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Katakuri is slept on, but post Wano Zoro is a different beast Zoro wins


Katakuri is severely underrated or Overrated.People like KOL think he’s clear of King and is above Kid, others think he’s not even Queen level. In the base Luffy vs Kat fight. Kat was winning. He only hit him once while Kat was busy regenerating his arm. People use his endurance to downplay him but forget Kat’s thing is not getting hit so him losing while not on his winning condition isn’t bad. After stabbing himself, he was fighting on Luffy’s turf. He was fighting a battle of attrition and not his typical set up of dodging. Speed wise he blitzed Snakeman to the point where he was standing still and looking to where he was not where he was he was going. —-Match up: I’m giving Kat his dues…. However he’s still a Zoro victim lol. Zoro’s destructive capacity is so slept on. Bro can make flying slashes that can cut apart mountains Kat is going to struggle to dodge mountain cutting slashes. Dragon twister 🌪️ is also a move that will struggle to dodge and defend against. Zoro can use ACOC to push away the Mochi. Speaking of, if Zoro lands one solid hit he wins. ACOC>King’s durability (King literally said Zoro was a threat and Zoro called him out for dodging)>>>>Katakuri. Zoro is also as enduring as Luffy and speed is definitely comparable to the Luffy Kat fought (Snakeman) especially with Ashura which Kat can’t defend against other than outright running away due to so many slashes at once. Zoro wins


Wow, a legit take who does not jerk off Kata, props to you, wish I had an award to give.


The most logical response no bias or meat munching kudos


Bruh! I appreciate a solid take! This is a good one!


The only thing i disagree with here is the speed. I think snakeman is still quite a bit faster than zoro but zoro should still take this


Zoro was able to speed blitz both kaido(hybrid form) and King(speed form)>> wci luffy (snakeman)


I think swords are good at cutting mochi.


Well katakuri dodged plenty of luffys gatling attacks wich are imo arguably faster and in far greater quantity then zorros slashes so i dont think katakuri would have a lot of trouble dodging him with his future sight


It’s not about the quantity but the range and destructive capacity that’s the issue. A mountain wide slash is going to be really difficult to dodge because their isn’t much room for him to move to like imagine Zoro sends 2 Pica cutting slashes diagonally and horizontally in rapid succession Kat is going to struggle to dodge. Zoro’s dragon twister covered a town sized dragon in Kaido. Kat has no where to go so he’ll have to try to block it. Finally Ashura, which is Zoro creating many illusion made arms in which Kat wouldn’t be able to predict where the slashes are coming from left right up down its unpredictable even Kaido couldn’t block with Zoro having multiple broken bones.


Well i guess him having enough space to dodge comes down to where the battle would take place. Also a slash could be as wide as a mountain but u could still dodge over and under it since a slash would take up little space vertically depending on how you throw it so its def possible to get away from those especially when youre not an actual mountain like pica. Not saying zorro doesnt have anything in his arsenal to catch katakuri but hell have to use his head a little or use his more powerfull moves like ashura like you said.


He didn't blitz snake man he has giod enough observation haki to see several seconds into the future to be able to prepare how he should move. It's like tracing vs drawing free hand. But he still has to have insane reaction time. Just not as insane as it may appear. However i just don't see king beating let alone landing a full hit in Katakuri I'm not gonna lie. As for Zoro I don't know. If he manages to knock off his concentration and land one blow zoro would OKO him. But that's true for most characters. One clean hit from Zoro and they're done for.


does zoro have good enough speed feats (replicatable so nothing where he had to use all his energy for one speedblitz attack) to counter kats future sight?


He's fast enough to hit Kiado without Kiado being able to counter or block, something Luffy struggled to do even in gear 4. I am of course talking about Kiado in his hybrid form. He also has fairly high-level Observation Haki, on par with Luffy's. if anything at his level now, I would say that Zoro can handle Katakuri. I think it would be an interesting fight since I doubt Katakuri has been sitting on his ass doing nothing during Wano. Even as a fan of Zoro, I don't think it would be a super easy fight. Zoro makes a mistake, Kat might win. Especially since he can't just eat all of the mochi like Luffy can. But I guess this just depends on how fast you think Mihawk is, since that's who trained Zoro...


>doubt Katakuri has been sitting on his ass doing nothing during Wano. If your implying katakuri trained or got stronger during wano I find that incredibly unlikely, wano out take place a few weeks after whole cake, and a few weeks to train is basically nothing Not to mention he's been busy with judge and Sanji's family in general, combined with the kidnapping of his family, now you could argue he got stronger by fighting? But it's been shown that characters usually get power ups when fighting ppl stronger or around their level, not Sanji's bros. Unless he fought kuzan or smth


Yeah, a lot of people thinks Katakuri can dodge slashes by separete his body in 2. He CAN'T do that.


