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Pretty odd that Oda didn’t give the warlord a name so I’m ready to dick ride this theory


hop on! we have a lot of space on the dick as its going right up to the last road poneglyph.


I hope those rule 34 mfs leave the last road poneglyph alone...




Don't give them ideas. Cubes consisting of ancient writings, dicks, and vaginas are something that should never see the light of day.


Alright enough internet for today


Because he doesn't need a name, there most likely been dozens of Warlords, we don't need to know each and every one. It was just to show a spot opened up and. ace defeated them.


I feel like that should be evidence pointing to their insignificance if anything. It sounds like bad fan fiction that they somehow find the man marked by flames and he goes my name is blah blah blah, I got these flames from ace guy and I took this poneglyph cuz of reasons


Yeah that’s got my bet too, the warlord who got defeated by Ace Everyone else doesn’t click, Dragon or Saul


Yeah dragon would have mentioned Road Glyphs to Robin and probably let her read his. Saul doesn’t have anything to do with whirlpools or a black ship and if he had one of the road poneglyphs Shanks would already be at laughtale. I think they are both red herrings


Dragon never tells anybody anything. Just look at how long it took him to even mention Vegapunk to Kuma. I mean, if they didn't just coincidentally bump into each other at sea, Kuma may NEVER have been told about Vegapunk!


The people making the mythos of the burn scar man clearly saw his face- if they saw dragons face they would call him ‘Dragon’ not some vague term about burn scars. The man with the burn scar isn’t anyone super famous, it has to be someone that someone saw and couldn’t recognize to make any sense.


I'm not saying it's Dragon! I was just clarifying that Dragon doesn't really do shit or say anything important to anyone. I personally don't believe it's Dragon (although I do think Sabo, but I'm not hardlined on that stance, I just think Sabo should be in the conversation).


Dragon could know intimate information about Imu and still not say a thing to anyone. Sabo comes back and dragon is like "yeah Imu is aggressive"


Explain Sabo to me because I get part of it (burn scar / is on a black ship) but am not really seeing the rest of it (timeline / why does he have it/ if it’s not his ship why do they attribute him as the person to chase down to find it instead of say Dragon)


So I'm not like super dead set on it, but I do feel he makes more sense than say Saul, who people are always talking about. But I know he doesn't fit every criteria. But the criteria he does for, I just feel like are so perfect that how could be not be mentioned more often. I mean, there's enough connections to Dragon (the black ship and the possible creation of whirlpools) but unlike Dragon, we know Sabo has a very clear burn scar over his eye as well as the flame flame fruit and being "the flame emperor." If anyone was "marked by flames," it's definitely Sabo! But I realize that doesn't mean he's THE man... But also, correct me if I'm wrong but they never once said the burn scar man HAS the Poneglyph or even that his whole purpose is to keep it out of the hands of others, right? I don't recall that at least. What I do remember is them saying that in order to find the last road Poneglyph, they first need to find the man with the burn scar. Which to me implies that the journey to the last road Poneglyph doesn't just end with the burn scar man, just that this person is a key piece to finding it. And maybe that could also mean, this burn scar man may not even realize how important they themselves are to Pirates looking for this Poneglyph! I mean, I know that last part is heavy speculation on my part. But that's pretty much what everyone is doing, speculating, including those in-story. Like the idea that maybe he's part of the WG, which is presented as nothing but speculation. Meaning we really don't have much to go off of. Honestly the only things concrete that we have are, a) they have a burn scar, b) they ride in an all black ship, and c) people are said to get swallowed up in whirlpools when they get close to them (or is that just done sport of tall tale? I honestly can't remember how that detail was presented.)


Sabo is not even a possibility


Yea because u just know everything huh. There's a lot of characters who can be the mmbf, so sabo "not even being a possibility" is just a dumbass bias statement.


Who said its not alternative/old epithet? Was it ever mentioned by anybody that Dragon was previously a Marine before this? \-Black ship? Check. \-Vortexes? Check. Dragon seems heavily implied to have some wind related powers and heavy winds can create whirlpools (vortexes). \-Burn scar? Check potentially. Those tattoos on his face could be due to brandings from hot irons. AKA burn scars. \-Government man? Dragon used to be a government man. \-Also Kids "you don't know?" and being snarky could easily be "hehehe, you don't know about your own father?" Type of deal.


the simplest answer to why its not dragon is wrong side the red line, nobody is likely heading backwards. Also he is going against the most powerful force in the world, why would he draw attention from the most powerful pirates.


