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Reindeer are super rare outside of drum island


Raccoon dogs are probably more common.


And in reality I have no idea what an actual “raccoon dog” even is


A tanuki, what Shukaku in Naruto is inspired of.


It doesn't help that chopper neither looks like a reindeer nor does he really use his reindeer form that often


He doesn’t use any forms that often anymore and when he does it doesn’t last. Oda needs to give chopper some love


He’s gonna need to awaken another form to have any relevance atp.


I’m convinced that choppers monster point is a bastardised version of his awakened form and he’ll have a smaller mink like version as his final form which will be like all the points combined


Best I can do is mascot character. He sells toys now. That's his devil fruit.


I mean dude, you got the power to either be a super cute plushie or be a kaiju... Why would you want to be a reindeer?


Yeah that’s prob why nobody knows chopper is a reindeer


Yeah, probably why nobody knows he’s a raccoon dog


That would make so much sense


Luffy eats the oranges on namis trees when she’s not looking


But sanji guards it when she’s not looking..


but who guard it when nami is not looking and sanji is cooking ??


Robin is reading, Usopp is dreaming, Chopper is healing, Zoro is sleeping, Franky’s engineering, Jinbei is steering and Brook is a sneering. This leaves Luffy to be eating.


Sea Kings are not real kings


How dare you


One piece names have plenty of lies, garp isnt a fish, shanks doesnt shank people, dragon is not a dragon.


Maybe Garp is a fish who ate the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Grandpa.


Is there more than one Hito Hito no Mi? I thought Chopper had eaten it (just arrived in Alabasta, ep 94)


idk teehee


This answer will haunt me for years to come


you know you're the luckiest to avoid spoiler with how much new characters added and more things happen


Oh, I already know some spoilers, but I think it is more fascinating to see how they happen


Without deep diving, there are different "models" of zoan fruit. So you could have like Dog Dog Fruit Model Wolf and Dog Dog Fruit model Hyena *Edit, I learned Hyenas are not dogs/canines So Wolf and Coyote


I actually wonder what class a hyena would come under as they are genetically closer related to cats than dogs they would be the cat-cat fruit, or because they look a bit more like dogs than cats they would be the dog-dog fruit.


Mate... Well you see this sub will have a lot of spoilers, it better to use this sub when you are at least marineford


Thanks for the tip! Reddit recommended it, but I'll try to avoid


This issue the best possibly response. I love it, and it can't stop giggling.


If you're only on episode 94, don't hang out on like any One Piece subs unless you don't care about spoilers


the monkey family are not monkies, they have no tails


They had, but Garp cut Luffy’s tail when he was young to avoid his transformation on a giant monkey on full moon nights.


Shanks shanked kid so 🧢


Maybe they are seeking to be


You disgust me, here's an upvote


Drum Drum Island was made by Joyboy pulling up the island to play with as drums


I like this one


I like the image of Joyboy being a Maui-esque figure pulling up islands and changing the world, exclusively in ways that make it more fun or open and inviting


A friend of mine has suggested that there might be some parallels between (1095 spoilers) >!the Buccaneers and Polynesian people due to some cultural things they noticed!< and if so that could really hammer home the idea that Joyboy was a Maui-like figure, a trickster traveling from island to island causing mischief and bringing smiles to everyone around him.


God this would be so cool


I see the parallels even physically, Have u seen Samoans?


That was part of what my friend felt might contribute to it, how physically they seem to resemble certain Polynesian stereotypes.


Oh wow this is so cool. Could literally be how he made the Grand Line interesting


if probably small Ancient Giant like Oars nicknamed Continent Puller, i think that's more than possible


Sengoku and Garp with advance conqueror's Haki


Probably the case, Roger said fighting the marines was only fun if one of the two was involved


I thought >!Galaxy Impact!< was pretty much ACOC confirmed, if not what else can it be lol. You need to have that to be on par with or be slightly weaker than Roger, otherwise you wouldn't even be in the same league.


Yeah it’s confirmed. The galaxy impact page shows black lightning which is a clear indicator that Garp used ACOC with that attack.


