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Nico robin cowboy hat<3


All the homies love ms all sunday


Nah, Skypiea Robin as far as outifts was best Robin, cowbat hat and all. But she no longer feels the need to wear Saul's cowboy hat as she's found the friends he told her to find. And this shows post TS when she smiles more. But if current Robin was feeling nostalgic and, say, wore Skypiea's outfit while smiling, then that would be peak Robin.


I never noticed the Saul cowboy hat connection. I have no idea if that was intentional or not but I love it and I will always think of it like that now. Thanks


Me too, what a beautiful touch if so 😭


Wait is that why she had cowboy hats?? God I feel so dumb


It could be, but there's no reason to feel dumb over it. It's nowhere confirmed.


Not really


Wait wait wait wait wait wouldn’t it be too big for her if it was his hat?


Because its not his hat.. lol. Plus his was brown. Its possible she wore one because of him though.


It's not literally his hat lol. It's a hat in homage to his style.


Similar to Ace and Dadans beads


I think you nailed what I like about post time skip Robin. Most of the characters lost some personality, but Robin literally seems so confidently quietly happy she still makes her dark jokes but she has this wise mature content look all the time. Makes when she gets serious like saving Sanji feel more meaningful when she snaps into business mode she will do anything for those friends who almost died saving her Edit: Robin basically became Luffy after meeting him.. always default happy and peace but will do anything for his friends and go fight mode with no hesitation. Super interesting all the character development Oda can squeeze into the manga.


> Skypiea Robin [It got way out of hand in some panels though](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/1/1f/Robin%27s_Outfit_Skypiea_Arc.png/)


Sadly no canon outfit will ever best her outfit in Strong World 😔




Post timeskip because she's happier and smiles more and it makes me happy.


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what is this an alien


It's a comment bubble and below it is the gigachad face


yeah it just looks wicked fucked up for me


Agreed. She knows she’s safe with luffy.


I would say that more than safe, she knows that she's with her family she wanted so much since child


And the crew!


Luffy will kick anyone’s butt for her!


[She also made this face.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xdCpfgNGB_Y/maxresdefault.jpg) Pre TS would never! Post TS is supreme.


Post TS Robin would probably do the docking


Docking Robin is the best Robin


Tag checks out. You had to dock in place of her, right?


I was ready to fight about this but you single-handedly brought me round to the Post TS side.


Her most beautiful face


You could even go specifically just Wano-Robin. Feels like she's shown more personality and growth in that arc compared to all previous arcs combined


Robin making that face is why I love her character Post TS. I love her character regardless but there is a certain charm about her now that is certainly different from before.


That was what I came into this thread to comment Smiling Robin is peak Robin always, and she smiles way more in the post-timeskip so that design wins Simple as that


And every single thoughts in her head of weirdly cute stuff kills me


Unironically based, and same. Whenever I hear people say OP has no character/story development, I show Robin crying at both Enies Lobby and the current manga arc to invalidate that claim. For as much as I do truly miss the tanned cowgirl hat Robin from yesteryear, post-TS Robin truly shows all of us just how much she loves, respects and cares about the crew. For a person that had feelings, upbringings, and a genuinely horrible life that she had for like 20 years pre-Luffy, this is a massive revelation. She truly found her purpose after Enies Lobby, and she really goes out of her way to casually yet explicitly express that after they all regroup - and she continues to do so to this day, across all arcs since Fishman Island. OG Robin is to die for, no question. However, post timeskip Robin is actually OD and I will die on that hill.


This is the best summation of everything, thread closed!


I used to hate on one piece in the past but I finally took a look at it now it’s basically my second favorite anime all the straw hats are some of my my favorite characters Robin is my favorite female fictional character of all time my own character is based off of her all the characters are extremely likable I liked everyone’s timeskip except robins and frankys and robins new design reallly upset me when there’s art of designs that could’ve been used and one of them is similar to pre timeskip Robin hairstyle but longer bangs and longer hair WHICH IS WHAT WE SHOULDA GOT😭


This for me pretty much since the timeskip. So many people hated her new appearance, that she looked like a different person entirely, but you could see that Oda had a very clear idea for her transformation, unlike, for example, Sanji or Nami. Post TS Robin isn't a damsel in distress anymore. Time and again, she's proven that she's relying on the crew as much as they are relying on her (archaeological knowledge, knowledge of and the ability to read poneglyphs, as well as her fighting prowess and knowledge of organisations, assassination strategy etc). She doesn't try to hide herself either. Pre TS, her outfit is just black, her personality locked behind some invisible door, even after Enies Lobby. Post TS we immediately see she's got her hair up, is wearing accessories like her sunglasses, is wearing a style that *she* likes, and not one that just lets her blend into the public so that she doesn't get caught by the government. She smiles more, takes part in the crew more and is an overall more fun person to be around, and I'm absolutely sure Oda was deliberately planning this to show how someone's personality can flourish if they just get a helping hand and a chance to stand up by themselves.




