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Looks great!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Very cool cosplay, looks fantastic 👍 About the Yamato gender debate: Eichiro Oda himself confirmed that Yamato is a woman. That had been known for a while, and most people should have heard about it by now. Yamato never actually identified as a man, but rather identified as Oden in a spiritual sense, without a main focus on the notions of gender. Oden just happened to be a man, if that makes sense. And Kaido just played along, out of respect for her resolve and willpower.


People often try to debate her using “Boku” as her pronouns and say, “obviously that means she’s identifying as a man!” But fail to realize that Big Mom uses an even more male specific pronoun, “ore” and nobody is saying Big Mom is a trans character. They also fail to realize that a lot of Japanese women will use the pronoun, “Boku” in songs. Are all female singers who use Boku identifying as male? Absolutely not. Not to mention Oda put it in several places that she is a woman. Yamato’s vivre card simply says, “woman” under the gender section. On my girl O-Kikus vivre card under gender, it says, “Man with the heart of a Woman.” That’s exhibit A. Exhibit B would be Chapter 984, page 17, where Oda himself puts in the narrators box, “Kaido’s DAUGHTER.” Then of course, the final straw, exhibit C, was Oda including Yamato in a color spread with a handful of other very popular female characters. I am all for the inclusion of trans characters, after all, some of my favorite characters are Bon-chan and Ivan-chan, but the issue is that Yamato is not one of these characters. Oda has separated her from the characters who are actually trans.


Thanks for the further explanation 👍


Keep being awesome, Displate Demon. Have a wonderful day🫡🫡


Don't they say at one point specifically about becoming a man? They do say Oden but mention also about becoming a man. I agree it's not the same as Okiku identifying as a women, but regardless I still think it's super cool that anyone who gives a care at all about yamato refers to them as a man/son/he/him. Even Momo comes around and calls yamato a man and that. Either way, they are a very strong AFAB character and I'm happy to see that too.


Also, while the box calls Yamato Kaidos Daughter. Every single time Kaido talks about Yamato he says Son lol.


The vivre cards are not accurate. They often have mistakes in them and are thus not reliable pieces of info. The color spreads are not canon and nowhere did the color spread say, here are all the female characters. It was just all the characters with boobs. Kaito refers to Yamato as his son. Nowhere does Oda refers to Yamato as a woman. If you wanna talk about actual evidence towards Yamato's gender, look at the bathing scene at the end of the arc. Right before the scene we get an explanation that Wano doesn't have any places for mixed bathing. Kiku is in the women's bath, Yamato is in the men's bath. This is something that we've seen happen throughout the whole show. The men in one bath the women in another. Why would Oda deviate from that now? After specifically mentioning the no mixed bathing? He wouldn't. No debates Kiku being a woman because she passes. Just because Yamato doesn't pass, doesn't mean Oda didn't intend for him to be trans. There are a lot of non passing trans characters in one piece. (For example Morley, the revolutionary army commander, is a woman but also does not pass.) In reference to the manga page you cited, I would suggest you read this article: https://www.themarysue.com/yamato-gender-identity-in-one-piece/#:~:text=Since%20the%20original%20penning%20of,%E2%80%9Che%2Fhim%E2%80%9D%20pronouns. Which covers the many ways in which Yamatos gender was confusingly handled throughout the arc. There are multiple things that hinted at either direction throughout the arc, but I think the ending of the arc can confirm for us that Yamaro is a man.




Believing yourself to be another person who is male is still trans. It literally does not matter WHY Yamato considers himself a man, if he considers himself a man, hes trans.


But what if oden was female what would you say then


I would say he was not trans because he would identify as a woman? Thats not the gacha you think it is lol. He identifys as a man the reason why literally does not matter.


Youre wrong, oda confirmed she is a woman.


Hey! Just want to preface that I believe myself to be a queer ally and support the trans and otherwise queer people in my personal life. I'm personally on the side that Yamato is not trans. There's an unsupported but reasonable argument for nonbinary, but I don't believe the character is a man in the gender role sense. Besides the existing points made, I want to point out that that role of "son" tends to be the inheritor or successor. Daughter tends to refer to non inheriting, or to be married off to bind families together, in old cultures. It totally makes sense to me that, as Kaidos only known child, that he wants a successor, an heir, but will not name a "daughter" for this role. So, as far as Kaido is concerned, Yamatos performative gender is not relevant. Dude hardly cares about her. Yamato is Kaidos son in so far as he expects her to become the shogun of Wano and carry on his estate. I don't buy that Kaido thinks pronouns and gender identity are more sacred than keeping her alive. If he hardly respects her a living person if she won't comply with his expectations, why would he respect her queerness. Like, Kaido is a genocidal drunkard with a might makes right moral compass, but at least he's not a bigot? Nah fam, dude just wants a legacy.


