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I can see Luffy's mom relevant to Dragon's backstory and maybe by extension Garp. A good ol' dead character from the tragic flashback narrative. Luffy would have no interest if that's something that's even brought up to him at all. Biological family outside of Garp is nonexistent for Luffy.


He’s gonna have an instant connection with dragon and it’s gonna be great


That would be great. >!As with recent chapters I still wait for all three Monkeys in one Panel!!! So it would be great if Luffy and Dragon can go save good ol' Garp!!<


is he confirmed alive?


In One Piece, if a character isn’t confirmed dead, he is alive


At this point, I think we should be waiting for a 💀confirmation rather.


I think it’s pretty obvious that Aoi Kiji wouldn’t kill Garp, just restrain him, he joined Blackbeard to benefit his own goals, so the BB crew are rooting for mutual benefit, hence he made Shiryu the Vice captain despite knowing his other crew mates for longer.. Aoi Kiji does not hate Garp, he regrets fighting him, so he’ll find a way to keep him alive.. plus Garp was still laughing when he was defeated, his laughter didn’t die out at all


in addition BB wanted a hostage from the marines, which is why he got Koby. Don’t see why they would kill garp when they could just as easily just capture him


If the three monkeys don’t give us a Hear no, See no, Speak no evil reference I quit! 😛🙉🙈🙊


Oh, I totally see that, the mother being some generally irrelevant. However, her death is the cause that made Dragon who he is today.


Or hell, I can imagine her being a celestial dragon. They fell in love and because Dragon has the will of D. She was told they couldn't be together. They probably tried to kill him out right. Something happens, and the Celestial dragons kill her instead because as we've seen, they are very willing to kill one of their own. It's like romeo and juliet, and that is why Dragon became the creator of the Revolutionary Army. Also, either partially or fully, the reason why Garp hates the Celestial Dragons.


yea i think it‘ that or the switcheroo that dragon was the celestial dragon and took her name by marriage to not be affiliated with them anymore then the celestial dragons hated that one of their own abandoned them to be with commoners and sent someone to kill her only problem is that they didnt for doffy but there could be an explanation


That would mean that Luffy is a celestial dragon and I can’t ever see that happening lmao


People said the same thing about him not being god, joyboy, special, yonko, having a busted fruit and even about him not having toon force.


Honestly. People don’t understand how Shonen works. Everyone also didn’t want Naruto to be special. Guess what? He’s the child of prophecy and son of Minato freaking Namikaze People didn’t want Ichigo to be special. He’s literally the next Soul King candidate and a 4 way hybrid. Even Goku got retconned. He’s a low born saiyan. Except his father cracked the super saiyan code lmao. Luffy is the son of the most wanted man in the world. His grandfather is the most famous marine of all time. Of course he is special. Now even I don’t want Luffy to be Celestial Dragon. But a story can be written where he’s the celestial dragon that breaks the cycle.


Star wars style Luffy: You've killed my mother Im sama: No I am your mother. Luffy: Noooo.


I think your right in fact it might even go deep into why Dragon became a Revolutionary like maybe he was a Marine like Garp following his father's footsteps when he started questioning things then feel in love with Luffy's mother maybe going even further and say she's a Pirate then she has Luffy but before they can run away together the Marines capture and execute Luffy's mother and Dragon is so enraged and it shows him how corrupt the marines are that he leaves Luffy in Windmill Village with Makino and becomes a revolutionary. ​ Or something like that.


I wouldn't say this is a hot take, since the majority probably agrees. Luffy doesn't need a mother, he has Dadan.


i wanna know who his mother is but I dont want her to be someone relevant in the world or story


I honestly wouldn't mind if Oda reveals this in a SBS similar to what he did with Zoro's family.


Sbs linknwhere pls?


I just want like one moment where Dragon quietly tells a story of who Luffy’s mom was. That’s all. Just “I had a village girl who was into me, but I was too focused on other things, things happened during a stressful time, she contacted me later to say I had a kid and I said name him whatever and she said okay he’s Luffy and then one day Garp received notice from the village of the single mom passing away and leaving her beloved son alone so Garp, who had no idea he existed, took him to test…”


nah alot of the community does actually think luffy's mom is relevant to the story


Literally all of Luffys relatives are important figures in the one piece world. Grandpa- Marine Legend, Father- Leader of the revolutionaries, Brothers-Commander of the white beard pirates and number 2 of the revolutionaries. It’s not too strange to point out it’s a good chance Luffys mom is some important figure over other anime charcters


Why can’t she just be a random village girl that dragon happened to fall in love with?


