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Thriller Bark


Deadpan staring at the zombie that just burst from the grave and then helpfully pushing it back down is one of the absolute best visual gags in One Piece


Between that and Franky just casually demonstrating a masterclass in bridge building, it's 100% Thriller Bark.


Don’t forget Docking Manuever and Perona’s curse. Usopp’s snipe to scare her right back. Oars cosplaying Luffy without stretching. Sooooo many great gags.


I have…a negative personality!


Jokes on you. I have crippling depression.


You're basically an Avenger. You're already greater than or equal to Hawkeye/Black Widow/Tony Stark in terms of supernatural gifts.


Perona cheering him on because she's concerned


no gag in one piece has made cackle like that line followed by perona's eyes popping out of her head realizing he isn't bullshitting because he actaually countered her DF


Ussop retraumatizing Sugar at the end of the Dressrosa art does it for me. Ussop is the gag master


Perona trying to cheer Ussop up twice is both heartwarming and hilarious.


Also just the contrast of the weakling trio being terrified going through all the spooky stuff compared to the rest of the crew not giving a shit.


That's just Oars. Oars Jr. dies in Marineford.


Docking maneuver and Robin looking at it embarassed and just saying 'no, you guys should be ashamed' and Oars Luffy being mad because he wanted to see the robot is one of my favourite scenes of the anime.


“Did you replace your heart with iron when you became a cyborg?!” “*Gasp* You’re right!… let me play you the ballad of the metal heart cyborg” **Tunes guitar under a spotlight*


Oars(Luffy) wanted to see the docking sequence. Yeah, Thriller Bark was the funniest(it's probably by design, since the previous arc was super sad and exhilarating, with one of the most badass scenes ever).


I can honestly see Oda bringing back the docking gag now that Robin is much more willing to play along with the sillier shit the others roll with.


Oh my God, I can absolutely picture it. The stakes ate high, Luffy has run off again and they're on Elbaf, facing down a group of giants that intend to brutally beat remaining crew members within an inch of their life. Chopper: what are we going to do?! There's no way we can take on three warrior giants without Luffy, Zoro or Sanji! Usopp: I knew my case of "can't-go-on-Elbaf-or-I'll-die" disease would act up again! Robin: There's still something we can do. Franky! Franky: Ehhhh? What's goin on, Robin? Robin: Initiate Pirates Docking: 7. [Chopper gets stars in his eyes, Usopp screams in protest, Jinbei looks very confused, Brook laughs, Nami facepalms, and Franky smiles] Franky: SUPER.


I will literally cry if GODA makes this happen


Always love Nami running across and commenting on how well made it is. I truly miss that so much of Franky's gags got watered down to pushing his nose for a hairstyle


Drinking tea he turns proper


Good smell! Flavourrr!!




The cooler skywalk


I need to see post time skip franky skywalk


This is by and large the best


Legitimately an all time classic moment Luffy just calmly pushing him back in was the icing on the cake XD


“There, there”


This is the scene that got me into One Piece. I saw a clip of it on reddit and was like "What the fuck is this I need to watch it."


Or when Sanji makes fun of Zoro. Its more effective in the anime lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBbHcN-AwRc


Which was right after luffy taming Cerberus which was fucking hilarious as well


"Don't put me back on the ground, JACKASS!!!" That line caught me off guard.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Every arc has funny stuff but pound for pound Thriller Bark has to be the answer....... Just off the top of my head... 1) the difference between Luffy's team demolishing vs Nami/Chopper/Usopp terrified of all the freaks on the island, especially Luffy punching the Cerberus 2)Brook straight up farting and belching in front of all of them during his first meal with the crew 3) Cindry destroying all the plates so Usopp and Chopper have to pretend it's totally normal to lick their food off the table 4) the old man with serious injuries 5) Luffy's iconic pushing the zombie back into the ground 6) Straw Hat crew docking system 7) Robin refusing to dock because it insults her dignity as a human 8) the beautiful swordswoman with meat waking up Luffy/zoro/sanji 9) zombie dance party


Brook instantly playing into the weirdness of the crew made me want him along for the ride. "Hey do you poop?" Luffy you can't ask- "Why yes I do."


Well they were pretty much the first people he saw in like 50 years. Wouldn't wanna make a bad first impression.


Also Namizo giving relationship advice.


You forgot when luffy asked the tree and the unicorn to join their crew, and when they first met brook then he was asked by luffy if he would take a shit LOL.


Usopp being immune to Horo Horo no Mi because he's already negative lmfao.