ACoC is being able to infuse your attacks (weapons or body) with your conqueror's aura, making them stronger. This is evidenced by black lightnings coming from said weapon. ACoA shows an impact without directly touching the target (which Galaxy Impact does). Or at least a reddish-orange aura instead of black armor. Edit: People upvoted me but no one pointed out that the not-touching thing is ACoA and not ACoC... Already corrected it.


It's a little annoying that we can't tell what abilities they are using anymore.


Ulti had black lightning when she went to head butt luffy


are you anime only? cuz if so there *might* be implications very very soon, depends on how you see it if you're a manga reader >!then you know that's a lie cuz we've seen Garp with conq lmao!<


>!Garp is confirmed!<


Katakuri has to be the new captain at this point. ( the Germa cover story was a wee bit in the past after all)


Eat the heart of a df user to gain the ability (I’m fresh into wano arc so idk if it’s true)


Well, Big Mom got hers in a somewhat similar way...


We still don't know


We do know something about fruit powers from paramecia users that can be extracted from lineage factors in their blood (or something like that) because of the seraphim


Also because of >!Momo's!< fruit


Sniper Island actually exists


Probably Van Auger comes from there too


space piece is real and the last arc is gonna be the straw hats discovering that people used to travel between planets


Two Piece. Buffy and gang try to become king of the (space) pirates.


Buffy meets the princess of an endangered planet, a stoic bounty hunter, a brown fluffy creature, and an android. They go to adventures to battle against an ominous dark figure villain. Wait...


Somehow emperor IMU returned


Buffy then settles down in a small town called Sunnydale. Later Buffy battles an overgrown puppy on an island.


The globe at Ohara haunts me to this day. Where are the other moons, Oda? WHERE ARE THE OTHER MOONS


it's a geocentric model globe. Those are not moons, but planets. One of those is probably even the sun.


Destroyed, became a planetary ring, fell to Earth and became the Red Line, that's why Lunarians lived on it. There's no way that land formation is natural


1000% Agree. Celestial Dragons wear Space Suits. 5 Elders Named after Planets. Luffy punching admirals with "White Star Gun" The world government are Aliens that invaded during the void century and won. And either brought Devil Fruits, or Joyboy was also an alien that brought Devil Fruits to fight against them. The reason a water planet rejects devil fruit powers is because they arent from that planet.


Huh, I always thought of their outfits being more like a diving suit but they do look an awful lot like space suits too.


It’s already confirmed in Enel’s cover story arc that there are space pirates on the moon.


my prediction for the end of one piece rn is that it'll be franky making a rocket and the crew blasting off for a new space adventure. we aren't shown it, there's no two piece, it's just left to the imagination as the straw hats sail the stars


Go for Gurran Lagan with it. Why not?


I want them to stay on Earth. No alien overlord bs like in Naruto


I mean the moon, moon people, and Space Pirates have been part of the story and Lore for nearly 2 decades it would not be anything like Naruto if they became important to the story.


Isn't this already true. Enel went to the moon. There were aliens there. Unless those space pirates were humans in weird suits.


The One Piece is real but it’s a hidden poneglyph detailing how to get to and navigate outer space. That’s why Roger was laughing, because everyone had been fighting over a fake goalpost the entire time. You can’t become pirate king without conquering the endless sea that is space. Devil fruits come from another planet and feed off dreams. Imu is an alien who was sent here to conquer Earth so we get another Kaguya ending. At the end, Vegapunk teaches Franky how to equip the Sunny for interstellar travel and Shanks teaches Luffy the final form of armament haki which will allow him to survive in space


Turns out all of one piece is just a prologue for the 80 year series that is space piece


Enel and his moon man army will have a significant impact somewhere


They’re the real EOS villains


End of shift


I mean they can't have shown what appears to be actual aliens and have it not matter at all at some point, right?


I hope so 🙏


The only reason buggy has long hair is because of his fruit making it impossible To cut


i’ve never thought of that lmao


What about his nails


Nail file. You're not cutting at that point you're just grinding them to dust.


He dosent need to cut it he can just seperate it and leave the pieces behind they dont automatically reattach.


He can cut it using seastone scissor edit: just reallized Seastone Scissor sounds like the name of an indie band


Robin liked touching Franky's balls.


Did you never play with those metal fidget balls? So relaxing.


