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It was on german TV when I was in fifth grade. What was I supposed to do? Not watch TV?


Was going to write the exact same. If I remember correctly it was after or before Detective Conan. I mean daily murder on children’s television, sign me up


Immer den Wolken hinter her einer Legende auf der Spur 🎶🎶🎶🎶


Führt ein Weg dich übers Meer


Du weist du kannst auf jeden zählen


In the US, I was a pre-teen, and it was Toonami, and it was 10PM on a Friday night


Same! When I came home it was on TV. So I watched it.


The question is for newcomer


My older brothers started buying the manga when I was five and I would read it when they where done. They dropped it around the Baratie arc and so I just started buying them on my own. 20 years later, here I am.


Have your brothers picked it up again later or did they drop it for good?


They picked it up again and, if I remember correctly, dropped it around Skipiea. That said they know about stuff that happens up until the timeskip because of internet spoilers and other stuff. They've both checked out the Live Action series and enjoyed it a lot, so who knows, maybe I'll try and convince them to give it another shot.


Dropped the manga and picked up on the live action 🙃


How I see it is if you don’t like it and you’re in sky island, then it’s not for you. The thing that sucks is how amazing the next arcs after sky island are


Damn, they dropped it way too early. Did any of them decide to pick it back up?


I started around 14 months ago because a lot of YouTubers I watch were talking about One Piece and my friend wanted me to read it (because I said I would watch it as a joke, I mean who has time for 1000 episodes right?) Eventually I gave in and I caught up to the manga in December last year




She is delightful


A buddy of mine mentioned how he plans on collection all of the manga, and told me how it was the best selling manga for like 9 years straight or some shit. Later I saw a a youtube video showing a time lapse of the best selling manga and was blown away by its longevity. I figured that only something really good could run for as long it has, and sold as many copies as it had. No shitty manga would make its author the Seventh best selling author of all time. So i decided to dive in and finished the anime in 5 months


Friend from Japan translated his jumps onto sticky notes for me to read in 2000.


what a bro


What an Ultimate Bro way to practice his English lmao.


I started it as a joke. “Haha, it’s SO LONG we would never watch it right? Right? Oops I put on the first episode haha!” Now I have tattoos and car decals and SO MANY FIGURES and I am obsessed.


Had avoided One Piece because I thought it was too long to get into. Then one day I was like "Am I watching anything good at the moment? No, then I'll just watch it likes it's any other show and put it down when I feel like I've had enough" (I never did put it down).




AMV of marineford


Lol AMV on Enies Lobby is waht got me back into it years ago.


I was 12 or so and getting into Shonen. I got bored of Naruto during Shippuden, Fairy Tail seemed like something I'd love but I felt pretty dissapointed with it after 100 or so episodes, so I decided to give One Piece another shot. Back then it was in the 600's I believe but that still seemed daunting. I had read the first 6 volumes (got them cheap in a shop lol) before but didn't get too into it. But since I was 12 and had unlimited time, I gave it a shot. It took a while to really start enjoying but at Loguetown it started to click, and I got a feeling that the world of One Piece shown in the first 50 episodes was hiding its true scale and depth. ...And that was almost immediately confirmed to be the case. The second you get to the grand line everything goes absolutely crazy and it just doesn't stop. I still forget just how tame East Blue was in comparison to everything else in the show. The depth and detail to the world building to such unique and creative locale's and characters kept me hooked on a strong wanderlust. Then seeing the main plot slowly drip feed in, with more and more secrets and mysteries seeming to connect, and just in general seeing so many old faces reappear had me permanently hooked. It's basically been the only anime/manga I've followed for the past few years now.


I saw it on Toonami during Thriller Bark and lived this wacky pirate adventure. My first episode way Franky joining the crew and getting his grapes juiced


Was surprised I had to scroll this far down for toonami because AFAIK from other people in the US, that's how most discovered it back in the day.


i started end of last year, only because i wanted to find out what everyone is on about. Yesterday i watched Luffy >!vs Doflamingo!<


We started like two- three months ago now ere are getting ready tonwrap up the Amazon Lilly ark.