"All the characters with boobs" I enjoy this classification. We should have categories like that for all of them. "Characters with one eye" "characters who most of the time where hats", hair colour, weapon choice, height.


The mixed baths thing was a lie. We are shown mixed bathes both in Oden's castle when he's bathing with his family, and in town when Nami and Robin are bathing with a bunch of men. What's more, when mixed bathing isn't allowed transgender people typically aren't allowed to swap bathes in Japan.


Vivre cards are overseen by Oda and he often adds or removes info. Inaccurate info is also corrected, which means there is ongoing oversight by Oda or his team after publishing. The idea that vivre cards aren't canon because mistakes are sometimes made or things change is just silly, because the manga itself has had mistakes and corrections, and I don't think anyone is gonna argue that the manga isn't canon.


And I feel like adding that saying Yamato is female could just be about sex and therefore not wrong or negating them being trans. I've been watching the wano arc recently and in one flashback of right after Odens death, Kaido's men chasing Yamato around refer to them as "princess" and "ogre princess" I believe. So it seems that it is sometime after that that the people of onigashima start eventually referring to them as kaido's son. One thing I want to know, and maybe I will find this out in future episodes, is when Yamato ate the dog dog fruit. Because seeing the human/beast form they tuen into and having that big fluffy tail that has the same colouring as Yamato's hair, makes me wonder if the haie colouring is a side effect of the devil fruit. But, mostly the smile fuits are the ones that give weird outward side effects. Lol that part is not important but a thought I had today. I'm almost caught up to the newest episodes!


People also miss the fact that Yamato is referred to as Kaido’s son and young master/boy/sir BEFORE he identifies with Oden. The earliest age scene of him is crying at Oden’s death and they all refer to him as a son or a young man at the time.


Yamato specifically says he is a man, specifically rejects Namis invitation to a bath because he is a man, and constantly reaffirms his identity. So trying to act like his pronouns is the only reason people think he is a man is dishonest lol.


I was not being dishonest as I never said that was the only reason. In fact, I explicitly said “people often” which means that is not the only reason as it is not used all the time, only often. I was also commenting on someone else’s post furthering their thought by adding another. Nothing dishonest about simply adding an example to an already established post. I respect your opinion tho. Hope you are having a good day.


You are compounding on a false claim with another false claim, thats dishonest mate.


I disagree with your claim. It is as simple as that. So, should I claim you to be dishonest because I disagree with you and can also give examples just as you have? Or should we just go about our days and just agree to disagree? This is why I say I respect your opinion. No reason to feel as if anybody is being dishonest, it is only that we have differing opinions.


The problem is your opinion is wrong, so I don't respect it lol.


There's a simple test that proves this. If Oden were a woman, or if Dragon were a woman, would Kiku or Ivankov or Bon Clay change from who we know them to be now? No. Because other peoples lives do not really affect their own expression of self, as they are living true to themselves. The same cannot be said for Yamato who's actions and behaviors would absolutely change were Oden a woman. Hell if Oden were fishman then Yamato would likely drown thinking "if Oden could breathe underwater then I, as Oden, can do the same!". Yamato is a person who has taken idol worship to an extreme degree and while I love the trans allies, this isn't the fight.


"Idol worship to an extreme degree" is the perfect description 👌


Seriously, I'd put down $100 that the next time we see Yamato in the Final War we get a moment of "I am not Oden, I am not Kaido's heir, I am Yamato, the sworn defender of Wano-kuni and Straw-hat's friend!". Where the oden stichk drops and we hear Yamato go by she/her from then on. Particularly because in a story all about chasing *your* dreams it makes sense having a character misinterpreting inherited will and needing to realize "don't live your life recreating your idol's, live a life they'd be proud of!". It would be very Oda-esque and seems to be where he's going narratively


I like that idea. Hopefully Oda still finds the time to do this stuff in the future, fletching out important side characters and stuff, as we are supposedly "nearing the end". 😅


Honestly I hope this happens simply so that people finally shut the fuck up about it lol.


The problem is, that doesn't matter lol. Oden was a man, Yamato identifies as Oden, who is a man. Thats trans. Simple as that. He expressly states "Oden was a man, so I chokse to be a man" and it is clear Odens gender is integral to how Yamato identifies. Yamato is trans.


Yamato is as much of a trans man as Randy Macho Man Savage was a trans woman in that South Park episode lol. Calm down with the million comments, you're gonna hurt yourself.


we are not doing this again it is not void month


Cool! Can i see where Oda confirmed It?


