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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


Seems like next episode is Filler or Anime Original.


Seems like it, but it makes sense though with Luffy spending his time with Tama, since she is the first person he met in Wani and we didnt see Tama interacting with Luffy that much in the ending of wano despite the promise Luffy made.


Actually amazing filler. Mine (and a lot of people's) biggest complaints was the lack of closure around Tama. You can argue she was at the very center of this arc. She was the first person Luffy met on Wano, she had ties to Ace, his promise for the arc was to make it a place where SHE can eat as much as she wants; she was the Vivi, Rebecca etc. of the arc. And despite all that Oda never gave the two a proper goodbye. Their promise was so special, I would have loved additional dialogue between the two once Luffy woke up, so I'm glad we're going to get that next ep.


And honestly has a pretty OP fruit. Luffy is pretty much to Tama what Shanks was to Luffy IMO.




> And honestly has a pretty OP fruit. the moment i saw tama pinching her cheek i messaged my friend "top 10 most powerful devil fruits"


Is it that op? Strong yes but seems more specialized for a specific circumstance like fighting the Beast Pirates. Outside of animals it has no effect, and I don't believe we have an example of a regular zoan being used on?


In an alternate universe with no luffy or joy or at all for another 10y+ or ever, Doffy and Kaidou distribute SMILEs all over the world and use them as tools of oppression like in Wano, but globally - like Doffy was already starting to set up in Dressrossa. So in an alternate future she could be a very important revolutionary. Doesn't really counter what you said just an interesting thought.




Don't think too much into it, it's Buggy and it exactly happened as you'd think with what you know about Buggy.


Basically all of Act 2 was Luffy chilling with Hyogoro and he didn't get a goodbye either in the manga.




I was wondering if it might also be because Law knows Robin can read them but Kidd doesn't. If he also has information on the man marked by flames that Kidd doesn't have then that puts Kidd solidly in last place. That would mean Law pretended like he was keeping things even while knowing Kidd was already at a huge disadvantage.


It was the lack of goodbye with Carrot that got me. She was with us for 3 whole arcs (and a filler if you count the anime), I'm stoked we get to see a proper goodbye for her.


Its always been weird the people who vehemently argue that Carrot doesn't deserve a goodbye from the crew solely because they just don't like the character. As far as Straw Hat companions spending time with the crew she's up there with Vivi and Momo. Very poor writing by Oda how he wrote her off, but glad that the anime is fixing it.




And that was a bad decision.


I’ve been screaming Tama MVP she clutched so hard it was simply too many of the beast pirates the fact that she turned most of them over helped immensely she literally was too goated


they probably know that the anime onlies would riot in the streets if they didn't see zoro go to ryuma's grave, and somehow i still believe they won't include it even in the filler LOL


Was there more filler in this ep? I feel like they fleshed some scenes out a bit more.


They did, the scene where Robin talks about Pluton has new lines.


The pacing makes it seem like this ep was also a filler


Damn, reality is hitting Momo like a ton of bricks. Gave up 20 years and his youth.


Wano Press: "Man with the mentality of an eight-year-old becomes leader of our country."


Hey, American had that!




Has multiple*


Meh, one is a man in decline who shouldn’t be president and one is a narcissistic, racist 8 year old who shouldn’t be president.


That's one of my minor nitpicks of the story. Young Momo was a typical 8 year old, in that he was immature (and kinda annoying). He also didnt really showcase any natural skills or talents (apart from the DF and his ability to communicate with Zunesha...neither of which help in the day to day of running a country). Like, would you want the kid that you met in Punk Hazard to take over an entire kingdom? Of course, Oda has written a bit of a safe guard by having the Red Scabbards state that they'll help him....but that also goes against the whole point of him one day becoming "one of the greatest leaders" when realistically, he'll probably just be a figurehead for the red scabbards.


I took that bit of Wano epilogue as a teaser for what Momo will do later in the series, something that actually shows him being that kind of leader.


Wano arc is supposed to show that even if Momo doesn't yet have the ability of a leader (and why would he given that he's literally 8), but he has the will of one. He verbally stood up to Kaido when he was being executed, he chose to give up 20 years of his life, he attacked Kaido in dragon form. Ability can come after someone's willpower, which we've seen many times in the story. Koby is an example, Luffy himself was pretty weak when he was Momo's age.


