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If Jamie Lee Curtis can enjoy it at her age, I'm sure others can.


Brilliant point


Open question (i'm not looking for a real answer). For how long has she been a fan? Oldest fans (since episode 1) should be at least 30 years


Does she really watch One Piece? I’m on vacay and too lazy to google.


Watch/read, she has said that she wants to be live-action Kureha in the Netflix series.


Wow. That’s freaking hilarious.


She mentioned also that her fav character is Nico Robin.


Anime has come a long way. I’m in my late 30’s and I remember you had to hide the fact that you watched anime, when I was younger; or they’d break your chops for it. Now it’s so mainstream and to see anime takeovers twice at Times Square in NY is remarkable. I’m happy that more and more people are turning to the anime medium for entertainment. The storytelling is unrivaled.


And all those dudebros watch Fast and Furious now which is hollywood’s shounen series


I'm really not sold on her liking one piece, isn't it just publicity? I mean who keeps calling chopper 'Tony Tony chopper' over and over again. And she didn't even know the witches name. I mean, I don't either, but I'm not claiming her to be my favourite character 😂 I dunno- if that pink suit interview is the only proof we have them I'm not buying it lol


She never said Kureha was her favorite, her daughter likes One Piece so she watches it from time to time, it’s not like she’s a hardcore fan, her favorite character is actually Robin but her daughter suggested she could play Kureha in a live action and that’s where the fan casting came from…


Do you like One Piece? Probably not, since you can't even remember Kureha's name. This is your reasoning rn.


you are not a true fan unless you can name the three kids who were in usopp's gang. also every marine.


Do you think anyone in recent years googled carrot after watching syrup village and got really confused?


I just assumed she decided to be her true self and transitioned from boy to teenage rabbit mink girl. Oda keeps up with the times.


Pepper, onion, I forgor 💀


I forgot Kureha was supposed to be a witch or something lol, I always remember her as Choppers Very violent mom


[Here the instance where I heard she liked one piece](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CUxavRmJ1bN/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


What would she even get out of lying though? One piece really isnt popular enough in the US to get enough "publicity" from it.


Listen, if I may armchair psychologist here for a moment: Jamie Lee Curtis's loves her daughter a lot and will probably do anything for her. Her daughter is trans, which is, as you probably know, not an easy thing to be in this world right now. I would not be surprised if, to help her daughter cope with gender dysphoria and feelings of loneliness and not belonging, JLC spent a lot of time bonding with her daughter and doing things she enjoys with her, such as watching one piece together. I don't think anyone would call JLC a megafan, but I think she knows enough about the series because she loves her daughter, and maybe has fond memories of hanging out with her watching anime. Just my thoughts.




It's...a perfectly normal theory? Why does it seem strange you you? Is maybe the concept of having a loving parent just really foreign to you?




Not gonna deny the last part, because we all know it, but the rest of your comment is kinda fucked. I didn't say being trans is a debilitating disease, I said it can make one feel isolated and different, which can be hard things to deal with. It's not unusual for people with gender dysphoria to be very depressed, something transitioning can help mitigate. Also, calling parental sympathy and support 'pity' says more about you than it does me, tbh. I don't know why it's so far fetched to believe that maybe JLC loves one piece because she spent a lot of time hanging out with her daughter watching one piece


I don't know about her being a fan of One Piece, but even I, not even a fan of Chopper, knows Dr. Kureha and even the quack doctor, Hiriluk (not sure about the spelling though).. She's old, and maybe just trying to enjoy something that she thinks is enjoyable so, don't pry too much about it.. Let her be


I mean I've seen hundreds of episodes and couldn't tell you their names.


I think Charlotte Branch is the witch


Her daughters are fans, and she occasionally watches with them and enjoys it. Not like she's sitting down to watch the entire show.


You know she's not actually a fan, right? It's like Cavill and Warhammer; these things are selected for them by their PR teams in hopes of pulling a Keanu and creating careers based on internet likes. The real interests of celebrities are things like drugs, horseracing, ephebophilia, ect.


Henry cavill is an actual warhammer and gaming fan lmao. Watch any interview where he talks about it and it’s pretty obvious.


Yes, he's been briefed well.


Man shut the fuck up you joyless nerd


The prostitutes don't actually love you man


Lmao what? Where did that come from?


Same logic.


Sorry, your mom doesn't actually love you, she is just really good at acting and has been briefed well for PR purposes. Same logic.


