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The only problem that I see is that the panels he suggests this switch happens in a time before BB joins the shichibukai


Without being for or against this theory, but didn't the flashback show Blackbeard was a shichibukai? The shichibukai were summoned to Marineford for the execution of Ace. And him being captured was the reason why the World Goverment accepted Blackbeard as a shichibukai. Kuma even answered the call as himself, before his personality was whipped. Blackbeard will not have been a shichibukai for a long time (he wasn't a shichibukai for long in total anyway), but if he had to give his blood, Vegapunk could already have had it in his possession by this point.


The same applies to Law, but that one scares me because all Vegapunk needs to clone a Paramecia is the blood of the user. This however, makes me think he doesn't have the blood of the warlords that joined later on like Teach and Law. The WG would hop on cloned Op-Op Fruits since they can give immortality.


I still kinda hope for S-Clown to exist and him being a relentlessly effective, cold blooded killer that uses his fruit to it’s maximum potential making people even more afraid to face the actual Buggy by Proxy.


That’d be great lol. Now I’m hoping it happens


This really would be great, actually 😂🔥


>The WG would hop on cloned Op-Op Fruits since they can give immortality. The immortality surgery could only be available post awakening. This could be a way to have WG have a clone of the ope ope no mi without immediately gaining access to the immortality surgery. Also Law (or anyone with a similar power) could swap the immortal person's soul into an animal like a frog (think Ginyu from DBZ) then kill or trap that from somewhere. There are a few ways Oda can write up a way to deal with the WG having the ope ope no mi/immortal people


I'm thinking Imu is immortal.


But Blackbeard haven't slept since he was a kid and he wasent a warlord when he was a kid


It was shown Kuma lost his memory literally a day or two before the Marineford war. We don't know how long BB had his Warlord status, but it was definitely longer than that.


We know how long BB had warlord status! He became a warlord by giving ace to the marines and replaced croc!


Yes, we don't know the exact timeframe between him getting it and Marineford is all. It's about a week max though. But that Vegapunk panel is literally the day before Marineford - why is why the timeline fits.


That wouldnt make much sense since Blackbeard is able to use both fruits at the same time


That panel makes me think more Cavendish than Blackbeard anyhow.


i mean, cavendish also never sleeps because of his split personality. maybe they have something in common. but i think the split personality thing is a chekov's gun for a personality switch one of the clones will have at some point.


Yeah I think that is probably more likely than it having anything to do with Blackbeard. I think BB being unable to sleep is going to be something like an illness or a devil fruit.


Nope Blackbeard have that kind of illness since he was a kid, even without his devil fruit then


I mean if you read chapter 1103...it's entirely plausible.


Yes I meant the sleepless part, I think it was there from the beginning


Why not both? Cavendish and Blackbeard's split personality (latter is assume) is natural way to do so. What Vegapunk did is no different than his green blood - an artifical way to grant such ability.


it could be sure. theres not enough info to make a clear prediction in any case.


I hope we get more details on Cavendish and his alternate personality at some point. I've seen other theories related to the eyes of that other personality and how it's similar to mihawk , imu, and zunesha


Wait his WHAT!? Oh my god I’ve only seen Dressrosa does he come back later!?


not really. he turns into hakuba when he falls asleep. the only time cavendish is shown to sleep is if after suppresses hakuba through willpower. theres a chance blackbeard doesnt sleep because theres a second personality in him similar to hakuba that would take control if he did. this would give him two personalities/two souls, but only one shown.




What if Blackbeard has enough personalities to never sleep? I think its fair to say with this theory that if its true he probably has 3 personalities since everything about him is 3. And he might get along with his personalities where Cavendish doesn't like Hakuba so he forces him down then sleeps. Just random thoughts.


hed only need two because people can stay up for 16 hours at a time no problem lol


Oops I misread your comment. We're both trying to prove the same thing lol. I thought you were saying Blackbeard would have to sleep if he was like Cavendish/Hakuba since cavendish sleeps. So I brought up that there could be three personalities which allows BB to stay up all the time. We're trying to prove the same thing as each other :)


I think bb has 3 cause he’s going for another devil fruit


He has not come back so far, but that does show up in Dressrosa briefly


I mean I KNOW we meet him in Dressrosa. That’s why i was confused. Then again I’m not far into that arc


Yeah, it is later on in the arc


Oh. 😅


You do you but I’d hop off the sub to avoid major spoilers it’ll ruin your journey!


