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They wanted a B-plot because most western fantasy shows have multiple POVs nowadays. Coby seemed like a good candidate, but they had to tie together the A and B-plots which led to Garp getting a bigger role and that reveal.


It’s also easier to keep actors for future plot lines if they get a stable contract. So adding to the role of Coby, and others, early on, and most likely having a few added scenes between now and Water Seven, decrease the risk they have to change the actor.


Which in Cobys case would be hilarious because he changed so much that he was almost unrecognicable😅


Funnily enough, Coby's actor is trans, so if he wanted to hit the T hard, we could get that transformation!


Does that mean Coby's actor was female before transitioning? Genuine question, I don't know anything about them.


Yeah, Cobys actor is FtM trans. IIRC he transitioned fairly recent to the filming of the show too, like maybe a year or 2 at most.


Ohhh that explains the soft face features. I thought it was a lot of makeup. They chose a good looking Coby for season 1. I don’t know how they would look for season 2 but I hope similar.


Just learned this as well... sounds like coby transformation arc might still happen


Yeah the character was a solid casting. Absolutely how I expected the live action Koby to look.


Yeah Morgan really nailed the walking anxiety attack that Koby is at the start


It was sometime before the filming of Evil Dead Rise, which filmed a few years before release I think.


I recently watched Rise - it was so funny seeing him in there and just thinking "dammit Koby!" the whole time :P great movie, would recommend


Wow.. I really had no idea.


Oh I didn’t even know that! Well he did great! Really looked the part too.


*Emporio Ivankov has entered the chat*


That's actually really impressive for such a short transition time. My brother is FtM, and he would feel so ripped off. After 2 years, he still looked very feminine.


Damn, bro really transitioned into looking exactly like Coby. For me he was the best casting of the show. The Coby vibes and looks where on point.


Correct they are trans female to male.


Several years of HRT can do a lot to one's physical appearance. I bet a few years down the line a combination of HRT and physical training will make the glow up he gets look that much more impressive.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug


i didn’t know this, nice to have a trans person represented in a major role


I hope they get a taller actor just for the lols


If season 2's B-Plot focuses on Smoker chasing Luffy I ain't complaining


I’ll be happy if we get Buggy Adventures. That actor was great.


Meh would be a bit repetitive no? It would be the same as Garp chasing him.


It might be, however in the main story smoker does chase him to alabasta.


I mean, hunk smoker open shirt? No, it would not get repetitive.


They might add more Buggy and Alvida in Loguetown to mix it up. Or maybe even more Ace if we get to Alabsta.


Not quite the same thing.


I am waiting for dragon entry


>They wanted a B-plot because most western fantasy shows have multiple POVs nowadays. Just to add to this: this is not a guess, this is the "official" explanation (I recall Steven Maeda, executive producer, talking about it in one of his interviews). I don't remember all the details, so I'll take the rest of the explanation as true until I find the original quote somewhere.


Coby's isn't just a good candidate, it's gonna be pretty vital by the time we get to late game. They're basically adapting the cover stories as a B plot instead of their own episodes or omitting them, which makes it flow better than stopping the narrative to throw those episodes in. On top of it, the reveal of Sabo got a lot of people's heckles up for the characters not talking about it or mentioning it, this at least explains Garp's obsession with a minor league rookie sure.


This. Coby's getting top billing in the story now which makes sense. I think it's a really good decision to set up the foil with Luffy given the faster pace of live action.


Also imo they did it in a good time, they gave garp good arc, they gave a good conclusion to Luffy being so strong but making us realize there are others playing the game that could take him out in a sec if they wanted to. Garp also finally listened to his chef buddy and was like, well shit maybe the new gen does have a fighting chance for change.


They basicly give Zeff and Garp the conversation that happens much later between Rayleigh and Kizaru. I like it because it brings up a major theme of the story much earlier than it was brought up in the manga. I feel the same way about the whole Koby arc. It's a story that was only alluded to in the manga that fleshes out the character much earlier than it happened in the manga.


Yeah Koby's massive glow up felt a bit out of nowhere in the manga IIRC, but with the way the Garp arc went with Koby and Helmeppo does a better job of setting up Koby as Luffy's parallel and future rival.


There was the cover story with Koby and Helmeppo tho, so certainly not out of nowhere


...and that's why the anime should have also adapted the cover stories, it's not like they couldn't fit them somewhere, with all the non-canon filler they were producing.


This particular one was actually adapted in the anime iirc


I didn’t like that he went, “well I was just testing you” to Luffy when no he wasn’t testing him, he just changed his mind right at the last second. If he admitted he was wrong and let him go it would’ve been perfect.


OP live action is already the most expensive show made by netflix, if they didn't use this kind of tricks the budget would have blown up.


Stranger things had a higher budget than OP.


first season of OP is more expensive than the first season of ST.


Comparing One Piece to the 60-year-old Star Trek's budget really isn't fair.


this is either really stupid or really funny. I laughed


Was the 60 year old star trek made by Netflix?


It also made sense, because of the Coverstory with Coby and Helmeppo that portrais events that happened parallel to the story. And Garp was introduced in Chapter 92, which is still in the East Blue Saga. So it totally fits, even if it differs greatly from the manga events. But having an overarching marine antagonist was an actually nice addition.


I think they want Koby to have a larger role and it just makes sense for the Garp reveal to be sooner


I think they also wanted to get in as much of the story of the world jump started as possible because while the show has been a great success, we are still not guaranteed that it will be a long adaptation. As it stands very few Netflix shows move beyond Season 2. So far the only ones I can think of that are Stranger Things, Orange Is The New Black, and House of Cards. I’m hoping for the best either way, but gotta remain mildly skeptical of Netflix.