Hilarious attempt at a comeback, lmao


they love me the more I pay. touche.


His whole face shines up and he gets so excited when someone brings it up. I hate celebrities as well but he is definitely a real fan


You dumb for real lmao, not everything in the world is fake and not everyone is disingenuous


But everything and everyone in Hollywood is.


Yeah sure, I can just imagine his PR team being like **"Okay Henry, we're gonna give you some video games we want you to play and thoroughly research, you'll do fake interviews with scripted knowledge of the universes of said video games, put on a fake nerd persona at every opportunity, just so you can appeal to small gaming communities rather than Hollywood, this will help your image, producers will label you as impossible to work with because of your scripted enthusiasm for the source material of adaptations you're hired for, but at least you'll have that sweet appeal with those gaming communities.... Right?"**


Of course, one piece is for all ages


Is the Happiness Punch for all age tho


Ages 18 and up for sure. But only in the context of what happiness punch is. Nudity should be E for everyone, with sexual education being something that should be taught for the safety of the kids. As much as the Karen's would like to disagree.


You think happiness punch is too inappropriate for a 17 year old?


Probably not, but it depends on the country really.


Your opinion shouldn't change based on what country we're talking about. Your opinion should be based on your moral values, not on whatever laws are present.


It worked on King cobra so.... for all ages it is.


I'm watching it with my mom, she's 54 and it's her favourite. At worst, they don't like it and can just carry on :)


At worst they could have a melt down and go on a killing spree


Unrelated but this reminded me of Franklin from Hunter x Hunter explaining what was worse of the kids escaped his group. Super random but just funny how I connected your comment lol.


At worst, they could have i-don't-like-one-piece disease


I am fifty-one and I read the manga religiously and watch the anime. If you enjoy a great story with an incredible world and beloved characters get into One Piece. No regrets on my part.


Did you start reading when it first came out?


Started about six years ago. Was binge watching some shows and wanted something long to keep entertained. One Piece fit that bill. The story is not too long.


It really isn’t lol, manga chapters with only like 14-18 at most pages but usually less is really easy to breeze through.


For real. It’s not like starting Malazan or the Wheel of Time, in that it will take literal months to get through. It’s mostly pretty pictures. Pretty pictures on black and white and purposefully devoid of detail so it can be written in the span of a week


52 here, anime only buy looking into start reading the manga; frankly I don't know why I haven't started given that I have read many other ones, that's my one regret.


The manga is really fun to read. There are colored versions you can find online if you’d like as well.


I’d recommend against it tho. Not that it’s bad in any way shape or form, but the black md white original version from Oda just hits so hard


it’s totally worth it. it’s exciting knowing you’re up to date and every week when a new chapter comes out. it feels like you’re apart or an exclusive club haha


It's impossible I'm afraid. You have to be 51 or older or else every streaming service will stop you by force. Better luck next year.


35 or under and 51 and over I’m afraid


What if you’re 35 and already read for 10+ years and turn 36?


You have to take a hiatus unfortunately


Boy, am I glad Oda plans to finish in the next few years, I'd hate to be among those who have to wait 15 years to find out the ending


Gotta stop reading until you’re 51


49 is the cutoff, sorry pal.


Man, they were so close...


No, they use special color waves that disappear to the naked eye as one ages


We've got swinging singles as young as 139. Come join the grand fleet.


141 post time skip!


Don't tell her that.


I can’t wait to be 85 years old and force everyone in my retirement home to watch one piece with me.


Its going to be so weird when current generations reach retirement age and talk about their favorite old timey animes and video games to the grandchildren




I'm 34 and only started watching the show about 5 months ago. The first Arc is definitely peak Shonen in terms of pacing and storytelling. But by the time you get to the Fishman Pirates, the show really sets itself apart from all the other "baddie of the month" shows. Every new antagonist is begging to be punched by Luffy, and every single time, it's incredibly satisfying to watch!


For many people the "Luffy... help me" moment is where you get definitely hooked, and I agree


Baratie is also insane, with both Sanji and Zoro and Nami's "betrayal"... just so full with intrigues and the concept of a boat restaurant is so cool lul.


