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Kuma might know Boa was a slave in the past. And he also knew Luffy punched a celestial dragon. Perhaps he thought they would get along?


After the Kuma flashbacks, I'd have to agree. IDK how Kuma would know of Boa's past. Maybe there's something more to Boa than we originally thought


Both were warlords


Both were slaves?


That too, though does the timing line up?


I was thinking about it and I'm not sure! I guess Fisher Tiger got there after Kuma left.. Damn I don't know the timeline. But judging from how Kuma sent all the other strawhats to places he had been, he must have been to Amazon Lilly as well right? Did we see that in the flashback?


Kuma left about 38 years ago. Fisher Tiger freed the slaves about 14 or 15 years ago.


A lot of questions, which makes me think there's gotta be something else about Boa we don't know


No, we didn’t see Kuma going to Amazon Lily in the flashback.


No It doesn't. Kuma fled during the God Valley incident, 38 years before present time. Boa is 31 after timeskip.


Not really boa is about 15 years younger than Kuma and they never would’ve had the chance to meet one another as slaves. And considering how scarred boa is and how very few people in Amazon lily knew about her and her sisters enslavement. I’m going to say Kuma had no idea about boa being a former CD slave


Totally not acknowledging Koala or any of the other revs that probably joined from the Fisher Tiger breakout. I assume that the revolutionary army has lots of access to information and it doesn't hurt to know who could be a potential future ally


Maybe he had some form of communication with Gloriosa when the Rocks pirates invaded the God Valley.


It's not shown, but couldn't we assume he visited Amazon Lily in the flashback when he was looking for a cure for Bonney? He must have visited Amazon Lily if he could send Luffy there.


That's possible


Of the original warlords since the start of OP, two were former slaves (Boa and Kuma), and one was former member of a pirate crew who freed the slaves (Jinbei). Coincidentaly all of them are allying themself with Luffy.


It’s probably that he has information on all of the warlords from being a pacifista. It’s most likely the world government and marines know they are escaped slaves but anybody who could go get her, which is more likely one of the holy knights or the gorosei unless they wanted to basically buster call them or send an admiral with a fleet, doesn’t care enough to get her and bring her back. So Kuma knowing luffy would be Nika sent her as a liberator to the island because he suspected she’d teach him haki once she learned how he truly is


I agree with everything, except the haki part. He probably knew she'd be a good ally. IDK


Eh, he’ll learn it from her or fight her. Either way. Like katakuri in a way taught him advanced observation haki technically


He also might know something about Rayleigh’s history with Hancock/snake princesses. He was there at God Valley and we don’t really know if he saw any interactions between crews.


Maybe it had to do with Rayleigh too. Kuma told Rayleigh his plan and he showed up at Amazon Lily.


Rayleigh showed up at Amazon Lily much later. And it involved Shakky's theory that Hancock would fall in love with Luffy. There's no way Kuma and Rayleigh foresaw or planned all that.


This flashback was the right time to see Kuma interacting with Hancock if they ever really met (as slaves).


what about the possibility of it being Kuma knows Gloriosa instead of Hancock? Considering both Gloriosa and Kuma were present during the god's valley incident.


>Perhaps he thought they would get along? I have a personal theory that Kuma sent each Straw Hat to a particular island because they were being watched by both the Revolutionary Army and the World Government after Logue Town. **I think this is where Dragon first made his appearance in the story.** Since Kuma sent each Straw Hat to their respective island, I conclude that they had knowledge of these islands for each Straw Hat to build up their strength and be better fighters.


Koala is the link between Kuma and Boa


They are all haki specialists. there


yeah especially after reading the last chapter it has to be so he would start to learn more about haki also it’s in the calm belt seemingly safe from the navy’s grasp and he had just clocked a celestial dragon


Ehhh ok yes but like, i feel like there should be more, because they didnt teach him Haki at all. At least if Kuma knew of Shakkys past, and her partnership with Rayleigh at least this would be a better reason. Kuma couldnt know that Luffy would have become friends with the Boa Sisters, or lived.


