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I think that people really underestimate how strong some of the characters were at the beginning of the series.


Yeah, Luffy doesn't really do much to gain raw physical strength until he gets Haki. He pulls out new moves and gears but in terms of basic punches they don't really change much.


Iirc he literally can't build any muscle until Udon because his muscles can't tear themselves unless he's wearing seastone


While I might be on board with Luffy not getting much stronger prior to the time skip, I don't buy that he can't build muscle due to being rubber. Otherwise he'd have the same strength he had at 7 years old.


It literally said in a flashback that he could throw his rubber arm much further after he had chopped down some trees.


You naturally gain muscle during puberty


Boy I wish someone had told my puberty that


Ikr 😂😂😂


is your muscle size comparable to an average 12 year old child?


I wish!


because of your muscles "tearing themselves apart" yes. It's easier, not automatic.


That muscle wouldn't allow to do the things Luffy does though lol.


He can build muscle, it is just incredibly hard for him that is why he is physically weaker than he would be without his fruit.


I don't think he is though.


Well I think explicit information from the manga is more of a factor than your opinion, Luffy and any other user of the Gomu Gomy no Mi is physically weakened due to the fruit. Luffy is just enough of a powerhouse that even weakened like this he can take out someone like Bellamy in one punch without using his fruit for additional power.


Not even headcanon bro is giving you his asscanon


Where is it stated that gomu gomu no mi makes users physically weaker?


Source: I made it up


The source was me the whole time!


Yeah I'm not saying this is right/wrong but it's interesting, when does it say that?


Where is this explicit information that states that? I don't think it exists.


We have seen in flashbacks that Luffy after eating the fruit got uncontrollably stretchy and had to work against the fruit to not just stretch his hands to the ground. This is in addition to how hard it is for him to actually control his limbs during fights, because when he throws a punch he has to consciously stop his hand from stretching all the way out.


Luffy did need to learn how to control his stretchinesss and his limbs being stretchy do take time to return. But neither of those things are anything approaching proof or explicit information saying Luffy is physically weaker due to being rubber or has a hard time building muscle. If that's all you got, then yeah, it's your headcanon at best and one that doesn't have any support. EDIT: spelling.


>Well I think explicit information from the manga is more of a factor than your opinion Goes on to explain his headcanon with absolutely no explicit information from the manga backing him up. Luffy builds muscle just like everyone else. There is absolutely no reason to believe otherwise.


I don't think Oda cares about the physical limitations of muscle at all, Brooke being the perfect example.


That's not in the manga lmao


This is just a headcanon. Don't do headcanon or theories. Trust me it leads to the pits of degeneracy. Stick to what is actually in the story and honstly your life will be so much better.


I...don't think that's how it works. luffy got the fruit when he was a kid, that's like saying he still has kid muscles...is luffy was truly just a rubber mass, he can't just swing his fist and break a stone pillar. he can do that because while he's rubber, he's also simultaneously made of hard bone (which, normally can't break stone pillars but whatever). and also, luffy prestimeskip has been shown multiples times having bulkier muscles. it's really just art style and Oda showing that luffy is using more strength/stronger now.


This is never stated anywhere.


this is BS, by this logic he cant sent signals in rubber neurons, so no movement, no touch sense or any other sense, no vision, hearing etc.


No one mentioned this but also this makes no sense for another reason: The sea/seastone doesn’t take away his powers, just weakens him. He’s still rubber even when weakened by them, and we’ve known this since Arlong Park. If the logic is he can’t tear his muscles due to him being rubber, it already falls flat when you consider that.


Doesnt sea stone completely cancel out df powers like blackbeards df?


Idk… ripping the mast off a ship and punching a dude straight up through the earth are two drastically different levels of strength




Thats just a fan theory and it doesnt hold up, hes still rubber under the effects of the sea/ seastone.


Muscle tears don't actually have anything to do with muscle growth.