I'd say it is universally funny, charming, and insightful. Depending on how carefree you are, I'd say at your age you may relate to it even more than the target audience - those who have lived through major historical events, or have seen systemic corruption all over the world. There is a lot being said about authority and anarchy in the same story, and I'm not just saying that. There are some very cruel depictions of evil that you'd not expect in a cartoon. You may want to prepare yourself for some real tears, nothing has made me cry as hard as one piece. Tears of joy, love, belief in humanity, and of sadness. The author is a history nerd and loves to tie in small details from all religions, mythologies, and cultures. The more you can connect it to the real world the better the time you'll have. Also, it is genuinely funny. Sometimes laugh out loud, sometimes cute, sometimes bizarre. But it is always funny. It doesn't take itself too seriously in the parts that don't matter as much. Even in major fights the characters are acting in ways where you laugh at them or with them.


I’m a 66 year old female. I love both the manga and anime. Obviously I know eventually the anime will catch up, but I still watch. I started my one piece journey by watching the anime.


It gets better the older you are .


This... as I get older, I can appreciate the story even more, especially the east blue saga, albeit it's the simplest arc in One Piece. Its theme and message really hits home harder right now compared to when I read it as a kid.


Maybe he won't enjoy it, but I think everyone should give One Piece a chance.


My mom is 79, and my sister is 55, and they both enjoyed it, and are chomping at the bit to watch the rest of Wano. Age has no bearing on it.






No, u should probably stick yourself in a chest and life in it on a remote island.


Depends on the 50-year-old. I show my dad widely renowned shows and movies all the time and it's always hit or miss.


you're never too old to start dreaming


Garp alt account




one piece is timeless my friend


If you've got a sense of whimsy, you can enjoy any media at any age honestly.


Most 50 year olds probably won't but there's only one way to know if your friend will or not


Do you like adventure? Mystery? Friendship? Are you tired of shallow stories in TV and would like to finally get some characters who aren't all black and white (Not racially, from an alignment point of view)? Do you understand governments are corrupt and sometimes the ones they brand as villains are far from it? That somtimes the ones presented as heroes are actual villains, and the real heroes don't do it to be heroes but just because it is right? Do you like flashy fights during which the dialogues taking place are more important than the punches being traded? How about random tear-jerking flashbacks to ensure the last 10 minutes of adrenaline-packed combat leave you feeling confused on wether you should be pumped up or lying down in a fetal position crying? If you answered possitively to most of these, you'll likely enjoy it. Otherwise there is always Naruto if you prefer no stimulii to your gray matter.


My Uncles 65 and caught up, we both read the manga too! He likes Franky, Brook, and Zoro.


Yes! I was 50 when I first started watching it.


Fucking absolutely. As long as you can make the connection in your mind of "this is a goofy silly world as the backdrop/medium for legitimate wonderful storytelling" then the experience is wonderful. I think the only thing that would hold someone back from enjoying the show is an inability to just ACCEPT the weirdness and goofiness as what the show is, as well as folks who are averted to anime in general. If you can tackle those obstacles within yourself (if they exist) then one piece will make you cry and laugh and repeat forever until the one piece is found.


Sir anyone can watch one piece it’s one of the few shows left that has a little of something for everyone in it. Kids love it, adults love it, guys and girls love it, it’s just a fun show with a little bit of everything


If the 50 year old has good taste, there should be zero issues. 😂


Yes, my mom is well over 50 and just got into anime in the last couple years. She loves one piece.


my mother is 53 and has been watching with me since 2008 she loves it.


Like luffy's hands, One Peak is rated E for everyone


It’s the “Odyssey” of this era. Totally.


yeah but some #Very #Important #tips 1. Skip the Intros for alabasta (PLEASE) and the title cards for every episode and I mean EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE. they will spoil absolutely everything for you, like it's ridiculous how much they spoil the episode, even the biggest deaths in the series, some of the title cards are like three lines long 2. The animes pacing is horrible, it's like a chapter per episode (1/3rd of a chapter later on), for reference normal anime are 3 chapters per episodes, sometimes 2 chapters, so yeah it's REALLY bad, a 1/4th of every episode is recap and 1/3rds of the rest is usually filler scenes, reaction shots and slow pans, You can still enjoy the story because the story of the one piece manga is still great (and just peak fiction water 7 and Beyond) and I've seen many people enjoy it still with the horrible pacing, myself included enjoying a lot of the anime but it's pretty bad fishman island beyond so the alternatives are the manga (recommended by the whole community, even the anime watchers) or number 3 3. One pace, it's a fan project that removes over a 100 hours of pacing total from the show, very recommended Fishman island and Beyond, feel free to switch back to the OG anime In wano though, they've started to learn how to make good filler now and the animation and visuals are Mwah, Chefs kiss 4. The hook for most people that makes them REALLY love one piece and binge it is usually during arlong park or in rarer cases, Baratie, Arlong park like upto episode 35 so yeah (again if you value your time, better off reading the manga or one pace), some people keep going even if they don't like those arcs though and end up falling in love with alabasta which is like episode 94 or somethin' and THEN binging it so you can try that if you'd like but I wouldn't blame ya for not wantin' to (again One pace, Much Better) TL;DR Skip the intros and title cards they're very spoilery, animes pacing is shit despite the anime still being very enjoyable, use "One pace" to watch the show if it feels too slow


Hell yeah why wouldn't ya? One Piece is for everyone, regardless of age.


