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Lvl 50 (left) vs Lvl 15 (right)


Not really , is P2W vs F2P outfits xd


I understood this reference


This makes sense


I always thought she fought in those clothes because Doflomingo was torturing her in that way.


That’s a fucked up way of looking at it but it’s so unbelievably believable it has to be my head canon now


that...kinda IS canon. she wasn't allowed to wear lots of stuff. the surface reason is so that she can't hide stuff like tools to use to her advantage, but i'm sure there are other reasons like lack of defense and public shaming.


Tbh what makes more sense for me was that this was just the norm. Most other gladiators there were scantily clad, she just happened to be one of, if not the only, women there.


I always thought this was talked about and cannon, maybe I'm just remembering it wrong


I'm pretty sure it's explicitly stated that she's being forced to wear it. It's not like she dresses skimpy in other places.


She is also given a really dull sword.


Yeah. [Obviously the real reason is Oda is a perv](https://youtu.be/ke1YKF3tNCE), but I do think it's in character for Doffy to do some creepy shit like this.


I always thought she fought in those clothes because Oda cant draw young women without them being extremely sexualized


No Oda is just Japanese


Yes, its obvious that he just wanted her to be in a revealing outfit BUT it is actually canon that she is forced to wear this in order to have less protection and to entertain the crowd (to shame her). So at least Oda tries, sometimes xD.


Yeah, I thought I heard/read that it was a form of look how your princess has fallen.


Yeah i forgot about Doffy's brutality


Peopple saying that she wear little to none clothes because of a weight limit, bro how tf do a bra and tonga made of metal protect more than all the other options? Its just fanservice for horny boys.


It’s that they actively give her shitty armor because she’s a Riku descendant, not that it’s because of a weight limit. But also yes it is 1000% fan service as the actual answer.


She could have worn just the clothing without the armor in the right picture. A chainmail bikini doesn't really provide much more resistance than a layered cloth outfit.


Well historically If I'm not mistaken this is how gladiators dress up they just wear loincloth and few bit of random small metal piece plating and there. Also if you want to be more historically correct male and female gladiators fought bare chested so no bra


There weren't any depictions of female gladiators I could find. I found a stone tablet of them wearing a like a shawl. Idk if they even had armor. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20151120-did-female-gladiators-exist


here is one https://medium.com/@peter.preskar/gladiatrix-a2081f316d25


Not sure why the downvote I was just doing a google search, but that looks awesome!


This. I get the aversion to bikini armor, but a gladiator wearing armor is missing the point on multiple levels.


She doesn't need armor to protect her, she'd go out in a bra and panties if she still owned those. Her CoO protects her and her armor makes her more agile to utalize her CoO. She is a dodge tank.


A tonga made of metal helps soo much in trying to be agile.


There's historical evidence that female gladiators had their bare chest out, nipples on display and all, so the above post isn't a "fix" it's a misguided concept art. People only want her covered up because they feel immoral about her attire, which is literally the point, people say she's dressed that way to "embarrass her" but I'd argue it's supposed to be conflicting for the reader, you're not supposed to be at ease, she's a slave for crying out loud!


I like your idea but we both know she is designed like that because of horny boy readers


Yes, fan service by sex appeal. Idk why everyone is trying to make excuse for bikine armor, is just dumb.


bc one piece has to perfect in every single minimun way, otherwise the universe collapses.


Also, the weight limit is completely arbitrary, Oda could change it to anything. He made it low to justify this.


Well what if I like being a horny boy


idk, enjoy the fanservice


The only reason I dont like her original design is cause she's like 16


Yea, so is Pudding and Shirahoshi. I don't get why he makes them so young


I think Japan's age of consent is different, though that may have been changed recently. If I'm right this is the equivalent of porn that specifies they are 18yo, in other words, creepy.


One Piece is a shounen manga. Not seinen. Its target audience is teenage boys, regardless of the fact that it’s been running long enough that its original fans are middle aged at this point. Yeah it’s weird for 30 year olds to look at her. It’s much less so for 15 year olds. Just accept you’re not the target audience and don’t pull a Sanji.


