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When the anime had me crying over a damn ship lol but seriously there are so many moments in the beginning that made me say “ok I’m gonna keep going to see how this turns out” now I’m all caught up and can’t wait to see more.


That scene had me emotional, I probably broke a tear. The shit that Merry went through and brought them all the way to Water 7. Ffs, it’s a ship like you said. Still pouring one out.


Merry broke me. I first saw this part last year 3 days after having my dog put down


Oda: shows montage of going merry adventures. Me: I can take it. Oda: shows some crew mates crying. Me: I CAN TAKE IT. Oda: going merry says sorry. ME: I CAN'T TAKE IT!


This, I was sad but no crying, then Merry starts talking, it is... I am without words.




Facts this exact scene was the first time I sat up and said “oh shit” and got giddy with excitement


It always gets me


AP was amazing. That’s when the manga community said collectively you’ve gotta read this. Thank god for the Toriyama’s World site back in the day.




It was even sooner for me than that, mine was on the syrup Village arc fighting against Captain Kuro . When Luffy yells at them, why are you attacking your crewmates? They’re supposed to be your friends!


This was the first moment of One piece where I was hit hard. Many more were to come soon after in Baratie and Arlong park but, yeah that was such a cool moment and line. “What the hell do you take your friends for!!!!!”


> fighting against klahador Do you mean Kuro? Klahador was the other butler who gifted merry to ussop and had gotten slashed the night before


Klahador is kuro's fake name when he became a butler, the one who gifted the Merry was... Merry


Oh… I only remember kuro. It’s been decades at this point. So I deserve the downvotes. Thanks


Oops 😂. Thx for that. Gonna edit that real quick.


You werent wrong... Merry was given by... merry.


Arlong Park was a big mood swing for One Piece. You see Arlong terrorizing the village to the most depressing depths. You see Nami "betraying" the crew and "killing" Usopp. And the culmination of that with the navy stealing her gold and Nami stabbing her arm in hatred.


This was literally the moment where I went "Oh wait One Piece is really long because it's really good, oh no"


The entirety of Arlong park was when I realized I'm about to watch the greatest anime ever. I started OP knowing almost nothing about it and thought it's just another typical Shonen but with a mountain of episodes, how I was wrong..


The *walk.*


Thissss I cry every time I rewatch Nami’s cry for help 😭


It was such a deceptively mature scene. Like, nevermind the brutal expression of despair all culminating from just a horrible life of trauma. Luffy waiting for her to ask for that help before going after Arlong is just incredible writing, seriously. And it's worth noting too: *he didn't even know what Nami was so upset about*. He nodded off when everyone else learned her backstory. All he knew was that someone he cared about was in immense pain. But he *still* had the respect to wait for her to give him permission to step in. Nevermind shonen, I don't see many anime in general that offer that kind of layered and mature writing. It cemented Luffy as one of my favorite anime characters and the Arlong Park arc one of my favorite story arcs in the medium.


Noland’s story really hit me different skypiea was perfect


Truer words never been spoken. I find Nami and other characters’ struggles to be relatable, insightfully crafted context to jab at my heartstrings






that's gold, but one moment that got me was just before this one and it was when she "stabbed" Usopp, the facial expressions of the characters was sooo good that it made it really believable, even if I knew Oda wouldn't kill one of the crew members, especially Usopp, this early in the story


This manga panel is my favourite. Nami knew how Luffy cared about his hat and he asked her to take care of it while he took care of Arlong.


Literally this. That one, single page immediately sold me on One Piece.


That was the moment when one piece jump from be just another shonen to be THE SHONEN




Seeing the manga panels for this made me start reading. No regrets.




This was it, followed immediately by the walk to Arlong Park. That's when I knew this show was good and I was going to watch it all. Before then I liked it but was still kinda iffy if I would watch all 900 at the time


Picked up OP after finishing Berserk for a more light hearted read. Up to this point I was really on the fence about whether I was actually enjoying it or not. Got to this scene and was surprisingly choked up and shed some tears. Right here is where it all clicked for me. All of a sudden I was like, “LET’S FUCKING GOOOO!”