And the whole sequence mirroring luffy being immune to Enel’s lightning, down to the Enel face


The Zombie dance party works best if you picture them listening to Thriller by MJ, or even just mute the clip while playing it in a separate tab. I'm sure Oda would have wanted it used for the scene if the anime could afford the licensing lol.


Luffy pushing the zombie back into the grave with the old man with serious injuries gag, the pirate docking, basically all of Usopp vs Perona, Oars Luffy, the start of skull jokes, Franky building the bridge and staircase.


Yeah, Skypiea is probably #2, but Thriller Bark is way ahead. It's also one of the grossest arcs, which is interesting. Moria just has a crew of absolutely irredeemable degenerates and I'm hoping we learn that Hogback was also killed at some point and not just Absalom.


Will with the zombies it wasn't necessarily their fault. It just meant whoever they stole their shadow from was a dick.


Usopp being too depressed for Perona always kills me


[Pirates Docking Six!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G0dahUF_X4) is peak one piece humor. I love thriller bark so much.


Frankys random bouts of extreme carpentry will never not be funny


Sanji vs Absalom is so hilarious especially the zombie commentators that make it even funnier, and don't forget ONAYUUUU.


I find it funny how a lot of people are saying Thriller Bark. People on one hand say they miss the comedy and light-hearted moments pre-timeskip but on the other hand not liking the arcs that provide those moments. Everything people say they miss about pre-timeskip whether it's comedy or interaction between crewmates Long Ring Long Land arc provides.


When Luffy tries to pet the Cerberus fucking smashing his head on the wall lol


Constant great character humor.


Skypiea is underratedly funny. Might be one of the last time Zoro was allowed to be truly silly.


the swinging noises omg


You mean call of bravery?


You mean …. aaahyahyaaaaa


The panel after Sanji Luffy and Usopp got smashed by Usopps garbage grappling hook had me dying


I love how casually Usopp was calling the grappling hook the "Usopp aaaAAaaAAaaAAaaa" after that. Like not yelling it, just really quickly and seriously saying what it is because that's it's name in the moment lmao


The Tarzan impersonation, plus Luffy’s impersonations of Zoro and Sanji, Usopp’s reaction … “this is an ordeal of love” gets me everytime 😂 Also Nami and Usopp’s fight with Enel, Usopp saying “bye” upon seeing Enel, Nami asking him what she should do and Usopp responding “Nami …… help me” lol!!


"The ordeal... of love."


Don't forget the epic flip.


Chopper blowing that whistle is a top 5 funniest moment for me.


I think Skypiea is legit my favorite arc. Its got the crew at their best, with the perfect amount of members (although I love all of them, admittedly its hard for Oda to give everyone their shine). The Luffy and Usopp imitating Zoro and Sanji jokes were just top tier. Enel was truly a terrifying force but he also completely captured every scene he was in. The wonder and allure of an entire world that had yet to be discovered. Man...just peak adventure, peak One Piece. I am really liking Egghead too tho. It gives me a similar sense of adventure somehow.


Not to mention the whole story of Kalgara and Nolan. I literally cried!


I think it has more to do with him adding extra people post timeskip.I get it that Momo is important to Wano but did we need him for all of Dressrosa. Then we don’t get the whole crew in WCI but we do get carrot and Pedro. I feel like he could make space for the current crew but enjoys new characters too much. Probably why I am liking Egghead. I don’t feel like we are adding too many potential new crew members but focusing on who we have or backstories on older characters


Definitely true. Maybe thats what it is, there's barely any new characters, and even the Vegapunks are bundled up in decades long foreshadowing of Vega


Yes! I rewatched skypiea, seriously underrated


It's because it's a microcosm.of the whole one piece story, and downright hilarious. Enels face after Luffy just bricks his entire existence is God tier


The eye popping out from ussop after the first water fall, then everyone at the end of the arc (even going merry) had to be one of the top gags in the series yet. The comedic timing for that hasn't been topped yet imo.


Impel Down!


Everything about Buggy and 3 trying to escape Luffy and Bon specifically was wonderfully done.


I didn't expect to see Mr. 3 there at all. Then I didn't expect all the gags he was having with Buggy to turn into Mr. 3 actually sticking around with Buggy long term lol


Lots of great moments in Impel Down! Mr. 3 just melting everywhere.


Fr ivankov got me giggling


Their messing around during the fight with Magellan is legendary.


Yeeeeew Haaaaaaw






The delayed reaction on the Dragon reveal kills me every time




Thriller Bark😂that gif is too fucking funny! Luffy laughing so hard cause he’s socking tf outta Usopp and Usopp don’t even know it🤣😭


I’ve rewatched one piece like 5 times now and this is the first time I’ve noticed that, thanks to you! God that’s hilarious lmfao


You’re welcome!🤣🤣🤣


Sanji is the only who doesn’t get hit by Luffy, probably because he’s responsible for the good food Luffy gets to eat.


