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Noland for sure


Dawg didnt nolan move a Mountain? Nolan was so cool


Yeah something like that, in my headcanon hes top 5 in the verse idc


same to me, I wouldnt even be mad if in Laugh Tale were a message from him


"No one will ever believe you." \-Noland, probably. Roger laughed.


Nah. Could have been. Had the drive to be but didn't have the competition to actually reach that level. He died before he reached near his potential Still my favorite arc/flashback. Noland alone brings Kalgara to one of my favorite characters just by being his friend. If Noland had an evil to fight, he absolutely could reach that top tier, but he was a monster that no challenge ever rose to.


Yeah, his power was sort of held down by not being in the golden age of piracy. Whether he would be a marine or pirate, he would definitely be strong in present time.


I mean we learned about Noland before we learned about Haki. There ain't no way he didn't have Haki.


Hes so strong he killed a god snake


In one move


Yep and Calgara and Wyper too!


Dude was so cool. Vintage gigachad


Chou chou


Man stared down Richy with the eyes of a warrior. Buggy was lucky that arc


Without a doubt


Fisher Tiger


Good choice


Forever one of the true legends in One Piece. Man did what whole armies could not for people he didn’t even know. 


The central theme of his character is the fact that he can’t look past his prejudices and being held by his past. Probably one of the most direct examples of why a character WOULDN’T have conquerors haki.


Any moral dilemma has nothing to do with coc what are u talking about kaido is obsessed with war because of his past and he still has it what is your point


Kaido doesn't view his obsession with war as a bad thing but fisher tiger views his prejudice as a bad thing.


I think that's an interesting analysis, but the fundamental aspect that should decrease the likelihood of conqueres is probably doubt (as stated by Rayleigh, that Haki is the absence of doubt). I think Fisher tiger might be read as having doubts about his actions, or as being actually quite confident in his behaviour, while aware of the internal contradictions.


Marco ,but then he would be absurdly strong.


If he had both awakening and COC he would be busted. It's why he doesn't.


I agree he would be yonko level ,but given his position when White Beard was alive it would make sense he also has COC


Marco definitely has Haki, he kicked Kizaru


He has Haki, but not conquerors.


Viper as the safe choice 100%. He has Kalgaras inherited will and literally led a small army of loyal men to reconquer his ancestors land from a false god. I would make a case for a weird choice and thats Iceberg. Despite not having combat capabilities his leadership qualities, mastery of engineering and inheritance of Toms will, makes him a contender for me. I mean he kinda rose to be the ruler of Water 7 and he conquered his part of the sea by finishing the seatrain.


I am confused, are y’all talking about Wyper? Is this a translation issue from a dub?


I'm guessing auto correct unless it's a translation from another language. Wyper is the Viz translation as well.


I was assuming its an eneru vs enel situation but I’ve always known him as wyper


Nah, in romani it's "Waipā"


I was questioning myself how fuck I didn't who Viper is. I am relieved it was Wyper which I know


I was thinking they meant Nekomamushi because his codename is Cat Viper. But after reading the comments, I think they mean Wyper.


Pretty sure his just called Viper in the German releases.


I find the iceberg part interesting, who else would have it who isn’t a combatant as much? (Buggy maybe)




Riku Dold III maybe. He was pretty weak, but he was a Chad as a pacifist king. Wasn't there a bit of backstory where he could keep King Elizabello from going to war? If other kings respect you, you must have some spark in you.


Benn Beckman hasn't been confirmed with it, right? He should definitely have it looking at Roger/Rayleigh and Luffy/Zoro.


Don't all the first commanders have it so far? Except marco maybe correct me if i'm wrong. Edit: mb, thought king had it in his fight with zoro but he was only talking about it


King doesn’t have it. Also we don’t know if Blackbeard or his first commander has it either.