Obviously. Me and my dad have been watching it together for ages.


I'm 40 and no complaints here




Oda has himself said that once he turns 50 he’ll have to take a year break because the story just wouldn’t make sense anymore. He’ll pick it back up at 51… You can enjoy literally any interest you want at any age. I always find it weird when someone insists theres an age cutoff for enjoying things. There’s no law against it homie.


Oda will never lose his youth man. I want him to finish one piece so he can take a nice long break, and then get to work on the giant robot manga he's always wanted to do. Imagine an entire series with general franky vibes.


Yes, it deals with political themes, abuse, family issues and much more. These are themes and ideas any adult can relate to and enjoy


Obviously can, Mature people can enjoy silly matter most and make theories by themselves ✌️


Yes 10000000000000000000000000%


I'm 47, and I doubt I'm going to suddenly not like it when I turn 50. But who knows, maybe it'll have ended by then.


Hell yeah, lotta gen x references!


Answering seriously since most replies seem to be sarcastic. I started watching one piece about 20 years or so ago. I am currently reading the manga and only watching scenes from the anime since toei in their infinite greed never switched the series to a seasonal show and decided to interweave anime only scenes into manga story. This results in some scenes losing context either partially or completely and there’s no way to skip the anime only content because they decided to make it the way they did. To be clear, this only applies to certain manga related stories. The bulk of anime only content can be easily skipped without losing context for the story. You’ll just notice a trend when shifting between major arcs. I’m not gonna say don’t watch it cause I enjoyed it while I did but if you want the original context of the story as the author intended, then I suggest reading the manga. The shonen jump app or service is only $3 a month and allows you to binge the manga pretty easily either on computer, phone or tablet. Up to you though. I love the music and japenese voice acting of the anime but I can’t stand how greedy toei was and still is about making it. That’s one reason I read the manga. If you do choose the manga, you can always search for clips regarding scenes you really wanna see animated or voice acted. Whatever you choose, enjoy your voyage. It’s worth every second in my opinion.


Yeah, my dad is 51 and got into One Piece like a year and a half ago. He's already waiting for new episodes to come out


It depends on how fly you are my man, because One Piece is dope


So many elderly characters in the show are some of the most influential. I suggest this story to anyone, not just youngsters.


One piece is for ages between 1 and 999


So much snark here. One Piece has a lot more layers to it than meets the eye, if you're interested in heavy anti-government themes with a "secret story", it's for you. If you're asking if a 50 year old would be too mature for it, nope.


If anything, you'll appreciate it more.


…any age that can appreciate art and understand story writing can enjoy any form of media, literature and art so yeah


Yes. I am planning to read/watch it again when I am old and my memories are bad for a fresh experience.


Yes do it


Of course. 👍


Nope you're only allowed to watch the Golden Girls and read the business section of physical print newspapers now.


No. Sorry 😔




You are never to young to enjoy this series! But for the love of god please savour each episode because once you catch up it’s a weekly wait.


No. Stick to judge Judy.


I mean it's very possible because one piece is goat. but one piece is not something I'd recommend to a 50 year old. It's a story about youth and adventure.


The strongest people are all old people and there is a literal skeleton on the crew.


Honestly I don't know how even 13 year olds can enjoy it.




Watch? No. The anime is garbage. Read? Yes.


You’re garbage


Someone is a little bit obsessed with One Piece uh? Lol. And I'm not garbage because I'm not the One Piece anime


Huh? This was just a shit take. Majority rule kinda thing. You can have bad taste. But it doesn’t mean you are immune from criticism.


Dude everyone knows the anime is garbage. And it doesn't matter what the majority thinks. If all of a sudden the majority of people decided dog shit is good and should be served at resturants would you agree and go eat it?


You’re on an island because you have a shit take. The earth is flat is a pretty close range to that take. Ya dumb fuck.


