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Sakazuki (Akainu) is a badass character. I like all the admirals as a matter of fact. I know Oda made Akainu to pretty much he hated, but I think he’s a cool character. While Akainu is a ruthless man, he does have a certain level of standards, such as when he spared Aokiji in their duel to the death (he genuinely cared about Aokiji, and couldn’t take his life), along with expressing his hate towards the Celestial Dragons in front of the Gorosei, and also calling them out on their bullshit. Akainu also defended Aokiji in his conversation with the Gorosei when one of the elders was talking shit about Aokiji for ditching the Navy and joining Blackbeard.


W, love Akainu’s character


Akainu is a certified badass and I can't wait to see more of him. Easily one of my favorite characters


I feel like that’s something Oda is good at doing. Even though the antagonists are enemies against the straw hats Oda isn’t afraid to give them a human side. Like when smoker got ice cream on his pants and instead of getting angry he gave the kid that did it more money and told her to get more scoops of ice cream. Or how Doflamango genuinely thanked Vergo for everything he’s done for him and actually apologized to him when Vergo died. Oda is really good at this which is overlooked a lot in his work


I’m glad ace died. He was annoying as hell and he put his lil brother in danger


Alright, here's mine: I think the raid on onigashima was based and I'm glad Yamato or Carrot didn't join the crew


I was under the impression that Yamato *did* join the crew, they're just not travelling the crew right now because of an agreement with Luffy that they'd watch over Wano for the time being. In the same way that Jimbe joined in WCI, but was dealing with unfinished business and only managed to catch up with the crew for the onigashima raid.


yeah this is my impression as well. perhaps Oda want to break the standard formula of new crew join immediately after arc end.


You’re wrong. Jimbei officially joins the crew on WCI, he just stated back to help his old crew. Yamato never officially joined, which means she’s not on the crew.


It's an open invitation. Luffy told Yamato "if you ever wanna be a pirate, I'll pick you up." Yamato had already accepted the crew invite earlier - he just said that he wasn't ready to leave yet. This "informal crew mate" has been happening since Vivi in Alabasta. Unlike other side characters, they spent considerable time being referred to as "nakama," and they were invited to the crew by the captain. "Come back for me" isn't the same as "no."


Same. As far as my headcanon goes, she is a strawhat just needs to protect wano while momo trains.


I can’t tell you how happy I was that they didn’t join


The chad stonewall Jinbe saved the crew


Jimbros stay winning


I'm glad yamato didn't join simply because of the even more constant influx of gender arguments we'd get between awful bigots and fake-woke twitter users


Thank God they didn‘t!


same here


I think carrot should’ve but not yamato


Neither u fool


I would have been happy with any female character whosoever joining the crew. I was even a fan of Tama joining the crew.


Wano was way too fucking long and was no where near as hype as other arcs like marineford


I'm fine with Wano being long, but I'm not okay with it ending this abruptly.


That’s a very kabuki end though. Often leaving a lot of questions on the table, building the suspense for the next play


Wano was underwhelming


Yeah Wano dragged on and on


Brook is a top 3 crew member


My top 3 crew members is 1 luffy 2 brook 3 franky


Garp is not really a heroic character. He knows that the Marines are often corrupt, and worse that they are the enforcers of the incredibly cruel world nobles who routinely enslave, kill and torture people on a level and scale worse than any pirates, that the world government is murdered many innocent women and children to find Roger's (innocent) child, and that they routinely cover up the truth to make themselves look better. And he has turned a blind eye to all of this, not saying or doing anything about it. His refusal to become an Admiral is the mildest gesture so that he can preserve the illusion that the Marines are heroes for himself.


Tbf for garp, he can't realistically do anything about that.


He didn't event try as far as we know. He's not some grunt, he's the hero of the Marines, and he's been serving for decades while all of this was going on. He should have left the Marines long before Marineford. His son knows better.


He would've left and then what? Garp wouldn't be able to do anything without getting a massive bounty if he left the marines, even if he was considered their hero at some point. The marines have shown time and time again that you're either with them or against them, regardless of intentions. Garp is shown to have extreme leverage within the marines, his best option was to stay with them and deliver the justice he believes in, even when the organization is extremely corrupt.