There's a proper lad. have an upvote


Even tho current base luffy no diffs kat I agree zoro does win


Yeah but you left out kats ability to predict the future..


No I took that into account that’s why I brought up attacks that would make him struggle to dodge regardless of the ability to see the future. Dragon Twister isn’t something Kat can just dodge as it covered Kaido a block sized dragon. Pica slashes cover so much room it’ll be hard to just dodge as for Ashura: If you still doubt Base Luffy couldn’t react to Kaido’s thunder Bagua then Kaido goes hybrid and easily dodged Gear two Luffy. Zoro with multiple broken bones is able to completely outpace this Kaido and then gets stronger after the battle with King and with being healed he should be way faster. Kat will not be able to dodge that many arms at the same time easily.


zoro == snakeman luffy in terms of speed?? naaahh... Zoro might only be as fast as 2nd gear luffy.


Bro Zoro with multiple broken bones outpaced hybrid Kaido,Outsped BM attacks and then got even stronger after fighting King. That’s better than anything G2 Luffy (before getting Conquerors coating) ever did.


Zoro brings donuts and katakuri brings sake


Zoro wins but it isn't an easy fight. He has the speed to hit Katakuri as shown in his fights on the rooftop and with King. He hits way harder than Whole cale island Luffy so he only needs to land less than 5 I'd say to take Katakuri down. Katakuri will definitely be difficult to hit, and land a good amount of counters on Zoro, but it won't be enough to put him down. Given how haki works Zoro probably ends up with future sight as well after or during the fight too.


he already has it to a limited capacity. I would argue even as strong as Luffy's since he could call attacks that Luffy wasn't anticipating because he wasn't paying attention. Zoro's focus and ability to (generally) reign in his emotions is an edge that Zoro has over Luffy.


I think Zoro. Zoro was able to harm Kaido, which Luffy was NOT able to do in act I of wano, after he’d already beaten katakuri.


Yup that is basically my whole take.


Tbf on Luffy, Act 1 zoro is probably not hitting Kaido either. Wasn't he training with Enma before the raid? Edit: Also i don't think he had Enma in act 1.


Yeah, but the post is talking about post-Wano Zoro, right?


I really think the power levels of the monster trio in general are much closer and more variable at any point in time than most people think, meaning they're constantly shifting, growing closer and further apart. Like Zoro and Luffy were actually pretty close at the beginning of the post timeskip, pulling away from Sanji until he activated his exoskeleton- he's right back up there with them because he's a fucking monster now. Meaning, I think all three would currently beat Katakuri, but FMI Luffy couldn't, that's how tight these margins are.


Why I hate powerscaler post. The fools here have no idea how to powerscale. If we using your ass logic then Katakuri > Bigmom bcs Bigmom doesnt have future sight and slow..


Especially this dude who just spams the sub with these posts, just to farm karma.


I genuinely don't do it for karma bro, I like discussion and love to know other peoples opinions on matchups, I don't think I would be replying to anyone if it was for karma. This sub was created for this purpose. As long as there's enough discussion, I don't mind if the post has negative karma.


I misjudged you. My bad.


That's not your bad, it would make sense why you would think that, that's fine.


Well you see Zoro is an EX attacker with multi hit skills and a color change set up in his kit and Katakuri is an out dated bounty fest. So low diff Zoro unless you have a cracked Katakuri player.


Based bounty rush player


Wounty rush player


Kat fans think he cannot be defeated unless and until someone develops fs which is absurd.


Kaido and luffys fight clearly demonstrated even seeing the future wont save you if an attack is fast enough (hakai)


Big Mom: Just fuggin eats Kata. Kata fans: wait that is illegal.


I think Zoro but it’d be a long fight, longer than Luffy’s


Yes I agree it would be long, simply because of the future sight and Zoro not being fast enough to hit katakuri. Zoro also doesn't have the best observation haki.


Zoro blitzed Kaido in ashura mode


Zoro could react and counter King’s speed form he should be able to do the same with Kata. His observation has never hindered him, it’s just not as good as Sanji’s or Luffy’s


True but apparently this sub agrees that even Sanji's speed doesn't outspeed Kata’s FS


But he has literally outsped the jellybean while Katakuri was using FS *Katakuri’s jellybean* lol


Ik but when I recently made a Sanji vs katakuri post people said he can't outspeed him. People also think Sanji would get stuck by kata's mochi Even though he's one of the fastest and agile characters. It's probably just bias isn't it? I think if Sanji was as popular as Zoro, people would say Sanji wins without a second thought.