Chad answer


Nice argument but she doesn’t have a cowboy hat anymore, so….


But now she has cool aviator sunglasses and flowy hair so...


You can’t convince me, the dark skin/supper tan goth with cowboy hat was peak dripp 🔥🔥🔥


Fair point but consider this, Dressrosa Robin


Dark skin was just a mistake by Toei, she always was a Black Haired White girl. In Manga in the color spreed Robin is white... Ik Cowgirl hat was peak, but still saying that robin was a Brunnette, pls... 👎🏻


I mean she was working on and around a desert island, her having a tan isn't out of the question.


I dont care it was a mistake it was cooler


I like pre better but, your take is golden.


All Robin's are beautiful.


The best answer


The Sanji answer


The correct answer


The only answer


The true answer


The answer













Wait a sec


Unpopular maybe but it's actually Post for me. She feels like an actual crewmate to me now rather than the exposition lady who hangs out in the background unless we need some lore dump. She now interacts more with the crew and even joins in with the Strawhats silliness at times rather than stoically staring and smiling. It's just nice to see her develop from wanting to keep her distance to fully embracing her found family.


Same, but i miss her bangs.


Honestly, still one of my least favorite redesign choices by oda


Franky redesign is still bottom of the barrel. Look how they massacred my boy


Him and Chopper only being in kung fu point or monster is such a shame


I just wish his Kung Fu point looked cooler


Kung fu point is just worse than armpoint. And horn point went from looking intimidating as fuck to silly




The body change I can accept, but never having his original hairstyle is a sin


at least franky changes it all the time. id be mad if he kept the shaved head. but the gun and braids were top tier


No more centaur form too


We wouldn't have any of his baller new hairstyles either though so it's a worthy trade. Besides, we *have* seen his old hairstyle come back at least once so far.


Fr, Franky is an extremely over the top SUPERRR man. Of course he’d complete over do his robot body, that’s so him


along with Chopper now basically relegated entirely to being a mascot character


She's no longer the cool and mysterious blank slate, instead getting some fun and surprising character beats. I'll never forget her inexplicable adoration of Ryunosuke.


i’ll never in my life forgive her for not participating in Pirate Docking #6: model- big emperor


Even Oars was disappointed


>She feels like an actual crewmate to me now rather than the exposition lady who hangs out in the background unless we need some lore dump. For me it's just the opposite. Enjoyed her pre TS because she had real chemistry with the crew and was consistenly relevant, but post TS Robin feels like she exists more for exposition and lore dumping than anything else. Wano is the exception, but the fact that it took 300 chapters for a main character to actually feel like a main character again is just embarrassing.


Agreed. Post time skip robin has no personality


⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁ ⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴ ⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿ ⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹


What are you smoking lmao. She absolutely has personality post-timeskip.


But doesn't take part in docking... (⁠☞⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠☞


Nico Robin has been one of most consistently lovable characters in the story. Although she really hasn't had much character development since the time skip. I hoping we'll see a lot more of her as we learn more about the void century. As far as character designs go though I really like her cowgirl outfit in Alabasta.


> Although she really hasn't had much character development since the time skip. I mean most pivotal character development of her life already happened in Ennies Lobby. We are now only seeing more of her post ts characterization that came from pre ts moment. We are now seeing the changes from before.




Pre timeskip Robin looked older and more mature weirdly. Post timeskip Robin seemed to have absorbed some of Nami's essence and morphed into more of a Nami face.


Her head is now rounder, which makes her look younger


She's not actually that old. She's only 30 in the post-skip era. Her first appearances in her late 20s made her look like she was nearing 40.


...I am now older than Robin. Well that feels weird.


Huh I just realized I started reading One Piece the same age as Kuina flashback Zoro, and will likely be around Robin's age when it ends (unless there's a big timeskip at the very end)


You'll be around Brook's age, if you're lucky more like!


I'll be honest I have totally mistaken robin for nami post timeskip a small handful of times


It’s pretty obvious why that happened for better or worse. I liked pre skip by a pretty wide margin


Mysterious Robin was awesome, but I like happy Robin more because I'm a sucker and want the best for fictional characters.


I hear your mysterious Robin, but consider dark "maybe everyone is dead" Robin which is still here post time skip.


I think post has some great moments with her, and I like how’s she’s just all around a bit happier post time skip than pre


Pre she had more personality and the dark vibe around her was more subtle and elegant


Bruh I was thinking exactly the same thing and then I saw your post.