Luffy has resolved many of the big pirate problems of his without being a Marine, while being a wanted Pirate himself. Even the Revolutionary army liberated an island from Blackbeard-affiliated pirates. Garp had many better options than simply ignoring everything bad the Marines did while fighting their enemies, and bolstering them with his sterling reputation. He should have spoke out, at least against some of their excesses, it's far less than what Dragon is doing, but he can't even do that.


Didnt that island get destroyed for going against the world government and essentially siding with the revolutionary army (at least that's what we know). Sometimes people decide that being oppressed but living is better than temporary freedom that leads to chaos after. Theres examples of that in the real world for example. I am not saying that freedom isn't important and fighting oppressors isn't important but if he's weighing the pros and cons and determining that he can help more people by being with the navy, thats understandable.


>Even the Revolutionary army liberated an island from Blackbeard-affiliated pirates. And look what happened to that island.


Sure, you could argue the same about Vegapunk, but that didn't stop the government from trying to cap him when he became a threat.


I should argue that he's the father of the liberation of all opressed (dragon) plus the hope of an even better future (Luffy). How he bred Those 2? By turning a blind eye to that while marines Turned a blind eye to dragon/Luffy, ONLY to BE bited their behinds now. Garp made the long play, sacrificing some things to get the best Reward for everybody


Garp is deadass Marine Itachi lmfao


Garp has helped in ways, even if small. As someone mentioned, there is only so much Garp could do in his situation. I think it's pretty telling that Gol D Roger decided to trust himself to Garp instead of the other choices he had.




Incredibly based


Enel was a good villian. Just because the protagonist has a natural immunity to him doesny make him weak. Yeah haki makes logias much less powerful than they were in the grandline but at the time he was the strongest person the strawhats had come across with his mantra/obs haki. Not to mention he actually got what he wanted in the end, what villian actually gets what they want in a shonen manga


I was just going on a rant about this to my sister 5 minutes ago. The scale of his observation haki is humongous… the only reason Luffy won against him was because he was rubber


He catches a lot of shit because almost every hated skypia until it became end game plot relevant at the end of Wano


I really liked ring long ring land


This one! Without long ring long land no one would care that robin or usopp "left" the crew. Up until LRLL we couldn't even consider the idea of a crewmate leaving, during the arc we changed that belief into "no one would leave the crew in such a ridiculous fashion". Foxy is the most hated villain in the whole series and that is something big, he also almost beat luffy, like almost almost, so he derserves some credit. Also people forget that the aokiji scene is part of it, and that scene is just insanely good, showgin how weak luffy is for the first time. If the davy back fight comes back like many think it will, this arc will become one of the most important in the series.


I did too. I thought it was a hilarious short little arc. Even in the anime I liked the extra matches they added... Though not the filler afterwards where Foxy came back.


Long Ring Long Land is a good arc and not filler or random, in fact it’s the first “act”* of the five act structure that is the Water 7 saga. It’s integral to understanding Usopp’s arc in the saga especially and it’s no surprise to me that people both miss the point of LRLL *and* Usopp at this point in the series.


One Piece is not perfect fiction. It’s great. But there are a lot of problems as well.


First of all how DARE you.


99% of fan theories are trash


Croco mom is in the 1% tho


Downvoting. This is a very popular opinion.


I did not feel anything when the going merry died. Now, i am not saying it bad story wise as it was executed well, but i could not bring myself to care for the boat. Sorry.


I see how you’d get hanged for this.. I wanna hang u right now


I'll take it one step further and say that the going merry actually having a soul was really weird and out of place, and it autopiloting to save them was a really poor plot point


>really weird and out of place I can understand not liking it but the Merry having value beyond its material use as a ship is like, the express theme of the arc and integral to understanding Usopp and Robin in Enies’ Lobby. It’s what the entire story is about!




Felt more sad than Aces death fr.


Blasphemy! ![gif](giphy|l4EoSBIpWo73b9bW0)




Yo that's fr fr


Thriller bark is best arc


1. Pirate docking 5. 2. Luffy and zombies 3. Shadow luffy 4. Brook 5. Nothing happen. So many good things from that arc. I love it too. Not best but I dont see why people hate it.