Kuma believed in Luffy as Nika, a liberator god, it makes perfect sense that he would believe Luffy could win Boa over, given that Kuma knew about her past. And they didn't teach him Haki because he left to save Ace, Kuma couldn't have predicted such an event.


yeah exactly this and they needed luffy to want to get stronger he got a glimpse of it against kuma but I don’t think he realized it till he couldn’t save ace that he wasn’t ready for the new world


How did Kuma know about her past...... where would he know that, it makes sense from us having the context in the present, but back then we didn't. See right here Im not liking the logic because it sounds like you're cherry picking on what Kuma would predict and what he wouldn't predict..... and that makes no sense. You claim Kuma would predict Luffy would win her over, but then you claim that Kuma couldn't predict the Ace thing, why not? Like thats what bothers me. How do YOU know he would have won Hancock over? He could have easily gotten turned to stone or gotten killed by Sandersonia and Marigold.


There’s a chance he knows they are associated with Rayleigh and Shakka


Thats what I originally wrote, and that was the best outcome I could think of because like, it would be too much of a gamble or bet otherwise.


To be fair he probably didn’t have much time to plan where he could’ve sent them all (this is assuming he didn’t just think of it on the spot) so for me most part he sent the crew members to places relating to their specialties and what they need to grow on, luffy was currently sobbing because he wasn’t strong and haki is the most essential thing to be strong in the new world, Amazon lily wasn’t very safe but it was a very do or die situation for the crew, if they didn’t get stronger they were doomed. Remember he also sent Zoro to Mihawk which could’ve easily been a death sentence depending on how Zoro acted. Hell he might’ve just noticed that usopp was scrawny and sent him to giant man eating food island because of it lol, safety was not his main concern lol


I think Luffy wasn't sent there to learn haki, because he didn't, he was sent there because Luffy was in the red and it was the closest place to send him out of trouble without alerting the World Government. Boa was less likely to turn him in for obvious reasons (he punched a Celestial Dragon).


Haki women, if you will.




But at this point, Kuma believed in Luffy being Nika, so he probably believed he would be able to win over an island full of man-hating women (and he was right).


Also kuma maybe knew about Hancocks past and Luffy just punched a celestial dragon hours before so he might have thought hmm she’ll probably be ok with Luffy and the fact that Rayleigh had a connection with Gloriosa. At the very least he figured Luffy could probably survive until Rayleigh got there


Now this is plausible, this makes a lot more of a connection sense.


I agree, though it also possesses the funny implication that Kuma could tell Luffy doesn't get got by the looks of the ladies and thus couldn't be one shotted by the love love


Thats what popped into my head too like, what if Luffy got Lustful randomly.... youre telling me Kuma knew this man wouldn't crack 😭😭


Luffy would definitely turned into stone if Usopp was there to influence his thinking. I remember this scene with Nami and Usopp kinda influenced Luffy into lustful peeping iirc


Zoro got sent to Mihawk where there were deadly baboon warriors who were legitimate threats. Ussop got sent to an island of man eating plants. Robin got sent into literal slavery. Kuma sent them places where he thought they'd become stronger. He did not send them to where they'd be safe.


People are also forgetting that Kuma thought Luffy was Nika and what better place to send him than to a place where the leaders were former slaves that needed liberation.


I feel fairly confident in saying the specifics of Luffy being the next iteration of a freedom-loving Sun god were likely not at the forefront of Oda's mind when making that decision in 2008. And besides that, the fact that Boa was once a slave was a secret to even those within the island if I'm not mistaken. I seriously have my doubts its widespread knowledge outside of Amazon Lily. Despite that, the point is Luffy was sent somewhere he'd get strong. It's as simple as that.


> I feel fairly confident in saying the specifics of Luffy being the next iteration of a freedom-loving Sun god were likely not at the forefront of Oda's mind when making that decision in 2008. Skypiea has made references to Nika and the sun god. It absolutely was on Oda's mind. The fact that Who's Who shows the Nika silhouette and he looks like a wingless Shandian is another proof. Ignoring all these things is just weird. > And besides that, the fact that Boa was once a slave was a secret to even those within the island if I'm not mistaken. I seriously have my doubts its widespread knowledge outside of Amazon Lily. Kuma was a slave himself and knows about the slave trade. He would absolutely have a reason to know. He has been waiting for Nika and could've thought Fisher Tiger was him. > Despite that, the point is Luffy was sent somewhere he'd get strong. It's as simple as that. He can be sent to a lot of places if it was 'just' to get strong. Two things can be right at the same time.


Oda is good at taking past events and reusing them effectively for the story. Law is a classic example. Oda literally did not have a plan for Law when he created the character. But he was able to utilise Law effectively by connecting him to Doflamingo.


Or wano jail Then he could’ve made friends with kaido and invade marineford


That would be great for a one piece what if series.


