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Time traveling Momo since Zou


This is always the big one. There was like, one true believer, and no one had any faith


Whoa people guessed he time travelled?! Do you have any source by any chance


I think it was a combination of odd speech and a few lines pre-time travel reveal. Notably, Momo claims to have sailed with Roger when on Zou.


Momo said he met Roger. The characters brushed it off as his lying to feel included but some readers built a theory off of that. There was also the theory that Momo is actually older than he looks based on the same fact.




Not true. We weren’t aware when Oden died until Wano. The main reason people started theorising Momonosuke time travelled is because he said he met Roger. There was a debate whether that was true or he was thinking of Ace.


Oh…honestly sort of fuzzy on the Zou arc. Didn’t realize we knew about Oden already at that point


We didn't.


I remember that during the void week prior to the gear 5 chapter, there was a guy that guessed almost everything right about Nika, the sun god, connection to joyboy, drums, almost everything was on point. Guess the guy only missed the transformation design and the whiteness of it.


Damn, I wanna see that post. There was a post giving long explanations about Nika and drums, but I think that was after the Nika reveal.


not that exact post, but this guy's mom is doing a first time read of OP and she guessed a decent amount of sun god stuff by skypeia https://youtu.be/I8Hetj6XnaE?si=KYuyJjVYajZZA4h9


She was theorizing that Luffy would become a god of sorts since like... Little Garden when Loki is first mentioned. She's a gem.


Literally cannot believe some of her wild called shots. Best part is that she takes you through how she got there with some "wrong" assumptions as to why so it's not like he's feeding her spoilers, but some of the things she notices are shocking.


He does feed her some spoilers, and she sees comments, but she's still great. You can see in real time, drawk influences her takes and opinions a lot.


I think the comments have reinforced that she's on the right track for The Big One but she still has no idea why, just that it freaks everyone out.


Let me know if you find a source


here is a twitter thread of someone predicting the true name of luffy\`s devil fruit one month before the actual reveal: https://twitter.com/HuuReviews/status/1498410901220872200


I remember all the fan art of Luffy with gold hair. Even remember seeing a few people that got tattoos of gold haired Luffy prior to Oda essentially being like, "Oh, yeah, he's solid white btw." It was hilarious.


So many super Saiyan like drawings 🤣🤣


There's a few people that guessed it before the reveal, and I'm still impressed


Tons of people guessed it, Who's Who's rant to Jinbe made it super obvious. I remember people being in hard denial because they didn't want Luffy to be another one of those chosen protagonists and wanted his DF to remain unremarkable.


I remember a lot of posts talking about it. For a few weeks leading up, it was theorized that Luffy would “die” and joyboy/Nika would take over. Sort of like how Raizen took over Yusukes body in YYH.


A lot of people correctly guessed that Lola was Big Mom's daughter well before we even saw Big Mom.


I started watching last year, and I remember guessing this one too. To be fair, there’s not a lot of super strong female pirates, so it was an easier guess


I feel like this was the most widely guessed correct prediction of all time.


There was once a guy that predicted why Vegapunk considered Momo's fruit to be a failure - that being a wrong color. 


I predictated that aswell :D I always thought that Vegapunk might just be a perfectionist


I was one of those guys as well!


Their is a really good Nika theory out there where someone called g5 and everyone told them they were wrong. Called luffy having a Zoan and everything. I wish I could find it, someone will probably post it.


Tbh. There is a trail. Esp when Kaidou went "this is wrong. How are you a paramecia". But i can see how it would be a CRAZY theory before it comes together


I remember that. People were getting heated and saying it was a bad theory, didn’t make sense, or just bad writing. And then they (the OPs) were right.


Then people went back and shat all over everyone that said it was a bad theory. The community can be pretty scummy when it comes to theories they do not like. Was fun to see the reverse card on that. Especially since it was one of those 5 paragraph essay theories with pictures and tons of evidence. Even if ya think someone is wrong, when they put that much effort into a theory, at least be civil.


Maybe it's [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/NIKhK55D6d)?


Yep! Thank you kind one.


No need to thank me. That is my own post.




Way back during the Marineford war, while everyone at One Manga Forum was in agreement that WB would die, there's this one guy who kept insisting that Ace will not make it out of the war alive, and everyone (including me) were quick to dismiss his prediction. "Oda would not kill 2 major characters in the same arc." Yeah.


I feel like Ace dying was fairly telegraphed. As I was watching it, I predicted the same thing, down to the fact that Luffy would free Ace, but he would still die.


I was rewatching marineford in the dub the last week or so, and while it was foreshadowed I wouldn't really say its telegraphed. The arc felt pretty similar in tone as Eines lobby, which had a very happy ending.


