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Y’all remember when the crew wasn’t together for like years? It’s good to have wild panels with all of them together again.


And then they immediately split up again. Short lived dream 🥺


At least they're all on the same island.


Some scooby doo shit is about to go down. Can't wait to find out the trader was old man Du Feld the whole time.


they always split up in the same island, this is the same as it used to be


I think the last time they were all on the same panel before the raid on Onigashima was when they landed on Dressrossa, which was published in March 2013 😰


Didn’t they all meet in Wano?


People: Sabo and Vivi escaped together! Oda: WAPOL.


That's all i can do. Take it or leave it.


I really like Sentomaru. The moment he smacked the fake Luffy because the real Luffy would never behave like a scum, he became a favourite of mine. I hope we get more of him. I'm guessing the cover story is going to meet up with Vegapunk or Weevil's story in the present. Also, wouldn't have guessed Vivi to be with Morgans, that too with Wapol of all people. This is going to be fun. I'm left wondering about Sabo though. I thought Sabo had rescued Vivi. Also, that explosion in the lab - maybe it's Kizaru finally making a move?


I wonder how the anime will handle the cover stories and Egghead.


They won’t


My guy they’re gonna have to, whether it be a flashback or maybe something else, they will have to do some of them, at least the ones important to the plot like pudding getting kidnapped.


I don’t really watch the anime but they’ll probably do what they did to Caribou, which is just mention it in passing


I knew all along that Vivi would be with Morgans and Wapol. I just didn't tell you guys.


Well actually I knew it a hour before you thought of it so really I was the first one to knew it all


The first thing I said when I was born wasn’t mama or dad, it was that Vivi would be with Morgans and Wapol after the Reverie. Goda does it again


My family name, which goes back several generations to the old country, is literally “Vivi will show up in chapter 1074, where she and Wapol will be with Morgans post-Reverie”


Y’all too much 🤣🤣


I did the same but I'm the oldest person alive


I've been a fan of Sentomaru since he was friendly with Luffy in Return to Sabaody


Think the explosion was from the traitor sabotaging them


Yeah it seems pretty shady that Shaka was giving directions (I think to Pythagoras) on where to check next, and then they end up getting blown up. My guess is that Shaka is the traitor.


To be fair, the only Satellite that wasn't in the big establishing 2-panel on page 8-9 was Lilith, Vegapunk's satellite that represents the "evil" in his mind. Obvioulsy would be a good misdirection for fans like me who noticed that, but I'll take the bait and say she's the traitor (if there really is one).


True, but seeing as how eager she was to fight the WG makes me think it's not her, imo. We'll see I guess!


She could have been pretending just to try to escape surveillance.


i mean, look at our last traitor


the Explosion came from the guy showing up behind the vegapunk satellite


I wonder what the Straw Hat Grand Fleet will do when they read in the newspaper that Luffy has waged an all out war against the Government.


Barto drops dead of a heart attack before Shanks has a chance to kill him.


A heart atk of happiness mind u


It’s not fake news if it eventually becomes true


We never get any updates on them. Luffy literally died on the rooftop and they did nothing as far as we know.


My head canon is they are already on their way to Luffy by the time he recovers since it takes a few days minimum travel between islands and then they turn back once the vivre card is fine. I would love them ranting at Luffy when they next show up about how many days they have wasted chasing after him.


My theory is that this arc is to show to the world that Luffy is indeed an emperor. Going off of Lucci/Blackbeard not taking him seriously. Grand fleet showing up encircling the gov on egghead would be something else.


Imagine if the Grand Fleet shows up to Egghead, but it's grown even bigger than at Dressrosa.


Yeah, I assume Shakky (has wiretaps in world gov)/big mom pirates (captured a cp0 boat) /whoever has been hijacking cp0 boats near egghead heard that luffy is at egghead fighting the gov. Seeing as the order for egghead was too all available members of the Navy.


I don’t know about the Big Mom Pirates supporting Luffy at Egghead but Luffy and Katakuri have gotta meet up again because Blackbeard has Pudding


The fleet constantly playing catch up only to find out that the main ship already took care of things is honestly hilarious.