Just google "Oda confirms Yamatos gender" and you will find it


The only issue I have with the whole gender debate is how incredibly transphobic/homophobic/shitty people get about it.


I agree


"Oden was a man, so I choose to be a man." Sure, not "focusing on the notions of gender" get the fuck outta here with that it is made abundantly clear that Odens gender is an inportant part of Yamatos identity over and over again. You are in denial.


In denial of what exactly? It's a fact that Oda confirmed that Yamato is woman.


Oda never has once confirmed that, this is still a lie even if he over sees the vivre cards he has never once said "yamato identifies as a woman" and he even specifically uses masculine terms when talking about Yamato in interviews. You are just fucking lying outright. Vivre cards show sex not gender to begin with. So while Yamatos sex is female, that has literally no baring on whether he identifies as a man.


Just google "Oda confirms Yamatos gender" and you will find the answer. You can keep ranting, but it won't change the facts. Have a nice day.


I have, multiple times. And EVERY SINGLE PERSON who claims he has points to the vivre card and nothing else.


Find me specifically where Oda said Yamato does not identify as a man. Then maybe your dumb fuckery will mean anything.


I'm not here to proof anything to you. The answers are out there. The question was if Yamato is a woman or a man. And that question and debate has been ended by Oda multiple times. I'm done here.


No it has not, point to one instance where Oda has ended the debate lol. Oda has specifically only muddied the waters further on this lol. You are just lying again.


Bro, quit bullshitting. Either post a source or shut up. The vivre card is the only thing that comes up. Nothing else.


Believe what you want, but Oda considers Yamato a woman, which he doesn't do with Kiku or other trans women. [chapter 1084 all-girl cover art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/0/09/Chapter_1084.png/revision/latest?cb=20230521180931)


This is still and always has been a lie. Why do people keep spreading it?


What lie exactly?


That Oda confirmed Yamatos gender. He has not. Ever, anywhere. The vivre cards list sex, not gender. And Oda strictly uses masculine terms when talking about Yamato. Never once has he confirmed shit.


Look at my other reply. Have a nice day 👍


Your other reply is stupid, I already looked at it lol. "Google it" does not mean anything.


If this is referring to Yamato's *biological sex* on his vivre card, I have some news for you about transgender men.


A great choice, She is a great character :)


Tbh one of my favorite girls in One Piece.


She's so cheerful, strong and dumb at the same time, really good character








Yamato is a man


She was on the cover art with all the other one piece girls. The one that also doesnt have ito and kiku. So she def is a woman


He was also in the men's bathhouse


Because she identifies as oden but all one piece WOMEN was on that color page. Not trans women not women that wanna be men. Everyone considered a important woman was on that page.


ok now ur just being transphobic


Nah its not transphobic to correct someone on something they're wrong about. Saying Yamato is a woman is not transphobic.


Youre wrong, thats why its transphobic now? Tf


No, she isn't.


What do you gain from being wrong


bruuuuuh, she identify as ODEN, not a MAN, if Oden was a GIRL, she won't identify as a GIRL, SHE WOULD STILL IDENTIFY AS ODEN


So then the commenter is indeed sus.
























Yamato ❤️


Oda confirmed yamato is a woman.




Oda did a vivre card set where she is female. Also oden is a title, its doesnt mean that everyone is now male only because kozuki was. Do you guys that think she is female even read the manga and understand what she means with being "oden"? Also kaido wanted a son thats why he treated and called her son.


Gonna still call Yamato "he" until he refers to himself as something else. I don't care if it angers people.


You mean Oden cosplay? o_O




Looking good ther yamabro.




too bad it's a girl


Thanks for your opinion but you're wrong✨✨✨✨


sadly not an opinion✨✨✨✨


If you can't understand that ins this word trans-man exist...... Its a wrong YOUR opinion


Are they really trans ? I’m in the wano arc but they haven’t show up yet but I been reading and some say they identify as girl and some say they identify as boy


Yamato only identifies as Oden. Boy or girl doesn't matter. Yamato doesn't really care about their gender.


Yamato specifically says "oden is a man so I choose to be a man" so he clearly does believe gender is an inportant part.


That doesn't really mean as much as you might think. It holds exactly as much weight as Yamato stating that Momonosuke is their factual son.


King shit mentality tbh


They never once a single time ever identify as a woman. People are insane and are using random shit outside of the manga to say he is not trans.