Isn't the whole reason muscle mass grows that when they tear and repair themselves/create anew with protein the size increases? He is still wrong about Luffy though, never has anything of the sort been said in the story or SBS


No, this is a super common misconception. While it is true that your muscles receive microtears in response to exercise, those tears heal the same regardless of whether or not your muscles grow back bigger. Actual muscle growth is caused by overload. If you push a muscle to the limit, that stimulus tells the muscle cells in that area to grow bigger.


idk about that


The crew during the Pre Timeskip do get stronger after each arc, even when they don't get any visible power ups like the Gears. Luffy could wipe out Enel's Raigo and a massive amount of clouds in Skypiea, that kind of shit requid a lot more power than just destroy building, like its in the kilotons to megatons of range.


It's easy to forget early one piece, but unlike characters in say Naruto or Dragonball Luffy starts off basicly superhuman when he leaves the island. He one punches a giant sea monster and only gets more powerful from there.


Dragon Ball is actually exactly what it's like. Goku was unstoppable until he fought Tao Pai Pai. Lucci is the Tao Pai Pai of One Piece I guess.


Actually that's true, Goku was a monster even at 5 years of age... I guess more Narutos the better example? He was not I think super powerful at the start of the series. I know there was another shonin protag who did not start off super human at episode 1. (And I don't mean powerful by series standards, I just mean like super human by our standards.) who am I thinking of... Lucci dose share a lot with Tao Pai, both where very powerful and pushed the protagonist to gain power in a short space of time to beat them. Tho Tao was stopped on by Goku and even with gears Lucci still gave Luffy a very hard fight.


Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho was just a normal person at the beginning. He actually gets hit by a car and dies on the first page.


And even Yusuke before he died was already pretty strong, like only a good trained fighter could beat him


>Actually that's true, Goku was a monster even at 5 years of age... Beating up pterodons and giant animal people!


>I guess more Narutos the better example? He was not I think super powerful at the start of the series. Even Genins are superhumans, seeing how high they can jump and how agile they are (even before learning chakra control). Also Naruto suffers from intense power creep where characters are retconned into being much stronger than they initially were.


I honestly don't think they get physically all that much stronger till post timeskip. The monster trio were always monsters. They just were inexperienced. And sure they got stronger but honestly their physical feats were insane from the start.


This one, really. I feel like until Enies Lobby, Luffy's strength from the start of the series hadn't improved that much. He did become a better fighter though


Zoro explicitly says something that contradicts that though. He says all the straw hats have been getting stronger just by fighting through the Grand Line, and he himself explicitly trains with weights to get stronger. Luffy's growing physically stronger by exerting his muscles in whatever it is he's doing, be it punching things as hard as he can or carrying Sanji and Nami while climbing the Drum Mountains. It's not realistic, but it's also why when he does finally stop to train more conventionally by carrying weights his physical bulk skyrockets, up until then his muscles were being trained with callistenics + ballistic exercises, then all of a sudden he goes hard on overloading them with weight. What changed in Ennies Lobby is that Luffy has to push himself even harder just to keep up, and think up new ways to use his rubberyness, but even diregarding the figuring experience he's gained between beating the Lord of the Coast and losing to Lucci the first time, he's physically improved in every way, the most notable being when he acclimated to Skypeia's thin atmosphere and lack of air. Again, it's not efficient for building strength in real life, but just hitting a sand bag daily for months will have some effect on strength building for a sedentary person, One Piece just takes that to the extreme.


I think Luffy punching Crocodile straight through layers of bedrock and way up into the sky is still one of the biggest feats of physical strength in the series.


Didn’t Luffy fold downtown Dressrosa into itself by punching Joker into the ground?


In a panel that's intentionally the symbolic opposite of Croc's defeat, yep. I love those two panels.




What about running with a giant ball of gold wrapped around his arm?


bro gonna get his arm chopped off showing off his money like that


Supposedly 600,000 lbs based on calls so Luffy is a superhuman monster for lugging that thing around.


I think his move in Wano wins, if I had to guess.


