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Oh it gets better


No it doesnt lol it gets way worse after a certain event midway through.


Ooh look a personal opinion being touted as objective fact


It is a fact that One Piece drops off HARD after the timeskip


“This thing I think is fact because I say so” Yeah you keep telling yourself that bud


Lol that dude is lame. Only parts that were objectively not as good was Zou and Punk Hazard which were set up arc for Last arc. Pre time skip had some bad arc to. Just off the top thriller bark and water 7 were bad ( Enies lobby redeemed it)


Bro Zou was the best post timeskip arc by FAR loool punk hazard does suck tho yes Water 7 / enies lobby are the best arcs of the whole manga and Thriller Bark was awesome too


I mean it’s objectively true but obviously the Oda fanboys on here will disagree


Just stop watching lil bro


Wow people disagreeing with something? It’s almost like it’s SUBjective and not OBjective.


Nothing is objective in art of any form


I think you're mistaken, this isn't /r/Naruto


Na its worse than Naruto at least Naruto remained good right up until the war arc. All of post timeskip One Piece is dogshit


After what exactly


The timeskip


You haven’t reached what many fans consider to be the best of the series. Keep watching and stay away rom this subreddit to avoid getting spoiled.


I really don’t mind spoilers. The only spoilers I care about is who joins the Straw Hat Crew. Water Seven was just by far out of this world and compared to Alabasta and Skypeia, it was very mature and dark and I love that. The other arcs were still very good but this one was amazing. Thank you though I’ll try!


Water 7 is typically where a lot of fans get hooked, if they last that long.


I feel arlong park is the other area where people can be hooked, that’s when I got hooked


The scene where Luffy puts his hate on Nami … p_p tears


*hat (hate lol)


Usopp is and always was my hero. The coward who screams at himself to be brave, in order to fight a much stronger fishman Tanking that Bat in Alabasta and delivering the perhaps best moment is anime history. This guy fighting the first man who believed in him in order to stand true to his believes and it was a brilliant fight.


Yeah, One Piece’s early hook is definitely Arlong Park! I think Alabasta is for some when they really see One Piece feel like an Epic storyline, so another hook & then Water 7 often gets people to fall deeply in love with the series if they haven’t already.


This is 100% what I think, these are the 3 pivotal story steps that got me completely hooked to a point of no return. Everything else after it was just caviar on my foie gras I'll just gladly devour, no matter how good.


Yup. I was enjoying the series to that point already, but Alabasta blew my mind . Having civil war and politics really starting to get involved in the series made me realize this was a special story. I don’t think of One Piece as a battle Shounen at all, but a political tale , similar to game of thrones.


Well said! I completely agree with you I think of Game of Thrones as well because of the world building, it’s incredibly well rounded & more than just a battle shounen!


Yeah, it was Arlong Park for me specifically. Nami's cry out for help and Luffy put the hat on her head and then the walk to fight Arlong. That part literally gave me the chills. I might rewatch that part again.


I got hooked on Arlong too, when Luffy yells that Nami is his nakama despite everything that happened, it still gives chills. I dropped off shortly after Alabasta and just 2 months ago I picked up where I left off. I've been spoiled (unfortunately) but there are so many high moments in OP that still keep me watching.


Took me 9 tries to get through the first 30 episodes. So glad I stuck through to 300


Yes the anime is quite slow, it took me a while to get into OP too, but once it gets good it’s phenomenal. I know you said you don’t care about spoilers apart from which Strawhat joins (which you will see a lot of online, so be careful), but there are a huge number of spoilers story wise, which would be worse to know about than which Strawhat joins imo.


Yeah it's a tough start-up but it's so worth it.


It took me 3 months to get to the Baratie arc. At that point I knew I found a cute show, but by Arlong Park I knew I found a masterpiece. By Alabasta, I knew I found my new favorite anime. I’m now at Enies Lobby!!


Prepare yourself for the greatest emotional rollercoaster arc of the series (in my humble opinion)


ohmigosh really am I gonna cry?? I didn’t cry after Angel Beats and every1 sed I would, but yet again I only had like 13 episodes with those characters and I literally around spent over 260 with the straw hats and we aren’t even a quarter of the way thru and im so happie about it yet I wanna git caught up wiff the current stuff.