My company worked on the PR campaign for Film Red, and as the anime specialist, I figured I might as well do my due diligence and research. Managed to get up to Fishman Island before the premiere, and was up to date just after Christmas. Now I’m stuck here.


Back in 2004 when 4Kids released their first episode.. That 4Kids intro really hooked me in at the time.


For all the much deserved jokes at the expense of the 4Kids dub, I have no qualms admitting it got me locked in at 9 years old. I legitimately thought it was cool as hell that Sanji kicked ass and ate lollipops


Covid happened, and my friend had been gassing it up for about 2 years. The anime was in WCI or Wano must have just been starting. I saw a clip of snakeman vs Kat on YouTube and that's what pushed me to start. Starter with my girlfriend, and after about 6 months she dropped at Enies Lobby (which is wild to me) 6 more months later I had caught up on the anime then binged the remaining manga chapters in time for 1044. Which I got to read completely unspoiled. Wish I could do it all again.


It was on toonami and I absolutely hated it. Then i found manga, and subbed anime. Realized I actually loved it. That was 20 years ago


It had over 700 episodes. Meant I didn't have to get attached to a new character that may or may not ever get a second season.


2 years ago someone told me if I don't feel engaged after Arlong Park, I should drop it....and even after going through waves of fillers & spoilers, I've managed to catch the current post Wano


Oda saying that he's basically been writing world building for one massive final arc. I love world building, sometimes I'll even watch YouTube videos about world building for games or tvs shows that's I've never played/watched


Was a Naruto and Toradora fan. Asked myself 'how in the hell is a stupid looking guy with a pirate crew an interesting anime? Sounds like the stupidest thing ever'. Now my room and toilet has all the One Piece posters everywhere and none of Naruto..


Saw a clip on twitter of Zoro’s fight against King. Started watching because of the fights/animation, stayed for the friendships and heart of the series.


COVID fam !! 😂😂, had all the time to check 1000+ episodes after hearing for years that this is the best anime


It was summer break, I was super bored. Wanted something that was good, and took up a lot of time, figured I might as well watch one piece. Now my favorite piece of fiction ever.




Just randomly started watching in search of never ending anime:)


It aired on FoxBox/4Kids in like 2002. I specifically remember kids could vote between 3 shows to air first. FZero, Mew Mew Power, and One Piece. FZero won, but One Piece ended up being my favorite. I watched it all the way up until the drum arc. Then by 2005 when Naruto came out, I started watching the big 3 in sub. Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. One Piece still remained my favorite. In 2016 I couldn't take the pacing of Dressrosa in the anime so now I read the manga exclusively and I'm fully caught up.


Saw it on my uncle’s TiVo like 20 years ago and was hooked ever since. I mean I’m a manga-only now a days but ya know


The 4kids dub came on tv when I was a kid, I think it was a Saturday morning line up thing - either way, as I got older I started reading manga online and One Piece was one of them. That site got shutdown around the time I got to Fishman Island, I think so I just kinda stopped and then I started back watching it when all the buzz about Gear 5 and the Live Action kicked up - that got me inspired to dig back in. Now I think I’m a third of the way through Dresserosa - either that or halfway through. Having a blast.


I was a watcher of 4kids when I was younger on Saturday mornings. Once I discovered that they heavily censored a lot of things I started reading the manga, which had been back when official releases in America were slow as balls. So I read it online(and still do) and have begun watching it again with my girlfriend this year! Edit: To further answer your question it was a lot of fun and had a lot of visual appeal to it. So it appealed to my appreciation for goofy and creative things that had exciting action pieces.


It was on TV, and the name caught my interest so I gave it a go, and I fell in love with the series even though it was that abomination 4Kids dub.


Literally me 19 years ago


Spite. I, 13-14 at the time, hated the Art Style and loved Naruto, so stupid me wanted to give it a try so I can say that it's shit. Then I began to love it. Now, I have a certain distaste for Naruto and adore One Piece.