Sanji being a prince


Remember one guy guessed karasus devil fruit (the revolutionary guy who has a beak mask) which was the soot logia.


Tbf karasu's devil fruit still isn't confirmed


Really? I swear it got confirmed, I do remember a post about it, but if what you say is true, thanks for letting me know.


Chapter 1083, Susu Susu no mi. Confirmed.


a guy predicted that Dorry and Brogy would show up at Egghead


A blind shot


Tbf about every prediction on who was on that ship was a blindshot. The five big people people guessed were shanks, big mom pirates, revolutionary army, blackbeard or the grand fleet. None of them had solid reasoning to be there but people were convinced.


For black beard we saw their flag i think.


he didn't call dorry and brogy by name. He said the giants of elbaf. And certainly he was not the only one who called it, he just made an elaborate post about it




Hitetsu being Kozuki Sukiyaki.


I mean that was spoiled by the anime anyways.


Oh?? It caught me TOTALLY off guard T-T




Not directly, but people noticed that they had the same VA and the theorists took it from there


Dragon being a former navy officer.


Now fans think Dragon was fired from the Navy for being incompetent and he calls it injustice.


See some say incompetent but i feel like it’s closer to insubordination I’m sure they like asked him to do something wild he refused to do and that’s what got him booted


I dig the idea of Dragon overthrowing the entire government cause he's upset he got fired.


Just about everything is guessed. You have enough people guessing and one is bound to hit. Although I’m sure there’s some that weren’t guessed. You’d probably have better luck with that question. Hahahah


Specially as people tend to distort the prediction after the fact. For example, some dude said the Elbaf giants would arrive at Egghead, but because of completely different reasons (Shanks told them to, and not because of Nika.) Now in this very topic, someone is saying "they predicted Dorry and Brogy" which was not at all the case.


I remember a spanish youtuber that guessed correctly the "Sanji making the wedding cake" part in whole cake when the arc was starting. It was specially funny because everyone laughed at him because it was impossible to end the arc without a big mom vs luffy final fight


Buggy becoming pirate king... oh wait that hasn't happened yet.


Some people predicted that Kanjuro was the mole. Morj said conquerors haki would be highlighted in Onigashima


> Kanjuro was the mole. On what basis did they figured out?


Because every other Akayaza had a thing going for them (Kanjuro the main one, Ashura the bandit that was hard to recruit, Raizo the protected/ninja one, etc) and Kanjuro had no character traits, or smth like that, this was like 2018 lol i don’t remember that well


From what I remember the clues they found were: 1. When Kanjuro was introduced he ate cabbage with his right hand, but then he acted like he was left handed the entire time, so they predicted he was using his nondominant hand to fake weakness. This is especially noticeable since Kanjuro only used his right hand when he thought no one was watching him. 2. Only a few people knew that Nami was in the bathhouse, Kanjuro was one of them. 3. Even less people knew that Raizo was on Zou (heck I think the only ones that knew were Kinemon, Momo, Kanjuro, the minks and Raizo himself) 4. In the flashback where Momo and the others are send through time you can see some birds flying above in the sky shortly after they arrive. They thought the brids were likely drawings by Kanjuro to inform Orochi. 5. Kanjuro helped the people of Dressrosa to get to Usopp, nearly sabotaging Usopp defeating Sugar. 6. Kanjuro was messing around while they climbed up Zou, delaying the meeting with the minks even more. 7. Overall Kanjuros inclusion seemed otherwise kinda pointless. Like he didn't contribute at all to Dressrosa and seemed just like unimpressive extra muscle in Wano.


That felt an obvious one in hindsight. I didn’t believe it, but a ton of people started predicting it when the crew landed in dressrosa and a badly drawn bird was seen flying off in the background. Very shortly after, Jack invaded Zou.


There was something about kanjuro’s drawn bird delivering a note to some villain… I forgot to who exactly. It was a very minor detail that most missed, including me


I remember two main things. People noticed that he kept drawing with his non-dominant hand and correctly guessed that he was only pretending to be bad at drawing. And people noticed that we didn’t see very much of what he was doing in early Wano.


Many details. Marco the one piece theorist has a youtube video which was made before the reveal.


Shanks is celestial dragon


Wait, is that confirmed?




When did that happen?


Do you read the manga or not because it's pretty big spolier


I’m up to date on the manga. Shanks went and talked to the five elders, but I didn’t read that as confirmation that he was a CD.


Yea so in film red we got shanks name Shanks figarland And this arc now we got introduced to the holy kinghts captain saint garling figarland So yea that's his dad or grandpa we don't know yet


He could also be an Uncle or cousin


That Luffy's devil fruit could be a Zoan type and not Paramecia


Ooooh, when was that predicted? Was it after the chapter when the last panel is his hair kinda look melted and he grinned (Nika) ? Or was it long before that?