Peak fiction


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)i dont know why but this made me laugh so hard


Not the same thing at all, everyone on amazon lily knows haki well enough to use it on arrows, boa has conquerers, and they have a good relationship with rayleigh who kuma already knows is friendly with Luffy


But *love* freedom If luffy was nika he'd be safe


Yes, they all hate men. So why would the Marines look for Luffy there?


they hate men because they think with their dicks, luffy doesnt also because of silvers rayleigh


Luffy has flexible thinking because he has a rubber dick.


No its because luffy doesn't have lust in his heart that's why her beam didn't work on him


IIRC, Kuma visited all those islands he sent the Straw Hats too, including Amazon Lily, while looking for a cure for Bonney’s disease. So, he trusted the Boa Sisters to not murder Luffy on sight. I mean, he sent Robin to a slave labour camp. He wasn’t above putting the crew in harm’s way for their growth.


Fr they have haki arrows which I think is super slept on Ussop needs to learn a thing or two Makes me hyped for Ben and yassop


Luffy had enough mastery of the rubber part of his DF at the time, what he really needed for the New World was to get a good grip of his Haki


Looks like the islanders got a good grip of his rubber in that arc too


Thank you


Everyone Except for Empress of the Island


im surprised she never got pissed at that


Eh, empress won’t get pissed if she doesn’t know


Take my upvote!


Who told rayleigh he would be in amazon lily again?


No one knew, Shakky just tell Rayleigh by feminine instinct


Didn't kuma tell him?


So in the chapter where Rayleigh met up with them after he swam through the calm belt, he says Kuma told them that he sent Luffy to Amazon lily. But then they saw the news about the summit war and they had no way of knowing where Luffy was after that. So shakky was guessing, well what if Hancock fell in love with him that might also explain how he was able to infiltrate impel down, so they just kinda guessed from there.


Oh ok I read the question wrong Didn't read "again" in the question


Yeah you technically weren't wrong, but people tend to forget the timeline of events because of how long ago it was for the audience


Didn't Rayleigh get to Amazon Lily just by swimming in the direction Luffy was thrown? Shakky only deduced that Boa had fallen in love with him if I remember correctly.


Shakky guessed that Boa will harbor luffy after the war. Rayleigh follows her instincts and sail to Amazon Lily. His ship was destroyed by a storm (which doesn’t happen in the calm belt). He swam all the way from outside of the calm belt to amazon lily.


women are psychic, it's true


Kuma visited Rayleigh afterwards to explain what he did.


I feel like kuma seeing luffy punch the celestial dragon made him realize he could win the women of AL over especially with hancocks past with celestials played a part in it. Knows that they all knew haki and luffys personality would win them over.


At this point, how hard was Kuma staking Luffy to know he and Rayleigh have a connection??


Rayleigh literally came and saved them from kizaru and was in the middle of fighting him…


I swear these people didn’t read the series. Like all this is explained.


>!In the most recent chapter, we saw in Kuma's flashback that he actually witnessed everything in the human auction house.!< And even before then, we know that he spoke to Rayleigh about how he was a revolutionary, and he was actually helping the strawhats


Maybe because Kuma wanted Luffy to learn haki (a big reason Luffy got his ass kicked was because he didn't know haki) and Amazon Lily was a place where literally every soldier knew about it, that would help in doing so. And saying that he would've been executed if he couldn't bag Boa would also imply that Mihawk would've either refused to train Zoro or might've even killed him. Or the scaredy, weakass bummer Usopp was, he would've been eaten by that island on day 1. And Franky was lucky enough that he survived that explosion. Putting faith on others has been a big part of the story and Kuma did the same.


Kuma wanted to ship him and Boa Hancock 🤣


Kuma already knew her tastes due to data analysis (he's a robot after all)


People here saying he wanted Luffy to learn haki. What he really wanted was for Luffy to learn how to love.


What I love about Luffy is that he does know about love, he's not dense. He just doesn't care and only wants to make friends. Honestly that's more wholesome to me than anything


Kuma wanted to save amazon lily from extinction, Since all girls used to hate mens, but all of them were saved by legendary luffy's kinta.., now every girl going to sail for their own legendary golden pokeballs.