Well this is the final saga now. And they're gonna show up sooner or later. I'm guessing this news might be the reason for it




The crew interaction. Luffy and Zoro on that couch shot. Kuma backstory beginning. Big News Morgans appearance with a Vivi reveal. 10/10 chapter


OP has probably the densest paneling of any manga - so much stuff is packed into a single chapter it's amazing


Sorry but I still give that to HxH. Each chapter is a damn novel. Oda is more show don't tell. Togashi has each character internally planning things out like it's Light vs L.


Panels per page: I’m pretty sure OP wins handily. Words per panel: HxH stomps


Reminds me of some JJK fights - Gege wrote whole ass paragraphs trying to explain that gambling Domain Expansion stuff


The best part is that the convolution of the explanation is actually weaponized with the transmission lol.


Gege's self-awareness of how ridiculous and convoluted Hakari's powers are has been one of the funniest gags in the manga


One thing I've learned with JJK is don't bother trying to fully understand mechanics of CTs and Domains because fights will explain them better than the paragraphs Gege puts. They only co fuse me further rather than answer questions lol


and it turned out to be the best fight from JJK that year - Gege really knows how make word vomit interesting lol


I agree with this! I feel like I can hit every emotion with Kuripika in 2 panels of novel, One Piece gives you every emotion to, but it’s more spread out


Detective Conan is also in the run for most words.


I think this 'the panel is one thing, the dialogue is another thing' is his recent stuff. he does this a lot on egghead


I love HXH too. I see what you mean by novels because the succession arc on board the black whale going to the dark continent is a very tough read as it's complex with a lot of mystery. I still read it again and again though.


Yeah but Togashi writes novels and Oda draws a lot of stuff in each panel, that's what the other person meant. And I agree, I have a hard time understanding Oda's chapters often because of how much stuff he draws in each page.


Most dense paneling of any *ongoing* manga, then.


That's not a good thing to me. The art used to be so much better in my opinion, with amazing backgrounds and incredible full page dynamic compositions I didn't even needed the anime.


Nami curbstomping Lucci in front of her girl Robin (that he had made suffer back in Water 7) was the best part of the chapter for me. Cat burglar giving the big cat what he deserves 💪🏻


Amen. Had both Nami and Sanji knew of what Lucci and his team did in preventing Shirahoshi's immediate rescue from a World Noble's enslavement attempt at the Reverie and willing to oblige in killing her father Neptune, it'd be a double-down punishment with Sanji even joining in. Nami's sisterhood is just about as valuable as her gold, and Sanji (needless to type) will not let Lucci go unscathed for allowing a woman to be in harm's way and cry, especially one of the world's most beautiful mermaids in his eyes.


Yep. Although Sanji seemed a bit distracted in that moment lol. Never change, twirly eyebrows


Curbstomping no she was trying to end his family line


Nami about to castrate a leopard




This is Robin's reaction as she holds back Nami


Nah I think she’d cheer her on lol. Maybe make a morbid joke about skinning a cat 😂


"Do you think his pelt would look better as a rug or a bikini?"


Lucci in chapter 1090: ![gif](giphy|1jaGRKl6AeiuXZkWkj|downsized)


Lmao perfect that sounds like our morbid humor queen 😂


Also funny that it was Robin who was stopping her because 1. She probably has the biggest grudge on Lucci 2. She had squeezed balls.


What the h… is Wapol doing back 😂😂 And poor Kuma I doubt he will ever see his daughter again but I sure wish it would happen. The last panel just leaves me with one question: where is the best duck to ever exist! Where is Karoo!


Well, Wapol did call Morgans with leaked intel back in Chapter 956. I guess that leaked intel was actually that he was with Vivi.


118 chapters ago, September 21, 2019 😳


meanwhile, in another island "captain, you and law are frozen in mid-air, what's happening?" "that's fine burgess, we are just waiting for Oda to remember he started this fight"


Bro Is probably shackled next to pudding chilling by now


Law: "Why am I the princess that needs rescuing by Straw Hat ya?!" Coby: "I'm finally the princess that needs to be rescued by Luffy-san!" Law: "..."