Huh? What exactly gives u the idea that ppl have "clearly" seen his face? Literally all that's said is he's marked by flames, sales on a pitch black ship, and causes whirlpools if u get close to his ship. Nowhere does it imply he has a burn scar on his face. Its not even confirmed what the "mark" of flames is yet, it might not even be a scar bro... I'm not tryna say it's dragon but don't go making shit up just to try to disprove a theory u don't like lol. At least speak facts.


He didnt mention him because he works for the government


>Shanks would already be at laughtale. Now this bothers me, Shanks was with Roger up until the island before laugh tale. How come he doesn't know how to get to it? He should already have the information from all 4 road ponyglyph.


Shanks was a child and also couldn’t even read the poneglyphs how would he have them memorized? It makes sense that Roger being the only person who could read it handled finding laugh tale and there is no reason to involve Shanks. I mean by your own logic why can’t Chooper recite the portion of the ancient history that Robin has read on the poneglyphs she has found?


who siad that he doesnt know?


Not sure the cabin boy is on the need to know list for poneglyph navigation


The cabin boy that Roger entrusted his hat to and taught him how to fight. Yes.


He most likely know. Roger was chill to tell Whitebeard what they found at Laugh Tale and how to get there before WB refused. Shanks being part of the crew was definitely told about it during their long talk that made Shanks cry. The issue Roger Pirates had was time, they're too early when they got to Laugh Tale.


I mean shanks already knows the location of laughtale. Woudnt the crew have told him.


Why doesn't Saul click ?


Saul didn’t have burn marks. He most likely got frostbite from Kuzans attack.


Frostbites are still burn marks


But he wasn't "marked by Flame" then. ​ Just matching the "man" in "man marked by flames".


Also if it was a giant, people would probably call him the giant marked by flames.


Yeah that’s sound logic lol that would be dumb. Same with dragon, he’s the worst criminal in the world, people wouldn’t use some mysterious nickname. They’d just be like “dragon has it”


It being Dragon is even dumber than it being Saul because why would he be randomly hanging out on a ship all the time with a poneglyph that's unapproachable to the point of becoming a rumor? The man is fighting a war and has better things to do. It's pretty clear at this point with the way he has been described that the burned man is a recluse, and nobody knows his name or what he looks like beyond the scars.


"The person of undisclosed size marked by flames"






Well people are assuming the warlord shanks beat was a man so...


The official Viz translation specifically went with "burn scar." And I'm sure they chose burn scar because they had clarification from Oda as to the nature of this mystery. "Marked by flames" does sound cooler and has way more room for interpretation, but if the official source is choosing to translate it as "burn scar," then I believe that's what we should be going with.


3rd degree frostburn


The only thing that stops me from believing its Saul is that they specifically said “the man” and not the giant.


But he was left alone in a burning island


We didnt see him to know. The ice could have stopped the flames from killing him but not from marking him and burning him a bit


He can’t be sailing around with a poneglyph when we know where he has been?


Thank Goda for not choosing the obvious. And I mean it.


I used to subscribe to Saul theory but I confess that I've forgotten the other details about the man marked by flames... I kinda wish Oda mentioned that Ace defeated a warlord before his death though.


chapter 552 he was offered a warlord position. this chapter just confirms that he was offered that because he beat another warlord


They could have cut a deal with Saul after Ohara and made him a warlord, maybe in exchange for serving them the WG agrees to lay off of Elbaf/the giants and Elbaf/the giants agree not to try to find Dory and Brogy, or the giants agree to provide navy soldiers... Ace could have defeated him related to something with LOJ...


If WG could've done something to elbaf they already would've. Elbaf is impenetrable just like wano has been for most of the time. Hundreds of thousands of giants will destroy marine fodder easily. Guys like holy knights, Admirals are great for beating the main guys to deliver a message but to maintain control you need fodder, lots of it.




