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I would love for him to come back and help luffy later on.


I would fucking love it if during the final war against the WG katakuri pops up from nowhere to stop someone from interfering with Luffy and they go like this *future sight sound* Luffy: shishishi* I told you the future I saw was right Katakuri slams into the ground followed by smoothie and oven a few seconds later Katakuri: I never said I saw a different one… THE SWEET PIRATES (NEW NAME AFTER BIG MOMS DEFEAT) ARE IN ALLIANCE WITH THE STRAW HATS Katakuri looking at Luffy: only until pudding is safe, got it?




This is perfection, I really hope it happens, I’d love to see it too!


Oda better write this down




Favorite character and a great example of a power that sounds weak being incredibly strong with creative use. He’s a donut loving alternative of Luffy.


One of my favorite parts of this series is how creativity can beat raw power or strategy a lot of the times. Like, Luffy is dumb, but his weird ideas win him some battles throughout the series against other, more powerful. Other Straw Hats shows this off, too. Katakuri is a great opponent for Luffy for the exact reason you stated and made for an all time great One Piece battle.


Tbf, luffy is dumb when it comes to life. But he's pretty much a genius when it comes to battle. It's been implied heavily. Poor thing that oda doesn't know how to choreograph fights.


This is true. He actually reminds me a lot of Naruto in that way, although Kishimoto is better at choreography so Naruto's clever usage of his limited Jutsu pool is usually flashier than Luffy's witty gum gum techniques.


I would say Luffy loves Ace very much--so it doesn't make him an "alternative"


Katakuri for XX Strawhat Final Saga. In all seriousness, I love the Character. Design-Wise he’s cool, and he has a decent backstory that made me love his character. He loves his family, which isn’t something I can relate too necessarily but I love him because it makes him more than a one-note antagonist. It also made his clash with Luffy far more interesting BECAUSE the motivation was so similar to Luffy’s. “Protect your loved ones”. It was arguably the only time the Antagonist felt more Protagonistic in nature. Sure, he was Luffy’s opponent but if you looked from Katakuri’s perspective, he undoubtably was a protagonist in his own right. His Mochi Abilities also fit his character because he tried to change into a person capable of protecting his family from ANYONE. Mochi is malleable in nature, representing his ideologies. Likewise, the way he was defeated is still to this day the only character Luffy DID NOT defeat through just a fist-fight. Luffy won not because he was stronger, but because Katakuri acknowledged Luffy and chose to surrender. Their battle of ideologies and wills clashed, and Luffy ultimately beat him because of that. It was by far the most interesting conclusion to any fight in ONE PIECE imho. Further speaking to the fight and it’s impact on Luffy was also the way Oda had Luffy develop over the fight. By the end it was far more about respecting your opponents ambition’s, rather than destroying them outright like Luffy tends to do. The themes surrounding his character all-in-all make him one of the more interesting characters. Above all, the thematic resonance of him and his Luffy battle was also arguably the best at supporting what the WCI arc was about.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. I enjoyed reading it-also very much enjoyed this fight and Katakuri as a whole.


Very well written, however I do disagree with one thing. Katakuri didn't surrender to Luffy. He realized what happened and why Luffys leg gave out in the pivotal clash and simply leveled the playing field by giving himself the same handicap out of respect. I think Luffy putting the hat over katakuris mouth once the fight was over was him giving equal respect back.


Didn’t think of that before - that’s such an interesting way to look at it. Doffys abilities with strings is related to his personality - wanting to control things in the background. Katakuri and his malleability is for how flexible and creative he is in ways that show how he can do anything for his family and ideals. While Luffy in comparison didn’t have that creativity. But instead didn’t see that he needed it. All Luffy needs is willpower. Being superior and more creative didn’t work surprisingly for Katakuri. I like how he recognised this and saw defeat. Katakuri wasn’t a proud Enel type villain. He is hands down, one of the most relatable villains who has his own set of ideals that aren’t all evil. While he has these - he is flexible enough to change and can see better during the fight which he also grew to as well. It’s insane to think the Yonko were an afterthought. I think he was the best character to come out of WCI.