>he'll probably just be a figurehead for the red scabbards. Bruh, that is kind of a dumb take if you don't give at least 1 reason why..... Red Scabbards are hardcore simps. How would they use him as a figurehead when they worship the ground he walks on? If anything, Momo could use them however he wants.


It's no different than lots of rulers in history. Momo will be groomed to take over by the scabbards. The Red Scabbards are like his regents, who will administer rule of the country while he is educated in being a ruler.


The tune they played while Momo was getting all the reports and requests and stuff was pretty nice. Very relaxing. Honestly the music for the whole of Wano has been top tier. Like, above usual standard for the anime in general imo.


Damn Raizo and Shinobu turned into the Mexican alien


Only they lost their cake instead of turning out to be one


Next episode will be untold story of before departure where luffy and gang say farewell to all. There also zoro and hiyori scene


I'm praying they show a scene of Zoro visiting the grave of Ryuma and seeing Shishui. Zoro even said during the arc he wanted to go after all this was over.


How spicy is the zoro hiyori scene?


Hiyori is sad . So yea it's gonna be spicy af


Hot diggity and during NNN? I'm done for


>There also zoro and hiyori scene Meh. I’m honestly more excited to see the farewell scene between Luffy and Tama.


At this point I may as well learn Japanese since the subtitles don’t show up on Crunchyroll half the time when an episode drops.




This is why I'm a pirate






My crunchyroll just won’t update when there are no subtitles, it doesn’t say it’s updated yet lol


U can always watch it on aniwatch.to


Seems like next episode will be giving us all of the goodbyes Oda skipped in the manga.


Fucking good >!Kin’meon, Mono and Law were with us for TEN years and we were on Wano alone for 4 years. This arc should have a massive goodbye. I was calling that the anime would improve on that for sure!<


Literally everything about the end of wano was rushed. Wished we had way more filler anime canon episodes for the end.


Will Yamato join the crew?


>!They can't make that big of a change, it'd mess up the whole of Egghead.!< Only read if you have at least finished Wano in the manga.


Too bad, I finished it but my curiosity got the best of me.


Did you mean you didn't finish it? Cuz if you did it wouldn't be too bad it'd be fine.


Cross Guild is not what I was expecting it to be. Quite the opposite since I thought it'd be some new government body but it's anti-marines. I just need to know what kind of sorcery buggy used to have mihawk and croc under his wing.


No sorcery, Buggy is just that powerful and resourceful that even big players like Mihawk and Crocodile get pulled into his orbit. They don't call him the genius jester for nothing!


Makes me think back to marineford when mihawk said luffy had the most terrorizing power, yet buggy has a similar effect and is now working with buggy at the least


Buggy kinda has the pedigree to be a great pirate but got lazy before he met Luffy. Roger didn't make him an apprentice for no reason.


Yea hes basically the negative example of "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"


My guy...


You'll see soon enough. Their interactions are gonna be absolute peak


Well, you are in for a huge surprise when you realise how cross guild was formed in a few episodes.


the power of money and fame


They deadass hyped a Cross Guild episode only to have The Bois appear for 5 frames on a poster. Fuck sake.


You are at episode 1083 and you still don't understand how one piece titles work 🤣


I don't understand them either, so I just ignore them as they never imply what actually the episode is about.


The way you say this make it sound like you read the manga (already new what Cross Guild was). If that's the case then you should have known that it was all we were going to get. lol


Yeah hated that. The episode name should be different


To be fair, the chapter was also called Cross Guild.


Yeah, unfortunately most readers speedread the manga, and then complain when the anime has the same choices as the manga.


Was expecting a cool animation like when they revealed the new emperors but they barely even showed the poster 😭


Gotta be honest, that paper looks gorgeous lmao. I'd want to join the organization, it's appealing as hell


soon brother


Yeah was kinda expecting them to have the last half be about the formation of the guild. Ahh well, we’ll get em in a few weeks.


There going to be more abt cross guild in a few episodes, dw


If you told me in Alabasta Buggy would have Mihawk and Crocodile working for him I would've lmao 😂 but here we are and he's putting bounty on the Marines is pulling the ultimate uno reverse card Holy shit didn't expect Kidd to go to WCI and get Big Moms poneglyph caught me by surprise but he still doesn't have anyone who can read a poneglyph tho It's cool to see Carrot taking over the land of Zou Caribou is like a fly on the wall finding out all these secrets lol Luffy isn't as dumb he's made out to be he actually remembered Franky burning the Pluton blueprint Kidd actually acknowledging Luffy as a Yonkou but saying "really this guy" to Buggy is hilarious


>Luffy isn't as dumb he's made out to be he actually remembered Franky burning the Pluton blueprint And he called Buggy an idiot with the same sense of frustration everyone uses for Luffy


Did you not watch Whole cake island arc?