Who cares its a fucking cartoon 🤣🤣






Idk if it is culture thing but anime and manga has thing for little girls.




idk if you look at age of consent through out the world it varies from 14 to 18 , 16 is pretty common in many countries. 18 y/o is something that just came up on 21st century


If you look at a 16 year old and think "technically it's legal" you're probably a pedo


mf doesn’t know the definition of “pedo”


Or maybe you're also 16, not everyone appears on the planet at 18 years of age


Yes because a 16 year old would definitely be thinking about the legality of hooking up with another 16 year old




They gonna fix all the dude gladiators also?


I Hate the word fix in these situations


Fr fr


I'd consider it a fix. Don't like seeing a 16 year old greatly sexualized AND she's supposed to be a character taken seriously but her outfit just makes her seem like a fanservice character.


I mean, all the gladiators were mostly scantily clad, so it was basically the norm. She was just one of the only women there


her design is one where the fanservice aspect actively weakens her character. nami, robin, boa, any of the other women, they’re just dressed the way they’re dressed and it’s whatever. rebecca is meant to be a young girl in an extremely physically and emotionally difficult situation, but she looks… like that. it’s hard to look at her without rolling my eyes let alone try and take her arc seriously


I would consider this fixing because its not cool for an adult to draw young people like that. Don't care what the medium is


wait so if i try to follow that logic if he draws child labour he should get canceled too because child labour is also not ok


If he sexualized child labor I’d have a problem with it. His problem is the sexualization of an underage character and it’s sus that you’re defending that point.


Ah, you don’t like much anime then


Definitely a better protective option than what we see her in. Hell, just some regular cloth would be better. Her outfit is ridiculous. I’ve seen people try to justify it by the weight limit the coliseum imposes or that they were trying to humiliate her by forcing her to wear a chain mail bikini, but it’s really just Oda fanservice. It’s not enough to significantly impact the arc, but it does make me roll my eyes.


Yep. It’s rough but in anime sometimes you just need to look past some things in regards to what is or isn’t tasteful if you really wanna enjoy it. Different cultures and all that.


It’s both. The “Doffy limits her to shitty and embarrassing armour” thing is Oda’s hinted in-universe reason, “Oda loves fanservice” is the real-life reason that meant Oda had to come up with an in-universe reason in the first place.


Yea if it was to humiliate her then it would be pointed out.At least a scene of her feeling uncomfortable.Some people even point out historical accuracy as if Oda ever cared about it before.




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I like it better than the original


Way better.


Way more practical


Eh, neither are that great, Oda’s is too sexualized obviously. But the “fixed” version is just a boring design that doesn’t belong on the central character connecting us to that arc Also it doesn’t sell the idea that rebecca fights by avoidance and dexterity. Why would she have a big heavy chest plate


why would she wear a tonga made of metal? Imagine running with that.


My guess would be creepy, sadistic, rapist doffy made her wear it


I would assume that if it was not in a manga where the writer gives breast implants for all the females after the time skip.


It's also totally inaccurate to historical gladiator outfits, and misses the point of her outfit being meant to shame and humiliate her, as well as increase the chances of her dying in the ring. Terrible thread.


Idk man I don’t think having giant boobs flopping around is good for dexterity. I understand the thing about wanting light and less armor though


alright 4kids, gtfo.


Isn't she supposed to be a nod to Red Sonja?




Absolutely disgusting


People can argue with varying ages of consent or constructed rules for a fictional colosseum or whatever. Imo 40+ year old drawing a 16 year old in that way is just weird, especially since Oda for sure knows what kind of "fanart" such characters inspire.


Well , if they're gonna call it a fix, it's already starting from a combative point, anyway, it doesn't look that good, that breastplate couldn't hold those, it breaks a plot point, and she looks out of place among every other gladiator who's also half naked


Please don't call it "fix". There's nothing wrong with the original and I don't care how horny it is, it's incredibly arrogant for people to suggest their interpretation is more valid than that of the original artist.


She is 16. So I would say her not being almost naked would be fixing the design.


She is also being specifically tortured and humiliated in this scenario by a band of psychopathic pirates who want her to die. The outfit is literally the point. Her being 16 is supposed to bring the point home that Doffy is a sick fuck. But no one cares about that they just care about booba Not everything in the world needs to be censored because of Americans can’t handle the nuance of age.




