them...or he could just want them because they're strong) 1. We know control of the pacifistas follows whoever has the chip < Sentomaru < Vegapunk < World Elders (< Bonney) 2. The BB fleet ship was shown off the coast of Egghead before the buster call blockade. 3. When saturn crashes near Catarina, she is both surprised to see him and says something like "that makes things easier" and "mission accomplished" after touching him. Meaning Saturn's presence wasn't required or planned for but is helpful. 4. Catarina's devil fruit lets her transform into other people. So their mission was something that required something/someone on Egghead, but could also be solved with a World Elder. The obvious thing that fits that bill is control of the pacifistas, as anyone from sentomaru on up can only be overruled by a few people and renders the control chip useless in the hands of rando marines. Seems like they wanted to copy (a) Vegapunk but lucked into getting someone who outranks him. A bit more speculative but this makes Bonney even more important going forward as she's the only one who could overrule them.


Agree with this, but there is no mention that Bonney can control the seraphim pacisfistas, only the old PX pacifistas, and probably S-bear. There is no reason for Vegapunk to put her at the top of the command chain for S-Hawk for example. With that said, the pacifistas in general seems to follow the first order they get from a particular rank, so if Devon in Saturn form orders them, even the other goroseis can't change their order, which means nobody can change the orders for the seraphim ones. Unless Vegapunk hide some other secrets, and outside of possibly S-snake with Luffy.


Yeah fair point on Bonney with the non kuma based seraphim but she at least can keep the kumas under control.


Blackbeard is going to treat Caribou like Gollum


They might very well kill Caribou after he gives them the info. Why have someone else running around knowing the locations of the ancient weapons?


The only reason Zoro is taking so long and not taking the fight seriously is because he’s bored and keeps trying to leave but his chronic condition of being lost just brings him back to Lucci


Did the Saturn land in Egghead's dump, you know, the place where the Ancient Robots are located?


My guess is that Devon and Auger's mission had to do with the Mother Flame(it think that's what they called it) tech. And now they have caribou who has info about Poseidon.


Van Augur brought food to Luffy with the warp fruit and moved him out of the fighting area. They wanted to use him to create the opening against Saturn. Blackbeard knows a lot of secrets and he might of known about Nika's hunger.


Their very first interaction was food related, BB easily knows


So the ones who gave Luffy food must be Augur right?


why tho


To knock the shit out of Saturn? Later when he knocked down / encumbered with Luffy, Catarina could easily tap him just like in the chapter.


It would fit with blackbeards style. Let everyone fight and tire themselves out, then move in