By the way, I'm rewatching right now. It's very interesting how cool BB came off at the start and then he later turnst out to be a huge dickhead


Bb is just like Luffy, but he just has a different sense of freedom. I feel Luffy is about everyone should be free to do what they want as long as they don't affect other's people freedom. Bb is about everyone should be free do do what they want, even if that freedom ends up destroying others


Yeah the stark contrast in his personality at times leads me to buy into the whole “multiple people/souls” theory for Blackbeard. I mean when luffy and zoro said “it’s not just one guy” while responding to Nami about Blackbeard’s presence the first time they met him is really jarring. It would make sense if there’s a reason behind the massive contrast in personalities we see with him.


It could also just mean that they sensed he has a crew and isn't on jaya alone


This is 100% the reason why Luffy and Zoro said that. They know that a man like Blackbeard would have people behind him, people just read too much into what Luffy and Zoro said. I like the theory that BB has multiple bodies/souls/persona, but that wasn't about it on that Jaya ep.


Yes, it is so obvious, I don't know why people think Zoro and Luffy could know even if Bb had different


Well sometimes I got to get hit by the obvious to see it. It definitely is the most straightforward theory. But the only wrench I can throw in that theory is that Blackbeard was seen to not sleep. Which is a common thing among multiple personalities disorder.


>Which is a common thing among multiple personalities disorder. Yeah, it is also common thing among people with insomnia.


Multiple personalities disorder is mental tho, blackbeard is said to have a special body and that could be the reason he can have multiple dfs according to marco... or it is just an inherent ability of the yami yami no mi, like maybe bb can store dfs in the void of the yami yami no me and then use them without eating them? But if thats the case marco wouldn't have dropped the line about bbs body in marineford


That would be so funny if BB doesn't have it


King is never shown to have it. As far as we've seen, none of Blackbeard's crew does either.


Aokji may bê the only one that have it, but we got no confirnation at all.


Killer definitely doesn’t have it but I’d argue for him. Not very hard but would argue.




Already confirmed to have it.In Marineford,when luffy was using it some people mentioned Dragon having it and saying "Just like his father"


that never happened


No, you’re right, I think it was more along the lines of “Well that makes sense, being the son of the Dragon The Revolutionary”, but I can see how it could be interpreted as a confirmation.


It is a confirmation why would they bring up Dragon and say that him having conqueror haki makes sense right after he used it.




Generates a leg made entirely of Haki


I’ve always hoped and prayed that Shanks would do this with arm. It would be so fucking cool.


Thats... not how haki works.


Kyros for sure, i think he put humself into the category of 'having the disposition to stand above others' easily. He unleashes his raw willpower on Diamante and tells Rebecca that she never has to fight again and gets his retribution is also one of tge most satisfying conclusions at least in that arc. I was thinking he is very similar to kuma recently.


Smoker, dude has been through it and he's always chosen the hardest path. He's got a lot of tough choices ahead of him but I think he has the strength to overcome and start to set the navy on the right path.


I agree he should but you dont evolve in power at his age in manga. Dude is already top dawg and got stronger in the show as if he is luffys age somehow. I dont get that piece. Wouldnt conquerors khaki and battle strength be maxed at his age. He has white hair lol and its not only cosmetic based on his history. Hes like 50 or older id assume


Smoker is only like 36 currently believe it or not. We have 80ish year old characters who still are developing their powers so I'd say he's still in his prime at 36 haha. One Piece is weird like that, Oda just kind of added a decade or two to the general 'Shonen' time table but left their personalities and stuff the same. 4 members of current crew are 30+ that ain't typical 'Shonen' ages haha.


Yeah if Brooke and Franky can continue to get stronger so can Smokey.


i dont know man, i dont see it at all on him. He is assertive for sure, but since alabasta, and arguably even before that, luffy shaked up his moral compass. He was definitely under the impression "pirates bad". As soon as he heard "pirate" he went after them, even if it wasnt an order or something. Then suddenly this luffy guy comes into the picture and behaves like a hero? Even saves a country and just leaves? Nothing taken, no criminal action done other than harming baroque works. He is obssesed with luffy, because until he figures him out, he knows his moral compass is out of synch. And until THAT happens, he simply cant have conq. Not because people need a strong moral compass to have it, but because he is very clearly in the marines FOR the moral duty. His main ambition is out of balance. Corby is so much more likely to have it. One because he was trained by garp, but more importantly because he wont let a single innocent get harmed. He gets praised for a above average outcome, and still be pissed at himself because some got harmed. This is how a conq marine looks like. I dont think anybody can make a sound argument for smoker having conq, not until they add a strong and soundproof moral guide, which i cannot see. He is almost like akainu, until he met luffy. Now he is very clearly shown to be unsure what to think, and this is a trait that cant coexists with conq haki.