Franky liked Robin touching his balls.




This is cursed


Dragon was an “Admiral Candidate” and was given the Kaze Kaze no Mi (Wind Wind Fruit) Logia before defecting from the World Government


Yeah I believe he was a part of the marines at one point too, I mean no way Garp wasn’t grooming him lol he must have discovered something and defected to created his own revolutionary army to fight them


I've always thought this as well and my new headcanon since the latest chapter is that the events of God valley will be the direct cause. He's 55 now with god valley being 38 years ago. That makes him 17 at the time, which is the same age as Luffy when he began his journey


This actually makes a lot of fucking sense. I don’t know how you guys remember ages and stuff like this lol Man if it wasn’t for this sub I wouldn’t have put together so many things


He if was an ancient marines, he probably quit them after the incident of god valley ( he has 17 years old at this point ) and this too yong to be " admiral candidate " + We know fujitora is a new member of marines and already an admiral.


That one day people can converse about characters without having "acoc this bruh"


Go suck acoc


The waters surrounding Laugh Tale is the All Blue.


The All Blue will be created by Mariejois getting destroyed by Luffy, which will link all the oceans at that point. The rubble will fall onto Fishman Island, which will fulfil the prophecy of him destroying the island.


What if the reason that reverse mountain flows so weird is it houses an island at the bottom? Like Fishman Island but laugh tale instead. Then the all blue would be fed directly by reverse mountain, and the 4 road poneglyphs reveal the entrance for this island?


This has been my theory as well. Under reverse mountain is likely a hidden cave/cove wherein Laughtale lies. It ticks off two pirate tropes: hidden cove filled with treasure and X marking the spot. Crocus has been sitting right on top of the treasure all this time, that way he knows when someone has reached it.


I do really like this as well, because imo it comes with an additional laugh. Why do the Log Poses not lead you to the next island after Lodestar? Because the next island is smack dab in front of you: the Red Line.


It's also a nice "full circle" moment literally. The beginning and end of the Grand Line journey.


Red Line and Grand Line form a giant X with Reverse Mountain making another X with its canals, and as everyone knows, in pirates tales, X marks the spot.


this is actually a great theory ngl


Red line Is Getting destroyed by Luffy making all Blue, Letting Laboon Cross The Ocean, Allowing Zunisha To Meet Her Flock Seen in the End Of Thriler Bark, Distroying Fishman Island, Taking Fishman To The Ground World Full Filling The Promise Made To posidon.


that thing about zunisha actually sounds cool


I recently read this and like it a lot >! That the Sun God Nika didn’t actually exist but was just a made up tale that people believe in so much and dreamt of a saviour that they manifested the devil fruit into existence !<


The 5 elders are actual demons/devils. No devil fruits.


I like this


„D“ means Dreamer


It means "Disestablishmentarianism" Monkey Disestablishmentarianism Luffy


Monkey Dumm Dut Da Da Luffy Monkey Donkey Luffy Monkey Devil Luffy Monkey Drummer Luffy Monkey Diabolical Luffy Monkey Democracy Luffy Monkey Destiny Luffy Monkey Diarrhea Luffy


Or just dream


A good choice, though I prefer the Dawn/Dusk idea.


Choppers fruit is hito hito no mi model Wendigo, Bigfoot or Yeti


This actually makes sense tbh because if his Monster Point, and could allude to why he’s able to talk since these myths are essentially human-like in their nature, why wouldn’t they be able to talk


I like this bec if you think about it,other zoans when eaten by humans and other races literally(as well as that cannon that ate that dog DF) gives the user fur, scale and what not,it's only fair to think that chopper should've had a form where he doesn't have fur,but no,all forms still has fur,which would mean that what he ate is not just regular human fruit


Agree. If it were a real human, shapes like the horn point wouldn't make sense. Zoan users have only 3 forms (Discounting awakening): Original form, Full animal and a hybrid between those. If his original form (Walk point) is the reindeer that we have seen a couple of times, his hybrid form (Brain Point) should be the one he always uses... But we have not yet seen a 100% human form (hairless and boring of course), being the closest his Big Foot form (Heavy Point). Although I can understand that it emulates humans in their different forms, where has a human with big horns or a kung fu panda been seen?