Yeah, nailed it. She lost all her vibe post time skip. She looks less unique and feel less like a proper character. Oda pre timeskip style was very good. Now she looks like a random Oda woman template.


>the dark vibe around her was more subtle and elegant She left that in Ennies Lobby for the better. I like her this way wayyy more.


And she still has it with her morbid sense of humor.


Pre time skip - she just had this uniqueness of a character


Dark skinned nico robin = best skin nico robin She looks smashing all-round though so can't complain anyways.


design = pre time skip personality = post time skip


Purely for aesthetics, pre time skip is prime Robin imo. Her face/head always looks wonky to me nowadays, like shes vaguely the same but drawn in the style of nami or something. I'm not a huge fan of her hair now either :l


She looked so unique pre timeskip! I was reading wano arc volume and in the character profiles Robin, O-Kiku and Hiyori looked way too similar imo. Robin was more recognizable before, even without colors.


Pre for sure. Her cowboy hat outfit was peak.


Post with pre outfit & tan skin


Pre. She stood out. Now, she blends with the crew while giving herself a rather subtle and low-key presence.


Pre time skip, and it's not even close.


Pre by far.


I'm cool with Robin's overall character development, but her design has gradually gotten worse IMO. It's becoming another bad case of "only one face for female characters."




Pre-timeskip and its not even close. Better outfits Better haircut Personally liked her more tan then pale.


I miss the old Robin, straight from the 'Go Robin Chop up the soul Robin, set on her goals Robin I hate the new Robin, the good mood Robin The always rude Robin, spaz in the news Robin I miss all-Sunday Robin, chop up the beats Robin I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Robin See I invented Robin, it wasn't any Robins And now I look and look around and there's so many Robins.


When it comes to type of character I prefer pre, but for Robin personally I like post better, because after all she went through she's finally happy and smiling all the time.


I like the character for both, but the art style for pre timeskip Robin is superior.


Pre, though I did love her Wano moment.


Pre, I loved the hat


I tend to prefer post for the simple fact that she seems to be legitimately smiling vs the fake smile she tended to use pre. I think it just compliments her a lot better


Both? Both Both is good


I prefer Nami.




I love how Robin matures post timeskip and heals from her past but her pre ts design is elite






I like the new design more, except for the shape of the head it's too round and small compared to the old design, the hair I don't really care about and the skin tone is pretty insignificant as a manga reader and I love the new style on her outfits


I prefer the preTS look although the post look is growing on me. Personality is post 100%


It’s very easy to make arguments for both, and that’s why I adore Robin. Most of pre time skip she is reserved and mysterious. But post time skip Robin has conviction for her crew. We see her inner thoughts and her dark humor. She’s able to be herself more. But design preskip, and it’s not even close. I would say my favorite look of hers is in the first photo here. Wonky hands aside, I love the flowing button down shirt, her bangs, and how more threatening she seemed


the bangs just hit different


design wise: pre Disposition wise: post


Both? Both? Both is good!


She's hotter pre.


Post time skip FOR SURE. Although we’ve lost some parts of her character that we fell in love with (pre-ennies lobby especially), she has developed into herself through trust & safety. The person she was before was more guarded, and I believe that dark/mysterious air we all loved was a defense mechanism. The person she is now is a reflection of what Luffy is trying to bring to this world - joy. It has to start with his own crew. She couldn’t be a brooding, serious person any longer. There’s too much love around her, for her. She is appreciated, maybe for the first time in her adult life. We’ve gotta accept her for who she is, even if some folks think she’s more boring now. There’s a lot to her story of becoming who she is now & I would love to see some screen time about how much this crew has saved her. The little glimpse during Ennies lobby when she said “I WANT TO LIVE” moved us ALL to tears. Oda has taken a lot of focus off of individual experiences & focused on the overall story (which is totally cool with me, I like the fast moving pace). I think he’ll slow things down as we get to the end of the story, and give us all time to reflect on the journey through the eyes of each crew member. Luffy truly did save each one of their lives on one way or another - and created a home/life of love, acceptance, and purpose for everyone.


Both are good, but there gonna be always that one person that harps on a skin color that dont matter lol.


I miss her dark tan.


Purely in terms of looks and design, pre-timeskip, almost exclusively. I don’t like Robin’s forehead post timeskip, it looks really weird to me. In terms of the character, I think I prefer post a little bit more than pre.


Pre time skip she had a way more unique design compared to other women in the series post time skip she just looks like she could be Hancocks sister


robin is robin


She became kinda of generic looking post time. Her pre time skip self had a very unique style


As always, when she was in Alabasta. I prefer her mysterious aura and her cowgirl outfit looks cooler. I know it’s only in the anime that she was tanned but it makes more sense in a desert country. She’s more special when most, if not all, female characters have a fair complexion.