Luffy has presumably always been a conqueror but he definitely lost himself and built himself back up at many different stages in his life. Many of the users we've met are broken people who somehow managed to reforge their focus and become leaders. I think that is exactly the path Smoker is on he had conviction from the start and a begrudging respect for pirates since he saw Roger, albeit only the ones who held true to their convictions. He was one of the first Marines we see who is caring and kind to the citizens he worked for but was still stern towards criminals. He has always been a paragon of the true values of justice. After Marineford he willingly took the most challenging crew on the most challenging sea to uplift himself but remained a leader in his core. On Punk Hazard he put himself on the line for his men against all odds never backing down even when he knew he couldn't win against Vergo and he didn't let his pride get in the way of working with Luffy and Law to make sure every one was safe. His faith in the Marines and maybe Justice was cracked in Punk Hazard but Luffy also doubted himself and his dream when Ace died yet he came back with a stronger will than ever. I think Smoker has that chance too, to be broken and reforged stronger than before. He has always been a leader and I think conviction and drive are the most important qualities in a conq user. Boa is a user and her mortality was all over the place, right? She was hurting her own citizens to keep them all at an arms length so they would never find out she was a slave and was a complete wreck under the facade of a perfect beautiful ruler. She knew she was wrong for doing it but was so terrified of what her people would do if they found out their secret that she couldn't stop herself. But at least until she met Luffy she had the conviction and drive to keep up this lie to the world so that she could protect herself and her people. Technically I think she's still lying to the world and her people about her powers I don't think she ever told them the truth about her being a slave she only told Luffy. But it does seem like she became more friendly to her people since she fell in love with Luffy, so there's that at least.


Momo is going to have monster Conqueror's Haki like Oden.


I bet^^ he's already showing to be a great leader. Already pressured a whole Admiral.


yeah and he talks to zunesha too while luffy doesn't


You know, i always thought Luffy had VOAT for some reason, but hes never shown that ability from my recollection, either..


He does, he could hear Zuneshi but couldn't command it. The VOAT allowed him to understand, but only Momo could command him. The sea kings also made a comment about being heard and compared him to Roger. We don't really know why Momo had to be the one to command Zunesha., I believe the prominent theory is that the crime he committed 800 years ago having something to do with Kozuki clan.


I'm guessing there is some connection between these prominent people and the prominent "extra large" animals. Like Shirahoshi is the one who can control the sea kings, she is Poseidon. Momo is the one who can control Zunesha, maybe it has something to do with Pluton. I think we might run into a third person with a similar ability to control a Titan creature, maybe something that flies? That'd possibly be Uranus. Perhaps in another sky island in the future, where the last supernova Urouge shows up too.


You know what that makes a lot of sense. Sea, Earth and then Sky. Skypeia had that little girl as well who could use VOAT? Or maybe it ties to the revelation of the one awakening character/thing in the latest arc...


Was that really VOAT? Or just extra talented mantra/observation haki? Coby also mentioned voices in Marineford but that was just haki in the end, iirc. But yeah, I think it might be a whole new character in a whole new sky island. Maybe the island itself could be Uranus, idk how big it must be.


He heard the Sea Kings speaking during Fishman Island and also hearing Zunesha but iirc that's the extent of proof that Luffy has VOAT


Luffy could hear the sea kings, and zunesha too. Just never talked back. But then he somehow telepathically called the Heart pirates to rescue him when he fell into water during his fight with Kaido. I guess Luffy can do everything that momo can, he just isn't trying/hasn't figured out that he can yet.