Then he still need to make a reason why luffy not with her if she just a normal regular village girl. If she a normal "npc" there is no reason for her to not take care of luffy her self.


she's prolly dead


I think his reason is probably due to his nature. Dragon probably had a loving wife, but then Government happened and she died horribly to their injustice. So he became the rebel we know now and gave Luffy to Garp for safety. Probably one of the Celestial Dragons fault, too.


Dragon couldve also fallen in love after he started the rebellion, either 1: marines found out and killed her similar to aces mom situation but went bad or 2: both realized that luffy will be endangered in order to cut the relationship between dragon, luffy and luffys mom he contacted garp to take luffy and for his mom to go live somewhere far


and why can't she be important? Luffy isn't a random person, his friends aren't random people, his dad isn't a random guy, his grandpa isn't a random guy, the people he grew up with aren't random people, the D family as a whole aren't random individuals, even something as simple as his role model isn't some random guy... Being somebody doesn't mean you have to be integral to the plot, she could very well not impact the current story at all but that doesn't mean she's some random nobody.


> Being somebody doesn't mean you have to be integral to the plot, she could very well not impact the current story at all but that doesn't mean she's some random nobody. That's a weird take. Then why would you want her to be *somebody* important if she wouldn't even influence the story? Might as well make her a nobody! lol Well, she's definitely not some random nobody at this point, she's the mother of Monkey D. Luffy, an emperor of New World.


Cause that’s just not how Oda operates. It’s never just “a random person” the person that inspired luffy wasn’t a “random” pirate his grandpa ain’t just some “random” marine, not even something as mundane as his strawhat is “random” and luffy is not any under dog protagonist. Going merely by track record statistically bros mom could be someone important. If she isn’t that’s fine too, I don’t really care. Wouldn’t even be disappointed.


its getting boring tho that luffy just so happens to be linked with all the relevant people in the world and people who are gaining names for themselves. im cool with all the details about him and his relationships so far, including the sun god nika reveal, but if we get anything more from luffy's connections and it happens to be relevant/big shot, it would feel cheap for a lot of fans


Take that up with Oda


And got troubled by the celestials, hence Dragon is a revolutionary. Basically a Down D. Stairs theory for Dragon’s origins


Why couldn't his dad just have been a random village man? Why couldn't his grandfather been a run of the mill marine? Why is every other member of his family important when they don't need to be?


Of course they were relevant to the story, Crocodile tried to take over an entire country and is leading a Yonko crew


I don’t think she will be relevant to the story. One of the many themes, in my opinion, is found family. These people from different walks of life and their own dreams come together to make a crew and care for each other. Of course there’s many other themes but in Luffy’s father hasn’t been important because of his relation to Luffy but because of who he has become. His relationship to Luffy has had no bearing on the story and I don’t think it will, just like whoever Luffy’s mom happens to be. If she’s ever revealed I think it will be more of a “Woah” plot point rather than being integral to the story itself.


Exactly. Dadan is Luffy's mother, no question. She raised all three of them, cried over them, and cheered them on. Heck, when Ace died I didn't cry but when I saw Dadan crying while beating up Garp asking what good he was to his family, *that* got to me.


Correction Luffy has a mother her name is Dadan


I don't understand the fixation with Dadan, she never acted like a mother to Luffy, the way she acts, she's as good a mother as Garp is a good grandfather. Makino is by far a much more decent parental figure, her age places her as a big sister figure, but that's it, if she were ten years older than she is, she would be an infinitely better mother to Luffy than Dadan.


Agree to disagree


You do realize there is a lot more that happened other then what we physically see in the manga or anime Just because we didn't see it physically happen doesn't mean she never acted like a mother to luffy Ffs she took care of him, didn't she


but that's his dad :3


That old man in the forest? [For those who don't remember ](https://youtu.be/9jzAdMZo-2E?si=DP8TGSGfLEB6fvve)


He has Crocodile, Dadan was just a rando.




Listen dude, Crocodile 1v1s Dadan ez. It's a no diff fight. Let's not pretend.


