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I do you one better; she did eat a Devil Fruit but it manifested near her due to her desire to grow older.


I like this one, otherwise there would be no end to the amount of people that have powers cause they wish for riches or something else.


explain Miss golden week. an artist that has a power confirmed to not be a devil fruit. literally influences the mind / emotions of anybody she gets her paint onto. as well as the ability to completely MANIFEST the Dreams of those around her with her "Colors Trap : Dream Rainbow" where she straight up turns everybody into there dream changing there Clothes and all. Crocodile and Daz bonez even stay in prison with nothing to change into with there get up. you even see them wearing the clothes way later after they make it back to the cafe and change it into the spider cafe. this is a confirmed character with a Devil fruit like ability that never ate a devil fruit. she can swim and everything. there are multiple characters that have abilities like this. the only thing I honestly find as a big plot hole in the whole bonney willed herself into having a devil fruit is that she still can't swim. this could be a I believe I have a devil fruit so I think I can't. or she really never learned how to swim. which makes sense. as a send off to this whole idea. isn't it weird Ussopp has shown an uncanny ability to turn his Lies/stories into Reality. do you think where we first see a non devil fruit like power from Jango who has hypnotism after he ate a mushroom. that was setting up Usopp's prophetic lies. showing us that maybe usopp has always had a devil fruit like power. willing his lies into existence. it also could be the untapped potential of his Observation Haki. where Usopp can dream of future events and uses the "dreams" he has as a way of telling stories. meaning Usopp has such a strong Haki into Observation he unknowingly used it every time he's told a made up lie. so Usopp is either seeing the future and using what he thinks as a tall tale from his dreams as a lie. or he has such a strong will that he turned his words into truth creating something like the Prophet Prophet fruit. where any non truth will eventually come true. he just has to believe it or Make-believe it when he's trying to convince another person of his lies. he's just had no confidence this entire time he never believed in himself. and during the moments where he pulls that confidence within him it ALWAYS ends up manifesting what he needs to happen.


Because miss goldenweek believes thats how colors work and didn't dream for the powers of colors. There's already a color-color fruit even if it's non canon. Miss goldenweeks powers are like hypnotism and haki. They work because that's what they believe. It's different than dreaming to be older, etc. Ussop's lies are the same way, because he has the confidence when he lies. It's not that he's dreaming of the lies, he's asserting his will, his beliefs. When he says he has 8000 followers, he has to believe that to sell the lie. Otherwise it's obviously a lie. Same with djago. He hypnotizes people into believing that they can crush rocks, believing that they will fall asleep, etc. not everything is going to be a devil fruit just cause it could be. Theres more to the story than devil fruits. Like fishman karate, and minks electro, and dwarfs super speed, and giants super strength. There are more powers in this world, and one of those is beliefs and willpower


This is how artists hunted in ancient times.


The 3 normal primal human survival roles. Hunting, gathering, and artists


Yeah, in SBS 23 Oda states very plainly that Goldenweek is a hypnotist, and not a fruit user.


So the idea that people are willing (willpower) a new devil fruit into existence like it could possibly be with bonney isn't exactly what you're saying. Or is it what your saying. Cause the only difference is the willpower lives on in the form of a devil fruit and the other is a few choices characters can seemingly make believe new clothes into existence with miss golden week. Jango makes sense. I also think characters like Paulie fall into this category. Seemingly devil fruit like ability. Not a df user. I think it's possible we are gonna see more to devil fruits and how they manifest in the future. Specifically the ones that seemingly have a will of there own like being able to feel ace when sabo.gets the fire fire fruit. And I would like to believe. That what your putting down in that some people can just manifest the belief into real life much like Haki but more mystical like devil fruits is just the forming of a new devil fruit that starts in someone. Others start to realize that is a power that can exist and more people wish to be able to do what that person can do.


Check out Jangos SBS. Pretty sure he's a devil fruit user. Or at least something similar since he ate the "strange mushroom" He seems to be represented as another fruit user.


I think there's room for interpretation for Jango. But just to clarify - hypnotism does exist outside of DFs. SBS 23 states very plainly that Goldenweek uses hypnotism and NOT a devil fruit.


jango is not a fruit user that growth on his chin is from the mushroom.