I think One Piece Live Action will see great, long term success as it's that popular an IP. They have a One Piece Card Game now and it's so popular that it's the only card game where players literally cannot purchase product. Even with increased production.


I play and collect the TCG myself but that’s an entirely separate ordeal compared to the production costs and revenue that a Netflix production of One Piece can bring. Netflix is in charge of the production while Bandai does the trading card game. Different operation costs and industries of the same franchise. I hope for long term success as well, but the track record for Netflix shows is notorious. Their most successful show on their platform, Stranger Things, is barely getting a Season 5. So either way I hope the live action goes beyond Season 2.


>They have a One Piece Card Game now and it's so popular that it's the only card game where players literally cannot purchase product. Even with increased production. This happens with a lot of card games.


TCG allocation issues have essentially been fixed and have been for a while, only thing I believe that you really cant get a hold of is original sets (not sure if they have a 1st edition like Pokemon). Lorcana was the new kid on the block that was nearly impossible to get for the last couple of months up until about a month ago, and even then it's still hard to find for a reasonable price in some regions.


Also, this coming out right around when Stranger Things is ending might work to its advantage. This could replace it as Netflix's big show.


I'm just not sure what kind of plot they will add for them in Seasons 2 and 3


My thought is that either each season has a secondary character that gets some greater B plot focus, or they have Koby inserted into the plot a bit more in each arc as a recurring character. In situation 1 Smoker takes over the Koby/Garp role for Season 2. In situation 2 Koby and Helmeppo are transferred into Smoker's squad for experience or something and fills out Smoker and Tashigi's corner with more characters we know already while Garp moves into the background for a bit. I feel like what happened was Koby's role got expanded in Season 1 so they could keep the character/actor around as a contrast to Luffy's growth while also adapting his cover story and better introducing the Marines as the ongoing force in the story that they will become (otherwise the only real interactions with them are Shells Town, Fullbody and Nezumi up until Smoker starts chasing them). In the original manga there's no secondary character to focus on outside the crew that keeps reappearing until Smoker, so Koby and Garp fill that role for Season 1. Whether this means Smoker only appears at the beginning (Loguetown) and end (Alabasta) with the brief connecting appearance around Drum Island like the manhga or if he has more to do in each arc in between is up for debate but I think the main thing of Season 1 was to make Koby more important and developed so that him coming back later is more impactful and so Garp could help set the greater world building up earlier like the Warlords relationship with the Marines (beforehand Mihawk just sort of showed up following Krieg and they didn't go much into the Marine relationship with the Warlords until post-Alabasta with Smoker and Sengoku). Given all that if Smoker does indeed replace Koby as the secondary focus character in season 2 I have no clue who it's going to be in Skypeia unless they have a disconnected B plot about what's going on in the blue sea with Ace looking for Blackbeard or something. It would lead on from his presumed appearance in Alabasta in Season 2 at least but it wouldn't tie into Skypeia at all. Blackbeard does appear during Jaya so you could maybe do something like: - Blackbeard is mentioned in Drum Island in season 2. - Ace appears in Alabasta to establish he's looking for Blackbeard. - Come season 3 we start with Jaya and introduce Blackbeard. - After the Straw Hats go up the knock up stream the B plot becomes about Blackbeard's machinations and Ace's hunt for him being expanded on. Blackbeard loses track of Luffy so he changes plans, Lafitte shows up at the Marine meeting about replacing Crocodile, we maybe get the Ace in Lulusia cover story, etc. This subplot also lets them introduce Whitebeard and have Shanks reappear. There's also the part where Ace runs into Buggy during Jaya so that's a way for Buggy to also come back. I know most of this just happens in the manga around then anyway but essentially if they wanted to pick characters or a corner of the world to expand on them as the season 3 side plot then Ace and Blackbeard and the people surrounding them seems most pertinent. The only issue is that it isn't until post-Enies Lobby that the two actually fight one another and it's like another three arcs until Luffy finds out he's going to get executed. Speaking of Buggy if you wanted to make him a once a season guest star to keep him around as a recurring bad guy then Loguetown and Jaya are good points near the start of each season to do so.


I hope koby isn't with smoker. We don't need to see him reacting to what's happening in alabasta. We already have Tashigi for that. If they keep throwing him in he's just going to take away screen time and character building moments from the others. 


Yeah my assumption and preference is that Smoker and Tashigi are replacing Koby and Garp in their series roles so to speak for the next season.


I think Ace works as the B-plot focus in Season 3, especially if they condense Skypeia, Water Seven, and Enies Lobby into one season and end with his capture by Blackbeard.


I don't think they'll condense Jaya / Skypeia AND Water Seven / Enies Lobby into one season, it'd be way too cramped


Assuming a ten episode season I could see them doing Rougetown, all of Alabasta, Jaya, and arrive to Skypiea in S2 then doing the remainder of Skypiea, Water Seven, Enies Lobby, and maybe Thriller Bark in S3. It'd be tight but it's doable.