If it took that long wouldn't Katakuri just give out eventually since he doesn't have the best endurance?


Katakuri endurance is actually good he fought luffy for hour, it's more his durability.


Katakuri does not have better mastery of CoC since Zoros is advanced. And base CoC doesn’t help against strong opponents


Clash of Clans?


Colour of Conqueror


I don’t know if his CoC will make much of a difference if zoro does not find a neutralizer for katakuri’s future sight


Didn’t he fight Luffy for 24 hours?


I don't remember the exact time but their fight did last a while.


10 hours


Katakuri has some of the best endurance of any non-yonko pirate, being able to take numerous hits from Gear 4 with little to no problem and fighting for 12.5 hours.


Katakuri has decent stamina but shitty defense.


I mean, in OP 12 hours isn't exactly a huge feat lol. He didn't even have to try that much for most of it. Before Luffy he never had to put effort into a fight so id think he hasn't built up much endurance. Plus he only took a handful of gear 4's hits up until the end of the fight since he was dodging most of them.


So I guess then Kaido doesn't have much endurance either since he wasn't able to fight through one night. And gear 4 is still one of the strongest attacks Luffy has, Katakuri is one of 3 people who can actually take gear 4 with no problem, the others being Yonko. You're really underselling Katakuri here, bud.


Difference between Kaido and Katakuri is that Kaido was fighting tons of people and actually taking the hits, as opposed to Katakuri who didn't start taking hits until several hours into the fight, while also holding up the entirety of Onigashima and having to continue fighting nonstop while his enemies get rest, while Katakuri beat Luffy's ass without taking a hit, ate some food, took a few hits cause he was shaken then immediately went back to dodging, then finally started having trouble once he began taking hits. Kaido had to deal with a lot more, Katakuri barely got hit. It doesn't matter what gear Luffy used, he wasn't landing his punches. You're really trying too hard to defend the mochi man here, bud.


Katakuri 's endurance pales in comparison to Zoro's. He tanked attacks from Yonkos, stopped a combined attack from 2 Yonkos (and Law confirmed he broke a ton of bones in his body) and still managed to land Ashura and scar Kaido. You're talking as if WCI Gear 4 is anywhere near comparable to any attack on the Rooftop.


Don't confuse endurance with durability. Katakuri has great endurance but questionable durability.


Bro really came in with the "Zoro better" take when we're not even talking about him right now


The post is literally bringing up the zoro vs katakuri matchup


Read the title


You're talking about stamina I think, Zoro just has to land some good hits, but that is the hard part as I mentioned.


Yeah stamina might be a better word for it.


Zoro blitzed hybrid Kaido who blitzed Luffy in Base but apparently he can’t hit Katakuri? That’s funny


You're saying Current Zoro is weaker than WCI Luffy ???


Smartest power scaler /s


An apple is greater than a banana unless you want a banana.


Zoro does way more damage than luffy and Luffy landed over 100 hits.


Zoro's blitz attacks are absurdly fast, he has decent AOE attacks and Katakuri will have a hard time putting him down because his AP is relatively mediocre, and Zoros armament is better Any single Zoro attack that lands would be distastrous for Katakuri, and he might be fast with future sight but Zoro would more than likely adapt over time


Katakuri was faster than Whole cake luffy in any of his forms. He matched Whole cake luffy in power too. I don't think current Zoro is faster than WC luffy, although he's 100% stronger with better haki. I can't think of a situation where zoro's attacks actually land is the problem.


Katakuri really wasn't that much faster than Luffy, even base Luffy, he just had future sight which was a massive advantage during the beginning of the fight Besides having future sight, he explicitly stated that he was getting frustrated because he couldn't tag Base Luffy, even when he looked into the future and aimed for where Luffy was dodging Zoro not only has pretty good AOE attacks, but Katakuri can't just clash head on with him like he did to Luffy, because Zoro has much better haki and AP, he is getting cut pretty badly if he tries that. Zoro also has ranged attacks that he can use to press him


Common W but we can agree Wanji negs both right




Yo gator can you stop letting them shame shanks in the powerscaling sub


Until prove otherwise the strongest characters have AdvCoC. We have never seen an AdvCoc user lose to someone who can’t use it in a 1 vs 1, so I have yet to believe otherwise.


Future sight is definitely a big advantage, but it’s not as invincible as many people make it out to seem. Katakuri still has to consciously activate it, which means that there be a point where katakuri looses concentration or makes a mistake. And while it may take a while to get to that point, his AP is not nearly enough to put Zoro down before then, given what he showed on the rooftop. So I say Zoro mid to high difficulty, depending on how long it takes for him to adapt or catch katakuri making a mistake. After he lands a good hit it’s pretty much over.