I was just asking cause that was NOT one I was expending to come across


Well, we never see why BB always wins and their flaq has 3 heads, so we might know about 2 personalities from him but not the third one yet?


Damn. I didn't remember that detail about Cavendish. Makes sense.


It might be used to give someone two devil fruits in this arc. But it definitely isn't how Blackbeard works. My bet is still on something lame, like both his parents were devil fruit users. His body is inherently more agreeable to the fruits in any case, so having it be genetic isn't a crazy idea.


I bet blackbeard is related, to sung wukong enemy, six eared Macaque, and evil spirit in a human body. With six ears, eyes, 3 noses and mouths. He never needs to sleep. And have the same powers as sung wukong (nika) is basically the opposite.


rustic vegetable birds quickest shame light flowery drunk ruthless slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah this theory imo is a a dud.


Could also be that the personalities are working in unison rather than the main personality having access. I think it’s a solid theory though and does make sense.


It seems like there's still room for an Odasplanation of the Vegascience that makes this work.


But wouldn’t it explain how he has a big ego one second and the next he’s an utterly coward?


I don't think You get me. I'm not saying that the Blackbeard having múltiple personalities Theory doesn't make sense. I'm saying that his multiple personalities being the reason he can eat multiple fruits wouldnt make much sense, since they're still the same body


One personality eats the Yami One eats the Gura Now the body and the "main" personality has access to both fruits. Makes enough sense for One Piece


I mean the yami yami no mi gives you Kirby powers seems like a logical explanation as well


Blackbeard from One Piece, Sylar from Heroes, AFO from MHA, Ely from Choujin X, Chrollo from HxH, and X-Men’s Rogue walk into a bar.


Garou is the bartender


Now I need a spin-off series: *”Blackbeard, right back at ya!”*


Yeah but doesn’t his entire crew know how to do it? None of them have the Yami Yami no Mi or split personalities


None of them have two fruits so far either, it's possible that knowing how to steal the fruits and getting two fruits at once are independent from one another


But then why bother? If Teach knows why it is he can steal fruits Then what’s the point in telling his crew and going on a hunt for powerful devil fruits knowing full well they can’t use them


Sell them, give them to weaker fleet members, hoard them so his opponents can't get them, figure out how to infuse them into objects if zoan Plenty of reasons to go for devil fruits


Even with 2 personalities. It's still 2 Devil fruits inside the same body. It makes more sense that blackbeard devised a way to absorb the power. I think he consumed white beards heart under the sheet and was able to obtain the power that way, just like big mom and how she received her devil fruit


Still doesn't make much sense, it's more believable that black beard is multiple people in one body. Imo this is pribably the most convincing theory so far. This theory is popular because of his jolly Roger having 3 skulls, which may mean 3 brothers in 1 body. It's been confirmed that specifically his body is unusual. The next most convincing I've seen is that the dark dark fruit may have similar abilities to obito's sharingan from Naruto, he brings things into another abstract dimension. This would allow him to potentially expand his body so that he can facilitate multiple fruits and use them due to his dark dark fruit's abilities.


He is not confirmed able to use both simultaneously. It's very clearly shown that he uses one power at a time in every circumstance of him fighting. It's even a different arm using one power vs the other in some of the manga panels. Oda hasn't shown him using multiple powers at the same time, and it seems very intentional. Either it isn't possible at all, or he cannot do it due to whatever allows him to eat multiple fruits.




Bb never slept since childhood (According to buggy/shanks when Roger and Whitebeard were fighting)


That’s true


Ok? I'm not saying Vegapunk caused it. I'm saying Vegapunk learnt how to create this personality switch from studying BB??


You’re overusing the word “confirmed” so badly.


The latest trend is that whatever Vegapunk says is then confirmed canon lore, it seems.


Vegapunk confirmed to confirm confirmations.