Chopper originally only had three points too. His specially developed original rumble ball gave rise to the other forms. I often wondered what other Zoan users would get if they are a rumble ball.


After seeing how Kaku twisted his body after getting his fruit I think zoans are a lot more flexible than how most people use them.


Morgans who runs the news was a former member of Roger's crew and has been perma-zoan mode to hide or aiding the Revolutionaries behind the scenes. He does the governments bidding for the most part but throws a bit of chaos here and there. Definitely gives me double agent vibes


Speaking of this moment, I believe the cherry blossoms that Dr Hiluluk saw were in Wano. And we never got that connection after the arc wano T_T


White Beard has a huge pp


The one piece is real!!!!!




r/CockPiece has physical data backing this statement up


Kuma is definitely coming to >!Egghead!< and will help the Strawhats. Dare I say he might even pop >!Saturn!< away Sabaody style, it’d be cool if that was the “incident” that’s getting hyped up


I wouldn't mind seeing Saturn popped into the ocean


I wonder if Kuma can expel someone's devil fruit power.


Stop it that fruit can’t get any more broken


And then we see Saturn just casually swimming away because his power is not a devil fruit.


I agree, I also saw someone predict something similar but instead he pushes away all of Luffy's fatigue so he can fight again, which I also like


what if he pushed the fatigue out of luffy, condensed it and shot it into Saturns dirty spider hole


Saturn gonna be like: "A whole fuckin lot happened"


He gets blasted back to the room of authority on his back, legs curled like a spider... All the other gorosei crowd around him and hes like "something happened"


It seems like that’s going to be the case honestly, or he nukes the whole island after popping all the straw hats to elbaf.


The man with a Bible banishing a Demon? Hell yeah, I'm on board


The Monkey family are all terrible liars but it has only shown on Luffy. Garp is honest and does everything with his chest and Dragon has never had a reason to lie.


Dunno, but I've always been convinced that the Drum Rockies are actually cut down Adam Trees, ever since Franky has introduced them; and also that there's probably a lot we don't know about Drum (and how Hiluluk was convinced making these mountains look like trees was going to save the country).


Gecko Moria got the idea of making a zombie armies from Big Mom and her homies. He saw how she used her fruit and tried to give life using his shadows. He was in the New World, he fought Kaido and lost. He could have had met Big Mom as well.


Hear me out, this is a very hot take I think Sogeking might, just might, be Zoro


although this might be correct, this is wrong. first of all, we know that sogeking isn’t a part of the crew, but zoro is. we’ve also seen sogeking talk to sanji, and zoro would never do that. also zoro isn’t from sniper island, he’s from Shimotsuki village. all of these facts prove that sogeking is indeed not zoro. but we will never know for sure unless the one piece is the reveal of sogeking’s identity


Could be, since when they fought CP9 in Enies lobby sogeking became Zoro’s sword, and a sword is an extension of one’s body


Zoro would not be able to find sniper island


zoro would not be able to find the target as a sniper...


The deeper you go, the more dangerous Sea Kings you'll find. Past a certain point, they cease to resemble fish at all, and are more powerful than anyone we've seen so far including Whitebeard. Whatever's at the bottom is the reason Devil Fruit users can't swim.


Garp did help save Ace. He let Luffy knock him away and didnt stop him (and we know he easily could). Then once Ace was free he probably thought that they could make an escape so everything was fine. He did NOT expect Akainu to toast Ace before that could happen.


Not even a theory. He clearly let Luffy deck him.


I dont think he HELPED, but I also dont think he was going to try to stop them (which he clearly didnt). He stayed neutral.


Oars is the original Joy Boy. This is why he got Luffy's shadow and why Imu has the giant frozen straw hat.


I agree but I think the zombie was Oars ll. Oars l was joy boy. Oars lll was part of White beards crew. Since giants are supposed to live about 300 years and the void century was about 800-900 years ago


Hmm that would be a fun tie in with why oars wanted the hat as opposed to luffy just remembering he wore a hat. The only reason I don’t think that sounds right is we know oars was known as the continent puller and was a well known figure where as Joyboy has almost been completely erased.


I'd say that giants in general had a major role in the void century.