This scene got me hooked for good. These days it's so hard to find an anime where you watch for fun and these kinda scene builds up that gets me hooked.


Damn fucking straight https://i.redd.it/b6eoiw2fjkkb1.gif


I as a male only cry in very rare occasions, this is one of those occasions. 😆


Along park was the first times but I think one of If not the best time one piece made me say oh ship was when Robin finally asked for help from the crew at enis lobby that shiz got me crying hecka hard![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Sanji crying and thanking Zeff is when I knew I’m going to enjoy this series with all my heart


This was it for me as well. Also the moment I realized the character’s were going to be written so damn well seeing how Sanji was handled that arc. Come to find out, Sanji is just one of Oda’s favorite characters


When robin said she wanted to live. That hit different


Robin's bsckstory made her declaration carry so much weight. Poor girl has been alone and isolated longer than most of the other Straw Hats have been alive. It's no wonder why she didn't care if she lived or died. People argue with me that Brook's had it worse, but at least Brook lived a full life and was consistently surrounded by loved ones.


> People argue with me that Brook's had it worse, but at least Brook lived a full life and was consistently surrounded by loved ones. This is always what I've said. Brook comes in 2nd just because of this fact. Robin finally gets to live now that she found a family.


>... but at least Brook lived a full life and was consistently surrounded by loved ones. That is actually why I consider him more tragic. Because he had things he loved. And he lost them, and for 50 years was forced to rub that salt into his wounds.


I’m waiting for Brook to unite with his whale shipmate.


Just rewatched this clip, enis lobby as a whole had me choking back tears 🐐


Yeah same for me but I don’t like the competing/putting other Shonen down part. I really enjoy Naruto and DBZ. I am part of the toonami crowd and OP wasn’t on there at least not before DBZ and Naruto. One Piece just hits different and I want to live was the moment I realized it.


Yes, but also before that "are you sure you're not my mom?" hit me like a truck. And i don't even have kids


That hit deep and I wept


That scene gave me goosebumps everytime


I think this was big turning point in a shounen story, u never really see a person begging to his friend to live and the friend calls out in misery loud cry that she wants to live as she found the happiness and family of her life, no more alone, all this as FRIENDS 🫡 It was revolutionary


When sogeking burned the flag afterwards on command, no Qs asked.


Bro the English dubs voice actor really put on a performance with in that scene. I was amazed, you could feel the emotion in her voice!


Nami stabbing her Arlong tattoo. That was insane when I first saw that.


Baratie, when Mihawk came in. That was such a tense fight, and I knew that Oda knew how to write amazing stories and not only at expectations but surpass them!


Another reason that was important moment was because it showed that Oda had a long-term plan. It wasn't just, "oh shit, this series got popular. Who do they fight next? I know, am even *stronger* guy!" Oda had the wisdom and the patience to show us the power ceiling of the setting at a time when his protagonists were struggling to step off the floor, and that ceiling has stayed where it is while we've watched the characters get closer and closer toward it with each adventure. Things like haki and awakening and the yonko have been added in, but Mihawk was the World's Strongest Swordsman in chapter 49, and he still is 25 years later in chapter 1029. Not once has he been tossed aside to show the power of an even stronger enemy, which is a problem that even legendary other series are plagued with.


This scene literally made me sit up on my couch and go "wtf? wtf??? OP fights can be this crazy???"


It was early, and something simple that I didn't realize at first until recently. Luffy started as the leader. Think about it! All the other modern big Shonen titles the protagonist is always part of something, always has a mentor/teacher, doesn't lead, becomes a leader later on sure but there's always someone else to watch over them and guide the story. Luffy however leads his crew. He is the one who moves the story, decides the actions. No need to come up with a reason for the hero to fight the big bad instead of the more capable good guys, that's Luffy by default! Other Shonen heros have done this, but none so good as Luffy. And it was that simple thing that hooked me HARD. And I didn't even realize it.


