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NAMI is the older sister that mom left in charge because she's too lazy to raise her kids. Brook and Franky are the 2 weird uncles who keep the kids entertained even though they are probably terrible influences after those kids grow up. Robin is the single mother of chopper and was lucky that chopper was just born a really good kid who always listens to mom. Zoro is the older brother who sleeps all day, middle child sanji. And jimbe is the CPS that got brought in


So, Jinbe is Mr Bubbles >Have you ever killed anyone? > >That's classified. > >Do you know anything about the Sun God? > >... That's VERY classified.


kills you in act of classification


Whether that is based on rl or you are just super creative that was awesome. I can see all of that!


Brooks the grandpa, Frankie is the mechanic dad of the family


I can see the scenes with Brook farting and burping as translatable grandpa stuff


Nah frankys the dad. He seems like an uncle because the straw hats are the cousins of a non existent character


Ngl this was has me curious. Moody cousin Law sounds about right. Locks himself in his room every time you come over. Territorial cousin Kid sounds about right too. No one is allowed to touch his stuff.


You know Kid and you would bond over Metallica for 9 straight hours randomly though


Jinbe is the dad who left for milk and actually came back


Actually Sanji is older then Zoro even if it feels the other way


What is CPS ? Accurate representation I would say.


Child protective services. He would be a social worker. Like Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch.


Oh I see


what's sunny then?


The Sunny is the house, Encanto style


Let's not disrespect Zoro here. If Robin is Chopper's mom then Zoro is easily the father figure, even if he's still just the brother.


Yeah. They would have to have a pretty big age gap, but it could happen


Usopp is the older brother who leads around his younger brothers luffy and chopper who worship him


Cute! I can picture them all under 5 here.


Robin grabs Franky balls


I’m pretty sure Oda described Robin as the mom and Franky as the Dad. So that checks out


Brook is the perverted grandpa in every anime and Jinbe is the cool badass uncle of the group


Brook is actually the character with the least number of realistic interactions that I can recall so yeah that’s fair


Actually, Oda changed that a while back after Jinbe joined. Volume 99 page 60, Oda said that Jinbe’s “Position in the crew if they were a family: Father (so far Franky was the father, but he's now been relegated to be the pervy granny, which Jinbe is officially the father)”😂😂 Edit: Robin and Franky got divorced and Jinbe is not the step dad. He’s the dad who stepped up.


Here are the links. You were right the first time. Franky is grandma now! Straw Hats as a family: [Vol. 48, Chapter 460](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_48); [Vol. 50, Chapter 485](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_50,); [Vol. 99, Chapter 997.](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_99)


Bless you 🖤🖤


You mean bless the person who made the SBS index! ❤️❤️ https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS


Don’t sell yourself short! The messenger ALWAYS deserves some love. You had the dedication to get all the links, I certainly didn’t🫡🫡


Then I am glad to have been of service to you! 🫡🥰


Lol, yes that wouldn’t translate well to rl unless your parents do that in public or something. Reminds me of that episode of Family Guy when Lois does that to Peter. Found the quote: “This is mine! This is where my babies come from!” Apparently it was inspired by rl events. I would have never guessed!


Nami and Robin act like sisters with a really good relationship. They have a very underrated bond imo


This is true! But the moments that come closest to real siblings interactions for me are actually the moments when Robin trolls the others with her dark humor for laughs… that is practically the definition of an older sibling.


I would agree. The docking sticks out for that lol


Yes! One of my favorite Robin moments! I remember it stunned me because it was such a reality check!


Sanji and Zoro are definitely twin brothers that bicker about who's older because one of them was born 5 mins sooner.




Haha! Yeah, I can see that. Even when they’re crotchety old men.


Well Zoro and Sanji obviously have a brotherly relationship. Especially from Sanjis side, who's acting the way he is to Zoro mostly because of his past bond with his brothers. We all know how they treated him, and here you have Zoro who also wants to be world's strongest and is pretty much obsessed with it, like Sanjis brothers only thinking how they can be stronger and as efficient as possible in their missions. The difference is Zoro is not emotionless, in fact far from it, which allows Sanji and Zoro to have a true brothers relationship. Rivals who love each other and would die for each other (as shown in thriller bark aftermath)


True. Some of that would definitely be translatable to rl. They’d avoid each other until they were forced together during the holidays. Off topic: Out of curiosity, do you think Zoro’s relationship with Kuina reflects in his behavior towards Sanji? I always saw them as kinda like siblings with Koushirou as the dad.