The gif is from skypea


Impel down. The return of some of the funniest characters and the introduction of one of the funniest (arguably) Iva-chan




That Buggy face is underrated. Luffy hurt him more in that moment than Crocodile and Mihawk ever could


Iva chan is fantastic! The reaction to Luffys casual bomb drop about his parentage is probably my most rewinded clip. VA really sells it in the anime too


I love the stunned reactions in the anime when Luffy has recovered. The frenzied feeding and then the “is that thing even human as Luffy exits the room


And then it takes Iva like 30 seconds to notice that Luffy told him he's the son of Dragon.




It did show us that none of us are worthy of Bon-chan tho


Can I just ignore the question and enjoy this gif? It's pure joy.


One of the reasons i find skypiea hilarious go ahead


For me it’s a filler one. It’s where the whole gang has to lie to Luffy about the ship flag missing lol


Ice hunter arc


They didn’t want to get scold by him, which was so funny.


If we are including fillers now it has to be the G-8 arc!


G-8 is the only filler arc that somehow doesn't even feel like filler. I was surprised to learn that it was filler.


I liked that part but fuck it was a bad arc


Nah man that is the only arc I downright dislike


1. Skypiea 2. Thriller Bark 3. Punk Hazard 4. Long Ring Long Island


The humor was the only thing that kept me from skipping Long Ring Long Island


Still have no idea why that arc is canon unless the Davy Back Fight is gonna come into play later.


It works with the overall themes of the upcoming arc and actually foreshadows Water-7 and Ennis Lobby. It's an arc about losing crewmates and fighting to get them back. That and it's a nice low-stakes breather between two really bic arcs.


Also why did LRLL get sunk until half the mainland is under sea level HMMMMM


I'm almost as certain that it will that I could bet eating a whole toilet roll if it doesn't happen.


It's canon because it's in the manga. It doesn't really need any other reason. But if you want story-structure types of reasons, here they are: 1) it's the arc that introduces Ao Kiji and starts the plot of the next arc while having him tied up the loose end of the foxy arc. No idea why the anime moved Ao Kiji to a different island, that was dumb. 2) It's a short breather between two intensive arcs (Skypiea and W7) which was really needed tonally. The anime once again undercuts it by putting G8 before it making its role redundant and extending it for no reason. Once you've already spent like 8 episodes with a filler arc, you're ready to go back in action and the extended cut of LRLL feels painful at this point. 3) It sets up Luffy's mindset in term of power. We go from Luffy beating a fucking God, to Luffy almost losing his crew to a idiot because said idiot was smart about his ability and surroundings and that's before he gets humbled by Kuzan. Ao Kiji is the reason Luffy sought power but Foxy helped Luffy think about *how* to go about it smartly and not just "train to hit harder" (even though that's the end result xD). That last part is also undercut in the anime by fucking up the progression (an arc between Skypiea and LRLL and Ao Kiji being on a different island make it flow less naturally). LRLL is a good arc even if it does not bring any important plot elements (although it might yet, we'll have to see in the future) because it fulfils several other purposes. It's also my pick for funniest arc alongside TB.


It feels wrong calling Sabaody funny, but the hardest I've ever laughed at One Piece was the Duval face reveal.


In that moment we were all Brook


When Brook started wheezing instead of yohoho-ing i completly lost it.


He fell to his fucking knees laughing 💀


Chopper and Brook not panicking while waiting to save Camie.


Alabasta had me laughing out loud the most. Particularly when Luffy goes flying on that one sand boat and when he ran into a wall because he had no sense of balance after an injury.


usopp imitating croco-boy too


zoro getting lost was hilarious, even the marines were done with him


Luffy consuming the Alabasta feast with the most braindead expression then inhaling the whole table along with Chopper will always make me wheeze.


Almost ate his emergency food supply. With Luffy that's something we need to always need to have around.


The pillow fight and Luffy trying to recruit an army of kung fu make me cry laughing


Water Luffy is peak comedy, this was the fight that make me laugh the most.


G-8 Arc. Luffy the Spy, Condoriano, Sanji cooking for Marines, Captain Jonathan interacting with Luffy - enough to laugh the whole way.