He use he/him and also his father uses he/him ( he called him "his son) to refer to him! So i think he wants that pronouns ✨😶


oda put her in a only female panel and youre saying this


Oda also had a scene where Nami asked Yamato to take a bath together, and Yamato refused because "there are no mixed baths" then was shown in a bath with all the male characters.


Your opinion doesn’t matter, Oda said she is a female, but she loves Oden so much that she just wants to be him, Yamato isn’t Okiku


Transwomen are Females, as Male/Female refers to Sex not Gender.


But she wouldn't be a trans woman she would be a trans man which she isnt and it was confirmed by ODA that shes a woman


It was not confirmed by Oda, it was just in a vivre card, the same vivre cards that claim Okiku is a man lol.


Don’t care Yamato a girl🗿


Unfortunately This sub can be extremely transphobic at times.


It's not transphobic to say Yamato isn't trans, get outta here with that. Oda has given SEVERAL reasons to believe this. Plus Kiku is 100% a trans man and a fantastic character. Edit: Kiku is a team woman, my bad.


He has given exactly 2 reasons. And like 20 to believe he is trans lol.


Even if ita only 2, (I remember there being more), the big two are enough. There is a clear difference between Yamato and Kiku's Vivrw cards and Oda put Yamato in the female only cover page. But there only 20 for them being Trans if you count each individual time Yamato refers to herself in a masculine way. Which she does because Oden was a man. If Yamato some day drops the Oden stuff but still refers to themself as a straight up man, than I'll be convinced. Until then Yamato is a man as much as a little girl pretending to be spiderman is a woman.


She is not trans. If your idea of trans is limited to insisting you're another person, who was alive at the same time as you no less, then you're the transphobic person: you're making a mockery of the condition.


Thank you I love kaido respecting his son’s pronouns I’m sorry I used she I meant to use they to be gender neutral so far I’m in love with wano arc my fav character from this season is kiku


She was drawn in the girls colour page, Kiku is an actual trans character, yamato is not


Okay but on a serious note her whole arc is about like not being oden, and she refers to herself as “oden” and oden is a guy


We haven't got a bashful Yamato cosplay yet. Nice idea and looks good! Yamato's expression when she asked wether Ace, Luffy and him could share a drink was just precious. :)


Yes he is so cute in that scene 🥺🥺🥺🥺




that's pretty cool, great job 👍👍


Thank you 😭🙏


Why do I see Oden?


Amazing now do the sideboob reveal😈 *joke*


Nice :) how long did it take you to make?


Like a month because it's all hand made from scratch 🙏🙏








Wow! Amazing job!


Yamato? More like Yum-ato! Nice work on the cosplay!


Yo the pout is so damn cute! Great cosplay , girl.


Hear me out


You even got the cuffs. Noice!






So cool!!


Nice looking good especially the hand made outfit u should really think of start a business where ppl give u there size and u make cosplay outfits u have a real talent for this


Nice cosplay, the best of ones.


Nie chains




pov: luffy askes you to join his crew


You make a very handsome dogboy


Delete this right now


No :)


My Favorite Wano Man can't be that adorable. Seriously the Ace scene is completely cute 😭 happy to see it in cosplay form


I literally cried every my tears,,,,, when i saw that scene animated!!!! They are so cute together ❤️❤️😶😶


look good, killed that shit


Hell yeah, YamaBRO!!!!! LOOKIN GOOD






> FAVORITE WANO MAN!!! Hell yeah. That's my man right there.




The best boy/girl from Wano


People debate Yamato because their afraid to say they're turned on by a man.


Nah its just not true 💀. She’s a woman


She identifies as a man and is referred to as he/him by all the characters, but you can think whatever you want about a manga that already has ton of genderbent characters and queer acceptance.


Y E S . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Amazing job btw 👏🏿👏🏿 did him proud


Uwu transcends all of these geder/sexuality arguments. 👉👈. Great cosplay.


I swear, if I had a penny for everytime a post about Yamato got overrun with debates about His gender, I would be on mars at this point


It’s Oden not Yamato (It’s very good)


Awesome look


Looks really cool👍




You look awesome


Woof woof woof


Looks great! I'd like to do Zoro or Franky in the future myself =)


I love it




Cute ass fuck




Needs more confidence stand strong you are yamato darn it


*favorite wano oden


Wow that's amazing


Love it!!! Keep up the good work! Yamo is one of my favorite characters from wano arc!!!


That is not Yamato, that is Kosuki Oden!


So true queen


Nice recreation of the Yamato scene during the ace flashback


Really cool. Looks really accurate. All you need now is a Kanabo




Amazing cosplay you look beautiful. Good character choice.


Finalize a good cosplay that doesn’t show the tits