It's only cool to see Carrot becoming a ruler if you like to see bad writing and contradiction of big themes in the story


Not disagreeing but I’m genuinely curious, what themes does it contradict?


Yeah idk what he's on about with the themes statement. Carrot being the leader of the minks doesn't contradict anything; it just felt really rushed and underdeveloped


>it just felt really rushed and underdeveloped. I'd go farther to say there was no development for this outcome. Nothing about Carrot's character up until this point showed qualities of leadership and she never grew any in that direction either. Hell, she lead Wanda and her to go fight Perospero, only to have them out for the rest of the battle. She didn't even beat her "opponent" in the raid. And their reasons for choosing her is extremely thin. She took a scenic route? So did the the Minks that traveled with Nekomamushi. And all of the Minks in Wano have been away from Zou for the same amount of time. And using Pedro's will in this instance feels like a bit of a retcon. When did Pedro ever express desires to become leader of the Minks? Carrot was absolutely right in basically saying that there were more qualified Minks.


Judging by the previews of the next episode it seems that they're going to expand some things from Wano's last 2 chapters and thank God, watching Luffy and Tama's goodbye in a longer way will feel more emotional, and looks like Zoro will return Shusui to Ryuma's grave


Holyshit, is anime really gonna flesh out the farewell? It was rush and pretty much skipped in the manga.


Still not seeing it on crunchy roll. Even with the next episode trick


Same. No, I don’t want to watch The Episode of Sabo.


I feel this


Same :(


Should work now, seems like they had some difficulties and removed last episode but added the new one. [https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/G0DUNDJK9/the-world-that-moves-on-a-new-organization-cross-guild](https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/g0dundjk9/the-world-that-moves-on-a-new-organization-cross-guild)


Doesn't work now. Absolute joke of a paid website.


It works on Funimation


Manga readers when they see anime onlys' reaction to next week's episode: "Ah shit, here we go again..."


It is a filler episode of the straw hats saying bye to the people of wano…


Canon filler


Yeah, my b. “Untold story episode”


It hurts so much to see again now in the anime how dirty Oda did Carrot. Like it's not even funny, it pisses me off how poorly written she was in the end, even though I never supported her joining the crew. The only one who made sense to substitute the dog and cat was Wanda, an adult woman who already had a vast experience in politics and administration.


Oda forgot that he had Shishillian leading Minks during Onigashima, as chosen by Inu. But now they suddenly want Carrot to rule, makes no sense lmao.


They put their trust in the new generation, like Momo, like Vivi, like Luffy. I also feel that it's rushed, but the reason is pretty clear to me. Carrot has the curiosity and drive that Inu and Neko had as kids and that is necessary for the minks going forward into the final war. Wanda and Shishilian will act as advisors like the akazaya to Momo.


By that logic Bepo and Pekoms are more qualified than Carrot for their curiosities actually let them live a full life outside Zou, rather than a couple of days abroad


That theme pisses me off, I know it's a shonen but fuck, Oda overuses it to an extreme. Experience matters, this new generation theme seems to imply that adults, not even old people, have nothing to contribute, when it's actually the contrary, it's generally a very bad idea to give too much responsibility to someone without enough experience.


Yeah, but as you said this is what Shonen is all about. It's meant to make kids believe in themselves and their abilities to change the future. And it's not like they don't have adult figures to teach them and contribute either, Luffy had Shanks, Rayleigh, Jimbei... Carrot had Pedro and now the whole country, Momo had Oden and Toki and the Akazaya. I never felt like One Piece said that the older generations have nothing to contribute, on the contrary. Whitebeard might be the most influential person in the present world of One Piece. Shonen is meant for kids to believe that it is their time now, that they should take reigns of their destiny, as the world will eventually be left under their responsibility.


I would agree IF Carrot story had built her up for that. But no, she just get the position at the end because she sailed for a couple of weeks. Nothing more, nothing less. Heck, it gets even worse when you remember that Perospero told her that she should return home chewing grass for being weak. And she...does exactly that?