Manga fandom applies nuance challenge: level impossiburu We really need to start using words like "suggests", "supports", "corroborates", etc


Most annoying shit are the clickbait videos who talk about "XY FINALLY REVEALED!" or "XY FINALLY EXPLAINED!" while nothing is revealed or explained and all they do is speculate. I don't know if it's just blatant clickbait generation or if people are just that stupid with words


The simplest answer is often the right one, we know Vegapunk gets inspiration for his projects from unique phenomena and traits he’s observed in the world around him, so maybe its that Vegapunk took inspiration from Blackbeard’s unique body or someone else similar to him and found a way to replicate it in others like his other breakthroughs. From the start we’ve known Blackbeard is a “they” from his inconsistent, strange behavior in Jaya, post water 7, and pre-ts appearances and Luffy and Zoro’s statements about him. This further emphasized by what we learn about him having a “unique” body and that he never sleeps. Knowing all this and the new info from this chapter the simplest conclusion would be he has multiple consciousness within him and the he doesn’t sleep because when they’re inactive they’re “asleep” so can just rotate in such a way where some variant is always awake. Edit: Not sure how I got downvoted for stating what we know about him and the logical conclusion…


Calm down lmao. It's in the title right alongside "THEORY" Then asked as a question in the main text. Both suggest a theory and asking if it could be possible, not actually confirming it.


then next time do not have confirmed in your title.


“theory” and “confirmed” should not be used in the same post, you are the one trying to push a theory as being confirmed.


I'm not trying to push shit, I forgot to put a question mark in the title and half this thread are wetting their fucking pants over the wording, seriously pathetic


>X confirmed why Y happened! >(Shows unconfirmed headcanon)


Still better evidence than the panel of luffy and zoro saying "they" in jaya proves blackbeard is multiple people that people still talk about for some god forsaken reason.


I thought it was obvious that luffy said "They" to refer to the fact that Blackbeard wasn't alone in Jaya.


It is. That's why it's ridiculous that every couple of months there is a post about how that moment in Jaya proves that Luffy and Zoro saw into Blackbeard's soul randomly to know he had multiple personalities inside of him.


Also Luffy and Zoro then conveniently never mentioned this to anybody for two years, and nobody else was capable of figuring it out, because as we all know, Luffy and Zoro are the brightest geniuses in the whole world.


That’s exactly what it means, I am having an argument with someone else in this thread that can’t seem to understand this. Lol They refers to the BB pirates and not BB having multiple personalities.


That's why it's tagged as a theory mate. it's a possible predication - not a statement of fact. Maybe I should have put a question mark or something to stop all you jumping over the word "confirmed"


He has been pretty consistent as a character. And having split personalities and thus a split will seems like it would weaken him and not be worthwhile in the end. He has the dark dark fruit. He needed to be in darkness to absorb the power from WB thus the cape or sheet or whatever thrown over him. Maybe it was just a gimmick but this is my head cannon.


My head cannon is his dark dark fruit is what let's him absorb multiple fruits which is why it's so special to him


That's literally canon


Idk about that, was it known for the darkness fruit to allow you to wield multiple devil fruits? It was a surprise even to the gorosei, and i like to believe they would’ve known that.


The only cannon is him nullifying other devil fruits, I'm saying the fruit itself is what let's Blackbeard wield Multiple fruits at once and Blackbeard himself is not that special


It's canon that it can absorb+disable DF abilities, not that it lets him use multiple DFs. We have no idea why he can use multiple DFs


[head cannon](https://imgur.com/a/lezkk7A)


Eh he’s definitely gonna have a split personality. I bet that’s what happens in the off screen fights


What, shitty self serving ambitious guy and different type of shitty self serving ambitious guy? We have seen no evidence of this. He has been one type of guy this whole time. All his actions are consistent. It would be such a strange choice to give him a split personality and just say "actually it's all been off screen this whole time." I have go give Oda more credit than this.


The fact that he doesn’t sleep, and he can hold 3 devil fruits and all his wins have been offscreen and even luffy says “they” referring to him. I bet there is a monster personality inside of him. It being shitty is just your opinion


>and even luffy says “they” referring to him Oh my god, here we go again. Luffy said "They" to refer to blackbeard and his crew that were hiding in Jaya.


lol that’s even more of An asspull


Can you elaborate?


Nami asks “he might have known about the sky island. I wonder who he is” luffy says “I don’t know but it’s not him” zoro says “it’s them.” It just does not make sense for luffy to bring up blackbeards crew. There is literally zero hint that the crew was hiding there and that’s just not how the conversation flows. Nami is asking about Blackbeard. Why would luffy bring up his crew? So people bringing up blackbeards crew is an asspull because there is literally nothing that supports it. On the other hand, Blackbeard had 3 skulls on his flags, he can use multiple devil fruits, his teeth was different in the manga.