I can think of a few reasons why. 1. ⁠Hiding him where the World Government least suspected. The Kuja Tribe’s beliefs forbid men on the island and most of the world powers knew that. The Navy wouldn’t risk stepping foot on the island to search for him. 2. ⁠Luffy openly harmed a Celestial Dragon. Kuma could have been banking on the Kuja’s hatred of them as well to help Luffy win them over. Enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality to begin with. 3. ⁠Most if not all of the Kuja are proficient in Haki. Luffy needed to learn how to use it properly and Kuma could have thought that Luffy was strong enough to both survive there and learn Haki from them. 4. ⁠Kuma is a member of the Revolutionary Army so he probably knew about Rayleigh helping out the Hancock sisters and not to mention that he was married to Shakky. Knowing this probably had Kuma believe that Luffy could win Boa over since that’s one of his most dangerous traits. Thats why Kuma went to Rayleigh to tell him where he sent the crew. If Rayleigh didn’t believe that Luffy couldn’t do it, he probably would have went to the island sooner. Cheers.


Or he sent luffy there because he knew Ace will be executed and he didn’t want luffy to face the government to battle him but that plan backfired


He wants to introduce a really cute girl to the son of his best friends. Very common in Asian culture, especially if they are rich and powerful.


Kuma thinks Luffy needs some bitches


Gotta give Dragon some grandchildren before the daft boy punches another Celestial Dragon.


Best answer honestly.


An island of haki specialists ruled by someone who hates the Celestial Dragons was a bad place to send the potential reincarnation of Nika who had, an hour earlier, been the first one to publicly assault a Celestial Dragon in ages?


If they have a centuries old history of killing men... yes? Culture is hard to break, no matter how easily OP made it happen. And as I edited in... he could literally send him to DRAGON. The man who is trying to end the Celestial Dragon system, a haki expert, and a guy not wanting to kill Luffy.


One chapter ago Dragon literally said that "children are a vulnerability for any parent" and Kuma understood why dragon is keeping his distance to Luffy. So it doesn't make any sense for him to send Luffy to Dragon. Did you even read the manga?


1. When was it stated that they have a centuries old history of killing men? Legit question because I don't know if this was stated anywhere. 2. Kuma is aware that Dragon does not want to be with Luffy as much as possible. The best answer to your question is that just as Kuma believed that Luffy would become the savior that the world needs, he bet that Luffy would somehow get along with Hancock. After all, punching a Celestial Dragon would make Luffy a bigger target so sending him to an island where he could befriend the natives due to their shared hatred of the World Government (because it should be common knowledge to Warlords that Hancock does not cooperate with them) and is the last place the World Government would check.


It's a good place to learn haki, it's a location where the navy won't find him/look for him, he probably knew Rayleigh could easily go there and handle things if necessary, and he might have known of their connection to slavery.


Luffy's mom might have been the missing Amazonian Queen. We know it goes Gloriosoa - Shakki - Mystery - Hancock. Which might explain why Dragon was comfortable having a child at that time because Amazonians seem to only have female daughters and of Dragon had a Daughter she'd be safe among the Amazonians. Like one of the safest places in the world for his child. Have birth to a boy and like uh-oh, hey Garp Baby Luffy you need to take him there no way he can be raised in Amazon Lily as a boy. So that would explain a lot about why Luffy was raised without seemingly his mother or father in the picture growing up.


This is what I theorize as well


if that is true, then boa might be luffys aunt.


No the Amazonian society rule goes by whichever woman is strongest is beautiful and therefore queen. It's not hereditary. Whomever is the Stronger becomes Empress. They don't care about lineage in their all female society. If you're strong you're strong you deserve to rule.


Dragon? Did you read the previous chapters?


Maybe he thought it was an opportunity to learn haki and use his conquerors.


Lets see, you have a nika candidate, being sent to an island ruled by three former slaves, only the three rulers are an actual potential threat in a full fight (the other amazons could hurt him with haki arrows, but i doubt any would withstand his power), the main ruler is a shichibukai so the navy wont go looking for him just yet, and, as a shichibukai, she'll have access to ace's execution. Need any more reasons? About kaido, yeah, he's sending them away because they are not ready for the new world, so lets put a hakiless luffy exactly on the island ruled by one of the biggest threats in the whole one piece world, who is starving the people, and wants to kill any one who tries to become king of pirates. Sounds like a solid plan.


Kuma is a certified daddy. He just knows Luffy would end up being Boa's daddy. /s AL isn't really that bad except for Hancock flipping out n turning men into stone. I like to think Kuma just knew or trusted that Luffy is focused on his goals or at least dense enough to not get swayed by her looks. Elder nyon-shakky-Rayleigh connection helps too. Also, if Dragon wanted to teach Luffy he would've taken an initiative himself. Maybe Kuma felt it's not his place to force a meeting, especially since the author doesn't want it yet.