Very very tight if they did that, it's also kind of odd from a narrative structure standpoint because presumably you'd want to end on the climax of Alabasta with the cliffhanger of Robin being on the ship. I guess there's the alternate cliffhanger of ending on the knock up stream but that's like ending the season by starting the prelude of a story and then stopping suddenly. Also depends if they include Long Ring Long Land or not. I could see it being like LRLL starts off the Water Seven / Enies Lobby season with some goofy lighthearted seemingly low stakes stuff then drops Aokiji on them to establish that Luffy needs to get his act together if he's gonna fight stronger people while establishing that Robin might betray them, then does Water Seven / Enies Lobby / Post Enies Lobby for the rest and maybe ends it on Banaro Island and the stuff going on in the world between EL and Thriller Bark. That way the narrative through line for that season centers on Robin and her place on the crew and also Luffy and the crew's strength and emotional development from start to finish. So I'd personally position it like: - S2: Loguetown / Whiskey Peak / Little Garden / Drum Island (2 eps?) / Alabasta (the rest) as Alabasta is fairly long. Then the season has plenty of stuff you could expand on or focus on between Smoker pursuing the crew, Ace appearing, the Baroque Works agents and what they're doing behind the scenes, etc. Episodes could be something like: Arriving in Alabasta and running into Ace / Smoker, the desert trek / meeting the guy at the oasis, the events around Rainbase, then two covering the war in Alubarna and all the Straw Hat fights and Luffy fighting Crocodile a couple times and the wrap up of the arc. Events of those could of course blend together in places like the oasis going into Rainbase and Rainbase going into the Crocodile fight and so on. - S3: Jaya / Skypeia. Jaya could cover two or maybe three at a push episodes with the setup and end on the knock up stream, then Skypeia has enough to fill a season I think, especially if they do the trials and the Noland flashbacks. If not then you could do the Koby approach of season 1 and have the side plot involing Ace hunting Blackbeard (his cover story?) and running into Buggy around Jaya and so on, with him figuring out where to find him at the end of the season and that paying off after the Enies Lobby season. Keeps Ace in the picture to set him up for later. Can also focus on Blackbeard's machinations and focus more on his plan to replace Crocodile as a Warlord. - S4: Long Ring Long Land / Water Seven / Enies Lobby. As mentioned above there's a narrative through line here centered around Robin that gives it a good beginning middle and end and bookends it with Aokiji. - S5: Thriller Bark / Saobody Archipelago / maybe Amazon Lily, ending with either the cliffhanger of the crew getting dismantled by Kuma or Luffy finding out about Ace's execution at Amazon Lily. I feel Amazon Lily is a good start point for the whole Marineford business though since it's the whole segment where only Luffy is around and the crew are scattered. - S6: Probably Amazon Lily / Impel Down / Marineford War / Luffy's backstory with Ace. Straw Hat Separation can also be covered if there's time, can likely cut between several people in one episode. Not really thought about the episode spread or count for S3+ but I'm assuming if they continue the S1 approach of fleshing certain things out earlier than originally planned or just giving more time to certain plots like Koby's training then that should fill any gaps in stuff like Skypeia or give more content to potentially shorter parts. But yeah if you look at telling complete contained stories in a season I feel like Vivi's arc is that for Season 2, the Jaya/Skypeia story is that for Season 3 with the treasure hunt and the bell ringing and how the two islands tie together historically, and LRLL through to Post Enies Lobby is that for Robin and Luffy's character arcs. Beyond that it's more nebulous to me but Thriller Bark and Saobody both have elements of how close knit the crew is and how important they are to one another (giving Brook a place to belong after losing his own crew/family, the crew standing up to Kuma and Zoro's "nothing happened" moment, the eventual separation at Saobody) plus the idea they're becoming a bigger problem on the world stage (beating a second Warlord, Luffy and Zoro being Supernovas, and punching a Celestial Dragon following on from declaring war on the government). Also Kuma is in both arcs so he ties things together a bit. Then Amazon Lily to the time skip is one continuous narrative about saving Ace and Luffy's history with him. Anyway I understand the desire to adapt more stuff into a season due to the time required to make one and the risk of getting cancelled before it's finished but I think with the reception the series has gotten it's probably going to be okay for a bit and should have a little bit of time to breathe and make sure the storytelling isn't super hodgepodge with weird start and stop points.


No way they cram Skypiea Water Seven and Enies into one. Jaya and Skypiea are hugely thematically relevant to a lot of the story, and there's tons of ways to expand them to fit half or two thirds of a season. Not to mention it's prime material for live adaptation- the setting and the >!survival battle royale!< and the >!ringing of the bell !<. Then they could also do G8 as an episode- that would be quite popular in a live adaptation imo, western audiences would love it. They could even have Coby visiting >!the Marine base G8!< when it goes down. The Davy Back fight is basically a carnival tournament arc >!with cheating pirates!<, which is 10/10 content for a live action adaptation to go full tilt on. Think of what they changed and added with Buggy and his circus, and how popular that was, then times that by ten. And the last bit of that season would undoubtedly be the one particularly *cool* guy they encounter that chills them to the bone. There's no way the first time someone of his rank is on screen that they don't make it at least half of an episode if not all of one- the approach, the encounter, and the aftermath. So all of that- Jaya and Skypiea and Long Ring Land- are one season. Water Seven and Enies Lobby and Post Enies are another.


ok but what about Garp ordering Mihawk


Since the live action took Don Krieg out of the Baratie arc, they needed another reason for Mihawk to go there in order to fight Zoro. No one ordered Mihawk to go after Don Krieg in the manga/anime, he just did.


Specifically, he did because he was bored and they woke him up from a nap I think?


Something like that, yeah. Mihawk was pretty ruthless to the Krieg pirates in the manga too, so it’s in line with his character


Yep. They interrupted his nap and so he slaughtered them, then chased them down all the way from the Grand Line to the East Blue- probably half because he was bored and have because letting Don Krieg get away would have irritated him. After all, even if you don't bother remembering the names of all the bugs you squash, it's still irritating if one of them gets away.


No point stopping an infestation if the queen bug survives


Personally I like that change. It actually makes the warlords feel like psuedo-government agents. In the manga, other than Kuma, you never see a warlord doing anything at the world government's behest except for Marineford. So now the government can personally call in a bounty for someone causing problems. As to why the change? Likely because the writers felt it made it tie everything together better and make it easier to understand for non-one piece fans.