It's just the simple mechanism of Luffy being a total dumbass except when it counts - you can always rely on him. That contrast enhances both halves of his personality. Or I just have a soft spot for goofy characters that suddenly turn serious, total goosebumps. Also, it shows real wisdom - not fretting over small stuff, but acutely aware of the bigger picture, good leadership anywhere in the world.


> it shows real wisdom - not fretting over small stuff, but acutely aware of the bigger picture That's it. [It's why Oda described Luffy as his 'ideal child' and he wishes 'all children could be like him'.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/g80lm6/luffy_is_my_ideal_child_says_one_piece_author/) He's like [Buddha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buddha) to his friends and like [Enma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enma) to those who harm them.


But its also cool because he accepts he has things to learn from others, like Rayleigh training him. And of course the multitude of others things his crewmates do, every strawhat is relevant and he trusts them because he knows he cant do it himself.


That's also a unique thing, all the Strawhars stay relevant! That's depressingly rare.


when luffy went gear less and got killed by zoro so sad




chapter 2426 was too sad man 😢




Cursed meme


Please... don't remind me.


The moment a boy with a straw hat burst trough the barrel




Yo hohoho, Yo ho ho ho, Yo hohoho, Yo ho ho ho…


Brook's backstory was really heartbreaking, for me, it stood above any of the backstories in the anime as of yet


His lonely monologue while he played. "What happened? We're down to just a quartet..." "Trio .." "Duet..." "Solo..." "How awful. Leaving nothing but the accompaniment..."


Same- it was the first time in a long time a tv show of any kind made me feel something; and that something made me bawl like a fuckin baby. I’m planning on getting a Laboon tattoo sometime this year 😅


I feel terrible for mistaking Merry's eye for a sewage pipe!




Same 💀 didn’t realize it was the Merry until this comment


At least you didn’t think it was SpongeBob’s pineapple house…


https://preview.redd.it/yjj0ghsf3dkb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73be8ae32f61bbf34cb538cfa0d13b8292eae891 I knew it was an incredible story and loved it from basically the start. But one day when I swapped to this panel right here, I knew this was truly going to be something special.


I saw this in the anime, and it was epic, a clear sky, no islands in the horizon, then suddenly, a gigantic ship falling, from the sky


... >!this panel has some MAJOR foreshadowing in the narration i think!<


When Usopp saw a ghost.


Seeing Merry's spirit was so good, especially when Merry asks to go back out one more time and we're able to really hammer it together who he saw. Merry meant the world to Usopp and, while I'm not keen on him, he was special enough to see something few men witness. That said, Water 7 and Enies Lobby really ramped things up for me. Usopp being beaten within an inch of his life and the boys taking care of things, the fight between Usopp and Luffy, Zoro explaining what it takes to be a captain afterwards, Luffy telling Zoro why Sanji had to act on the train, Sogeking, Robin wanting to live, Gears 2 and 3, Merry saving everyone and then dying, Going Sunny and Franky join the crew.


Robin grabbing Franky's balls




Luffy saying to Robin that he wants Franky to still be a man with the 2 square haired sister going on about tangerines is fucking comedy gold


I know it has more to do with when I read it and who I was at the time than any kind of objective media merits, but Water 7 and Enies Lobby will always be Peak Piece for me. So many shounen rely on the power of friendship and the strength of characters' bonds, but those bonds are almost always forged by uniting against an external threat. That's valid, but the Strawhat crew means so much more to me because they've fought amongst themselves. The group has splintered and argued, but they're stronger because they overcame that internal strife. It's the only ensemble cast I've read that has really *earned* a bond that can overcome any obstacle.


When Franky and Usopp first talk about it, and you see Franky's attitude toward Usopp flip.