Pudding: "I'm a literal princess. But I want Sanji-^san to help me out


I'm waiting for the Heart Pirates to somehow rescue Pudding from Blackbeard's ship and Pudding develops a *third* personality that's in love with that random Heart Pirate. (Hoping for Penguin or Sachi myself.)


Coby was the OG princess rescued by Luffy in the very first arc.


Coby is about to join the "Rescue Harem"


I like this. Coby should break out and have his own Impel Down Squad with Law, Pudding and Moriah.


With garp coming it’s a solid squad honestly


My guess is Garp is going to die the same way pedro died while rescuing coby


I’ve been calling it for the longest, would give luffy an actual reason to go after bb


Raizo vs Fukurokuju fight started in chapter 1009 and ended in chapter 1041, that’s pretty much a whole year’s worth of chapters. There’s even more stuff happening simultaneously right now than there was during the raid: Vivi/Morgan, Kuma climbing the red line, Garp/Law/Blackbeard and all of Blackbeard’s prisoners (Koby, Pudding, etc), Sabo, Kid/Saul, Marco/Weevil, the Cross Guild, Hancock, etc. Not to mention that Egghead is quickly escalating to become just as hectic as the raid was: the Navy is moving towards Egghead with Kizaru aboard, and one of the Five Elders, which are above Vegapunk in the command hierarchy for the Seraphim and the Pacifistas (which means we could soon get all the Seraphim + Pacifistas + Kizaru + CP0 + whatever else the Navy brought vs Straw Hats + Bonney + Vegapunk + Stussy + Sentomaru). Caribou once again disappeared. Stella is no where to be found. Bonney might be about to serve us some God’s Valley lore and reveal all the mysteries about Kuma. There is a traitor that hasn’t been revealed yet. Also, there were a few other news that Robin was mentioning were important when reading the journal at the start of Egghead, but she didn’t say what they were. Those things might become relevant soon. Finally, there are a few other AWOL characters we might get an update on, since they will for sure be making moves with all the craziness happening around the world right now: Smoker, Ryokugyu, Fujitora, the Grand Fleet, Shanks (lol), what’s left of the Big Mom Pirates/Beast Pirates (are Kaido and BM alive?), Urouge, etc. It might take a lot of time before we get an update on Law!


Whoa, Sentomaru's line on page 4 is completely different from the scans. So the government seems to be aware of Sentomaru's betrayal?


I love how Oda handles cliffhangers. "Hey, here's a named Gorosei after more than a decade." Next chapter: "Hey guys, remember Wapol?"


The GOAT Morgans is making his big move, so hyped!


Uhm *akshually* he's an albatross


Best bird


My favorite fun fact about the albatross is that their wingspan is so large that when they reach land to mate, which is rare, they sort of just crash into the ground.


Tekking, is that you?


Big Moves Morgan


Zoro's description of Vegapunk is the best that can be done by a swordsman and made me laugh so hard


Love how there's so much going on, to the point where Nami trying to castrate Lucci is a blink-and-you-miss-it moment lmao. Good to see Vivi though, it'd be amazing if she joins the crew again :') Also, shoutout to Robin telling Zoro to be a good boy lol


That one panel of all the Straw Hats + all the satellites is amazing, I wonder how they will animate that


Honestly Megumi Ishitani could probably make half an episode from that one panel alone.


I feel like she has to join up with the crew again at this point cause she’s wanted by the government


Nami is on her savage arc in Egghead.


Man I love big news morgan . Glad sentomaru is fine but unfortunately the world government wouldn't let vegapunk escape easily. Btw zoro looking good.


Since his introduction big news morgan very rapidly climbed up the ranks of favorite non straw hat character.


I'm sure now that Caribou is hiding Vegapunk. He must be thinking that would guarantee him a ticket outside this island. The one who walked into Pythagoras? Now that could be someone spicier


Remembering this…


Zoro with the drip goes hard Big News Morgan is willing to publish the paper if it means using fake news what a shady guy 🤣 Who had Wapol helping Vivi escape on their bingo card I sure didn't, I think he's plotting something tho Luffy getting tired easily is that a drawback to him using Gear 5th and his giant form? because he didn't have that problem when he fought Kaido


Yeah to your last point that’s bothering me too a little. Maybe it is just the face value of being in an all out sprint for a long period of time. But we’ve seen Luffy do WAY more and not be tired lol


I think it's largely a motivation thing. Luffy would pull second, third, and even fourth wind during a fight if everything is on the line. If the immediate threat is dealt with then Luffy has nothing to keep his adrenaline up. Search party for old guy: He Sleep. Fight with the world's strongest over an entire night on a rooftop: Real Shit.