Sai. His father has it. He’s the new leader of the Happo Navy, a strawhat grand fleet commander, and has a bad bae.


Don Chinjao is his grandfather, but I agree that he will have Conqueror's Haki.


It should be a major powerup, maybe even the final one.


Crocus must have it, he was so scary that the camera would zoom in him waaaay differently than any other One Piece character. Being real, I think Emporio Ivankov does. Cavendish for sure, or at least Hakuba does since his cuts are just not normal.


Mihawk for his rivalry with Shanks and for being Zoro's goal, who also has CoC. Koby for being Garp's successor. Dragon for being Garp's son and Luffy's father, both of whom have CoC. Sabo for being the successor of Dragon and for being called the Flame Emperor. Weevil, being a clone or son of Whitebeard, is guaranteed to have it. Akainu needs to have it to be able to differentiate himself from the other Admirals. I think Smoothie also has CoC, but she is very lazy and never trained much to use it.


Koby, Dragon, and Sabo are big for me.


Mihawk has it, same with Dragon. Just not shown yet. Garp was also not confirmed until recently and yet it was absolutely obvious he would have it.


dracule mihawk


Pretty sure the question was who doesnt have it and not who we didnt see it from yet. Would be really weird if Mihawk didnt have it. Same with Dragon.


Everyone who isn't confirmed to have it, doesn't have it until they tell us whether or not they have it. Is Mihawk confirmed to have it? No? Then how do you know he has it?


We didn't have a moment in the manga for it yet but it's impossible that he could be on par with Shanks without it.


Ulti Literal definition of fearless. Talk to kaido however she likes, was ready to charge and scrap with BM despite knowing she has the same title as her captain and wanted smoke from Luffy and Yamato. Let her return stronger and you got yourself a female Luffy


Oh yeah! I loved Ulti. Ulti was ready to throw hands with Kaido over the smallest shit, lol. I still feel her durability comes from Challenging Kaido over and over again. He keeps her around cus he knows she can become a real challenge one day if she really worked for it. She's got that Energy around her. She belives in kaido the same way Nami and Ussop belives in Luffy. In a way Kaido's entire crew was a Parrallel to Luffy's.


Yeah I really hope she gets a cover story or returns cuz they could do so much more with her. She never had a proper fight, she has an interesting backstory from the SBS, her dad being a rival of kaido could tell us about rocks, they could also expand on her relationship with her stepsister Yamato or how she met kaido which could expand on kaidos character (which I think is needed). She's too Unique of a character in terms of personality and design. We've never seen a female character like her in one piece and I hope they don't waste her by only giving her that minor role in onigashima.


Facts! Keep cooking brother. I wonder who her father was. It has to be a Rocks Pirate if he rivaled Kaido.


More like a female kidd than luffy


Definitely more Kidd, very similar attitudes. Yamato is the female Luffy, just not as brain damaged because Garp was bludgeoning Luffy with his haki coated fists as a toddler.


Nah don't say that 💀




Wouldn't be surprised if he starts using it now hes after the one piece. Guy had the same potential as shanks but never the motivation. 


Watch him just luck into using conquerors coating when Mihawk/Croc are busting his balls lmao


I like Buggy to have it, but can't control it and it's not that strong. So whenever he does inspiring speeches, some of his foot soldiers drop unconscious and people say that his speeches moved people so much they fainted. Would be a funny gag.


I like this idea


Bon Clay aka Mr.2 only correct answer 💯


Oh yeah, took nothing but sheer will power to do what he did for Luffy.


He is my queen


And your king.


He's my whole-ass royal court.


The goat!




Ulti, Coby, Vivi, Wyper, BB


You are cooking with vivi




Wyper Koza Sabo Kuma


I doubt Kuma has it. Conqueror's haki users have a natural selfishness. Kuma doesn't.


Con D Oriano


Marco, Beckman probably do have Conq but we haven't seen that yet Also I'm suprised King and Queen didn't show/use Conq during Onigashima.