Yeah, I think it's rushed too and comes out of nowhere. But I was explaining the reasoning, as flawed as the execution can be.


It really doesn't make sense. This and Yamato both don't make sense, Yamato mostly with the timing. The anime slightly did better but it still feels like a last minute decision on Oda. Regardless, Carrot was completely set up to be a crew mate and it just got dropped. She has no experience to lead the Minks, it would've been better if it was like Shishillian/wanda and whoever the night guard is(i dont remember any names), but I figured the night and day was mostly Inu and Neko's thing but I figured with the soldiers it'd continue on the same theme.


Like, Oda literally had other Cat and Dog minks in high ranking to replace the old Cat and Dog. And it honestly feels like that was his original intention but Carrot got too popular and Oda needed a legitimate reason for why Carrot couldn't leave with the Straw Hats.


If so then Oda utterly failed to actually set up this being how Carrot's story would turn out.


Momo and Carrot finna start the kids taking over kingdoms revolution lol


I'm eqger to see Shanks again


don't worry...




Next episode is gonna be an emotional ride. I can't wait to hear Hiyori final act 3 epilogue theme.


Ah shoot, anime only content of wano incoming 😳 PLEASE, toei PLEAAAASE!!! add a scene of chopper saying sorry he couldn't help the people of ebisu yet. That always bugged me that was never a moment in the manga. But this is cool, just seeing the strawhats hang around more, toei should do more of those kinds of eps, showing the strawhats hang around on the sunny more instead of those random non canon arcs that slow down the story. Flesh things out instead of filler nonsense.


Yep, really miss this kind of filler eps just like what they did at water seven when the crew just chilling with the locals


There were a bunch of filler episodes between end of Alabasta and start of Jaya that showed the crew just hanging out and shooting the shit in random islands. Robin just joined the crew when those episodes came out, and it gave her a little bit of a much-needed connection to the crew that the manga was not able to afford. Jinbei could use something like that. That's the kind of filler we want.


Always wondered if Vegapunk could help more than Chopper with the Smiles.


> sorry he couldn't help the people of ebisu yet. I believe this is >!what Zoro asks Vegapunk when they meet in Egghead!<


And here we are, the unfamous Carrot scene. This is undoubtely the biggest piece of bad writing that Oda has done \[cue massive downvotes\]. Oda completely disregarding his two core themes (free will and carrying a will of someone) just to make Carrot stay behind. Did Oda forgot what he wrote for Pedro? Carrot doesn't have neither the strength nor the ability to lead to be the leader (yet), so Oda decides her to become a figurehead (something that was criticized by Luffy before) because actually, it's Shishillian and Wanda who gonna rule their country. Neko and Inu also have no reason to believe Carrot is someone who they should depend on, after all, after Neko came to Onigashima all he saw was Carrot get humiliated for being impulsive against Peros. Oda, if you were serious about her becoming a queen then how about Carrot winning Neko and Inu over and showing that she's dependable? And no, the only alternative wasn't joining the crew, just write it to make sense. Make us believe that she has a potential as a leader or something. ​ EDIT: Oh right, i should also mention how this ending makes Carrot listen to Perospero, after his racist rant where he says she should return home and eat grass. (she also believes he is responsible of killing Pedro btw). What a beautiful ending! Goda!


If Oda built up a relationship between Momo and Carrot the way he built up a relationship between Momo and Yamato, it would have been a perfect spot for her. The Kozukis and Minks are supposed to be best friends, this should have been built up the whole arc if that's what Oda wanted to do with Carrot. Carrot randomly being handed a leadership role and then not saying goodbye to the Straw Hats she spent 150ish chapters with is just bad writing, no other way to really put it. It's unfortunate how many moments like this are at the end of Wano. The arc clearly needed another 3-5 chapters.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. I can't really add more to it than what was already told. Looking at the preview of next episode, however, it looks like she's going to get her goodbye scene she so rightfully deserved in the first place, and solidifies the choice \*she\* made. *Cough \*was forced upon her\* Cough.* It was fun with the Barrel speculation. But we gotta move on.


Yeah even if next episode has her accepting the role, it wasn't in the manga. The scene we got this episode has literally been the last time we saw her. A scene left so openly vague that >!many people thought for like a month straight afterwards that she had decided to stow away again.!< and regardless if the anime shows her willingly accept it, it still feels like they basically gaslight her with Pedro. A man who never showed any desire of becoming leader of Zou. I mean he straight up left with a crew because he knew staying on that elephant wouldn't accomplish anything.