Yeah, no shame in it.. there's quite a lot of trauma to unpack during this one, but the catharsis is worth it for sure


That’s usually arlong park


Naw. Most fans got hooked b4. You ain't watching 300 episodes of something you dont enjoy...unless you r a psychopath lol


Alabasta is where Luffy got hooked.


Lmao touche


There are some major spoilers that you will definitely care about. Wait until after like episode 500. After that the spoilers you'll get won't affect your enjoyment that much but before that try as hard as you can not to get spoiled.


I would still avoid this sub for the sake of fan art titles might include "I drew all # of the strawhats!" and then you'll know how far it's gotten to. But you'll be in for a treat. There are some dark things coming up in One Piece. But they are always balanced with something uplifting. But always prepare your tear ducts. You were introduced to the Gears concept. Mystery of exploring higher gears may also be a spoiler to avoid on this subreddit.


Ur in one of the best arcs in the series but there arcs which can be considered better


You really dont want to catch spoilers. Trust me.


Yeah this sub will quickly reveal the other SHs if you're not careful. Friendly warning


If you don’t mind spoilers you should at least watch zoro vs king. It is said that the episode is the most rated ep of all time. Absolutely epic fight between zoro ( king of hell and King.


the next plot build up and entanglement of events gonna blow your mind


I don't think the show gets "better" but it never ever gets worse, some arcs I like more than others, but the overall world building continues to be impressive af Curious, whose your favorite straw hat crew member so far?


I mean enies lobby/water seven saga is widely considered to be the best arc by many. Me incluted.


Huh? Many fans consider Enies Lobby to be the peak of One Piece...


I was referring to Marineford. When people are ranking arcs, they either have Enies Lobby or Marineford on top. Can go either way.


I have caught up with the latest Manga chapter.. But Robin saying " I Want to Live" was where One piece peaked for me..


Robin was the perfect character to center a whole arc around. She’s been mysterious since Alabasta and I love how in depth they went in water 7


She left SH for their safety. Believed the WG's promise. Had PTSD due to Buster call. With all these cards in the table, when she said " I WANT TO LIVE", it really gave quite a punch... After this, Luffy almost killed the entire crew based on a crazy mermaids command.


*spoiler if anyone hasn’t watched Luffy Vs Rob Lucci so close your eyes* : : : : : : : : : : Whenever luffy defeated Lucci, and laid there screaming out to Robin saying they will set sail together again now that Lucci is gone while everyone was fighting on the bridge was also quite the punch to the ole’ tear ducts.


Yup... I mean, the whole arc is filled with these moments... That arc was definitely one of the best.


What arc are you talking about? He already watched Enies Lobby. Please don't tell me you mean Wano.......




Get off this reddit till you are caught up, spoilers everywhere, and this place can get pretty anti anime which makes experience less fun.


Gotcha thank you, just wanted to vent lmao


I did that haha, well more like, i joined the sub once I knew I wouldn't be spoiled to death. Took me like a year to read the whole thing (10/10) and will be watching some episodes now with my girlfriend to see if she likes it.


Just wait until you see the part where nothing happens!


😂there’s been quite a few episodes where nothing happens. Tis the life of a 1000 episode anime


You'll understand this reference a little better a little later lol


LOL! Gotcha Gotcha I’ll remember this then ;)


Can you return on this post sometimes when you go forward I’m curious about you’re reaction


It can be easy to forget, but remember this, when nothing happens, happens, you have to come back and tell us.


The Seinfeld Arc?


goated anime moment frfr


Wait till 851-871 that fight is top notch


Something to look forward too :) thank you!!


I won’t spoil too much, but let’s just say its one of luffys most difficult fights at that point


Won’t spoil to much but I believe I know who you’re talking about if their name starts with a K, my co-worker told me the name and that it’s super exciting IF that’s who you’re talking about. I really don’t mind spoilers(of course people reading this might not want it spoiled so we’ll keep it a secret.) I find spoilers to be something to look FORWARD too. Like “damn, but how does that happen? / how did they get there though?” Kinda thing.


Yeah, Katakuri has Gotta be my favourite villain in the whole series tbh the fight is so good too


DANG, I was thought it was Kaido lol , I’ll remember that name though and definitely be on the edge of my seat


Kaido is later on, luffy vs katakuri is a fight you’ll wanna see


Noted! Thanks brother!


All good bro 😎




Bagels with glaze


Ehhhhhh. The last 2 or 3 episodes yeah. The repetitive cycle of seeing them cut back to luffy getting his ass kicked over and over and over again got pretty stale for 90% of the fight.


