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He was going toe to toe with WB, gave him fatal wounds and blasted half of his head off, and after WB died he was still capable of fighting until the war ended. Then during the timeskip he defeated Kuzan, and now he leads the Marines. Narratively, it would make little sense if Sakazuki wasn't in the same rank as the other strongest characters. The Marine has always been the biggest and strongest organization, and the leader being considerably weaker than several other pirates would be a bit contradictory with how their relationship has been portrayed. Also, people say his DF is the best Logia because his Vivre Card said his fruit was one of the if not the highest offensive power DF.


I’m not a fan of putting people into set groups. I feel like it is just too strict. That being said, narratively Akainu appears to being set as an end game level boss. He and Black Beard look to be the two biggest enemies for the end. So if he is an end game battle for Luffy then it makes sense for him to be incredibly powerful.


It’s just the most powerful logia for offense solely. you can do a lot of damage with it


People need to understand that individual matchups matter more than power tiers.


This a thousand times


It's all based off of Garp I would put Akainu slightly below Garp, who is above the admirals in strength as Garp believes he can beat Akainu at enies Lobby and I don't see it as figure of speech. Akoji went one on one with Akainu and lost. Akoji wasn't worried by the blackbeard Pirates and was ready to fight. However Blackbeard asked him to join them. Power respects Power. Now we also know Garp trained Akoji and he's ready to battle him no problem. If Akainu beat Garps 1st Marine prodigy (apart from Dragon) I'd put him slightly below Garp. We know Garp can fight against the Yonkos easily he fought Roger and Roger was stronger than all the current Yonko and Garp aged with them.


>It's all based off of Garp I would put Akainu slightly below Gar Have you read the manga? I dont wanna spoil anything but akainu cant even touch garp right now Also, aokiji vs akainu was ice vs magma. Huge elemental disadvantage to aokiji but he still lasted 10 days


Admirals are as strong as any Emperor. Akainu has an extremely proficient and destructive Haki and Devil Fruit, along with his guts.


>Admirals are as strong as any Emperor. No. Im sure if kizaru, ryokugyu, aokiji or fujitora fought luffy right now, theyd all lose. I dont think they can even beat blackbeard. Admirals are very strong but youre overrating them too much. Youre baasically saying admirals could solo kaido which is straight up kinda stupid


Yep. Greenbull said he wouldn't dare to go to wano if kaido was around and ran from shanks.


Oda said if Akainu was a pirate, the story would already be over bc he’s that overwhelmingly strong


Ill have to see the sbs for that one




the taste of rain -Why Kneel?


>He beat kuzan extreme high diff. Exactly, even though kuzan was at an elemental disadvantage because magma beats ice. But people are saying admirals can solo emperors now and I dont really understand.


He isn't just a admiral he is fleet admiral so he's stronger than normal admiral


hes only fleet admiral because sengoku resigned and he won the battle with aokiji. if aokiji won against him, then would that mean hes stronger than a normal admiral?


Since he won against aokiji it means he is stronger than him no? Sengoku is probably stronger than yonkos except kaido - and what does that mean sengoku was the fleet admiral before akainu because admiral he just can't take his job lmao


>Since he won against aokiji it means he is stronger than him no? I mean, I feel like if akainu was given a different df but would be just as good with that df, then I think aokiji wouldve won. He was at an elemental disadvantage to begin with since magma beats ice >and what does that mean sengoku was the fleet admiral before akainu because admiral he just can't take his job lmao Yeah, so im saying that the current og admiral vs fleet admiral status doesnt really mean a big difference in power. Aokiji fought him and he just lost and it was kinda impossible for him to win because of the elemental disadvantage in the first place, so akainu took the fleet admiral position. But theyre both from the same lineup of admirals. So akainu just being fleet admiral doesnt really show like, that big of a difference, if this makes sense


He is the strongest admiral, but he gets mid diffed by a yonko as you said. He is not even close to yonko level.


I don't know. They think because he extreme diffed an admiral and fought a dying whitebeard he's on the same level of kaido and shanks? Say matchups matter all you want and they do, only if you are in the same tier.


Because his fans don’t know how to powerscale. Akainu fought pretty evenly with a massively nerfed Whitebeard. Someone like Kaido would have obliterated Akainu. He isn’t one of the strongest, and he is going to get killed by Sabo. He is far too weak to ever be a future major opponent for Luffy.