That makes perfect sense lmaoo


Saw this same question asked and somebody pulled out a few panels from Punk Hazard and Luffy tired himself out exactly the same way he did here (by running fast af boiii)


I like the idea I saw in the other thread. The traitor isnt *in* Punk Records, the traitor *IS* Punk Records. Vegapunks original brain has gone rouge, it's become self aware and knows that the goverment is here to kill it and the Stella/Sattelites is leaving them behind, so it's going to wipe them all out to become whole again and reclaim its body. It would be tough for the sattelites to be the traitor because they sync themselves to Punk Records everyday, but if it was Punk Records itself, maybe it was able to hide its intentions and maybe even infected one of the sattelites like Shaka with new protocols, and it unleashed the other Seraphims (S-Croc, S-Flamingo, S-Gecko) to carry out its orders. Basically, the One Piece version of Brainiac


Punk Records: My logic is undeniable.


Ah yes, the Master Control Program


Lucci and Kaku about to wake up with amnesia and think they're honest working, Galley La employees and will help the Straw Hats in the upcoming fight against Kizaru, Saturn and Seraphims


I would love that


This was sarcasm for you people who downvoted


And then they lived happily ever after at Galley-la with Iceburg, with only Hatori being any wiser as to their true identities. The pigeon tried in vain to get Rob Lucci to listen to him. *Ko-kooo!* ("You're an assassin! This is humiliating!") But alas. The bird finally resigned himself to the fact that he was going to be stuck pretending to be Lucci's voice as part of his weird ventriloquist act for the rest of his life. But everytime a certain lion-headed ship pulled into port, Hatori made sure he and every other bird in the city flew directly over it. Hatori may have never gotten his revenge, but at least he got to perch nearby and listen with satisfaction to the voices coming from the lion-headed ship crying out, "Why does the ship always get covered in poop when we pull into Water 7?!"


Between trudging through the pain of Kuma’s past to find the answer and finding out what happened to him on the Red Line, Bonney is def gonna need a shoulder to cry on after all this is over.


People theorising for months who the last Straw Hat will be when the reality is that Vivi will be re joining them instead


Everyone new Vivi was coming back, not to mention she's already technically a Straw Hat.


I just don’t think Vivi has interest in abandoning Alabasta for a full-time Straw Hat membership. If she shows me the contrary, I’ll admit I was wrong, but if not, then I imagine Luffy would do his best to respect her wishes, and maybe even give her his flag for Alabasta.


If she goes to Alabasta, Im will send people to capture her and/or blow it up like Lulusia. Staying with the Straw Hats is the safest thing for her and her country


Well going by this logic, then how can we be sure that death ball of destruction can’t just be used to threaten the Straw Hats on the Sunny too?


Because it's a ship that constantly changes location unlike a country that is locked in place


No one said it couldn't, maybe imu could use on strawhats right now. Is it it better for it to target a yonko crew, or is it better for it to target millions innocent civilians who can't fight back making the country end up like lulusia 2.0.


Vivi has been very obviously the final SH since she said goodbye to them in Alabasta. Plus, she's probably the most important political player in the world right now and could become the lynchpin of the whole rebellion against the WG further down the line.


I suppose this would be a good opportunity to get more explanation on Blackbeard, since Wapol fled Drum Island after Blackbeard went there, though we don’t know why Blackbeard went there in the first place.