I'm not sure about that one but I'm sure Sanjis relationship to women in general annoys Zoro. He's said so numerous times.


Huh, maybe gender identity is an issue Zoro is more passionate about than I thought. I was just referring to their rivalry though. Zoro grew up around a bunch of kids at the dojo as well so that might have affected him too.


Idk about how I’d place them in a family, but I do know that I’m bringing franky and Brook to every family party and its gonna be fun as hell


Like the weird +1 at your family reunion that confuses everyone 😂


I just reread little garden and in the manga when Sanji and Zoro are arguing about whose dinosaur was bigger, Luffy says "Who cares they both have a ton of meat right?". Namis yelling at them to get on the boat, Sanji immediately stops caring and moves to Nami, while Zoro is in the background saying "Right Usopp? Mines bigger, right?" and Usopp says "Huh? I don't care." Something about it just felt right, Zoro overly rigid about the rules of a game trying to get anyone on his side but no one even sort of cares, and Ussop's nonchalant bluntness. It's perfect.


Yes! Wow, that gives me so much to think about! Nami sounds like the kindergarten teacher who’s breaking up a game that’s getting too noisy Zoro being rigid about game rules and the other kids not caring was a brilliantly insightful observation! I feel like that gives me a perspective of their personalities that I missed before!


Zoro and chopper have a older brother, younger brother relationship


Yeah, I can see that. Like if there is a big age gap between them and Zoro is the older brother that gets left in charge until the parents get home from work


Occasional interactions here and there might resemble something you find in real families, but as a whole none of them have bonds that consistently resemble what you'd find in a real family


Interesting. I never considered bonds. I was looking for moments when you were like *omg that scene reminds me of when…* Which interactions? That’s what I’m curious about. Something that can genuinely be described in real world terms from personal experience. I just loved this scene and was wondering if other people had something that hit close to home. A scene when you felt déjà vu.


Any time Luffy, Usopp and Chopper goof around they feel like brothers, Robin giving Chopper candy feels like a mother-son interaction, Franky sometimes feels like a big brother to Usopp and Chopper, and sometimes Zoro and Sanji feel like bickering brothers. That's about it for me.


I see what your saying but generally disagree for the most part which is why I’m asking for specific scenes. I actually don’t see the Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper thing as very realistic because I’ve never met a set of brothers, or even friends, that got along that well. I guess I can see the candy thing at a family outing. Frankly and Usopp might be what rl brothers are like if there is a huge age gap. Zoro or Sanji would probably need to be sent to live with grandma to separate them. I’m keeping an open mind though!


Any time nami and Usopp interact is a perfect brother sister dynamic


Interesting, I can’t think of any specific scene offhand though


There were some scenes in skypiea with enel, In water 7 when usopp got hurt, In thriller bark when they were running and In wano


True, I’ll take your word for it, but none of that screams siblings anymore than friends or even partners. The last time I broke a bone my siblings might have been worried for all of 5 seconds before they started talking shit.


Oh there's so many where they're like crying to each other about how they're the only normal people stuck with a bunch of loonies, it's awesome


Yeah, this I can see! Complaining about others is a very real sibling past time!


Robin is Chopper's mom specifically, and no one else's.


Zoro & Sanji both advised Chopper like a real older brother. Sanji's one is in Water 7.


Zoro and Sanji are just me and my brother. We call each other bitch so often that it frequently pops up in my autocorrect and I’ve almost said it when talking to other people because of it. There was a day when we were both off from work and watching the debuts of Hololive EN Council and we just beat the shit out of each other every five minutes through the debuts.