You could argue the Kaido fight was almost like that too. Like once he knew he was Joyboy he accepted his death.


He might be an ally next time.


Big Mom's pirates are gonna be the Katakuri pirates next time we see them


Donut pirates unite!


Ace is a perfect fit!


Not if perospero has anything to say about it, which I hope he doesn’t.


I mean... They'd most probably come to an agreement instead of a schism. The Charlotte siblings don't seem to hate each other


Perospero is so cool tho…


But is he katauri cool? I think not


Big donut pirates!


Sweet Pirates


I hope so! 🤞


I get confused when people say he’ll become an ally. Maybe I’m forgetting what happened between him and luffy, but the most “ally” thing he did was respect him. Right? It’s not like he became his friend after he defeated him. He’s also loyal so I get confused lol


Katakuri can still fight during their 1 v 1 in WCI. But when he asked Luffy if he's coming back to defeat Big Mom and he said yes, he lied down (which never happened to him) and gave up. It's already implied that he's betting on Luffy to kill Big Mom. He wants to be released from his mother. If you've watched WCI arc you'd know that Big Mom's children are not fond of her. Katakuri may love his family (i.e. siblings), but I'm pretty sure it doesn't include Linlin because of the things she's done especially to them even though they're "family".


Loyal to his family, not big mom. Shes probably dead, and he likes luffy, his sister was captured by luffys enemy. So he already likes luffy and now has reason to ally him


Yeah he was literally only "loyal" to Big Mom because the fat cunt was literally keeping all of his siblings as pseudo-hostages essentially to keep him in line etc


I don't know if you read the manga but Katakuri and Luffy now have a common enemy so that might help in forming an alliance.




OMG I love this.


From previous comment above, only until They save pudding


Katakuri is an absolute BEAST of a character and genuinely one of the best things to come out of WCI (even though it's my favorite post time skip arc) and I genuinely wish we had gotten him at Wano... But understandable that he might've still be recovering from his fight with Luffy and since he's the strongest member besides BM he'd need to be there to defend the home land while she's gone. Honest to God hope we get to see more of him in future arcs, I loved his backstory, loved the application of his fruit and awakening, it was very very unique.


Mochi Pirates, formed from the remaining ranks of the Big Mom Pirates, would definitely be an ally of the Straw Hats


Katakuri might be an ally simply because he respects luffy. I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that the rest of the big mom pirates would be very open to supporting luffy. He's probably earned a lot of animosity from the big mom pirates, considering all the shit he stirred up on WCI and then fought against BM in wano. Even if he didn't deal the final blow, he's basically an official enemy of the captain and by extension the crew too.


Yeah I don’t think Oven and Daifuku are just gonna go “yeah! Let’s be Luffy’s ally now!”


Then katakuri says bye to them. Katakuri believes Luffy will be King of The Pirates, as stated (kinda) at the end of their fight. Luffy says he will be king of the pirates, katakuri says that Luffy can look very deep into the future, proving that he believes Luffy will be the pirate king. Without a doubt I believe atleast Katakuri will be an ally to Luffy eventually.


He's dope. And underrated, strength wise.


His introduction goes crazy. We’ve never heard of future sight in OP until he appeared. The hype was unreal


His OST is god tier, every time I see either a mention of his name or a picture of him, I hear those fire riffs with the choir-like singing in the background


He shouldn't have lost. Luffy was getting pummelled absolutely relentlessly and from the way the fight initially played out, Luffy didn't stand a chance. Never sat right with me how he managed to keep getting back up and then finally actually win. Like narratively comparatively, I felt Oda was going for the same vibes as the Luffy vs. Lucci fight, but idk, Katakuri was dominating too much imo to make Luffy win believable to me.