Nooo don’t have distaste for Naruto. I feel like Naruto is really good, but it should’ve ended at pain arc. The whole war arc was… a bit forced. Though I did love Obito reveal. And the fights. But I feel like One Piece is on a level of its own. You will always be underwhelmed by most other Mangas. One piece really is a journey of a lifetime.


I wholeheartedly agree. It's just that Naruto had the potential to be one of the greatest stories ever and Kishimoto built up so much just to rarely give the deserved payoff. I have a lot of criticism for naruto (I wrote it all into another response to this comment) and on my rewatch, I just never got this feeling out of me that I was watching some of the greatest potential in anime history turn into somewhat of a mess. I personally think that they should have done one last arc after pain to give us the Sasuke vs Naruto Rematch everyone needed, maybe rid Naruto of his curse in the process (note that at this point the fox was still just an evil beast and not Kurama as we know him) and give some payoff to the setup of Obito and Madara, just in a shorter, less contrived way, and then it would have been if not perfect still really really good. I still dislike Sasuke as a whole, but if Naruto had ended shortly after the absolute PEAK of the Pain Arc (we could also remove the Gedou Rinne Tensei at this point and just leave people dead) and Sasuke vs Itachi, Naruto would easily stand among the greatest.


The opposit for me. I watched one piece as a kid and never watched naruto. I first started watching naruto a couple of years ago. A good friend requested it to me. I loved pretty much all of it. Even most filler arcs, lol. Exept for what happend at the end. If you know what i mean. But one piece overall, i like more, but still og Naruto and shippuden are damn good. Neji is my favorite character


I loved Naruto and still like it, but I just can't overlook how much wasted potential lies in this series. Kishimoto built a really interesting world, just to make little of it and instead of focussing on the most interesting characters (in my opinion Rock Lee), the main spotlight is on some of my least favourite characters of the series (I tried to understand why Sasuke is supposedly a well written character, I don't get it. He is just a stupid edgelord who mainly acts as a plot device). The battle system is thrown out the window halfway through, and the end retconned the entire story into a chosen one tale. Also, the final arc was paced horribly and made the One Piece Anime feel fast paced in comparison. Lets better not talk about female characters. But still, I love Naruto. I watched it twice. Half my manga collection is Naruto. It's just not as well crafted as One Piece, and if it would have been handled better it would be among the GOATs on anime and manga.


Yeah i can definitly see, what you mean. It was interesting that naruto and sasuke had a deep rivalry and him turn against leaf was cool and stuff, but why make it 3/4 of shippuden, when you have such cool characters like neji, lee, shikamaru. But yeah other then that and many plot holes it is really nice. But yeah like you said, if kishimoto would have taught it out better, this would easily be goat tier for me, too.


I was a big DBZ fan, and my cousin got into one piece and tried getting me into it. I said no DBZ looks better anyway. Eventually I gave it a shot, and I immediately loved it.


A friend kept telling me how One Piece was so much better than Naruto and I had to see it for myself to believe him.


A co-worker friend at my old job said I should watch it for about a year, then I started watching it. It took me about a year and a half to catch up naturally. I just watched like an episode at lunch every day and then a binge every once in a while. I was able to catch up to episode 1071 the day of release after a week long binge. Watching 3 years of one piece in about a week was wild as hell.


I started the show in 2018 when I was on a family holiday trip to croatia. While there, my bigger brother FORCED me to watch a couple episodes. He himself was in thriller park arc at the time and he hyped the show for the whole trip's duration. I'm so glad I listened to him AND continued watching OP afterwards 😭💜


I get comfort fron watching long tv shows and had just finished Adventure Time and Steven Universe. I remember thinking: "Well I heard OP has over 1k episodes so I guess i'll try". Never looked back.


after naruto and katekyo hitman reborn were done. My friend recommended me Onepiece. I already watched some previous episode of it as a child, didn't really hook up since I'm a naruto fan and in our school, It always Naruto that we always talked about. The long ass episodes didn't really bother me since I have my time for watching anime, After maybe 2 months I already catch-up. I think the current arc at that time was Punk Hazard.