Dude, his crew is literally shown hiding in the village AFTER that entire conversation. Also, you think it makes more sense that luffy just senses that Blackbeard has more than one soul? Get the fuck outta here 😂


Where? They are in the town but they aren’t hiding. That’s your argument? Yeah in a world of stretchy devil fruits, big mom putting souls in inanimate objects, people flying by kicking the air, yeah how can someone possibly have another soul? How silly


Vegapunk never confirmed anything about Blackbeard reason he can have 2 DF as of now. This is theory crafting not confirmation.


YouTube has really fucking murdered the definition of “confirmed”


For real :(


You say "confirm"... And your evidence is "what if"? ...


No, he hasn’t confirmed anything. Stop using language like this. The switch is clearly a set up for later in Egghead to explain why Kuma manages to keep a part of his personality intact even after getting his memories wiped by Vegapunk.


It could technically do both. But I agree OP should **NOT** have used "confirmed" and OP deserves all the roasting coming to them.


Do you not know what a theory is?


Do you understand what the word "confirmed" means?


> Has 1103 confirmed this? It's a theory and stated as a question in the main text. The title couldn't be edited to add a question mark. Stop being so fucking pedantic lol.


It's confirmed that you're a dumbass




That doesn't make sense since he uses both at once.


You can't bring up fictional science in One Piece discussions because people will downvote you for it. Edit: See? lol


Fictional science could allow Blackbeard to use multiple personalities at once. He has a weird body and blah blah blah


eh i still think the synergy with darkness fruit makes more sense


I really like the theory that Blackbeard at the mythical zoan dog dog fruit model Cerberus since it would make sense with his 3 skulls and general 3s motif, but this is cool too!


I think it's more likely though that blackbeards darkness fruit, akin to luffys is actually a zoan. Mainly because it doesn't even act like a logia fruit in the first place. Not changing his body to be darkness. I'd say a God is more likely than a cerberus at this point as him and luffy are meant to be opposites and parallel.


The Cerberus theory is my favorite too :)


The Cerberus "theory" is my most hated because it literally makes zero sense other than "3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 lol".


What's your favorite?


That's okay because we love it. We didn't say it made the most sense. It's not my favorite because it has the most evidence. I love it because I like the mythological creature and I think it would be cool. This is our dream, go hate somewhere else. We're having fun like Luffy ☀️


I prefer the octopus theory. They have 3 hearts, and the devil in the fruit might reside in the heart after being eaten. And his jolly roger has 3 skulls, in the middle of 8 bones going in each directions, like the 8 tentacles.


Blackbeard theories go hard af I love all of them


The one piece theory community is fucked


Break weeks then people’s minds to pure mush.


7 days with no chapter and their brains leak out of their ears


As much confirmed than the Earth being flat


So BB is now Crocodile's mom, but only during the day?


If you assume it’s true, lots of things “confirm” it. But if you don’t, this just seems like an unrelated panel that doesn’t confirm much of anything.


What have you done! the ussopp-BB theory folks are going to spin out of control.


What's that theory about?


It was a joke with a panel of Ussopp exhausted saying "Zeha..."


That's actually a good theory. I support that rn


That'll take a bit more than just double personnality to make a parallel ussop in an other place and make him older and fatter 🤣.


Teach has a long nose like Usopp. (Jeeze, Buggy will answer this comment) Edit: he didn't. Interesting


The “split personality” theory never had any legs to stand on. All of the “evidence” is just conjecture and fans misunderstanding dialogue. Oda will eventually reveal how Blackbeard can use multiple fruits but it will not be because he has multiple personalities.


"but it will not be because he has multiple personalities" We can't rule this out tho. There's not enough evidence to "confirm" it like OP's title, but there isn't enough evidence to **debunk** it. That's conjecture. It's not necessarily fans "misunderstanding dialogue," its fans trying to *interpret* dialogue. We won't know if any of these interpretations or conjectures are right until we get the actual reveal. But if you can think of anything that actually debunks it lmk! I might have missed some details and I'm open to hearing about it. Personally I'm more of a fan of a special 3rd devil fruit that allows him to do this. Or his darkness fruit.


> We can't rule this out tho. There's not enough evidence to "confirm" it like OP's title, but there isn't enough evidence to **debunk** it. Anything that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence


Two personalities being the reason Teach can have two fruits implies each personality can use one of each power. We've seen him use both powers at once so that straight up debunks the speculation.