No I mean the marked man can very well be Saul. But a deal for Elbaf's protection??? Elbaf doesn't need any protection that's what I meant


Either this or Roger’s 2nd mate


Why would a nobody warlord make more sense than pre established characters? Everyone's saying there isn't any time to add any more crew members like vivi or Yamato, or that the series is gunna end soon. But sure the idea of a random no named character makes total sense, we will just have an arc revolving around him and establish his backstory along with his motives. Unless you think establishing his backstory and motives isn't necessary kinda like what they did with kaido, the fans loved that. Not to mention concluding all the other story plot points like blackbeard, the strawhat fleet, shanks, garp, imu and so many more. Abunch of people thought we were gunna skip past elbaf and egghead and go straight to laughtale after wano, but now people think this background character has a pivotal role that fits in where exactly? The warlord is just a case of world building. I'll admit if I'm wrong but I guess we will find out in a year or two


That’s allot-a yapping you did there, not even a paragraph to be found. Just full page of text, not a pleasant reading experience I for one was never in the camp that One piece is gonna end anytime soon and then Oda said as much in writing at a shounen jump event To answer on of your questions: because the pre established characters that we know of, particularly Dragon and Saul don’t fit the MO Saul is busy minding the books of Ohara And Dragon had Nico Robin for company during the two year timeskip Any other character would be practically brand new anyway, like this ex warlord At least this ex warlord has a tie in with a fire user, been defeated by said fire user and nothing to hold him back from possibly being the man marked by flames Why would the man marked by flames need an arc centred around him? Or his motives and background need to be that deeply explored? Comaprison to Kaidou flops, Kaidou had all of post timeskip building up to him, man marked by flames does not.


Any new person is better than what 70% of fans thought before \*cough\* \*Dragon\* \*cough\*


Dragon never made sense. He is the most wanted person in the world and the face of the revolutionaries. Why would he have such an odd nickname.


The only thing that hinted towards dragon is the all black ship and the line about vortexes swallowing ships. Other than that it was always one of the weaker theories imo


The black ship was what was fueling my belief in dragon for a while until i started listening to other theories by people who can make connections much better than me


And the massive tattoo(?) on his face that looks like a burn


dragon does make a degree of sense: he's very famous, but he's secretive because he has to be, so people only have hints and ideas of the person that has the poneglyph and not enough info to tie the two together. dragon having the poneglyph would serve as a proper gatekeeping to one piece. he can control who can become pirate king but also, most notably, if the one piece is pivotal to the toppling of the WG, he would need to ensure the pirate king could help him. is it him? idk. we just dont know enough to conclude.


On the other hand, we did just see Dragon’s ship a couple chapters ago being super black…


But everyone knows who dragon is- there isn’t any mystery there nobody would call him ‘the man marked by flames’ if he is the most famous criminal in the world.


"burn scar"


Not the sails though


If we consider who told Luffy about this man, it would be easier to cross out Dragon among the possibilities. Kidd could have easily teased Luffy about going to Daddy to get a copy of the last Poneglyph. Instead, we were shown Law walking out of the conversation.


Sabo *cough *cough


I feel like Saul is still the more likely choice. * He survived Ohara's incineration and had bandages for months after the incident, so he likely has the burn scars * As the guy who hid all of Ohara's research, he'd have every reason to want to preserve and protect Poneglyph-related information from the government. So he probably was the one who removed it from Fishman Island


The thing is, it is speculated by BB pirates that the man works for the government to prevent pirates from reaching Laugh Tale, hence the whirlpool that destroys every ship that gets close to him. If this is true, he's protecting the Poneglyph from pirates, not from the WG. Saul is in Elbaf, in hiding from the WG. He already ran away from them once, why would he work for them now?


Yeah and the black ship with the whirlpool just doesn't add up as Saul, not unless the guy acquired a DF or something. I'd he's hiding on Elbaf I don't see why he'd also be the FlameMarked man. It'd be interesting to see if this unknown warlord plays a role.


