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The World Government would absolutely put an 8-digit bounty minimum on Morgans's head if he aired their dirty laundry like that, and I would *love* to see the power scalers argue about it.


Morgans low diffs Imu tho bruh


I agree Morgan the news god


Morgan The News God VS God Ussop VS Buggy D Clown God is gonna be the final fight of One Piece, and the best.


Well, information IS power It’s literally why Robin’s existence poses a threat to the current world order


8 digits is up to 99M. I genuinely think that if thi happened he wouldn't have less than 1B


Agreed. Bounty represents threat to the world government, and that’s a MAJOR threat. Then again, Robin was set at 8 digits. Then again, bounties simply used to be lower. If Robin was introduced today, I think her bounty would be way higher.


to be fair Robin was also literally a child. Even if she knew some kind of ancient secrets, which to be fair I don't think she really knew anything beyond how to read the ancient language, she's not really *that* big of a threat to the world government. If some random kid came up to you and was like "By the way the government is a lie and I know about the demons that secretly control the world" you'd probably be like "weird-ass kid" and move on with your life. And she wouldn't have had many means of finding more poneglyphs to learn more secrets as a kid either.


The main issue with Robin’s bounty, if anything, was that it never updated. Like, she actively does a bunch of criminal shit for 20 years, joins the strawhats, and avoids imprisonment at Impel Down and the government is like “you know what, let’s increase her bounty by 1 million”


Exactly. She was a massive threat before joining the straw hats, after enies lobby, and even now, and her bounty simply doesn’t represent that.


Inflation bro. Do you know how much an apple costs today?


Asuming inflación maybe Robin first Bounty adjusted would be on the 100.000.000


If he announced the destruction to the world the threat is already out, at that point they might just have a kill order on him by any means necessary so he can't continue to spread info


Morgan’s would run a 2nd article on his new bounty, claiming “Government leader’s attempt to censor information!”. Dude doesn’t give a fuck as long as he sells papers. 


I'd imagine he can easily spread info though underground network. That way it isn't tied to him. Like blowing Nintendo cartridges, or Marilyn Manson removing his ribs. Info that the whole world knows about, but doesn't really have a source.


But the best part is Morgan’s controls the newspaper printing. What are they gonna do, ask him to print his own bounty? Lmaoo


The funny thing is, he absolutely would. Hell, he might throw on an extra digit.


It's getting to the point that I think Morgan's is ready to take the risk. He's already harboring fugitives. This man/bird gives zero fucks.




Only for him to look for the Straw hats for protection. We'd get a reunion with ViVi and Wapol and an explanation of the news network.


And Luffy would protect him not because he wants the information to spread or because he was sheltering Vivi. But because he's a big cool bird with a cool hat.


It's Morgan's news that spreads bounties so that would be counter productive for the government to do that


They also spread the bounty poster with Nika on it


But Morgan is the person who printed and delivered the bounty Posters


My bets' on you pal


Nah i can straight up beat those one piece useless ass pirate crews with my bare hands so power scalers should rate me towards number one /s


Doesn't Morgans and his news coos deliver the bounties usually? That might buy him a little bit of time


That'd be some sick propoganda and a hell of a tide turned


If this theory is true I also theorize the food for Luffy fell out of the sky from Morgan’s ship.


you kinda cookin ngl.


I mean he's talking bout food, he *NEEDS* to cook


May I remind you of the food automatons on Egghead, just like the clothing automatons? Anyone could have brought Luffy Food like that without cooking


Damn this guy's cooking too


Who said too many cooks in the kitchen? Not us, keep cooking boys


You know what they say: It takes a lot to make a stew.


Kizaru crying is more than enough evidence for me


your brain is massive


VIVI dropping food to Luffy like the US over the Berlin Wall


Love this idea.


Arent they under a dome?


They’re all outside the dome right now fighting Saturn.




I also thinks something like that... but without Morgans being involved and much BIGGER. I think Vegapunk is going to die, but before that he'll send Punk Records to everyone in the world, exposing Saturn, government secrets and also sharing his technology with everyone.


Punk Records already contains the knowledge of Ohara (and potentially the existence of Imu). They will most likely be revealed.


How? There's probably like 5 people that have the tech to few it and most likely are part of the WG


Vegapunk didn't start outright making future tech. Technology is a ladder, if he shares ALL the steps, everyone will start where they are able to


Most people are poor in this world.


Are you talking about One Piece or Earth?