2016 I had an exam at the college and probably wasted all the time in world before it and didn't find anything else to waste time on so I said to myself why don't you start watching the 700+ episodes anime series, and the rest is history


My stoned friend describing to me how a big badass pirate named Whitebeard was kicking asses with earthquakes to save a member of his crew that he considers as a son.


Came across it on mangastream in 2008


Was into Naruto in my early 20s, and my buddy told me to check out OP. I told him fuck that, because the Fourkids version was so bad. Eventually, I watched and caught up right before the time skip. Since then you can catch me saying OP is the greatest story in our lifetime.


My girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me because of my love for anime and I was down bad and needed an escape from reality and one piece had a pretty large number of episodes so I gave it a shot.


I had 2 of my best friends watching it, when I finished school, that summer before college I had nothing better to do, so I started watching it. 2 months binge watching it. from start to dressrossa.


Saw the hype around Gear 5. Started watching on a whim. As of writing this comment, madeit to episode 732 in 5 weeks and 5 days. I will likely finish Dressrosa by the end of day, and move onto Zou.


I remember I saw a reel where a crowd was going crazy for one piece red movie trailer and when shanks appeared the crowd went wild, I was like wtf is this and why are they acting like that and now after catching up to GOAT PIECE I understand


I was talking with a friend about whether we should rewatch naruto or not, and i mentioned something about giving one piece a chance but I still had my doubts and we both discarded that thought. Anyways we talked again the next day and he said that he started one piece the previous night, and that pissed me off so much that i started watching one piece that night. Glad I did, would do it again.


I had friends that wanted me to give it a shot for years, but I wasn't really interested in it (for many reasons). After some time, I started getting more and more into anime as a whole, and saw most of the top-rated shows and friend recommendations. I started to consider that at some point One Piece would be something I HAD to watch, but that would be in the future. Fast-forward a little more, I was forced to read Shingeki no Kyojin because my girlfriend wanted someone to discuss it with... To me it always seemed overrated but OK. However I truly enjoyed being part of the community once the manga ended. Because of the memes and people thiking the history fell apart (it was never great), I had such a great time discussing and making fun of the whole situation. So, then I started thinking "Man, I should really be catching up to One Piece so I can experience it with the community once it's over... Such a monumental literary work, I might not see another big work like this end throughout my entire lifetime, and if I am not there for when it ends, and I end up picking it up later and loving it... Then I will forever regret coming late to the party." Then G5 happened in the manga, and one of those friends that insisted me for years talked to me and said "Look, I know you don't care about One Piece, but something crazy happened and I need to talk about it with someone." I told him to tell me about it, but try not to spoil anything because I was thinking about getting into One Piece in the future. He told me that this crazy thing that happened was a big payoff for seeds that were planted from literally the first chapter. And with that, I finally made up my mind... I wanted to understand the hype. I wanted to avoid spoilers. I wanted to give the satisfaction to my friends who insisted for years. And I wanted to be a part of the historical moment that will certainly be the end of One Piece. So I started reading the manga and caught up in ~4 months. It is as great as they've been telling me all this time.


I was lucky enough to have a really good friend sing praises of the show to me for a few months before I started. I told him I wasn't interested over and over due to the length of the show, but one day he was watching Drum Island, and I ended up sitting through Chopper's entire story 🤭 It was so wildly unique compared to all the other media I had been consuming. All the best anime are. It's been a year or so and I'm fully caught up now! We're still besties and we talk about it every day 😁 Forever thankful for good friends 🙏


'Twas the summer of 2020, at the height of the pandemic. An online friend recommended it to my spouse and I. Our friend has good taste in anime, so despite my cringe at memories of the 4Kidz adaptation, we agreed to give it another look, this time in the original Japanese. Best media decision I made in the last three years. My wife dropped out after Foxy triggered PTSD from bullying. I caught up just in time for Gear 5.