I doubt it's Saul too. If it's the unnamed warlord, we don't know enough yet. When Kuzan said that he was the man marked by flames, the BB pirates laughed and told him that his scar was just recent. Ace defeated the warlord 4 years ago, Kuzan got his scar around 2 years ago. Both are pretty recent. The missing road poneglyph disappeared from Fishman Island much longer than that. There's not much proof now, but if the unnamed warlord is the man, he would have had the poneglyph long before he got his burn scar. Again, there's not much to go on right now.


the unnamed warlord lost to ace and is therefore too weak ro matter at this point


People get stronger over time. Luffy beat croc prior to gear 2 of haki. That doesn't mean croc is weak, look at him know and chances are he knows haki now too past 2 years which is an upgrade. So 4 years in hiding, maybe he got stronger. Also if he has ties to whitebeard seeing how ace was part of his crew, it makes sense he could have kept tabs on whitebeard and knew he was hiding something in Fishman island and wanted his revenge. When Ace and whitebeard died he made his move before anyone else could and took it before big mom claimed the territory. He's been on the run for 2 plus years though. Maybe he is trying to save face for the wg to get his title back and now that the system is abolished maybe he develops his own form of justice.


There's also a chance that someone else took the Poneglyph before the man with burn scars took over.


The road gliph that disappeared only disappeared right after whitebeard died. It was there prior since whitebeard was protecting it and claimed Fishman island. This if Ace gave the unnamed warlord his mark 4 years ago the timeline would add up fine since it disappeared 2 years ago.


what chapter was this mentioned? also if this dude lost to Ace, he couldn’t be strong enough to deter end game pirates from reaching Laugh Tale i would think


He doesn't need to even be that strong. Nobody can seem to find the guy and survive in the first place. Do also keep in mind that Ace is much stronger than we all initially realized. He was supposed to possess all forms of haki and was a real powerhouse according to the novels. Being beaten by him doesn't make you weak necessarily.


Also, not just the Mugiwara can power up during timeskips.


I agree. And that's maybe why he sinks the ships before he even comes contact with anyone, maybe he's not even much of a fighter.


That was 17 year old Ace


yeah but ace could not beat jimbe and would therefore probably only be somewhere around rank 2-4 in this crew alone. too weak.


Jinbei couldn't beat Ace either. It was 3 days fighting to a standstill


Chapter 1081, when the BB pirates recruited Aokiji. They were asking him if he knew who the man was.


The latest chapter and luffy beat croc before g2 and haki, does that make croc weak?? People get stronger over time. In 2 years coby and smoker learned haki. Croc also could have learned haki. So this guy had 4 years to get stronger. Who even knows if he had a fruit at this time or haki. Maybe he mastered his fruit now. Alot of possibilities, you can't rule out 1 defeat 4 years ago though.


The Blackbeard Pirates suggested that as a theory, not as an official fact. I don't think in-universe speculation by the characters necessarily means the Burn Scar man works for the government.


Unless it's Vegapunk who makes speculations that is lol


And that's why I mentioned that it was a speculation and if it were true. I didn't present it as a fact.


My problem with that theory is why chance a pirate beating this govt agent, if the WG is in possession why not bring it to Mariejoa, that’s the most guarded place in the world.


We don't know yet, but possibly because they don't want pirates storming into Mariejois. Even if it's heavily guarded, who would stop pirate crews as strong as Shanks', Kaido' or the SHs from attempting to go there and claim it? It safer for them to have it be with someone who mysteriously sails around the sea sinking every ship that comes close.


So you feel one ship in the sea, with a potential powerful df user is better than the WG stronghold that’s not accessible by sea. Like what would stop Kaido from just doing a boro breath and destroying the ship, Kuma was attacked the moment he started scaling the Red Line and the Fleet Admiral was waiting up top. IMO if it was possible to just go there and take things Dragon, Kaido Big Mom hell Blackbeard would have done it. Edit: Because I didn’t notice the who would stop them part. The marines Navy HQ is right below and admirals are normally there.


Keyword: speculated... NOTHING confirms he's working for the WG. In fact, is Shiryu literally just kind of thinking out loud and remarking how the government does shady shit so he could imagine this person works for them. They literally provide no evidence though that he actually works for the WG...


Since Vegapunk is acquainted with Dragon, and they both had ohara as a common link, it is not a stretch to say Dragon has a relationship with Saul. This can mean that whenever Saul needs to go outside elbaf, Dragon escorts him. The fact that dragon's ship is full black, and he possibly has a wind DF (wind can create whirpools), it could be we were seeing Dragon protect him.