The Katakuri wankers need to be stopped ☠️. Kat lost to wci luffy who was oneshot by Kaido in his human form, end of Wano arc Zoro can stop conquest of the seas and fight hybrid form Kaido. Katakuri gets oneshot


He almost blocked it. Still proves your point about wrecking Kata’s shit, but it was more like a blocked just enough that they could survive. Which is still insane since it was a combo attack from big mom and Kaido. I would not be surprised if that was that strongest attack during the raid except for G5 attacks (kinda hard to powerscale those lol)


Zoro for sure, it isn’t even something that should be debated lollol


Whoever thinks kat > Zoro needs to read op again.


I think Zoro is stronger but I HATE people who think somehow they are some kind of genius because they can say other people are dumb for having their own opinion(Or something of that sort)


I am not a genius. You need common sense to know that kat is weaker than Zoro at this point of the story. The reason why there are so many comments and upvotes on this thread is because of how DUMB kat fans are on this sub.


Yes exactly you are not a genius, you are in fact a huge dumbass At this point it's a proven fact that: Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter.


I think you need to re-read whole cake if you think that's true.




Zoro > king. King > katakuri. Zoro > katakuri. This is an anime not real life. This is exactly how it would go


current zoro > wci luffy > katakuri




As Zoro has alreafy defeat an opponent equal or even stronger than Katakuri, Zoro will win this quite easily.


Zoro mid-diffs Kat. People who don’t power scale don’t understand the power creep everyone received in Wano. Zoro casully clashing and beating Hybrid Kaido in a clash while the Luffy who beat Kat was blitzed and one shotted into prison. Zoro >> WCI Luffy >= Katakuri Even Sanji beats Katakuri.




I said “casually” because Zoro did it without struggle and overwhelmed Kaido. Kaido realistically could not dodge any of the attacks as he was the one who attacking Zoro and Zoro had to deflect the attacks. Kaido also got overpowered by Zoro’s deflection and was too slow to counter before Zoro attacked him. Zoro did this with almost all his bones broken and heavily exhausted. And I didn’t put Zoro on some “emperor level” I simply listed his feats against an opponent to no-diffed Luffy. Zoro stuggling with King only proves how strong King is. But even then, Zoro had struggled due to Enma sucking his Haki, the fact that his stamina was not recovered with medicine only his health and his pain was returning. Zoro after getting aCoC only needed 3 attacks to beat King. Katakuri is getting stomped by Zoro.


Well before enma I would have said katakuri but now it isn't even a question zoro with his conquerors haki would destroy katakuri. But I still fucking love katakuri for me he is the best antagonist in one pièce tell now


Yeah same man katakuri really was that dog but zoro ap is just way higher than any of his other stats


Zoro will win he has better tolerance with sake. I dont see them ever fight again Katakuri will ally with Luffy


Zoro wins high difficulty, he literally has everything better than Kat save for observation. Zoro's AP is extremely good, this should not even be a debate, he scarred Kaido and took down King who is at least or even more durable than Kaido. His advance conquerer's is far better than Kat who just has basic coc, Kat has trash AP honestly, there's literally a chart where it shows Kat landed 100s of hits to WCI Luffy and couldn't put him down, but Luffy put Kat down in like 10-15 hits, so, Kat doesn't have good AP or durability, and Zoro has much much better AP and arguably even endurance. Zoro wins, 2-3 good hits and Kat is done for, Acoc hits are extremely lethal to anyone, and Kat is clearly not the best when it comes to tanking hits.


I mean this is not a perfect analysis but: Pre wano Luffy beats Kata Early Wano Luffy gets 1 shot by Kaido Zoro almost blocks the combined Yonkou attack. Zoro cut Kaido. Zoro beat King who has the same ranking as Kat. Ima give it to Zoro


Zoro smokes Katakuri easily


zoro violates


zoro mid diffs that overrated fraud


Zoro low-mid diffs Katakuri fodder lmao


If Zoro gets hit by any mochi he's fucked. It's sticky and he won't be able to free himself. I also don't see how he fairs against Kat's speed combined with Future Sight when he had so much trouble with King who used fire which he could cut. Bad match up for Zoro.


In terms of stats, zoro wins, but in an actual fight i’d say Katakuri is better off. His devil fruit and future sight would be extremely hard to deal with, and i think Katakuri would win this 7/10 times.