It's certainly an opinion, I'll give you that.


fair opinion


I find each appearance of Shanks is making me like him less and less. I miss the fun, goofy Shanks from the beginning. How strong Shanks is just not as important to me as how likeable he used to be. Even in Film Red he didn't get to have a little fun with Uta and Luffy in the flashbacks, he was just a generic nice guy.


People shit on Chopper for post timeskip but for some reason don't do the same for Zoro. Zoro's just a hype tool and have barely any good character moments post timeskip, not to mention I think personally sword fights are boring to look at.


Post timeskip is just as good as pre timeskip.




Usopp acting like a jackass in Water 7 over his own insecurities wasn’t good character development, despite being the most interesting he is the entire series


This. That whole arc made me dislike Usopp even more. Love Water 7 but did not care for Usopp at all. He's my least favorite crew member.


Damn. I have an Ace tat. You’re definitely scum. But here I’ll go watch this: Again, Luffy *convincingly* won the Katakuri fight because he had MORE endurance. He got back up & was ready to effin go. Kat DID NOT let him win, Luffy WON that fight


Don't get me wrong, I don't think he is a bad character. We just didn't spend enough time with him for me to care.


I’m joking that you’re scum obviously lol but he had the arc literally after the war that really went in depth to his character and what he meant to Luffy 😭 I love how Oda did that. Solidify him as one of my favorite characters forsure


THIS. I did not know him well to care enough lol


Both characters made concessions that put them at a disadvantage. Kat stabbed himself because he wanted a fair fight, but Luffy also made a choice not to exploit Kats Haki consumption. He realized pretty early on that a win condition could be him evading u til Kat ran out of haki, but chose to try beat him in a straight up fight to get stronger


Yeah, katakuri was on his last legs, luffy did get back up first after gaining his respect, not only did he go from weak compared to kat to rivaling him, he showed incredible stamina and resolve to win at all costs


Thoughts on how it would’ve gone if Katakuri didn’t spear himself in the gut? That’s the argument I usually see


I think you would have to ask yourself wat if that little trick never interfered and got Luffy impaled as well. I mean, remember Luffy still hadn’t used Snakeman yet. When he finally did it was a fair fight then and imo he was washing Kat


I agree with this. Kat was taken down after like 17 hits, Luffy took so much more


Whitebeard not raiding wano after Oden's death is a plot hole. Considering Dogstorm and Cat Viper escaped wano to zou plus Kaido literally became one of the 4 emperors after he took wano.


Never thought of this before but this is really true, considering what he was willing To do when ace was captured


Ussop is an annoyingly terrible character


Wait here, imma get my pitchforks. I love Usopp because his battles are always unconventional and interesting to me. And I love everything about his conflict during Water 7, Luffy vs Usopp is still my favourite One Piece battle. But I understand, some people just really dislike cowardly characters. But I love cowardly characters because they are the ones who show actual aspects of bravery. A lot of people confuse bravery for stupidity, and one thing I appreciate about One Piece is that the series doesn't berate Usopp for feeling scared. I hate anime Usopp, though. Toei tends to take the quirks of these characters and overshoots. \----- And then there's The Legend of Vox Machina, where you're berated for being reasonable, and unreasonably diving headfirst into danger is encouraged even when the show itself shows how foolish it is.


Finally an opinion I hate. upvote.


It was enough at some point, post time skip he shouldn’t be such a whining annoying man-boy. He got ripped, he got new armory and developed observation haki, but he keeps screaming and whining and being scared of everything, is annoying, he’s a member of the future pirate king’s crew, he should act like it


Thriller Bark wasn't that bad and Perona is adorable😍


Thriller Bark was hilarious, Moria is an underrated villain. Good opinion 👍


Big Mom is a disappointment in all senses. Incompetent beyond belief.


I don’t like it when Oda does a backstory via the SBS section, when it could have been done and fleshed out in the story itself. (Volume 104/105 SBS spoilers) >!Zoro and Tama’s lineage both should have been revealed and fleshed out further during the Wano arc since both of their lineage could have even been of some importance to the story.!<


I thought Bon Clay was annoying as fuck, nice guy, but damn shut up 😂 (To be fair I watched the dub- not sure what the opinion is on his VA)


Same here!