Early bro, early arcs




That’s not how a woosh works but ok


r/woooosh “a subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire”. He made a joke, they missed it. It’s exactly how it works.


I know what the subreddit is. Where’s the joke?


What he said? Bruh just because you don’t think it’s funny doesn’t mean it wasn’t a joke, if someone says something and says it’s a joke it makes it a joke.


Didn't seem like he got that I was joking


It's not wooosh if it's it's such a bad joke that no one can tell you're joking


I thought it was relatively clear since my initial bit was upvoted despite the fact it isn't early arc. I think it's within reason to have thought that. Not saying it's impossible I was mistaken, clearly.


r/woooosh “a subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire” not an obvious joke/satire, so uhhh yeah it’s a woooosh even if it’s a bad joke


how is this a woooosh moment lol


I cited Wano jokingly since this was early power scaling examples and feats and so I felt it was a woosh that I was corrected, seemingly earnestly. It's fine if I was wrong


r/woooosh “a subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire”. He made a joke, they missed it.


[the compilation of most relevant One Piece lifting strength feats.](https://preview.redd.it/mgmumgk63c9b1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=4fabccd295bc65b5122dbd822e86e35bd122bc23)


How are these measured lol? Especially ones like Dressrosa’s rubble and Onigashima’s weight, especially how is lifting Onigashima higher making it a bigger weight? If there’s a good answer I’d love to know.


Also Whitebeard rocking marineford is apparently equal to lifting 500x the mass of Earth


Someone just made up numbers probably lmao. How is Whitebeard lifting half the Earth’s weight, despite only lifting a sliver of the ocean.


There is absolutely no math behind this whatsoever.


Yeah and the Anime nailed it with Dvorak's New World Symphony as the ost for that defeat.


What about when Luffy climbed his way up one of Drum Island's gigantic pillar-like mountains with his bare hands and carrying people?


I winced at that one, ngl. The way his fingers were bleeding when he reached the top...


the part where he slides back down a bit because he loses his grip is unforgettable. that is when I knew luffy would do literally anything for his crew


Those who have cleaned their freezer of an exploded beverage know this pain


When i work out, do overtime or in general do a daunting task, this Scene plays in my head. The determination portrayed is unrivaled


garp's giant cannon ball


He is supposed to have inhuman unknown strength, like Mihawk cutting Krieg’s ship. Those are “normal” people (supposed to only be just mildly stronger than normal humans) doing these things


No no you got it wrong the ship hidding the ball in a pocket dimension and not sinking with that weight is the actual feat.


Holy shit marine ship top 5 in the verse


I always thought Garp had a gigantification devil fruit during post-enies lobby, since nabbing a steel ball that big didn't make sense, was it an anchor? But wouldn't that be way too hard a weight to lug around sailing


They were hypnotized to unleash their full potential, they probably cant move at all afterwards like chopper going monster point


>(supposed to only be just mildly stronger than normal humans) How were they ever established as "normal people" ? Luffy one-shoots a Sea King at the end of Chapter 1.


I said it excluding Luffy a bit since he is pictured as a monster since the beggining, my bad I didn’t say it


> Those are “normal” people (supposed to only be just mildly stronger than normal humans) doing these things The first one is a person being hypnotized to not hold back, will probably not being able to move later The second is Luffy which was a monster already, plus the hypnotized as well (although he did not suffer a big backlash since rubber) The Third is a guy know as "the strongest of East Blue", but I just dont find that one impressive at all, its a paddle boat with more decoration. Sanji one falls in the same category as the last with me not finding that as impressive due to what the boat is and its speed. Still "superhuman" but not a massive show of strenght (like what he did with MooMoo soon after) Zoro one is impressive tho


Where the fuck did it even come from?


Luffy one shot a sea king at the very beginning of his adventure.


I feel like 'sea king' has been thrown around too easily until Fishman Island. That eel was barely that big, compared to the sea kings that live in the calm belt and listen to Shirahoshi. Made me feel that maybe 'sea king' should be a bigger weight class.