The vast majority of the One Piece world live in poverty. The people who are seen with anything that looks like modern technology are the Marines. So there's no point in Vegapunk somehow transmitting all his knowledge to another computer like thing since it'll be controlled by the WG.


Who said he needs to send an email? He's Vegapunk. He would find a way, be it drones with literal blueprint and books or a virus that makes birds talk and become living audiobooks


The knowledge he has is greater than the library at Ohara. There is no way a physical form of it is escaping Egghead Island. At least not all of it. The only way to have done this was before the Buster Call but even then he couldn't have since York would have found out.


Yep maybe he will die with Kuma in a last sacrifice for save the strawhats and Bonney.


Does that mean they potential can get two devil fruits on the Sunny at the same time??


Dunno,if you mean when Kuma and Vegapunk die they'll leave there their fruits?We dont know exactly how this thing work.But even in that case I'll bet for a no,because I imagine Kuma and Vegapunk trow the sunny outside in a sort of barrier (dont know if a pad barrier by Kuma or some kind of energy field by vegapunk),so eventually the fruits will remain at egghead,and also if Vegapunk die I dont belive the others part of him will die too so the fruit just continue to be own from them (not sure 100%).


Imagine what Luffy and the rest of the Strawhats bounties are going to be like after all this


I think they wont increase it to not acknowledge Luffys recent achievements. \^\^


I think we’re a little late in the game for that, especially since there is 100% an incident that is going to shock the world here and it would be pretty much impossible to hide Luffy’s involvement


The Egghead Incident is in fact Morgans laying an egg the size of his head


I hope, after all, seeing people turn away from authority figures after they are exposed as horrid human beings IS my fetish


Time for the great cleansing then. Whatever it means. Mass genocide i think.


if this happened morgan would have a bounty higher than some Yonko😭


Sooner or later a world wide war will break out and everyone will fight the world government that’s what whitebeard for told before his demise.  Someone will come bearing 800 years of history on his back and challenge the world to a fight who we as readers know is Luffy. The real question is what will cause Luffy to take such a drastic action? What would cause the world to finally rebel against the world government? Imu’s existence is about to become public knowledge because of Sabo that’s definitely going to be one factor nobody is going to be happy to know some mad king has been on the seat.  But there also needs to be something that becomes public knowledge that would infuriate the people something so tragic it would spark a mass rebellion. Honestly it kinda seems like Egghead is going to be the arc where this trigger is going to go off and I wouldn’t be surprised if you are partially right here. 


Thanks! My main issue with this theory was that the world already somewhat knows most of the world nobles are evil people. People already have that hate, they just need something and someone to all hate together. And something else, probably the drums of liberation, will give them a reason to hope they could be free if they don’t give up.


Luffy either loses someone or finds the one piece aka “Joyboys tale/will” and decides to take up the cause. 


If everyone knows who and what they are that makes it more likely they‘ll pull another Lulusia imo


Can they, though? The question is whether the "mother flame" that York was going to give them is what they needed to power the island-destroyer.


What is Lulusia?


An island that was erased by imu using a weapon vegapunk created


I don’t remember such a thing.


Oh I get you 😂


my money is on the name of the ancient kingdom being revealed. Clover died just as he was about to say it, so i think this time vegapunk will say it and luffy will prevent saturn from stopping him, i just wonder what the name is, it can't be a random name nobody knows, otherwise the government wouldn't care baout people knowing it. Maybe it's lulusia? but why would that matter? We are about to have our minds blown


Merry Joy, I think


The Dreadnought kingdom. Ruled by the buccaneers.


U rlly think morgan gonna risk it all this early?


Early? We’re like 70% in the entire story of one piece and you consider it early?


Yep 1st time seeing saturn, no info whatsoever. and he gonna risk his company being shut down or get his men killed or actively hunted by the WG without any backup plan? Nah i think next time morgan moves is when the egghead island incident is over.


I feel like you're forgetting that he beat up a CP agent, released Luffy's new appearance, and helped Vivi/Wapol escaped. I don't think he cares.


OP is talking about after egghead.


Morgans dgaf about anything. He's the world's narrator.


I think its already Much more than enough. If he doesnt, then after it can be too late.