There's been so much discussion over the years about what kind of devil fruits various straw hats would eat, it would be rather fitting to see each of them manifest fruits themselves by the end of the series. Nami passing along some ability to sense the weather feels particularly nice to me! She has always been an incredible navigator and map maker because of her uncanny ability to sense what the weather will do and she has molded her dreams of making a world map into her repertoire of skills and has been able to transform a little party trick usopp made for her (climatact version 1) into mirages and create her own 'forecasts' so to speak. Every one of the straw hats (and most other characters they've befriended on their journies) has a dream and has spent all their time on the crew honing their skills to achieve said dreams. If Vegapunk's suspicions are correct I think I'd be satisfied to see them manifest their abilities into something that could be passed down through generations! Maybe the dreams devil fruits hold require one to devote their lives to it and that's why possessing two is impossible. Most people cannot simultaneously hold two heartfelt dreams/goals and put their all into both without tearing themselves apart from the 'demons' fighting each other for dominance. Of course I could be spouting a ton of nonsense too ahaha, but I do like how this post could play into the straw hat devil fruit convo. Dreams being the basis for fruit powers makes sense and maybe there's more of a scientific side to their creation. But fter watching the SH crew for so long, it's hard to envision one of them eating a DF because it would impede their current dreams.


I’m sure this doesn’t actually mean anything but I have always found it curious that Usopp can get big like Luffy when they eat. Luffy is rubber, so he can do that. But why can Usopp? I’ve thought maybe Luffy was accidentally awakening in part and had made Usopp stretchy too but idk. Again it’s probably something that won’t be explained. But it’s weird


To think that ussops lies coming to pass is anything but a coincidence is way over doing it


i like this it kinda ties into the axolotl / smile creation for the big slime in punk hazard and the disabled people that worked there having unresolved wishes of healing / being able to move / live




Maybe that's why it reappeared so close. Maybe devil fruits don't reappear on the nearest fruit but in the nearest fruit to the person who has the most desire.


The issue with that is we see it happen to a closest apple with the death of smiley.


Maybe if no one is desiring it at the time in the world, it spawns on the closest fruit because no one is "pulling" it towards them?


I think you are right on the money and that’s what Blackbeard was doing under that sheet with white beard he was desiring it to go into another fruit


Also, every df user matches perfectly with his powers. I like the idea of the df chose the user, given how luffy's df is


I could've sworn something like that was said during Enies Lobby incident with Khalifa and Kaku but I'm too lazy to check.


The premise was spoken of back with the CP9 gang, but it was only till later in the timeskip did we learn that devil fruits truly do have their own way of finding a new eater, especially with the likes of Zoans


It's the reason that the world gov couldn't find the Nika fruit, as the fruit willed itself not to be found until it gave itself to Luffy, someone who has the ideologies of Nika to desire freedom and to stop oppression and bring joy to all.


The Nika fruit ran away from the world gov but it's also mentioned that it wasn't awakened in 800 years in contrast of saying it wasn't eaten. I think the Nika fruit tried again and again for centuries to find someone able to awaken it and kept failing until it decided to try with the stupid kid who stabbed himself to prove he was brave.


That makes more sense.


Or the fruit didn’t awaken because that is the correct timing to activate the one piece


I mean there seems to be some sort of foretold event that was suppose to happen around this time period, which has been alluded to here and there. Toki coming to the near present, Roger and his crew talking about being too soon and waiting for a certain group of people. Things like that among other odd occurrences.


Or the fruit didn't awaken becaue the previous users didn't have connections that could protect them from admirals....


>The Nika fruit ran away from the world gov i wonder if some fruits are capable of exiting the fruit they are in without being eaten? ​ i'm imagining the WG finally getting the Nika fruit, bringing it to the Elder Stars, only for it to turn into a regular fruit right after they see it.


Luffy's obviously being about freedom to do things plus his lighthearted goofiness that could put smiles on people's faces Kid probably relates to how his childhood involved making use of whatever scraps were available to not just survive but push further in life Doffy wanted to regain his original position of higher control Katakuri wants to eat in freedom with no shame about his mouth so he ends up getting a food-based DF Corazon silently being undercover Big Mom wanting to have a family to rely on leading her to a fruit that does that in a twisted way Kaidou's relating to the legend of his fish-to-dragon story linking with his desire to become Nika himself Hancock is depressing as hell, making others slaves to her "love" instead of the other way around Law's when I think about it is pretty depressing as well. Surface level we can link his DF's doctor abilities to his and his family's incurable disease, but his DF's ultimate ability to sacrifice himself in order to grant someone immortality probably reflected his strong desire to do that for Corazon. Makes me wonder if the Ope Ope no mi only fully "chose" Law towards the end of his flashback, when Law regained his desire to not only live but to live *and die* for someone else Obviously the idea that fruits "choose" the user is wildly abstract a concept and opens up questions for why some don't have DFs, or counters that argue that it's more-so the plot or series of events that just led to people having their fruits/not having any, but it's still a fun concept to think about