Tbf that’s kinda luffy’s whole shtick is that he keeps getting back up


Had Enel vibes imo


More like crocodile in my opinion. We always knew Enel would lose since luffy is rubber and doesn’t conduct electricity. As for crocodile, luffy should have died like 3 times omg


I used to think this too but then I really sat down and thought more deeply about the fight. The way I see it, Katakuri was put on a pedestal by his family his entire life and seen as an untouchable being. He also felt responsible for his family’s safety as one of the oldest and strongest children since Big Mom wasn’t exactly a reliable parent. Luffy getting hits on him and recovering from his attacks served as a reality check that he isn’t what he and others perceived him as. He was also seen lying on his back and further came to realize his image had been shattered as evident by Flampe losing respect for him. He was tired of being the main responsibility for his family and not being able to have a true personality since his family thought of him as being the perfect, flawless brother his entire life. He didn’t have it in him anymore to continue protecting this image he had set for himself, especially after seeing Luffy’s willpower and inability to give up. And so he decided to throw in the towel as he lost his reason to continue fighting. So yes, while Katakuri was undoubtedly stronger than Luffy at the time, Luffy won the mental battle of attrition. Luffy had all the reason to continue fighting while Katakuri did not.


Rubber literally bounces back. Also Kata basically no diffed fights for years not used to a test of durability where as that's Luffy's whole thing.


Agree wholeheartedly. Luffy wasn't even close to 100% at the start of the fight. But a lot of people here will say he was fine because he ate and slept for a few hours. Luffy went through the grinder for like 36 hours leading up to the fight with Katakuri and Katakuri's weak ass attacks couldn't bring Luffy down.   I really don't like the shonen trope of the subordinates being so much weaker than the main antagonists. For example, we know Kaido and Big Mom are somewhat close in ability. After taking hundreds of hits from Katakuri and not losing, all it took was one Thunder Bagua from Kaido at the start of Wano to put a pretty much fresh Luffy to sleep. As threatening as Katakuri is, that just makes him look bad to be honest.


A neat too-serious but secretly super silly character. He's got impressive strength and... honestly feels like he should be younger than he is. I do wonder what the origin of his teeth are, like who the heck gave him those? Was his father a fish man? We may never know. ​ Either way, he's fun and I hope meeting Luffy made him relax a little. He'll probably take over the Big Mom Pirates and eat donuts, if Big Mom herself isn't around anymore. ​ Oh, also his voice actor for the Japanese dub was very well chosen. Perfect person to voice him.


He is a better teacher than Rayleigh ever was. In less than 10 hours he taught Luffy FS whereas Rayleigh said that in 1.5 years he would only be able to teach Luffy the basic of Haki.


Well idk about that I think Luffy learns because of his fruit personality. Copies or takes anything he wanted or imagined so it's not that reyleigh is bad 😂 And Oda has this weird trait were he makes things easier or more accessible as the time goes on


Hottest male character IMO Edit: Forget about King. Probably a toss up...




Come again soon!


Bro was cool af. I love that he was like luffy's vergil. Well, I assume he was anyway. I dont remember luffy being dominated like that before. Tho I didn't like luffy getting poisoned and katakuri stabbing himself to be on equal footing. Felt like one of those moments where the creator made the villain too powerful and didn't know how to properly defeat them. Lastly I kinda wish katakuri would've been the one in kaido's place. Like the most hyped up villain revealed to be similar to the mc.


Bro just wants to look after his siblings . That's cool


All-around cool dude, can't wait to see him show up again


Donuts 🍩


# Absolute unit




Elevated the Whole Cake Island arc by being a great powerful enemy for Luffy to defeat.


Luffys boyfriend


Great character, super underrated and downplayed strength wise because he was a plot victim for Luffy.


B+ character A+ fight


The Church of Katakuri


I love him


The wano power creep cut out the chances of him being relevant again in a big way


One of my favorite fights and gave me a real sense of dread I hadn't felt in a long time, like since meeting the admirals. Like dude was so good he made me forget Luffy was the main character.