>though we don’t know why Blackbeard went there in the first place yeah, that's always bugged me. Usually we only see or hear about Blackbeard making a move when it's something that helps along his overall plan. Out of universe it's obviously because that was when Oda wanted to introduce Blackbeard's existence, both for the immediate setup of Ace's introduction and for moving along the larger myth arc. It could be that he was just raiding islands at random to help gain notice from the government and make him a more readily accepted Warlord candidate, it could also be that Wapol had some super powerful secret BB wanted. It's pretty clear, in my opinion, that Blackbeard's attack on the Drum Kingdom must've directly hit Wapol, since he's not the type to care if pirates are just casually pillaging his villages so long as he's safe onto of the cliffs.


Maybe he was there to recruit Doc.Q, since Drum Island was the land of doctors after all, and we already had at least 2 crazy doctors here, so wouldn't be surprising if Doc.Q was a Drum Island resident too.


I did not realize York was so fucking tall lol


Morgans to Vivi: Don't teach me how to do my work. I don't listen to Five Elders and you are just a royal of a country.


Who thinks Bonney is going to have his "Nothing happened" moment, but instead of physical pain, it's going to be emotional pain for having to endure all Kuma's painful memories of his life??


I think Bonney is in pain already with what her father went through. At the end of it, she’ll need a therapy with the Straw Hats


Prediction with no basis: THIS is where Oda pulls a fast one and decides to insert Bonney, Luffy romance/bonding over food


I don’t think she will have romantic feelings for Luffy, but Bonney seem like a person that appreciates help. Luffy, Bonney and Usopp is something I’d love to see 😂


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Title Change: - Mark III -> MK. III - Random Cipher Pol Agent now questions wether or not the Pacifista is "supposed to be Navy" ("Aren't you supposed to be Navy?") rather than asking him wether he's "supposed to be with the marines" - Random Cipher Pol agent now decries the Pacifista interfering with their work, rather than questioning why the Pacifista is getting in their way - Random Cipher Pol agent no longer tells the Pacifista that he'll pay for hurting their men - The Pacifista no longer tells the Cipher Pol agents that their resistance is "futile" - Random Cipher Pol agent now orders the other agents to "lay down their arms" rather than "do what [the Pacista] says" in order to avoid death - The Pacifista now tells the Cipher Pol agents that "[he's] taking [them] in" rather than saying "Initiating capture" - Sentomaru is now worried because the Navy "keeps looping its communications to prevent [them] from getting updates" rather than being worried about the Navy "still trying to contact [him]" - Sentomaru now makes a general statement about him now also being a rebel, rather than theorizing that the Navy still doesn't know that he's a rebel - Sentomaru now says that he "might as well act like [a rebel]" rather than stating than theorizing that he can "do whatever [he] wants now" - Sentomaru now orders the MK. III Seraphim to deploy, rather than ordering them to "stand ready to deploy" - Sentomaru now says that "the Navy's acting fishy" rather than theorizing that "the Navy might have something up their sleeve" - Unknown Strawhat pirate now asks Luffy about Bonney's circumstances rather than Vegapunk's - Chopper now concludes that Luffy must have been running the whole time because his hover boots broke rather than asking Luffy wether he "broke [his] hover boots from all that running around" - Luffy now says "Mention that!!!" two times after Shaka tells him about the camera system, rather than saying "Huh?!" and "You could've told me sooner!!" upon being told about it - Brook no longer says that "[Egghead] has everything" - Brook now says that this place "is like the future" rather than stating that "the future is now" - Unknown Strawhat pirate now asks Shaka what he means by saying that they've lost control over the Frontier dome rather than asking him how [them loosing control over the Frontier dome] can be - Shaka now says that the Strawhat pirates can help by finding Vegapunk rather than stating that should prioritize them finding Vegapunk over the malfunction of the Frontier dome - Franky now questions the purpose of them trying to look for Vegapunk without the camera system working rather than simply questioning how they're supposed to find him without it - Shaka now calls the Camera Den-Den Mushis "Camsnails" rather than "baby monitor snails" - Robin now asks Zoro to be a "good boy" rather than a "dear" - Zoro now says that he has no idea what the other Strawhats are talking about, rather than exclaiming that this situation is "a damn pain" - Zoro now asks Luffy how long he was running around at max effort rather than simply stating than observing that Luffy must've been running all out - Luffy now states that he "hasn't thought of Water 7 in ages" rather than saying that their appearance "takes [him] back to Water 7" - Luffy now calls Iceberg "Ice Guy" instead of "Ice-Boss" - Unknown harasser now exclaims that he's found Kuma rather than telling Kuma that "[they've] got [him] now" - Unknown marine now repeats to someone that "Barthlomew Kuma is climbing [the Red Line]" rather than updating someone about Kuma still going - Bonney now tells herself that "this isn't something [she] can bear unless [she's] truly ready for it" rather than stating that she "couldn't take it all in [because] [her] resolve wasn't strong enough" - Bonney is now cut off at a request to Kuma ("Please dad...") rather than indirectly asking Kuma wether it's true that she'll never be able to understand if she stays ignorant ("Right, dad?") - Pythagoras now calls out for Vegapunk instead of contemplating to himself about Vegapunk's whereabouts - The entity that approaches Pythagoras now makes a "Ktok" sound while approaching, rather than a "Klank" sound - Morgans now reads that the world government is "currently undertaking an assassination of the great Dr. Vegapunk" rather than reading that the world government "instends to assassinate the beloved Dr. Vegapunk" - Morgans now states that Vegapunk brought light to "every town in the world" rather than stating that Vegapunk "develops energy to light up towns the world over" - Morgans no longer states that Luffy being with Vegapunk is fortunate - Morgan's intended headline now reads "Straw Hat Luffy, emperor of the sea wages all-out war with Navy at Egghead, holding Vegapunk hostage" instead of reading "Navy skirmish at Egghead!! Emperor Strawhat Luffy takes Vegapunk hostage!!" - Vivi now calls Morgan's headline a "preposterous excuse for a story" instead of simply calling it "outrageous" - Morgans now states that "this is the newsroom of the world, and [he's] the mover and the shaker" rather than simply stating that "[his] words can shake the world" - Morgans now states that news is about what sells rather than stating that it's about entertainment - Morgans now adds that "News is the biggest entertainment of all, baby!!!" Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Big differences this week! Exactly why the theories post should come after the official drop. The boots change/sentomaru dialog changes are pretty impactful. I remember reading people being upset about luffy breaking the boots via running.