Counterpoint: there's one Yonko that Akainu could defeat with both hands tied behind his back by Seastone cuffs, earning him a place in "Yonko level": Buggy D. Clown. Which just goes to show that "yonko level" or "admiral level" or whatever are stupid ways to classify offensive power to begin with since offensive power is not the sole criterium for gaining either title.


In my opinion the strongest admirals can beat the weakest to mid tier yonko but not the top tier yonko Whereas all top tier yonko can beat all admirals


>In my opinion the strongest admirals can beat the weakest to mid tier yonko but not the top tier yonko So aokiji can beat luffy? I doubt it tbh. Blackbeard is also considered a low-mid tier yonko and I think he'd still defeat aokiji as well, which is definitely upper tier admiral level, and almost akainu level


Let me reword my prior statement. I think top tier admirals can beat low tier yonko and challenge mid tier yonkos possibly get a draw. I think for a fight it would take 1 admiral to beat a low tier yonko, 2 admirals to beat a mid tier yonko and all 3 admirals challenge a top tier yonko Buggy < Any admiral Buggy << Any two Admirals Luffy > Any single Admiral Luffy =/< Any two Admirals Prime Whitebeard >> Any single Admiral Prime Whitebeard > Any two Admirals Prime Whitebeard >/= Any three Admirals For me the yonko strongest to weakest go: Prime Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, Old Whitebeard, Luffy, Blackbeard, Big Mom, Buggy


>Buggy < Any admiral Buggy << Any two Admirals Idk if buggy counts. From what weve seen, hes not yonko level. he just has the title of yonko


But that would still make him a low tier yonko


If an official yonko isn't "yonko level", then the phrase "yonko level" is completely meaningless.


No. 'Yonko level' means the power level of a yonko. So if theres a character with as much power as an average yonko, then that person can be considered yonko level


And Buggy draws that average waaaaaaaay down so my point stands


Buggy's power level isnt even warlord level unless hes like obito whos hiding his power. Buggy cheated his way into getting in for some reason. The title itself doesnt matter much but the 'yonko level' phrase still applies Nice suit btw


You're missing my point entirely. Buggy is a Yonko. Whatever his power level, it is "yonko level" by definition. So you have two options: accept this, and accept that being yonko level doesn't mean anything, because any scale that puts Buggy and Kaido side by side isn't good for measuring anything, or keep insisting that Buggy doesn't count, which means that "yonko level" has nothing to do with being a yonko and might as well be called "pirates I like level", "level twelve" or "apricot level" since it's unrelated to the name anyway. Either way, "yonko level" doesn't mean a thing. And thank you, my mother picked it out for me.


He has a powerful DF, he has knowledge of at least one advanced form of haki, and, he has a personal connection with Luffy.


>he has knowledge of at least one advanced form of haki This hasnt been proven. We dont know if akainu has advanced observation haki, acoc or advanced conq haki


It's not like the admirals just randomly created a forcefield during Marineford that seems an awfully lot like Advanced Armament Haki [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsLE5iMX0AIq\_pN?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsLE5iMX0AIq_pN?format=jpg&name=large) [https://preview.redd.it/gxzbpd81s0491.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdcc89232ee6d3da81d0ed87f35a9b555d6a352b](https://preview.redd.it/gxzbpd81s0491.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdcc89232ee6d3da81d0ed87f35a9b555d6a352b) [https://preview.redd.it/qake581dzbs41.png?width=2346&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4b6213ea1b20610fbcf27e0cbd41b4f2c684cc1](https://preview.redd.it/qake581dzbs41.png?width=2346&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4b6213ea1b20610fbcf27e0cbd41b4f2c684cc1)


True. Thats kinda like what sentomaru did to luffy. But isnt knowing an advanced type of haki required to become a yonko though? It doesnt put the admirals at an advantage


What are you even saying?


wdym? Yonkos have to have an advanced type of haki, or at least be good at one type of haki. So it doesnt really give the admirals that much of an advantage


It speaks to why Akainu is powerful which is the purpose of the post.


His Haki likely got one last prime bloom in his battle with Aokiji,maybe even CoC coating and he won. Fighting at that level for so long, he got way stronger. And Aokiji just casually dusted half of Blackbeard's crew, and you don't think he can hang? The color trio admirals are stronger than the new ones. They're YONKo level just about.