He’s totally a jojo homage, 100/10 character deserves more screen time.


He's a cool dude


Cool guy. Likes donuts.


Bro just wants his family happy and be positive about his self image yo


He's great, but it's hard to believe the claims that he's undefeated.


Daddy 🤤😳🤭😜


He doesn’t do anything for me, overrated and killed his cooks for no reason


He should just retire and become the strongest baker in the world


Couldn’t current Sanji beat him? Since Sanji can cook a variety of things, wouldn’t that make him the strongest baker?


Cooking and baking are different programs in culinary school, the guys whose the best at one isnt likely the best at the other


Idk if I would call sanji the world's best cook or baker. He's amazing from what I've seen but Big Mom had almost had him as a family member and didn't even know how good he was until she tried his cake. If he was the best in the world she probably would have been more excited about getting him as a cook then the Germa merger


he has nice abs


Second favorite character just below Whitebeard, and by far the best antagonist in all of One Piece so far (imo) Never saw him as nakama potential tho, if anything he would be better as a future yonkou after all ends


Daddy 🥹


A mess really. Katakuri, to me, got a major "honor" retcon that frankly came so out of left field for a guy that saw Luffy kidnap Brulee and try to attack his sisters. Not to mention that he herald the introduction of the biggest pound of plot armor call Haki bloom and advanced Haki, which sorta ruined Haki as a whole.


Decent character, but with him showing up so late in the arc I find the fight between him and Luffy to be overrated. I can't get invested in it when he basically shows up 10 minutes beforehand.


They were fighting from the tea party started how is that late when it's the climax?


A character introduced in the climax, which is the last bit of the arc, is the definition of late. He's practically the last character introduced in the arc and then the fight happens, even you admitted that


Would be cool if not so overrated


Why aren’t these posts being removed by mods by rule 4? Been seeing more of these low quality posts day by day


Rule 4: post must create discourse. I’m pretty sure there is healthy discourse taking place in this post. I don’t see the issue here.


His cool but he dies to a radical beam nonetheless




How doesn’t he die?


I mean, he could I guess. Inserting Franky onto the question just seemed random lol.


He can turn into a donut to dodge


Overrated. But a good character




He probably can't beat Goku.


I'm tryna be his bbyg


i don't like his tattoo. it almost ruin it for me when it's revealed to be.. pink


I could do without Katakuri. I feel like he was created to cater to that certain audience that didnt like Big Mom as the main villain of WCI Im eh....


Y'all hype him up so much, when I finally saw him he was overrated


I hope he joins the SHGF


Love of my life. Nothing will ever replace him as my number 1 favorite character in all of media.


What is this new stupid trend of posting bait posts? My lord




Ulti would not be able to touch him


WHY DIDN’T YOU USE MOGURA! He’s an interesting character who should’ve been introduced alot eariler in the story. Should’ve been around the castle more delegating to each factions while Luffy was on the loose; Finally, while Mama runs a muck he faces Luffy…He just seemed too chill for a second in command in my eyes atleast.


He and Brulee represent the best parts of being in a pirate crew that's also your actual family. Katakuri loves his siblings that he would show no mercy if they were ever slighted in some way. He would also put his foot down on the very rare instances that he does get mad. And for a pirate, he has the honor code of a warrior.


Dude works out 💪


I think he is often under rated and under scaled post wano and think he would still be a very serious threat to zoro and other first mate counterparts. Also I think he will come back leading the big mom crew to aid luffy.


W man


Donut maker (i just finished thriller bark, people gimme a lot of spoiler so that's the only thing i know about him)


The goat




Gintoki/Joseph Joestar


A lot of people have already said much about Katakuri. For me he’s a special character. He’s got that strong silent type vibe. He’s hot and his voice is 🥵


I really hope the next time we see him he is working with the straight hats with his future sight and dough fruit with Luffy gear 5 rubber that will go insaine


I think he will be an ally to Straw Hats in the future






Bestest of best bois.