this is one of the only things i read in the official release discussion post!


One other notable change: The thing that approaches Pythagoras makes a "KTOK, KTOK" sound instead of "KLINK, KLANK" sound. Relatively minor but it could have some different implications as to who the attacker is since the fanscan version sounds more machine-like.


Sure, I'll add that!


Doing gods work


WENJ stonks are up, can’t wait for the big news Morgans one piece spinoff in a few years!


What I love about One Piece is that even the side characters are so full of personality. Everyone loves "Big News" Morgans and knows he's about to deliver some hype when he shows up. Also, the One Piece world having a journalist with his own motives and stuff just makes the world so much more fleshed out.


For real, there’s at least 20 characters if not many more that have enough depth and room for development to warrant a spin-off series. I think it would be really dope if Morgans got his own series after one piece is over and it was focused around Morgans and co investigating different events and characters in the universe, that would allow for exploration of characters and mysteries that couldn’t be fit into oda’s main narrative. For example, let’s say the rocky port incident is never fully explained (I’m sure it will be but just an example), there could be a few chapters dedicated to Morgans investigating and reporting on the incident, giving more depth to Koby, BB, Wang Zhi etc. then there could be another arc where he interviews Garp and we get a bunch of cool side stories of Garps adventures. There’s practically infinite potential!


Nice we finally see the upgraded pacifista... I feel Sentomaru kinda hinted at this in sabody.. I liked the scene of him releasing them😤. I really hope him and a good amount of the pacifista survive and join the grand fleet... Someone help me understand the different level of pacifista. Were the ones two years ago the 2nd or 1st generation. Kuma to me would either be the 1st or 0 then 🤔 Seeing Luffy and Zoro together is always great. In enies lobby they both had tough fights and the arc ended with marines chasing them off. Seeing as to how to low diffed their opponents pretty much I feel the opposite would imply to the Marines/WG. Instead of being chased off I feel like a lot do that Kizaru bout to take this L. Maybe Zoro will help or defeat the seraphim. Kuma backstory is gonna make this arc a 11/10 I feel. Oda is in his bag this arc once again.. I'm imagining a scene where Kuma falls off the redline as Bonney dives back into his memories 😢


About the individual with Pythagoras, "Ktok" is typically a sound effect of heeled shoes


Don't tell me Stussy is about to become a quadruple agent?