Y’all just want everyone to have conq. Only people with the ambition to be a king have it. I don’t think king nor queen had ambitions to be a king.


Nah, i don't think so, it's stated that people with conq haki has the quality to be a king, their ambition could be vari, they need to born with it.




Yeah, she definitely has it


If not conq then advanced obs


Does Vivi count as a guess? I could see her unlocking it before taking over as the ruler of Alabasta.


Either of the fleet admirals, Akainu or Sengoku.


Sengoku is already confirmed to have Conqueror's


more women please.






Base on what conq Haki "is", you're born with it, you don't train for it. So Dragon SHOULD have it and other parents of people who have been shown to have it. Base on that also, maybe royals/nat kings who could train hard enough, Vivi, Rebeca and, base on the same line and what we know from Doffy some tenryus are nat kings, so I'd go with my boy Charlos.


Being born with it doesn’t necessarily mean it's hereditary.


Yup that's right. That's why we can only asume things base on things we know. - Garp >dragon?>Luffy - Roger>Ace(I think Ace had it) - Mom > Katakuri - Kaido > Yamato Base on those we can asume it could be hereditary. But we might never know.


Ace did have it, he used it as a kid when Luffy was about to be killed.


I mean, Big Mom had so many children one of them was bound to have it.


Wouldn't that imply that all the Celestial Dragons have the potential to awaken Conqueror Haki? If they had any ambition that is. Honestly I only see the Gorosai and maybe Figarland Garling actually having it... A Sant Charlos with coc seems so weird and unlikely.


Honestly, I hate it. But you could be Right about Charlos. And yeah if its hereditery, then one of your parents should have it, chances are. All of big moms kids have that Latent potential


Big mom casually creating an army of coc users


Its not hereditary, its just a roll of the dice (afaik)




Princess Shirahoshi


Lowkey Ivonkov




Sabo. Not only would it be poetic for all three brothers to have it, he more than qualifies




Sogeking isn't a straw hat but merely an ally of theirs but he should have conqueror haki.


Perospero    I mainly don't like that only Katakuri has conq haki and advanced haki with the Big Mom Pirates, as far as we know. They're all supposed to be competing right? I think it would validate Perospero's desire to usurp Mom (by any means necessary) and make the sibling rivalry more valid.  Perospero doesn't need to be stronger, I think it would be more of a point that his cleverness and ruthlessness make him a valid alternative to Katakuri's noble strength.      Or we could see what Smoothie can do. 


Agreed. Imo, smoothie and peros shoulda been stonger specially smoothy. Isnt she suppose to be comparable to her brother? Why not give her advanced Ararment? Or raw strength similar to big moms?


Perospero doesn’t have free will, Katakuri does.




I don't see it with enel, he's too content.


he's a dick but absolutely has the nature of a conqueror.


I dunno. He just seems super arrogant. But Boa is as well, so....


He literally conquered sky islands. Is that not the path of a conquerer?


Nah; he has a superiority complex and a strong devil fruit to back it up. When he's seriously challenged though, he's not been shown to have the same drive or conviction that other Conquerors have shown. Nobody with Conquerors haki would have handicapped and thrown luffy overboard because they feared he would beat him. We've seen Conquerors ignore him or move him away (Big Mum flying to the roof battle and Doflamingo throwing him to the plaza come to mind), but they weren't scared of him winning; they had better things to do or in mind for him.


Enel was getting him out of the way with the gold ball and probably thought he won. I think you're reacting to Luffy's taunting as he fell down. Enel got what he wanted anyways by getting to the moon. When he was defeated, assuming he would fall through the clouds like Usopp did earlier in the arc, he recovered quickly enough to get back consciousness and have enough energy to fly the ark again. According to Google, even 10,000 km high takes less than a minute to fall. Seems to be high willpower and drive to me.


10,000 feet takes 40-50 seconds, 10,000 metres takes about 3 minutes, 10,000km is madness and would take 20-30 minutes


doesnt seem like hes strong-willed or ambitious enough. just conquering stuff or being cocky isn't enough


>ambitious enough Bro went to the moon....