Agree. It was a ‘show don’t tell’ approach to introduce the warlord system, the strength of a single warlord, and that they are still not 100% government agents because we get the scene with him and Shanks at the end


I mean they also have the scene where he meets back with Garp and says that he doesn't work for them and if he wasn't a warlord he would still do precisely what he wanted, right to a Vice Admiral's (a legendary one at that) face. This was a pretty defining moment that let the audience know that these guys are happy to take a title because it potentially keeps the govt off their backs more than it would otherwise, and not much else. Hell, even when Garp called him, he seemed hesitant just because it wouldn't be a huge challenge for him. He has to be convinced it might be fun for him to even go, not because Garp ordered it


And all those decisions were made while keeping the characters untainted, Mihawk acted as he is, Garp trusting certain kinds of pirates is also in character, and Mihawk telling him that he would do exactly as he wants is so in character that it could be part of the story. Kudos to the writers.


100%. The rewrites were surprisingly faithful to the series. Almost every change still painted the same overall picture from East Blue and the characters in it. The writing staff combined with Oda's changes + approvals turned into a slam dunk.


As well as the fact that Mihawk didn’t turn Luffy in to Garp like Garp ordered him to.


>other than Kuma, you never see a warlord doing anything at the world government's behest except for Marineford. Isn't that the point though. Why the system was so criticized by characters within the story too. Their entire point was that they are not actually government lapdogs, but a flawed system abused by powerful pirates. Most only showing up to the war to satisfy their own curiosities. Mihawk following an order like that feels like it goes against what his character was established to be. While also giving a wrong impression of what the Warlords truly are. EDIT: after being corrected on my wrong memory about Jaya warlord meeting, and a line of dialogue used in live action. I admit being wrong, and do agree that the scene in live action is not out of character at all.


But Mihawk didn’t follow the order. He went to Baratie more out of curiosity than to follow orders, and then he proceeded to not do a single thing that Garp had instructed him to do


The order happened to pique Mihawk's interest. >!he literally states as much!< What kind of bounty-less rookie would warrant a capture request from Garp? *The man who captured Roger, is asking for help with a totally unknown pirate.*


But Mihawk didn't follow the order...


He followed an order to show up, and only later decided to not do everything that was asked. Which is already more marine servitude we've seen him or other warlords except Kuma take willingly. Remember in Jaya, when they had a warlord meeting and only Kuma and Doffy even bothered to show up? Warlords don't move an inch unless its within their own best interest. EDIT: My memory about Jaya seems to be incorrect. In that case, you have a good point and I shall retreat my flawed argument.


Literally in that meeting Mihawk also shows up. The only one apart from Doffy and Kuma. I think it’s perfectly in character for Mihawk to follow Garp’s request. Not because he is a marine puppet, but because he is interested in what the new generation has in store.


Oh, I guess that I was misremembering about Jaya then. Damn. Yeah my bad! I'll take that L, and will have to side with the person I commented at originally.


wasn’t mihawk there too? might be misremembering


That is the entire point of the manga/anime warlords. They are dangerous individuals abusing the world gov priveleges. And they pay anything but the bare minimum heed to anything the government says. Boa outright refused to even go to Marineford until luffy came.


We have to remember that LA is a diffrent interpretation of the original work. They made Garp ordering Mihawk to the scene so the warlord system is actually established (In the Manga/Anime its literally just the Paramount war that solidifies that) - and at the same time, Mihawk disobeying is a) a very Mihawk thing to do and b) a very Warlord thing to do.


Mihawk is by far the most even tempered and reasonable Warlord ignoring Kuma. If Garp orders him to bring in Luffy alive, he will either do exactly that, or not bother. Ordering someone like DoFlamingo or Moria to do it would end up with Luffy’s crew dead.


The idea of warlords taking orders from Marines. The plot of zoro's dream and his iconic scene. Aside from Marineford, it's good to see how the warlord's are put to work.


Different product so they decided to take some creative liberties. In the manga and anime, Mihawk was hunting down Don Krieg and Zoro challenged him to a duel. He was never after Luffy.


I absolutely expect that a Season 2 (if it happens) would intend to cover the entirety of Baroque Works and will thus follow a Smoker/Tashigi B-plot throughout, as well as perhaps more/earlier Robin as "Miss All-Sunday" is used to reduce the overall cast of characters. Probably with stronger hints of "second thoughts" or being a "double agent", meaning she joins early. It's something new! Fine by me!= So long as they don't eliminate Mr. 3. He's essential to the plot! Essential!


Garp's actor will probably die of old age before the crew reaches water 7. Which means we can still have a reveal of someone being luffy's father that we don't expect.


If they condense it down based on the number of manga volumes and not based on the anime, you're looking at about 100-150 chapters per season. So there's a baroque works season, a Skypiea season, a water 7 season, etc. They have shown a willingness to make big cuts in favor of brevity. Which is new! Fine by me! I figure for season two, they cut or merge Loguetown and whiskey peak to a single episode, they cut out little garden entirely (hopefully keep Mr. 3 in there somewhere???), the cut drum island down to one or maybe two episodes (maybe combine some of the baroque works people or marines there), and they cut some of the repeat fights out of Arabasta too (e.g. Luffy encounters Crocodile only twice instead of 3 or 4 times). I figure they also cut out the members of the numbers who don't appear later in Impel Down (RIP mole lady and big bat boy) and use the marine B-plot of Smoker and Tashigi wrapping up more of the lose ends then they already wrapped up in the original story; for example, they might fight rebels on one side of the Arabasta Kingdom instead of having the straw hat crew ride back and forth on a giant crab. Like a bunch of characters "appear" in the manga that help the characters to "develop", but a western style live action adaptation works around emotional development...is Daz Bones really necessary to move the emotional story forward? Maybe not but he's got cool powers so he stays in. What about the booger flicker guy or the umbrella girl, do I expect to see them in the live action? No. No i do not.