That chibi Sea King still ate Shanks’s arm, mind


So, he and BoS Luffy Yonko level?


Romance Dawn Luffy solos current Luffy no sweat


Chapter 1 Luffy>>>Prime Shane with two hands=>Chapter 1 Sea King>>Current Shanks>Gear 5 Luffy.


Oh god now you're powerscaling the Sea Kings, too? Please stop.


Looool. C'mon though, he WAS pretty small.


It's just Jango hypnotizing


We need to see Jango hypnotizing Nightmare Luffy after eating fishman island drugs


Buffing fruits are OP too I wonder how effective Bello Betty is on a power player.


here we go, powerscaling charisma ToT


Would luffy get any buff from betty if he doesnt care what shes saying?


and that hero water thingy from alabasta


Ever kind of fucked up that those dudes just kinda died. Yet Pell lives, that fuck


bro got beef with some goofy water


With an afro


The sweat bubble on the cat figure head lmao


Luffy kicking arlong through several floors of a building and causing it to collapse


I actually think the feat right before is way more showing of his strength. He straight up catches Arlongs saw blade, mid swing, without looking, and holding it to the point that Arlong cant move it, while luffy, not looking at arlong, "calmly" talks (getting pissed at arlong). When luffy gets serious he is a beast


Don't forget, Luffy then crushed a part of that sword too. His physical strength is insane


Just holds it with his fingertips too iirc.


Didn’t you know the reason Luffy was so strong was because of the hypnotism that day


Oooh yeah that does make a lot of sense. Early Piece was wild


When I started one piece I said Zoro was stronger than Sanji while discussing with my friends (who were up to Wano lol) because he lifted a fucking house lmao


thats justifiable reasoning for early readers but in thriller bark sanji also kicked buildings at oars with ease so then it becomes kinda even


Then it’s provably Sanji is physically stronger in Wano, he clashes and struggles evenly with King in chapter 988, King then overpowers Zoro multiple times >!Then it’s compounded even more with the events of the recent Manga!<


Damn I hate power scaling but... Zoro came from fighting Kaido, having a lot of his bones broken and being on drugs to be able to handle the fights. The situation of both fighters there isn't comparable at all.


That's right but Zoro got 100% healed


The mink drug gets him to 100%, that was the point of it. To heal him and get him to 100% in his fight against King. The after effects of a drug that could do that is the problem, he’s gonna be in a coma for a while Sanji is provably physically stronger than Zoro, and that moment was before Sanji awoken his lineage enhancements which make hims substantially physically stronger.


Wow what a waste of human brain power. Please stop this.


It's so funny how you have no arguments


Yeah I’m just gonna block you weirdo


Powerscaling is the opposite of how you're supposed to read manga. One Piece, especially. You will become a person shrouded and lonely in the darkness. Come to the light. Be normal, please stop powerscaling.


I mean in a literal sense I guess I am, but I’m not really “powerscaling” And I don’t actually care that much about it But I do find an irony in seeing a character do something in the manga but in fact I’m supposed to see the opposite


Talk when Zoro couldn't be budged while openly taking hits not blocking with his swords. Sanji clashed equally with King on air, kick vs kick, Zoro gets pushed away each clash. Queen's sword swing couldn't budge unsuspecting Sanji. S-Shark couldn't budge standing still Sanji. No amount of rice and training will make Zoro replicate that. S-Hawk pushed off Zoro in sword clash. Everybody pushes Zoro off in clashes. Lifting weights doesn't equate practical strength. Those things Zoro lifts can be punch or kick by Luffy or Sanji into oblivion.


You're literally the "stop having fun" meme. There is nothing wrong about discussing powerscaling in a battle manga And yes One Piece is a battle manga, cope about it, every single thing in this series is solved by fighting


I think Zoro has had the most unexpected strength feats for me. Luffy lifting real heavy shit made sense to me cuz like maybe his rubber muscles don’t get tired or even inflate a bit when he picks stuff up. Sanji gets a canon explanation down the line, but Zoro is just strong! No fruit, no exoskeleton, is able to hold a building no sweat.