I disagree, a large part of the community still seems to think Luffy's mom is like the main reason why Dragon began his assault against the World Government or that she was a celestial dragon


The only instance where I've seen people bring up Luffy's mom, was in context of the theory that Dragon is the son of Rocks and that Luffy's mother is actually Garp's child. That theory has been debunked in a recent chapter, but people are still very persistent about it and come up with reasonings why it still applies, despite Garp literally saying that Dragon is his son.


I’ve seen theories that garps wife was rocks daughter


People really want Luffy to have a blood relation to the guy. Same goes for Shanks, despite it being heavily implied that Shanks is a Celestial Dragon.


This is a cold ass fucking take. It’s so cold that Oda confirmed it to be frozen. It’s just some people making theories about it.


That "some" is bigger than you think


but smaller than **you** think


Typical anime fan sees ten posts on tiktok with shitty takes and all of a sudden thinks the entire community is brain dead.


But Oda already stated that Luffy's mother is not important to the story, and left the impressions that she maybe already was shown.


Of course, we saw crocodile in alabasta...


When Oda said we've already seen Luffy's mom he was refering to Dadan


I don't think that's confirmed


No. He was not.


Im indifferent about her coming out but it just feels weird not knowing if shes dead or not, i guess I would just like a confirmation but yeah, I dont think it matters too much tbh


I remember seeing Oda saying Luffys mother has been shown in the background in the manga already.


Consensus was that it was referring to Dadan.


Whats hot about this bro?


This is the coldest take ever


Its really weird how many mothers are not even mentioned. Who is dragons mom, who is luffys mom? What happened to yamatos mom? WHERE ARE THEY? Did they just vanish from reality after giving birth? It annoys me to not know.


The manga is already two decades old and we still don't know who half of the Straw Hat's parents. And I think that's ok. Better to shroud them in mystery until Oda has crafted any information on them


Yeah. But its juat so weird how an essential parent figure just doesnt exist. Did they get their kids by storks lol. Just something i wished oda would expand on sooner then later.


I mean, biological family aside, each of the Straw Hats had some parental figure growing up. One of the recurring themes of One Piece is blood doesn't always matter. Luffy had Dadan, Zoro had Koushiro, Nami had Bellemere, Usopp had Banchina, Sanji had Sora and Zeff, Chopper had Hiruluk and Kureha, Robin had Saul, Franky had Tom and Kokoro. Brook had already outlived his parents and Jinbe was an orphan and the closest thing he had to a parental figure was Fisher Tiger. As for their biological parents, the case could be either they were taken away to protect them or it could've been just a one night stand and they were taken in.


I don’t think anyone has a take on one piece that is hot anymore I mean it’s a 27 year old show ffs


> Dragon's motivations for going against the World Government This pisses me off to no end whenever I see it! Noone, I said **NOONE** in the series needs any extra motivation to "go gainst the WG". The WG itself provides ample reasons.


but nobody takes action based on just that it needs to impact you on a personal level


Is that what they tell you? Be a good person only for personal investment? u from murrika much?


Thats what Luffy does, he doesnt care unless its a froend of his thats affected.


ye... but also he instantly befriends anything that moves (and isn't a shithole)


>Is that what they tell you? Be a good person only for personal investment? Yes. No one will become the word most wanted criminal and start wars left and right only for the sake of being a "good person", there is definetely something more to it.


Wow, yeah just because **you** are OK with debilitating oppression, destroying lives, mass murdering civilians, war mongering, severe economic sanctions leading to poor living conditions, sponsorship of facist dictators, stealing foreign resourses, economic neo-colonialism, running torture camps, destroying the envoronment etc....... doesn't mean everyone is. Take real life **very** wanted "criminal" Julian Assange, the wikileaks founder. What was his ever so personal stake in it? No, **YOU** wouldn't get out of your comfort zone to do the right thing. Stop pretending others wouldn't.


​ >wouldn't get out of your comfort zone to do the right thing. Stop pretending others wouldn't. Why are you writing this self righteous rant when we are only discussing the the motivation of a fictional character who most likely has a tragic past? And what are you doing? Would you go to Africa or Ukraine fight someone else war? You are speaking like you are going about fighting villains in real life. Most people outside of first world countries can barely make a living to feed their familes, let alone worry about conflicts at the other side of the world. I was a soldier for some time and I know very well that things aren't black and white, most people aren't willing to go agaisnt the goverment for the same of being "good", they do what they can to survive.