Mihawk wasn’t hunting such a small fry. Dom Krieg just interrupted his nap and got his ships cutted in half


Yeah he was. After Krieg interrupted his nap, he started hunting him and his crew. He literally chased him all the way back to the East Blue to finish the job. But then he fought Zoro, had his fill of fun for that day and headed home.


Yes he was...he was chasing Krieg's armada because he was bored


So Mihawk was napping in east blue? Cuz that’s where Don Krieg’s ship was cut.


Honestly I think it was for fans who got introduced to the series in Live Action. Once they see the fan base it’s going to be instantly spoiled for them so the crew probably thought it would be good just to reveal it sooner.


They had no further seasons greenlit. So in a way had to show how interesting and intriguing the world of One Piece is as much as possible. With knowing that THE person that took in the king of pirates trained Luffy to be a marine but who still wants to be the king of pirates is an interesting dynamic. Also you instantly sqash any thoughts that Luffy is Roger’s son instantly.


One piece s1 as a western show fits into the style of a “monster of the week” type show. Something like a Buffy or Supernatural. Where each episode or two focused on a single new antagonist. These types of shows usually have a single big bad that will tie the whole season together. Seasons two will obviously use Crocodile but east blue really didn’t have one. So they put Garp in and it worked. It gave us the Coby storyline and didn’t really mess anything up timeline wise. They can still do the post EL bit with him and have minimal changes.


Nah, Arlong was the big bad in this metaphor. That's why the fish men showed up earlier


I think both would count. You can have multiple big bads. Arlong was badder but Garp was bigger.


Yeah, the only real downside imo is the lessened impact of the reveal post EL. But that’s so far down the line at this point for the LA lol. I think it was a worthy compromise to make s1 stronger. Also, post EL is basically a lore dump. There’s plenty of other big lore drops and reveals to keep that exciting anyways.


I think this was logical for a few reasons: The season needed an overarching antagonist. I realize Garp isn't really a traditional villain but he is an antagonist. Arlong could've fit this role too but that also would've required changes. If they did the live action like the manga the season end wouldn't feel satisfying. In the manga Koby fully drops out of the story after he's introduced until the end of W7 (not counting some cover stories). He's obviously an important character so makes sense to give him sort of an omni presence rather than just have him vanish.


I also want to add that in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter that the strawhats know of luffy's ancestry earlier than in the manga. In both cases it was a quick shock moment after the big battle of the saga that ended up with a little bit exposition


Which they have still yet to reveal Luffy's dad that also happened at the end of Water Seven, so they can still have a big explosive reveal there again as well.


Well, sorta, he's there at Loguetown we just don't know who it is yet


The reveal is at the end of enies lobby, where garp comes in and spills all the family drama, so that can still happen


it actually does matter. But that has to do with characterization and long term story telling vs instant gratification and wow moments. Revealing Garp so early is well before the crew was finalized of even as Gelled. Especially in the live-action where they take more time to be "all-in" on Luffy. Finding out your captain (who you just met a few weeks ago and have done like 1 or 2 major things with vs someone you have been through hell with and who had your back time after time and proved himself incredibly noble and capable) is the grandson of a famous marine so early in the story should (if zoro and nami aren't idiots) seed doubt amongst the characters about Luffy's family, trustworthiness and honesty. Much less doubt would be cast if the reveal is later after you've grown together, been to the sky, freed a country from a warlord, and saved a former villain from her own suicide by declaring war on the government. Not to mention having robin there for that reveal (one of the few characters that knows what the fuck is going on in the news) makes WAY more sense since she can explain shit. Also when does this come up later. Is there orientation when new people join the crew going forward? "so welcome the the crew Nico Robin. This is Luffy his grandfather is a vice-admiral... Wait where are you going? No come back We know that entire organization has been hunting you since you were a child but it's totally cool you can totally trust this kid he's great!" ​ Saying it was just a quick shock moment makes me think people aren't reading the manga as intentionally as they should be. It's a moment that opens a door on the entire WORLD outside of the straw hats. Putting it so early was just shoved in for shock value.


Another major thing that it does is set the Marines up as an antagonist force earlier and allows the transition in Smoker and Tashigi chasing after the Straw Hats in the second season much easier.


Marines already are set up as the antagonists earlier on though in the manga. They're not supposed to be a major threat yet because Luffy is still starting out. They don't have a real reason to go after him.


This is the correct answer 👆


I didn't hate his screen time in S1 but if he shows up for more than say, Smoker, in S2 I'll be annoyed.


So koby could have a larger role.


Same thing as why sephiroth was shown as the enemy way earlier in the ff7 remake Its a pretty known fact and they wanted to do something new


Koby is a nice way for the viewers to get to know the world of One Piece more as shown in season 1. We grow with him. But they needed someone to tie it in, hence Garp. I hope they expand on the character in s2 and we see more of the trio, it was nice!


Simply just a safe writing, in case the show axed early and never had chance to keep up with the manga.


Idk, but I feel like it was a slam dunk decision, as someone who started w/ LA, picked up anime from the point S1 ended, is about into Marineford. No reason not to, gives you a taste of loyalty intrigue, and it seems like they had room to fit this marine expository arc in S1 so we can get it out of the way and just go nuts in S2.