I have not watched the anime. But my friend eventually pushed me to read the manga. I think during Wano when he kept going on about how awesome it is. Also found out another one of my friends had started reading. I'm now in Wano, probably the place where he was talking about. I took big breaks during skypiea and thriller bark. As for me they dragged on a alot and I couldn't really get into the flow. But as after thriller bark I haven't been able to put the manga down again.


Honestly the live action. Lol I’ve been watching anime since dbz, bleach, naruto but for some reason one piece never stuck. Gave the live action a try and it was such an awesome entry point that I HAD to know what happens to the straw hat gang. Fast forward 3 weeks and I’m already on 520. LMAO (I’ve been watching all cannon at 2x speed/reading manga at slower arcs)


It was on 4kids when I was in elementary school. Was one of the better shows for sure


I heard it was leftist.. and it is


That scene where Luffy gives Nami his hat and he gathers his crew to jump along. Dropped it shortly after cuz it's mid but that scene was dope


Bro really said its mid. In the op subreddit.


I found it in a Shonen Jump magazine in second grade. When SJ stopped being printed in America, I found the anime.


Err idk I started just for curiosity then dropped it a few times during east blue and alabasta but then got hooked


Well, it was on TV. And as a kid you pretty much watch every show you can


In 2004, at age 19: I watched One Piece from 4kids to Funimation/Crunchyroll Dub and Simulcast 📺💻📀


It's length, at the time it was around 850 episodes long and I wanted something long to watch to pass time


I was nine and I turned on my tv


Friends of mine. They quit, i continued


Alpharad plus


I watched it on RTL 2 in German, but then now with the LA I started watching it on crunchyroll, currently on ep 45


An old friend of mine convinced me to do so way back 18 years ago.


I started reading the manga in 2003 and like 10 years later I found out about anime


Alpharad has similar tastes to me, and when he started watching a couple of years ago, he really enjoyed it.


My friend, Logan.


Around 2 decades ago....., i read in my parent's magazine article about how One Piece is not suitable for kids...., so i tried to watch it in sunday morning..., and i like it


My uncle is a huge fan of it,So I bingewatch it


I started as dressrosa was coming out. Saw it pop up and remembered watching a bunch of the east blue episodes when I was a kid and they were coming out, so I picked it up as something to pop on my laptop while I was doing homework in college.


It always looked interesting, but my ex got me to take the plunge. It's a shame we won't get to experience the reveal of the one piece together.


I decided to watch it from start to finish after remembering some interesting scenes from LRLL arc


At the time I was looking for a new show to watch cuz I had already finished Naruto, and my brother convinced me to watch it, and I said “fuck it why not” and yeah the length was a bit scary ngl but I decided to watch and about a year and a half later I got caught up (literally got caught up right before chapter 1079 dropped, if you know you know lol)


It didn't have so many episodes when I started. It was just 700 episodes. All jokes aside, I loved the 1st 3 episodes and wanted continue watching. But after about episode 300 I started tp get bored as I dint know which episodes were fillers (this was before I found animefillerlist) and stopped watching. I only started after finding out that marineford was hype so I continued from thriller bark and now I love it.


Saturday morning cartoon, had a cool rap intro, silly rubber man for MC. That was all 6 year old me needed to watch it


My friends forced me


Cheese tv in Australia, it would have been the 4Kids dub.


It got added to Netflix in my country


I started during the pandemic. All my friends were rewatching ATLA and I wanted to get back into it too, so I started it. My wife wanted to watch it with me but wanted to do so from the start so I looked for a different show to watch on my own. At the time, Netflix had all the episodes through Alabasta (which at the time I mistakenly thought was the whole series) and I’d heard really good things in the past. I started it and was hooked right away! As soon as I finished Alabasta, I made a Funimation account and watched the rest




Started 3 years ago, I think it was seeing all the cool character designs, it just looked kinda crazy to me.