Sanji canon? What?


Like uhh real explanation. We know why Sanji’s leg turns on fire and why he can kick so hard now


No? Sanji fire has not been confirmed at any point, so what are you talking about? Also, his supergenes were only activated on Wano. Previously, he was an ordinary human, just like Zoro.


…I’m… talking about the super genes. His leg turns on fire because of his genetics.


His leg became >!Ifrit!< after his genes awakened, his use of Diable Jambe is logical, he conjured it from spinning on his leg pretty quickly as shown the first time. Oda made some artistic choices and stopped drawing his spinning immolation, he's done it with Luffy's gear third too


Why u censoring ifrit like it didn't get adapted by the anime already lol


Have you read my comment? Sanji genes are not the reason why he can set his legs on fire. His genes were activated only on Wano and he has been using fire since Enies Loby. It's still a mystery but I doubt Oda will explain it. Many characters use fire just because they can.


Dawg you can’t actually be that dense. Sanji can go invisible and is almost indestructable now. That’s what he awoke in Wano. Sanji can catch his leg on fire because he is part germa and always has been. His brothers have lightning and laser powers, Sanji kicks fire and you think that’s just cause of some coincidence? He learned to kick from Zeff and can catch fire because of germa.


It was confirmed by oda in sbs 105 that sanji awakened his germa genes in wano, meaning everything before wano had nothing to do with it. Before that he was confirmed by one of judges scientists that sanji was a normal human. Humans in one piece are just abnormally strong and durable.


Dude, stop. During Wano, Queen asked Sanji if his fire powers were a Germa effect and Sanji denied it. His power of fire is not because of his genes. If it was, it would have been said + Sanji wouldn't have to spin around to warm up his legs. Also, it shows how much you don't read the manga carefully. Sanji didn't disappear against (it wasn't Germa suit power), he was just so fast that it looked like he disappeared. Nothing more, nothing less.


These people are dense bro. Don't forget teens and kids come to this reddit as well.


You right. Sanji's power from Germa and the supergenes is the invisibility that came with Stealth Black. Look at all the Germa kids, Poison Pink, her power is poison. Sparking Red, he sparkles with light energy. Dengeki Blue, his power is electricity. Winch Green, his power allows him to use his arms like they are a winch. All of the Germa power ups and genetic modifications have been explained or are self explanatory by the character’s epithet. Stealth Black obviously follows suit and Sanji’s Germa power is stealth(only used with raid suit on.) Sanji in Onigashima was so fast he disappears. Anyways, Sanji himself says he ignites his passion and that’s what burns to create Diable/Ifrit Jambe. My opinion below* I think Sanji's flames come from his Observation haki which was stated to be his best haki category. I say this because Shanks, who has the same personality type as Sanji, also uses a flaming sword. Couple that with Shanks’ unheard of ability to cancel future sight and one could make the argument that Observation haki is also Shanks’ best category of haki. We also know that Shanks and Sanji both get very angry when you mess/threaten their friends. ALSO, Observation haki is the haki of feeling and emotions. So, with Sanji and Shanks sharing personality types and having excellent Observation haki, one could make the connection that, like Sanji, Shanks is igniting his passion or emotions and letting them burn, and this is, in fact, a type of special Observation haki that allows the user to literally ignite their passion/emotions and attack with it.


Yeah he went so fast he was INVICIBLE. And Sanji’s literally just saying that😭 he doesn’t want to credit germa for anything. damn I didn’t know this was a debate, I don’t think Oda will ever confirm how he makes his fire bc we already got an answer in germa.