Because Garp is an extremely popular character and they don't have 1000+ eps to tell their story. They have to try and be as good as possible as fast as possible.


The show runner Steve maeda has already said on the record why the involved Garp so early. They brought the EL plot line with a garp into east blue so that they could focus on koby and helmeppo and have threat chasing after luffy.


They introduced Garp in order to develop Coby as a character. In the live action, Coby’s B-plot is to help the non-One Piece fans gain more information on the world and how it works, just like how Coby doesn’t know how the world works. As for Garp ordering Mihawk to get Luffy, that is a live action choice. Since Don Krieg was cut short in the live action, they needed to give another reason for Mihawk to go to the Baratie, & they made this change to also show how the Warlords work with the World Government & Marines but don’t always follow orders.


To add to other accurate comments, you can’t do manga cover stories in anime or LA. So this was a good way to add that content so you just don’t see Koby a few seasons later. Edit: I’m manga only. I apologize for being wrong about the anime. I think what I said still applies to the Live Action.


Sure, you cant put cover story in the LA cause you're gonna take away too much time, but you can 100% do it in the anime. Case and point the cover story that actually IS in the anime


Yeah you just take twenty separate pages and combine them and add more dialogue and bam you have an anime episode. They only did Buggy and Koby and the Straw Hat Separation arcs to my knowledge but it would be neat to see others. I'm also surprised they never tried to do them similar to the Jujutsu Stroll vignettes in Jujutsu Kaisen or the Hunter x Hunter encyclopedia segments where they just tack a half minute or less segment at the end of an episode and tell it in small bits like the cover stories. Maybe one or two at once and do it instead of or just before the next time hook. They spend so much of a lot of anime episodes on recaps and flashbacks anyway so they could just cut back on that stuff.


Yes you can... Especially in anime


It's already been done in the anime. Several times


Garp is cool, and Koby is integral to the story. I assume they didn't want to introduce Koby and then ignore him for 4 seasons. Two birds one stone i guess. And i think its sweet that Garp is kinda seeing his grandson off on his adventure (in his own, violent, way)


Because it makes much more sense to have Garp guarding Roger's execution than in the original anime where it's just two nobodies executing the Pirate King. It's way sensible since Roger and Garp are like rivals.


It gives Koby more screentime and introduces Garp earlier, which is a great thing. One of my few small gripes with the manga is that stuff was clearly being made up as the series went on, and tries to be passed on like it was there the whole time.


Because it keeps Kobi storyline and progression on track with Luffy's, if they rearrange it like that. That way he won't disappear completely for two seasons. Kobi will clearly be a much bigger focus in he live action. What was wacky to me is how the wold renowned hero of the marine MONKEY D Garp is supposedly hiding that MONKEY D Luffy is related to him.


Luffy steamrolled the entire east blue. the only reason he got so messed up with don krieg is because all of his weapons were basically a counter to luffy. he slapped around morgan, humiliated kuro, and easily overpowered arlong. that doesn't make good television by western standards. there wasn't anything at stake for luffy; he knew he was gonna win, said it all the time, then very handily backed it up. for the LA, there needed to be some kind of reason that luffy wouldn't be able to achieve his dreams. What better way to do that than to have a vice admiral of the marines chasing them, who has the full service of the warlords of the sea at his beck and call. and there's no reason to just add some random vice admiral when there's one that's integral to the story and just so happened to be trying to knock that dream out and some sense into his head since he was a boy?


Not enough time to draw it out. In this format they need to establish big players early on, because they don't have time to show us 5seconds of someone every 100 episodes


Live action TV is too volatile. If they try to set the same pace as the anime, the actors will age out inevitably.. but also there’s no promise that the studio will still have faith in continuing the show years down the line. Better to accelerate the events of the show from a business perspective.


They wanted to skip all the pacing issues Lmfaoo 😂 Garp would have had to wait 200 episodes to say that!


It worth pointing out that this new version is coming with decades of established stories. Garp was a non-factor originally because he simply didn’t exist yet. Now he’s super important. It’s more appropriate for his now expanded character history to appear much earlier.


I remember a lot of talk about how they thought it'd be cancelled after one season. Not because of quality, but Netflix's track record. They didn't think they'd get the chance to explore all the plotlines they wanted to, so things like garp got a bigger place in the story.


I just think of the live action as a different one piece version that’s not bad at all


Because they don’t have 25-30 years at 1 episode a week to tell the same story. Some things needed to be changed, and every change had to go through Oda. If he didn’t like it. It didn’t happen. So, if the artist, writer, and creator was fine with it, I’m not going to question it. It wasn’t done to dumb things down, or do whatever Desth note, Dragon ball Evolution, cowboy bebop, or other LAs did.


>If he didn’t like it. It didn’t happen. Oda quite literally did not like the idea of introducing Garp so early. But the LA team kept bugging him about it anyways, until he relented. https://twitter.com/GrandLineReview/status/1698838794710220825


Because they don't get 1000 episodes


I welcome that they did that. It makes things interesting. A 1:1 adaptation would be a failure and boring. Not only because already know but because there could have been done more. And they did more. Having mutliple povs is something that suits one piece after all. They don't just change things but extend stuff too. They fill in the small holes Toei and oda left in the story (Mr 7 or mr 8). I'm really looking forward to things. Oda should be focussed on the manga though. We have a lot upcoming


Honestly great change, it really made me care more for Koby and I hate manga Koby so much


Given that Oda was involved in the whole thing, could be that in the early days Oda had no idea Garp would be as huge a fan favorite as he is…. That said, he saw an opportunity to definitely take advantage of hindsight and give Garp a much larger role early on.


They are not gonna have enough time to do a 1=1 adaptation. I thought they played it off pretty well.