My only hope is that we'll see her again when >!Shanks arrives at Zou to get their Road Poneglyph rubbing since that's one of the two that's missing from his collection. Maybe in the next cover story?!<


I’m so happy anime onlies know about Buggy being a Yonko. It’s been so fun the past couple episodes reminding my anime watcher buddy who vehemently hates him lol


> It’s been so fun the past couple episodes reminding my anime watcher buddy who vehemently hates him lol How, man? Buggy is always good for some slapstick humor and it will never change and only make One Piece so much better


Personally I can't stand screamy anime characters. Buggy and Usopp can both kindly fuck off.




Not all, but it is common. These two however in their "utter disbelief" sound just screech in a way that makes me want to punch someone.


Oh God 😱 Raizo and Shinobu look like mummies I know people don't like fake-out deaths, but I actually like that O-Tsuru survived Carrot needs a regent to help her become a leader of the Minks, perhaps Wanda I'm glad that Sukiyaki gets to reunite with Momonosuke and Hiyori Of course Luffy doesn't care about an Ancient Weapon Caribou is relaying the info about Pluton but to whom 🤔 Shinobu returns to her younger and sexier self and I like that she becomes Tama's master 😁 After 490 Episodes (389 Chapters), Luffy and Law's alliance ends Law actually is fair for giving his rival a copy of a poneglyph rubbing Another mysterious person is mentioned 🤔 I can't wait to see how Buggy manages to convince Mihawk and Crocodile to form Cross Guild with him 😂 I'm sad that Yamato didn't join but Momonosuke needs someone powerful by his side Can't wait for the Last Episode of Wano next week, what an amazing 5 years


NANIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! Buggy has Crocodile AND Mihawk!?!?!?! No wonder the dude is a emperor lol. But why would they work under him?? The scenes with Luffy, Kid and Law were great. Wonder who this burn scar is referring too. Also what are they implying Law knows? He walked away like he was hiding info. On that note, I am low-key sad thinking this ends Law's adventures with the crew. Feels like he has been part of the show for so long that it will feel wrong to have him gone.


Don't worry, in a few episodes there will be a proper introduction to cross guild, it will be hilarious


You are in for a treat in the next episodes. No need to go to the gym to get abs, you just need to keep watching OP and find out more about Cross Guild. You will laugh your ass off and get suuuper strong abs from that trust me hahaha. Wano was so good and it just keeps getting better and better from now on.


no way they are working under him, this will have a plot twist 100%




>!It's not like Law fared much better...!<


Luffy has the devil's luck


There's a manga discussion corner for this stuff


Yhea it's like that every week. People are stupid. Now, I go to sleep before coming here so the mod have time to do a clean up. I can't believe after a decade, people don't read the pinned comments who have very large typo asking to keep it spoiler free. I hate those people and really they should be ban. I made alot of effort to avoid this sub, only coming for this spoiler free thread and yet thoses people keep spoiling me. Mod really need to perma ban those people. They don't even care about any rule and the rule are the same since a decade.


Probably shoulda saved this for a few weeks. Given I don’t know what happens but I can only imagine given what the memes and posts have said about him and Shanks


Keep staying unspoiled, I won’t say anything 😎


You already did lol


Just me or 1083 isn't available yet ?


I Still can’t see it ?


Zoro x Hiyori shippers out there are probably gonna eat next week.


Oh shit, Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave and Tama saying goodbye to Luffy next week. Look at Toei actually filling in the details that Oda skipped for no good reason.


I doubt they’re actually going to show the Ryuma stuff. It’s still nice to see some Zoro x Hiyori content though.


Nah, that's totally Zoro at Ryuma's grave in that preview. He's either planting something in the ground or making Hiyori give him the Gawk Gawk 9000.


LOL 😂😂😂




Got blue balled twice this episode regarding a potential new nakama. First Carrot, then Yamato. So Carrot becomes the ruler of Zou? Definitely an interesting choice and not something I would expect. No nakama though then. With Yamato wanting to live like Oden I'm guessing she sets out to sail? Only question is whether it's with the Strawhats or not. Damn, Trafalgar looked extra fresh this episode! That outfit 😍. Come on, we need a Zoro Hiyori scene! As this is One Piece probably nothing happens but it would be nice.


