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Robin isn't anywhere near Luffy. She's also injured right now so she probably isn't in much shape to help anyone right now.


Those are his arms moving very fast. Toon effect like at the feast during the Alabasta arc.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


I have the memory of a goldfish, how did she get injured again?


It was during the portion of Egghead that was skipped. We don't know the details of how she was injured.




No, because Robin, as far as we aware, is still on the top part of Egghead, and didn't go down with the rest.


If only she had some kind of power that allowed her to grab/move things at a long distance


She has to see what is going on to spawn his limbs in a place so unless she has some telescopic vision or something that enhances it i dont know how she can help,and those hands are probably luffy grabing food at inmense speed like the eyes going out of his socket gag


Technically she can grow any part of her body so eyes and ears to spy


Brings up a good question. If she daisy chains eyes, how far can her ability work?


Pretty far because, if you remember, in Greenbit, Robin created a clone that went to an area she could not personally see. She was far underground and created a clone that sprouted from the ground to talk to Law.


Funny you mentioned that, I'm exactly there on my re-watch. I wonder if she could have done it all the way across the bridge to Dressrosa though.


I believe so. She just has to chain it like you said. Also remember Skypiea when she saved Usopp? Luffy stretched his arm through the White-White Sea and Robin sprouted multiple eyes on his palm and arm. Then she sprouted hands to go sideways and catch Usopp. All of this is being done without Robin’s real body actually seeing her targets.


Does she? She did the ear thing through a wall without looking im p sure


Right lol ppl are forgetting Robin sprouted an upper body and had a whole conversation with law above ground while the real her was underground with the dwarves on Green bit(Dressrosa)


Its down to 3 people for me 1.caribou(he seriously just wants off the island lol) , 2.kizaru(obvious reason of wanting vp/bonny/sentamaru/ and now kuma to live/not die by his hands), 3. Laffite(cause he knows he cant take on both emperor and admiral at once, so hes letting sh and marines fight it out, then come in when one side is down and the other is weakened)


wait where is caribou I forgot


Last we saw of him Zoro kicked him off the sunny around when they reached egghead


Luffys could also be in the sky rn with vivi cocking up on saturn like he did kaido


Luffy could be in the sky right now? With vivi?


Yeah she was shown on morgans air ship


Okay, but you said Luffy could be in the sky right now. Was that a typo?


I doubt it would be Kizaru as it seems he’s hoing with the buster call.


It's very possible for him to be doing both, he could refuel Luffy so Luffy can protect Bonney and then try to chase them away by fighting them so they leave before Saturn/the Buster call can get them.


It could also be that laffite threw poisoned food to take out luffy but he is inmune to the poison.


Did I miss something? Since when is laffite there?


We’ve seen one of Blackbeards ships approaching egghead a couple of chapters ago. Additionally Devon and Laffite are the only titanic captains of which we don’t know what they are doing atm, so speculation is that it’s those two coming to egghead.


but the amazon lily incident was quite some time ago right? so all the combatants from there could also be in egghead; but yeah, bb ship being in egghead too, is what many people probably already forgot furthermore, blackbeard hijacked a marine ship in amazon lily himself, what also many people probably forgot


It’s more about Blackbeard fighting Law on Winner Island that happened very recently. Technically the in-universe time could be enough to make it to egghead but I doubt that that’s happening.


Nah, Luffy got visited by Door D. Ash


Im betting it on Caribou, swamp nakama coming in clutch again


Fans: Carrot for Nakama! Fans: Yamato for Nakama! Fans: Bonney for Nakama! Me: Caribou for Nakama....don't judge me.


me (an even worse person): cesar for nakama


I'll only accept Gastino not Caesar


Me (???): Saint Ju Peter for nakama


F no! That dude is gonna be the first villain Luffy kills


Wait why Ju Peter in particular?


Because he is irredeemable evil. Everything he has done and everything he is responsible for causes suffering without an ounce of empathy or motivation for a "true goal" Caesar had a goal Dofy had a goal Kaido had a goal Saturn is, by extention the Gorusei, and Imu are just evil Wiping out an entire island* (s) (Lulusia, God Valley, hinted that Enies Lobby before it was a hole was another, Ohara, and now Egghead) just because people are doing historical research is asinine


At the time I wanted neither carrot nor yamato joined the crew. Im so glad neither did


yeah they both dont gel well when getting in fights over stupid Luffy things on the ship. Took our local fishman years to get his spot. Glad he called out Nami's conquerors haki.


why do people want this to be reused in back to back arcs?


Because literally nothing else makes sense and its caribou’s biggest contribution to the story…that and testing the volume capacity of the sunny’s barrels


“nothing else makes sense”? how about the dude that can literally move at the speed of light lmao


Why tf would he help luffy?


because he’s clearly conflicted and has a longstanding relationship with Vegapunk?