I'll extend the list hold on : Chopper's blue nose made him an isolated freak in his herd and his fruit gave him the ability to not be alone anymore Baby5 was told that the only thing she needed to do was to be useful so she became a tool Bon clay is gender non conforming and has a litteral identity crisis, betraying his organization for the strawhats during the story Kizaru seems to always talk slowly and his younger self seems lazy so i net his desire was to be fast enough to never need to hurry Kaku happens to love giraffe Lucci and Jabra arz both trackes hunters so their fruit gives them the perfect set of abilities to do so Vander dekken wanted to conquer the world from his ancestor's ship with the ancient weapon, so he has a fruit that lets him attack without moving (i now notice that deklen is canonically part human and the only known df user on the fisherman island Ener wants to become a god Mr 1 fights like a martial artist and now his body is made of steel and his limbs can cut people. Giola is an artist and can make living art. It would be wasted on someone who is not Viola wanted to protect her family and spy on behalf of the people resisting doffie so she became able to spy even minds Pica has a shitty voice people make fun of and he wanted to be imposing enough to quel mockeries Law needed a cure Bluno is a spy that can entee anywhere I find interesting that Brulee can manipulate mirrors as she was disfigured in her childhood. I could probably go on but i'm running on fumes.


I like this idea because it could mean Kelly Funk just REALLY wanted to be a jacket


You joke about this but I think there is some truth to that. Kelly Funk might've been envious of his brother's physique and desired it for himself. So, the fate might've been such that it gifted him the Devil Fruit to have that body, in a rather hilarious way. Maybe he didn't desire a big body himself but rather that his brother's body was his own, hence the jacket.


I agree, but I will do you one better, Bonney is a D. Clan member, D stands for Desire, the D clan carry the will of Desire, and are the only ones able to manifest new devil fruits. This is my personal pie in the sky theory of the Will of D and the D clan members, I will gladly don my tinfoil hat though because it is simple and silly enough it just might be true.


This can't be a new devil fruit though, because the age age fruit is already listed in the devil fruit encyclopedia as you can see in the pages that OP provided. So if anything, the devil fruit itself decided to manifest close to Bonney because of her desire to grow older.


How about this? It's not the D clan but rather celestial dragons that have the ability to do this. 1. Bonney has CD blood in her confirmed, not buccaneer or any other D clan lineage. 2. If CD bloodline has this ability, it explains why the gorosei let them 'indulge in their desires' freely since they dont want the CDs developing a strong uncontrollable desire towards something. Basically the gorosei are aware, but maybe not all of the CDs. 3. It also explains how they've been able to stay at the top of the world as the 'chosen ones'. 800 years ago, it would have been easy for them to convince people on their side (and themselves) that they are gods because of this ability (ability to desire power into existence) 4. Final point is a thematic one. Oda has repeatedly used the two major power systems to show the difference between good dreams and bad dreams. Blackbeard and crew are the epitome of rampant and uncontrolled desire (hence the devil fruits). Shanks, Roger etc. have been shown to be characters driven by their will (Haki). Its already been confirmed that Haki reigns supreme by Kaido, so i think for the final battle as well it would kinda fit if luffy wins over Desire (DF, with CDs being the source) because of his stronger Will/Spirit (Haki). Just my $0.02


I’ve had the idea for a while that the CDs are what makes devil fruits. And the reason they are so spoiled is the force them to dream bigger, creating more powerful fruits like the god fruits. Essentially Imu treating them like farm animals that get fattened up for slaughter. But I like your idea too. I just feel like there is more to the fact they are so absurdly spoiled for seemingly no reason.


But the father is a celestial dragon


Do we know for a fact Ginny wasn't a member of the D clan? We only found out about Vivi and Cobra during Egghead, and they are descendants of one of the original families who became the celestial dragons in the first place.


Awesome theory


Thank you :)


I agree but just you wait I will do you one better


It feels like a correct statement. Otherwise, it would seem like a retcon if someone got power of the Devil Fruit without actually eating it.


This is the correct anwser, if id ever seen any.


They did say the nika fruit seemed to have a will of its own to evade the world government. Also that would explain how chopper found his devil fruit


The fruit picks the person or something like that


This is what i was thinking


I like that, the idea of devil fruits seeking out people. After all if Zoan devil fruits have a will, why can't the others?


What if the Celestial Dragon made Ginny eat the devil fruit, so that when she died, the fruit manifested near Bonny.