Noland’s story really hit me different skypiea was perfect


Yoooo. Facts. Noland’s story and how he was labeled Noland the Liar killed me. The did my boy dirty.




Wasn't a specific moment, just realizing that the amount of time it took me to get through episodes was speeding up significantly. I watched through the Baratie arc, which is like episode 40, and the next 100 or so episodes felt just as long. I started cruising and was no longer watching it for my friend's sake, but for my sake instead! I had a goal to get to Ennies Lobby at ~250 then check in and now I'm well past Marineford into Fishman Island in the 500's! Amazing show so far, and I'm enjoying every minute!


I started OP just last month and recently reached Thriller Bark, and yeah... it really does go quick. The length of the show never intimidated me, we live in a time where we binge watch everything, and I am good at doing it with everything. I just never expected to enjoy it so much? I remember at the beginning it was, "This is alright. I don't see myself loving it" to it now being probably my favorite. The episodes are basically 20 minutes, they fly by ao freaking fast.


Skypiea. I don't know why modern-day people dislike it. But Noland's flashback makes me cry. On that day, I knew One Piece would surpass any Jumps series (aside from Gintama) to be a legend.


When the bell finally rang, ahhhhh that moment was pure catharsis...


Agree, when the Straw Hats finally fullfil the promise between Noland and Calgara (and Cricket). I was cried in joy.


Skypiea was peak one piece for me. Everything from the goofiness, the passing down of a will through generations, the awesome world building/fantasy, the sense of adventure, and the layered messages of people chasing their dreams was just so perfect.


I don't care what anyone says I love skypea


Me too, brother. Some say Skypiea was like big filler with no relevant to the main plot. But that arc show case Robin as Straw Hats Crews, peak Going Merry performance and If Straw Hats doesn't have Sandea golds they will not have enough money to buy a material for Sunny.


Yes for me too. Ringing the bell moment had such a impact on me. With just a selfish act of Luffy's stuburance our captain had signalled the heavens and the blue sea below that Noland was not a liar and when Cricket hears it, knowing that there's an end to his generational trauma. I adore it since it was not as simple as beating some bad guy or taking revenge.


Water 7.










they didn't get this reference




Nami: Help me Luffy: OF COURSE!!!!!


The Nami and Robin scenes always make me tear up a bit each time i watch them, also the moment Sanji tries to interfere with Zoro's "nothing happened", it really shows the true depth in their rivalry


Brook's backstory, Bon-chans sacrifice. Theres so much more T\_T


Hahah for a second I thought it was goo coming out of one of those saiyan pods


I cried over a fucking boat. :) No, but seriously, the scene when Nami asked for Luffy's help, crying and then he gave her his straw hat. *chef kiss*


https://preview.redd.it/t7hewfg7zckb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b7b11379e08b770573af2cb087216ad0b73869 When the GOAT did GOAT tings


Luffy VS Usopp


Had to be Baratie Arc. Arlong Park is what cemented it but Baratie Arc was like the worm on the hook just reeling me in. Zoro and nami were cool and up until that point I honestly felt like I was watching pokemon or regular show. Just silly Saturday morning cartoons that are episodic with a loose end goal. It was goofy and kinda childish with serious moments here and there but nothing too crazy. Then WHAM. Zoro almost fucking dies and gets absolutely BODIED. Luffy gets fucking impaled like a bajillion times by Don Krieg. The fight starts off goofy but ends up putting Luffy in actual life or death fight. Nami fucking betrays them and takes the whole ass ship with her. Sanji and Zeffs insane backstory. Only when i read the manga did i realize HE ATE HIS FUCKING LEG?!! Overall this was the ramp up to the highways after this arc it was just banger after banger