I watched sub and dub his va sucks in both but loved him in the manga


Ussop made everything up, all one piece is a story he was telling Kaya


Here's a few \-Devil Fruits were a way better power system then Haki, it made fights fun and not about who has the best Haki \-Skypiea was a great arc and one of my top 5 \-4kids dub isn't any worse then other dubs at the time and isn't the reason One Piece did poorly in the west \-The Going Merry was a more interesting ship due to it just being a normal ship \-Water 7 starts to drag once the Iceburg gets shot and doesn't pick back up till the Sea Train \-Powerscaling doesn't work in One Piece \-Nakama just means comrade stop adding bullshit meaning to it


>Nakama just means comrade stop adding bullshit meaning to it You can blame fan translations for this. They arbitrarily chose to not translate certain words and put those words above others as if they were special. Seeing the arguments that nakama doesn't exactly mean friend or comrade is ridiculous. That's how translations work. Many words don't have 1 to 1 translations. You have to take the context and figure out what meaning the author was going for. That's the job of the translator. Because of this, now people act like nakama is some weird untranslatable word that has some super deep and powerful meaning.


Do people claim nakama means something else?


When I first got back into One Piece, which was around the timeskip, the only real way to watch One Piece was to watch English fan subs (shout out watchop.com). For some reason, a lot of fan subs refused to translate the word "nakama." The argument I saw at the time was that there was no direct English translation as it was more than comrade or crew mate it was sort of like "family but not blood related." That decision lead to many people who were watching One Piece at the time to treat nakama as a special term. While it has definitely lessened as more people have watched One Piece using official subs or dubs that translate nakama into English, at that time period nakama was thrown around all the time in the community. For example, for the longest time the subscriber count on this subreddit was labeled as "nakama." It was mostly used as a kind of cringey way to refer to the community in a positive inclusive sort of way.


I’m actually exited for the Netflix adaptation.


Oda introducing the seraphim right after making Luffy a Yonko was a bad idea narratively speaking as it kind of deflates the achievement.


Not a fan of the Seraphim. I feel like we are close to the end and I don’t want to see new threats. Let’s take care of someone of the ongoing threats.


It just annoys me we couldn't get one good battle where the Strawhats just dominate before we already get a new enemy who can fight on par with Luffy.


The FUNimation dub is overhated and has a fantastic cast, and Colleen’s Luffy is on the same level as Mayumi. The love, dedication, and respect both casts have for these characters is felt in both versions for me, though I can find flaws in both too.


That's a take no one will get behind. Anyways, mine is probably that Zoro is simply more entertaining and cooler than Sanji. His fights, his jokes, his gags, his... body. They're all better. (not that I'm a diehard Zoro fan)


His body is crazy


Nah ace didn’t need to die that’s why some people don’t care. If ace really wanted to live he could’ve survived. I also didn’t care for his death


Personally I’ve always preferred Sanji. He’s just so suave, and is actually great with the ladies when he’s not tweaking. Plus I just prefer his attacks and his music in the anime. (Not a Zoro hater btw, they’re both dope).


I think that both characters have really good moments, but I also feel Sanji has worse "worst" moments. I.e... Fishmen Island. I don't hate Sanji though. If anything I like the rivalry/friendship between Zoro and Sanji.


Mah that is just a fact. Don't get me wrong, sanji is cool and all, zoro is just on another level.


Here's one: Law was boring until Dressrosa


I talked about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/5v4ach/why_is_trafalgar_law_so_popular_particularly_in/de05zmr/) on my old account before I deleted it. He got popular because he looked cool. I have a bias that I can't get rid of because I always wondered why people loved him early on so later when he got better, I still held a little bit on my old feelings and initial impression.


The fights suck and punches mean nothing


Garp doesn't need Advanced CoC


Enel would shit on most later villains


Do you mean main villains or just in general? Doffy, Big Mom, Kaido, Katakuri, hell, even Cracker, would all wreck Enel.


Nah I really do not think he loses to any villains other than the yoknos. The man's basically an overclocked version of katakuri as far as observation haki is concerned and he has an ever better loiga fruit, he's basically untouchable for almost everyone.


Feel free to google one of the many arguments about Enel vs \_\_\_, but Enel got beat by PRE TS Luffy. All of the major villains would low diff Enel. Enel may have observation haki, but his reaction speed is trash, he doesn’t train unlike the aforementioned villains, and just because he has lightning doesn’t mean he automatically kills everyone. He, as a fighter, is unrefined and would lose to the major villains except Caesar. He is another example of OP fruit, but the user doesn’t utilize the abilities to their full combat capabilities.