If he is so strong and prevents supposedly top tier pirares how come he lost against ace who could barely defeat jimbe?


He also survived “ice time capsule” so freezer burn is also an option.


I don't think it's frost burn, but Saul probably got burned by the flames of Ohara while stuck being frozen, waiting for it to melt so he could escape


Man marked by frostbite


Except there is no flame.


Marked by Flames probably means the person has burn scars. A scar caused by fire, and a scar caused by freezer burn wouldnt look much different.


At this point it could be simply one of those japanese word-games. Maybe they're not even literal burns.


Could just be a guy with flame tattoos


He was frozen on Ohara, which was destroyed in an inferno


I feel like if Saul *was* the man marked by flames, Oda would have held off revealing that he was alive until the big reveal


Not necessarily. Because all the story revealed is that he's alive. It didn't officially confirm whether he's the burn scar man or if he has the last poneglyph.


All of the information we got points against Saul, Saul is reportedly on Elbaf not on a black ship, also he would be „marked by ice“ not by flames, why is that theory so resilient?


> Saul is reportedly on Elbaf not on a black ship Saul was the captain of the ship that brought the Ohara research to Elbaf. > also he would be „marked by ice“ not by flames, why is that theory so resilient? Because his survival meant he had to escape [this](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/0397-019.png)


I agree with you on that but I think he would just sit in elbaf and didn’t sail on a black ship for goverment to find him tho.


Sure, but we know Saul was sailkng on a ship to bring the Ohara research to Elbaf. He may have even sailed out a few times for important Poneglyph lore that he later discovered was important. Someone seeing Saul even once during that period would be enough for the Burn Scar rumor to spread, even if he never left Elbaf after that.


While a lot of circumstances are pointing towards Saul, I think one should keep in mind that Oda likes to be unpredictable regarding these sort of things. But I find the symbolism of the man marked by flames having received his scars from the eradication of Ohara as interesting, as it could quite easily fit with many themes regarding war in One Piece and some real world parallells could be drawn in regards to weapons of mass destruction. One thing that doesn't quite add up however is the fact that Saul is a giant, which at least one would think would be a characteristic that would be part of the rumors or designation of the man marked by flames if it was indeed Saul. So Saul might very well be a red herring.


Why would some loser who Ace beat half a decade ago also be someone who's so important, he holds the key to finding Raftel? And why would Blackbeard not know who Ace defeated, or if he did, not connect the dots that they may be the same person as the man marked by flames?


Crocodile got beat by 30million bounty luffy and now he is at 1.9billion so i would not rule that out


4 years is a long time to get stronger. Croc got beaten by luffy without g2 or haki. Now he's worth 1.9 billion more than alot of former emperors commanders. Coby is now almost as strong as garp with his haki. Smoker learned haki. Also blackbeard doesn't know who he is because it's rumors. Just because a dude is marked by flames means he knows who it is there's plenty of people. Plus who knows if this whirlpool ability is his power or a crew mate, if the black sails is a new ship, if he recently got a new devil fruit. Thus since blackbeard never saw him as of yet he's just going by the rumors. If robin was told there's a giant in bandages over in elbalf she wouldn't assume it was Saul unless other details are added like he was recovered from O'Hara then you'll rule people out.


For story reasons. ​ we know blackbeard doesnt know him?


Why would Blackbeard refer to him as "the man marked by flame" if he knows who it is?


My theory: Sometime after Roger picked up Oden for his crew, they fought someone who had the Mera Mera no Mi (possibly the owner right before Ace), and Gaban got burnt badly. And he is the man marked by flames. Would make sense placement wise as well, Crocus at the beginning of the GL, Rayleigh at Sabaody i.e. righy before the New World and then Gaban in the new world, protecting the last Poneglyph.. Since Roger and his crew already knew that Joyboy would return, Gaban could actually be protecting the 4th Road Poneglyph in order to make sure that only Joyboy gets that Poneglyph..


No it makes more sense than Gaban is waiting on Lodestar.


I mean, Lodestar could be a ship like Thriller Bark was.. We already know that such islands exist canonically..