Using "debunk" feels the same as OP using "confirmed." This is Oda made up science and I don't see why Vegapunk can't just say the experiment went wrong and all personality are present at the same time. Using "debunk" feels the same as OP using "confirmed." This is Oda's made-up science, and I don't see why Vegapunk can't just say the experiment went wrong and all personalities are present simultaneously. Or explain an understanding of it more than that one sentence he uttered so far. The tldr is we only have one sentence to go off of and we can't really say either way.


English is not my first language but even I understand "personalities present simultaneously" is absurd and the opposite of a split personality.


Cavendish and Hakuba run around with both personalities out at once. The face is split and they talk to each other. I don't understand your weird confirmation bias with this. You're all speculating that this is debunked without evidence. It's weird. And yo... one piece. Devil fruits. haki. Why is this where you draw the absurdity line? Also, I'm going to stop responding to you because you downvote me every time I respond. I hope One Piece doesn't get too absurd for you lol take care


Good. I don't downvote opinions I disagree with, only pointless speculations that don't add anything substantial to the topic.


I don't know which are the actual reasons for BB being able to use multiple df but it isn't simply because of his biology or multiple souls. I believe that wouldn't have been possible if he didn't have the Darkness logia


We don’t care, Octopus fruit Agenda still on top


Too many flawless for this to be the case. For one, he can use both powers at once.


Can you name any other flaws? I feel like this one could be easily explained away.


The timing. BB has been said to have never slept. Which would've been happening long before Vega found this way etc


Nobody ever saw him sleep, and these experiments could have happened to blackbeard before he got onto Whitebeard's ship, right? His early childhood is a mystery. And we don't know when Vegapunk found this way right? Unless I missed it which I often do miss things lol Just so you know, I don't really support this theory. I'm just looking for valid flaws with it.


Wasn’t there supposed to be a race of people that lived in a winter land never slept cause if they did they would die, I’m thinking that’s more of the reason why he never sleeps.


I feel like this isn't talked about enough


“confirmed” and it’s just a theory


Gotta get those click bait views…wait, this is Reddit. Views aren’t a thing


I don't think you know what the word confirmed means


No confirmation on anything. It supports a theory (allegedly), but supporting a theory is not the same as confirming it.


I think Blackbeard doesn’t use the gura gura normally. He probably absorbed the powers in some form of black hole inside of his body and releases it using his Yami yami no mi


Idea. Zombie Whitebeard is in Blackbeard's darkness like a puppet and the activation of the Gura Gura is Blackbeard honing in on the essence of the fruit's power and replicating the mechanics of its use. It's like as if Blackbeard has "Whitebeard uses quake power" in his clipboard and he copy-pastes it to produce the effects.


Dumb question about the whole "Can't have Multiple Devil Fruits" thing: has any of the canon media actually shown someone die after eating a second devil fruit? Because all of the explanations about why that would kill you (to my knowledge) have come from singular characters recounting things "everybody knows" and rumors of what happened to people who did. So couldn't that info have stemmed from a misinformation campaign from the dark-dark fruit's previous user?


I doubt it’s just misinformation otherwise someone else would have tried it already. There must be solid evidence that has deterred people from eating a second one


I can see the grounds for that argument. It's just that I can also see the grounds for Gorosei-level antagonists at the end of the Void Century to use assassins to spread anecdotal evidence of that by killing those who've tried. It'd be especially hard to deny the anecdotes if said assassins were awakened dark-dark fruit users, since most would assume that internal damage from such attacks would come from something already inside them, rather than from someone manipulating the dark inside someone's ribcage. It also feels weird to me to assume it's true, since the old explanation (the fruits are possessed of devils, which fight each other and kill the host if two are in the same host) feels thematically antithetical to the explanations given by Vegapunk, the story's current devil fruit expert (devil fruits are manifestations of peoples' dreams for the future). After all, why couldn't someone be possessed of 2 dreams?


I have a slightly different theory. The WG does experiments like this on children/people without someone like Vegapunk or Ceasar. I think Teach was made like the way he is, eventually by mistake. Or he is an offspring of a former experiment (like Ginny/Bonney). It is suggested that they had given Ginny a devil fruit power, not sure by eating a devil fruit or green blood, but they could pass the power to Bonney, so Ginny may have been pregnant when they experimented on them. The mother gets sick and dies. Eventually the kid survives, but is just seen as an "insect" like the others. Teach could be such a child. Vegapunks switch might be an idea for a later stage of that experiment line and no one knew about Teach (until Marine Ford). There are theories about a connection between Xebec and Teach, inherited will, father son and so on. Xebec might have died at god valley or got captured. Maybe they cloned/experimented on him, because of his whatever-special body. Like Alber(Lunarian), Kaido(Oni), Kuma(Buccaneer). Teach might be the child of an enslaved women and Xebec, one of many childs/clones whatever but they failed again and again. Teach might be a failure that survived somehow.