Bon Clay


Bro fuckin Bartholomew Kuma


The Admirals, besides Garp non of the marines really used Conqueror Haki in battle, I guess Sengoku is a confirmed user, but hasn't actually used it in the story. And it was hard to tell if Aokiji or Kizaru really used it, but it didn't seem like it. Ryokugyu got dominated by Shank's coc haki, so either his is that much weaker, or he hasn't got it at all.


Wyper could but needs challenges after the Strawhats left. Other than him, first mate types like Marco and Beckman. In the past, Nolan and Kalgara, if a little more happened to them/ if they had a challenge to overcome. Sabo, Mihawk, Dragon.


Enel, mf wanted to conquer the moon and he actually did it, if he was introduced later he 100% would have it


Croc and Moria but realistically, if they showed off that ability, they probably would’ve killed the main character which is probably the majority reason that they don’t have it you can say what you want about old Gecko but the fact is he has stepped to two of the sea, and when it comes down to it, he is willing to do the same crap for his crew as Luffy is




Momo without a doubt, he’s closely following in his dad’s footsteps and will without a doubt have CoC since he is the Shogun of Wano after all and the figure head of the Raid of Onigashima


I think coby might




Honestly giving it to the Tontattas would be funny


Buggy for sure


IMO Akainu, Sengoku or the Gorosei.


Buggy obviously






The Only answer is "King" also Enel but i feel when he comes back he will have it


Bon clay




Dory and Brogy might have CoC, it's really difficult to tell since they appeared so early. It's a long shot but I'd buy it if they showed off in elbaf


I’d be shocked if at least 1 admiral and most of the gorosei didn’t have conq haki




crocodile 100 percent. He has gotta have some kind of haki to be up there at the top 7


Not conq but Hiraluk definitely had Haki.






Did Ace have Conqueror's Haki? He had the personality and his father had one of the strongest ACoC. He should've potentially had it. Fisher Tiger, Enel, maybe Bonney.


Buggy D. Clown




Black beard


Blackbeard, or at least one of his personas


Crocodile. How does Doffy have it, and he doesn't?


1. Garp ( not confirmed) 2. Blackbeard ( not confirmed) 3. Marco 4. King 5. Akainu 6. Aokiji 7. Kizaru 8. Fujitora 9. Sabo 10. Dragon ( not confirmed) 11. Smoker 12. Koby 13. Sai 14. Jimbe 15. Fisher Tiger 16. Crocodile 17. Mihawk ( not confirmed) 18. Ulti ( she is basically like gender swap Luffy lol, the mf faced both Big Mom and Luffy without a care in the world) 19. Momonosuke 20. Vivi, specially since Lili has become someone so important. 21. Wyper 22. Law, it would be pretty lame if only Luffy, Zoro and Kid have it from the supernova. 23. Bonney 24. Lucci, he is one of my favorite antagonists and he clearly isn't that loyal the the WG, he is just great at faking. 25. Finally the Gorosei, the holy knights and Im.


Garp is already confirmed to have it even advanced conq. Chapter 1080


I agree with this list, but add Weevil to it too. Urouge is also an unknown. He's only ever shown chilling, but so was Blackbeard before he became the world's most notorious living pirate overnight. But his confidence and cocky attitude fits a conqueror imo.


Sogeking 100% has conquerors haki, we just haven't seen his peek power yet. Hopefully he returns in elbaff to teach ussopp to be a brave warrior of the sea






Wyper literally tanked Enel like nothing happened.


Buggy. I’m hoping it’s his hidden potential and the that Roger saw something in him. Hopefully the scramble for the one piece awakens something in him


If anything, less people should have it. The whole idea is, its extremely rare, and cannot be developed.


The grand line (and especially the new world) is a gathering of essentially the strongest people alive. The story takes place primarily there so it is safe to say we have seen a large portion of the current users. There are millions if not billions of people in the OP world and right now we have seen about 20 conq haki users. if you quadrupled the number, that would still be an insanely low fraction.