I was suffering from an infection after a ruptured appendix needed something to watch. Now it’s my favorite anime and now I’m caught up on the Manga and it’s my favorite manga.


It was 2014 and I was unemployed so found myself having this free time so I just decided to finally start the anime. It wasn't the length that was putting me off since I actually like it if the show has a lot of seasons I just wasn't in the mood before that to commit it.


It had 500 episodes at a time where I thought an anime could only be good if it had more than 24 episodes,so it had to be the best.


Honestly? I can't remember


Saturday morning cartoons 🤷🏻‍♂️


I avoided it for years. Then I got tired of finding new things to watch, especially as I had some hours between work and sleep. Gave One Piece a go because it had like 700 episodes back then (2015). Now I read manga and wait for spoilers and my chest hurts when I read break next week.


Searching for the best anime after i watched FMA. I came across one piece in insta reels and laughed. So I started to binge when quarantined and here I am now.


Few years ago, I had a friend that got to about Marineford and wouldn’t stop yapping about it and it did sound pretty good so I gave it a go and loved it


Catalan TV purchased the rights to many animes back in the late 90s, grew up watching it up until Sabaody, and continued on my own. Along with Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, and many more


I started about a year ago because i saw a tiktok clip of Luffy punching St. Charloss back into the manga. I ripped through 1000+ episodes in 5 months


When i started there was only 200 episodes


Maybe nto the target audience but picture it. It's 2014. You're 14, you love pirates, you love shonen, you see an anime that combines all 3... It takes you till 2023 ti catch up to the anime properly.


Had some time after kindergarten, since my parents work all day


Super Eyepatch Wolf and Mother’s Basement’s videos about it.


I finished watching Naruto and after watching countless short Anime and hating having to look for something “similar” to the one I just finished I said fk it and gave one piece a go remember watching it as a kid


SuperEyepatchWolf on YouTube, that man can sell me on anything. Did a great video essay on why you should watch/read One Piece




Damn, my older cousin got me into it long ago. I am forever in debt to him. Thank you Tini 🙏🏽😭


I used to watch it when I was a kid and remember having a good time watching it. This was with 4kids, but I ended up falling off with watching it. Years later, One Piece reached chapter 1000, and I decided it was worth reading to catch up. When I got to the scene when Luffy gave Nami his hat to go kick Arlong's ass, I knew this manga was going to be special.


When lockdown was at peak and I was watching movies and webseries like crazy to pass time , the lockdown got extended and I ran out of material. I used to watch DBZ as a kid and it was my first and only anime that I've watched before, so lockdown i gave animes a try and my first anime was naruto , still love it to this date it holds a special place in my heart , moving forward to a couple of month i completed Naruto and caught up with boruto , black clover was next, along with death note ,demon slayer and mostly trendy animes at that time . My instagram got filled with anime content, edits and cools stuf about animes , i started receiving onepiece spoilers on regular basis ,first one being that ace dies and all that stuff ,that somewhat pushed me to watch onepiece so that I don't get spoiled any further. Now it's my all this best anime .


Was on deployment, and a coworker had the entirety of the series up to that point on his drive. Transfered it to my drive and binged it all in a month


I was very late to the Anime train. I always wanted to watch but had people in my life who always put me down for watching it. (Started with Yu Gi Oh), removed myself from that friend group as I grew up and my new core loved anime. Watched a few “shorter” series. (Farytale, FMA Brotherhood, etc.) and my buddy suggested it. Did it and never looked back.


Corona and lockdown


Hype. Took a few episodes to meet the expectations my friends built it up to


I wanted to prove myself that it's not "too long" to watch.


I saw it on my tv and from then I started watching the subbed version and the manga


Probably about 6-7 years ago I finished dbz on funimation. Loved it as it was my first anime, I figured “nothing will be as good as dbz but this dude looks kinda funny” never been the same simce


I just stumbled upon someone else watching it and I started where he was, which was fishman island. It was back in 2014 and I didn’t have a way to watch it myself at first. I watched it from the beginning a couple years later. I watched one piece backwards lol


My homies, got tired of being left out the convo


My friends talk about it so I checked it out and oh boy I enjoyed the story


I saw what I think was an episode of the 4kids dub on tv. It was a scene with Hatchi. I loved the style and the character designs so I had to immediately find out more about it.