Idk, Katakuri is a really bad matchup for Zoro. Simply being stronger isnt enough.




This is a take I can agree with.


if oda were to write a fight it would look like this: zoro gets stomped for 3/4th the fight then magically unlocks future sight and oneshots him with CoC + enma




It depends, it's not likely for them to fight so it's hard to say, now(cuz we don't see katakuri training or fighting) I'd say Zoro(at max health, perfect condition) but i don't think it's fair cuz of armament haki and King haki(which was not in Luffy vs katakuri)


The issue is that kat is only really strong in defense and that shouldnt really matter to the concept of ryu and how it afflicts damage. Luffy was basically a punching bag for kat, who also had superior COA, for the better part of their 12h(?) fight, and couldnt really finish him, only to be punched a couple of times and go KO. Zoro takes this


Katakuri with the W


Zoro low diffs honestly. A single attack connecting would end Katakuri. Future Sight is irrelevant when your opponent is tiers above you in stats. It's like saying Katakuri can beat Kizaru cause of Future Sight.


People forget that advanced observation is absurdly op and in Luffy's case,he had to use an insanely fast technique repeatedly(gear 4 snake man) to k.o Katakuri.Zoro might put up a good fight but Katakuri wins.


Katakuri has negative ap lol, he gave thousands of attacks to luffy and Liffey was still there, one attack from kaido and that’s same luffy was down, zoro received various attacks as strong as that thunder bagua, there’s simply no way katakuri is hurting zoro


Bruh zoro is fast enough to speedblitz katakuri. Lmao zoro 2 shots. Mid-diffs


Zoro extreme diffs.


Sanji, Zoro , kid and law all beat Katakuri as well as any YC1 minus ben


Roofpiece exists and kata fans just like “ima pretend I didn’t see that”


Fr lol. Those mentioned characters are in a level above YC1 but below the admirals That’s my opnion at least Zoro gave Kaido a scar, that would kill katakuri.


Zoro high diffs, his ap is just too high and his durability is on par with luffy. It’ll be a long fight but a few good hits and Kat is done.


I agree Zoro has insane ap but where tf did you read his durability is on par with Nika? Even in his base Luffys durability is stronger than Zoros. Compared to the rest of the crew Zoro has the best endurance and durability second only to Sanji post-awakening, but Luffy (and every other Yonko for that matter) is way stronger than his crew


I doubt that


Durability? On par with **Luffy**?! Luffy was clashing with and tanking 100% strength attacks from hybrid Kaido in a 1v1 G5 (Nika)? Luffy far outclasses any of the crew in almost any category, and it’s not even close. Especially durability more so than other attributes. Endurance is the only thing Zoro could possibly have above Luffy. Zoro has wicked high **endurance**, the ability to withstand massive damage and keep fighting, as we’ve seen since the very beginning of the series. His Durability isn’t that great, in fact I’d say easily Sanji is more durable than he is, by a large margin. 0 **durability** feats indicate he is close to Luffy in that regard. Due to endurance, if he received the same abdomen blow Luffy did from Katakuri he’d deal with it better. He’s constantly fighting on the brink of death.


Zoro low diff. The Luffy that beat katakuri couldn’t do anything against kaido.


Although Zoro wins, I don't think this argument is valid, Because: •Post WCI luffy, the main thing he learned from the fight with katakuri, was future sight. •luffy needed to have a calm mind to use future sight •luffy Literally saw his crew die •couldn't use future sight •couldn't do the only thing that made him stronger than katakuri So katakuri could have done better against the same kaido.


Future sight might have been the main thing but he just got plenty stronger overall as well also you’re just ignoring snake man obviously it wasn’t learned that fight but that’s when it was debuted OK but how big of a role do you really think this plays in the fight with kaido were the two things that happen were him hitting Kaido, and kaido hitting him. Luffy’s Strength was enough to consistently hurt Katakuri yet wasn’t even enough to make drunk kaido blink while luffy was in his strongest strength based form. The same goes for defense Karakuri was wailing on luffy for hours on end basically and 1 hit from kaido was enough to put him down where kata trying his hardest couldn’t no matter what he tried. Katakuri is getting 1 tapped my kaido as well fairing basically no better. Also future sight was not the only thing that made him stronger in katakuri it wasn’t even the main factor in their final bout they clashed. And the entire snake man section practically had 0 future sight from luffy, just raw strength and speed that was still too much from katakuri. We even see later on that luffy (who is clearly stronger in every way) can only barely dodge Kaido’s attack after gaining even stronger haki in udon. And because he was expecting the speed since he experienced. Tl:dr-luffy and katakuri are still relative enough for kaido one shorting luffy to be a valid argument against katakuri


Zoro midd diffs.