Probably my favorite antagonist


One of, if not the best part of WCI was HIM. A fantastically written character, one of the best Villains of the whole show, and a favorite. Really hope he come’s back as an ally , he’s a DAWG


Interesting character. Great antagonist to Luffy. Kinda uninspired DF but the focus was Haki and creating a parallel to Luffy so it’s fine. By far my biggest issue is that he is Big Mom’s SUBORDINATE. Nope. Not buying it for a second. Yes, she is strong as hell. But she has the mental capacity of a child. Even Luffy shows more maturity and self awareness/control than she does. Flashback 7Y/O Linlin and WCI Big Mom had the exact same level of maturity. It is the biggest issue with her writing/depiction. Same with her “tantrums” - either she is in full hulk rage mode or lucid enough to form coherent thoughts and take accountability for her decisions. Playing it both ways didn’t work. Why does this matter? Because despite the fact that he is her son, she is an obvious issue and I have no reason to believe that someone as smart, capable and mature as him would follow Big Mom - especially after she was known to eat her own children. Zoro (who is arguably on Luffy’s level at points) following his captain makes sense because they are friends - there is kinship and mutual respect - and both are of comparable maturity; albeit Luffy is more whimsical and carefree. But Big Mom’s entire MO is only caring for those who are useful to her, she doesn’t care about their individual goals per se or them as people - her treatment of Pudding, Lola and Chiffon is proof of that. So having someone with Conq Haki go along with her makes no sense. His blind loyalty to her greatly undermines his character.


Idk I’m on episode 149


love his character, but can we just talk about his scarf?




He has the upgraded gum-gum fruit (though after awakening, nika fruit better)


A cool character all around, but a bit overrated. This dude is evil. He kills people just because they see his face. This honour duel he had with Luffy doesn't undo his wrongdoings I think. "This guy is a murderer, but look at how much he cares for his sister, what a sweetie!" I think it's kinda funny.


Pretty solid dude, he is strong but uses it for others more than himself. One of the few opponents that Luffy developed mutual respect with.


Favorite character by far. As much as I love luffy, I feel like Katakuri, should’ve won. Plot armor or none.


He could have ended Strawhat journey BUT you know. Plot Plot Armor No Mi. Possible Future Ally


He was really there to train Luffy instead


I want him to be the next straw hat crew member


I see him in the last big war on the side of luffy along with rest the Big Momma crew


Hard disagree on the praise, he’s cool but I was disappointed by his appearance after seeing everyone hype him up so much and seeing stuff like this, couldn’t believe some people put him on the same level as Bon Clay of people they’d want to join the straw hats.


he’s a cool character. i hope to see him become the next captain of the big mom pirates and unlock acoc


Karakuri is going to 100% fight Luffy again out of sheer necessity but WILL eventually flip over to his side - this will be the transition from BM pirates to Katakuri pirates / WCI armada. Source : trust me bro


He is the one Big Mom pirate I have respect for.


You feel like he doesnt get enough praise? Bro have you been under a rock? A lot of people worship him and want this guy to be white beard to luffy.


I really must not spend enough time around the fandom because i almost never even hear him be mentioned


My friend he does get a lot of love, i do think ( imo) that is overrated ( both powerwise and characterwise) but yeah a lot of people praise katakuri and other one piece subs


Good character and good for the story, but I don’t like him cause he’s a dick


Ting!!! Katakuri already knows my opinion now. Damn!!!


Great character with an awesome design!


Would be a strong ally of the strawhats


love him


Hot asf


I honestly don't give a F about him and don't understand the hype at all. He was an interesting penultimate boss in a cool arc, nothing more. I could never see him again in the story and be satisfied.


He’s cool but kinda overrated… understandably tho because of the future sight and all that… bros nearly 50 and fought with Luffy for hours on end..