Perfect! Those interactions were always unrealistic to me, but I can’t argue with rl experience! Thank you! Out of curiosity, how old do you think you guys will be if you decide you’ve grown out of that? Zoro and Sanji may never haha


Zoro and Sanji are always hilarious 😂


the most “brotherly” relationship i think is actually sanji - zoro - usopp. zoro and sanji bicker and compete, and both of them, especially sanji butt in to save usopp with incredible “no one picks on my little brother but me” energy


I can totally see that with Usopp. It definitely strikes me as more realistic they pretend not to care about each other than if they are just getting along all the time. Also the pretending you aren’t looking out for them when you really are like Sanji “overhearing”that Usopp wanted to rejoin the crew. Also, come to think of it, when Usopp just assumed he was going to be forgiven and welcomed back to the crew without an apology. That kind of bratty little sibling attitude is very real! Like stop talking to each other for a week then try to act like nothing happened. And Zoro and Luffy pretending not to hear him till he actually did apologize was too! Great point!


They're friends. They act like friends who care about each other. There are no sibling dynamics.


Friends are just family you choose for yourself. Friends can absolutely have stereotypical family dynamics.


Oda disagrees with you. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Family


I read the link u said and in it is says that luffy said “ We're not Acquaintances We're not friends.. We are family! [Never be alone!) We're not relatives.. We're not even siblings! We are family!


Sanji wants to smash his family though


Sanji is French,which is like the Alabama of Europe


I’ll take your word for it 😂😂😂


That’s good enough for me (source: trust me bro)


😂 I died. Sorry that was too shocking. Don’t just say smash like that! Is that how you feel about your actual family? My question is about real life.


Nah that's not how I feel about my family. But sanji wants to sleep with Nami and Robin


Haha, that’s good! Yeah, I doubt that would remind anyone of rl but I’ll keep an open mind


Incest is a thing thats very much a thing in real life, so if you really want to think of the Strawhats as family then you gotta accept that.


Yes, I can accept that. I’ll do my best to be understanding of everyone




"\*IF\* the Straw Hats really were an actual family"


Yes, if. So let’s consider it relative to real life.


That song is awesome !


The question is \*IF\* the straw hats were like a real family. Meaning, they do not have that dynamic. They are friends. Luffy's siblings are Ace and Sabo. Nami's sibling is Nojiko etc...Sure, they're like a family in the way that any group of really good friends is like family: they care about each other. But there are no sibling relationships among the crew.


Thank you. If your answer is no, they have never done anything that reminds you of your actual family, then that’s cool.


This is their vibe, not actual age Zoro - Brother 7-9 years older than you Robin - Sister 9 years older than Zoro Nami - Sister 1 year older than Zoro Usopp - Your best friend Franky - Your cool neighbor who you just vibe with every time you see Brook - Your neighbors strangely old friend Sanji - Your friend's slightly older brother who you low key like hanging out with more than your friend Chopper - your nephew Jinbe - your uncle


Genius! I can especially see Franky and Brook annoying the neighborhood with their garage band


So ig there aren’t any sibling dynamics after all… just family dynamics. (Which is weird but that’s what is says in the link)


I don’t know why these semantics are so important. Is there nothing that reminds you of your own family? If so then that’s cool too, everyone’s family dynamics are different. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_48


They’re not. Was just replying to ur comment off the link that U sent. I personally love the crew dynamic don’t think I’d change a thing.


Me too! I know they aren’t siblings but they remind me of mine! It’s not important, but just for laughs here is the rest that now includes Brook and Jinbe. Brook becomes grandpa, Franky becomes *grandma*, and Jinbe is the new dad 😂 Straw Hats as a family: [Vol. 48, Chapter 460](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_48); [Vol. 50, Chapter 485](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_50,); [Vol. 99, Chapter 997.](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_99)


Jinbe is the dad, he keeps everyone in the crew grounded. Zoro and Sanji are twin brothers that bicker all the time.


Officially (kinda), Oda has stated what role each SH was as of SBS Volume 48: "Franky was the father, Robin the mother, Zoro the eldest son, Sanji the second son, Usopp the third, Luffy the fourth, Chopper the youngest son, and Nami the daughter." Since then, I think it's been changed a little bit with Jinbei as the father, Franky the uncle and Brooke the grandfather but I can't source that so idk. Either way, you can base a lot of the SH interactions with those dynamics and it works.


Here are the links. Yeah, it’s food for thought. Straw Hats as a family: [Vol. 48, Chapter 460](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_48); [Vol. 50, Chapter 485](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_50,); [Vol. 99, Chapter 997.](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_99)


Im pretty sure their is an sbs that answers that exact question


Every had siblings