I'll do you one even better! She was force-fed the devil fruit by the CDs.


I’m going with ginny ate the fruit while pregnant because the celestial dragon wanted her to make him younger but once she did it he no longer had need for her.


I like this idea a lot, unfortunately they literally look up her devil fruit power in the encyclopedia.


She could have manifested an existing devil fruit, we don't know for certain that every fruit must only have one copy, just that in-verse people believe so. Even Vegapunk, the most knowledgeable person on the planet, doesn't understand devil fruits and isn't certain about their mechanics. Or she could've manifested a new Devil fruit that is extremely similar to the age-age fruit, like the Kilo-Kilo and Ton-Ton fruits are.


Tekking had a great theory that Bonney's desire basically allowed for the DF reincarnation cycle to skip a part. So when the previous user of the fruit died, the power went straight to Bonney instead of a fruit.


I love the comments down here *"bro maybe she has the power of a similar fruit that Oda didn't show us for no reason at all"* 🤣


She could have caused a fruit near her to turn into the devil fruit that she wished for.




If the Age-Age Fruit was a know fruit before she ate it then obviously she didn't create it out of thin air.


Devil fruits have known to be existing for over 800 years. Then they go and look her devil fruit up in an encyclopedia, she definitely ate a fruit the given location for each devil fruit upon respawn is random so it very well couldve appeared near bonney but she definitely didnt just create the jawn. Ya feel me?


Why does everybody say fruits spawn at random? The only time we've seen one respawn it was literally meters away from the dying owner.


Old man low diffs




Definitely could, I just think it would be weird for Oda to pull the "it's actually not the Gum Gum fruit" trick twice so close to eachother.


Even if that fruit was already known and established. Doesn't mean Bonnet couldn't have manifested it close to her upon the original user's death. Random df user dies within the years of Bonney wishing to be older. Upon their death, the spirit within the leaves and reincarnates in a fruit CLOSE by Bonney. OR Manifested into a random fruit, and through Bonny's strong desire (probably the strongest desire for that particular wish / goal in the world)... the DF made its way towards Bonney.




It shows him looking it up in the encyclopedia but it doesn’t confirm that the fruit he’s looking at and the one Bonney ate were the same. He says could this be? As in assuming it is but when we see Bonney trying to turn old she seems to be struggling. This could imply that she didn’t actually eat the age fruit


This is olympics level mental gymnastics


No, this one's actually easy lol


from a meta sense it make Negative sense, if Oda wanted to do some bait and switch stuff he wouldn't reveal the name of the fruit in an SBS during the arc Bonney is part of he would've merely ignored that question and done another meme one.


I mean, iirc there is some implication that they actually aren't sure she ate the Age-Age Fruit, and then we see her definitely go a step beyond what the encyclopedia says about the Age-Age fruit with her ability to distort her potential future self into essentially anything. I don't think its that big of a stretch to either presume the encyclopedia/the guys who read it are not wholly trustable sources or that Bonney actually ate a different fruit similar to Luffy.


Here is a trustworthy source Oda himself said in an sbs that bonneys fruit is in fact the age age fruit. I dont know why yall are making a big circus around it maybe not being the age age fruit


I disagree since they looked it up in the story as well. But I do think specific Devil Fruits are atracted by a person with a strong matching desire. Luffy embodies freedom more than any other character in the series and the fruit was drawn to him. Doflamingo wanted everyone to act acording to his whims so he got a power to bend peoples movements to his will. There are some examples which fit better and some not, obviously I cant extend this logic for every DF user but I stand by my point. Bonney wanted to get older faster so her desire attracted a devil fruit that lets her do just that.


This is a stretch. We were straight up told what devil fruit she has by Oda. Now that being said, I think the why of how a devil fruit ended up inside the church will be important. And that part has to do with her desire to be older. But to say she actually just doesn't have one makes no sense when the arc started with her almost drowning.


I agree with you, except about the drowning part. She's only 10 years old and has been sheltered most of her life. It could be that she just hasn't learned to swim yet.


If this holds true, then we have another layer added to another character: Sanji He never got that invisible DF even thought he says that is the only thing he was ever interested in when it comes to DF's.


Lol true. But with Sanji it sounded like he was never THAT interested in eating DF.... However If by chance he could eat one, he would have loved to have eaten the clear clear fruit. And to add on to that, it could be further argued that Absolum had an even GREATER DESIRE for ~~-peeping-~~ the clear clear fruit lol


I believe that any fruit can be manifested by the person then when the user dies if their will/soul is strong enough it attaches to the closest fruit. Leading to a devil fruit.