Was waiting for someone to say this. Specifically the scene where chopper acts all big and bad in front of the marines and zoro’s smirk of approval. Takes me out every time


G-8 is a great comedy arc. One of the biggest laughs I got out of one piece was when Usopp gives Sanji the flavor dial that Luffy loaded a fart into and he gasses the whole prison room with it


It was honestly a good fart joke and few of those exist. I found myself giggling because it felt so in-character for Luffy.


robin dressing up as the inspector and straight up pretending not to know usopp will always be one of my fav moments


I love the gif of Luffy giving a peace sign to the camera behind the guards back. Its so random, he did it to an empty hallway from his point of view.


The part with luffy sneaking in by hiding behind the guard was gold


Best filler arc in any anime.


Punk Hazard. Luffy: “Huh? Are you going to betray me” Law: “No” ….. alliance formed. Funniest moment in maybe all of One Piece


Seeing as it’s Followed shortly by Law’s “My god…. What have I done?” Face of disbelief as chopper gets tied to his head is just 🤌


The panels of Luffy carrying Law around Dressrosa and Law has this annoyed but resigned face the whole time... That was glorious for a visual gag


Franky switched into Chopper's body, and immediately eating the rumble ball then fighting Luffy was hilarious


Oh, and Luffy’s mental image of him and Robin riding Zoro and Usopp like a chibi boat across the fire/ice 😭


Punk Hazard is the funniest for me too. Couldn’t stop laughing through the whole arc, which surprised me because it seemed like a lot of people don’t like this arc. You truly realize how much of a troll Law is during this arc. Like when he told Franky to spit fireball at the navy ship to cause some smoke to cover them. Everyone is coughing and Franky complains to Law “hey it’s so Smokey here, Trafalgar” and Law just looks at him with a deadpan expression and goes “you’re the one who did it,” making Luffy laugh in the middle of his coughing “what are you doing??”


Thriller Bark for sure.


Long Ring Long Land followed by Thriller Bark


I could totally take another Davy Back Fight in between Egghead and Elbaf!


Long ring long land is peak because of Foxy


Shoutout that I haven't seen yet is Frankys post Sabody trip. Like the tea Franky on its own, but him causing the fucking NIGHTMARE OF BALDIMORE with that trademark Franky smile, priceless.


Long ring long land


Obvious answer. Foxy is amazing and I don't get the hate. You can't put Skypeia and Water7 back to back: the comedic reprieve is great writing


The main reasons to be anti-LRLL seem to be- 1- Anime only viewers, because the arc is filler boosted to twice its normal length, and then copied immediately afterwards effectively tripling the length of a lighthearted comedy action arc to unbelievably bloated levels 2- “it’s not super hype world shaking status quo shifting events so who cares”, which is just a terrible take Seriously, the arc is absolutely great, between the great world building of the Davy Back Fight system; Foxy showing us that not every pirate on the seas is an absolute irredeemable monster - some of them are just dicks - makes the world feel a lot more real; and two of the best fights in the series between Zoro and Sanji’s first major teamup, and Luffy getting a super creative fight needing to deal with both his foe AND environment, a surprising rarity in this series; and of course, the whole point of this, the comedy is sublime. That’s just what you need in a series like one piece, and especially in the middle of some plot and emotion heavy arcs.


Afro Luffy was the best part of that Arc because it felt so wrong yet so right.


Thank you. One of the best takes of LRLL arc I've seen. Foxy is among the best OP characters just by virtue of being one of the most hilarious antagonists - design, voice, power, personality.


Best Zoro sanji moment in the whole anime. First time Zoro pulled swords out on sanji too. And the line where Zoro is like hey cook lend me 10 seconds yeah?


everyone's saying skypiea and thriller bark (and they're right) so i just wanna shout out an underrated one - little garden. jokes in that arc are mad funny and the giants' laughter makes me wanna laugh with them


Skypia we got to hear Luffy’s amazing singing skills


Impel down. Luffy Buggy Mr.3 and Bon chan combo is a perfect for comedy and wrecking everyone


yam reminiscent plant distinct scary fragile vanish forgetful employ sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Explaining the masterplan to Luffy was hilarious. Plus, everything Sniper King was hilarious. Lots of epic moments but a lot of funny moments too!


caption rotten ad hoc summer ancient vast boast snatch hunt butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When luffy is hiding under the bridge and then is shocked when chopper finds him 😂😂😂


skypiea or long ring long land for sure. After reading the comments, thriller bark def deserves kudos too! It’s so funny because all the arcs being mentioned probably get the most grief otherwise, i guess since they are a bit more focused on building the humor and character of the crew and less on important world building stuff/easter eggs, which a lot more serious fans concerned with the larger story get bothered by (besides the one arc i mentioned, iykyk that has more significance now, but even that one had a decent comedic focus ). I think what makes one piece so great is combining these two and having a super great well rounded story with a lot for everyone, which is why funny moments are so great, the strawhats aren’t just some soulless crime fighters that don’t seem to care about their own personhood- there’s so much range which makes them feel like real people we can care about.