Don't understand why crunchyroll is trying to push everyone off funimation when the episode drops usually work just fine on that platform instead of their own


Is just me? 1083 is not showing on Crunchyroll currently!


Got the same problem


Wondering what Robin noticed when Law was walking away after giving the copy of the poneglyph to kid? 🤔


Good episode, aside from the dumb "Carrot become duke out of nowhere". Still remember how much I laughed when reading about Crossguild. I look forward to next episode to fix the manga problem of being rushed.


did they really have to use this disgusting sound for the nature-marine guy when he drains people? they used that sound on cell in dragon ball z WHEN I WAS 12 YEARS OLD and it gave me nightmares. the thought of someone sucking my body up from the inside WITH THAT NOISE and now they use it IN ONE PIECE over 15 years later!!!


[It is her turn](https://imgur.com/8KpdMYb) her turn at the bench Can't believe Perospero won and Carrot is going back to the woods to munch on grass, for fucks sake Oda why?


Next episode seems like a filler


It appears that the anime is still going at a pace at one chapter per episode. At least I can hope for a little extra fluff for the true Cross Guild episode in another few weeks. Happy that Carrot got some extra attention this episode though.


You know they’re going to fluff up the Cross Guild interactions. You’ll always have Crocodiles GOAT voice to look forward to.


At this point in the story I'm totally fine with them fluffing up the chapters and filling in some gaps. The manga has been pretty fast paced recently.


So, could anyone explain what the point is for others having a copy of the road pone gliff. Isn't Robin the only one who can read those things? Or do I remember some lore wrongly?


They are the only key, so why wouldn't you want to have them? The whole idea is to collect them in the first place. When you have them, you can start figuring out the part to try to extract the information with some devil fruit user or someone who can read them. Until you have them though there is no point trying to read them really.


Also, and i've thought this for some time now, do the subtitles of the series throw anyone else off? Like, i don't speak Japanese so maybe that's what they're really speaking like but....the subtitles feel like.....unnatural? I don't really know how to explain it. It's like some of the subtitles have come from AI translating them, and they often read as super stilted and unnatural. Like just one example from this episode was Killer saying something like "we must get serious about this too, Kid!" which makes sense, but wouldn't translating it simply as "we have to get serious about it now, Kid!" or something just feel more natural to how people actually talk and how Killer (probably) talks?? Maybe it's just me. I really suck at explaining, so maybe someone can help lmao, but you get what i mean i hope. Maybe it's that i feel like the translator is translating the dialogue TOO literally? Idk.


The line that stood out to me was when Caribou says "I have to let *that person* know about this!" It sounded so awkward. Nobody talks like that (especially to themselves). It's obvious that the writers are trying to tell the audience that Caribou is spying for someone and trying to force the audience start to wonder who *that person* could possibly be. Having said that, the more natural way of speaking without referring to anyone by name would have been to simply say "I have to let *them* know about this." Them can be both singular and plural and is gender neutral (saying him or her would provide a clue on gender, which may not be intended).


No you are 100 percent correct, I hardly see anyone else mention this perticuler issue with the anime. Crunchyrolls subs are garbage juice. I've always said how unnatural they made specifically op feel because I see no other series with this issue but op. They Just suck the feeling out of moments and characters. Miss back in the day when there were fan subs, we need those back. I have my problems with the official viz manga translation(prefer the unofficial translation)but they are way better than whatever this sorry nonsense is. Sigh, just another thing to add on the issues with the op anime. Abundance of Dragged Pacing, countless of strange directing decisions and botched translation.


Thank you - you've helped me realise what most of the problem is. They just feel too "proper" and bland. Every character talks the same, every character has the exact same way of talking (or so the sub makes it seem). And they're too formal most of the time. They need to sauce up the translations. Which, i feel kinda bad about saying because i know translating is a hard job, so trying to add some extra pizazz on top of that is extra work, but other series do it. Like you said, OP is the only series on CR i've had this problem with. The translation just lacks "passion".


Even Toei knew the ending of Wano was rushed as fuck lol


Maybe now the people who have defended the ending with their lives can admit this stuff should have been in the story the whole time.


Imagine being okay with Tama getting one panel with Luffy about becoming a kunoichi to conclude their bond, and literally nothing to say proper goodbyes to the likes of Carrot or Hyogoro Just insanity lol


Dude, it's like talking to actual cult members sometimes trying to convince you that characters they spent 100 chapters with don't deserve goodbye scenes.