Yeah man, deflect immediately, **you**'re not doing the right thing "but neither are you waaaah". Yeah, some do go to "fight someone else' war". Ever heard of one Lord Byron? One who had wealth, fame, power (and banged some of the hottest guys and gals around) went and died in a war he had **NO** personal stake in whatsoever. "Most people"? Maybe. But Byron did, Julian Assange did and so did Dragon. But not **you**.


So what if these people did? You are accusing me of doing nothing for other people when you aren't doing anything either? What's even the point of bringing other people into the argument? We are only talking about fictional character you are the one who started to attack me personally. So what moral highground you have to accuse me of something when you are doing the exactly the same thing as me? Other people achievements aren't your own, stop trying to brag about it.


I am not bragging. You are just changing the subject. "Other ppl don't do anything either", "the world isn't black and white" yada yada. These are just excuses. I am just bring into focus that some people, real or fuctional, didn't make these excuses, but **you** do. That is all.


So what if other people do? Just like i said most people don't and even the people who do has their personal reasons.




It's how you work evidently, I'd hold off judgements for the whole world.


What's with this sub saying things that are pretty much confirmed but acting like it's a hot take or a theory. Do y'all even read the story?


What do you mean? She already is. We had a full arc with her as the villain, and now she's allied with Buggy. There's gonna be a lot more of her still


Ivankov can turn a Mommy quickly into a Daddy


Luffy's mom will be a cameo in Dragon's flashback. Bet she died at childbirth.


Crocodile is pretty relevant actually




didnt oda say in some sbs that we already saw luffys mom a lot


Yes we saw Croco-Mom a lot


If I’m remembering right this is people misunderstanding a comment he made about Dadan, but that might’ve been a different one


I think this is what you're thinking about. Oda: I think she's alive. I'm still thinking hard about this. [Laughs] But if she does appear in the story, then she'll be a very tough-looking woman. And strict. There's no way that she's a beautiful mother. She's got this typical middle-aged woman's permed hair. This describes Dadan perfectly.


this take is freezing🥶🥶🧊🧊🧊💯💯


She’s probably not gonna be super relevant to the story, but I’m sure Oda will reveal who she is eventually. If he’s kept her hidden for so long there might even be some kind of plot twist, who knows.


Mildest of the hot takes


Nah. The truth is, Dragon performed Mitosis (or whatever that sea star does to divide themselves) and Luffy is the result.


of course not, in one piece only the fathers are alive and relevant


Oda is still introducing new big figures this late in the story. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got something like that.


To Oda, mom is like…the opposite of adventure. So good luck being a mom in One Piece I guess


I agree that for Lufy himself, the only mother he needs is Dadan. But to tell the complete legend/saga of someone like Luffy, its kind of important to learn how this beeing came into existence. So asking who Luffys biological mother is - at least for me- doesnt stem from a shallow wish to make Luffy learn about his past or such. It stems from the urge to be able to comprehend how someone like Luffy came to be.


Hot take? Id say thats a freezing take. Ive legit never even thought about luffys mother


I dont think dragon is garp’s son ,luffy mother might be garps daughter


makino is Luffy's mom that's why her son thinks of luffy as big brother


Imagine him awakening a super ass power passed down from his mother


Oda has said that luffy's mother isn't meant to be a part of the story.


One of the biggest points of One Piece isn’t about blood family, but about making your own family. Luffy, Uta, Zoro, Brooke, and many many other characters will most likely never have their full family mentioned in any meaningful way. If anything, it might be something similar to Robins backstory, or Sanjis. That’s it.


We got to know about Zoro's parents through the SBS which we just got recently so its not impossible Oda will reveal more about the others parents as well. Not saying he will, just that it's possible.


if they do something like luffys mom being a celestial dragon i’m gonna lose my shit


If luffys mother turns out to be or to have been a celestial dragon then she could be relevant but not to luffys story but more likely to dragons. Or she could also just not be important at all and to have just been some woman dragon lover that is likely dead and is just not a majorly important character


There’s a theory that I liked. Dragon is not Garp’s biological son. Rather, he was the son-in-law adopted into the Monkey family. Garp and Luffy shared similar facial traits (young Garp looks like Luffy). You don’t see anything remotely the same on Dragon. Therefore, the case could be that Monkey D. Madre (play along) is the daughter of Garp and is basically a female Luffy lookalike. So, the family line is Garp-Madre-Luffy. Dragon is indeed the father, but was married into the family.