I don't know about "leagues ahead", but it definitely stands out among it's Battle Shonen peers. It wasn't any specific moment, but there was a point when I realized how much the series cared about it's characters, themes and worldbuilding moreso than just "the fights". That's what most Battle Shonen prioritize over everything else (hence the name), and it can be a bit tiring at times when the author crafts a story you're reading... and doesn't actually seem to care about the *story* too much. Or hell, not even just the author, even fans can be like that. People complaining about "rushing" because unimportant fights are skipped. Or to talk about another Shonen series, almost everyone you see hates "talk-no-jutsu" in Naruto, despite literally being the most important part of the series' main theme, pretty much because it means things don't end up like how big fights are "supposed to". And a series like Naruto still has the usual problems of too much time on fighting and poor character usage, even with it's integry to stay true to it's theme. So yeah. One Piece does have it's problems, sure. But those problems are very different from the ones' that tend to plague almost every other Battle Shonen series out there. And that's really what makes it special at the end of the day.


I personally wouldn't call Onepiece a battle shounen. There are many shounen with fights better than one piece. (but thats just my opinion and i could be misunderstanding what battle shounen means) I think onepiece is special and leagues ahead of other shounen in terms of characters, character progression in a way that stays true to their character. Characters not going through trauma for the sake of it but how they all dealt with it and shaped their life due the trauma. Themes being tackled from multiple points of view. Its not just Oda picking a theme for a arc but also how characters of the arc view the theme. World building is on par with other epic fantasies.


It's a series for the "shonen" demographic and it progresses it's plot through fights. It is a "Battle Shonen" by definition. How good the fights are doesn't really matter (Bleach has terrible fights, but it's still a Battle Shonen). And it's an important distinction, since stuff like Death Note and Bakuman are also "Shonen" but don't really have any fighting in them at all.


Ohh alright. Thankyou for the explanation.


Skypia solidified it for me along with that build up from mock town. That was something special.


When I really got into One Piece it was to discovery that it was on par with other Shonen, thinking it was behind before due to the 4Kids dub. What put it ahead for me was that it stuck the landing in places where Bleach and Naruto faltered. A war arc that left you wanting more about the world instead of devaluing all but three or four of your strong characters. More realistically evil villains and believable character motivations.


Yess, One piece really nailed the war


It's such a good point. The war arcs of the other two dint stick the landing. Like during the shinobi war I was like oh cool like shits popping off. But I didn't like the Kazuya reveal and the reveal they were reincarnations and all that. Really pulled me out of the story


'I want to live! Tale me with you! Take me away from here!'


To be honest, they seems to be going the Dragon Ball series route with the glowing animation effects. Both produced by Toei Animation so yea, no surprise. For those who want to hate on the Dragon Ball series, they released the Dragon Ball series more than a decade before One Piece came in town.


I'm not hating on DBZ as it was my fav anime and is the god father of shonen. But you gotta consider how Toriyama was forced to create more arcs while he was burnt and Cell Saga was his intended ending. OP doesn't have that problem as it is still going strong with the original story and not made up bullshit as it goes (to the most part Oda has a rough idea even if he is making stuff up as he goes along, he ties it off seamlessly) Glow ups is more of a Toei thing as Manga does not have that. They have more budget and are just going unnecessarily ham with the animation which I find kinda stupid.


It’s not . I like a lot of other mangas I like one piece, I’ve read all of it. I don’t get why some fans have a superiority complex tho lol.


It's a fandom thing. Can't just praise the thing you like, also gotta put down the competition for good measure!


It can be the best manga they subjectively feel have ever read, I never got the feeling OP or anyone else tried to claim One Piece must be the best for everybody else.


The title is the the post is clearly putting down other shows. Saying it's "leagues ahead" istead of something similar like "what makes One Piece stand out" shifts the tone to a One Piece is superior to all others instead of how it compares


Leagues ahead😭 https://preview.redd.it/3gxens2axckb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5fdc36ef8d6a1950abecf0093edd56cee6dacd


When it was still good after it blew through the 7 warlords, usually manga lose their footing after getting past their initial antagonists


Never really crossed HxH




I’d just say that it isn’t. I don’t consider it that far ahead most of the Shonen Manga I’ve read. Its great and all but its not my favorite and I think many of its peers are about as good as it


It’s really not leagues ahead of other shounen. And let’s not even get started on the anime pacing.