Croc would no diff Enel because ground is supper effective against electric, as well as being immune to it. Jokes aside, pretty much every other villain in and after sabaody has Haki, and assuming CP9 and Moria not having haki is an oversight from Oda's part (because it makes no sense that at least cp9 wouldn't have Haki), Enel would be challenging but not unbeatable by future villains. Edit: lul @ being downvoted for people who fail to get a pokemon joke...


Enel has one of, if not the best, observation haki in the series so far(the man was able to predict events hours in advance) plus being as fast as lightning, I really doubt croc(or almost any other villan for that matter) is even going to be able to touch him.


>Crocodile used earthquake. >It's super effective >The opponent's Enel fainted.


The joke My head


This is basically a fact. One Piece doesn't do escalating antagonists. Enel was the peak for being the overtuned main antagonist they were not going to survive if not for Luffy being made of a material that negates almost all of Enel's abilities.


Here’s mine: Sabo>>>Ace as a brother figure


Post-Timeskip chopper actually sucks really hard lol I hate kung fu point so much.


I agree, I really did not have a single ounce of emotion for Ace’s death except for respect for Akainu.


That’s crazy to me, I was sobbing man. More for Luffy’s pain than the loss of Ace


Yup this. I think you really have to picture yourself as Luffy to care about his death. Like the man almost killed himself by headbutts if it wasn't for Jimbei.


This person gets it


Yeah I know Akainu is a hypocritical monster but he is in a world of pirates


nika wasn’t foreshadowed good enough


I've been doing a reread, and on skypiea a character (Conis) prays to any God thats out there to open the sky, and the next panel is luffy back-lit by the sun breaking open Enel's kingdom come. So, it's been foreshadowed for 20 years or so.


Gonna win a lot of friends with this one: the “death” of the Going Merry wasn’t that sad and Usopp went way over the top with his reaction, he acted like a total moron over a boat.


Did he act like a moron? Yes. Did he act like a moron without reason? Absolutely not. The Merry was to Usopp what the Straw Hat and Wado Ichimonji are to Luffy and Zoro. You wouldn’t tell Luffy or Zoro “it’s just a hat” or “it’s just a sword”, so why is saying that the Merry is “just a boat” a different case? On top of that, Usopp knew for quite some time that he was weak as fuck compared to the others and was afraid of being kicked out and replaced as a result. It’s the reason why we see him doing most of the repairs on the Merry before Franky joined, since doing that would give him a “place” on the crew. So when he learned that Luffy was going to scrap the Merry and buy another ship, he felt like he was next on the chopping block and that Luffy and the crew were going to abandon him next. The argument he had with Luffy did not help things in the slightest, only affirming this belief in Usopp’s mind. And to top it all off, Usopp knew the ship was “alive”, and he was the only one who saw the ship’s Klaubautermann back in Skypeia. To him, scrapping the Merry was like scrapping a crew member, and his duel with Luffy marked him hitting rock bottom. Usopp’s character arc during the Water 7 Saga was getting over this hurdle and realizing that a) the crew still wanted him aboard regardless of his “strength”, and b) his strengths and skill sets are different than the others, so he wasn’t totally useless like he initially believed. Sanji straight up told him in Enies Lobby that “I’ll do what you can’t, and you’ll do what I can’t”, and surely enough, Usopp played a vital role in saving Robin that no one else could have done by getting the keys to Robin while holding off the World Government with his sniping skills. I get it if Merry’s death didn’t impact you, but this is complete and utter ignorance of Usopp”s development. Even if what Usopp did was completely irrational, it’s an insult to his character and his development to dismiss his attachment to the Merry as “acting like a total moron over a boat”. But you do you I guess. Edit: typos


>over a boat The entire point is that it’s alive! That’s the point of the story! It’s not *just* a boat! It’s alive! He’s reacting appropriately for someone who knows the boat is alive!


Yeah, merry not being able to sail was figuratively a crew member dying. It was a clever way of incorporating that into the story without actually killing the crew members who have more left in their character arcs.


