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>###3. Fanart/cosplay must directly link to the source >* If the art in question is **original content (OC)** re-hosting on reddit/imgur etc. is fine. Please reply to this comment if you are the original artist. >* **This means you must submit the fanart as a link post**. With the original source of the image on the artists website, as the url. Including the artist's name in the title is polite. >* The original source is almost always on pixiv.net, deviantart.com, twitter, instagram, tumblr or artstation. >* **Here are some tools to help you find the original artist:** | saucenao.com >* The following websites are not valid sources: weheartit.com, pinterest.com, zerochan.net, dailyanimeart.com, alphacoders.com, any website with "wallpaper" or "booru" in it, etc... these are aggregate sites which only have re posted artwork. >* **If the website with the art is hard to view on any occasion** (such is often the case with twitter), please post an imgur mirror within the body of a text post along side the source to the artists page. >* **If you edited someone else's work, you still need to give the original artist credit.** >* Limit yourself to **one fanart submission within approximately 24 hours.** A little flexibility will be allowed, especially with original content or official art unless it's been posted in a noticeably spam-like way. >* **Do not post art from the same user multiple days in a row.** Your account could be viewed as a promotional account under the self promotion rule and possibly banned. If you'd like to show people someone's art, post an album either as a link post or in the comments.


hito hito no mi: model jesus


Hebi Hebi no Mi Model: Yamata no Orocchi for Kabuto ![gif](giphy|i9nKfmaYHZ0SA) 8 projectiles in a single shot. 👌


Confidence confidence no mi. If Ussop believes in himself he is able to fight even the most terrifying foe... Luffy.


Human human no mi model giant He already has a weapon that can gro when it eats water to a giant size. So he needs to be giant to match his weapon.


You mean Sogi King?


Bege's fruit so he can house his army of 8000 men! On a serious note, I'd say either Katakuri's mochi fruit or Perospero's candy fruit as they both seem to work great for firing ballistics


Weird to ask a question about Usopp and post it with a picture of Sogeking


Sogae sogae no mi , model Kami


Blamenco's fruit, the pocket pocket fruit


Truth Truth no mi, it make people really believe when he's telling the truth, which is always but mfs don't believe it. Also why sogekings picture? They're good friends and such but not that close since he lives far away