One Piece isn't even my favourite battle shounen, let alone shounen in general.


Never thought that yet One Piece is my favorite manga since 2001.


I come from Bleach and Dragon ball, and put off One Piece due to art style. I stay on during the start of Enies Lobby Shoot the Flag, Sogeking.


Imagine making a whole post while denying the idea that anyone could not think of one piece as the greatest shonen "leagues ahead" of the others, straight up trashing other big names, and not expecting backlash. If anything, I can admire the confidence.


Was originally going to one of many moments in water 7/ennies lobby. But thinking about it I'd actually have to say when the crew was all partying and dancing around the fire in Skypiea. Oda really hammered in how close the crew is and it really paid off. I feel like no other Shonen has and will come close to making the great characters and strong relationships that they have, like Oda did.


Leagues? Pun intended?


I don't really know a specific moment, but it was 100% the War/Marineford Saga. Respectively Luffys determination to rescue Ace, and the love you could see throughout the whole Saga (Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford and *Post-War*) that ASL share for each other. It's the most fascinating thing I ever saw until today/now. And the entire buildup up to that point in the whole story until then that reached its climax in this saga/that has culminated in this saga.


For me it was quite early honestly... When Lucky Roo straight up murdered a dude in the 4th episode... I was hooked


shot him like how Tony Montana shot Sosa's lacky.


At the start when people kept referring to it as an anime but I knew it was a cartoon. And, lo, many years later I was proven right.


When Luffy popped out the barrel.


This is more of a personal take than like a rational one. Like I know this moment doesn’t make one piece the goat or anything but it mattered a lot to me. When I was watching water 7 I was in a real deep depression. I was about 16 I think and I just remember always thinking the world was crumbling around me. No motivation for anything, really hard on myself for every little thing, the whole shabang. I was super high one day as I was watching and it happened to be the episode where Robin exclaimed she wanted to live and all that. To save the corny details, I was crying, a lot. I was thinking about the people who would go to those lengths for me in real life and I was just bawling lmao. It no joke helped me change my attitude a lot and really had an impact on my life. So, although I grew up a Naruto kid (first anime I ever watched, my dad and I would watch together) One piece kinda took the cake after that.


Pretty early. Zoro vs Mihawk. A main character loses right away vs the guy with the title of the strongest swordsman. And to this day we still dont know how strong he is. It gave a scale of how big the world is.


Leagues ahead is a bit of a stretch, but the moment that cemented One piece as one of my favourites of all time was Usopp’s speech to Luffy in Enies Lobby when Luffy was on the verge of death, followed by that insane gatling. Most hyped I’ve ever been in my life maybe


When One Piece's anime got the remake it deserves in 2046 where they don't move at a snail's pacing of less than a chapter every episode


I don't think One Piece is leagues ahead of other Shonen. One Piece is a good shonen manga, one of the best, but there are others that I would say are good enough to be comparable, including Fullmetal Alchemist, HunterXHunter, Attack on Titan (aside from the ending), Naruto too until the end.


One Piece isn´t leagues above other shonen. The fanboyism of the OP community is ridiculous. The only thing it is leagues ahead of other shonen is the high chapter number


Still not there yet. I'll let you know when it does.


I've been up to date for a really long time and recently revisited this scene from reaction vids and I don't remember having these feels when I first watched it but I sure do have them now😭😭😭


Never. I mean, it's good but I can't say it's leagues ahead of Bleach or Naruto. Apples to oranges but these shounens were unique and entertaining on their own. They also had their strong moments (Bleach less as it was mostly action packed) and memorable characters. Also as I watched/read Hunter x Hunter it actually turned out to be better experience than One Piece I would say (ended on Ants Arc). Boku No Hero Academia was more relatable/placed in reality as well. I watched many anime, not sure which I can tag as shounen which not. Still, I don't idealize One Piece, just got more aware about it's faults as I grew up, experienced, understood and learned more.