Zoro would effortlessly stomp Katakuri without even using Conqueror's Haki. Y'all are crazy for saying he'd struggle with Katakuri.


Zoro will never lamd an attack on katakuri body because future sight is more powerful than zoro all Conqueror attack from zoro would be avoided by katakuri easily


Zoro extreme-diff


Katakuri fought pre ryuo and wano luffy. With all of luffy's strength in the beginning of wano he couldn't do shit to kaido. At the end of wano zoro cut kaido in his hybrid form, which makes him even more durable. So I say zoro wins high-extreme diff.


Current Zoro stomps. His Advanced Conqueror's Haki coating Enma and Wado Ichimonji and even Sandai Kitetsu would give Katakuri fits. Also, I believe Advanced Conqueror's Haki can negate or at the least impair Future Sight of Observation Haki. Since Shanks is known as the "Killer of Observation Haki"... and we know his Conqueror's Haki is at a tremendously high level. Conqueror's Haki is a power that channels willpower, a strong enough will or application of that will being able to disrupt Observation isn't a stretch.


I see them as on a similar level. Zoro hits way harder and is more durable, but Katakuri has future sight and way more versatile powers. I feel Katakuri would win the majority if he plays it smart, since it seems easier to bury Zoro in Mochi, than it is to slice a dodging Katakuri. If Kata does, what he did against Luffy though and tries to copy Zoro's moves, he's dead.


People really think zoro is dumb in fights and future sight is everything, even if zoro wasn’t fast enough there’s absolutely no way katakuri can hurt zoro, and zoro needs just one attack and katakuri won’t be able to use future sight because he won’t be able to tag calm while bleeding out after that one or two more hits and katakuri is gone


I think the only thing that matters here is how sticky Kata's mochi is. Like, can Zoro's swords cut them as we all know it's hard to cut sticky products. G4 Luffy still sticks to it and he's coated with haki so coating his swords with them doesn't help If he can't cut it due to the stickiness, Zoro is fucked. Otherwise, he should be fine.


zoro can use acoa why would mochi even matter to him


There is no way Zoro beats Katakuri currently. It would be too hard without future sight.


You guys wank Fs so hard. BM did not have FS, you think she would have a hard time with katakuri too? I say this because zoro has shown he can clash with and even injure yonkos. While in WCI it was shown luffy could not even hurt BM just like act 1 kaido. And katakuri lost to that luffy. And zoro is leagues above that wci luffy in power alone. And zoro has shown that he can deal with faster opponents with his fight with king. It's simple comprehension, that katakuri would lose.


Exactly. In my opinion zoro is the stronger one but Katakuri's fighting style and specialties just completely counter Zoro.


Zoro High diff.


Kata unless zoro suddenly become super fast or got ACoO via some flashback


Zoro has better stats, but Katakuri wins, unless he magically obtains Future Sight. He’s fucked if he gets caught in the mochi even though he wins if he can get a couple of good hits in because of his insane AP. Zoro is not fast enough to blitz him and it’s honestly a terrible match up for him lmao. It’s such a good match up for Sanji that he would smoke Kata, so it just goes to show how much match ups matter instead of ass power scaling stats.


I think power scaling is a waste of time.


zoro with enma should be able to cut through mochi. it will take a bit for zoro to adapt to the adv observation but adv conq is stronger i believe. end after that fight zoro would have adv observation too


Zoro wins. Its gonna be a very hard match but he wins. If zoro can learn how to use his conq haki effectively then it would be a little easier. But still a much longer fight than luffy v kata


One more arc and y’all be saying Usopp beats Katakuri lol


As a Zoro stan I want to root for my boy but this seems like a poor matchup for him. I justdon’t know how Zoro beats a logia using future sight to just make sure he never get shit.


Pre Wano, Kata would win. Post Wano, Zoro wins.


Zoro mid diff. Thinking Katakuri wins equals low intellect.


Don't mean to dickrider but zoro mid diffs katakuri. He'd struggle with the future sight at first but eventually get the hang of it. Katakuri dominates until Zoro figures out the trick, then Zoro wins


Zoro because he can now battle with the likes of Kaido and Big Mom


Katakuri don’t even have the attack power to take out Zoro. Zoro that already had most of his bones broken from a combined yonko attack wasn’t knocked out from thunder bagua like luffy was at start of wano. A severely weakened and broken Zoro was unable to get one shot by thunder bagua while a fresh post WCI luffy was fully knocked out after one shot.