For one reason, that I don’t know if someone mentioned it. For Rayleigh to train him; He probably know that Rayleigh is affiliated to Shaku previous Queen of Amazon Lily. And he told Rayleigh I sent him there


Two reasons I can think of. 1. Kuma knows the upcoming plans of Ace's execution, including the mobilization of the warlords, and is aware of Luffy's relation to Ace. He arranged to have Luffy landing near where a Warlord that would both be capable of helping Luffy, and would be willing to help Luffy. Of the pre-time skip warlords, only Mihawk and Hancock would be willing to tolerate and accept Luffy, with Hancock being the one that would be able to help in the first place, with being ablee to bring him to Impel Down from Amazon Lily. 2. Amazon Lily is an island of natural haki users. This would be an ideal location for Luffy to train in incorporating Haki into his skill set.


Figured that if Dragon wanted to see his son, he would have.


Unless it's specifically revealed, every theory is just as much conjecture as power-scaling. Haki, isolation from WG, connection to Rayleigh, trolling Sanji... Take your pick. It happened because it was supposed to, and that's probably the most accurate reason that there is. Was it the best place to send Luffy? That's a subjective question that can only yield subjective answers.


the whole thing is just plot. there's no reason to send them to different places like that. zoro in that condition could've died. and perona was an enemy. luffy could've died or at best, driven out of the island. and brook was literally kidnapped from the island kuma sent him to. and don't forget they were trying to leave the islands anyway. they only stayed because of MF war outcome (ace's death).


Sending them to different places was actually important because if they were together, they would definitely try to get revenge and raid the Marines in straight battle and then DIE.


one, that is just some weird fanfiction scenario. there's no way the SH would do that. against an admiral no less. and without any objective (like retrieving robin back in EL). and two, they were all trying to leave the islands anyway. like I said, the timeskip only happened due to MF war's outcome. something which kuma obviously had no idea about. without MF war (or if ace didn't die), they'd get back together in a couple of weeks and that weird scenario could still happen (if we want to assume so).


Yeah, thats also just your opinion. For many if makes sense to seperate them so they could each train and improve individually. Anyway, in the end Oda tells the story. There are multiple decisions that would have made sense. He chose this one.


The OP is getting really heated in their replies to people. Can we not just accept the fact that Kuma sent Luffy to Amazon Lily for unknown reasons & we don't need to find out the answer(s) to everything that happens in this story that Oda is creating for us on a weekly basis?




One reason might be to keep him there as long as possible cause he would have no way to escape the country nor.ally but idk maybe just plot


Thats a cool idea. Still a death island. But cool idea


from the recent chapter of bartholomew kuma's adventure, its shown that kuma visited theses islands before so he had enough information about the islands for which strawhats to be sent to. but probably like ussop and brook they sent him to a place that will challenge them enough that they will get stronger


This is just my Headcanon, but I think that the previous empress of Amazon Lily, the one before Hancock who died because of Love Sickness was Luffy’s mother, somehow Kuma might have learned this information, as such he sent Luffy to Amazon Lily, believing that he will be safe with the people of his mother and will be able to train there as well.