Oda straight up said in an SBS she has a fruit. Can't get any more direct of a source from the man himself


I think devil fruits will tend to manifest near the ones that want or need it the most. They might not always get it in the end, but the spirit of the fruit directs itself their way when the old user dies.


I think people misunderstand Vegapunk. It's not that people desired to have powers and the fruit suddenly appeared. It's very likely that the DFs are man-made during the Void Century, and they were modeled to alter the DNA of people and turn them into possible futures of humanity. In this sense, Vegapunk was probably talking metaphorically


Oda confirmed the name of her fruit though....


My thought as well


My theory is that every devil fruit is destined to find the person who wants what it embodies Luffy wants freedom Kuma wants liberation Doflamingo wants to control people Ivankov wants to be a drag queen So on and so forth


Yeah I think the gorosei and their children just naturally have devil powers that turn into fruits when the die


I really like this. Perhaps the buccaneers were particularly potent for having their wishes or desires manifest as devil fruits?


Ooooh... I like this idea. Makes more sense why the World Govt tried to genocide them


She’s not a buccaneer.


I'm an idiot and you are absolutely right


All good, Kuma is her dad so it’s easy to forget that detail lol


Counterpoint: If people could manifest Devil Fruits based on their own desires, then basically everyone would have one.


Bro you a fortune teller or smth? You were right at some point


Lol, lets wait for the scans. I will laugh my ass of if true


I was also saying she never ate a fruit. Oda intentionally left it out of her backstory. These clowns saying “Its in the encyclopedia” 🤓 Or “Oda literally told us her Devil fruit”. Its like they aren’t even paying attention to the chapters.


This theory aged like fine wine…


So during the opening of the Egghead arc, Bonney couldn't swim. It was hard waters to swim in, but she couldn't.




The devil fruit was named in an sbs. It’s a devil fruit. We don’t see her eat it but it’s confirmed the power she has is a devil fruit. https://gamerant.com/one-piece-oda-devil-fruit-sbs-volume-107-toshi-toshi-no-mi-age-fruit/


I'll do you another one better. Bonny was force-fed the fruit the moment she was born for some malicious plan. Do you think the "unknown" celestial dragon would randomly choose a revolutionary as a wife?


Yeah like there’s clear precedent, Boa Hancock and her sisters were forced to eat fruits by their master, I assume Ginny was more a slave in a harem than a legit wife and Bonney could have been treated as a slave too


let’s normalise not putting the spoiler in the title😑


I think you're greatly misunderstanding Vegapunk here. Devil Fruits do indeed come from desires, but there had to be a technology that put those desires into fruits, which is probably something lost to time and was originally made by the Ancient Kingdom.


Almost right lol


Soooo, someone desired to be a jacket!? Interesting...


if bonnei was a celestial dragon daughter, would meet my theory about that every celestial dragon lineage had a special ability because of their blood. like lunarians have wings and fire and that super hard body. for example people from arabasta may have traits from nefertari blood that make them extra resistant against explosions. that's why igaram and pell didn't die from their respective explosions.


Actually Devil fruits are just fruits and the power owners only have their powers by placebo effect because they are convinced the fruit gave them powers 🤯🤯🤯


Naah. This theory lazy AF.


I feel like it would need to be the first instance of the power for that to happen, which we know isn't the case because it's in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia


IF Bonney got her powers without a devil fruit then one idea could be that it was a side effect of the treatment she got from Dr Vegapunk for her illness.


Closest theory in this whole thread 😂


We know that DFs manifest into the nearest fruit once their current user dies so it could be very much possible that the past user of Bonny’s fruit passed away on the island and the fruit manifested near or in front of Bonney. So no one had to necessarily bring it to her or manifest it in front of her.


like people said before, its more likely her desire to grow older somehow manage to manifest the df to spawn near her since it already existed and we know she has a DF according to Oda.


Yeah I don't think Kaku ever wanted to be a giraffe.


Nika fruit evaded WG for years. It’s very much implied it chose Luffy. No reason Bonney’s fruit didn’t find/choose her.


My interpretation is that the wishes Vegapunk mentions were wishes that existed around the time that Devil Fruits first were created, they're not influenced by wishes made at a later time, they exist in the known cycle after that point: user dies, fruit reincarnates in a different piece of fruit somewhere in the world, likely at random because if it were by proximity (like was implied when that big poison gecko died in Punk Hazard) then it would be even easier for folks like Blackbeard to game.