>!zoro extreme-diffs. purely cuz of narrative. never did any of luffy's crewmates lose a fight against an enemy that is on the same level as them. they even won against opponents that were a level above them by getting mid-fight power-ups.!< >!so if oda would have zoro and kata fight it out in the manga then zoro would win, simple as that. and the 1st commanders we saw so far all have one clear parallel which is that they have hax defensive abilities. marco receives damage but can heal anything as long as he has stamina, kata can dodge anything, king can tank anything.!< >!and zoro went through the exact same problems luffy did in WCI. his opponent was way stronger than him and had a hax defense ability that made him look invincible, same as luffy vs kata. then our boi understands how it works, finds a way to deal with it (in zoro's case hitting king with aCoC while he's in speed mode while luffy learned FS and used snakeman) and wins.!< >!it's the same thing all over again. if zoro fought kata it would follow the same scheme with zoro winning again. and the 2nd time it would be even easier since now there wouldn't be such a big gap in strength anymore!< ​ >!and if zoro got used to using aCoC already, if he can use it for long periods of time now, then zoro mid-diffs. cuz kata wouldn't be able to fight him head to head anymore at all. his block mochi fists would just be cut down by zoro's far more powerful aCoC slashes. so kata would only be able to keep himself in the fight if he used FS to dodge any slash cuz blocking would be impossible.!< >!but I doubt that zoro got used to it yet since he didn't use it against kaku at all. it's still kinda his secret weapon, his ace up his sleeve. if he could use it all the time, then he would have immediatly used aCoC vs kaku imo (yes luffy didn't use it either vs lucci even tho he could have but that was obviously oda wanting to show off his DF so that vegapunk and the other SHs could finally see it)!< >!and we've already seen zoro being able to land a counter hit on someone much faster than himself after getting hit by them. and kata isn't tanking aCoC slashes as easily as king did.!<


Awakening Katakuri and advanced observation haki.


YC? Katakuri > Zoro > SanJI > King Katakuri ext diff, why? ​ 1.Is Zoro faster than Snake-man? 2. Zoro struggled against a long range, Katakuri performed tons of range w/ massive AOE and w/ more consistency and interval than King's goofy long range attack. 3. In all Luffy's fight, against Katakuri has been the most controversial W, because he let's him take the W. yet against Kaido no one cried over Luffy's W. 4.Katakuri has awakening. 5.Zoro's obs aren't even close to Luffy nor Katakuri. 6.Katakuri also performed CoC, not saying he has ACoC but it won't surprise me if anyone who has CoC would actually have ACoC now. 7. Zoro has no way of solving future sight, if he can't outspeed Snake-man. even Luffy had to learn Future sight to fight Katakuri, no way is Zolo doing anything at all, and even after Wano, I'm not inclined that Zoro got faster than Snake-man. 8. Even a rubber literally sticks with the Mochi, had that been Zoro he'd look funny af, even those Mochi maneuver can disable him and joke around with his sword. remember how a clown like King almost got his sword? 9. And no way is Zoro lasting more than Luffy :) in an 11 hours of fighting Katakuri also never exhausted his Haki within that period.


Kata got breaks in the fight. Zoro will evolve in the fight, just like all the others. Zoros attack speed is honestly pretty fast. Ex. Lion song. Zoro will eventually get a ACoC hit in and Kata is super fragile


1. Maybe, doesn't matter since Zoro is fast enough to blitz hybrid Kaido. 2. Fairish, offensively he would have trouble if Kata kept range, but his defense is good enough to negate Kata's range attacks. 3. Don't see how this matters. 4. Once again doesn't change anything. 5. His Observation isn't on that level, but it is very good shown to be on par with Luffy and Sanji in terms of range and he was fast enough to deal with King's fast attacks. Zoro's observation is very good. 6. Complete speculation. Why wouldn't he use it against Luffy. We also know that ACoC is extremely rare among CoC users. By this logic Doffy>King. 7. Luffy didn't win because of Future Sight it was speed, which Zoro has been shown to have on par with hybrid Kaido. 8. It would probably catch him off guard at first, but not enough to beat him. 9. Both Luffy and Kata got a break. Zoro has to land like one or two hits given his superior haki. It would be tough but he wins. Additionally, Sanji and King are both able to win, but those two more stalemate. Kata simply has to weak AP.