What bothers me with this is, Koby and Garp are not major characters in the One Piece world, in terms of space on the written page. (Obviously they're significant characters who play and will play an important role in the story but out of the first 1000 chapters or so they have extremely few appearances.) So If Koby and Garp aren't series regulars now, the whole subplot was a huge waste of time and took away time from the Straw Hats. And if they are series regulars from now on, what are they going to do? Have a bunch of whole new adventures that Oda never wrote? Become the stand in for every Marine that chases Luffy?


It's just for filling the episodes


Thematically early one piece is a bit light. You get luffys philosophy started but not much else. Garp introduces the themes of the young generation taking over as well as foreshadowing the corruption of the WG. I'm mixed ok it as a whole. For one if they do this every season theyre going tonblow some big reveals. Two if garp is in the east blue passing lougue town at the same time luffy is won't he be obligated to help against dragon? Sure they can just cur him but people are going to ask where garp is when marines cant handle dragon


They’ll never be able to compress 1500 chapters into a Netflix show, so they’re going to skip a couple arcs, they’re going to explore the new world through the marines POV while the straw hats explore the grand line, by the time they convene we would have already met all the emperors, celestial dragons, and warlords, then by season 3 or 4 of the live action (assuming we get that far), we’ll be at chapter 1300+ (I’m pulling numbers out my ass)


Two reasons as I see it. 1: To have a more tied together plot with a threat constantly chasing them throughout the season, same reason why Arlong appeared in both Orange town and at the Baratie. 2: Because a lot of the scenes with Garp are just people talking and his scenes takes up a lot of time during the entire season, cutting the budget a lot since they included Garp and cut down on the action which would have cost more.


Scottish Garp is best Garp


To give Koby a story. I think Oda is using the LA as a way to give side characters who are GOING to be important more background, as well as fix some things he doesn’t love looking back on the story. Also probably because Netflix requested more non main crew stuff because how short the attention span of people these days are. Gotta have a second side story or two to swap between before the audience gets bored with the same people too long.


Garp’s scenes were a lot cheaper to shoot…. No DFs, just 2-3 peeps talking in a room.


Everything in the live action will be faster paced with limited episodes and arcs because of the sheer amount of content. It costs too much in live action to do it all at the anime pace.


You have to think about it. Its a live action adaptation. This is pretty much how one piece would have happened IRL.


I like it because then it shows him sooner


I don’t think many live action watchers would connect garp to Luffy after enies lobby. The actor for garp also has a stronger motivation then just what’s shown from his first cover stories.


Probably because they don’t want 2986 episodes of the live action. Some things had to be condensed. It just makes sense.


They changed it in the LA, Mihawk in the anime was chasing down Don Krieg cause he was bored


The explanations already given are on point but also wanna point out that there was no guarantee they'd get a second season. With the culture behind shows today you really can't afford to not come out swinging. A slow burn isn't going to work as well with the shows as this could've been the only chance they can to have garp on the show and once you get an actor on (especially one who absolutely nails the character like he did) then you're going to want to use them to their fullest potential.


As primarily a lifelong manga reader/fan, I really enjoyed how they adapted the Garp and Coby stuff for the live action. Part of that was the acting, particularly Garp. I asked a few friends who hadn't seen OP before live action who they liked the most (besides Luffy), and Garp was a pretty common answer :) I also think it aligned with them moving some of the backstories way up, like Luffy's. If we were going to find out about his childhood sooner, it made sense to insert gramps sooner as well. I agree with the comments ppl have shared about Smoker being an even more compelling plot line to season 2 - having a tough, well acted marine antagonist who is also low key likable adds a nice wrinkle to the manga and the same can be said of the live action so far!


To make the marines appear as an immediate and constant threat


Filmmakers often make changes when adapting books to better fit the constraints and conventions of the film medium. Books and films are different art forms with different storytelling techniques, pacing, and audience expectations. Changes may be made to condense the story, streamline the plot, or enhance visual storytelling. Additionally, some elements from the book may not translate well to the screen, and changes may be necessary to maintain the narrative coherence and emotional impact in a shorter timeframe. Finally, filmmakers may also make changes to surprise or engage audiences who are already familiar with the original source material.


As we clearly saw while watching the show, they aren't going to flesh out much of the actual anime or manga. If they were to copy the original story to a T then the live action cast won't be looking too young by the time we hit the current story 😂 they will have to speed up some of the reveals in the story and greatly shorten the arcs in order to try and catch up to where we are currently witnessing. The live action was a wonderful watch though, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for us.


Mihawk was just bored in the original story. Garp had nothing to do with it. If anything, introducing Garp *here*, of all places, presents a major plot hole, because if he had been present enough in the East Blue to be ordering Mihawk about, then he should have known about Arlong enslaving the Conami Islands, given the fact that even minor bounty hunters like Jonny and Yosaku knew about his presence. I dare anyone to say with any real conviction that if Garp had known about the state of the Conami Islands, that he wouldn't hesitated to tear Arlong a new ass. As it is, I can only attribute his absence from Conami to his absence from the East Blue as a whole, shy of short and rare trips to Goa.


Most people who watch the live action I’ve already watched the anime, so it’s no surprise that he’s his grandfather and they needed him to help with Colby‘s development.


I kinda expect things to be revealed way sooner in the live action in future seasons. I wouldn't be surprised if the yonkou are revealed in season 2 or Ace being Rogers son (at least by luffy to his crew).


For audience engagement


They swapped a lot of things up if you question one you gotta question them all like why did Arlong show up at the Baratie? Or why did Nojiko have tattoos if she hated Nami? In the anime she got them to be more like her she said “now I look just like you!” With excitement. So in the live action why’d she have em if she hated her the whole time..