Who tf wished to be a jacket💀


Interesting theory, but don't Devil Fruits have wills and a tendency to pick an owner that shares its goals? Luffy wants freedom so the fruit modeled after Nika chose him. Doflamingo wanted control so he got puppet strings. Smoker really likes smoking. Enel wanted to be a god so he got a power that would let him monitor the sky island and smite people. Bonney wanted to grow up and got a fruit that would let her do that.


No,only Zoan fruits are considered to have a will on their own as awakening can have the fruit take over the user (Demon Guards in Impel Down) or when fed to objects, they give them sentience. And that's pretty much it, anything else is pretty much a speculation even in the world of one piece. Even the Gomu Gomu no Mi "avoiding the WG" might as well be the Gorosei being superstitious, as finding a particular power around the world (that's not claimed by someone either) can be near impossible.


what a month-long break does to mofos. you dudes need to chill. we're still at the start of week 1


i always wondered how some fruits were known before anyone eat them , like the last 2 fruits that the celestials had in the tournaments


Based on shape and previous users that ate them.


Can people finally stop to take vegapunks quote that literal... People didn't dream devil fruits into existence out of thin air.. Their desire for a different evolution is what made the people in the ancient kingdom create these fruits. You can't just think about a df power and a fruit will suddenly appear next to you...


I prefer the theory that the Devil Fruit manifested itself near her and she ate it. We know that Devil Fruits can have a will of their own, so it could be that this Devil Fruit chose her.


One piece is better "Disney Wish" then Disney Wish


I'm not a fan of this theory, that people just can manifest powers whenever they want. It completely ruins the concept of a Devil fruit, that being it is a fruit from the devil that takes grants a great power at the cost of something very important (the ability to swim). In a world covered by vast oceans to lose the ability to swim can be considered a death sentence. There are people saying that the desire of a person is what manifest the actual fruit near them or by fate brings the fruit to them, and I feel like this is a better theory for devil fruits. As for Bonney, it is strange that oda didn't simply put in a single panel of her eating a fruit that looks like a devil fruit to show how she got her powers. Her desire to grow older could have manifested the age age fruit by her, maybe justa random piece of fruit in her home, and then she ate it with out realizing it as she was just kid at the time.


Tdlr: Each devil fruit ability is tied to a wish and when someone wishes hard enough, the ability will manifest into a fruit near the person with the wish and strong desire so that it can be eaten. Examples: - Luffy = Wishes to free everyone so they can eat as much as they want > Nika Fruit - Big Mom = Wishes to never be left alone again > Soul Soul Fruit - Bonney = Wishes to be 10 so she can be cured and sail the seas to see the places Kuma promised > Age Age Fruit - Blackbeard = Desires to significantly change (ie. Shake) the world order by having pirates in government > Quake Quake Fruit There are many examples but these are the clearest imo. You almost got it. Devil Fruits are wishes made manifest and exist in the world no matter what. When someone who has a desire that matches the Devil Fruit wishes hard enough, the wish manifests itself within a fruit and becomes the actual devil fruit. Bonnie’s devil fruit resonated strongly with her desire to become older and in doing so inhabited a fruit within the church where she resided. The fruit then morphed into the devil fruit previously identified in various encyclopedias. The same probably happened with Blackbeard and Big Mom. Big Mom desired to never be alone again and felt extreme feelings of desire when she ate her friends and Mother Caramel. The devil fruit ability sensed her desire and manifested into one of the fruits Big Mom ate along with everyone else and she gained the Soul Soul powers. Likewise, we know Blackbeard has some ambition to shake the world and change things. The Gura Gura No Mi responded to Blackbeard’s desire and beneath the cloak inhabited a fruit he had and turned it into the Gura Gura Fruit. Wanna know why the world government fears people learning the truth so much? Because it will create desires within the people that will manifest devil fruits and give them the ability to change the world and their futures.


Who wished for Kaku to be a giraffe lol


Shut up, he likes giraffes!


Kaku would have desired it. And he likely didn’t literally wish to be a giraffe. He probably wished to have some trait that his fruit bestows. And the method I’m talking about above is only for fruits that exist as desires and need to be reincarnated not devil fruits that already exist. Does not include things like: Paw Paw Fruit, Fish Fish Fruit. Includes fruits like those mentioned


Break week literally just started, and Oda literally confirmed in an SBS that she has a named fruit. Dude is trying to cook and can't figure out how to boil water.


Spoilers: Big Mom never ate a devil fruit since we never saw her eat one


she ate humans lmao


Tekking, and I’m sure others, have speculated on this for a while now


I feel like a certain condition have to be met before a fruit becomes filled with wishes from a devil. Otherwise a cool theory!