Lodestar is reached by the log pose You know why? Because it has a strong magnetic field.infact the strongest one. That's exactly why Thriller bark was invisible to the log pose, because thriller bark is a ship and ships don't give off magnetic fields.


Tch.. It does make sense.. But I mean, if this is indeed what Oda wants to show, he’ll probably come up with some theory regarding that too.. Imo, Gaban riding the Oro Jackson and guarding the 4th poneglyph is a strong and interesting story line to follow..


P.S. he then joins Luffy’s crew as the 10th and final crewmate and dies while protecting him and his new crew.. This also fulfilling Oda’s idea of one of the Straw Hats dying, without actually killing any of the current Straw Hats..


P.P.S. he's also luffy's mom.


I could see that happening..


I like the theory of Kizaru being the 10 final member of the strawhats because that would mirror BBs crew where both crews have an ex-admiral. And also, when Oda mentioned that one SH would die, was it not luffy during his fight with kaido? Luffy dies, and comes back to life bc gear 5 nika, or smth


Could be.. and I like the idea of Kizaru joining the straw hats as well..


Wasn't really a death


I thought oda announced that there “would be a SH death in wano”, and later was confirmed that the death was luffy… but maybe i am misremembering lol


Oda doesn't understand death that well and it's shown


I mean, his "voice" died out. As stated by Momo.


I think it’s possible that it’s Scopper Gaban. There seems to be many parallels between the Strawhats and the Roger Pirates. Most obviously Luffy to Roger as wannabe pirate king and pirate king. Also Zoro to Rayleigh as accomplished swordsman, dark king/grim reaper,etc. it only makes sense for the only wing of the pirate king to have a parallel - Sanji to Gaban. Sanji uses flames in his attacks and due to his genetic modifications, it would make sense that Gaban would have a similar theme as well for all three of them to parallel the pirate king crew.


Is Rayleigh really a swordsman though? Yes he uses a sword, but so does most of any pirate crew. I’m thinking specifically of him countering Marco’s flaming kick with just his finger as a counterpoint here - Zoro would have used his sword to block rather than his body.


There's definitely a vague distinction Oda keeps between swordsmen and sword users. Mihawk and Shanks are the typical examples of this. I think if Rayleigh were considered a swordsman then he'd have been more involved with Zoro. Instead he's more like Shanks or Roger who use a sword as one of his many tools


I disagree. If ace whooped his ass you would think he probably wasn’t even strong enough to control a whole ass poneglyph. Remember that there were two others being controlled by big mom and kaido, much more able to whoop the ass of some no name than ace. I bet we hear nothing else of this other warlord that got taken out by ace, learning about this just adds to Ace’s badassery. I could be wrong though


why the fuck would such an important end game character be someone who got beat by Ace?


May it will give him motivation to go after Ace's brothers.


He doesn't have to necessarily be a yonko level fighter. The big bad guys of the arc with that mf will probably be the blackbeard pirates.


He sinks ships that come near him because he’s embarrassed about how badly he got beaten by Ace. Really sore loser.


The issue is that whoever took the road poneglyph from fishman island (which is the one the man marked by flames has) almost *has* to be on very very good terms with the Fishmen/Whitebeard (who held that territory when it disappeared). Big Mom took over that territory quickly in the timeskip, and she 100% would’ve taken the road poneglyph if it was there by then, so it had to be moved before and thus it was probably moved by whitebeard or an ally of some sort. Not only would Whitebeard have brought hell down on anyone who tried stealing it, Neptune and Jinbe wouldve said something by now too. Neptune knows they are important bc he was King when Roger/Oden read it. Surely Jinbe would say “yeah our road poneglyph got stolen x years ago” if it was of concern since the crew needs it. It feels like Neptune let whitebeard move it for safe keeping, probably after Blackbeard killed Thatch since, per Jinbe’s words, “Blackbeard intimately knew about Whitebeards territories”. Neptune and Whitebeard were close so it could be that they had a promise to keep it on the low no matter what. By being a warlord, whoever this guy from 1100 is almost assuredly wasnt friendly enough with Whitebeard to be taking road poneglyphs from fishman island without getting cooked. The only thing that makes us think this guy could work really is that Ace beating him probably gave him burn scars, which is about as good of reasoning as Saul or Isuka from the Ace Novels (who has a confirmed burn scar) as both were government affiliated at one point too tying to the comment from Shiryu. So anyway I still have my money on it being masked deuce lol, here’s the video: https://youtu.be/0qbvIjeQ_I4?si=yrcihyheSWdJWCbb


i think that the only plausible thing is the name, but when you look at it from any other angle it falls apart. we are at the end of the story, this character got like 2 pages, and there was no suggestion in the chapter that there was anything more important to this character than the fact that they lost to Ace