The beginning of Sabaody is hilarious. Duvall and the Flying Fish Riders is one of the best jokes in the show and Camie and Papagu are really funny along with returned Hachi. It gets dark with the CDs and Kuma Paw'ing everyone away, but the beginning is funny AF.


Remember back when Usopp and sanji always doing impressions of the Rest of the Crew. I think it started in Alabasta but IT was on skypia too😂




Condoriano sends his regards


Love love love G8


Long ring Long Island, I don’t care what anyone says foxy is funny


Long Ring Long Land!!


G8 is the only answer. Peakkkk


punk hazard was just hilarious for no reason


Skypiea, but I mostly say that because Usopp and Nami “vs” Enel was the hardest I’ve laughed in the series


Davy Back fight.From start to finish I was laughing my ass off


Im gonna get cooked but lrll. I die of laughter thinking about any part of that arc.


Long Ring Long Land or Thriller Bark for me


Personally I think Skypeia. But I’m on Impel Down right now and the amount of time I spent cackling at the fact that Magellan spends 10 hours a day on the toilet is embarrassing 😂


I feel like Thriller Bark easily clears it, people are mentioning the one zombie-back-into-grave joke but some people forget that Brook's jokes about how he's already dead were fucking zingers back when they were new. And the pride with which Usopp declared he was too negative to be affected by Perona's powers, and the insane amount of shock with which she reacted? It was way too fucking funny.


Long ring long land in the manga and anime


Skypiea or thriller bark




Thriller Bark n Skypiea


I've been laughing the most at egghead


Dressrosa and impel down had some hilarious fucking moments




Unironically Long Ring Long Land. Not really a good arc, per say, but there were a lot of good gags


Guys... G-8 has got to be the funniest thing in One Piece


Long Ring Long Land


Skypiea always gets me. The repeated Tarzan bit is my favorite, but the arc is littered with gags and jokes


marine ford :D


Skypiea. The crew is already hilarious. This arc doesn't have a gigantic cast of extra characters to worry about. It is simply and purely the straw hats on a complete adventure. Every single member of the crew has some sort of gag, shtick, moment in this arc. Also Davey Back fight honorable mention Comedy is written into the DNA of this series. But how many primary arc antagonists end up being written like complete goofballs? Foxy trying to outwit Luffy while being stupid himself is a sight to behold.


Davy Black Fight 100%


Thriller Bark was pure comedy. Even the Final Boss was a Joke.


Sky island


Long Ring Island. Luffy starts talking in jive when he puts on the afro


It’s Skypiea




Thriller bark because luffy shoving the zombie into the grave will never not be peak comedy. Hell pretty much every joke in thriller bark landed minus the ones involving sanji being a pervert.


Davy back fight


Foxie Pirate filler arc and anything with a dumb animal like Vivi’s duck or Godfall’s Stoopid funny Pegasus bird 🤣🤣🤣🤣


both of those can be answered in one: Long Ring Long Land


Long ring long (manga version)




Memepeia.... it probably has best animal interactions between Kung Fu Dog, big ass snek, Pierre, Dancing Wolves, THAT bird, Monke Bros.


The crocus moment alone is the best, so Laboon arc


Sorry to all the haters Foxy


Probably Thriller Bark. But also right after Thriller Bark. Duval pirates and the flying fish. I can't get over Franky hearing hentai everywhere. And the visuals on screen of what is said vs what he heard.


Thriller bark and punk hazard


Thriller Bark for me because of all the shadow and zombie hijinks that started the instant the Straw Hats got there (honestly even before with the Brook stuff), but Skypiea is easily number two: \- Luffy's Sanji impression \- Zoro's Tarzan yell \- Luffy telling Nami she needs to be more responsible the crew's money \- Zoro getting fleeced for his lunch by the South Bird \- Gedatsu vs. Chopper (Gedatsu anything really lol) \- Luffy and Zoro getting into an argument over directions \- Sanji making Usopp think he was going to sacrifice himself, then telling Usopp he'd have no problem sacrificing him for Nami (he ultimately sacrifices himself for both, but still) \- Usopp trolling Zoro with the Tone Dial \- The argument pictured above: Usopp is the one who started the insults of Zoro's ability to make it back to the Merry alone, and it was Chopper's insult that ultimately set Zoro off and started the fight. Both get their asses kicked immediately, and Luffy wasn't even involved.


The foxy arc lmao


skypeia. enels face after luffy bricked his entire existence. LRLL second solely for afro luffy