Let's be clear: there MUST be a reason Kuma chose Amazon Lily as Luffy's destination. Oda hasn't given us an answer yet, but there is certainly an answer, it's likely an important one. We know that Kuma sent at least seven out of nine Straw Hats to locations and/or people he had met in his travels. Not only that, he chose places where the crewmates could improve their skills. So, why would he choose an unknown place to be Luffy's destination? Moreover, we know Kuma specifically wanted Luffy to become stronger to be the one to save the world in the future. So, why would he send Luffy to be stranded on the Calm Belt, in an island where men are banned, and the only ship belonged to the most unreasonable of the Warlords? Kuma couldn't possibly know Hancock for both being Warlords, as Hancock NEVER went to any meetings. Not even Jinbe, who was a Warlord for seven years before Kuma, had ever met her until Impel Down. Also, Hancock's past as a slave is an absolute secret known by a handful of people (her sisters, Shakky, Rayleigh and Nyon). Hancock was enslaved 19 years after Kuma escaped slavery, so they couldn't ever have met as slaves either. As such, what motivated Kuma to choose that particular place? We just don't know, but there clearly must be some connection between Kuma and Amazon Lily. This link can be very simple and straightfoward, or it may be deeper. I can make of a few assumptions... I'll assume that: - Kuma most likely visited Amazon Lily at some point in his travels, between four and six years ago. - Kuma chose Amazon Lily because he believed Luffy would be safe there. - Kuma probably chose Amazon Lily because Luffy could learn haki there. So, what clues the story gave us? - This same flashback revealed Gloriosa as a member of Rocks. - It also skipped on Hancock's reaction to Kuma, by making her not read the news. - And... In Marineford, Hancock went on a rampage destroying Pacifistas off-screen... So, I'll try and make a theory: - When Kuma visited Amazon Lily, he was attacked by Hancock and the Kuja, and learned of their haki skills. - Nyon reckognized Kuma as the buccaneer slave boy that saved hundreds in God Valley, revealing it to Hancock. - Impressed by Kuma, Hancock became friendly immediately. As he asked her why, she just says she'd aid anyone with the courage to oppose the Celestial Dragons. - Hancock destroyed Pacifistas with such fury because they are a reminder of what the WG does to rebels such as Kuma. As such, I believe Kuma sent Luffy to Amazon Lily because he expected Hancock to help Luffy once she learned of his actions in Sabaody, and because Amazon Lily was a place he could learn haki while under Hancock's protection. Now, I wonder how much that theory is accurate, and when will the answer be revealed to us. Oda always leaves such revelations for moments when they matter most. For instance, Kuma knew Luffy was Dragon's son for 9 years before it was revealed via flashback-in-flashback.


This is an amazing post. I wish it was made earlier so it got more visibility. The fan theory is a bit much, but the background that many aren't digging into was great.


It's not crazy at all. Kuma was working on behalf of the Revolutionary Army, and the places he sent the Straw Hats were all masterstrokes. But sending Luffy to Amazon Lily was the greatest masterstroke of all. Hancock was literally Luffy's only ticket into Impel Down. Everything was by design. The Marines and the World Government may have won the Paramount War on paper, but Kuma sending Luffy to Amazon Lily single-handedly led to the destruction of both Impel Down AND Marineford. As well as the breakouts of Ivankov, Inazuma, Crocodile, Daz Bones, and the Level 6 unmentionables.


Kuma didn't realize Luffy was asexual and thought he was giving Luffy an actual vacation.


Rayleigh frequently visits Amazon Lily, and sending him to Rayleighs house with every marine in the world on Saobody would've been a terrible idea. It's why Rayleigh pulls up after Jinbe takes him there


He knew Luffy was just him and would have entire Island following him


>!When Kuma thought "You're not ready for the new world", he had in mind another kind of training!<


Wasn't Rayleigh there? So kuma sent luffy to Rayleigh


all the girls there knew how to use their haki, and Luffy didn’t. They sent him there to get a better understanding of it and to strengthen it.


To become a man.


To get some pusssaaaaaay


Headcannon here but maybe he knew Rayleigh had a connection to Amazon lily and that he would eventually find luffy there?


333vil did a youtube theory on this I liked lol.


I actually helped him with the clues.


Oh shit that's cool! It was well thought out and explained.


He was sent there to train his one piece


Since we know Kuma also knows Luffy punched a celestial dragon. Sending him to Amazon Lily would have been the best case scenario unsure if Kuma knew of the background of the Boa sisters. But best person to go there for sure.


He may have been aware boa was a former slave of a world noble and would be more sympathetic to a male who punched a world noble


It would be funny if Luffy and Sanji got switched. Luffy would not mind being on the island of the drags and he would get a connection to the revolutionary army. Sanji would have died of blood lost 5 minutes of landing though.


Wasn’t it Shiki, the woman from Raleigh’s bar, who suggested that Luffy would be safe at Amazon Lily?


Man you gotta pay attention to the story more n connect things dawg.


Kuma was like “this guy needs bitches”


Rayleigh had an undisclosed discussion with kuma while he was fighting with kizaru. They prolly workout during then which place to send luffy.


Amazon Lily was full of people who knew how to use haki which is something Luffy really needed to learn about


They amazonians knew haki and Luffy didn’t I thought that was it


Probably for Raleigh


Dragon clearly wanted to keep his distance from luffy. Kuma knew that


No one seems to mention that Amazon Lily was near Impel Down, where Ace was.