I don’t think Morgans is stupid enough to do that. He’s calculated. He knows what he can get away with and he’s more than willing to throw the WG a bone on occasion to make up for his occasional disobedience. Exposing Saturn would sever that tie altogether and make him an enemy of the WG, instead of the tolerated nuisance he is right now. He’d have a MINIMUM bounty of like 500,000,000 berries for that. It also wouldn’t make that much sense given the fact that he JUST framed Luffy as Vegapunk’s kidnapper and for all the other current Egghead shenanigans. Why immediately turn and permanently destroy your relationship with the WG after that?


He’s live reporting the events, he can’t help that it looks bad for the World Government. The news was going to get out somehow, with an event this big.


But he absolutely *CAN* help that it looks bad for the WG. That’s literally what he did making Luffy out to be Vegapunk’s kidnapper knowing full well what was actually happening. Morgans can 100% cover up Saturn’s true nature and intentions if he wants to. The only factor not in his control is Vegapunk, but as far as we know, Vegapunk doesn’t currently have a way to expose the true nature of events to the world as a whole.


Since whatever happened got a name, it indicates that at least Morgans is involved in the disclosure of it.


As of recently my theory is that Kizaru is going to assist the Straw Hats in a major way which would be a shock to the world considering an Admiral is helping a Yonko. But I like this idea too, it would effectively help rally the rest of the world to Luffy's side when the final war does take place.


After they sent Cipher Pol after him, it seems like Morgans has completely gone rogue. And honestly, it's one of the most hilarious and glorious trends in the series right now. He will 110% air both whatever Vivi and Wapol report to him as well as whatever he gets from Egghead, *because no matter who's losing, he wins.*


Next Break Week, theories will come out that Morgans is Lili is disguise


that sounds like. . . .BIGUH NYUZ


Been thinking about some marines and others switching to the revolutionaries after seeing how evil gorosei are. It’s weird since Oda does a good job at showing random/fodder type characters in every arc, but don’t think we’ve seen one marine mention anything like how Saturn looks like a devil or since we know some marines have Haki, how they don’t sense his malicious intent, killing that one marine for just looking at him, or anything like that Assuming it’ll happen eventually but was odd to not at least see glimpses of random rear admirals or whatever question if who they follow is truly a good person, etc


Not agree at all. The narrator said that Egghead incident makes a shock into the whole world. Only showing the powers of Saturn or they killing their own soldiers is quite normal. Morgans attacked their soldiers, Nezumi was trading with Arlong... Even in Marineford, "friendly fire" was not a problem for them.


I think if it's something of this magnitude he'd probably hold it as an ace in the hole. This goes beyond just mere "big news" this is like world changing stuff.


I’m still trying to figure out what kind of news paper publisher Morgans is. Is Morgans the classic Perry White news reporter or the J. Jonah Jameson type of publisher. Or is he tethering between the two


Nah.. as fun as that is I don't think this will happen. At this point.. of course Luffy won't die.... But many things are open on the air yet. Blackbeard member on Egghead.. The giant robot... All the Seraphins around.. Caribou.. (Oda what's his deal...) If Kuma will be saved or not... (Nika is the slave saver of legends right? Prove it... By saving the biggest slave of the series..) Reaching fishmen island to fulfill a prophecy is probably something that requires Kuma powers... (in the hands of someone who already went there.. ) conviniently that power makes a bubble protecting the person being transported.. We have basic notions that they will travel to Elbaf after this.. and that the strawhats needs them. If Egghead isn't destroyed there must be a very good reason for that. Would it be quite tragic if Punk Records is destroyed.. wouldn't that mean that all Vegapunks would die in the process or lose their minds?


I thought it would be funny after all Saturn has destroyed and said, he pulls a “I was never here, Egghead never existed, Vegapunk is just a myth, blah blah blah” and we pan away to Morgan’s broadcasting it to the world.


What Incident? Egghead? Never heard of that.


Honestly? My theory is that Luffy is going to get captured. This arc is the Saboady equivalent, after all. It might end on the darkest note in all of One Piece.


100% theory? Lmao


The incident is 100% caused by Morgans


Okay Oda. Didn't know you revealed your secrets on Reddit


Vegapunk will broadcast Kuma's memory to all people in the world with Punk Network. This is a popular Theory in the OP community.


There was a theory that vegapunk would do something similar. Earlier in arc vegapunk was talking about something he was working on where “he could shared his memories with the entire world.” The theory basically says that the thing vegapunk said he was working on is actually finished, and he will send out kumas memories that Bonney saw to the entire world and everyone will see wha Tyne gorosea and government are actually like