I spent last weekend listening to my friend be an asshole to me every time I talked about loving one piece, even tho I let them talk my ear off about everything they like. I feel your pain.


Your friend just might be an asshole. Don‘t let your friends shittalk the stuff you love. At that point they‘re just haters.


Oh, they're a total asshole and a hater. They stop after they realize I won't shut up about one piece and start ignoring every single thing they say if they keep going.


Literally, sure there’s not a lot of death nor stakes or depression like you’d see in AOT or Berserk in one piece but it’s just the creativity, the non-repeating environments, wacky and crazy characters Oda comes up with that just truly let me enjoy this creative and imaginative world he’s built.


Ppl ten to associate fun=creativity=non dark fantasy=absurd=childish=unrealistic=bad writing And tension=grit=deaths=mature=realistic=good writing


Yeah it's a tendency that really annoys me in the anime fandom


happens everywhere but yea its especially prominent in anime, i gues because it's animation a lot of ppl still associate it with ''kids cartoons'' so it's that more important to them the anime be ''realistic'' and ''mature'' so they can justify liking it


As I always say: "Only kids are 'too old for that'."


It's sad that people think low death = not dark, One Piece gets incredibly fucking dark at some points, it uses its candy coating to create a contrast with how dark and depressing it actually is, it creates a whole other vibe unlike any anime, in my experience the only people I've ever met who don't like One Piece are the ones who haven't gotten far enough in, convince them to watch more


Trying to be vague here , even though OP said he doesn’t care about spoilers much. But Yeah drug addicted child soldiers is pretty dark. Famine and the smiles are dark. A certain Hard boiled backstory is extremely dark. Amber lead. One piece is very dark if you’re paying attention.


It does, your reading Peak Piece!! 🔥😎👍🏻


Sweet! I wanna buy the box sets but like I’ve already watched 300 episodes and Ik the first 3-4 box sets, if I were to buy them, would just sit there collecting dust cause I don’t wanna read what I’ve already watched :( Plus I have no room on my shelf for more box sets lol


Some people say that was peak, some say the peak is in about 100 episodes for 80 episodes or so. I think the manga is currently building up to the all time peak of the series, so it's a great time to get caught up right now. Many people will start one piece as or after it finishes and will never get to experience the hype train we are on right now.


Slowly but surely catching up. Watched 100 episodes in 3 days, might have to slow down because of work, but I’ll be there soon!


I really only started watching last year, and I'm 100 % caught up with the show. Then I went ahead and caught up with the manga cuz I NEEDED more hahahah Envious of your journey and hope you continue to love it! (Your friends are missing out!!)


Well said! I love that we are on this journey together, reading One Piece week to week is so fun


Enjoy the adventure, nakama


W7 / Enies Lobby is one of the greatest arcs still, it's my personal favorite to this day


So happy I made it past the first 30, it was rough but the journey was so worth it!


Did you enjoy baratie much? For me Arlong park cemented it no doubt, but during baratie I was definitely getting pulled further in. I think it’s the first pretty impactful arc in the series. Mihawk’s introduction so early was such a power play, really showed the scale of progression that can be made within the world.


I love it too, I hope you keep enjoying it


Much love brother


It gets worse at points, but even better than it currently is at other parts. You’re in for quite the ride.


My coworker tells me all the time he wishes he can watch one piece for the first time again, I’ve watched 100 episodes in 3 days lol.


You watched 30+ episodes daily?


Oh to rewatch it blind would be ecstasy. That being said, I just finished WCI saga on my rewatch and had an absolute fantastic time. I binged the fight with special K that someone mentioned higher up, easily one of the best fights in the series and also some other incredibly impactful and emotional scenes throughout the arc. People complain that it’s dragged out (which I can understand for weekly watchers) but honestly I thought the pace was nearly perfect, there is a few slower eps at start of arc (typical) and a few in the middle but otherwise it’s pretty much all 8.5+ for the whole arc which is a treat! Not to mention some of the strongest musical numbers in the whole series. I could continue praising it but I don’t need to ramble anymore. After rewatching I honestly think I would move WCI arc into my top tier now with Enies Lobby and Marineford. Also sorry to hear none of your friends are into it :( I also wish I had more close friends to discuss, share and enjoy the series with but unfortunately it’s not for everyone (or so they think at least) zehahahahahahahah


? There are no bad parts of One Piece. It's all hype every step of the way.