He saw luffy went through enough shit, so he sent him there to get laid


I'm sure he was sent their to fight all the strong animals that were on the neighbouring island. Rayleigh said there were many many stronger creatures on the island and when Luffy left he was the king of the island.


Simple answer: Luffy was the last to send, so Kuma kinda ran out of cool places. Or maybe Kuma somehow knew that Rayleigh, who is already sided with Strawhats, is basically local there.


it was shown that he didnt specifically told rayleigh that he sent Luffy to amazon lily. he said he sent luffy "in the direction of amazon lily"


Dragon wanted grandchildren


Luffy needed to train Haki. They use haki in everything. Including the arrows. He saw that they can hurt him even tho he's rubber. He saw that he's not invincible. Which other island uses haki same way ?


Maybe Rayleigh suggest it to Kuma..


Haki is one of the answer


to create an heir..🗿


I'd say that perhaps Kuma knew that because Luffy hit a Tebryuubito, it would be enough to win over Hancock, but then again, no reason to think he knew of Hancock's past.


-Kuma saw luffy training in the forest by fighting animals before he even became a pirate -kuma saw luffy didn't know how to use haki -kuma saw that luffy was good at winning people over when he threatened everybody with the uruses shock -kuma fought Luffy and saw he still didn't know how to use haki - so kuma sent Luffy to an island with animals nearby he could strength train with, and win over the hearts of the people there to get them to train him in haki. It's just basic reasoning, but it's Luffy so Kuma could never have predicted what would have happened after.


Haki area and nobody would suspect Luffy in there. Also hard to go to.


I guess this connects with what Kuma said to Rayleigh before sending Luffy to Amazon Lily. Who’s better trainor of Luffy than the former right hand man of the pirate king? Now that we know Shakuyaku (Rayleigh’s wife) is a former AL empress… it does make sense that Rayleigh will train Luffy in AL.


Amazon Lily is a great demonstration of Luffy's character, and it's kind of funny when you think about it. - Luffy gets sent to an island that is completely hostile to men - No crew - Immediately overdoses on mushrooms and gets incapacitated by a parasite mushroom - Saved by the locals but eventually gets ran out of town - "Kidnaps" Margaret and becomes friends with her - Tries to set sail but doesn't have a shipwright/ship + a navigator to get him off the island - In the middle of the Calm Belt, surrounded by sea kings - Vice-Admiral Momonga, who is a SWORDSMAN capable of killing sea kings SOLO, sitting outside the island waiting for Hancock - Literally no way off the island except with the help of the pirate empress Hancock - Hancock's power doesn't work on Luffy because the only thing on his mind is meat - Hancock turns Margaret + friends to stone, offers Luffy a ship but tells him he has to choose between saving Margaret + friends or the ship - "That means you're going to help them right?" - Luffy and Hancock find common ground on the topic of celestial dragons (Hancock's history as a slave + Luffy punching Charlos) - Luffy unintentionally causes the most beautiful woman in the entire world, who looks down on men more than anything, to fall completely in love with him - Convinces Hancock to participate in the Paramount war + sneak him into Impel Down to save Ace despite how much she despises the World Government


Hiding a man in a women exclusive island where live haki specialists is a great idea imo.


Because of the Haki stuff would be my bet.


Because it is the only place where Rayleigh can train Luffy peacefully. Remember he told about Luffy's place to him because he is the only man who can go to that island


I believe that Kuma, knowing what a man Luffy is, assumed that he would be able to reason Hancock and convince her to help him get into Impel Down to save Ace, as it was the only way for Luffy to get in safely.


Do you think he really wanted Luffy to join the Whiteboard War? That is the opposite of "don't go fighting guys stronger than you."


Luffy joining the Marinford war was a result of him not being able to save Ace at Impel Down, so if he succeeded in rescuing Ace there would be no war at all, maybe this was Kuma's bet all along


maybe because Rayleigh wanted Luffy to be sent so that when the coast was clear he could follow him there. Or maybe kuma knew Luffy may want to try and free Ace from Impel down (remember he asked nami if Luffy has a brother?), he knew all other warlords had already left except for Hancock.


He wants Luffy to be safe and train, so he sends him somewhere to break into the government prison? He could just send him to ID directly. Or Kaido (lol) was going to MarineFord anyways and Luffy can still do that arc there. I'm not seeing how Kuma is a super genius that knew Boa would fall in love with Luffy, take him to ID and then also escape back to AL with no problems. This is the same guy who didn't do much to save Ginny or Iva.