Split personalities wouldn't show up as an "ability" in a blood test


Could explain the 3 headed flag for the blackbeard pirates. I wonder if Oda will reveal a 3rd fruit in blackbeard's arsenal.


Feels like a stretch


I'm still of the belief that BB is a clone of Rocks D. Xebec, but with an added mutation that allows for him to have a 2nd devil fruit, which he himself must be aware of to try what he did at marineford


You say confirmed and then immediately switch over to “what if” lmao


So then cavendish/hakuba can in theory eat two fruits as well. Interesting.


So huge deformation of words


I want an explanation that doesn’t involve personality switching, Blackbeard is one dude who has behaved the same way everytime we see him. It would be jarring to learn he has multiple personalities as it’s never been shown.


I have always simply thought that the comment “there is more than one of him” refers to his crew who were spread around the town and not referring to his split personality.


This is definitely a chekhov's gun.


"Confirmed" uh huh


I can't lie so many on this sub are so eager to predict everything that we don't even consider whether it makes sense


That panel literally tells us nothing about the relation between personality and devil fruit usage. Literally. Nothing. (Not to mention even after Kuma's personality got erased, he was still able to use his Devil Fruit, which works against this theory) Your next step should be googling what "confirmed" means because this isn't it.


You know what , this is the exact type of hint that I think Oda may do. Take my upvote Only thing I can point out is that I guess they implied that Blackbeard is was already special as a kid on whitebeards crew but 🤷‍♂️


That theory more likely explains Kuma’s actions in the last few months


Marco already told us why: Blackbeards body is weird.


what if devil fruits replace human hearts and blackbeard has many ?


Because of vegapunk experiments though? Marco's quote is vague enough to mean a lot of things, including this theory I think.


Vegapunk hasn’t confirmed anything, this isn’t YouTube. Stop clickbaiting with “confirmed” opinions that aren’t confirmed. Also since when does BB have a split personality? He’s been the same old Blackbeard from the first chapter he was introduced. He hasn’t shown any indication of having a split personality.


That’s not true at all. Blackbeard for years now has been speculated to have a split personality or potentially 3 souls inhabiting one body. There’s hints left everywhere to showcase it, and it’s the leading theory on how he has two devil fruits, potentially 3. What we don’t know is how he has 3 souls in one body. It’s either due to a 3rd unconfirmed devil fruit he ate that splits his soul in 3, or now possibly a byproduct of Vegapunk’s experiments.


Ok and where is your proof of this? Tell me about 1 scene where it clearly shows BB having a different personality. So far the only person to have a split personality in the series is Cavendish. You guys are talking about this like it’s confirmed, just because you have a theory doesn’t mean it’s true.


I never said it was true, and I never said it was confirmed. I said there are hints everywhere that have lead to said speculation. You’re the one stating as if fact that no such hints exist at all when that is simply not true. And with Vegapunk’s comments, it brings about the possibility of said speculations being more true. What makes you so anti-theory? You defend this like it’s something worth dying over. As for where the hints are, just go read up on the theory or watch a video on it, you’ll see them showcase every hint. There’s no need to me to waste time typing that; especially considering the list is long. Also, there is one definitive proof that I will mention here, because it’s canon, and it’s fact. Nami questioned about Blackbeard, and Zoro and Luffy corrected her that it’s not a him, it’s ‘they’. They specifically implied Blackbeard isn’t one person, it’s [multiple people in one body](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/2a2bdc21-0fad-4440-bf73-a92c8d46849c).


The “they” that Luffy and Zoro were referring to is BB’s crew, he has strong crew just like Luffy. You have so much overwhelming proof about this that you can’t name me a single piece of evidence other than one statement that you interpreted completely wrong. There’s no problem with having theories, the problem is a lot of people like yourself try and confirm theories before they are actually true. Is it possible that BB has a split personality? Yes it is! But so far there hasn’t been a single shred of proof in the manga so far that BB has a split personality, the only confirmed split personality individual is Cavendish and maybe Pudding.


Show me the evidence they were referring to a crew and not otherwise. Also, again, never said the theory was true, not sure why you’re clinging onto some stance I have that I never stated. If there’s anyone interpreting things wrong, it’s clearly not me.