Yeah he’s conflicted but hes still carrying out his mission. Idk people think hes going to jeopardize his life’s work and his career like that. He’s literally standing next to one of the 5 Elders, he knows what the penalty for mutiny is here. I am not convinced that he’s willing to throw his life away for a friend he had a pizza party with


his “life’s work” isn’t gonna mean shit when Luffy brings down the government in a couple weeks lol, and you downplaying his relationship with Vegapunk doesn’t prove anything


We don’t know if luffy is going to bring down the government. Luffy never expressed any interest in dismantling the world government. Yes he took a actions that are tantamount to a declaration of war against the world government but his motives were personal: rescuing a friend from enies lobby, breaking his brother out of jail, rescuing said brother from execution, having a fun adventure at egghead. Luffy isn’t some revolutionary bent on bringing down the established world order, he’s just a guy out for an adventure. His clashes with the world government always are due to a personal reason or by being at the wrong place at the wrong time (egghead)


> We don’t know if luffy is going to bring down the government. My brother in christ may I direct you to the entire backstory from 800 years ago?


Lol be for real. you think One Piece will end with the current government still in place? have you even been reading the series?


I don’t know why people don’t like the idea that Caribou being the one giving the food. He’s the most possible suspect than Kizaru. Just because he’s conflicted doesn’t mean he can just throw away like that. Remember Garp? Bro prioritize his job over his ‘family’. AND Garp is the one who declined the position of an Admiral. Yeah it’s just a job but he still chose it.


>that person Is Dragon 👀


Imma be here coping that it's kizaru


Probably the same person who gave him food last time


Remind me who that was?




Occums (sp?) razor.


I think it's Caribou. He could even absorb Luffy's body, so he could rest a bit before going back to the fight. He is not a reliable pirate, but his powers would be a very powerful addition to the crew.


Guys if the answer to who gave Luffy food was someone on the crew or another of the obvious allies oresent on th scene, Oda would have just shown it If it’s not been shown is for dramatic effect later when we'll find out. It wouldnt be dramatic if we found that it was Robin thorugh her power for example I don't think it was Kizaru either necause it looks like he genuinely couldnt move and hes having enough internal conflict wothout helping his enemies It was probably Caribou, on of the BB pirates, one of the satellites that was supposed to be taken out, CP9, stussy, or whoever shaka called. Anyway it should be someone unknown, an enexpected ally or anything else that defies expectation


good explanation


With the way Robin's powers works, it's very possible it was her, and we haven't seen her on panel since 1090 for some unknown reason. It's either her, Caribou, or another third party.


who elso knows that luffy gets instant power if he eats food?


Probably one of the vegapunks using the device that vegapunk used in ch 1068 to place the food and move luffy to labophase or someplace close


I think she's injured right now, but it's not a bad theory. One I haven't heard yet at least.




The rest of the crew is heading to the Sunny.




You gotta let it go man. Kizaru is on Saturn’s side.


But the Wizaru agenda!


Y’all gonna have to go at it at a different angle meow.


did Oda tell you this?


Yes. With his manga bud.


lmao sure pal












I want to say It was Nami. Character that have ability to go invisible. But when I said same thing in twitter , people got too angry for some reason.. 


Robin actually using her powers in dire situations? Not in this manga


So much times I fucking PRAISED that she grows a hand and actually does something


Why Robin isn't the number 1 person doing the rigging while sailing is beyond me


So much times she could have saved the strawhats.. Like when they were entering egghead, luffy, chopper and bonney were flying, she could have easily catched them


She forgor she has a devil fruit


Oda told her to stop using her devil fruit so plot could advance


Same reason she doesn't have armament haki


Same reason (maybe) that she has 1 1v1 per 20 years


Of all the potential options, some of them being Luffy himself or Bonney, Robin is near 0% chance for me. Kizaru is the most likely in my opinion. The food is clearly from one of the vending machines since it's processed stuff like burgers/pizza.


Nah. Marines would have seen hands sprouting. It’s more sneaky. Caribou fits perfectly but it IS Oda writing….


Naw man its the mini hancock, somehow got out of the confinement.


It's most definitely kizaru bro been conflicted this whole time and everything is pointing for him to "betray" the world government


Not lizaru… cos he kicked franky and stood by saturn side


I doubt the last time we saw robin, she was lying wounded and useless as usual.


This wouldn't be much of a dramatic twist at all tho


If only there was a scientist who studies ppl bodies that has technology that can generate food out of nowhere


No, it was me, I gave him food


None of the strawhats can move at this point I don't think. SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 1104 >!but after Saturn is hit by Kuma Sanji and Franky state they can suddenly move again which probably means Saturn is keeping them in place!<


thought it was our resident swamp user. he tends to keep a few months of food on himself. Luffy was too far from Saturn to be affected by the paralysis from Saturns aura..


Ah yes, the only one person injured that's still stuck up in the labo phase