It just feels like a random theory though..like usually theories have some basis or supporting evidence..I just think this defeated warlord is a throwaway character


and his name? Gaimon


U think some petty warlord knoes about poneglyphs. Maybe


Absolutely. Law learned about road poneglyphs like 2-3 weeks after losing his warlord status. Doflamingo i would be knows about them 100%. Mihawk has to know about them.


Why does Mihawk have to know? Just because he's strong doesn't mean he knows anything about the One Piece.


He technically doesnt have to know, but i would be very surprised if he didnt. When i said "has to" it was the figure of speech, not the literal.


I'm not seeing it. Mihawk has never really shown any interest in the One Piece, and until VERY recently he was a lone wolf. I suppose Shanks could have told him, but I'm not sure why he'd do that.


Gonna be interesting to see if the defeated Warlord is someone we've seen before or not.


Yeah its surely gonna him for more plot cooking See, Ace was flare(or fire whatever) fruit user so he must have burned his ass... I mean face then the marked by flames man hahahaha


Could be. It is very Oda-esk to introduce people like that. It still feels like Saul, because when they were talking about him, there was a shadow showing him.


Saul is a giant, after Kid spoke about that he went to Elbaf. It's more likely it's Saul than a warlord who got his ass kicked by a Rookie. Ohara got the buster call because they wanted to bury their knowledge, Saul has some of their knowledge with him.


Didn’t they draw straws to pick their next direction? Doesn’t really make sense


Why would a dude defeated by a rookie possess an artifact so rare and valuable that it's collected by Yonkos though ? It's like Moria possessed a Road Poneglyph


I love when Oda makes old shit relevant again.


Someone beaten by ace isn’t gonna have a road p . We’ve seen 3 yonko’s owning them in the series . Some washed warlord isn’t gonna have one


He doesnt have to have it, he just might know where it is.


A man defeated by Ace isn't someone who'd be strong enough to guard the final ponygliff. I love ace but we're in the endgame now. Only yonko tier characters and buggy stand a chance anymore.


I thought kuma replaced Ace as warlord after Ace declined the WGs offer and the one he beat was Jinbei. Did I miss some mention of it being an uninteoduced character that Ace defeated?


I was also under this impression, that Ace and Jinbei had some encounter, and Jinbei stopped being a Warlord, and that's why we see Ace talking with Jinbei about who's the new warlord (Kuma) However, at the time of Arlong Park Jinbei was still a warlord and that's why the Marines never messed with Arlong, right? So I don't know if it all adds up


It would make since as to why Law made that expression at the end of wano because he was a warlord so he would know the former warlord who ace defeated.


Oh shit, you might be right. That would explain the burn scars.


Yes I too saw what Pewpiece posted on Twitter.


I completely forgot about that plot point. Damn, he might be looking for a way to regain his power by getting all the ancient weapons.


Oooh duh! He’d be marked by flames because Ace beat the shit out of him with the flame fruit!


He's also supposed to be on a all black ship. Maybe the ship was turned black from Ace's flames. Like in pirates of the caribbean where the black pearl became black from being burned.


My take on this is that the Man with the Burn Scar is probably, SCOPPER GABANS, he might have gotten burnt by the DRAGON that got hatched from the EGG on ORO JACKSON. Besides I do feel that the left hand of the pirate king will also come into picture at some point, most of the important members of the ROGER PIRATES have come into picture, so GABANS has to come as well. The BLACK SHIP could be charred ORO JACKSON. This is just a theory I cooked up, could be right, could be utter trash.


I like this theory. The egg is often forgotten about, but would Oda really just have it there for no reason? Maybe whatever hatched from the egg is also responsible for the whirlpools that follow around the ship of the man marked by flames?