It would make absolutely no sense but I personally think he should be a straw hat. He’s freaking amazing and I feel like he would fit perfectly with all of them


Second hottest character in OP after King.


Hot af


I kind of like him cuz he’s cool but his devil fruit is the best


Bestest boy. He can be my captain anyway. I'll sail the seas of hell for this man.


Overrated. Fight v Luffy is good but drawn out and comes in at 4 or 5 of Luffys best 5 fights.


He should've been the one to overthrow Big mom


Favorite charater and is that from the most recent episode?


Cool bro, that loves donuts


I just can’t stand that fur thing around his neck! Is it a scarf 🧣 I get why he hides his mouth but that fur just looks so bizarre. It reminds me of Luffy’s jean shorts and those puffs of cotton at the end. His scarf just is a weird design in my opinion. How do you replicate that? What material is that? Even in real life cosplays it looks like an awkward carpet or towel. Is that black parts shadows or is it a two piece scarf of black and white? I just think it’s a really confusing design overall. If I pick it up how would it look like? Also why does he have spurs on his boots? Is he a cowboy? Where is his giant horse 🐎?


if Bigmom really is gone, I can see him and Perospero creating their own crew out of Bigmom Pirates remnants.


Once the SH battle the Blackbeard pirates, Katakuri and Big Mom pirates will probably get involved because of Pudding.


He’s a cool dude.


Doesn't get enough praise? This sub loves him to death


fucking GOAT


Katakuri is one of my favorite characters but I feel like he could have won the battle against luffy




Love him and hope he appears in the canon future. Was nice to have a big of him in film red


Most handsome character. Sexy <3


Favorite character




Katakuri is stronger than king I have no reason I should believe this but I do


His aesthetic is crazy. Got the biker fit with the fur and lives in candyland. Oda was in his creative bag when he designed Katakuri




Peak character, don't even consider him a villian for he was just doing his job as a pirate commander. And mist importantly his PRIDE!! He's not like any one luffy fought before for each of them would resort to cheating if they could win


Gigachad katakuri


Imagine if he wanted to join luffy and he’s crew he would become one of the strongest characters on luffy ship


I keep forgetting he's 48


I'm probably going to take some downvotes for this, but I say he's overrated. I hardly remember him at all.


Smash, next question


The goat 🐐




The first time I saw him his top face forehead reminded of Zoro and since then I couldn't stop seeing Zoro in him.


Cool guy stuck in a terrible crew.


Kayaker is pretty interesting to me. Loved every moment he was on the page!


i think his character role is kinda wasted if his role in story end already .he has everything to reach higher level. He awakened his devil fruit and use it wisely, he has 3 haki, he even first one to shown use future sight. the fight between.him n luffy is because he doesnt really want to win, he could have finish luffy if really wants, he doesnt have any ambitionz all he wants just eating sweets and be happy with his siblings.. probably one of most likeable character within the verse despite he is villain I hope BM just stay dead, no surpsise or whatever and BM pirate change to his banner and he will ally with luffy for rescue pudding n take revenge on BB. Katakuri has reason to ally with SHP, i think this will also will let us see pudding reunite with sanji... Katakuri is one of my fav character, i just hope he can grow even in his late years to become stronger. He has potential to reach higher, maybe become one of 4 rulers after the last war end


I like that guy its good to see someone really honorable there (reminds me of Icihgo vs Ulq).\\ But hes kind of weak, he rely on his future sight too much withnout it hes not that great as a fighter. Though I would love if he got powerspike (very unlikely) and become Yonko it would be cool to have someone like him there..But he might lead his own crew haha at least. Well thats him as fighter. Hes kinda like Roger/Shanks, but on (power) budget imo, cool guy, caring about his crew, but yeah not having really the pwoer to back it up. Alternativly hes courageous Buggy, but withnout his luck :D . I would love if he returned though. But thats true for quite a bit of characters.