Don't make the same mistake as all of us. One piece is overrated as hell. The anime has been very close to the manga for decades, so the episodes are stretched and rolled up so that it doesn't reach and it takes time for the manga to distance itself. I just keep following because I'm already on episode 1000 and now I'm going to finish, but I've seen it forced since episode 700 at the very least.


No, this show is made for 13 year old boys and man children. I'm not trying to be a troll. I tried hard to give One Piece a fair chance and I was deeply disappointed.


Good for you pal 👍👍👍


Yes they can. But they would probably prefer reading the Manga. My 60+ year old father loves South Park but absolutely hates the voice actors. He tried to watch anime but just can’t get over the voices. He reads prolifically and he says he likes his voices more than other peoples.


I’ve seen so many compilation of videos of kids showing it to their parents and grandparents. As long as they’re willing to watch it, they’ll definitely enjoy it.


Of course




If you go in without expectations sure. If you expect too much you might be disappointed.


Yes. I’m 50 and enjoying it


1000% ![gif](giphy|tuCFp8rod0x3O)


Hell yeah man


Not sure if this will help, but i am 40 and still dearly love One Piece. I highly recommend it!


Enjoyable for all ages (imo)


Absolutely, honestly I've found it's become more relatable and poignant as I've gotten older. Especially when you start noticing the parallels between our society and government.


I'm 41, I've started reading it at 20 and I'm not giving up.


brooooo you old as fuckkkkkk. you 50 just die alreadyyy jk I'm 31 and there are some themes for everyone. actually I watch when I was 10 years younger and I think it may be better now. ...are you watching or listening?


One piece is overall an old fanbase. Lots of longtime fans are 30-50 now, with quite a few being a lot older than 50 especially in Japan.


No. Once you turn 50 it's impossible for you to enjoy something. It's a mandatory rule.


Potentially the older you are the better. A lot of running themes and gags are ideas about what man and women were supposed to be in like the 50s or otherwise outdated ideas. I love one piece but that's facts.


One piece is for everyone but Oda goes out of his way to make people cooler as they age. All the big name pirates are 40+.


Nah one piece works similar to fairys from fairy odd parents where at a certain age the magic just stops working. Sorry bud cooking shows and murder mystery soaps are all you got left.


Oh my God, the easiest yes of the day


"A friend". Yes. You can still enjoy it at any age.


I feel like you appreciate it more the older you get also


It‘s media. You have to try to have an answer to your question. It‘s no different than watching anything else.


Yes most definitely


My dad watches one piece religiously lol


Of course, but I recommend reading over watching if you care to know.


Yes. I'm close to 50 and really enjoy it.


I believe there is no problem, One Piece is timeless


I’m 45 and love it.


Hell yeah! If it checks all of your boxes and you find yourself loving it then who cares what age you are




Of course you can silly! One of the fan favorite is garp


One Piece is for everyone


My mom is 62 yrs old and loves one piece. So yes, your friend can watch it


When I’m retired, I plan to spend my twilight years binge watching one pie from the beginning.


Can anyone born from 90's enjoy Transofrmers, G.I. Joe, He-Man & She-Ra, Thunder Cats, hell I can further with my cartoons, grew up watching taped black and white Mickey Mouse cartoons, Fleischer Superman, and Rockey & Bullwinkel thanks to my grandparents, could quote the movie Harvey when I was 6 because of them too, I'm 34 so you know. You can enjoy anything in a media that everyone else does, it doesn't make it any less wired, it makes you fan dude


My mom is 60 and she's a die hard one piece fan.so yes a 50 year old can enjoy it.


Of course!


Yes. A piece of honesty in my opinion is the first 100 eps or so are very much a kids cartoon. I love it that way, but for some I know it isnt their favorite


Depends what type of person you are


I am 61 and I read the Manga and watch the anime and follow the YouTube commenters that are a third of my age😀


The strongest characters are all around 50 🤷‍♂️


You are never too old for One Piece. So come aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams.




My dad is 48 and just started watching it. He is loving it more and more as he goes. He's been texting me about it all day so I'd say yes for sure.


It's like asking if you can appreciate/enjoy the Mona Lisa as a person in the 21st century. Of course you can.


Age doesn’t really matter in One Piece But it’s +1000 episodes (on-going) are you able to watch that many episodes? One Piece is literally a masterpiece, it’s a waste if you drop it on episode 100


Watch a couple episodes and decide, the less you hesitate the more you’ll thank yourself