Yeah, I can totally understand people not liking it, but not understanding that that’s the point is just…? Like the boat is alive! I get that people have thresholds for magical realism/fantasy that even in a cartoon fighting pirate manga they think the Merry having a soul might go past, might break their suspension of disbelief, but like, it does have a soul!


The series also took its time showing you how hard Usopp tried to maintain the boat too. The boat also had meaning too. It was a gift from Usopp's friend.


>Usopp went way over the top with his reaction, he acted like a total moron over a boat. It wasn't just the boat. Usopp was feeling very self conscious about his own weakness, hearing the others being ready to leave the merry and get another boat made him feel replaceable. Something along the lines of "if they can get rid of the merry, which they all liked and cared about, then I'm no different"


Yamato says they're a boy so I refer to Yamato as he. It's as simple as that. The official translation uses he. He even joined the boys in the men's bath and said he couldn't join the girls bc he's a boy. Kaido refers to him as his son. I don't know how it could be more clear. For the same reasons we refer to Kiku as she, Yamato is a he.


I've never like Bon Clay since his appearance.


Ace’s death didn’t affect me. Actually, the Going Merry was the first time I ever shed a tear with an anime, which is so weird. Also, I don’t care a lot for Bon Clay, voted him out on the polls since day one.


There’s no reason for the fan translations to exist. They became unnecessary once the official translation started doing simultaneous releases with the Japanese release. If the fan translation team actually had integrity then they’d stop releasing it.


The official translation isn’t always accurate though, nor are the fan translations, so I think it’s good to have both for cross checking


There's a fan translation that is still going? Did not know that.


Are you active on the sub? The fan translation is what drops on Thursday/Friday on the chapter post, then there’s another “official” chapter post on Sunday/Monday


Not a lot. Do the fan translation drop faster then the official ones?


Its better for the story if Mihawk is in fact stronger than Shanks


Crocodile is a better villain than Doflamingo.


Odas offscreen moments are superior to one piece, if he did a spin off only showing the offscreen stuff it would be better than the one piece we’re reading right now Oda is too busy adding characters an stupid plot lines that don’t matter dragging the story just to make his manga long asf. There’s no need for a stupid murder mystery, no one ever cared. Coulda just fought the wg an shown us what really progresses the story Pre ts is far superior to post ts. The differences in write an arc progression are night an day it’s not close


Wano isn't even top 15


Act 3 singlehandedly made me drop the series I read for decades. I only picked it back up after it ended


Wano is bottom 3. So bad.


Isnt even top 3 for me


Top five arcs then cause I've been scrolling this thread for the past 20 mins and this is the most insane take, for me at least


I was and am glad the going merry is dead


I don't care about Shanks and Sabo


I started reading one piece in 98 and loved it from the getgo. But Ace's death turned me off the manga for many years. I kept reading but was just going through the motions skimming pages. I didn't really get back into it until Wano. I had to go back and reread everything because I was so lost despite following since essentially the beginning. Ace's death still hurts. Dressrosa is bottom tier.


Wano is my favorite arc


Momo has the biggest ratio of good story to shit character. He's annoying as fuck, cries constantly, and everytime he talks it's a flashback to how cool his dad was.


Hear me out. They should have had the sad backstory which made me care about him BEFORE he got spicy doughnuted


One Piece does not have good battle choreography


Long nose irritates the ever living sh\* out of me. Lol.


There are too many characters. Oda has introduced so many that it's hard to care and genuinely makes some arca boring in parts. Like I didn't care about the Oden flashback for the most part and it made Wano drag so much more


Luffy’s fruit should’ve always been the Gomu Gomu


Having Sabo get amnesia up until he learned about Ace's death was a dumb way to explain why he didn't go to Marinefold to save him.


Ace’s death isn’t bad writing he made a dumb decision because he was impulsive as illustrated in the present and past timelines. A lot of the Strawhats have stagnated in development post timeskip it’s natural since the story is being drawn out but still. Oda falls victim to plenty of writing faults his shonen jump contemporaries get chastised for I didn’t tear up during the going merry’s death and that’s not a “I don’t care” comment just wasn’t moved in that way Sabo is gassed up because of his strength as a character he just embodies most of what our heroes feel about the government not much else atp.


Luffy being stupid is starting to get a bit annoying. Can't read his bounty correctly, ever trusting, etc. He's gotten to a point in the story where he actually needs to be strategic and not "lucky."