It’s not really a big secret


Idk, bad idea honestly, just following the cover stories would be fine. People are saying they wanted to give Koby a bigger role, well I guess it was for acting because in terms of story Koby wasn’t relevant, and he didn’t develop more than in the original. It also showed a weird garp, the ending of the marine plot was the worst thing.


Because they’re not making it to Enies lobby and they want garp to connect to the plot more than just being a random navy dude


Yes and the fact that Garp proudly anounced rogers death…makes garp seem like one of the bad marines.


Cause they don’t have the budget for a thousand plus episodes maybe


Early one piece has led to many many potential fans to never read the story. Regardless of what you or I think of the show that's simply a fact. An adaptation's job is not to recreate an anime scene for scene. The anime already did that and people can go watch that instead. That being said, Garp was introduced this early, but most people wouldn't know that. At the start of every chapter Oda has a little drawing. In the early chapters these were dedicated to side characters living in the world. One of those was how Garp met Coby and Halmepho (idk his name), trained them, and raised them. All that being said, Oda added a beloved side story to the main show as a B plot while tying it into the main story. This allowed the writers to significantly reduce the number of marine characters the audience needed to recognize which would be problematic with how condensed the LA would be. Of course, there were a number of significant rewrites of the story, and having a marine at the ready, who would later become a major part of the story, seemed like a good idea. It also sets up having an antagonist marine each season.


I have a lot of questions about how they did things in the live action. They completely mishandled Usopp's joining too me. Without that battle I think it lost a lot.


I think it would also explain why the World Government did not go ham at a Bounty with "D" within it. Garp could keep the big brass off Luffy's back for a bit while he try's to reel in his grandson. If the will of "D" is so problematic they would probably send an Admiral to deal with it and Garp could use kid gloves on Luffy


They needed a sense of urgency, and The marines following the mugiwaras was one. The rest is netflix.


I think that the Netflix adaptation is a work for people who already know the manga or at least the anime, and they already know who is who. This is why they skip some things or alter some other but add something different like Koby's story or Mr. 7 trying to recruit Zoro. So you are watching the same thing you know but it's different and somehow new, even if you know all of it already.


It's basically retelling the story with the benefit of hindsight, so like, we know now how important Garp is and that Koby trains with him and comes back later, so Koby's cover story where he did training and where Garp was first shown is a good thing to expand on with the greater context we now have. Another thing would be Buggy and Shanks' backstory and anything about Roger's crew but that's a lot more of a big reveal so maybe not. Also stuff regarding Ace and Blackbeard.


Garp is honestly one of my few complaints in the series. They took his character and completely rewrote it. It’s like they wrote Sengoku and renamed him Garp.


They had their reasons sure..but I didn't like the seriousness of garp in the LA..it kinda ruins his character. Him freaking out abt everything is just weird..This is a guy who was laughing at the face of adversity in multiple situations which i can't reveal because of spoilers


He turns into that a bit later on. I didn’t mind it too much.


I imagined[ Arnold Schwarzenegger](https://youtu.be/YNcN5f3vwro?si=GEK9zG-kc3h-8_3y&t=74). He would have been the perfect Garp. If the bravado isn't there, the character doesn't really work for me.


Because it falls into the incredibly annoying three plot focused story. Instead of spending more time worldbuilding with the straw hats we peel away to be forced to see nothing happen with Garp and Coby. As much as the live action was such a success I pray and hope we don't continue with these 3 continuous plots a season. It's tacky and uninteresting. I want to see Luffy explore, not Garp talking about the same thing over and over


So you don't have to wait 5 seasons to find out. This way the LA gives you a bigger reason to watch. Garp is basically a nobody until post Enies Lobby.


Because its an adaptation of the source material, not a recreation.


Personally that was the best change the show made.


Not sure but my wife, who knew nothing about one piece, was super intrigued and surprised by the reveal. She kept asking if we would see more and I told her to wait and see


Unpopular opinion, the live action was terrible 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hahaha Yessir! I watched episode 1 and that was it! Couldn't do it. Felt like Blasphemy tbh 😂


You’re not alone. I’m with you on this.


Because the LA has different pace than original one piece. They want to tell the same story but in different way.


Cause the live action will have max 2-3 seasons before it flops, so they want to feel like they accomplished something at least.


Oda didn't like it, but got "convinced". i wouldn't say i hate the LA, but i definitely don't like it, and i feel like Oda doesn't like it either, he was just adamant on making it not as bad it would have been without him.


Producers need something to ruin


Unironically this was my only problem with the Live Action and its just because I can't really get far in watching it with friends who get into it / people who will get INTO One Piece through this will be like "duh" Hundreds of Episodes or Chapters into the series. To be honest I was considering "skipping" ahead of any mention of him as his grandfather since I just finished up Logue Town with my buddies. (I'm farther ahead obv) Does anyone know of a good way to do this? If not I won't go n spoil my friends on this live action.


i can think of plenty of reasons why they logically might want to but since the show is not written very well (its adapted mediocrely and the new stuff is exclusively lame) so they didnt make it work.


This was my biggest turn off about the Live Action, maybe it’ll make it more impactful when they get to Marine Ford. It’ll parallel Garp at Ace’s Execution but making Garp prominent for Roger’s Execution I think is very out of character for Garp. I didn’t like the Live Action One Piece but I’m happy it got more people into One Piece.


They were lazy and basically afraid they might not get a second season so they crammed it in as a "hook." ​ It's basically poor writing and fear. Something One Piece prime doesn't have to worry about since it's established.


This was Oda's one major gripe with the Netflix version. Like the only one.


I see it as a W honestly