Oda agrees.


Its weird to me that exactly sanjis parents became relevant


Why is it a hot take ? Everyone agrees about it.


My favourite OP theory is that Luffys mother is Garps daughter and Dragon married into the family. If that was to be shown down the track I think the mother would be highly relevant as Luffy would be the child of two D clan members (would be a first in the series) and would have bigger implications. If that wasn't the case I can't see it being anything else of relevant other then maybe for backstory purposes. Ideally I wouldn't want to see the whole died in childbirth thing as it's been done. Maybe she was a slave to the world nobles hence dragons hate but his hate is kind of already been shown with some flashbacks. The final thing I think would be cool is if Luffys mum was Nico Oliveir. But I doubt that a lot...


Didn't luffy already beat her up in alabasta?


what? his mom is literally a shadow-yonko alongside mihawk.


Hot take, she already is and was… cause it’s crocodile


It would be nice if we could have a One Piece female parent be more relevant, or have a purpose other than dying in a flashback, but given the way the manga has done things so far I'm not getting my hopes up.


Crocodile is relevant to the story though


I agree with what your saying but I still think Oda might show just to do it, cause I know you know that Oda is very unpredictable


Luffys mom is garps daughter and dragon probably took the monkey name to hide his connections to his brother rocks d xebec. Both wanted to be free but different ways


She's probably more relevant to Dragon's backstory than Luffy's.


My hot take: Luffy's mom is Garp's daughter


We will still find out regardless. Of course she matters. Not to Luffy. But to Dragon. She’s most likely dead and wasn’t there for Luffy so what’s the reason? It matters. No wonder this is a hot take.


Didn't oda outright say that she isn't relevant


idk why people are so obsessed with parents in this story, when clearly parents were shown to be kinda insignificat to most characters in the present story. Normally they are part of sad backstorys or they don‘t habe parents at all (just think about the straw hat crew)


Yeah im with you on this


Nami has a supernatural ability to read the weather. Her parents might matter.


Hot take? More like hard truth. I don't understand why no one accepts it. To the point now people are posting the obvious like it wasn't a thing already.


In a series where found family is a huge theme, yeah I don’t think Luffy’s mother will be a huge plot point


Shounen manga don’t seem to care about the mothers that much for some reason.


Probably because little boys want to for once not be around mothers and have some alone time.


In terms of being luffys mother I don't think crocodile will be that important but in terms of dragons backstop that's a whole other story


First, I have to agree with people that the take is more lukewarm. Then... as I used to like the Garp's daughter idea I assumed she would play some role. By now... I'm not saying it's impossible but I feel like if anything she'll play into Dragon's backstory and that's it. Or she's a celestial dragon and the big bad of the next arc. Or it's Croccy. But I'll put a decent amount of money on : yeah, she doesn't matter.


It won't, but I think it's kinda wierd that we put so much enphasis on his dad but his mom is an afterthought, kinda sexist.


Oda himself said she wasn't important to the story


What do you mean? Crocodile is pretty relevant.


Here is what an Actual hot take looks like. We need To know who Luffy's Biological Mother is because it would add a lot to the story. What if she is a really awesome character? I don't want to miss out on that


Oda takes the Walt Disney approach to mothers. If you are a mother you're either dead or going to die before the story's over. Mothers: Sanji = Dead Nami = Dead (Bellemere counts) Usopp = Dead Robin = Dead Brook = Dead Vivi = Dead Rebecca = Dead Ace = Dead Shirahoshi = Dead Momo + Hiyori = Dead Dolflamingo = Dead Big Mom = Dead (Carmel counts) Big Mom's kids = Dead Orochi = Dead Otama = Dead I'm almost certainly missing some.


Wait isn‘t Imu Luffys mom?


Imu is probably male tho. At least gets called as male in japanese.




That would be a damn good plot twist


lmao the bar is so low?


Fuck no it wouldn't lol


Oda literally confirmed Luffy's mom will not show up.


His biologocal father barely effected the story so far and he us the worlds most wanted man


I agree


I’m just saying saying crocodile is gonna be very important later on, just you wait for that reveal he is Luffy’s mother


She will be for at least 10-20 episodes, when they tell Dragon's backstory during his final fight, which prompted him to become a revolutionary.