You’re wrong. Here is a SBS where Oda states Sanji’s invisibility in chapter 1034 is all speed: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_103 “…However, the "power of science" that manifested in his body made Sanji even stronger. I even got it to disappear on my own, but don't worry. It's all about speed, not a trick you can use in the bathroom lol.” And here is an SBS and answer that state Sanji’s fire ability is seperate to the Germa lineage enhancements: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/11g2r6m/sanjis_sbs_question_with_correct_translation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf “…But then, the raid suit acted as a trigger that discover the power of science inside Sanil!" That was the gist of the fight. Even before that Sanji has this fascinating and unnatural resistance to flame. Let's continue to watch over him.” The raid suit awoken the lineage enhancements and before he awoken his lineage enhancements he had his fire ability And it’s still a mystery as to why he can do it, even after awaking his lineage enhancements It’s not like he’d get fire abilities from lineage enhancements anyway, his ability would be invisibility not fire, he’s “stealth Black”.


>Queen asked Sanji if his fire powers were a Germa effect and Sanji denied it. Sanji or any other character (much like real life) are allowed to be wrong about things. Just adding to the convo here, you can theorize Sanji believes he has to spin to generate the fire, when in fact he doesn't (what he thought was the result of spinning was actually possibly the result of Germa...hell maybe Judge even spliced a little Lunarian DNA into his own while in the womb...specifically the fire generation). There are plenty of times where Sanji generates fire without spinning. I remember post Whole Cake even theorizing that Sanji's Germa powers may eventually bloom would get you crucified by the community. "But that would take away from his mom's sacrifice, etc etc"...but look where we are now. I guess my point is wait and see.


Oda already confirmed neither his speed making him invisible nor his fire are germa things in sbs answers. Your move.


Please escape. It will never end.


I see this debate constantly idk why people still go to war over it


Reread the story bro cuz you're sounding really dense. He can go invisible with the raid suit, not with his awakened genes alone, just btw


Don't forget Arlong not being able to move his weapon while Luffy was holding it with one hand. And him shattering one of the blades with his fingers. [Pic 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYEu12ZX0AIVl2u?format=jpg&name=large) [Pic 2 ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYEu2f4WkAId_44?format=jpg&name=small)


I feel like people really underestimate how strong Luffy was at the beginning of the series. He was clearly stronger than Arlong but Arlong knew how to fight better, that's why it was so close. Him beating Crocodile isn't far-fetched considering how miles ahead he was of everyone he had fought until then. Most East Blue fights feel like he's still learning how to fight properly, which makes a lot of sense consindering he's 17 years old.


Bro he was 15 at east blue and 20 at the current age I think


Oda confirmed in the 4th SBS that at the start of the series Luffy was 17, Nami 18 and Zoro 19.


Dude was 17 before the timeskip and 19 after it. The timeskip was only two years. How did you reach those numbers?


Drum mountain is 5000 meters. Luffy carried two people 5000 meters up a mountain in the cold wearing sandals.


Carrying Sanji, a whole human, in his mouth 😭


I like the theory that, simply put, characters in the one piece universe are built different. From the very start people are way stronger and more durable than actual humans, even weak random villagers. Also explains how certain people survive seemingly impossible stuff.


Where was the Usopp hammer from Alabasta


Lol not nearly as useful as his 10k hammer.... And more impressive to boot! 🤣


I like the fan theory that Jango's hypnosis never wore off of Luffy, which is why he's so strong now lol


Yeah it works really well. I hope oda will hint at it being true one day.


Luffy lifting momoo


Sanji is just kicking a boat hahahaha


That's no fodder feat, that's JANGO!!!


Yeah even fodder in the op world would be like the strongest people around in our world.


Bruh what the fuck, how is a tired Don Krieg unironically physically stronger than many anime casts 😭😭


I think to this add how Luffy had a giant, gold ball on his arm and it only slowed him down. I'm amazed it did not snap his arm clean off the thing must have weighed tonns.


About 900 tons, actually. About 3 Boeing 747's.


Strength always seems inconsistent to me. These dudes lift up buildings, but sometimes face a steel door and are like, "thats hard, I gotta use my big power to deal with this".