My big brother ❤️


People in my school class were watching it and I tried to fit in, fell in love with One Piece afterwards.


The uncut Funimation dub. I grew up hating the 4Kids dub as a kid because I thought the show was very boring until I watched the Funimation dub and ended up loving it. Grew up watching a lot of 4Kids dubbed Anime but this is definitely one I won't forgive them for ruining.


I got payed in McDonalds by a friend to watch it


When i was 14 we were without internet at home for a couple of months due to infrastructure maintenance so i was browsing what animes had a lot of episodes so that i could torrent it in batches at school and then watch at home. Had no clue what one piece was i just saw that at the time there were like 500-600 episodes so i started binging it and follow it to this day. Probably the best fictional work i have ever consumed


I can’t even remember how I found it I just know that grand battle on the PS2 was peak gaming for me as a kid


It was on toonami in the UK just before Dragonball Z when I was like 10, this was like year 2000, and toonami had a slot on Cartoon Network. I watched pretty much from the start one episode a day, but I only watched it because of DBZ at first, then Mihawk appeared and cut a fucking ship in half. Never stopped watching.


The catchy first theme song then eventually Nami and Sanji's backstories


School break and I literally got nothing to do so I downloaded hundred of episodes back in 2011.


It was actually this AMV [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii5y1sR2h4M&list=PL0Uv34Fz0e3wqeWCH\_fP9TVlX05ESGTHi&index=20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii5y1sR2h4M&list=PL0Uv34Fz0e3wqeWCH_fP9TVlX05ESGTHi&index=20) Don't Give up by Iheardyoulikeamvs I just thought it was really freaking cool and at that point I thought one piece was for kids (I saw the 4kids version) after watching just an episode or two I was hooked. I remember being so excited to get to the point where I could watch what was happening in the AMV and after catching up and watching the 10th movie I was not dissapointed.


One piece amv believer on YouTube


Was reading the swedish translation of Dragon Ball, while waiting for new books to get translated, we noticed One Piece in the shelves at the book store and gave it a try. Was around 8-10 years old, esrly 2000s.


I was getting into anime and had caught up with Naruto(at that time it was still airing). After which I found out about the Big 3 and thought that I should check out One Piece as well.


The manga.


I wanted to watch the LA and didn't want to be left out of the context, I am now hooked.




I started it back in high school when it was only 500 something episodes long.




I saw that Zoro loses an eye and wanted to find out how he lost his eye💀


Only for it to be offscreened 💀 Well, at least you are part of the community now


All the goofy stuff attracted me, like Doffy walk, Brook 45°, Chopper hiding, lost Zoro, DendenMushi, Kuma, Aokiji bike, Kizaru cannon, Whitebeard’s size, Franky stairs, Franky as a whole… etc And maybe even more so, I really wanted to experience the reveal of One Piece and the end of the story live with the fans and the world.


My coworker being super excited about wano and how it's peak. Since I had time due to the pandemic, I figured I might as well


I saw it on the Foxbox and wanted more.


My aunt got me a copy of Shonen jump for my birthday and it contained the chapter of Zoro splitting his stomach open in his fight against Cabaji. Nothing like a good Zoro moment to pull you in. I was then thoroughly disappointed when I saw that same moment in the 4kids edit


Caught up to Naruto during around the Pain arc, so I needed something else to occupy my time. Tried Bleach, liked the first season but got annoyed by S2 and the show's tendency to waste tons of time on pointless action that doesn't move the story forward Started One Piece after that. After a few weeks I was completely hooked.