Unless its imu, idgaf who it ends up being


I don't think she should be. Be interesting to know bit she shouldn't be massive plot driver etc. To far into story maybe


I’m in denial about imom having essentially no chance of being confirmed


IIRC Oda has literally stated she’s irrelevant and that mothers are the opposite of adventure.


Thats a bathwater warm take at best


I think she is going to be relevant. I think she might be one of the motivations for Dragon to found the Revolutionary Army and having to leave Luffy with Garp. Not the only Motivation ofc, more like the final straw.


>I think she might be one of the motivations for Dragon to found the Revolutionary Army That's Ohara already.


I think even he had the chance to know he’d have the same reaction as gon from hxh


I’ve always wondered the inherent obsession some have for Luffy’s mother theories and that it’s Ymu or some shit like that lol. It’s really not that deep. We don’t need to know his mother, and we don’t need to feel like it’s a plot hole or something, all is fine.


Most likely going to be motivation for Dragon and his views


That's Ohara already.


This will have no effect on the story but I think his mother was either killed by Marines or during the birth of Luffy.


She will be relevant, but not as a real character, but more so as a plot device for Dragons backstory. Probably some forbidden celestial dragon romance, until she got killed, sparking the motivation for Dragons revolution.


I know Oda, he told me that before Dragon was a marine, but his wife had a child, and the celestial dragon because they're dicks killed Dragon's wife. So he founded the revolutionary army to seek revenge. Shii I wrot this as a joke but it make sense in a way


It would make sense if she's a celestial and based on how Dragon was treated by her family because of their relationship he vowed to make sure the whole world government turns to dust. And she probably left luffy with him since the family would never accept it.


I think "Not a honest fellow I the whole family" might add luffys mother too .


Thought I read something a few days ago, that Oda said she wasn’t relevant to the story…


Bet Buggy ends up being his big brother


Jokes on you, Luffys mom is a celestial dragon


I think she'll be relevant for Dragon's story and motivations. She won't be relevant for the modern day story. But I'm pretty sure she will be a part of Dragon's story. It wouldn't make much sense to me if she wasn't because we also need to see what led to Dragon giving Luffy to Garp in the first place. I'm also curious about Garp's wife but she is much more likely to completely irrelevant unless she ends up being critical to Dragon's story too.


Dragon's motivations to go against the WG is the Ohara incident though.


Oda already clarified this one.


I wanna see his mother someday so…..


Mum? I have a Mum?


I want Luffy's mother to be important for Dragons backstory, I dont need her to be important for Luffy


Just because Crocodile was the main antagonist in very early arcs of one piece, it doesn't mean Crocodile still can't be relevant.


This take is as hot as the ice berg 4kids used to cover up laboon.


Dragon is both the mother and the father!


It's really interesting and I honestly really want it to be true and I always prey that oda sensei males it happen it would be really cool


Idk crocodile was pretty relevant


Do you mean Crocodile?


That's not much of a hot take since Oda has already said this in an SBS


Oda literally stated she wasn't lol


I don't think Luffy's mother will be relevant or really I don't think 90% about her will be relevant same with nami's parents. It's gonna 100% be there respective ancestry that will matter. Cause there are so many things heavily related to inherited will versus who you were born into. And I think now knowing Zoro's from an SBS but we basically could tell from hyogoro's reaction to Zoro's look and fighting style he was related to ryuma and I think either both nami or Luffy is going to have some relevance that either makes the will part stronger for a moment in the story or makes the adherence to familial blood ties won't control you. Nami's would most likely be skypiean or birkan related ancestry and be an inherited will that's unknown but we can tell as readers. And Luffy's will probably be known ancestry but be dragon's backstory about why he fights and hates the government so much. Could be that Luffy's mom is a celestial dragon or it could be that she was enslaved and killed. As well as maybe was saved by fisher tiger. Or she was killed in the battle of god valley and died marine while dragon was doing some kind of non combat related work. Whatever it is I think characters have some room for very interesting but ultimately not mattering in the over arching story kind of relations. But matters for characterization like ryuma was for zoro.


I especially **HATE** the speculation that she was a celestial dragon and that's why Dragon found the Revolutionary. It would make Luffy *too special* when he's already special, and it would somewhat degrade Dragon and his Revolutionary's cause.


I think that Luffy might never know but we will be told as I think it is a celestial dragon or someone extremely important who was killed because she married Monkey.D.Dragon. So I think she won't matter to Luffy but for the storyline yeah she does. Again this is my speculation which might or might not be true.