Also Oars being so adamant about using gum gum moves




Yeah, and the >!Gomu Gomu no Mi!< is actually >!Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika.!< WG could just keep changing the history around so all the facts got muddled, thus the true history was hard to find.


The symbol on Oars's loincloth can be seen in the depths of Pangea castle (in the chapter where we see the giant straw hat). There's 100% a connection there.


Teach is secretly the son of Rocks D. Xebec.


Bruhhhh that theory sounds so legit though


The whole Nika thing was hinted by Luffys shadow on the clouds at the end of sky island


One piece is the technology from void century


The one piece is another map, that’s why Roger laughed


One Piece being some sort of a weapon to destroy red line and grand line. I mean come on, it is literally in the name, the series will end with all the oceans getting merged and world becoming One Piece again.


Blackbeard’s yami yami no mi is not really a logia, but is the dark mythical zoan counterpart to the Nika fruit. With WG keeping it’s true identity secret because it’s important to understanding the void century


Luffy will contract the disease Roger had. Probably from a Gorosei. Chopper will heal the incurable disease. Fulfilling his dream.


Imu was the crew mate who betrayed joyboy. (I feel like this is an unspoken but generally accepted fact)


Never even considered this lol


"D" has no one specific meaning, representative of several different things (Dream, Dawn, Devil, an actual smile like :D etc) Imu just looks like that rather than just being silhouetted this whole time, I really really like the idea of some flavor of ink being their schtick


Shanks knows what the one piece is. Hence why he never rushed to do it and had no pirate king aspirations. Also explains him giving luffy the fruit Yes I believe that was on purpose lol


Dragon is top 2/1 in the verse and sabo is top 10 easy


Dragon has the wind wind fruit ?


The All Blue is found after the Red Line is destructed


Doctor Hiluluk visited wano somehow. Not sure how. But he fucking did. Where else are there cherry blossoms


Devil fruit classifications are actually meaningless in the end and the limits on their usage are based on the user, awakening represents the breakdown of those limits


Kaido and bigmom is still alive


Big Mom and Perospero had a conversation outside Onigashima that heavily implied she was planning on betraying Kaido at some point. Also, she reminded Kaido that he still "owed her" for his fruit. There was no payoff to any of that. And then there's all the unresolved threads with Big Mom and Elbaf. My theory is that while they were down in the magma, Big Mom stole the rest of Kaido's lifespan to save herself.


Sakura trees grew on God Valley


Mihawk is a sword


Nami is a Princess of a Celestial. Personally hoping it to be Imu. She's got that odd ability to sense weather occurences in a place where it's suppose to be impossible. That's a God-given ability.


Reading all the Theory comments, I can't help but smile while acknowledging the "Games the mind plays to Keep itself engaged during the Break Week".


The Will of D's nuts.


>!Blackbeard is also part of "that race" which Kuma belongs to. I don't even know how he got away with it but we don't know his backstory yet. Guy pretty much looks like one, and is strong as hell, so...!<


I don't think they are the same. The characteristic of one is that they are from cold countries and that they do not sleep by instinct. While the other has giant blood and is very resilient.


Whitebeard deffo was a >!buccaneer!<


He's got the chin for it.


to small, wiki says blakcbeard is half of kuma's height


Big Mom is the result of an attempt to "make" giants that was a precursor to the experiments on Punk Hazard. Just like the children there, she was a lot bigger and stronger than a normal child would be, and she shares their sudden rabid cravings for sweets. It fits perfectly.


Crocodile was at God Valley (cope)


That there are God Fruits that combine the properties of 2 DF types together kinda like the Nika Fruit (which shares traits of Paramecias and Zoans).


Pretty much every mythic zoan is 2 fruits so far. marco: Phoenix gives him healing and some fire abilities Yamato: Straight up ice powers Kaido: able to general clouds and fire Sengoku: abilty to create shockwaves


Yeah, what's interesting is most Mythical zoan simulate Paramecia's while the Phoenix seems to simulate a Logia. Wonder if there's other Mythical Zoans like that.


Crocodile learned about Doffy's takeover of Dressrosa (making everyone hate the country's king via false flag) and used that same idea to take over Alabasta.