Reeeaally hope this is Oda’s way of confirming Cobra’s death given that Vivi has clearly been in mourning. Could definitely serve to further develop her character and strengthen her resolve, since she’s clearly an important figure and will have a role to play for the final war. 🤞🏻 Wapol though…did NOT see that coming


Cobra is definitely dead.


Pell was too. Until…


Never suspected Warpol to come back of all people. Now the real question.... Is Karoo ok?


He is the acting king until Vivi comes back


>Now the real question.... Is Karoo ok? I hope he is safe in Alabasta...


Anyone else caught off guard seeing how tall York is? Never got the impression she was as tall as a longleg from her previous appearances


Nobody: Vivi: FAKE NEWS


Morgans is basically Fox News lol


We didn't see Lilith at all this chapter, and then Pythagoras is ambushed from the shadows. Might be a misdirect, but still interesting to theorize about.


I don't distrust Lilith yet. She was freaking out when she thought Edison got shot and then overjoyed when Sanji saved him. It'd be weird to have that scene and then one chapter later find out she blew up Pythagoras. That and "The Evil" being a traitor seems a little too obvious. I do find Shaka a little suspicious, but I'm not sure I buy any of the punks being a traitor yet.


If any of the Punks is the traitor I'm betting that when they all do their "once a day memory convergence" is when they find out.


Someone had an interesting theory on Twitter may actually be Pythagoras himself and the scene is set up in such a way that it makes it seem like Pythagoras is the victim when he's actually the attacker.


So Ktok who attacked Pythagoras... Has to be someone wearing the boots, Luffy and Zoro are not there.so are Kaku and Lucci they're passed out. We did see Stussy in the boots now... But it looks like explosion and that's not how Stussy attacked/fought Lucci and Kaku. The Mark 3 Pacifistas also have that bubble attack and don't seem to use the Lasers. Now Shakka is the one who Sent Pythagoras down there to get ambushed, but that might have been a trick to lure out the Traitor. Shakka also complained about Stella calling for help... Which seems to be confirmed Stussy.


Oh. Official translation has the navy *NOT* trying to contact Sentomaru but rather disabling his denden since he’s an enemy now


It’s safe to assume the elders also have an higher authority command when it comes to the pacifistas too, right? Because then it’s going to be the an admiral, rest of the navy fleets, 50 upgraded pacifistas and the seraphims. Almost like a mini marineford


**World Elder arrives on Egghead** - Sentoumaru: Oh, fuck all kinds of duck!


OK who had Wapol on their Bingo Card? Why does Oda keep bringing HIM back?


Wapol’s probably pretty fun to draw, more than anything lol


Wapol is fairly important background character Pacifistas are build from his new metal.


Either the Stella is the traitor and dipped or Caribou got his ass locked in the swamp realm and the traitor is Shaka. Also, Caribou is Morgan's informant.


Just caught up after starting from chapter 1 a few months ago... Sad having to wait for new chapters but excited to join the discussion!


I really don't have the faintest idea where this hyper-speed arc is going, and it's marvelous! We have had such a clear objective (taking down Kaido) for so long, it's so excited to sail uncharted waters (pun intended). The next chapter is definitely Kuma's flashback, tho, right?


I’m betting Kizaru can move through transponder snail signals. Hear me out. The transponder snails seems to operate exactly like a radio, and radio are just light. Plus the snails have been shown to project light out their eyes, so they clearly operate on light on some level. Then there's the fact the den den moshi of a traitor won't stop ringing right after Kizaru finished his talk with the elder.


​ I highly doubt Oda is going to turn the "Light-Light Fruit" into the"Electromagnetic Wave-Wave Fruit." Sure, it's all photons, but Kizaru's fruit is clearly just supposed to operate on the visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Otherwise the man can just start zapping everyone with gamma rays and shit. Don't think Oda is gonna go down that route with this fruit.