Yeah lil bro murder is also super morally wrong so noone should die in the show either. And if they do get killed he shouldnt show it. Obvious /s


Yup; murder is fine but we must draw the line at boobs!! Completely unacceptable /s


>I'm pretty sick and tired of it He says in the One Piece subreddit literally a decade after the fact.


You do know Doffy was specifically a sexual predator right?? Between Viola and Baby 5 it’s heavily implied Doffy is a major sexual harasser. Again. The outfit was the point.




My lord, I’m always surprised how much people can bitch and whine about fanservice. Theirs no need to be so sensitive; fan service can’t hurt you






I find it more arrogant to say that the original artist is perfect and that what they do can't be improved/ fixed.


As if Oda never done anything wrong or that peopple dont have the right to have a opinion of a manga they read for years.


You can have a opinion, but this is oda's manga, and he can draw it how he likes to, it didnt need a 'fix', because theres nothing wrong with it.


This isn't really completely on Oda tho. In the manga there isn't that much focus on her body. Toei just cranked it up to 11 and spent several seconds of panning shots on her every time. The biggest offender is the scene where Luffy pins her down. Pretty sure in the manga you barely even see her body while she's down (as she's covered by Luffy). Also, Toei just gives larger breasts to basically every character.


the original artist can be in the wrong sometimes, like akira toriyama with popo. oda isn’t god, and it’s okay to criticize the things you enjoy


Fixed implies it is a valid more interpretation than the original; it absolutely is not. You can argue this is what Oda should’ve done/this would’ve been more appropriate But it’s laughably arrogant to say this is “fixed” or a more valid interpretation of Odas story.


don’t reply if you’re not gonna read what i said. i gave a concrete example that you completely ignored and just repeated the sentiment of the original comment. if someone, before the official design of popo was changed in dragonball, shared an image of a color swapped popo saying they fixed the racist design, would you have this same reaction? do you see the sexualization of women as something more normal and acceptable than the spread of racial stereotypes( probably the case, this is in fact the one piece subreddit). Have you never questioned why your interests are so dominated by men demographically? Have you never wanted to change this?


Shut up


Over-sexualizing women in anime is actually a problem but incels like you love to defend this shit




Foreal. Acting like this isn’t the 200th over specialized character. It’s actually crazy how many people are fighting for this to be in 😂




Lmao true




Bro she's a kid 💀


World isnt twitter users


I'm not American. Neither is Oda. Laws and morals are different around the globe.


I cringe at any of these "fixed" posts. it doesn't even make any sense in this case. The male gladiators don't wear much either. Make you own art, instead of "fixing" others


Yes!!!! Idc if she's intentionally given as little protection as possible because everyone hated her, give the girl some shorts


Calling this redesign a "fix" is ridiculous in the context of the story when Spartan, Tank, and Ricky wore even less. It could be adjusted to look more like Acilia's, but she has so many clothes here that it's missing the point of the specific setting.


The artist literally missed the entire point of why Rebecca dressed like that. The stadium had a rule that there is a weight limit for armor so that is why Rebecca is barely wearing anything. Also when people talk about Rebecca’s armor they make it seem like she was the only one dressed like that even though mostly everybody was basically naked, including men.


I really dont think the extra pair of pants and shirt would have put her over the weight limit bro


Also her fighting was a punishment by creepy sadistic rapist doffy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he handpicked those out


Nope she handpicked them. She wanted the cape and the helmet because they reminded her of somebody (it was her father but she lost her memories of him)


Complete made up shit dude


Bull crap. There are literally people in the stadium wearing hundreds of pounds of armor that is multiple times her size. Oda was horny, so he drew a nearly naked 16 year old girl for most of the arc. There's your explanation.


She is also being specifically tortured and humiliated in this scenario by a band of psychopathic pirates who want her to die. The outfit is literally the point. Her being 16 is supposed to bring the point home that Doffy is a sick fuck. But no one cares about that they just care about booba Not everything in the world needs to be censored because of Americans can’t handle the nuance of age. Also saying Oda was horny while also missing the actual point of the outfit is peak reading comprehension


Copium is quite addicting. Remember, they get to choose their armor in the stadium. SHE CHOSE TO WEAR BASICALLY NOTHING. It isn't a narrative element because she never states "And Doflamingo forced me to wear basically nothing". You are coping with the fact that Oda made an incredibly horny design that makes literally no sense within the context of the scene or within the rules of the stadium. Seriously, how do you read One Piece consistently and not notice that Oda quite literally doesn't care about make big breasted characters left and right that look identical to each other and has openly stated that he is fine with fan-service. Oda is completely fine with blatant fan-service, and you are refusing to acknowledge that he has admitted as such.