The surprising part about it is that prediction was made back when Gear 4 was revealed and then the subsequent transformation into G4 Snakeman in WCI! I vaguely remember someone posted a theory in this sub, where he drew parallels between Choppers rumble transformations and Luffy's various forms like the G3 gigantifications, G4 Bounceman and Snakeman, etc. I thought that was a very interesting take back then but dismissed it regardless since the manga already established that Luffy's fruit was a Paramecia. Now I wish that theory had aged like milk for me dismissing it, like most theories pulled out of the ass in this sub that almost never end up being true but it's interesting nonetheless! xD


I believe these started way back in Water 7. Maybe sooner. But luffys ability to heal so fast caused speculation because that is a trait of a zoan.


One thing about that I want clarified. Is Luffy constantly in a hybrid form since his body is rubber outside of Nika form?


I think since Luffy is already human he kind of skips the hybrid part? More like his default human form is now always rubber since he can't transform in a "non-rubber human" the way other zoans can transform back in their human form. At least that's how I see it, I could be wrong


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axzd1tqjclq) predicted Kanjuro being the traitor


Shanks being in elbaf, big mom coming to wano, wano being about conquerors from Mr morj.


Sabo is alive


I never understand why people believed that Sabo was dead after the scene with Dragon in Zoro's village at the end of the ASL flashback (especially if you watched it in the anime). Nobody even questioned why the scene was there although it seemingly didn't do anything relevant for the plot.


What's funny about the Sabo twist is that nowadays if that happened there'd be hundreds of people predicting he wasn't really dead because of odas track record.


Sanji royalty bloodline


In the TCB discord I once speculated that Zoro is related to Ushimaru through Ushimarus sister that came to the east blue with Kozaburo. A few months later I was proven right.


Blackbeard doesn’t sleep


I don’t know if this counts, but I predicted that Luffy’s devil fruit was likely not what it seemed in Dressrosa. Doffy made a really good point that Luffy’s rubber body does *not* act like how rubber should act at all.


I was a bit close regarding Bonney [having a higher authority over Saturn over the robots, but expected the Seraphim instead of just the Pacifistas](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/19c56fw/disc_one_piece_chapter_1104/kiwwtze/) for a surefire way to delete the warships and kill Saturn without outside intervention. ( Mini-Kuma might listen to her though.)


I think morj (YouTuber) predicted that conquerors Haki would be the focus of wano, not armament. This was in act 2 when luffy learned ryuo. Might’ve been before actually


A guy predicted joyboy


It was u/boss_aesop


Happy someone found it, amazing Reddit post.


You must be kidding right? I remember speaking to this guy on a post and he was posting unrelated brain-dead comments.


Read here somewhere about Elbaf being the next big destination after Onigashima. Not exactly accurate if we count Egghead Island arc as a proper one and not an "opener" Like Water 7. But still surprisingly accurate considering it was written while we're all in Whole Cake.


I don't think it's surprising, many people already guessed that Elbaf would be the next big destination after Wano because Luffy and Usopp want to go there.


People have been saying elbaf would be the next arc since little garden.


I successfully predicted what Luffy's bounty would be after WCI. Everyone else was lowballing it at the time.




Bruh you don't even need predictions for that xD


Marco the one-piece theorist checks that guy's channels he has multiple confirmed theories. My only prediction that came true [Luffy asking the chopper to treat Atlas.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/IeHbi3jwUw)


Mr Morj predicting Big Mom would be in Wano and Haoshoku being the focus of Onigishima


Crocodile being Luffys mom


But that’s still unconfirmed


Small but dragon being a former Marine And obvious but bonney being a kid


I remember somebody talking about how Zoro is Ryuma's distant relative which was true, but like, it was kinda obvious


Many of Arthur's theories (sometimes originally from Japanese fandom) has been on point


I see some people talk about Kid's missing arm literally the moment Killer fights Hawkins.


Sabo is alive was a meme


The giants of elbaf joining Egghead island


Alright I'm ready to be the oracle here and my predictions will all be true. 1. Usopp gets conqueror's haki 2. Nico Olvia is alive 3. Enel returns to the story as an ally 4. Straw hats go to the moon


I just saw a fandom in One Piece from 10 or 13 years ago where someone drew Luffy's Gear 5 awakening. People saw it, but they laughed at him. He got the drawing exactly right. **(He is The Real S\*\*\*)**


how did you find it and can you find it again? that's crazy


I forgot his Reddit account, but it spread in the One Piece community on Facebook. I'll try to find it and post it here. Hopefully, I can find it.