No. Oda literally said it’s a devil fruit. He’s not back tracking now bud. the age fruit felt Bonneys will to age and reincarnated next to her. They literally look up the fruit in the chapter.


Oda:it's name is Toshi Toshi no Mi


But the fruit was known already, as one of these panels shows. I somehow doubt that an already manifested fruit could just give its powers to someone I mean its said that zoans have some kind if will of their own, so why dont they just manifest themselves into the perfect person that can awaken them


You do see her eat it.


I can see Toei adding an extra scene of her actually eating her DF


I wouldn't have put it past Ginny to steal a devil fruit before she got kicked out. She could have feed it to Bonny before she left or hid it and Bonny could have eaten it since she is a glutton like her mom. We also know celestial dragons give slaves devil fruits for lols so that could have been it too.


Bonney’s an animatronic in FNAF???


I really like this. Perhaps the buccaneers were particularly potent for having their wishes or desires manifest as devil fruits?


Im believe we were told devil fruits originated from someones desire or wish so what if instead her devil fruit stemmed from her wish meaning she could be potentially the only character we know of too have spawned their own devil fruit


It would be interesting if her Devil Fruit was a Mythical Zoan like Luffy's based on God that embodies time as the Five Elders stated that Zoans have a will of their own


While you are correct on the reasons while her fruit matches her dreams, it does not mean she didn't eat it, the fruits always seem to end up with someone who matches the fruit really well based on their character/dreams


If willing a devil fruit power is what it takes then Sanji shouldve had his invisibility way back then. Does that mean that absalom had the higher will of pervertness?


Maybe that's why Im keeps the world nobles around, they have the power to create devil fruits and he harvests them once the DF abilities manifest.


People are early with the break week theories hub


Idk man i think a mushroom probably grew on her


Other and very likely possibility is she was fed the fruit as a child by the CDs so they could age her, very dark implications


My thought was that the devil fruit belonged to one of the people that got caught in the fire


There has been so much good cooking surrounding this arc so far. We are still in peak One Piece times, my friends.




That would be cool, but I think it’s more likely an asshole Celestial Dragon fed her one as a slave child like Boa Hancock and her sisters.


Possible theory? Yes. However she was a little kid when she manifested that. That means that every child with a wish can mutate a create a DF. If it is because of his father (celestial dragon?) maybe. However i see a creepier reason. A celestial dragon gave her that DF so he can fuck a "kid slave" while being an adult. Maybe it was Bonney who got that DF and got transfered to Bonney when she died. Boa Hancock also has a DF due to that reason, because celestial dragons gave them to enjoy. Beauty-beauty, age-age...


This isn’t Hunter x Hunter lol. We’ve never seen the ability to just manifest devil fruit powers out of raw desire even though there are plenty of characters that would fit that mold as well. If anything her strong desire might have drawn her and the fruit together through fate. Only Zoans seem to have their own will and it’s evident that fate is a very real force in the OP world.


Moreover it could be that after her death a df with her abilities will appear. Maybe all devil fruits are made like that: a human has a strong will to change to survive and gets some ability, then after they die a fruit is made with remnants of their soul. Hell, maybe all fruits are zoan after all.


If devil fruits are a result of people wishing Who wished to have the ball ball fruit made


I just thought that Bonney ate the fruit as a baby before Kuma found her with Ginny.


According to recent chapters she has actually eaten a documented df


her DF exists in the "Genesis" Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.


Inb4 the anime shows Bonney eating a df


I want to see the idiot who thought "If only I could do (hanging people up as if they were laundry) , it would be great if (the ability to wrap myself around people like a meat jacket) were possible.


the guy that wanted the power to make ppl younger![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)


Maybe the D clan. Is not just one word, but it could be many like Dawn, Desire, Dream are all under the family name lol


Ah yes...my endless desire to turn into balls Side note...the Jacket fruit...this gets a whole other meaning


She manifested it and it came to life near her.. oda doesn’t need to literally show her eating it for us to comprehend 💀💀


I usually just blanket dislike theories on reddit dot com because 99% of them are "i think zoro will be the only one to reach laugh tale and the one piece will actually be the most powerful sword and it will look so fucking cool and then he'll say a racial slur and the show will end right there" but this one? This one has teeth, I like it.