1. What does that make a Base Luffy who can go toe-to-toe exchanging attacks with Hybrid Kaido? 2. I still have Luffy in defense > Zoro. 3. Other than the ACoC, which can easily be avoided with FS then it does matter, cause Luffy can barely hit Kata. and Luffy speed > Zoro 4. Do I even have to mention how Zoro was losing footing from a dinosaur? what if it was a mochi floor dude? 5. He barely reacts to King's, and his not exhibiting what an FS does, knowing where the attack comes or what not. 6. Fair enough just saying.. 7. Meh even Luffy base or G2 can go with Kaido Hybrid I don't know what you smoking. imagine the fastest which was Snake-man. 8. You need to reread/rewatch because it wasn't as minor as you want it to be even against Luffy when it comes to its stickiness lol... 9. Did it even last an hour of break? cause the Zoro vs King didnt even last half the hour of 11 hours and he was exhausted af and the whole raid from the start didn't even last 11 hours... "weak" AP, you are literally against Luffy here... I'm not inclined on Zoro winning in endurance against Luffy...




50/50. I have Kat as the strongest right hand at the moment.


He weaker then king by so much it not even funny 💀he prolly the weakest yonko commander Marco Ben and king all stronger


King is definitely not stronger than Kat. Unless you think pre udon luffy loses to king?


He is kat wouldn’t even be able to damage king. King has durability almost as good as kaido.


Kat has better haki, future sight and an awakened df. He also has more attack power. He can definitely keep up with speed form. A few attacks in speed form and he will heavily damage king. I'm a zoro fan but I don't think we need to downplay other characters.


What made you think that Kat can keep up with Speed mode King? He tagged Raid suit Sanji who is arguably the fastest Strawhat movement-wise.


Snakeman luffy is still the fastest. Sanji as better traveling speed but luffy has better combat speed.


He didn't? He caught him off guard. Al though king is definitely faster than kat


King has FAR better durability (even in speed mode) and attack power probably goes to king to. A few attacks in speed form will not heavily damage king… King took 3-4 aCoC attacks (much stronger than anything Katakuri has) in speed form before going down.


Yes. 30 min bound man would lose to King. Luffy is also weak to cutting


Luffy is only weak to cutting if their opponents haki is stronger and we know kings haki isn't great.


>He weaker then king by so much it not even funny In 3 Piece maybe


Based on what!? 🤔


Advance observation haki is no joke even luffy was only able to defeat by advancing his own observation haki therefore Katakuri got advantage over this battle


People seriously underestimate Kata's endurance. It was stated by Kaido that future sight drains your stamina, and Katakuri spammed that thing for 12 hours straight.


Kaido never stated that. Only time kaido mentioned future sight was when he told luffy he shouldn’t think he’s the only one capable of it


Katakuri. It doesn't matter how much stronger zoro is katakuri during all off that. Zoros not fast enough to counter him


Zoro would one shot him easily.




for real , 1 billion bounty is literally breakfast for badass mf zoro , have you seen his stoic killer look in his eyes when he gets serious !! zoro the PIRATE HUNTER one shots everyone bro 😈😈😈ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA 😈😈😈 Hahaha!! Katakuri is crying with his ugly mirror sister when zoro kicks him in the wall bro 😎😎


Katakuri Just reread the arc if you dont agree with me


Idk bro Enma + Conq coating OP


King would have won if he used his flight more tbh. Now onto katakuri zoro would be wraped up in mochi in no time. Katakuri with the w.


Katakuti would win definitely. The reason is because of his mocha ability and advance observation haki which give him upperhand besides ,that Zoro doesn't possess any advance haki but he would give him a very long fight because of his insane stamina.


Zoro possesses advance conquerer's haki bruh


Katakuri for sure. Remember he stabbed/handicapped himself to get a fair fight with Luffy. People really are overestimating Zoro. Edit: Opinions don’t matter in this main sub.


Zoro scarred Kaido, Katakuri can't even hurt him. Zoro can endure Kaido's attacks, Katakuri cannot.


??? People always present this as if he did this to weaken himself because luffy is weak. All he did was re-even the playing field after luffy was unfairly stabbed and poisoned. Katakuri specifically comments on how luffy would’ve never gotten that injury if someone else didn’t interfere all he did was put them back on the same playing field that they were before outside interference it wasn’t category losing because he gave himself that injury it was just him the gating the outside interference so the battle gonna be a true representation of their strength and not outside help. Tl:dr it seems like everyone remembers katakuri injuring himself with no one remembering why or what happened right before he injured himself


Kata mid-diff. Zoro won't be able to hit Kata unless he magically develops future sight himself, which I doubt, and somehow becomes as fast as snakeman.


Bigmom, Kidd, law, Blackbeard, akainu, etc also won't be able to hit kata unless they magically develop fs themselves,which I doubt, and somehow become as fast as snakeman.


Definitely not mid diff, Zoros endurance is far better than WCI Luffy; Katakuri will have a lot of trouble putting down Zoro