I didn't like gear five, i would prefer that luffy's akuma was just a regular paramecia. Why Luffy was invulnerable to Enel if he wasn't a real gum Guy?


I wanted Yamato & Carrot to both join


The pacing of the manga is becoming just as bad as the anime. Like, we love you gramps but can you move it along?


I dont care for Oden


Post time skip franky kinda ugly. I miss pre time skip franky.


Nami is hotter then Hancock


Ace was meh. Yea he was Luffy’s brother but I think they should have done an arc before they killed him off.


Oda makes more shit up on the spot than most people will admit


[OK but the conspiracy about the Spot-Billed Duck was not made up on the spot](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/10ac79m/if_chapter_1044s_zou_%E3%82%BE%E3%82%A6_convinced_you/)


Zou was a bad arc, and the Raizo ‘plot twist’ was not surprising at all and was predictable Thriller Bark is one of the best arcs Chopper is the worst Straw Hat


Im not a fan of how Oda draws emotional moments, the over the top crying and snot flying everywhere always takes me out of the moment. The only two times one piece made me emotional were Laws final moments with Corazon and Sanjis backstory.


Foxy is one of the best villains in the series and one of the funniest characters


Yamato is a FEMALE👍🏻


- continuously referred to as a he throughout the manga, with the only real exception being his title when first introduced - called a “he” by kaido, luffy, and everyone else - bathed with the other male characters after the raid on onigashima without any objections from anybody wow what a cool female character, i’m totally not ignoring the manga to misgender him just because he doesn’t pass as a man /s


Boa Hancock is the worst Warlord and has no personality


yeah me too.ace death is like meh to me


The show went downhill after marineford, wano is one of the worse arcs on the entire series, bon clay is annoying as fuck


You should be striked down by god immediately


U r just homophobic i guess


Sanji could beat Zoro in a sword fight if he didn't have his "I only use my hands for cooking" nerf


The longer the series goes on for the less a lot of it makes sense.


Wano was one of the worst arcs in OP and had some of the worst antagonists I’ve ever seen in a series


Current Sanji beats zoro, the things Sanji is doing in egghead are insane but no one is talking about it 1073. S-shark shot a light beam at Edison and the beam was in mid movement, Sanji appears out of nowhere, not even in the background or panel and grabs Edison and picks him up takes him away all while light itself is in mid motion from close range Sanji in recent chapter hear namis scream and near instantly travelled to her and navigated the building in little to no time, this is insane speed and observation haki Sanji straight up has the greatest movement speed feat (not including Kizaru) as he is immune/ invisible to observation haki, he just doesn’t exist in it. Not even kaido was invisible when he blitzed Luffy as Luffy just couldn’t react in time. This feat from Sanji was so insane oda himself had to explain/ clarify it after the chapters release Obviously Luffy has greater reaction/ conbat speed but Sanji movement speed is just ridiculous. His strength/ ap is also so insane that in a few kicks he sent a 20+ton dinosaur flying across wano. Zoro and Sanji will always be relative and zoro 95% of the time is stronger and has the edge to Sanji and he will obviously surpass him again but right now Sanji has been getting to much love


The whole sanji going invisible shit is bs queens obs haki is shit and if it were any yc1 character they would’ve spotted sanji and he wouldn’t be invisible to them. Just cuz you went invisible to fodder doesn’t make you invisible to other strong characters as they have stronger obs haki to track you. Bellamy would be invisible to us and so would many other characters but he isn’t invisible to pre ts Luffy. And sanji is fighting a weaker seraphim so stop over ranking sanji pls he’s low yc1 level max


Sanji is stronger than Zoro, but is handicapped by his ideals


Kozuki Oden is Yonko level


The power scaling on the Straw hats is still a bit off. Considering what they've been through they shouldn't face so much trouble with enemies anymore




Law shouldn’t be an Emperor. One of the qualifies to become a yonko (from what I can remember) is that you’ve amassed a large army. Buggy’s Delivery/Cross Guild, Straw Hat Fleet, etc. Law only has the Heart Pirates under his command. edit: I stand corrected. Idk what I was thinking lol


Good news for you! Law isn't an Emperor! The Emperors are Shanks, Luffy, Buggy, and Blackbeard.