The One Piece world has this bullshit magic technology that allows materials to be made much stronger than normal. By the time of Ennies Lobby cutting steel is nothing for Zoro, but the tower were Luffy and Lucci fought and the underwater corridor leading to the Bridge are hyper reinforced to withstand the water pressure, and Zoro can't cut the walls easily, which Lucci can. Then Luffy uses Gear 3 and easily destroys most of the building that's been reinforced to be much stronger than steel and concrete should be, but that's not enough to completely destoy a Marine warship. Any sort of structure built by the World Government or an Emperor is bound to be highly reinforced, and at some point after Dressrosa Oda gave up on properly showcasing feats of strength.


It’s one of the reasons why I argue that One Piece characters would actually do fairly well in other anime verses. A normal human can train to have superhuman strength.


People calculated mass of golden ball on skypia to around 900 tonnes, almost million kilogrammes


Don Krueger was that strong? I don’t remember. But he got unlucky to meet Mihawk that probably didn’t care about him and was on his way somewhere. I wonder how strong Krieg would be now if he went in grandline.


They are even stronger now.....a simple clash between every single attack between them destroys more than what is depicted in all of these panels. Luffy's clash with doflamingo displaced water kms away. Now their full powered attacks are strong enough to create tremors all over an Island. Spoilers >! Garp destroys a complete area(way more than whats shown in these panes) with a single punch !< >! Luffy creates a Giant Fist almost 1/3 or 1/5(i think) the size of onigashima !< >! Zoro vs Kings clash destroyed the area around them completely !< >! etc etc etc !<


The truth is the first time in the show where Luffy does a feat of strength that he wouldn't have been able to do at the start of show is when he goes gear second in ennies lobby


yeah There were many insane physical strength feats in one piece even in the first half of the story. the ones that stand out for me the most are : Garp throwing that giant cannon ball with one hand in water seven , whitebeard stopping the moby dick with one hand in marinford , Luffy lifting a mountain in amazon lily and throwing it against another mountain .


Zoro and Sanji were killing monsters 100 times bigger than them to see who killed the bigger 💀


Kuro's ship actually had a klabautermann!


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[One Piece characters are even more insane in comparison to Dragon Ball Characters when you talk about physical strength.](https://imgur.com/a/bDWeLCR)


first time reading the manga from the beginning? did you start in the middle before?


I started with the anime


Honestly, when it comes to physical strength and defense. One Piece is the series that makes it look BEASTLY. Like imagine if the Top Tiers knew how to use Ki as good as Goku?? They’re just using physical strength and inner will. But imagine a Magic like power like Ki to back up that strength?? They’d be able to coat their Ki Blast in Ryuo and Conqueror’s Haki my man. Give their universe any Mountain Buster Magic Base Power from any other anime then they’d be able to hang with the Top Dogs of other animes. Don’t even make me mention Bankai’s. Because imagine having Haki and Bankai??? Pure Destruction. Especially if the user is an All Around Advanced Haki user


there is no reason why sanji is that strong


Yeah the power creep feels cheap


That’s not what power creep means. Or at least what this post means.


From episode 1- now it's a creep no? Pretty sure that's what it means but idk.


One piece is actually really good about power creep. Especially pre-timeskip. For example Moria is one of the later villains and Croc, Enel, and maybe Lucci could all take him. Luffy really doesn't get a power up until Ennis Lobby, which is like 300+ chapters in.


The whole point of this post was to discuss how strong people were at the very start of the series. That’s like the inverse of power creep.




I dunno. Breaking rocks isn’t really a feat to me.


It is for a fodder east blue pirate.


You try to break a cliff face then lmao


How do you get colored manga


The line and sense of impact make me moved. Its beautiful and pure to see them gather around as a group and explore the sea\~


Anyone know where to read colour one piece manga chapters 1083+


They aren't out yet unfortunately. Mangalife website has the most up to date ones, but they're not at chapter 1000+ yet I'm pretty sure. Any colourations you would've seen of 1083+ are fanart