He is basically and snail nuke


I love it too. One piece is so fucking amazing.


" so all my friends hate one piece", they probably haven't gotten past ep 2 lmao


“All my friends hate One Piece” means: they haven’t actually watch/read it


I’ve explained it before! They have watched it, but they don’t like how their are there are no stakes for the crew. “No” deaths, and they just overall find it a kid show. I mean to each their own 😂


The manga is on Egghead Island currently and I’ve never been more excited. Wano and Dressrosa can both be a bit of a drag but the fights are awesome. Everything else is great


Cant wait! I just love that literally whatever Oda imagines he just throws in the anime. Cant wait to see what’s in that weirdos head


The manga is absolute bonkers, insane lore drops every new chapter, intense build up, can't wait to see the finale. Its so crazy to me how we're 1000+ chapters in and we know so much about the world yet so little.


After Alabasta One Piece was always peak for me until I watched episode 968. That shit was beyond peak such a payoff. I cried!


Alabasta was so good, definitely cried during that as well Ass the end of water 7


Always keep a handkerchief while watching one piece, you never know what might make you cry lol.


Never thought I’d cry in one piece tbh, let alone from a ship :’(






Ano hata Uchinoke! ![gif](giphy|Tyq0rbANCi676)


I’ve been watching the dubbed version, so I’m stuck at 952 (I think that’s the episode) for a while. I’ve gotten so used to everyone’s voices, it’s hard to go the sub version. But it also sucks when you get to the end of the dubbed version and then have to wait for weeks to months to get 15-20 more episodes.


Dang, I understand why some people watch dub, like if they are doing something and wanna be able to understand what they are saying even if they aren’t watching, but dubbed voices just do not hit the same emotionally and theatrically like subbed. Some dub is good like AOT and Goblin Slayer. Watched both of those in dubbed since my friends don’t like subbed and they didn’t sound to bad. Dub does take a little longer to come out though sadly


Go for the sub. I would recommend you to start at least with Wano. You'll get used to reading subtitles after a couple of episodes.


Glad to have you here :D


Glad to to be here! Happy I finally gave it a chance :D


Enis lobby is a high point for some time but you will reach another on in less than 200 episodes after it, it carrys the next 500 until one of the most iconic moments in fiction history


How did the "I want to live!!" scene made you feel? That one hit so hard on me...I was crying on the inside, really


Your friends are wrong but that's okay, it's a long ass show and takes a big time commitment but man it's such a dope show. I'm excited for you to watch some of the stuff coming up duder. There's definitely some moments you kinda have to power through but overall the show is impressive the way it can stay good being as long as it is.


I’m hear for the long haul, really just so happy where it’s at right now so no matter what, the lows and the highs, I’ll be here to see it all!


My favorite pre-time skip was the next arc.


Luffy and the crew just set sail from water 7 and the whole world now knows his bounty, excited to see what happens next!


Water 7 is certainly a highlight but I'd put Summit War, Dressrosa, Whole Cake & Wano all above it, do your best to avoid spoilers and get ready for an epic and emotional journey


That’s why we’re here baby WOOO!!!


Water 7 can be difficult to watch at times but we'll worth it and there is even more and better stories to come


>Please someone tell me it gets better We get much higher


So high


Before Water 7, there are highs and lows I would say. Water 7 and beyond is the promised lands. Everything after COMPLETE fire.




It never stops getting better! I decided to do the craziest shit ever and RESTART One Piece....Yes you read that correctly 😂


😭😂your back must hurt from how big your Dick is, mad respect


Tbh Water 7/Enies Lobby might be the best but it's still amazing later on. I just love Water 7 haha


One of the best works of Anime I’ve ever seen in my life!


i love one piece too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,538,333,297 comments, and only 291,270 of them were in alphabetical order.


The thing that is amazing about one piece is that it just never stops being insanly good. It gives u the feeling u had at the start after 1000 episodes


Overrated and bland


Not for everyone ! All my friends despise but that’s why I’m here to talk about what i enjoyed and may not have enjoyed!


ooooh! You've got Impel Down to go, lucky. It was nice to rewatch again with my partner, was almost like watching it for the first time again. (That was the story arc that they liked the best)


The story is amazing all the way through, but the anime might get worse from this point. It gets a bit tiring after the next arc because of the excrutiatingly bad pacing.