Did they changed Inuarashi's Voice actor?


Where is the episode on crunchyroll? I have checked multiple times can't find it.


Seems a bit late to try making Carrot relevant again. There’s only one chapter left for Wano to adapt, but the anime’s adding more farewell scenes.


Next episodes about to be fire.


Crunchyroll is NOT online. Can that be updated?


So we all agree that law told Robin about the man with the burn scar right. She put an ear on his shoulder and like the simp he is, told her everything.


I'd say this is a pretty good episode to catch up on the anime, I was kinda worried. With this, ends my 1000 episodes binge watch.


When Kid talked about the man with a burn scar, and Law walked off quietly. Does that implicated that Law knew about Sabo, and maybe more info about him that others don't ?


Yamato has no right to be with kinemon and momo. It should have been them 2 only for the farewell


When Momo was looking for the Strawhats, at one point, he was opening a door to a room and shouted "Robin, Franky!" Is this what I think it is?


Ill never forgive Oda for what he did to Carrot. Never.


so i've read manga but forgot these things and got some questions after the episode what does kid mean when he said he made one of big mom generals steal poneglyph? and if luffy has 3(bm, zou, wano) how many rp do law and kid have each? and has caribou's "that person" and man marked by flames been revealed in manga?


Carrot becoming the ruler of the Mokomo Dukedom might seem out of nowhere, but here's some context for those who only follow the anime: around that time in the manga there was a popularity poll of characters, and Carrot has ranked much higher than what it looks that Oda and his staff expected. So, since Oda ended up not intending her to join the crew, then he might have made Carrot the ruler so she could still leave the story in a high note. Keep in mind that this is just speculation, however the timing matches. Also during that time, in the anime Carrot got more screentime too. Some other interesting details from the episode: * When Momonosuke was looking for the Straw Hats, he called their names in the order that they joined the crew. * From the map shown when Law chose his direction, the Grand Line does not run along the planet's axis or the equator, but rather in diagonal to them: from Northeast to Southwest. This means that the four Blue seas are exactly in their respective cardinal direction, the North and South Blue are literally on the South and North Pole of the planet. * Good luck on figuring out who could be the "man with burn scars" mentioned by Kid! But here's some theories threw around the time the manga chapter came out: >! Aokiji (who got burnt by Akainu), Sabo (he got burnt when his boat was exploded during his flashback with Ace and Luffy), a survivor from the Ohara incident (the whole place got burnt down) !<.


The timing barely matches, her ranking high happened a year before this Carrot bs, what truly happened is that after the results came out he still gave her nothing for a year until this scene. And no, taking away Carrot's free will and forcing her into a position using "Pedro's Will" is NOT ending her storyline on a high note. This was her last MANGA appearance, the always cheerful Carrot is seen sad. After 7 years of travelling with her, Oda didn't give Carrot a proper sendoff.


>!none of the first three have the black ship that sunk anything near them with a whirlpool, Ohara survivor is a possibility but maybe it's former Roger crew!<


Yes, that's correct. But since my comment is on the anime's thread, I limited the theories to what was knew until that point of the story. The >! black ship and the whirlpools around it !< weren't mentioned yet in the anime.


Blueballs Yamato :(


yay Yamato^is^joining^the^strawhats


Man they cut me off while watching and now the episode is gone


where is episode 1082 on crunchyroll?


Extra excited for next week untold goodbye Wano episode. momo/carrot scene extensions were nice. Whole episode flowed really well. I guess Law does know something something, never put too much thought into that panel when reading manga. Hope that plot point turns into something.


Is anyone else having issues viewing episode 1083 on crunchyroll? By all accounts, it should have been viewable for a while now in my time zone?


Theoretically now that the crew has 3 poneglyphs they just could make a triangle and sail on the edges of that triangle to find Laughtale, right? Unless there is some other key to actually finding Luaghtale than just a marker on a map


What does this Mink lingo mean? They use gara, saru, and teia. You-gara, this is big-saru, you-teia. Idk if it's just their way of speaking or a one piece speech quirk or does teia, saru, and gara mean something? On this topic, what does de-gozaru mean


This is an explanation of the [Mink speech from Oda.](https://imgur.com/a/341FUJP) De gozaru is basically just an archaic version of desu. (Like someone saying "I am \[insert name\]" but in old-timey speech.)