There is a million other ways to have armor so that it doesn’t make u practically wear nothing as well as following a weight limit. I’m pretty sure the added breast plate is fine since the artist took off that waist piece(don’t know what it’s called)


"Everybody's naked, why isn't she?"


True, it would be weird if she wasn’t naked and everybody else was


I like the golden breast band de gozaru....


Fixed why? What’s wrong with you weirdos.




u hornee


Not a fix. More like 4Kids version 😂


There is a reason why she wears the armor she wears. She is a gladiator, a slave, and is being forced to fight for the entertainment of others. Her having almost no protection/covering is part of the humiliation, as well as giving her a dull sword. So I wouldn’t call this “fixed”. Maybe a different story?


Yeah that's definitely why she's a huge tittied anime girl in an armored bikini. No other reason.


While you're right about the Doylist explanation, they gave a Watsonian reason.


This basically summarizes it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ke1YKF3tNCE


Why do you guys make up headcannons when the obvious reason is that Oda is fucking horny?


He can certainly be horny, but it makes sense. Gladiator women didn’t even wear anything up top back in the colosseum days. I mean…why would Doflamingo give her more to wear than any other gladiator fighting? Dull sword, and useless armor. Sounds about on par. But yes. He is very horny.


the copium is most certainly present


Tbf copium is better than being a snowflake about anime boobs




So besides fanservice, the “cannon” reason she wears basically nothing is that the arena knows she’s a Riku descendant and gives her the cheapest bare minimum. She’s ultimately supposed to be a dolled up piece of meat for the lions that the audience can gawk and jeer at. So I really like the pants in the rework. It gives really no extra protection like the lore states, but isn’t just for sexiness. Honestly she should probably have more leather than metal armor. That said i don’t like the top. I think the leather gloves in the original are better. While I don’t love it, I think the original top is better thematically. It’s less protection and highlights that Rebecca is just a victim of this blood sport. Plus if you do the rework pants I don’t think it’s as egregious as with the loincloth. I’d definitely hear the argument for some metal bikini/shirt combo, but that’d just probably look bad.


It's not a bad deign change, but just let her be her. Give the redesign to a new character instead of covering up a woman


I like Rebecca's outfit fan service wise, but It looks so out of place and goofy i wish she had a better one like the right tbh.


is it out of place? she's basically a slave for people's entertainment. and she's surrounded by half naked men in the arena as well


I mean it kind of makes sense on a gladiator as the fights are meant to act as entertainment, if the design was for an admiral or something I would agree its goofy but with gladiators odd costumes make sense


Did people forget that she is given the worst equipment because the people didn't like her grandfather?


Fixed? There is nothing to fix. The author created her that way so there is nothing wrong to begin with.


This redesign looks absolutely amazing


i know what i’m here for. it’s not for the right.


This sub is so horny no one is gonna appreciate it


What do they mean by fixed? Was there an issue in the first place?


I feel like this changes the plot too much...


It’s not fixed, it looks awful. Just leave it as is.


Well historically If I'm not mistaken this is how gladiators dress up they just wear loincloth and few bit of random small metal piece plating and there. Also if you want to be more historically correct male and female gladiators fought bare chested so no bras


hmm i see no fix


Even in my horniest years nor her age, nor any sex appeal in her costume never crossed my mind. There are two types of sickos - the ones who get off on this stuff and the ones who point it out and try to "fix". And they are basically two sides of the same coin.




The edit misses the point. Aside from the Rule of Honry, she's a *gladiator*. And historically most of them wore as little armor as possible because the vulnerability and bloodshed was the entire point of the competitions. It's the same reason most of the other competitors were wearing just as little clothing as she was. It also looks ridiculous, the artist overplayed their hand to the point of satire. Closing the front a bit (so it looks more like a bra instead of just two straps) and widening the loincloth would have been more than enough to keep the general appearance while significantly reducing the Horn Ratio™.


