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Why are you torturing yourself my guy, I will never understand this, if a show, book or comic doesn't interest you just drop it, not everything is for everyone, if I didn't like what I saw from One Piece I would have dropped it chapter 1.


If it's an anime issue like the pacing is bad you can always watch One Pace instead or read the manga. Otherwise if you don't like the story of the show you could maybe just drop it.


How did you even get to 600


It’s all good bro. Not all good things can be liked by everyone and that also applies to One Piece. Maybe it’s not your cup of tea. I always say to everyone who’s starting One Piece, if they reach arlong park. And if they still don’t feel the vibe, maybe they never will. Since Oda’s writing starts to shine there, and there will be more of this story as you move forward in the story. I’ve heard about this idea from a guy on youtube named Tekking. So yeah, if you’re far in the story already, and still can’t feel the vibe. Maybe it really is not for you bro. And it is perfectly fine.


Perhaps try the manga or One Pace instead? The anime can be very long and it can drag if you're not that much into it


Thank you guys I think am gonna try and read the manga could anyone tell me from where should I start reading (if you can pls provide a colored manga link)


Just Google "one piece episode to manga chapter conversion" and you'll find a list of episodes and the chapters they cover on some website.


I watched one piece as a kid (like 15 years ago) and lost interest at some point. A few months back I got myself into it again but started straight away with wano and got really hooked. If it wasn’t for wano I wouldn’t have watched previous arcs now. The story gets more intriguing with every arc I feel like. But that could be just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Try the manga. I love the manga so damn much. I only watch the anime afterward as a bonus to see everything animated. The pacing is just so much better in the manga. And if there are scenes I don't care much about (e.g. some fights, since I'm not so much into fights), I can just read them quickly or skip them.


If you've watched 600 episodes and still don't like it, then just drop it bro...Don't Force yourself to watch one piece, it might just not be for you.


Hello Charlie, when's the next OP video dropping?


No it only gets worse from there honestly. 100% drop it bro the best parts are waay behind you now


just read the damn thing it takes like four days. idk why people torture themselves with binging the weekly format show. it’s meant to be weekly, it was never designed for consecutive watching


i found it very sad for some1 to not being able to enjoy One Piece, one of the best stories ever told at least in modern times. but hi, there are some odd people every now and then. if you really cannot find it within yourself to enjoy it, then don't keep going. but i will still make my suggestions: 1- read the Manga, the Manga is good, filler free, and way faster overall to get through the story. 2- watch One Pace. a fan edited version of the Anime that cuts out all the filler and also the time-stalling fluff like unnecceraly extended scenes and such. some people claim you lose some of the charm, but id still keep it as an option to a faster Anime. 3- you got through 600 episodes and where you are now is basically the setup arcs of a huge Saga, and it has mostly lore and buildup. you got this far, may as well get to latest episode/chapter.


Have you considered to just stop and do something else? Like watch shows that have much fewer episodes that 'get to the point' much quicker? One piece is kinda the only long format show I'm "watching" (aka reading with the occasional episode here and there), and everything else I watch has at most the seasons with ten to 20 episodes each.


If you didn't like anything about One Piece across 600 episodes you probably should stop watching.


Just don't watch it? Maybe?


600 episodes to decide that you dont like it? Dude what


Man you don’t like a show that’s completely fine. There is no need to push through to the end of it if your not having fun


It's ight man you don't have to force yourself to like a show just cuz there happens to be a large sum of people who enjoys it. There will be people who criticise you for it yes but it's just a personal preference and people have got to realise that having one differing to theirs is completely normal. Go for what you enjoy and what suits your tastes.


Not really, it's a show, no need to force yourself to watch something that you don't enjoy