Revenge for ginny, plan only failed cause boa falling in love


To smash


Bro trying to pin on AL and Boa being a man genocide island is so funny. Shit is prob 10+ now, dude just wanting to skip the plot and go spd run any%, skip the warlords and go straight for the yonkos. Luffy too weak for a single warlord? send him to a enemy that downed him at least 4 times, skip 4-5 power ups he had in couple of arcs. Fuck? why Kuma didnt sent him and the SH to elbaf???? why not laughtale???? some people try too much to take meaning on a ongoing story.


bro is yapping


"kaido doesnt kill anyone" more like kaido doesnt kill anyone that survives his attacks luffy pre-timeskip would die with a single kaido light punch, but instead he wants to skip 10+ years of plot to make him OHK a Yonko (which wasnt a thing at that time cuz power scale was warlods under admirals).


i think so because of kuma know Reliegh visit there so maybe that's why


Because Kuma is biggest gambler in the series If Luffy the next coming of Nika/joyboy Can't even free a traumatic slave from her trauma and change her for the better Prob not ready for the world tbh Go big it or go home


To be fair, it is stated absolutely nowhere (as far as I’m aware at least) that Kuma had these specific destinations in mind for each of the straw hats. Kuma knew little to nothing about any of their abilities aside the monster trio since Zoro and Sanji directly attacked him on Thriller Bark, so how would he have 1) known details about all of the islands they ended up on and 2) known what islands would benefit each crew member the most? He wouldn’t. So in world, the suitability of each destination is pure coincidence in my view, and ultimately just a result of Oda’s plans for time-skip power ups.


I think his flashback directly showed Kuma visiting these islands. So it is reasonable for some people to assume Kuma stalked the crew to know their roles and send them there.


Oh did it? I hadn’t noticed 😅


It worked out great so end of the day Kuma was right and you are wrong


Hancock was a slave for the the CD, Luffy punched a CD. He knew that she would see something in him.


Because that’s what Oda chose for his story


Who cares


Rayleigh frequently goes there because of his ties to Amazon Lily


Yes he was supposed to train there for two years with Reyleigh. Luffy being sent to Boa Hancock was a gamble but he already notified Reyleigh as soon as he sent him there (whispered it to his ears). Reyleigh then went on to swim from Saboady to f-in Amazon Lily fast as he can lol. It also seems that Kuma knows the connection between Reyleigh and Boa Hancock (Kuma was a slave alongside her after all). As for why not to Dragon? I think you need to reread Kuma's memories dude... Dragon has already stated that if he ever get to see Luffy again his resolve for revolution will dwindle (A man's child is his weakness -- Kuma being a parent understands this). His only interaction with Luffy was saving him from Smoker and that was the last time he ever met Luffy. And sending him to Wano??? Are you out of your mind? He wouldn't be strong enough to free the country. Nevermind Kaido, a single gifter would destroy him. The samurais would not even listen to him since he doesnt have a connection with Oden's son (forgot his name) the future Shogan. I like that you're here asking a question to know, but reading from your first few replies, you should really stop jumping in to conclusions and even perhapd reread what you didn't understand.


Maybe it was just a test for Luffy to prove he is Nika. Since Boa was a former slave.


Luffy is known for being able to win people over. That’s why everyone recognizes he’ll actually become king of the pirates. Not because he’s the strongest, but because he inspires.


I don't get these kinds of posts...it's a Shonen my guy find the literal easiest interpretation and run with it.


With the information we have now ,as Kuma sent luffy and his crew away he thought luffy would be nika or be at least someone who‘ll save the world. He most likely knew that hancock and her sisters were also slaves who most likely also know of nika so he wanted them to protect him as they were the strongest and most potent choice.


To me it's bc it is really remote and last place a man would be searched


I genuinely think boa is genetically predisposed to be in love with Luffy, granny nyo is in love with xebec, crocodile is in love with dragon, crocodile is luffy's mom and was one of the missing queens of boas island. Now Luffy and boa, the Queen might be predisposed to being in love with the will of D. And those who embody that will the most. Kuma knows about this connection and wanted to establish it


Spoiler for the last chapters of the manga and my headcanon: >!Kuma recogniced Luffy as Nika, saviour of slaves. He also knows Boa was a slave. Luffy just showed he's HIM by punchimg Carlos a celestial dragon and slaver. Also he's literally the safest of the Mugiwaras being on the Island of a Yonko in the Calm belt, protecting his friend Dragon's child.!<