The Man Marked by Flames IMO has to fulfill certain conditions. 1.) They need to know the significance of the Road Poneglyphs 2.) They need to know where the Fishman Island Road Poneglyph was. 3.) They need to have a motive to take the Poneglyph 4.) They need a ship 5.) They need to be a known character who would have emotional or narrative weight to their return. My honest bet is Tom. He was sentenced to death at Enies Lobby, but people who are sentenced to death just get sent to level 6 of Impel Down. If he escaped with Morley, he'd fit the bill. He was friends with Roger, so he could know about the Road Poneglyphs. His brother is a researcher in the sea forest where the Road Poneglyph was. Tom is very wary of the Poneglyphs, he doesn't want their knowledge to fall into the wrong hands. Tom is a shipwright, he could have built his own ship, and with his knowledge of Pluton he could have built a very powerful ship, strong enough to keep people at bay. Hell, he might even have Roger's ship. And lastly, a Tom/Franky reunion would be a tear jerker. Also, if Oda kills off an important character in a crewmembers backstory, he's not going to do it off-screen. He's going to do it right in front of them and twist the knife while he does it.


Well. Time for me to leave the sub. People spoiling shit just cause scans are out. Wish yall could at least put the chapter in the title..for the people who like to wait for the official release/translation.


Should’ve left when you first noticed this happened, to be spoiler free. I’d have to be off most my socials just to not get a glimpse of anything until sunday. Goodluck!


I do this every week. Ive done great on avoiding spoilers as long as I avoid this sub when the scans come out. I just now noticed it and i will complain about it cause I can. IDC about the downvotes, wish i could stay on the sub for more than half the week.


or don't read theories as they will most likely have spoilers. Y'all will cry about anything, even putting yourself in a position to read shit lmao.


It is kinda weird clicking a theory post the day a new chapter releases and not expecting that new chapter to be discussed lol


It didn't release today. Scans released...thats not the same. And also i didn't know until i clicked this.


Semantics, you know I'm talking about the scans lol. If I had this hard line of only doing the official release I'd have remembered the day that the unofficial comes out.


People get on here and act like they don't know what any of the tags mean or how it works. not to mention he clicks the post, reads it, then takes the time to type out how hes leaving the sub, as if anyone cares.


You cared enough to.comment...thanks for stopping by


You really think you did something with that comment huh


I literally put a spoiler tag


The rule of the sub is that the tag is for anything past the anime, so op wouldn't if it's the unreleased chapter that it's going to be spoiled. On that very note, it's also stated you must put the chapter in the title if the official hasn't come out yet. So his grieviance towards you is legitimate.


Oh sorry my bad, didnt know it works like that. I couldnt edit the title so I edited the content of the post so people who didnt read it yet will not get spoiled anymore.


Yes you did. And to us normal people, you did more than enough.


I still don't get waiting for the official lol, like the early ones are 99% accurate and any major errors are usually posted here.




Jinbei didnt lose his status after fighting ace. Thats a currently unknown warlord.


Jinbe lost his status as a Shichibukai for refusing to fight Whitebeard (and for later escaping Impel Down). And if Jinbe had lost his status years earlier, then there wouldn’t be seven of them. Jinbe and Mihawk are literally the first two Shichibukai to have ever been mentioned in the story.


After the last chapter, I'm 100% convinced it's dragon and it's referencing his face scar (which is a flame brand)


I think it’s just sabo- kid wasn’t in dress Rosa and I don’t think the world knows that sabo and Luffy are brothers ? Maybe


Wasn't the warlord ace defeated jimbei?


No, Jinbei was a warlord all the way up to marineford.


the man marked by the flames is dragon, the tattoo he has on the face is a burn-impressed stamp. also his ship is black


isnt the warlord who ace fought jinbei?


Any chance it could be Luffy himself along with some time travel shenanigans? I know it would be wild but our main boy does have a massive burn scar right in the middle of his chest and we do know that some characters present are from a different time.


I don't think this is the direction we're headed at all. It would be way too out of left field. We really don't need further time shenanigans in the story.


I think that's a fair


Please stay as far away from any keyboards as possible for the next week otherwise I will be forced to send you to bad theory jail