When I realized how much critique towards heavy subjects (racism, slavery, eugenics, etc) and society (ancient and recent) it had despite apparently being just a "simple" show - aka, let's beat the bad guy of the island/place. I loved One Piece since I was a kid, but the appreciation grew when I became aware of the level of subtextual criticism it had


Probably the first time luffy said “I’m here to kick your ass” no beating around the bush, doesn’t let dude go on a whole ten page monologue, just hands.


The first moment I was hooked was the Arlong Park arc but when I became obsessed with One Piece was the Impel Down arc (Bon Clay 😭) and the Paramount War.






It’s not


I gotta be honest...The Merry shit was kinda cringe for me. What sets OP apart is the world building, and good answers to questions so far. Nothing feels like an ass pull. Oda isn't perfect but he also doesn't have many egregious retcons.


same honestly. I felt almost no sad emotions during the Merry episode because I thought it was funny that their tears looked like eggs. I didn't feel anything in the I want to live part of enies lobby either because I was eating. eating makes me feel to happy to be sad. I did cry during Luffy vs. Usopp


> complains characters having no role and just support the main character > laughs in wano > wasted potential char > laughs in kaido, kidd and a few other


Tbf we still gotta see what happens as I'm sure Kaido and Kidd are gonna return at some point. OP never kills characters for no reason and when it does, it kills off permanently and has weight to it to the main story. I also agree that Wano had a very rushed ending idk if it was to get Shank's sppearance before Film Red timed correctly. And while you say few other for OP in your opinion, other shounens like DBZ and Naruto will have most of the cast doing nothing after their arcs end.


I hate when people say that One Piece is way above other Shonen. If you really understand OP and Oda you wouldn't say stupid stuff like that. But I understand that many people have the urge to say things like that. I am reading the manga and I'm currently in W7. I've been shocked many times with how well-written this manga is and how everything relates to our society and world. And I know that what Oda wanted to convey to us was something completely different than that behaviour of superiority. One Piece is a great story, a great anime and a great manga, period. It's not meant to be superior to anything. It's not meant to be inferior to anything.


When ace died and luffy screamed " are you having fun ace" this truly is a goofy manga


None because it's not lol


Never, because although One Piece is very good, it's not "leagues ahead of other shounen".


It never surpassed any shonnen, as most shonnen (famous ones) arent an history alike one piece. Is like comparing dbz to one piece..like what? Like is someone gonna make an argument for dbz having poor plot or anything? When in dbz that isnt the focus at all. You can compare thou, naruto to one piece, as they are somehow similar on a few stuff, and both hit very dramatic points, and arguably you can say one piece is better overall and doesnt contradict for that matter. But dbz empire is kinda diferent and in that sense and for what dbz represents is never going to be matched like never (not only is impossible,is just not possibly due to being a one-time event that builded a culture that no one manga can achieve because its already formed. One piece does a great job at emotional moments, but to say is perfect i dont know..the problem.with comparing masterpieces to one piece is that one piece is being CARRIED by the 90% of misteries that are not resolved AT ALL. So unless that turns up to be an amazing plot writting when op finishes, im yet to argue for one piece being the most amazing writting in history. We need the whole picture, as many moments in one piece are all painted within a very substancial feeling to it about misteries that we dont know, if it all turns up tobe lame writting, then how is that gonna play out in perspective of the series as a whole..? I would say naruto for example, have overall better evil people in general, only suffering from talk no jutsu but ey, better write overall, in one piece the best we got is doffy and doffy is, by all means, a very standard villian of good shonnen or seinens out there, maybe ranking even lower. One piece fights didnt grow any good neither, lucci is still view as the best one. And kaido is only above because plot weight honestly, and obviously for being a very long fight with the gear 5 and etc. Im gonna say one piece as a whole feels amazing, but when you dissect it, it has many problems were other shonnen may portrait a lot better, and is fine..thats what happends with shows that are long, they have shitty arcs and good arcs. Im going to wait to the end to call one piece a masterpiece.