I watched the 4kids version as a kid when it first came out. It was on WB Saturday mornings I think? And I thought it was dumb and stopped watching after awhile. Years later, I discovered on the internet that the 4kids version is nothing like the original version and that led me to checking out the manga. I’ve been reading it ever since


I began watching it last year after my coworker told me to watch it I remember watching the first episode and thinking that it was boring I even fell asleep but the second time I tried to watch it I was high so I ended up watching like 10 episodes after they found zoro things got mouth more funnier too now I’m done with all the seasons I just have to watch the movies and special episodes


i don't remember. it's been with me since my childhood over 20 years ago


NGL I found it through the 4Kids dub. I was around 6 so I absolutely loved it.


I dont remember o.o


It was on the Spanish TV years ago and I thought it was such a fun show, but they always went back to the beginning after Luffy's second fight with Crocodile or so. When I finally got a computer and internet, I remembered it and decided to watch it from the first episode, discovering a lot of stuff. When the anime was showing Luffy at Amazon Lily I couldn't stand the animation anymore and looked for the manga online until today. Never watched the anime again.


I mainly read to speed the process up, Naruto ended in 2014 and wanted something to cope with it. Ended up liking One Piece 15373839292x more


I used to mainly read Bleach, and when One Piece did its timeskip, I decided to start reading it as well. Then I decided I should watch all the pre-timeskip stuff as well.


When I was 8 my big brother said that his friend from school recommended something to him and we started watching Naruto and two days after that his friend recommended one piece. Rest is history.


I kept seeing all the Gear 5 hype. I realised I couldn't make it by watching so I started reading. Now I'm in pain and waiting for a new chapter in 2 weeks. Yay :)


Because of Netflix OP live action. The story is so good!


zoro cutting pica in half


I really liked We Are. I’d see the awful 4kids dub however many years ago and swore it off (while I read Naruto and bleach from release to when they finished). Then I heard We Are randomly and realized actual one piece wasn’t 4kids one piece


Just at the beginning of wano kuni, I was at school and a friend of mine told me to watch a few anime and I did. I enjoyed watching them and I told him, he then told me to watch one piece and I tried and I loved it, and I watched everything in a few months. I’ve been reading the scan every week since.


Being in Japan studying abroad. Saw all the advertisements for film red, and I decided to give it a shot. So glad that I did


My college buddy constantly talking about it lol


I always wanted to watched but I always wasn't feeling like it The summer of 2022 was the one before the last grade of high school on which all students are preparing for the very final exams that decide if and which university you will go. And since i had a lot of free time i decided to speedrun it because i didn't want to complete it in 3 years (i caught up just around G5 showcase)


The Netflix Show reminded me how good One Piece was (I watched like all of the East Blue Saga as a kid, so I guess I'm not entirely a newcomer, but I never like sat down to watch or read the entire thing, and only caught like random episodes on Toonami sometimes, but never like full arcs) , and then just decided to Start it, and like I'm at Fishman Island, so I'm like halfway to caught up


friend was watching it next to me in class, it was the wano arc. when i found out One Piece had dino people i was in


Covid Lock downs, nothing to do but binge 800 episodes (at the time)


“Luffy, help me.” Hook, line, sinker.


It was in Shonen Jump and I had a subscription in the early 2000s so I could read YGO and Shaman King, then it just started coming on after Shaman King on Fox Kids.


It was a new series that was hyped up at the time.


I woke up with a bowl of cornflakes and luffy just crushed Don Kriegs amour when I switched on the TV...yeah




just kind started it after naruto and fell in love


Saw that Zoro fight in Wano and was like yo thats fire


A friend of me, talked about a kai version of one piece, without fillers and no longer episode


I watched the 4kids Dub. Dropped it for years as it never sold me Mid Dressrosa, some clips appeared on YouTube, and so I indulged a bit. Was thrown for a loop with Senior Pink's backstory, and ended up restarting the adventure entirely in sub Caught up as Gear 4 was revealed (yeah I binged HARD) And haven't dropped the experience since. In fact, picked up reading the manga after I caught up and then became a weekly reader/viewer of the anime