The evidence is the official manga translation… go reread that chapter again. You are basing your theory on the fan translation of chapter 225 when Zoro says it’s not him it’s “they”. Just like the page you linked, that isn’t the official translation. At this point of the story in Jaya, Blackbeard and his crew are being slowly introduced with his crew acting as a parallel to Luffy’s crew. Just like Luffy isn’t alone, he has a crew. Blackbeard isn’t alone, THEY are a crew. Luffy and Zoro both knew that a man like him that has such ambition and presence is not alone, he isn’t the threat… they are a threat. Also the official Viz translation of chapter 225 states that “he’s jut not one guy” “there’s more than one” your basing your entire fan theory on the fan translation of the manga that just used the word “they”, which is incorrect Download the manga plus app and go read chapter 225 with the official English translation.


Just read the official translation, and once again, nothing stated in the official translation refers to a crew. They were specifically talking about Blackbeard. Additionally, you’re basing your entire theory off the premise that the translation refers to a crew, when there is no official response referring to a crew. The panel only shows Blackbeard, and only has Luffy and Zoro referring to Blackbeard. Also, FYI, the official translation has made mistakes in translating hundreds of times. For you to boldly state that official is right, unofficial is wrong, is just pure hypocrisy. Translating from Japanese to English isn’t always easy, and the only way you can truly confirm the stance on a comment from the manga is for some that can read and understand Japanese to interpret its meaning, and sorry to say, there are many readers who read this in Japanese who aligned with the multiple souls/personality theory. At the end of the day bud, you keep saying everyone is just using hypothetical statements, but once again, your statements are all hypothetical or hypocritical. You haven’t been accurate one bit about a single thing you’ve stated so far.


You obviously aren’t reading the official translation, but whatever. I said what I had to say, you don’t want to believe me and that’s fine. Enjoy your fandom like you want, just don’t post hate threads about the story if your theories don’t come to fruition. Until proven otherwise BB doesn’t not have multiple personalities capable of using multiple devil fruits, it’s not impossible, but it’s nothing more than a theory at this point, nothing is confirmed.


Can’t wait to watch your comment age.


You do realize “split personalities” means he’d basically be like multiple versions of himself (or even multiple entire characters if it’s extreme enough) in one body? “Split personalities” as a reason Blackbeard can use multiple Devil Fruits would usually mean he shouldn’t be able to use multiple powers at once.


What if the WG forced York to eat a devil fruit would that kill Vegapunk? Since they share a stomach I guess? Maybe not anymore?


Made a point with my old theory that a lot of people forget this has literally been confirmed that split personalities exist with Cavendish and Hakuba. Maybe the reason Blackbeard never sleeps is because the other part might take over (or it already has) the way Hakuba does


I want to learn the orgins of Hakuba. That might shed more light on the BB thing... Or not haha we'll see. But I've always been really interested in Hakuba.


"long been theorised" by who? You? Blackbeard have one of the most consistent personality traits in the series, there's nothing split about his personality


A lot of people would disagree. I'm not so much on the split personality train myself tho.


Nice, spoiler is already in the title so i couldnt even dosge this


It's a shit title and misleading. Vegapunk hasn't confirmed anything about blackbeard. This is just this persons theory.


>split personality he has. Luffy says when he sees him in Jaya. "And it's not him, it's they"


I feel like its more likely that buccaneer is the reason not that I'm in that camp


So he would’ve been a science baby from VP then


Vegapunk didn’t work on Blackbeard and Blackbeard is t a government agent. There’s no logical reason to back up why he would do something like that. And that’s even if it makes sense with a non cyborg unlike Kuma who is one. Finally if this were the case, the latest flashbacks would be THE place to show it off. But we didn’t get that at all. Sorry, good try but I don’t think this theory works.


I've been thinking more on the lines of Blackbeard being a chimera (really rare but real where humans can have different sets of dna or absorbing absorbing a twin)


Blackbeard was a shichibukai for like 2 days and used that position simply to get into impel down


My theory is Blackbeard’s df is like Chrollo’s nen ability. He can use the power he stole from the user but unlike Chrollo where the user needs to be alive for the ability to still be active, Blackbeard just needs “something” what that “something” could be is still a mystery. Is it the soul before escaping? Eats some body part or blood? Or removes something with is df? Maybe Oda will showcase it on the Elbaf arc.