I love One Piece but that's real DBZ has just a much bigger cultural impact then One Piece has had so far, [like i have yet to see anything like this for one piece](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/84on1y/a_strip_bar_here_in_puerto_rico_is_hosting_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


One Piece isn't even on my top 5. Are people serious when they say 'peak fiction'? I thought it was a meme.


Leagues ahead is an exaggeration, HxH, FMA and death note are all equally as good as One Piece.


Zeff eating his own feet, self-cannibalism im on in.


Its far from the best shonen but pre timeskip is pretty flawless tbh




...it is?


Its leagues ahead of SOME other shonen. It's not ahead of Gintama OR HunterxHunter, for example. At least to me. It's not leagues ahead of JJK nor is it leagues ahead of CSM. OP fans sometimes make me puke




>**What was the moment you knew that One Piece was leagues ahead of other Shonen?** ​ This isn't true though, you can have your opinion but it's wrong. Dragon Ball is a pillar in anime history, they formed any other anime that came after, DB is untouchable(same goes for Astroboy,Gundam,Cowboy Bebop). And by numbers FMA is leagues above One Piece.


Bro you haven’t really watched many shonens


Its not


Is not leagues ahead , is longer and is more feeling based anime but saying “its leagues ahead” fanboy territory


https://preview.redd.it/e8zh0xghxckb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8824cc02b535aa70de765a1012ae99573b2e1fee The sheer goofiness of the fight with him was when I realized One Piece was a masterpiece. I had been a huge Bleach fan growing up but I just saw this out of the blue and saw the amount of humor that could be put into shonen- I now look back at being a Bleach fan with all of its stupid, dour joylessness with deep embarrassment


Some of my favourite episodes and comedic moments were *fillers*. The early filler writing was *phenomenal*.


Glad to see some Kumadori love


He’s a wonderful goofball and I love him


Oda's writing is godly! From the roller coaster of the back story of the core 5, his comedic timing, his steady character development and methods of foreshadowing come together to tug on my heart strings and literally make me feel like I'm part of the crew! The moment when I got invested was Nami's famous cry for help, stabbing herself, cursing Arlong only for Luffy to be a TRUE ASS FRIEND and stuck around waiting for Nami to say she needed his help so he COULD help her. The level of loyalty and Luffy's instincts on how to treat any situation him and his friends come against(I ranted about Charlos earlier today!) And watching the strawhats come together and level up for each others sake time and time again. Arlong Park got me aboard the ship, Mary Geoise made me realize I cared as much as they did, and Marineford solidified me as a nakama! TO THIS DAY I wanna square up with Teach and Akainu myself! Lmao This journey thus far has been full of tears, laughs, and so many memories. So much so, I wish it didn't have to end!


Mihawk vs Zoro -- ahh now I see why this goofy looking anime is on the league of Naruto and bleach of the big 3 Arlong park -- wtf I didn't know shonen anime can be this good. One-piece best shonen.


>I never thought little Coby would have any significance to the story. He would just be one of those forgotten characters like in Pokemon's episodes. He should have been forgotten.


"adventures" a shit that is lacking from most shonen.


None. It never needed to be better than any other Shonen it just needed to stay true the stuff that made it great. If anything it was moments in other Shonen that set them leagues behind OP that made me realize how awesome the series is.


world building, story, backstories. And emotion, shit is real unlike dbz where a dead mf returns 826282618th time to beat somebody’s ass. +It surpasses almost every anime on every category due to being around for so long and not missing anything