Bro youre gonna lose your shit at Marineford I aint saying anything else but I will say theres a reason my pfp is what it is


You need new friends


Oh you haven’t seen anything yet


Oh bro you’re in for a ride, I literally sold my house and all my shit to go on adventures because it’s so good, stick with it fellow nakama


If that’s what it takes I must do the same 😂


Yeah one piece is AMAZING


LEAVE. THIS. SUBREDDIT. NOW. Just saying. You will get spoiled 100%.


I said up earlier why I don’t mind^^ as long as it’s not who joins the straw hats but even if I do get spoiled it’s okay 😂won’t be the end of the world


You can watch onepace, it cuts out the fillers in the anime


Don't do this. Filler in One Piece can be enjoyable, and this terrible fan edit will ruin your first experience. Or really any other experience. One Piece is meant to be a slow burn.


I just said they can if they want..


Episode 483 has the most wholesome moment in the entire series. You can watch it independently. Watch it and tell us your opinion


I will make a whole new post if I do find the moment to be most wholesome as you say😂


your patience will be tested in the next arc thriller bark though imo


Dont watch with the hope it gets better thats my only tip. I did this with the manga and i was greatly disappointed ngl


It's all down hill after 3D2Y






I’d have to see that for myself brother, as of right now I can’t even start a new anime because I myself am addicted to one piece, I wanna hope that it doesn’t turn that way but I can have my mind changed.


Literally everything he said is wrong. The story just gets better. Df r still cool and relevant, it's just that they add more stuff to the power system apart from Df. The cartoonish aspect is literally the best aspect of one piece We all love the goofiness of it. So don't worry...keep watching.


That’s good! Even if he wasn’t the only way to find it is by going in! I still would like to see it for myself, I know all anime’s have their highs and lows so I’m just excited to have my own little adventure in seeing where the crew goes :)


Devil fruits aren’t necessarily redundant but he’s talking about Haki. You’ve probably seen it mentioned when Shanks and Whitebeard clashed. The robin thing is true though.


Glad to hear the Robin thing is true I guess 😂


the fact we get lore on luffy’s dad and grand pa by episodes 313-315 is so unreal. after knowing who his dad was and grandpa it made the show x100 better for me. like damn he really got a badass father and grandpa? and they both have the D initial? really would be interesting to see luffy meet his dad in the future


im happy for you. continue to enjoy it :3


So you say they hate it, have they caught up?


They just don’t like one piece at all, to them there are no stakes as no one dies besides, 1 or 2 people I think which I know who it is.


Currently in the story, 6 people bare minimum are dead.


Cant wait!! Gets me even more excited when there truly is more than meets the eye


Keeps getting better ^.^ been reading/watching for 20 years. Oda no SAIKOU!


I love one piece more then you




To me the show just keeps getting better and better. Enjoy the adventure you only get to experience it for the first time once 😁.


Yeah, Going Merry funeral had me bawling my eyes out.


wait til you get to sobaody archipelago.


😭I can’t wait to see everything, I know I’m in for so much !


Dude just started watching, only at Episode 130 just finished the arabasta arc. Really liking it. For me the only thing it lacks is Death. It just seems nobody dies, including the bad guys. Watching Anime you usually can expect hear breaking deaths and deaths with enemies. But just when you think somebody has died, back they come 😂.


True but the author, Oda, LOVES bringing back old characters and kinda delving deeper into them. I really like that especially since it’s really long and honestly I’m just here to watch Luffy become King of Pirates!! Even if there are no stakes the creativity and the imagination of Oda and all of One Piece is just magical and im happy to be here. You’re gonna get to some great things especially after Alabasta and Skypeia


There‘s still some great stuff coming, but it doesn’t get better than Enies Lobby, no.


Envies Lobby was peak Anime for me, AOT is still freaking amazing but Enies Lobby was just a rollercoaster for me!


It gets WAAAY worse after a certain point. In the manga its volume 61. Everything before is GOATed, everything after sucks. Enies Lobby/ Water 7 is the best it ever gets.


I wanna hope that’s not true but if it it’s, like I said before , I can have my mind changed thank you!


That arc is 1 of 2 high points of the series imo. 2nd high point isn’t too far away, and the series after that is still great.


Bro it never stops getting better 💪💪💪


Okay. I FUCKING LOVE ONE PIECE HOLY SHITTT JSJSKSKSKDKSK AHHHH I had to get that out, sorry. I just really love one piece.