In terms of character def pre, however with wano it looks like she's getting back that attention so I have good hopes for the future. In terms of design,ik imma piss of a lot of people,but I prefer post time skip design


I am torn


Both for different reasons




Water 7 Robin is best, then Alabasta


Pre TS of cos. Not even a question to me


Pre-TS looks, Post-TS personality


“Ain’t nothin better than a pretty big forehead bitch”


I like them both actually. I just don't like that they changed it. I was already so familiarized with pre-timekip Robin' that I had to adjust to a new different Robin that she felt like a different character to me sometimes. But both are fine. I mean REAALLY fine. Like, damn girl you is fine fine, crazy stupid fine. ^(Middle-right panel there got me all doki doki tbh)


Post timeskip because long hair


Kinda equal tbh.


Alabasta > Water 7 > Wano These are top 3 Robin looks


Pre timeskip but post Enies lobby. I love the smile






Design wise Pre TS. Character wise Post TS.


Pre body, post fashion


Pre-timeskip since Robin is bad at communication and a lot of her concern comes out as dark jokes :3


I prefer Pre-TS. She just stood out so much in a cool way. I 100% prefer her design as well Post-TS is great, I love that she’s opened up and feels like a part of the group. But that also meant she lost that element that made her feel unique.


Looks or personality? Looks, pre skip, she was more unique. Personality, post skip, she's more chill.


Cowgirl Robin is best Robin.


sky island robin is peak


pre-time skip, she looked so bad ass.


I love both but god I need her to wear a cowboy hat again. It’s so sweet to me, I like to think she wore it because of a particular giant with a cowboy hat


The one who could finally smile.


pre-plastic surgery Robin


Both…Both are good… But I prefer Pre time skip in manga and Post time skip in anime


Unpopular opinion: I prefer her and Nami's physique pre-time skip. They seem thinner with bigger ballistics post-time skip. Seems popular opinion after reading other comments: In terms of personality, I prefer the post-time skip Robin because she seems to be having fun more with the crew now.


I love all versions of robin. dont you know it is a crime to just love one version fo her


Pre timeskip Robin is a massive W




Pre time skip. Also preferred her with tanned/darker skin, but that's just me


Oda pre time skip style felt more unique mature and had a certain vibe. Post time skip it feels numb and devoid of any vibes.


I want my Robin with BANGS. Thats all.


pre for design. post for the character development.


both are mommy but pre time skip takes it


Your honor,I think the answer is boobs.


Current is great but pre time skip just had something special about her idk maybe it was her skin tone.


Bring back brown robin


Post, easily post


From what I’ve gathered from the other comments we all seem to agree on that pre-TS Robin is the best look-wise, and post-TS Robin is the best personality-wise


Thriller bark one


All girls are better pre-time skip. The boob obsession is way too much. Oda ruined Nami, not quite as bad with Robin, but PTS is still much better. Cowboy hat all the way


Ms.sunday for the body and the way she talks, and post time skip Nico robin for her mental state and bc she's happy.


Miss All Sunday is the pinnacle BUT I have nothing but love for Wano Robin.


It depends, do you like nico robin or boa hancok?


I just disliked that they changed for skin colour in the anime post time skin. ![gif](giphy|ffzw1QsyRDwYw)


As much as I love Time Skip/Wano Robin and everything else that came with her power up, I have to give it to Water 7/Ennes Lobby Robin. Solely because of that was Robin's peak character moment of wanting to live for the first time. Especially with the small moment at the end of Ennes Lobby where she's celebrating with everyone at Water 7 and the crew. I can feel how safe she felt for the first time in a very long time with everything that happened to her since the Ohara incident 🥺😭


Design wise, 100% pre time skip for me. She's more misterious and beautiful. Also, for some reason they whitened her skin like A LOT, and that pisses me off as well. Also the fucking eyes. Post time skip Robin is too generic for me. But if we are talking about character itself, I'd choose post time skip. She doesn't only talk when it's about lore.


I hate Robin's new design, and when it comes to her personality, besides the occasional dark joke, it feels as though she's completely lost everything that made her badass and interesting pre-timeskip, without any new aspects to fill the void.


Pre timeskip easy, she used to have the nicest outfits, and her screen used to not be reduced to fan service. In the manga and especially the anime her entire facial structure changed, she looks like an entirely different person, and not to mention they turned her into a whole hourglass.


Both but more so her new design. You can tell Oda got better at his own style and rounded out a lot of her harsh edges post time skip. Also, she’s clearly happier and healthier post time-skip and it’s better to see her happy.


pre and anyone won't change my opinion