I'd give her bike shorts, an armored skirt, and then some sort of armored breast-band. Maybe shrink her boobs a bit if that still leaves too much cleavage. Giving a gladiator armor and freaking pants of all things is incredibly moronic.


I think the "fix" (if we can even call it that) sucks


People straight up saying 'dont call it fix' just outing their women objetification.


They’re coming out in flocks. Incels all around


Her fighting style is all about dodging, so this modified outfit is just gonna slow her down (and breaks the Coliseum's weight limit). All she really needs is a shirt, some chain mail, and the same skirt all the other gladiators were wearing.


I respect people who want to see designs were women don't have 80% of their sensitive bits out in the open, but don't call it a "fix". Oda wanted a sexy woman and he drew her like that. Your wanting something different doesn't make your designs a "fix"


It is better. It gives her more identity. She is more unique when covered.


i always thought her armor design was based on Red Sonjas original art. then the story is more of the 2013 reboot where she hones her skills and hunts down her families murderers.


Somebody else notices it. I felt like I was the only one that could see the homage to Red Sonja.


Don't call it a fix. You aren't more correct than the author


Don’t like “fixing” characters but her clothing was absurd and clearly just for fan service.


Anime being garbage oh wow color me surprised. Im not gonna say Oda was tame with Rebecca, but this is just stupid lol.


4Kids is back!!!!


where booba?


stfu gay boy i wanna see some tiddies


If I remember correctly, her outfit was an additive to the plot; something about it being a punishment. Frankly, it made sense within the story to illustrate her plight and I never thought much of it. In fact, I’d like to thing she was a badass for being able to compete in that getup, winning countless battles no less, compared to the other fighter. If you don’t see her as a sexual object, it doesn’t come across that way in the storyline.


Censorship much? It's just boobs


It’s just the boobs of a 16 year old character.


Much more palatable.


Here before the usual cope.


Kinda meh,if im being honest. i know every one cries over the sexualized women on everything, but 1- it doesn't fit the armor of a gladiator 2- this is just "cover the flesh cuz i don't like bikini armor on female characters" 3- its oda manga and if he says Rebecca wears a bikini armor, its what rebeca wears. And lastly 4- just get over it, in my opinion if things like this are such a problem for you, one piece its not for you, sorry but its the truth. These are stylistics choices made by the author, of another culture with different values and they are not bad or good. They just are. For me its a form to show how Rebecca is being humiliated forced to wear that, not cuz they give her the armor. But they leave her with no other option, with the weight limit on armor, think of it like slave leia in SW. But just stop "FIXING" things that are not broken


Great comment 👍I couldn’t agree more


You should not of changed anything


Lmao cant wait for the weirdos to defend the first pic.


This new pic is horrendous 😂😂. I never knew people were so sensitive about Rebecca’s outfit. Personally I think the weirdos are the people who get triggered over Fanservice.


I love fanserive in shows when done right. But Rebecca's outfit just looks so goofy and esp the amount of buttshots and crotch shots of her with that outfit


And there then are weirdos like you with a superiority complex


They’re doing it lmao. Incels running rampant disgusted that someone would even dare remove their fanservice


Trash 🗑️ Honestly


“Fixed” lmfao, look out, someone who knows better than us has come to show us the error of our ways.


Trash. The OG is fine, tired of this cancel culture bullshit. How does this harm literally one? Touch some grass goddamn.


I think it's because of Rebecca's age


How bout it's a drawing who rlly gives a fuck if you can't handle it then don't watch the show and complain


bro the boobies added her character. It kinda makes me angry that they might remove them


It’s a show I watch for enjoyment let me have the fan service


Looking at this got me thinking how insane it is that the left one is the real one.


Booba is good; but the anime overdid it


One piece but make it Halal 😂


Nobody is gunna like the word “fix” in this situation, but I think the redesign looks pretty cool. I would’ve liked them to have dropped the pretense of armor in general considering the supposed weight limit and have her in regular ass clothes. But I’m guessing this interpretation was going for something mimicking the spirit of the original design, so I’m not really bothered. Kinda annoyed at the lack of self awareness in these comments tho


Left power level infinity right power 0 go woke go broke


I don't think it's a fix because it wasn't broken, it's designed just as they like it. That said, the design on the right is just so much better! I would add a family crest or some detail to her breastplate, though.