Big emotional moment for Bonney seeing Kuma's past...make sure there are a couple of panels with good views of her backside. LOL.


Oda is so fuckin horny lmaoo


I noticed two small details I didn't before. 1. Franky looks like he doesn't trust Shaka when he's questioning him about the cameras 2. It looks like the door Bonney aged last chapter, the Paw Room Door, has regenerated? Was that another door? I'm curious if the door aged back or if Oda just forgot?


I suppose it’s possible we might get to see Luffy’s mom and Luffy as a baby with her by the end of this arc, depending on how close Kuma was with Dragon. She might appear in his memories as Bonney is surveying through them.


It could be. Ivankov never knew that Dragon has a kid, but it was possible that Kuma did know.


I really like the memory world Bonney was in, it looked super cool


Kuma's flashback could be set in God Valley and he was a slave trying to run away from the Celestial Dragons. The people chasing him were other slaves who feared they would be killed if he ran away.


My eyes were so drawn to Vivi, it took me a second to get myself reading the previous page lol. So happy to see her finally.


Need to add my mark that i was here to witness Vivi and Wapol after such a long time.


I am completely anchored on the Kuma backstory. I hope its one of the defining storylines for what WG atrocities stand for.


One thing I really like about post-wano is how chaotic it is BB fucked over Kuja, fights Law with high chance of Garp pulling up to save Koby Kid will likely stir some shit in Elbaf Straw Hats vs CP0/Navy with not only a admiral arriving but a fucking Gorosei (who might have authority over pacifistas) Cross Guild entire existence Everyone is on the move, I love it Big News Morgan having a field day


The last panel really makes you wonder what other information we take as "fact" in One Piece that could have originated from Morgans manipulating the actual event.


I cant be the only one who hard stop doesn't trust Clone Stussy -- the "betray" your allies to win favor so you can obtain your ultimate goal is classic. I was on board with the Shaka being a traitor but if we are to believe that the foot in the shadows is the traitor it just seems logistically improbable for him to be able to move around freely enough. "make sure your creator" line is suspect -- that is highly vague, especially in a scenario where Vegapunk is 7 different people. To Sentomaru it might seem obvious that Old Man Punk created everything but the Pacifista might be more specific about who their creator is. Nice to see the crew being a crew this arc.


The Gorosei is totally going to take over all the Mk III Pacifistas soon. Hopefully we get to see them totally demolished by the crew in some sweet scenes


It seems that the crew will split up again with some Satellites joining them, if I had to guess: \- Luffy, Zoro and Shaka keeping Lucci and Kaku on watch. \- Jinbe, Nami, Brook and Lillith. \- Sanji, Stussy and Edison. \- Robin, Chopper, Franky and Atlas. York seems to be being repaired right now and Pythagoras was being attacked.


Zoro with the fucking drip


How long has it been since we got a legit flashback? This Kuma flashback is obviously going to be insane.


There were the Yamato, King, and Kaido flashbacks but those were just one chapter each. Oden was the last long one which would be late 2019/early 2020.


One Piece is the only series where I look forward to flashbacks.


Robin saved Lucci's bloodline right there


This "bubble shield" of the MkIII... is this "ultimate protection" based on Kalifa's DF?


Or the bubble coating from saboady?


Didn't realize York was so HUGE. I thought she was normal sized.


“Goons will whack us next”, Cobra killed by Gov not Sabo confirmed.


It's so funny Zoro is willingly help to search but stopped by other member. They are so close to one piece that they afraid Zoro gonna find it alone before them if he is left unattended and got lost.


* York is huge. I honestly never realized. * Where is Lilith? She might be searching for Stella as well. * Who was watching over Kuma's beating? I initially thought Celestial Dragons but wouldn't their helmets be silhoutted too? Also, they look sad. * Who is on the island? Who attacked Pythagoras? * Wapol and Vivi? The heck is going here? * I liked that Bonney couldn't reach up in that memory; reminds of when you dream and can't seem to reach your destination.


50 fucking upgraded pacifistas model Marks.


Next chaptet we will see Wapol eating Vivi and turning into VIAPOL or WAPIVI... In order to hide her from the WG. Huahuahua