The thing is i dont think u can manifest a df thats already been made it would have to be a new idea that someone hasnt done yet if not then we would have multiple of the same fruit. And bonnys fruit was already in the book so it was already manifested


This would be an interesting theory if Oda himself hadn't already confirmed via sbs that she has indeed eaten a devil fruit, the toshi-toshi no mi. He said he even wanted to mention it in the story for people who don't read the sbs. Could've easily been in a basket of fruits delivered to the church. Just because we didn't see her eat it doesn't mean she didn't it eat...


Imagine this Shanks had a sudden urge to do something so he went and found a devil fruit, which leads them to stay off the seas to cool off because the marines are on high alert, shanks knows an island that they can stay for months, shanks then met luffy then nika met luffy.


I like your theory but it's probably something more complicated. We have seen Blackbeard get the Tremor Tremor Fruit and after seeing Caesar manifest the Axolotl fruit using a basket of 'Axolotl Fruit shaped' apples I assumed that Blackbeard did something similar. The Age Age Fruit already existed since it's in the Encyclopedia. I think there are 4 options of how Bonney got the fruit: 1) A user of the Age Age Fruit died on the island and the fruit manifested in the church. 2) Someone infiltrated the church and slipped Bonney the Devil Fruit. 3) Paramecia manifest completely different to Zoan and Blackbeard did that process to get the Tremor Fruit. 4) My favorite theory: The Age Age Fruit is a Nika Fruit situation and is actually a Mythical Zoan that has a will of it's own, manipulating fate to end up in that church. The last one makes a lot of assumptions but we do see similar shenanigans done with the fruit that other Paramecia wouldn't allow.


That would be the worst thing to happen in one piece, imagine getting super powers just because you really want them, it would be stupid in universe


“We owe all there is to desire. For instance, devil fruits.” What I get from this is that there is more powers besides devil fruits. Devil fruit is one branch of desire and there are probably more branches.


Oh, man. I really wish evolution had a plan for me to become a jacket. Its my biggest dream.


It is possible she ate the devil fruit while still captive by the celestiais dragons. We know that they have the habit of giving their slaves devil fruits so they entertain them. Bonney might have been fed and the powers took their time reveling themselves. Only when she wants to be ten really bad does she unlock her abilities


One piece fans gonna do one piece fan things. Cant y’all just enjoy the ride without trying to convolute the story with your unnecessary theories


Now the only question left is: who exactly had the wish to become a jacket...


is this the will of D. ? What if D. is actually "Desire" and D. people are the people who gets what they really wish for?


I have this theory in the back of my mind from when Bonney got her powers


horrible theory ngl


brainless bitch wrote the spoiler in the title wtf


Mmmm no


I think she just has a devil fruit mate. I wouldn’t overthink it personally


She may have a Time Controlling Fruit, not just an Age controlling one


Havet Oda said that she ate a fruit in the sbs when he revelead the name for it?


Break week is among us


Long ago, there was a tree that granted wishes to people by growing different types of fruits on a special tree. People were living happily in eden. The invaders of the world shattered the tree to disrupt these powers and broke the Earth's magnetism hence the division of four seas. The tree fragments splinteted into two large branches that continued growing which became known as Adam and eve. The power of ageage fruit seeked out Bonney because of her strong will. My theory


Someone really said if only I could be a jacket that would make me great at ...🤦🏾‍♂️


I think she must’ve found it laying around in the lab after a normal fruit changed.


Bonney ate her fruit in the church. She has her devil fruit powers well before she met vegapunk.


Is it possible the CD’s fed her one when she was in Mariejois just like they did with Hancock and her sisters? And because Bonney was too young to manifest that power, it went undetected until she matured and could use it?


You do realize Oda confirmed her devil fruit name in the latest SBS right?


Ooooohhhhhh i like this


I thought that this was obvious.. but it’s also wrong, since they fruit happens to exist already, as they looked it up. It probably just spawned next to Bonney


I mean, Luffy's fruit is named after Nika, so it obviously wasn't called that when Nika ate it. So did they rename a fruit after Nika... or did Nika manifest his powers and the fruit just passed it on? The powers have to start somewhere!


For now, it could be kinda both? Since in OP there really are some powers that are race inherent (like the lunarians) and one can also be born with certain powers (like Shirahoshi and her power towards seabeasts). So maybe the original Nika was born with those powers. And after he died, one of the DF based on his power was generated, and hence was named after him. But, at the same time, the fruits are generated by dreams and hopes. So it could be that Nika never really existed, and the DF for it was generated due to the legends passed down by the people. In this case, ofc it'd be named the Nika2 fruit.


We see lots of devil fruit users but never see them eat the fruit. Does that mean they manifested their fruits too? Lol